DC Motor Control Using Lag Compensation and PID

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%========================================================================== % DC motor Control using lag compensation and PID % To customize this code you need to: % 1- Change

the values of DC motor constants % 2- Change the zeros of lag compensation % 3- Change the gains of PID controller %========================================================================== %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % Nov.29.2009, Ramin Shamshiri + % [email protected] + % Dept of Ag & Bio Eng + % University of Florida + % Gainesville, Florida + %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ clc; clear; close all % DC motor constants J=0.02; b=0.2; kt=0.02; ke=0.02; R=2; L=0.4; % Transfer Function num=[kt]; den=[J*L J*R+b*L b*R+ke*kt ]; disp('Open loop Transfer function without controller') TF_DC=tf(num,den) [numclp,denclp]=cloop(num,den,-1); disp('Closed loop Transfer Function without controller') tf(numclp,denclp) % Open loop response without controller step(num,den,0:0.1:5),grid on title('Open loop response without controller') % Closed loop response without controller figure step(numclp,denclp,0:0.1:5),grid on title('Closed loop response without controller') % State Spapce representation A=[-(R/L) -(ke/L);(kt/J) -(b/J)]; B=[1/L; 0]; C=[0 1]; D=0; disp('State Space representation:') SYS_DC=ss(A,B,C,D) % Checking Controlability and Observability

if det(ctrb(A,B))==0 disp(' ----------> System is NOT Controllable <----------') else disp(' ----------> System is Controllable <----------') end

if det(obsv(A,C))==0 disp(' ----------> System is NOT Observable <----------') else disp(' ----------> System is Observable <----------') end % Drawing Root locus figure rlocus(num,den),grid on title('Root Locus without controller') % Design Criteria Ts=1; % Settling time<1 second PO=0.05; % Overshoot<5% SSE=0.4; % Steady state error<0.4% abs(roots([1+(((-log(PO))/pi)^2) 0 -(((-log(PO))/pi)^2)])); % Damping ratio Damp=ans(1); Wn=4/(Ts*Damp); % Natural frequency disp('Desired Damping ratio is:'),Damp disp('Desired Natural Frequency is:'),Wn % Desired Characteristic Equation: dend=[1 2*Wn*Damp Wn^2]; disp('Desired Characteristic Equation is:'),dend % Desired Poles location Dp=roots(dend); disp('Desired Pole locations:'),Dp % From root locus and the location of desired closed loop pole, it can be % found that a lag compensator is needed to shift the current root locus to right. % Designing Lag compensator to meet the desired Settling time and Overshoot % ------------------------------------------------------------------------% z1=14; % Assuming zero of the first lag compensator % Finding pole of the first lag compensator num=num/den(1); den=den/den(1); ANS=inv([den(1) -dend(1) 0;den(2) -dend(2) num(1);den(3) -dend(3) num(1)*z1])*[dend(2)den(2);dend(3)-den(3);0]; disp('Pole of the first lag compensator is:') p1=ANS(1) c=ANS(2); disp('Gain of the first lag compensator is:') K=ANS(3)

% TF of the first lag compensator G1(s)=K(s+z1)/(s+p1) numlag1=K*[1 z1]; denlag1=[1 p1]; disp('Transfer function of the first Lag compensator to improve Ts and PO%:') tf(numlag1,denlag1) % DC motor Transfer function with Lag compensator 1 disp('DC motor Transfer function with Lag compensator') NUM=conv(numlag1,num); DEN=conv(denlag1,den); TF=tf(NUM,DEN) % Root locus with Lag compensator 1 figure rlocus(TF),grid on title('Root locus with Lag compensator 1') % Open loop responce of the system with Lag compensator 1 figure step(TF,0:0.1:5),grid on title('Open loop response with lag compensator 1') % Closed loop responce of the system with Lag compensator 1 [numc,denc]=cloop(NUM,DEN); figure step(numc,denc,0:0.1:5),grid on title('Closed loop response with Lag compensator 1 that improves Ts & PO%') % Improving SSE by adding a second lag compensator z2=2.9; % Assuming zero of the 2nd lag compensator SSE=0.004; % Steady State Error design criteria % Solving for pole of the 2nd lag compensator disp('pole of the 2nd lag compensator') p2=(1+((K*z1*num(1)/denlag1(2))/den(3)))*z2*SSE numlag2=[1 z2]; denlag2=[1 p2]; NumLag=conv(numlag1,numlag2); DenLag=conv(denlag1,denlag2); disp('The 2nd Lag compensator Transfer function to improve SSE:') tf(numlag2,denlag2) disp('The overal Lag compensator transfer function (lag1*lag2):') tf(NumLag,DenLag) % DC motor transfer function with Lag compensator that improves Ts, PO% & SSE NumDC=conv(NumLag,num); DenDC=conv(DenLag,den); disp('Open loop TF of the DC motor with final Lag compensator (improved Ts, PO% & SSE) ') tf(NumDC,DenDC) % Root locus with final lag compensator figure rlocus(NumDC,DenDC), grid on title('Root locus with final lag compensator')

% Closed loop TF of the DC motor with Lag compensator [NumCLP,DenCLP]=cloop(NumDC,DenDC); disp('closed loop TF of the DC motor with final Lag compensator (improved Ts, PO% & SSE) ') tf(NumCLP,DenCLP) figure step(NumCLP,DenCLP,0:0.1:5), grid on title('Closed loop response with final Lag compensator') %--------------------End of Lag compensator Design------------------------% %--------------------------------PID control------------------------------% % PID control gain, using trial and error kp=70; ki=170; kd=5; % PID transfer function numPID=[kd kp ki]; denPID=[1 0]; % Open loop TF of DC motor with PID controller num_DC_PID=conv(num,numPID); den_DC_PID=conv(den,denPID); disp('Open loop TF of DC motor with PID controller') tf(num_DC_PID,den_DC_PID) % Closed loop TF of DC motor with PID controller [NumPID_CLP,DenPID_CLP]=cloop(num_DC_PID,den_DC_PID); disp('Closed loop TF of DC motor with PID controller') tf(NumPID_CLP,DenPID_CLP) figure step(NumPID_CLP,DenPID_CLP), grid on title('Closed loop response of DC with PID Control') %-------------------------End of PID control------------------------------% % Bode plot, Determining gain and phase margin figure margin(numclp,denclp), grid on figure margin(numc,denc), grid on %Bode plot of closed loop TF with lag compensator figure margin(NumPID_CLP,DenPID_CLP), grid on % Bode plot of closed loop TF with PID controller

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