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Past Tens With Bangla

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Past indefinite

Person singular Plural

1st person I went. (আমি মিয়েমি঱াি) We went. (আিরা মিয়েমি঱াি)
2nd person You went. (তু মি মিয়েমিয঱) You went. (ততািরা মিয়েমিয঱)
He went. (তে মিয়েমি঱) They went. (তারা মিয়েমি঱)
Ram went. (রাি মিয়েমি঱) Ram and Hari went. (রাি ও হমর
The boy went. (তিয঱টি মিয়েমি঱) মিয়েমি঱)
3rd person It went. (ইহা মিয়েমি঱) The boys went. (তিয঱গুম঱ মিয়েমি঱)

Past indefinite: - verb- Past

Indefinite Tense

⭐গঠ : Subject + Verb-Past form.

⭐ Interrogative Sentence- ‘Did’ Subject,

Verb - Present form :

 গ ? Did he go?

 গ ? Did you go?

⭐ Negative Subject- ‘did not' Verb- Present form


 - He did not go.

 - You did not go.

Past Continuous

Person singular Plural

I was going. (আমি We were going. (আিরা
1st person যাচ্ছি঱াি/যাইযতমি঱াি) যাচ্ছি঱াি/যাইযতমি঱াি)
You were going. (ততািরা
2nd person You were going. (তু মি যাচ্ছিয঱) যাচ্ছিয঱/যাইযতমিয঱)
He was going. (তে যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমি঱) They were going. (তারা
Ram was going. (রাি যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমিয঱)
যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমি঱) Ram and Hari were going. (রাি ও হমর
The boy was going. তিয঱টি যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমিয঱)
যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমি঱) the boys were going. (তিয঱গুম঱
3rd person It was going. (ইহা যাইযতমি঱) যাচ্ছি঱/যাইযতমি঱)

Past Continuous :
/ ( / / ) Verb- Past Continuous Tense

⭐ গঠ : Subject + (was/were) + Verb-ing.

⭐ 1st Person Singular Number-এর পর ও 3rd Person Singular Number-এর পর Was

were ।
⭐ Interrogative র was were- sentence-এর । :

 ( )? - Was he going?

 ( )? Where are you going?

⭐ Negative র was were-এর পর not । :

 । He was not going.

 । You were not going.

Past Perfect
Person singular Plural

We had gone before Ram went.

I had gone before Ram went. (রাি (রাযির যাবার আযি আিরা
1st person যাবার আযি আমি মিয়েমি঱াি) মিয়েমি঱াি)

You had gone before Ram went.

You had gone before Ram went. (রাি (রাযির যাবার আযি ততািরা
2nd person যাবার আযি তু মি মিয়েমিয঱) মিয়েমিয঱)

He had gone before Ram went. They had gone before Ram went.
(রাযির যাবার আযি তে মিয়েমি঱) (রাযির যাবার আযি তারা মিয়েমি঱)

The patient had died before the doctor The patient had died before the doctor
came. (ডাক্তার আোর আযি তরািীটি came. (ডাক্তার আোর আযিই
3rd person িারা মিয়েমি঱) তরািীটি িারা মিয়েমি঱)

Past Perfect: ও র র
Verb-এর Past Perfect Tense এ র Past Indefinite Tense ।

গঠ : Subject + had +Verb-Past Participle

⭐ Interrogative র ‘Had’ verb- sentence-এর । :

 র র র র ? Had the patient died before the

doctor came?

⭐ Negative র ‘had' verb-এর প র not । :

 র র র র । The patient had not died before the

doctor came.

Past perfect Continuous

Person singular Plural

We had been going before Ram

1st person
I had been going before Ram went. went. (রাি যাবার আযি আিরা
(রাি যাবার আযি আমি যাচ্ছি঱াি) যাচ্ছি঱াি)

You had been going before Ram You had been going before Ram
went. (রাি যাবার আযি তু মি went. (রাি যাবার আযি ততািরা
2nd person যাচ্ছিয঱) যাচ্ছিয঱)

they had been going before Ram

he had been going before ram went. went. (রাি যাবার আযি তারা
3rd person (রাি যাবার আযি তে যাচ্ছি঱) যাচ্ছি঱)

Past perfect Continuous: র র এ পর র

এ র Verb-এর Past Perfect Continuous
Tense এ র Past Indefinite Tense ।

গঠ : Subject + (had) + been + verb-ing.

⭐ Interrogative র ‘Had' verb- । :

 র র ? Had you been going before Ram went?

⭐ Negative র ‘had’ verb-এর প র not । :

 র র - You had not been going before Ram went.

Future Indefinite

Person singular Plural

1st person I shall go. (আমি যাব) We shall go. (আিরা যাব)

2nd person You will go. (তু মি যাযব) You will go. (ততািরা যাযব)
They will go. (তারা যাযব)

Ram and Hari will go. (রাি ও হমর

He will go. (তে যাযব)
Ram will go. (রাি যাযব)
The boys will go. (তিয঱গুম঱
3rd person The boy will go. (তিয঱টি যাযব) যাযব)

Future Indefinite: Verb-

Future Indefinite Tense

⭐ গঠ : Subject + (shall/will) + verb

* 1st Person-এর পর shall এ will ।

* Interrogative র shall will । :

 ? Will he go?

⭐ Negative র shall will-এর পর not । :

 । He will not go.

⭐ র ও 1st Person-এর পর will, shall । :

 - I will go.

 - He shall go.

Future Continous

Person singular Plural

We shall be going. (আিরা তযযত

1st person I shall be going. (আমি তযযত থাকব) থাকব)

You will be going. (ততািরা তযযত

2nd person You will be going. (তু মি তযযত থাকযব) থাকযব)
They will be going. (তারা তযযত
He will be going. (তে তযযত থাকযব)
Ram and Hari will be going. রাি ও
Ram will be going. (রাি তযযত থাকযব) হমর তযযত থাকযব)

The boy will be going. (তিয঱টি তযযত The boys will be going. (তিয঱গুম঱
3rd person থাকযব) তযযত থাকযব)

Future Continous: -
Verb- Future Continuous Tense

গঠ : Subject + (shall/will) + be + verb-ing.

⭐ Interrogative র shall will । :

 ? Shall I be going?

 র ? Will Ram be going?

⭐ Negative র shall will-এর পর not । :

 । I shall not be going?

 র । Kam will not be going?

Future perfect

 I shall have done the work before he goes. র

র ।

 He will have written the letter before you return. র রর

Future perfect: গ
গ verb- Future Perfect
Tense verb- Present Indefinite Tense
⭐ গঠ : Subject + (shall/will) + have + verb Past Participle.

Future perfect continuous

⭐ রএ ৎ রপ প । By the next May, I shall have

been reading here for three years.

Future perfect continuous: এ

এ Future-এর Perfect Continuous Tense ।

⭐ গঠ : Subject + (shall/will) + have been + verb-ing.

(এ Tense-এর র )

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