Asteraceae or Compositae

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It is largest family of angiosperms, having largest geographical distribution. The name of this family is
based on its inflorescence.

(A) Vegetative character: in Dahila fasciculated roots are present.

(B) Floral character:

(i) Inflorescence racemose head of capitulum.

(ii) Calyx is usually represented by hairy structure called pappus or represented by minute scales. It
is persistant & attached on fruit & helps in dispersal of fruits.
(iii) Petals 5, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation.
(iv) Stamens – 5, epipetalous, syngenesious.
(v) Gynoecium is bicarpellary, syncarpous, inferior ovary, unilocular, basal placentation.
(vi) Fruit is cypsela with hairy pappus i.e. important character of this family
(vii) Floral formula:

(a) Ray florets 

(b) Disc florets 

(c) Neutral florets  Br

(C) Economics Importance :

(i) As Food : -
 Helianthus tuberosus – Their tubers ar eaten which contain contain inulin crystals.
 Helianthus annuus = Sunflowe (suraj mukhi) – The seeds of this yiedls valuble oil which is
. used for cooking purposes.
(ii) As medicinal Plants: -
 Eclipta alba (Bhring Raj) – juice is used as hair tonic.
 Chrysanthemum cinerariaeolium = Guldaudi = Pyrethrum named insecticide is obtained.
 Taraxacum officinale – ‘Taraxacum’ medicine is obtained which is purgative and diuretic.
(iii) As ornamental plants: -
 Helianthus annuus = Sunflower
 Chrysanthemum = Gul-Daudi
 Tagetes = Genda (Mariglod)

Parthenium hysterophorus/P.argentatum = Carrot grass or Congress grass = its pollen grains cause
skin allergy.

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