Episode 2: Second Princess

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Episode 2: Second Princess

Episode 2: Second Princess

I can do this, Ian said with his fists curled. Today, Bogancio, the fool, accompanied his Master to the library. Although the library was the last place the fool wanted to be caught in, he had to make sacrifices to teach Ian another valuable technique to pick up women. Since his Master was shy and studious, Bogancio thought that if there were a perfect partner out there for Ian, it would be someone who would study in the library even on the weekends. Sure, Bogancio had no idea why any beautiful girl this day and age would want to spend time at such a dull place, but he was certain there must be someone like that. And she would be his target. See that girl with purple hair over there? Boganio asked, indicating at a girl sitting by herself with a novel in front of her. She was wearing glasses. Approach her and ask her if the seat next to her is taken. I cannot, Ian said, dropping his head. It's too forward. No, it's not, Boganio said, insisting. It's one of the least forward lines in the book. Ian tossed Boganio a dirty look. Your book. My book, Boganio said in agreement. But it works! Oh, really? Boganio straightened up, turned his cap around, and went straight over to the young lady, who was completely absorbed in her book. With his hand on top of the chair next to her, Bogancio glanced back at where Ian and noticed his Master hadn't moved from his spot. His Master was hopeless. He was never going to pick up girls at this rate. Masterfully, Boganio cleared his throat and opened his mouth. He had to show his Master how this should be done. Excuse me, he said. The girl looked up. Is this seat taken? Her glasses drooped down the bridge of her nose, but she nudged them up into place before she shook her head. With a wide grin, he pulled the chair out and sat down. Ian watched as Bogancio fumbled around with some books he found on the table. He made so much noise that the girl couldn't help but return her attention to him. Is something the matter? she asked dryly. Boganio sighed and lowered his head. However, in actuality, he snuck a glance at the book she was reading. She was reading about the constellation. With this, he knew he had won. It's my first time to this library so I have no idea where the astrology section is... The girl's face lit up. I know where it is. Oh, Bogancio beamed. Can you show me? Sorry that I suck so much. No, no, she said quickly, closing her book and holding it against her chest. I read there all the time. It's not a bother at all. The girl pushed her chair in before she allowed a smile for the first time. Are you interested in astrology, too? Totally, Boganio said as the two walked away side by side. My twentysecond mother used to tell me...

The fool should have known that his Master would not be pleased with his performance. To Bogancio, he was simply demonstrating how his Master should start up an effective conversation. To Ian, however, he saw his fool outstaging him once again. Even when he mustered up his courage to talk to a girl, he failed. Instead, Bogancio treated it like a second hand skill. Naturally, when Bogancio returned thinking that his Master would praise him, his Master was out of sight. Little did he know, Ian would treat him coldly once more for the next few days... When Bogancio finally noticed three days later, Callie was already snickering at him. Because she was Callie, she of course knew exactly what was going on between the two and like always, she was not going to help Bogancio one bit. Although she wasn't actively trying to get him fired, she thought it would be even better if he got himself fired. You have a girlfriend, fool, Callie said, pouting. By coincidence, they were in the same lunch line that day and Bogancio couldn't escape her in time before she approached him. Haven't you thought how that may affect Master? Master offered me to her, Bogancio argued. As part of the previous agreement between Ian and Karenana, in exchange for Bogancio, Karenana would introduce Ian to her friends. Karenana actually kept her end of the bargain and set Ian up on blind dates with some girls. The problem was... Karenana had no real friends. All the girls she managed to convince to see Ian were either members of her Charity Club or random classmates. Of course, the end result was obvious- Bogancio and Ian were back to square one. Bogancio was at the mercy of Karenana and Ian was still girlfriend-less. You are really stupid, Callie decided. Hey! Shut up, pinkie! Callie stuck her tongue out at him. My poor Master has been trying his best and yet his love advisor is fooling around with one of the hottest girls in the school. She lifted her nose at him. You should be ashamed of yourself, leeching off Master's money and killing his self-esteem at the same time. I feel sorry for Master. Having the last word, Callie stomped away with Bogancio crying after her, What the fuck? How is that my fault?! Despite what Bogancio said out loud to Callie, the thought plagued his mind for the rest of the day. After school, he was sitting on a grassy hill with Karenana. The fool had no idea why women were obsessed with picnics, but Karenana insisted no matter what. The two watched the sunset for a few minutes before Karenana said something to Bogancio, which he did not hear at all. He automatically responded with yeah, but Karenana was smarter than that. Are you listening to me or not? She demanded. Why wouldn't I? asked Bogancio in return. Karenana frowned at his smart reply. What were you thinking about, then? You in a bikini, he said automatically. Without warning, Karenana pulled the cap off his head and slammed it on top of his head before she barked, Who do you think I am? I'm Karenana! Bogancio agreed while he rubbed the bump on his head. I know a half-ass response when I hear one! You can't trick me! If it were a real one, I wouldn't be afraid to whip out a black swimsuit for you! That's what you're mad about? asked Bogancio, amused.

Tell me the truth. What's wrong? asked Karenana, sitting back down and holding her head against his shoulder. At the sudden shift in attitude, Bogancio wondered whether his girlfriend Karenana of the third years was bipolar. He wouldn't doubt it. Not only was she a sadist, she might be bipolar, too. He had always had the best of luck with women. What was going on with this year? While I am here with you, Master is all alone in his room... Boganio said in confession. Ian is still single? asked Karenana in surprise. Bogancio threw his head back and sighed. He wants to learn, but he doesn't want to adapt to my methods. I'm at a loss at what to do. He'll come around eventually. I know, but I feel guilty. You? Karenana asked in utter shock. Feel guilty? Is that possible? Okay, Bogancio gave in. Not guilty. But I feel like I'm betraying Master in a way. In what way? By sitting here and watching the sunset with you. Karenana's blue eyes narrowed dangerously. Is that a problem? Not a problem, said Bogancio quickly, paling slightly at her tone. It's just- No, she cut him off. Ian's a man, but you are a man, too. Yes, I have a dick. Karenana pouted. Of course I know that. You're the same Nana as always, said Bogancio, thinking it was best to refer her by her pet name for safety reasons. And, Karenana said, leaning toward him and grabbing a handful of his shirt in her right hand. Every man has needs. Right? And woman, Bogancio said until he remembered who he was talking to. He added, I mean, I agree. Ian has needs, but so do you! Karenana motioned her left hand while she spoke passionately. Why should you hold back for his sake? You're not allowed to have fun if Ian doesn't have fun? You're not allowed to have a girlfriend if Ian doesn't? You're not allowed to live your life if Ian doesn't get a life? You're right, Bogancio said with renewed energy. You're right! I'm always right, Karenana said, pinching his cheek with her left hand. That stupid maid was messing with my head, Bogancio said angrily. Karenana nodded her head frantically. I'm his fool, not him. Why should I have to suffer from his distress? I did nothing wrong in the first place! That's my Bogancio, Karenana said, releasing his shirt and offering his cap back. Bogancio wore it and said proudly, I can have as many girlfriends as I like. He can have as many girlfriends as he like. Our personal lives have nothing to do with each other. I'm glad you snapped out of it, Karenana said with a beautiful smile. Bogancio returned her smile. Thank you, Nana. Now that you're back to normal, said Karenana, holding up her left leg to him. Bogancio should have seen this coming. Please give me a foot rub.

Out in broad daylight? Karenana picked up his chin and pouted. Please Bobo? Yes, your majesty, Bogancio complied, putting her leg on his thigh. While Karenana laid back and enjoyed the sensation from her foot, she noticed pink hair behind a tree from afar. For a second, Karenana thought it was Callie, but whoever it was disappeared too fast for her to make sure. Still, Karenana sat up straighter than before and frowned at the stalker. Bobo, Karenana said, tapping Bogancio against the shoulder until he paid attention to her. Did you see anyone behind that tree over there? No, Bogancio said, not impressed. I was too busy staring at your, Karenana's eyes flared up, in which he responded accordingly, Perfect foot. Right then, the sprinklers turned on. Karenana shrieked and used her arms to shield her hair from getting wet. As if reacting on instincts, Bogancio used his own body to cover her from the water before he masterfully rolled down the grassy hill with her in his embrace. Once they came to a stop, Karenana was on top of him. She seemed to have calmed down and she noticed he was out of breath. Are you okay, Bogancio? she asked, getting off his stomach. Fucking sprinklers! Bogancio shouted, making her jump. Can't they stick to their fucking schedule? Pee all over the grass in the morning when no one is around! Bogancio stopped when he noticed Karenana gaping at him. Er, our food got soaked and I'm hungry. But you save me instead of the food, Karenana said in a grateful voice. At her words, Bogancio stared at her like he had no idea what she was talking about. However, he was smart enough to make use of this opportunity as he laughed it off and spread his arms, Of course I would save my lovely Nana from that dirty water. Oh, Bobo, Karenana said, hugging him. After they parted ways, Bogancio was thankful that women were so easy to please half of the time. Then, there were the other half when he could not make sense of what they wanted from him. The reason why he 'saved' her was because he could not stand shrieking of any kind from anyone. He had sensitive ears, but he could live with how she interpret his actions. The next day, Karenana volunteered herself to help Bogancio improve his grade in mathematics. While he waited for her to retrieve her belongings from her locker, Bogancio stared at his math book and groaned. Numbers were not his strong suit. Actually, letters were not his strong suit. He had no idea why he was at this expensive school when he cared for nothing academic. On the plus side, lunch and dinner tasted great here. Where should we start? Karenana asked, sitting down next to Bogancio at one of the outdoor tables. I know, Bogancio said, moving his eyes lazily from the book to her. Yes? What I want, Bogancio continued smoothly, holding her hand underneath the table. And I know what you want. Why should we drag this out further than necessary? And what exactly do I want? Karenana asked curiously. You want to make out with me, Bogancio said, bored. Karenana laughed

with her face away from Bogancio. You're Karenana. You probably solved those math problems ahead of time to explain them to me later. Bogancio released her hand and wrapped his arm across her shoulders instead. Let's save both of us the trouble and time and give me the answers. Get the homework part out of the way. I know this whole studying business is an excuse on your part. For someone who fails at Algebra, Karenana said, impressed. You're very convincing. Math skills have nothing to do with people skills, Bogancio said casually. But if I don't show you how to find the area of a trapezoid, you'll fail math for sure. You rich people, said Bogancio, laying his head against her shoulder. And your classes with zero real life application. Reddened slightly at the touch, Karenana glanced away and said, Fine. I give in. Bogancio sat up straight and brightened up. You'll give me the answers to the math problems? Yes, Karenana said, picking up her bag and rummaging through it. In return, you have to take your test more seriously. I hate tests. I'll help you pass no matter what. I... Bogancio tried to sound enthusiastic. Appreciate it? Hell, Karenana cried. Bogancio blinked. Hell? I can't find it, Karenana said, tossing her bag away in frustration. I'm sure I put it in my bag inside a red folder and left it in my locker before class. Since when do you make careless mistakes? Bogancio asked with wide eyes. Never! Karenana gasped, dropping everything from make-up supplies to whips out of her bag to check further. It must be in here somewhere! Face it, Bogancio groaned. You left it at home. With a reaction time of literally one second, Bogancio found himself pulled up to her face by the collar. His hat fell backwards at the impact. Karenana was both tearful and angry at the same time. Laughing weakly, Bogancio knew he shouldn't have accused her of being a klutz. If there were one pet peeve Karenana hated most in the world, it was someone disproving her of something she was one hundred sure about. And judging by how frustrated she was, she was absolutely certain she brought the answers to his math homework with him. The poor fool. Even if he were the master of socializing with the ladies, he had to endure the ups and downs with a relationship with Karenana. Someone, she released him as he landed on the ground on his back. Dare. To. Steal. My. Precious. Folder. Calm down, Bogancio said with his hands up in a defensive position. Someone went through my locker and looked through my bag and stole my hard work. You're in Calculus, Bogancio said warily. I'm in Geometry. It was a piece of cake for you. I like cake, Karenana said, still angry. I don't like my cake being taken away without my permission!

Let's study, Bogancio said in offering. Let's start from scratch. Karenana released a heavy sigh. I am changing my locker combination after this. You do that. So, how do I find the area of a trapwhatchamacallit? A trapezoid. Yeah. That piece of shit. If there were one lesson Bogancio learned from his experience today with his dearest girlfriend Karenana, it was the fact that she changed her mind very easily. Whatever her original intentions were from their study session, they instantly vanished once she boarded the train to crappy land where everything existed there would put her in a crappy mood. Thankfully, Bogancio knew how to please her enough to keep her irritation to a minimum. She had the necessary talent and equipment to kill him off any time she pleased. He liked to live a little longer. Like what happened last time, when Bogancio met Karenana on a weekend date a few days later, she returned to normal. It was as if nothing happened between them at all. With his arm prisoner to her, Karenana took him to a nearby park where they could make up for their interrupted picnic from last time. The fool knew that if he chose not to accept her invitation, she would find a reason to make his life a living hell. He understood her that much from the two weeks they'd been dating so far. I don't want to eat it, Bogancio said bluntly at the offered plate of curry. Karenana gaped at him. But I woke up at six a.m. to make this for you... No one asked you wake up that early to make anything. But I put the effort anyways, Karenana said in a dangerous cold voice. Therefore, you shall eat it. Have you cooked before? Bogancio asked curiously, hoping he could find an opening to escape before he had to dump any of the orange stuff in his mouth. This is my first time, Karenana said proudly. Even a fool like Bogancio knew how dangerous that answer was. Unaffected by his doomed look, Karenana continued, But don't worry! I asked Father to send over one of his cooks to help me out! That helper tested this out beforehand? This curry won't kill you silly, Karenana said, poking his cheek with a clean fork. I might though if you don't shut your trap. I'll be dead either way, Bogancio said, sighing. He took off his cap and breathed in deeply. Might as well go out eating food made by my, Bogancio forced a smile. Beautiful girlfriend. Pleased, Karenana held up a spoon full of her curry. Open up, Bobo. I can feed my- Now. The odds of the fool living after defying Karenana- ten out of a hundred. The odds of the fool living after eating Karenana's food- fifty out of a hundred. Even for someone who was so incompetent at math as Bogancio, he could tell which odds he liked better. As he leaned forward so she could feed him, something hit the back of his head hard enough that he lost his vision for a few seconds. During those few seconds, Bogancio fell over and knock the plate all over him and Karenana. Unfortunately for Bogancio, Karenana probably thought he was being

careless rather than being forced to fall into her. Bogancio! Karenana shrieked. Here, Bogancio said quickly, pulling the blanket from under them in one motion. He held it up like an oversized napkin. Use this. This is Father's latest lolita design! Karenana shouted, getting up to her feet. She started frantically wiping her dress with the blanket. I'm wearing it outdoors to promote it! How am I supposed to promote anything for his company with it looking like this! You don't smell so great either, said Bogancio, wondering whether he should be thankful he was saved from eating her food. I hate this so much, Karenana said, sobbing out loud. Shivering from the high pitch screaming and crying, Bogancio left her side to the nearest water fountain. He took off his shirt and turned it into a wet towel within seconds. Once he finished, he returned to her side and wiped her dress with close attention. Karenana was so taken in by this rare sign of focus that she stopped crying altogether. She remained silent until he removed every bit of curry off her dress and left only water stains. Bobo... Karenana muttered. Bogancio bent down and picked up his hat. I'll take you back to your room. But our picnic- No one gives a fuck, Bogancio said bluntly. Karenana's eyes began to tear up again. I went through weeks without any bread before. Karenana lowered her head, sniffing. I'll live. But you probably won't until you change out of that piece of artwork. I shouldn't have exploded at you. It was an accident. Unexpectedly, Bogancio grabbed her and held her against him. I'm used to people getting pissed off at me for every little thing. No need to apologize. My dress is dirty, Karenana mumbled. Princess, Bogancio said in amusement, holding her at arm's length now. If you ever live on the streets someday, you'll never make such a comment again. Don't insult me with such foolish nonsense. So cool, Karenana squealed, hugging him again. Let's hurry back, Bogancio said, holding out his hand. Thrilled, Karenana grabbed a hold of his hand as the two of them traveled back to school. Karenana carefully kept close to Bogancio's back to hide her stained dress from the rest of the world on the stroll back. Despite Bogancio leading her around half-naked, he couldn't care less. He was used to it. As for why he cleaned her mess on her dress earlier, he wanted to make her stop crying. He could not stand such noise and since he couldn't exactly run away from her, he had to resolve it. How he hated all the effort. And the sudden hug earlier? Bogancio knew that he had to end today on a light note or else, she would bitch the whole way back. He hated bitching. Therefore, in the end, his plan worked. The entire time, Karenana kept her silence and kept a strong grip on his hand. After Bogancio dropped Karenana off, he was summoned to Ian's room an hour later. Even if they hadn't really spoken for over a week, Bogancio was overjoyed to see his Master alone again. Even better, Callie was nowhere in sight when he entered and bowed down to Ian. Ian was sitting in a chair with his book, but Ian turned his attention to his fool when he came in.

Master! How was your date, fool? Ian asked in a business-like tone. Terrible, Bogancio cried, dropping to his knees. Karenana made me poisonous food and when she tried to force it down my throat, someone or something pushed me against her so all her shitty food got on her dress and she started crying and- Bogancio. At the nicer tone, Bogancio perked up. Yes, Master? Smiling now, Ian continued in the same tone, I heard from one of my professors that you actually turned in your Geometry homework for once. Oh, yeah, Bogancio said, only remembering this now. I was bored so... I'm proud of you. You are? Yes, said Ian firmly. You're changing for the better, fool. Keep up the good work. Of course, Master Ian, said Bogancio, not feeling guilty at all that Karenana pretty much gave him all the answers to his last math assignment. Is there anything else you would like to talk to me about? Actually, yes, Ian said, getting up to his feet. I am about to sign a form to import some goods. Is there anything you would like me to order specifically? I like that one banana candy, Bogancio said, trying to remember the name. I thought so, Ian smiled as he circled the area next to the fireplace inside his room. Very well. Expect it in your mailbox by next week on Monday. Sweet! With his back to Bogancio, Ian smirked to himself and said out loud, I suppose things are going sour for you and Karenana. It's been pretty fucked up lately, Bogancio admitted. Ian's smirk widened as he clasped his hands. I can't exactly dump her because she's scary as shit. So she either has to dump me or improve our relationship. Bogancio allowed a loud sigh. It's not that I dislike her or anything. She's hot and pretty cool to be with when she's in a good mood. It just sucks balls to be fearful of my life every second around her. Leave the relationship alone, fool, Ian said before he finally turned around to face Bogancio. I'm just amused that someone like you can't handle being in a serious relationship with a woman. Bogancio frowned at the implication, but he admitted, My specialty is catching their attention, not holding it... Ian nodded in agreement. I swear, I have no idea what she wants or sees in me. Bogancio glanced at the mirror at himself under a backward cap. I'm just a rotten street rat with a good sense of humor. You should stop, Ian said, slightly annoyed now. I can't even take the first step. You'll be more comfortable with my methods eventually. I highly doubt that, fool. And despite what they just said to one another, the two males smiled at each other. There was no doubt about it. Their friendship was fixed once again. Even if it was something as simple as Ian knowing that Bogancio butchered his

date, Ian felt better about the whole ordeal. Bogancio was his best friend. They grew up together. He should try to treat Bogancio better and not take him for granted. After all, he was so bored when he couldn't speak to Bogancio... *** The following Monday morning, Karenana took the time to venture into the math building where Bogancio was attending Geometry. She checked up on Bogancio to find him chatting merrily with four surrounding girls. Oh, the usual. That lying boyfriend of hers must be telling them about some adventure that never happened. Instead of approaching him, she headed over to the classroom across from his. After a bit of searching, Karenana spotted the one she was here for. Kandyl, Karenana said out loud in a sweet voice. A girl in the back with thin pink hair and brown eyes picked her head up from her lunch. What lovely weather today! May I ask you to accompany me for tea? What an honor, Kandyl, the girl next to her cried. Upperclassman Karenana is asking for your company! Yes, Kandyl said in a soft tone, closing her lunchbox and picking up her belongings. I will join you, Upperclassman Karenana. The two managed to claim a table in the gardens where other groups of friends as well as many dating couples sat at. Kandyl and Karenana drank their tea in silence for a good five minutes before Karenana smiled sweetly at the other girl. From her observation, Kandyl seemed like a mature, well-mannered young lady. However, Karenana kept her guard up. Do you know who I am? asked Karenana with her cup in her hand. You're Upperclassman Karenana, Kandyl answered. Your father is the CEO of the largest company specialized in Gothic Lolita clothes. And you're Kandyl, whose mother is the Provincial People's Committee's President. Kandyl tilted her head, allowing pink curls to dangle off. I'm honored Upperclassman Karenana know about me. You're quite famous, Karenana confessed, crossing her legs underneath the table. Your mother has access to all the family registries. That's a lot of power. Is there any particular reason you ask for me, Karenana? Actually yes, Karenana said as she pushed her cup away. She had a serious expression on her face now. I know you're the culprit behind these pranks on Bogancio and I. What are you talking about, Upperclassman? Kandyl asked, frowning. Karenana placed her right hand against her chest. I am Karenana, ranked five in the entire 3rd years. I'm a genius so naturally, I know what I'm talking about. I do not question your intelligence, Kandyl said calmly. Perhaps there's a misunderstanding somewhere... Karenana lifted a brow. I asked the people in charge of turning on the sprinklers in the morning. They said that only a handful of students from certain clubs are allowed in that room, including ones who take care of the garden. Karenana glanced at the real, handpicked daisies in Kandyl's hair. So, from there, I narrowed it down to girls with pink hair. Once I found out your math class is right

across from Bogancio, I'm almost certain it's you, Kandyl dear. Why pink hair? Kandyl asked, twirling her curls around her finger. I noticed a girl with pink hair everywhere I went with Bogancio. You even went as far as to follow us to the park. With one motion, Kandyl pulled the daisies off her hair and crushed them in her hands. Karenana watched in interest as Kandyl slowly dropped the petals on the table. With her fingers playing on top of the worn petals, Kandyl giggled and tossed Karenana a hard look. What will you do to me? Kandyl asked, more curious than afraid. Report me for breaking into your locker? Telling Bogancio what a dirty whore I am? No, darling, Karenana said, amused. She licked her lips in thought. All I want from you is the truth. Karenana leaned forward and stared intently into Kandyl's deep brown eyes. Why are you doing this? Is it to sabotage my relationship with Bogancio? I'm not that obnoxious, Kandyl said, lowering down her head and blowing away all the petals. I'm picking on you because I envy your position that's all. You're... jealous of me? Karenana asked, surprised. Kandyl took out a box and pulled out some new daisies. I've been watching and admiring Bogancio for a while now. Kandyl held up a daisy up and stared at it in interest. She could not stand Karenana's bright blue eyes. I thought surely he will remain a fun bachelor forever and keep up his relationship with his groupies, but then, Kandyl dropped the daisy. You suddenly appear and take him for yourself. You're not even good enough for him. Funny, Karenana said, smirking. It's usually the other way around. People don't look past surface appearance at all... You're in love with that ugly, perverted idiot? Karenana asked, picking up the abandoned daisy for herself. Kandyl shook her head frantically. He's not an idiot! You really like someone that ugly and perverted, then? Why do you say such things? Kandyl demanded, frowning. She ripped the petals off a new daisy she pulled out. You're his girlfriend, aren't you? I am but it's not about love between us, Karenana said sternly. Love gets in the way of people recognizing who is their compatible partner. You consider Bogancio compatible with you? I think so, Karenana said, putting the daisy in her own hair. But at the same time, I envy your ability to... love someone so freely. Kandyl tossed Karenana an annoyed look, as if insulted. I don't deserve it. She clasped her hands and continued in a sadder tone. I can't even approach him correctly. He doesn't even know my existence even though I know everything about him. That's how sad my one-sided admiration is. You should talk to him, then, Karenana encouraged. I'm too nervous. I'll mess up. You'll definitely mess up if you believe you will. I really want to though, Kandyl said, dropping her head on top of her hands in frustration. I want to be able to hand him the birthday present I specifically picked for him... When's his birthday? Karenana demanded. You're his girlfriend and you don't even know his birthday...

Glaring, Karenana wrapped her arms across her chest. We've only been dating for two weeks and you have the unfair advantage of having everyone's family register at your disposal. Fair enough, Kandyl said, sitting up straight now. Still, I don't want my gift to go to waste so if you want, you can give my gift to Bogancio instead of buying him a new one. As generous as that is, I must decline, Karenana said without hesitation. My gift is not good enough for you, Upperclassman? asked Kandyl with hints of annoyance. That's not it, Karenana insisted. I'm sure it's fabulous, but when Bogancio receives my present, I want him to think of me, not think of me instead of you. Kandyl smiled cruelly. Pride always gets in the way. Karenana pouted in response. Plus, let's be honest here. This is Bogancio we're talking about. Quantity always beats quality. No matter how wonderful our presents are, he would rather have two of them. You know something about Bogancio, said Kandyl, impressed. He's not the hardest person to figure out. Nevertheless, Kandyl said, closing her box of daisies. It would be nice to buy him something he actually likes. Again, do not underestimate how smart I am. I wouldn't dare, Upperclassman Karenana. I know you know a lot about him though, Karenana said with a softer smile than before. Why don't we meet up on Friday and buy that present together? You... Kandyl stared at Karenana in disbelief. Want me to help you? Sure. It'll make Bogancio happy to receive presents he actually likes. If it'll make Bogancio happy, Kandyl said, almost shyly. She picked up her cup and finished the rest of her now cold tea. I'll do my best... Karenana beamed. Thanks, Kandyl. I hope we can become friends despite everything. Yes, Kandyl agreed, standing up with her box in her hands. Thank you for the tea. I'll see you later. Waving after Kandyl, Karenana kept a beautiful smile on the whole time until the pink-haired woman was out of sight. By herself now, Karenana was lost in thoughts about how she should proceed from here on out. Then, she assessed Kandyl's personality. After everyone else around her left, Karenana released a loud laugh and knocked her cup over. Oh, Karenana, She said to herself in amusement. You did it again. Way to convert your rivals to your allies. *** Four days later, Karenana arrived to find Kandyl already waiting for her at their meeting spot outside the cafeteria. Because Karenana felt guilty for not knowing Bogancio's birthday, she chose not to bother him until she could successfully buy him the perfect gift. Even if she was only using Kandyl for this purpose, she decided that she would stay on good terms with this girl. The less enemies the better for Karenana. Bogancio has ninety-eight mothers, Kandyl revealed. Ninety-eight? Karenana cried in disbelief. His biological mother was a prostitute, Kandyl said sadly. They left the

gates of the school together. She's been missing for years though so he's not even sure whether she's still alive or not. Who are those ninety-eight women, then? Let's see, Kandyl said thoughtfully, tugging at her curly pink hair. Some of them are friends of his mother, others are neighborhood women who love him, and some adoptive mothers who feed and clothe him before he met and lived with Ian. Karenana laughed. How lucky of him! He has ninety-eight mothers to pamper him. Nodding in agreement, Kandyl said, That's why Bogancio is so content and carefree for a street urchin. I noticed, Karenana said, amused. He is probably more loved by his mothers than most of our classmates by their blood-related, wealthy parents. It's true, Kandyl gasped. They're too busy making money for us. It's a shame, said Karenana, shrugging. That's why I thought we can shop for small gifts for his mothers. What a wonderful idea, Karenana exclaimed, linking arms with Kandyl. The pink-haired girl was pleasantly surprised, but made no motion to pull away from the contact. He will be delighted to have presents to send back to his mothers. This is... Kandyl said shyly, noticing all the other people chatting together in groups, the first shopping trip I've gone with another girl my age. Why? Karenana asked. Because everyone knows who my mother is, they feel like I know too much information for comfort, which is ridiculous because I only look through files of people who interest me. Kandyl spoke the truth. There were too many files her mother was in charge of. Honestly, Karenana said with a sad smile. I am the same. Impossible. You're the popular Karenana. In school, Karenana said in correction. Once school ends, no one wants to do anything with me any more. Because I am too popular with the boys, the girls feel threatened by me and stay away. I have no real friends. I can see that, Kandyl admitted. I feel at ease around you because you have a boyfriend. So much irony in that statement alone. You know... Kandyl said, peering at Karenana. I've always wondered what's it like to help other girls with make-up... go clothes shopping to get a second opinion... or even share an ice cream sundae on a hot day. Karenana's eyes lid up. Me too! I always want to arrange another girl's hair and help her out with boy problems! Even when said boy is your boyfriend? Kandyl asked, suspicious. Even better right? Karenana beamed. I'm already there so I can totally help you out! Kandyl clung closer to Karenana's arm. I'll be in your care then. *** That weekend, Bogancio struggled with concentrating on Geometry. He tried multiple times to keep his eyes on the numbers, but every time, he got distracted by something else. For example, during his latest try, he was instead preoccupied

with some dice he found. They had more sides than the usual so it fascinated him. However, after thirty minutes of fumbling with the object, he realized he was still on the second problem of his math homework. Usually, he would ask Ian for help, but he wanted to show his Master he could do fine by himself if he tried. The fool thought it was best to keep his Master believing that while he asked Karenana for help. Where is she? Bogancio inwardly asked himself. Even though this was only their third week together, he became quite used to her bothering him every other day. His weekends were entirely her for the taking. Ever since last Saturday though, Karenana hadn't contacted him since. Maybe him spilling curry on her precious clothes affected her more than he could perceive. Although the fool thought a dress with a stain was a poor excuse for her to avoid him, he also reminded himself that rich people think differently than a simpleton like him. In addition, she was a female rich girl. If she wants to break up with me, Bogancio thought in delight. I should at least ask her to confirm. I hate not knowing whether I'm a single again or not. With his simple thought process and a Geometry book in hand, Bogancio ventured over to her room and asked for her. No reply. She must be out then. Bogancio was having second thoughts about using his homework as an excuse to ask her about their relationship when he went down the stairs. On the way to the exit, Bogancio bumped into his girlfriend, who was arm-in-arm with another girl. Oh, Bobo, said Karenana, untangling from Kandyl and going up to him. This is sudden. Karenana fluttered her eyelashes. Were you looking for me? Yeah, Bogancio said, glancing at Kandyl. Are we over? Because if we are, at least let me know first so I know I have my freedom back. Karenana teared up at the remark. Jerkface! What? Bogancio asked, confused. If you want to break up with me so badly, just say so! Without waiting for Bogancio to explain, Karenana ran off, sobbing. Awkwardly, Bogancio glanced at Kandyl who was bright red for some reason. She kept stealing looks at him, which Bogancio caught. Sighing, Bogancio scratched the back of his neck and frowned in confusion. Do you know why she's PMSing? Bogancio asked with a thumb over his shoulder. B-Bogancio, Kandyl said, swallowing before she continued. She's upset because you want to break up with her. Er, no, Bogancio said, baffled. He liked living very much. I thought she wanted to break up with me after that curry incident. Girls want to leave relationships for the most random reasons sometimes. Suddenly, Kandyl bowed her head down and cried loudly, That was completely my fault. I threw a rock at you and missed your back and hit your head instead. Head shot, Bogancio said in amazement. Nice arm. Reddening even more, Kandyl stuttered, I-I didn't m-mean any h-harm... A good arm is key to survival. Huh? Nevermind, Bogancio said quickly, shaking his head. Why is she crying though? I'm nothing but a man slave to her.

I don't want to interfere, but... I'm sure you want to, Bogancio said. Kandyl sighed and bit her bottom lip. Karenana likes you a lot. She hasn't had any experience in dealing with a boyfriend or even real friends so she's not quite sure how to express himself... Bogancio gaped at what Kandyl just said. For someone who has a crush on me- W-Wait! Kandyl interrupted immediately. H-How do y-you know? Lifting a brow, Bogancio asked, Isn't it obvious? I'm not that stupid. No girl will lend her Geometry textbook and never ask for it back from a guy she doesn't like. Bogancio opened the cover of the Geometry textbook he was carrying to reveal her name in pink glitter. Kandyl knew she should have double checked before she lent it to him. Right, Kandyl? You know about my existence this entire time... You follow me everywhere. So, you know everything... Bogancio laughed at her. I used to stalk people to steal their money when they let their guard down! Bogancio nodded proudly at his former accomplishments. You're a complete amateur compared to me. This is so embarrassing! Kandyl cried, hiding her face now. So tell me- why are you helping Karenana again? Bogancio asked casually. Oh, Kandyl gasped, picking up her head and holding the sides of her head. Her heart was pounding so fast. It's because Upperclassman- Kandyl shook her head and corrected herself. Because I want you and her to stay together... You won't survive a day on the streets, Bogancio teased and held his hand out to her. Let's go and tell her not to jump to such crazy conclusions. She's not mental... yet. With red cheeks still, Kandyl grabbed a hold of Bogancio's hand as they traveled up the stairs and further to Karenana's room. Since Bogancio seemed hesitant to knock, Kandyl went ahead and called out Karenana's name. The response was immediate. Candy! Karenana cried, tackling Kandyl into a deadly embrace. Karenana! Kandyl said more calmly, returning the hug. Bogancio coughed for their attention and asked, Can someone please explain to me what's going on here? Soon enough, the three were inside Karenana's velvet red room. Bogancio sat across the table from the two young ladies. Kandyl and Karenana acted as if Bogancio just caught them cheating on him with each other. Sighing again, Bogancio pushed the Geometry book back to Kandyl and gazed at them sternly. Let me get this straight. You girls went shopping for my birthday gift and became best friends after that experience? Both nodded in unison. Bogancio frowned. My question is... how do you girls know my birthday when I don't even know my own birthday? The family register indicates that it's your birthday this Monday... Kandyl muttered. Monday, Bogancio repeated when he remembered the shipping of banana candy in by Monday from Ian. Oh! That's not my birthday! Both girls gawked at him. That's the day Ian took me into his family.

Then it's your social birthday, Karenana said. Bogancio shrugged. Sure... whatever that means... Even if it's your social one, Kandyl said, crawling over to Bogancio's side. I'll give you your present early... As Kandyl took off her jacket, Bogancio cheered, I like this present! Knock it off! Karenana shrieked and threw an orange at his head. Wherever she picked that orange from, Bogancio was certain she had more so he decided to keep his comments to himself when suddenly... You can have me any time you like, Kandyl said, glancing away in a cute way. Bogancio and Karenana both dropped their jaw. This was something Karenana would say, not Kandyl. But more specifically, Kandyl held up a card to Bogancio. Here's your present. What's this? Bogancio asked, trying not to see it as a sign of prostitution. You use it to withdraw money from your bank account. You got him one? Karenana demanded. My mother knows people, Kandyl answered quickly, fumbling with her hands now. Really? Bogancio cried out of happiness, holding up his card to his eyes. Sweet! I don't even know how to use it but this is so cool! I'll show you, Kandyl offered in a timid voice. So, I can like withdraw golden leaves and buy whatever I like now? asked Bogancio with happiness glowing on his face. Not exactly, Kandyl said quickly, backing away from Bogancio with red cheeks. It's a student account. You can only use it for school... Oh, Bogancio said, obviously disappointed. At least you won't be at the mercy of Ian anymore, Karenana said. Yeah, Bogancio said. I guess. Now, my present to you is over there, Karenana indicated at piles of boxes by her bed. Bogancio's face lit up again. They're ready to be shipped to your mothers. Oh, Bogancio reacted the same way to Kandyl's gift. So does this mean you bought ninety-eight presents in all? Yup, said both girls. Wow, Bogancio said, removing his eyes from the boxes. Thanks? You're welcome, Karenana beamed. So, about what you said before, Bogancio turned to Kandyl with a mischievous look in his eyes. Do you actually mean it? Kandyl glanced at Karenana for help. Karenana seemed to not care either way. Bogancio already knew about her feelings this entire time. There was no need to hide anything anymore. Of course I do... Kandyl said in a quiet voice. I liked you for a really long time. Yeah, you lent me that Geometry book decades ago. But I shouldn't do this, said Kandyl quickly, shaking her head frantically. You already have Upperclassman Karenana so- So what? Karenana asked with a shrug. Now, it was Karenana's turn to receive dropped jaws from the other two. The more the merrier. I don't mind and I'm sure Bobo won't mind.

You're not the one dating her, Bogancio said, just in case Karenana was confused. I know, Karenana said with her usual smirk. Are you really going to say no to such a beautiful girl? Kandyl flushed and turned away to hide her face. And on top of that, my best friend? Hm? Even Bogancio could hear the obvious threat in her voice as he turned to Kandyl with a forced smile and said, You can call me Bobo, too. At first, Kandyl could not believe her ears. This was everything she ever wanted for a long time now. How could it possibly be real? However, once she thought it over and decided that whether this was real or not, it did not matter. She would react the same way. Even if this was a fantasy, she could be with Bogancio and that was good enough. Ecstatic now, Kandyl leapt and hugged Bogancio. It's like a dream come true! Thank you Karenana! Don't thank me yet, Karenana said, flinging her silver hair over her shoulder. I have a couple of rules first. Kandyl nodded, ready. Bogancio saw this coming. First, you must call me Nana, not Upperclassman or Karenana. Let's be informal with each other. Okay, Nana! Kandyl agreed immediately. Second, Karenana said, standing up with her hands on her hips. No matter how many times you guys do it... Bogancio's lips curled up in a smirk. No matter how serious you two get... Despite her being the most terrifying being he had ever endured, the real Karenana was a sight to behold. She was anything but the boring Karenana he thought she was before. Or even if the day comes when he favors you over me... Karenana placed her hand on her chest. I will always be Bogancio's Girlfriend Number One. Understood, Nana, Kandyl saluted. I am content with being Girlfriend Number Two! Good girl! Excuse me, Bogancio said, interrupting the two girls from hugging again. But I'm the one who's directly affected so I like to say something. Karenana tossed Bogancio a threatening glare while Kandyl waited with sparkling eyes. Can you two help me with my Geometry homework? I can't figure it out on my own and I want Master Ian to not be ashamed of me. Of course, Kandyl said, grabbing a hold of Bogancio's hand and squeezing it. If you ever need me for anything at all, I'll put my life on the line every time to make sure Bobo's wishes are fulfilled. Touched, Bogancio teared up. I like you way better than Nana already, Kandyl. It's Candy, Kandyl said affectionately. My Candy! He's only saying that to use you for math homework, Karenana sighed. At the sight of a vibrant Kandyl, Karenana relented and added, But as long as you're happy in that position. *** Master! Wait for me! As expected, Ian refused to even glanced back at Bogancio at the news. He was so upset at his fool that he even took back the banana candy gift and offered

it to Callie instead. Sticking her tongue out at Bogancio, Callie ran off with his present alongside their Master. Bogancio felt left behind again. What had he done wrong this time? His personal life had nothing to do with Ian or at least, the fool had started believing this. As long as he could help his Master get a girlfriend, it should not matter how many relationships he was in, right? Candy? asked Bogancio, throwing a glance over his shoulder. Kandyl stepped out from behind a tree with an embarrassed expression on her face. Good morning, Bobo. You don't have to follow me around from behind anymore. It's... a bad habit. I hate Geometry, Bogancio groaned as he held his hand out to Kandyl. Shyly, the pink-haired girl accepted his hand as they went to their classrooms together side by side. Since Karenana was a third year, they weren't going to see her until break or after school. Kandyl was secretly thankful for this. As Kandyl departed for her classroom across from Bogancio's, he remembered something. Are you sure you can't set up a regular bank account for me? Or complete all my Geometry homework for me?


Episode 3: The Bodyguard

To you and the rest of the world, Nana might be my rival and Bogancio's first girlfriend. But to me, Nana is my best friend, who just happens to date my boyfriend. Women are the only creatures I know who choose to remain in a failing relationship for years. Why don't you just be yourself?

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