Action Plan Science Club
Action Plan Science Club
Action Plan Science Club
Department of Education
Division of Southern Leyte
Bontoc District II
Expected Outcome/Output
Project Title Objectives Strategies/Activities Persons Involved Time Frame
Induction of To constitute the new set Science Club new set Science Club Officers are
Organizational Officers of officers of the Induction of officers July 2018 properly guided with the roles
organization. and responsibilities.
Nutrition Month To initate and participate Initiate the following activities: Science Club Officers Students develop awareness on
Culmination Activity in the activities for the Nutri Quiz and members July 2018 the importance of keeping their
“Kalusugan ay Ingatan culmination of the month Slogan and Poster body healthy through healthy
para sa Magandang long Nutrition Monthe Making Activities Teachers diet and lifestyle.
Kinabukasa” Celebration Culmination Program
Feeding PTA
To plan and to update on Science Club Officers participate
status of Science Club in the planning and organizing of
Meeting of Science Club activities and program. Meeting of Science Club Officers Science Club Officers July-September activities for the Science Month
Officers and Adviser 2018 Culmination
To plan activities for the
Science Month
Culmination Program
Science Month To initiate and participate Participate and lead in the Science Club officers, Students are able to plan and to
Culmination Activity in the activities for the following activities: Adviser and Class September 2018 assist in organizing activities
culmination of Science Science Month Advisers, Learners relevant to the celebration.
Month Culmination Culmination Program from Kindergarten to
Grade 6
Meeting of Science Club To plan activities for the Students are able to initiate and
Officers Teacher’s Day celebration Meeting of Science Club Officers Science Club Officers September 2018 organize activities for the
and Adviser teachers’ day celebration.
Teachers’ Day Execute the activities Conduct a short program for the Students demonstrate respect
Celebration being planned for the teachers as a simple way of Science Club Officers October 2018 and honor for their teachers
“Aming Guro, Aming Teachers’ Day showing them how much they and Members through meaningful activities set
Bayani” Celebration. are appreciated and how much to happen during the celebration
their hardwork and dedication Adviser
meant to the students
Meeting of Science Club To plan and update on Students are able to share ideas
Officers status of Science Club Meeting of Science Club Officers SC Officers and December 2018 and suggestions for the
activities and programs and Adviser Adviser upcoming Early registration
SC Officers and Students are involved in the
Early Regstration Day To assist in the Early Assisting the teachers during the members January 2019 preparation of the venue of the
Registration Day Early Registration day activity.
To plan and update on SC Officers Students plan and initiate
Meeting of Science Club status of Science Club Meeting of SC Officers and January 2019 activities for the upcoming
Officers activities. Adviser Adviser Election of new set of Science
Club Officers
Science Club Election of To elect pupil leaders for Students are able to exercise
candidates for school the following school year Lead the conduct of the election SC Officers, All Grade February 2019 their right to vote with the sense
year 2019-2020. and become the next 3-6 Learners of understanding of the
batch for Science Club significance and importance of
Officers. the Science Club Organization.
Expected Outcome/Output
Project Title Objectives Strategies/Activities Persons Involved Time Frame
Induction of To constitute the new set Science Club new set Science Club Officers are properly
Organizational Officers of officers of the Induction of officers July 2019 guided with the roles and
organization. responsibilities.
To initate and participate Initiate the following Science Club Officers
Nutrition Month in the activities for the activities: and members July 2019 Students develop awareness on the
Culmination Activity culmination of the month importance of keeping their body
long Nutrition Monthe Culmination Teachers healthy through healthy diet and
Celebration Program lifestyle.
Feeding PTA
To plan and to update on
status of Science Club Science Club Officers participate in the
Meeting of Science Club activities and program. Meeting of Science Club Science Club Officers July-September 2019 planning and organizing of activities for
Officers Officers and Adviser the Science Month Culmination
To plan activities for the
Science Month
Culmination Program
Participate and lead in Science Club officers, Students are able to plan and to assist
Science Month To initiate and participate the following activities: Adviser and Class in organizing activities relevant to the
Culmination Activity in the activities for the Science Month Advisers, Learners September 2019 celebration.
culmination of Science Culmination from Kindergarten to
Month Culmination Program Grade 6
Meeting of Science Club To plan activities for the Meeting of Science Club Science Club Officers Students are able to initiate and
Officers Teacher’s Day Officers and Adviser September 2019 organize activities for the teachers’ day
celebration celebration.
Conduct a short Science Club Officers Students demonstrate respect and
program for the and Members honor for their teachers through
teachers as a simple meaningful activities set to happen
way of showing them Adviser October 2019 during the celebration
Teachers’ Day Execute the activities how much they are
Celebration being planned for the appreciated and how
Teachers’ Day much their hardwork
Celebration. and dedication meant to
the students
Science Club Election of To elect pupil leaders for Students are able to exercise their right
candidates for school the following school year Lead the conduct of the SC Officers, All Grade February 2020 to vote with the sense of understanding
year 2019-2020. and become the next election 3-6 Learners of the significance and importance of
batch for Science Club the Science Club Organization.
Date Project Title Target Accomplishment/s Recommendations
Continue this kind of activity. Not only does
To initiate activities for the Conducted culmination program. Students it help foster the value of leadership, but
July 2018 Nutrition Month month long celebration were assigned task; emceeing, leading also it helps children to be reminded the
Culmination celebration and the culmination the prayer and preparing the venue. value of taking good care of one’s health.
program Such is the most basic thing to do as a
person who holds the value of being
Improve the activity. Children needed more
September Science Month To plan out activities for the Conducted culmination program. Students engagement and participation in this kind
2018 celebration of Science Month took part by performing dance of activity. Activities anchored to science
presentations. would be best to augment their knowledge
and appreciation towards this subject or
field, in general.
October 2018 Teachers’ Day To plan activities for the Conducted and initiated the program. Continue the activity. It is encouraged that
Celebration program in honor to teachers children be given this opportune time to
plan an event by themselves, with limited
or without adult intervention.
Early Lead in the cleaning of school
January 2019 Registration indoor stage, the venue of the Performed the task. Sustain the activity
early registration
Science Club Assist in the facilitation of the
February 2019 Election of Science Club election of Performed the task. Sustain the activity.
Officials officers.
Date Project Title Target Accomplishment/s Recommendations
Nutrition Month Plan and initiate activities for Initiated the following activities:
July 2019 Culmination the upcoming Nutrition Month Feeding Continue giving the planning task to the
Celebration. Science Month Culmination young leaders.
Continue giving the planning task to the
September Science Month To plan out activities for the Conducted culmination program. young leaders to develop in them sense of
2019 celebration of Science Month Students took part by performing leadership and responsibility and an in-
dance presentations. depth understanding of the essence of the
Science Month celebration
Sustain the responsibility given to the young
October 2019 Teachers’ Day Plan and initiate activities for Conducted and initiated the program. leaders. On their own, the officers was able
Celebration the Teachers’ Day to plan and conduct the program.