Adobe Scan 07 Jun 2023

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ASignmen t- 2

Ambaz ku max

Exz Blainin detail alobal

SAta tegies Marketing.
Glabal Maxketing Strategies
Lalobal Metketing stategics Yeguire
LConsiderable invesfmen+
anPaser to Undets tand vari ous
aar keis the ceuntrY,
tadition cultutes,ocal
manersk etique tte
)Cne size doesn'4 fit al, add lacalt laYari
to cunSusaer tastes
2reterenceS brinterests there is nathing
Universal Qbout it Taey di ffer fyom
coUn try to
ap evels, countrY,clinatic
customS k
strategy with good Suceess
2. Understand the cul ura) ditferences
When geing tor btanding acros s difereu
cauntriekiis better to do someglobal p
matketing yesearch 6n what he woYd or
mean inhat
Lwords mearn in. country

foreramp lei na SPain ch ey role t'sNava

Failed misetably not be cavseit was a E
bad roduct but No- Va means no- o i
SPanis h.

3 Tie-uP with a localPartney whoundtrs tandl

he lo. cal Maxketi

In many countries,it IS not mass medi

Camfain oney Pumfed into arketing
t dis txibuhio that wibing. Yesult
Agosd Unders tanding afue local arket.
isa Pre - regusi teoY SVCcessk
hest wa) to LnsureiS hrough aiaint ventre.
global marketins ztneYships or mayketing.
+ie- up with a. far tney inhe SaSa me
4. Productipn , marketing logiskics
Wh advances A technalgy bediey logktics
Ccon omies Scale,it is Possible foy
the Patcnt Con Pany to desin e Prodyct
n theix keadquarters or h an
energing maxket
Ahem tabricated in a differet
coUntry, olo the mafuc toris there -
exPort it other coUntries.

Planthe globalCampaian
Cnce a Predrck is laumched the glabal
Campaighhas to begin
It has to be vndertaken bya goba
marketing agency.
They haVe too take care of the cYeative
YAediaPlanain hoarclings othe mass
PpLcidy cam Paig nsinasso siation with
the snazk,eting deay in theglahal rketing
Comfany .

The camAn lg ns have tobe transla ted

localized b yelevant
LFor speci tic mar kets

.faentiate befuten globalaar keting k

Internationat nay ke tin

Global 7 rleti n. bsteynatio nal Marketine


eaning Glo bal maykesing is thebater natosal Plarketisg

artlicati'tn atasingle efes to the comlany's
rlarkebing sdrates yin Peneratinn intoFAe fros t
+he world wide M ie marletsgfdift erent
Prod vetorSevvice: Contris by directx..
6Y Serve
Sfandavd Produet o Customized troci ar.
Servie Sey vic e

Cz0ss culhuzal mavkebin4Native artetin

ivg Personne emtlbyed at the emeloyee Placedin
Comtany's headoftice htarstt fore igm

T'azketigl Yeauires intonse ayketl4 Comfrstively needs

Kestaoc.hxesearch due o he com fe less research k cievelohne E
SPhysical absencein the bm t Since the contany
Desolotent ros fective globalhykethas a hysical Cxistence
inthe internatibmal
SaYket Can-analyze
acmavke t

Less Cstox engagCmeai

Customey trgagtmtnt is
LUstomcridue to t dstat Trettel Q,uite high
kngagerent law cus ta maynttyactins Ibcal rescnedeeto the
b mltrle.
(om njpmiCation channels
AL the budyekingactiviti Tht. in iernatihnal
Dlarketix for glabal mzetns subsdi
lazit Pexterm bdieting
lactiuihes at the leeal
Lamteny Aendgaszkz. eye

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