Drama Script KAATKOTRT

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(King Arthur rests on his throne with Merlin by his side. Enter: Lady Mordred and Lady Agravain).

Merlin: Ladies, why have you come? The king is resting, and he does not want to be disturbed.

(Lady Agravain stands near Merlin, and Lady Mordred approaches King Arthur).

Mordred: I have no time for you, old man. Father, wake up!

Agravain: Be cautious with your words, Lady Mordred! He is a mage, after all…

(Lady Mordred ignores Lady Agravain’s advice and shakes her father).

Arthur: Daughter, what’s going on? I am trying to sleep!

Mordred: Father, you must follow me. I have something interesting to show you!

Arthur: (sigh) I doubt it, but I will let you lead me.

(Lady Mordred leads them to the other side of the stage. Enter: Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot).

Guinevere: I wish I hadn’t followed my father’s advice to marry King Arthur. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t
be in this mess. I hate lying to him, but I just can’t help myself. He is too impulsive for my liking!

Lancelot: Unfortunately, that is a past decision, something we cannot change. Let’s rather focus on
the future. Should we continue our ruse of not associating with one another? I feel guilty for
betraying Arthur, my best friend, like this.

Arthur: Betray me? What are you talking about? What is going on here?

(Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot are surprised).

Merlin: Let’s calm down, my king. Let’s not rush to any conclusions, I’m sure this is a

Mordred: Let me tell you, father, this isn’t a misunderstanding. Can you see how disloyal your
subjects are?

Agravain: Lady Mordred! Stop it! You are causing problems!

Mordred: Why would I care? Here is proof of treason within your kingdom, father!

Guinevere: Arthur, you know we would never do that! I love you and the kingdom. My loyalty should
not have to be questioned.

Lancelot: Yes! Arthur, you are my best friend and her husband, we would never do that. We are loyal!

Mordred: Then what were you discussing before we arrived?

Agravain: I am curious, and scared, to know the answer to that. You sounded very suspicious.

Merlin: Quiet down, you two! The king doesn’t need other advisors besides me! Let him think.

Arthur: All of you be quiet. I am torn. My daughter would not make stories up and you two have
been suspicious lately. But, you are all telling me different versions of the story!

Lancelot: That’s not true! Lady Mordred clearly wants your throne and is making up stories about us
to get it! You know how she is.

Mordred: That’s absurd! How could you accuse me of that? I am more loyal than you ever will be!
Agravain: This has gone too far. My king, I’ll testify against them! They are guilty and should be

Guinevere: How could you accuse me like that? Lady Agravain, I am your queen. A superior leader for
you. And Lady Mordred, you are my stepdaughter. Do you feel nothing for your family? You are
supposed to have faith in me as your stepmother!

Agravain: I…my queen…

Merlin: Enough! Everyone, calm down! Or else I will be forced to use my magic on you! I know some
very painful curses.

Arthur: Must you be so involved, Merlin? The fate of the kingdom depends on this, and you are
getting in the way!

Mordred: Father, it’s clear that this is treason!

Arthur: Without wasting my time, Guinevere, and Lancelot, what do you have to say?

Guinevere: My king, we were simply planning a banquet for you! Sir Lancelot is exceptional at
organisation! I felt I could not trust any of the staff.

Mordred: Of course! Because it’s so normal for a queen to be helped by a knight for planning!

Agravain: Yes! She is obviously lying!

Lancelot: Okay. I confess, we are in love! We never meant any harm to you, my king! I take full
responsibility and I don’t want you to punish Guinevere.

Guinevere: Lancelot, how could you? You are a fool!

Mordred: Finally! I was getting so bored. Lady Agravain, seize her!

(Sir Mordred seizes Sir Lancelot; Sir Agravain seizes Queen Guinevere).

Agravain: Shame on you Lancelot! You betrayed us and the king.

Merlin: You knights are so dramatic! Arthur, just tell me which curse I should spell them with and I

Mordred: No! Let me do it. He is too old.

Merlin: Oh dear, this will not end well!

Arthur: Shut up both of you! I will punish them in my own way. Ladies, lead them away to the

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