ECC Manual-Vortex Flow Meter

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Vortex Flow Meter - Operational


120, Jalan Bakawali 52,
Johor Jaya, 81100,
Johor Bahru, Johor.

Contact: 018-236 7662

Email address:
[email protected]

Part Ⅰ:

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Working Principle
Ⅲ. Technical Parameters
Ⅲ. Ⅰ Physical Parameters
Ⅲ. Ⅱ Electrical parameters
Ⅲ. Ⅲ Model Selection Parameters
Ⅳ. Installation Instruction
Appendix Ⅰ: Functions Schedule of all Models
Appendix Ⅱ: Configuration Size of Flange Connection Models
Appendix Ⅲ: Configuration Size of Wafer Connection Models

Part II:

I. Functional characteristics of intelligent amplifier

II. Technical parameters
III. Installation
IV. Interface display
V. Menu setting
VI. Setting method of linear correction coefficients
VII. Communication functions
Appendix 1 Connection diagram of intelligent amplifier
Appendix 2 Calibration method
Appendix 3 Basic formula
Part Ⅰ:

Ⅰ. Vortex Flowmeter Instruction Vortex Flowmeter is on the principle of Karman street, to measure liquid,
gas and vapor even turbid liquid including micro grain and impurity. Applications: petroleum, chemical
industry, paper making, metallurgy, electric force, environmental protection, food industry and etc.

Ⅱ. Working Principle LUGB & LUCB Vortex flowmeter work on the principle of generated vortex and
relation between vortex and flow by theory of Karman and Strouhal, which specialize in measurement of
steam, gas and liquid of lower viscosity. As shown in below illustration, medium flows through bluff body
and then vortex is generated, vortices are alternately formed on both sides with opposite directions of
rotation, Vortices frequency is directly proportional to medium velocity. Through numbers of vortices that is
measured by sensor head, medium velocity is calculated, plus flowmeter diameter, final volume flow come

Computational formula as follows:

F=St*V/md ……………………………….........………….……… Formula 1

Q=3600*F/K …………………………….........………….………Formula 2

M=Q*ρ ……………………………….........…………….………… Formula 3

Among Formula:

F…… Fluid flow through bluff body generate frequency of vortex (Unit: Hz)

St… Strouhal constant (zero dimension)

V……Mean velocity of fluid inside the pipeline (Unit: m/s)

m……The ratio between Lune Circulation area of bluff body at both sides and cross-sectional area (Unit: zero

d…… Upstream face width of bluff body inside vortex flowmeter (Unit: m)

D…… Inside diameter (ID) of vortex flowmeter (Unit: m)

Q…… Instantaneous volume flow (Unit: m3 / h)

K…… Instrument coefficient of vortex flowmeter (Unit: pulses / m3)

M…… Instantaneous mass flow (Unit: kg/ h)

ρ...…. Fluid density (Unit: kg/ m3)

Note: vortex flowmeter "K" coefficient is corresponding with one diameter, the exact ''K" value should be
calibrated in practice. Viz. one cubic meter fluid through sensor output numbers of pulse under working

Ⅲ. Technical Parameters

Ⅲ. Ⅰ Physical Parameters

Medium: liquid, gas (including natural gas), steam (saturated steam and superheated steam)

Normal diameter

LUGB Pipeline-version: DN10-DN500

LUCB insertion-version: DN200-DN2000


LUGB Pipeline-version: 1.0% 1.5% (0.2% & 0.5% supply by negotiation)

LUCB insertion-version: 2.5% (1.0%&1.5% supply by negotiation)


Velocity scope of flow about intelligent digital filtering vortex flowmeter

Liquid (0.30 m/s…10 m/s), Gas/steam (3.0 m/s…90 m/s)

Normal pressure:

LUGB pipeline-version wafer connection: DN10-DN500 (priority PN2.5MPa)

LUGB pipeline-version flange connection: DN10-DN80 (priority PN2.5MPa)

DN100-DN200 (priority PN1.6MPa)

DN250-DN500 (priority PN1.0MPa)

LUCB insertion-version attachment flange: DN200-DN2000 (priority PN1.6MPa)

Note: wafer-version vortex flowmeter assembly made-to-order flanges, when flowmeter leave factory
including companion flanges. We are able to provide GB/T9119-2000, ANSI/ASME, DIN. JIS. KS....
Standard flanges (GB-China standard priority), pressure class recommend priority level.
Medium temperature

LUGB pipeline-version: -40°C ~ +160°C -40°C ~ +280°C -40°C ~ +350°C -40°C~ +420°C

LUCB insertion-version: -40°C ~ +160°C -40°C~ +200°C

Ambient conditions:

Ambient temperature: -20℃~+60℃ (normal); -20℃~ +40℃ (explosion-proof )

Relative humidity (RH): 5% - 95%RH

Atmospheric Pressure: 86kPa -106kPa

Electrical Interface: M20*1.5 internal thread (priority).

Protection level: IP65 (IP67, IP68 supply by negotiation)

Explosion-proof class: Intrinsic safety ExiaⅡCT4; ExibⅡCT4; Flame-proof ExdⅡCT6

Main body material: stainless steel (other material supply by negotiation)

Pressure lose: △P≤1.2ρ 工 V2 (△P unit is Pa, ρ unit is kg/m3,V unit is m /s)

Calibration method: all flowmeters should be calibrated in the way of lower reaches taking pressure before
flowmeters leave factory.

Ⅲ. Ⅱ Electrical Parameter

Signal output:

1. Instantaneous flow under working condition corresponding voltage-frequency- pulse output (lower
PWL≤1V, higher PWL≥6V)

2. Instantaneous flow under standard condition corresponding voltage-frequency- pulse output (lower
PWL≤1V, higher PWL≥6V)

3. Instantaneous flow under standard condition pulse equivalent output (lower PWL≤1V, higher PWL≥6V)

4. Instantaneous flow under working condition corresponding two-wire or three-wire 4~20mA output (
load resistance≤300Ω)

5. Instantaneous flow under standard condition corresponding two-wire or three-wire 4~20mA output (
load resistance≤300Ω)

Communication interface: RS485; HART

Display mode:
A. Intelligent numeric alphabetic display type: twin-row numeric alphabetic LCD (instantaneous flow rate
and totalizer)

B. Intelligent dot matrix LCD: Chinese or English 128*64 dot matrix LCD (instantaneous flow rate,
totalizer, temperature and pressure under working condition, battery voltage or density under working
condition, instantaneous flow rate under working condition, send-out, time, menu modify records, power-
off records, etc.)

Ⅲ. Ⅲ Model selection parameters

Ⅲ. Ⅲ. Ⅰ

LUGB and LUCB Vortex Flowmeter configuration & size

LUGB wafer connection vortex flowmeter: special companion flanges.

LUGB flange connection vortex flowmeter: see appendix 3 & 4 flanges size of configuration. we are able to
provide GB (China); ANSI; DIN; JIS and etc.

LUCB insertion-version vortex flowmeter: flanges choose DN100 standard flange (reference GB9119-2000 )

Dimensions of vortex flowmeter as per fig2 and fig1.

LUGB and LUCB vortex flowmeter max configuration size fig. 1 (unit: mm)

DN H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 D1 D2 D3 L1 L2 L3 L4

10 441 428 90 50 200

15 445 430 95 50 200

20 450 435 100 50 200

25 451 440 455 428 100 60 50 200 275

532 456 452 468 432 105 65 54 200 275

40 435 468 477 505 505 477 92 92 78 200 112 275

50 438 480 484 518 518 484 98 98 78 200 112 275

65 453 502 495 535 535 495 110 110 78 200 112 275

80 476 515 519 550 550 519 134 134 90 225 112 300

100 499 534 543 571 571 543 158 158 78 250 112 350

125 520 564 560 599 599 560 175 175 78 275 112 375

150 545 593 585 631 631 585 200 200 100 300 140 400

200 595 647 635 682 682 530 1150 695 250 250 100 120 350 160 450

250 645 700 685 735 735 530 1150 685 300 300 125 140 400 180 500

300 695 750 735 785 785 580 1200 735 350 350 150 160 450 200 550

350 745 805 785 840 840 580 1200 785 400 400 175 165 500 220 600

400 795 861 935 895 895 630 1250 835 450 450 200 185 550 240 650

450 845 910 885 945 945 630 1250 885 500 500 225 205 600 260 700

500 895 965 935 998 998 680 1300 935 550 550 250 225 650 280 750

600 730 1350 300

800 830 1450 400

1000 930 1550 500

1200 1130 1650 600

1500 1230 1750 700

1800 1330 1850 800

2000 1430 1950 900

Ⅲ. Ⅲ. Ⅱ. Model Selection

LUGB Pipeline-version Vortex Flowmeter

LUCB Insertion-version Vortex Flowmeter

A. LUGB Pipelined Vortex Flowmeter Connection amplifier

and sensor:

1. flange Connection (P/T compensation required)

2. wafer Connection (Priority)

B. Measurable medium:

1. Gas, Liquid, Steam- (Digital Filtering Intelligent Display)

2. Liquid

3. Gas

4. Saturated steam & superheated steam

D. Signal output I. Amplifier installation
0. voltage pulse (lower PWL≤1V, higher PWL≥6V, pulse ≥10uS) 0. integration between transmitter and sensor (compact
1. two-wire 4~20mA version)

2. without signal output and status display (flow rate, 1. amplifier separate from sensor (remote distance
totalizer ......) ≤10m, mismatching vortex flowmeter with
3. pulse equivalent (intelligent amplifier priority)
2. submergible version
4. three-wire 4~20mA
J. Amplifier power supply
5. other
0 12VDC
E. Measurable high temperature medium: 0 -40°C ~
150 °C 1 24VDC (Digital filtering type required)

1 -40°C ~ 280 °C (LUCB mode200°C) 2 3.6V Li Battery (LCD screen without signal output
2 -40°C ~ 350 °C (mismatching LUCB insertion-
version) 3 3.6V & 24VDC (LCD screen with signal output
3 -40°C ~ 420 °C (patent)
K. Measuring Functions & amplifier display version:
F. Explosion-proof class
0. without compensation (w/o T/P compensation
0. without explosion-proof certificate and its protection function)
level - IP65 (IP67, IP68)
1. status display / gas temperature & pressure
1. intrinsic safety ExiaⅡCT4; ExibⅡCT4 compensation / intelligent amplifier compact version
(intelligent amplifier only with flange connection)
2. flame-proof ExdⅡCT6
(matching either 4-20mA output or voltage pulse
G. Amplifier display version output, pulse lower PWL≤1V, higher PWL≥6V, pulse
duty-factor 50%)
0 without status display
2. Status display / superheated steam temperature &
1 status display (note: factory settings of fluid flow
pressure compensation / intelligent amplifier compact
direction is from left to right, if special requirement,
version (intelligent amplifier only with flange
please advise manufacturer in advance.)
connection) (superheated steam and saturated steam
H. Accuracy 0 expert) (density for compensation calculation and
display mass flow) (matching either 4-20mA output or
1.0% (Priority for LUGB) 1 0.5% (LUGB only) voltage pulse output, pulse lower PWL≤1V, higher
2 0.2% (LUGB only, by negotiation supply) PWL≥6V, pulse duty-factor 50%)

3 2.5% (priority for LUCB) 3. Status display with temperature compensation

(intelligent amplifier only with flange connection or
4 1.5% (LUCB by negotiation supply) wafer connection) (saturated steam expert) (via
temperature and do density compensation calculation 2 RS232 (intelligent amplifier only)
display mass flow) (matching either 4-20mA output or
N. HART protocol
voltage pulse output, pulse lower PWL≤1V, higher
PWL≥6V, pulse duty-factor 50%) 0. without HART protocol
4. Status display with pressure compensation ( 1. with HART protocol (supply by negotiation)
intelligent amplifier only with flange connection or
wafer connection ) ( saturated steam expert) ( via P. LUCB Insertion-Vortex Flowmeter 's Connection
pressure and do density compensation calculation between amplifier and sensor
display mass flow) (matching either 4-20mA output or 0. stop medium flow to dismantle
voltage pulse output, pulse lower PWL≤1V, higher
PWL≥6V, pulse duty-factor 50% ) 1. keep medium flow to dismantle

L. LUGB Pipeline-version Vortex Flowmeter Sensor Q. The mode of wave filtering

Head Installation
0. common mode
0 stop medium flow to dismantle sensor head
1. Intelligent Digital filtering mode
1 keep medium flow to dismantle sensor head
R. LUCB Insertion-version Vortex flanges pressure
(medium temp ≥350°C is required)
M. Communication
0. PN1.6Mpa (priority)
0. without communication
1. PN2.5MPa (pressure class >2.5 MPa supply by
1 RS485 (intelligent amplifier only) negotiation)

Attention: integrated P/T compensation Compact vortex apply in steam measurement, if designing drainage
receiver configuration. Then Horizontal Installation is required. If vertical installation or leaning installation
condensing drainage loop receiver is required.

Notes: each functions see appendix one.

3.3.3. LUGB pipeline-version vortex flowmeter measurable flow range (refer to Fig2~5)

Notes: when choose vortex flowmeter that keep medium flow with dismountable sensor head or vortex
flowmeter with accuracy is ±0.5%, the lower limit of flow range is 1.5 times of corresponding value from fig
2~4, upper limit multiplied by 0.8

LUGB vortex flowmeter measurable liquid of different density corresponding with flow range under working
condition fig. 2

LUGB Vortex flowmeter measure gas of different density corresponding with flow range under standard
condition fig.3

Conversion formula of gas volume flow under working condition & volume flow under standard condition:

Q=Q*P*Z*(273.15+T)/[(P+P) *(273.15+T)] ---FORMULA 4

Among formula:

Q --- volume flow under working condition (unit: m3 /h)

P --- gas pressure under working condition (unit: Mpa)

T--- gas temperature under working condition (unit: ℃)

Z ----- gas relative compressibility Z=Z 工/Z (zero dimension)

Q --- volume flow under standard condition (unit: m3 /h)

P --- Atm press under standard condition (take absolute pressure =0.101325 MPa)

T --- temperature under standard condition (0℃ or 20℃)

P-- local Atm press (unit: MPa)

LUGB Vortex flowmeter measure saturated steam of different density corresponding with flow range under
working condition fig.4
MPa 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.00

℃ 120 134 144 152 159 165 175 180 184 192 204 215

Kg/m3 1.12 1.67 2.19 2.68 3.18 3.67 4.62 5.16 5.63 6.67 8.52 10.57

mm Range Different steam density corresponding with its measurable flow range

10 Qmin 1.55 22.8 2.99 3.68 4.46 5.10 6.48 7.27 7.82 9.11 11.8 14.6 (unit)
Qmax 15.5 229 30.0 36.9 44.6 51.0 64.8 72.8 78.2 91.1 119 146

15 Qmin 3.50 5.15 6.74 8.29 10.0 11.4 14.5 16.3 17.6 20.5 26.7 32.9

Qmax 35.0 51.5 67.4 83.0 100 115 146 163 176 205 268 329

20 Qmin 6.22 9.15 11.9 14.7 17.8 20.4 25.9 29.1 31.3 36.4 47.5 58.5

Qmax 62.2 91.6 120 147 178 204 259 291 313 365 476 586

25 Qmin 9.71 14.3 18.6 23.0 27.9 31.8 40.5 45.4 48.9 56.9 74.3 91.4

Qmax 97.1 143 187 230 279 318 405 454 489 569 743 914

32 Qmin 15.9 23.3 30.6 37.7 45.7 52.2 66.3 74.5 80.1 93.3 121 149

Qmax 159 234 306 378 457 522 664 745 802 933 1218 1499

40 Qmin 23 33 43 53 64 73 93 100 110 130 170 210

Qmax 300 440 575 710 860 980 1250 1400 1500 1750 2280 2810

50 Qmin 35 35 52 63 76 88 111 125 130 150 200 250

Qmax 550 460 680 845 1020 1170 1480 1670 1800 2100 2730 3360

65 Qmin 59 87 114 137 166 190 240 276 297 345 450 550

Qmax 790 1160 1520 1835 2222 2540 3230 3620 3970 4620 6030 7422

80 Qmin 89.5 131 172 212 257 290 370 410 450 520 680 840

Qmax 1195 1760 2300 2800 3400 3900 4900 5580 6000 6999 9100 11000

100 Qmin 0.14 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.40 0.46 0.58 0.65 0.70 0.82 1.00 1.30 (unit)
Qmax 1.87 2.75 3.60 4.43 5.36 6.12 7.78 8.73 9.40 11 14.3 17.6

125 Qmin 0.22 0.32 0.42 0.51 0.62 0.71 0.91 1.00 1.10 1.28 1.67 2.00

Qmax 2.91 4.29 5.62 6.91 8.37 9.56 12 13.6 14.7 17 22.3 27.4

150 Qmin 0.32 0.46 0.60 0.74 0.90 1.03 1.31 1.47 1.58 1.84 2.40 2.96

Qmax 4.20 6.18 8.09 9.96 12 13.8 17.5 19.6 21.1 24.6 32.1 39.5

200 Qmin 0.56 0.82 1.08 1.32 1.60 1.83 2.33 2.61 2.81 3.28 4.28 5.27

Qmax 7.50 11 14.4 17.7 21.4 24.5 31.1 35 37.6 43.7 57.1 70.3

250 Qmin 0.87 1.28 1.68 2.0 2.51 2.87 3.64 4.09 4.40 5.10 6.69 8.20

Qmax 11.6 17 22 27.6 33 38 48 54 58.7 68 89 110

300 Qmin 1.25 1.85 2.42 2.98 3.61 4.13 5.25 5.89 6.34 7.38 9.60 11.8

Qmax 16.7 24.7 32 39 48 55 70 78 84 98 128 158

350 Qmin 1.71 2.52 3.30 4.06 4.92 5.62 7.15 8.02 8.60 10.0 13 16

Qmax 22.8 33.6 44 54 65 74.9 95 106 115 133 174 215

400 Qmin 2.24 3.29 4.30 5.30 6.40 7.30 9.30 10.5 11.2 1301 17 21

Qmax 29 43.5 57 70 85 97 124 139 150 174 228 281

450 Qmin 2.83 4.17 5.45 6.72 8.13 9.29 11.8 13.2 14.2 16.6 21.6 26.6

Qmax 37 56 72 89 108 123 157 176 190 221 289 355

500 Qmin 3.49 5.15 6.74 8.29 12.3 14 17.9 20.1 21.6 25.2 33 40.5

Qmax 46 68 89.8 110 164 188 239 268 289 336 439 540

LUCB insertion-version vortex flowmeter measurable flow range under working condition and its calculation.
See fig. 7
LUCB insertion-version vortex flowmeter measure liquid of different density corresponding with flow range
under working condition. Fig.7

Notes: fig.7 that is accuracy ±2.5% of insertion-version vortex flowmeter flow range. When accuracy is better
than ±2.5%, velocity of flow = lower limit of velocity multiplied by coefficient R(R=2-3), the upper limit
multiplied by 0.8.
LUCB insertion-version vortex flowmeter measurable medium flow range calculation under working condition.
Gas & liquid: min volume flow formula under working condition
Qmin=3600*Vmin*(π*D2 /4) ----------------------------------------- Formula 5
Gas & liquid: max volume flow formula under working condition
Qmax=3600*Vmax*(π*D2 /4) -----------------------------------------Formula 6
Gas: min volume flow formula under standard condition
QNmin=Qmin *[ P+P *(273.15+T)] / [P*Z*(273.15+T)] ----Formula 7
Gas: max volume flow formula under standard condition
QNmax=Qmax *[(P +P )*(273.15+T ]/ [P *Z*(273.15+T)]---------Formula 8
Gas: density formula under working condition
ρ=ρn[(P+ P)*(273.15+T)]/ [P*Z*(273.15+ T)] ----------- Formula 9
Among (insertion-version vortex flowmeter):
Qmin -- min volume flow under working condition (unit: m3 /h)
Qmax -- max volume flow under working condition (unit: m3 /h)
Vmin -- min velocity under working condition (unit: m/s refer to fig.7)
Vmax -- max velocity under working condition (unit: m/s refer to fig.7)
D ----- nominal diameter of insertion-version vortex flowmeter (unit: m)
π----- circumference ratio 3.1415926535898
QNmin - gas min volume flow under standard condition (unit: m3 /h)
QNmax - gas max volume flow under standard condition (unit: m3 /h)
T ---- temperature under standard condition, general is 0℃ or 20℃. (unit: ℃)
T ---- measurable gas temperature under working condition (unit: ℃)
P ---- normal atmospheric pressure (=0.101325MPa)
P ---- measurable gas pressure under working condition (unit: MPa )
Z ----- measurable fluid relative compressibility Z=Z 工/Z
ρ----- gas density under working condition (unit: kg/m3)
ρn---- gas density under standard state (unit: kg/m3; temp is 0℃ or 20℃, absolute pressure is 0.101325MPa,
among formula 9 the temperature is the same between T and ρn corresponding temp. Several normal gas density
under standard state see fig. 6)
P ---- local atmospheric pressure ( unit : MPa )
LUCB insertion-version vortex flowmeter Numerical Methods of flow range matching steam measurement:
According to steam temperature and pressure refer to fig.4 & fig.5 then gain exact density "ρ" under working
According to steam density "ρ" under working condition, refer to fig.7 then gain max/min velocity of flow under
working condition " Vmax/Vmin ".
According to pipe diameter of insertion-version vortex flowmeter, through Formula 5 and Formula 6 calculate
min volume under working condition or max volume.
The final density "ρ" under working condition x Qmin or Qmax = mass flow range.
Ⅳ Installation Instruction
Installation Place and Environment Selection
Try to avoid strong power equipment, high-frequency equipment and strong power switchgear.
Try to avoid high-temp thermal source and source of radiant heating; outdoor installation should do some
measures of sun-shading and rain shelter.
Try to avoid shock places and corrosion environment; meanwhile, easy maintenance should be considered.
Reasonable and correct installation position.
Installation position should avoid strong shock pipeline, or take some measures of shock absorption.
Horizontal, vertical and slanting installation. Liquid measuring ensure flow direction from low to high. Gas
measuring, direction no required. When measuring vapor or high-temp gas, flow meter body pillar should be at
an angle of 45 Deg with vertical direction.
Grounding requirement.
When pipelines without available grounding conditions, a ground-wire is essential between housing and earth.
Straight length requirement
In order to correct measurement, upstream or downstream of flow meter should obligate enough straight length.
No components to effect fluid velocity in upstream of flow meter. All types of straight length installation

Installation and welding of flow meter

LUGB Vortex diameter is accordant to upstream and downstream tubing diameter at installation point; sensor is
concentric with pipeline; prohibit gaskets between sensor and flanges bulge out into pipeline. Make sure that the
connection end face of insertion-version vortex flowmeter parallel to the pipe axis. Details as per fig.4.
After initial installation, when medium is steam or other high-temp medium, flanges & bolts should be re-
tightened when medium full of pipeline. Do heat reservation measures for pipeline in order to protect amplifier

Be attention: concerning P/T compensation integrated vortex flow meter, to avoid high-temp or liner shock
damage pressure transmitter, Pressure control valve must be closed before medium is full of pipeline. When
medium full of pipeline meanwhile approaching working temperature and pressure, slowly turn on control valve.
Pressure tapping and pressure detector should be done heat reservation if flow meter outdoor installation.

Notes: LUGB flange connection vortex flowmeter its flange pressure class: DN10-DN80 is PN2.5MPa; DN100-
DN200 is PN1.6MPa; DN250-DN500 is PN1.0MPa; if over above pressure class, please mention clearly in
purchasing order. GB (China flange standard follows GB9119-2000). International standard, such as
ANSI/DIN/JIS... Please customer provide clear model number.

Notes: companion flanges for wafer connection follows PN2.5MPa pressure class, when over 2.5MPa please
make clearly mention.
Part II:
I. Functional characteristics of intelligent amplifier
To apply a variety of flowmeter: It be used in vortex street flowmeter, rotary vortex flowmeter and turbine
Manipulator setting function: A manipulator can set up multiple amplifiers of the same type. Automatic recovery
function: The amplifier has factory parameter backup function. When the instrument parameter is out of order,
the user can restore the factory parameters and ensure the normal measurement of the instrument only through
the "restore factory settings" function in the menu.
Temperature and pressure compensation function: Amplifier software is built with a variety of measurement
compensation model with different media.
Output form: The amplifier provides a wide range of output options for the user, including "work frequency
output", "equivalent pulse output", and "three wire" 4-20mA current output". The upper limit of the current output
can be set in the menu by the button, so there is no need to re check zero and fullness.
The linear correction function: The amplifier software provides a linear differential coefficient algorithm for 10
point instruments, which can be adjusted linearly at most 10 points according to the actual calibration situation,
so as to improve the measurement accuracy of the flowmeter.
The output protection function: The amplifier adopts isolated power supply design, with overvoltage and
overcurrent protection circuit function. When the 4-20mA current output is selected, if the current corresponding
to the current exceeds 20.8mA, the system will stabilize the current value at 20.8mA without increase to prevent
excessive current.
The input protection function: With the over-voltage and over-current protection function at the input end, it may
prevent the amplifier from the peak voltage or current.
Automatic zero adjustment function: The amplifier has automatic zero adjustment function. When the flow in
the pipeline is zero, the instrument zero setting can be automatically completed by just touching the button for
more than 10 seconds.
Power on and off inquiry function: It can check the power on and off time in the recent 10 times.
The measurement protocol function: Set up the upper limit and lower limit of protocol based on the value agreed
by both parties.
Compensation calculation function for density and compression coefficient: When the instrument lacks
compensation components (Thermal resistance, pressure sensor) and requires displaying quality and flow, the
user only needs to select the compensation mode of the corresponding medium and put the working temperature
and pressure of the medium, and the software can automatically calculate the working density and the mass flow
of the medium; during “gas temperature pressure compensation” and “natural gas temperature pressure
compensation ” , the method can also be used to calculate the working conditions, compression coefficient, mass
flow rate or standard volume flow rate of the gas.
II. Technical parameters
Operating voltage: 24VDC±10%
Load resistance: When the output current, load resistance should be≤300Ω (including wire resistance)
Display mode: 128×64 LED display in Chinese or English (the software setting may be in both Chinese and
Compensation mode: arbitrary arbitration of no compensation, temperature compensation, pressure
compensation and temperature compensation
Display contents: instantaneous flow, cumulative flow, temperature, operating pressure, operating frequency
(pulse equivalent / current value), working volume, input frequency, load density (compression coefficient), limit
flow accumulation, amplifier temperature, number of modifying menu, the current time, outage time, etc.
Output signal:
The instantaneous flow corresponds to the frequency pulse (low level ≤1V; high level ≥10V; Equal pulse width)
The instantaneous flow corresponds to the equivalent pulse (low level ≤1V; high level ≥10V; Equal pulse width);
Isolated three wire 4-20mA output corresponding to display instantaneous flow Communication mode: RS485
(standard MODBUS-RTU protocol)
Measuring medium: Liquids, gases, natural gas, saturated steam, superheated steam, refined petroleum
Local air pressure: 0.101325MPa Or arbitrary settings
Standard condition temperature: 0℃ Or arbitrary settings
Ambient temperature: -20℃……+55℃; -20℃……+40℃(explosion proof type)
Environmental humidity: 5%--95%
Explosion proof grade: Explosion-proof type ExiaⅡCT4, Explosion-proof type ExdⅡCT6 Protection level:
IP65m IP67
Temperature sensor type: three-wire system PT100
Pressure sensor type: Four wire diffused silicon pressure sensor
Accuracy of temperature display: superior to 0.2% F.S
Accuracy of pressure display: superior to 0.2% F.S
Accuracy of density calculation: superior to 0.1%
Calculation accuracy of compression coefficient: superior to 1%
Amplifier software range:
Superheated steam temperature and pressure compensation: temperature 0~430℃; pressure -0.1~20MPa
Saturation steam compensation: temperature 0~360℃; pressure -0.1~20MPa
Water temperature compensation: temperature 0~430℃; pressure -0.1~20MPa
Oil temperature pressure compensation: temperature (-20℃~150℃) ; density ρ20=800~900kg/m3 (ρ20 is the
density of oil under 20℃, 0.101325MPa)
Natural air temperature pressure compensation: absolute pressure: 0MPa < p≤12MPa Thermodynamic
temperature: 263K≤T≤338K
Mole fraction of CO2: 0≤xCO2≤0.30
Mole fraction of H2: 0≤xH2≤0.10
High calorific power: 20MJ﹒m-3≤Hs≤48MJ﹒m-3
Relative density: 0.55≤d≤0.90
Mole fraction of other components:
CH4: 0.5≤XCH4≤1.4
N2: 0≤XN2≤0.5
C2H6: 0≤XC2H6≤0.2
C3H8: 0≤XC3H8≤0.05
III. Installation
3.1 Intelligent amplifier circuit connection Intelligent amplifier circuit connection is shown in appendix 1.
3.2 Selection of amplifier and converter connection cable and matters needing attention
The connecting wire should select AVPV2*0.5mm2 two-core or AVPV3*0.5mm2 three- core shielded cable
produced by the regular manufacturer. When the cable is connected with the terminal, it should be ensured that
the connection is reliable. In connection, attention shall also be paid to the reliable connection between the shield
and the amplifier housing. When stripping generally, the shielding layer will leave certain margin and the
incoming locking nut will be used to lock it. In this way, the connecting cable is locked, and the shielding layer
and the shell can be tightly connected. When the amplifier housing is not reliably grounded, it is important to
ensure the reliability of the grounding from the outer ground of the amplifier housing a ground wire that is reliably
connected to the ground, which is important for the stable operation of the instrument.

Note: The length of the connecting cable shall be less than 1000 m. The wire circuit resistance is ≤50Ω when
current output; if the wire loop resistance does not meet this requirement, the cable length or the cable cross
sectional area should be considered to reduce the wire loop resistance.

IV. Interface display

Connect 24VDC power supply, display main interface, the main interface is divided into 5 pages and may be
switched through K2. When operating with manipulator, insert the connecting line of manipulator. Long press
the button SET (K1) and the manipulator will begin to receive the instrument data and display the main interface.

Description of Interface display:
 “instantaneous”: display range 0.000-99999999;
 “accumulation”: display range 0.000-999999999;

Note: When the accumulative flow is accumulated to 1000000000, it will be cleared and re-accumulated.
When the unit of flow changes, the accumulated flow value remains the original value. At this point, please
record the original accumulation, then reset it and re accumulate it.

 “temperature”: display range -50.0…430.0℃;

 “gage pressure/absolute pressure”: When the unit is MPa, the display range -
0.1000…20.0000MPa; When the unit is KPa, the display range is -100.0…20000.0KPa; When
the unit is bar, the display range is -1.0…200.0bar.
 “Condition”: show instantaneous operating volume flow,display range 0.000-99999999m3 /h;
 “Density”: display range 0.000-99999999kg/m3;
 “Coefficient”: “flow unit” is set to standard condition volume flow (namely Nm3 /h) and displays
the compression coefficient of medium condition, display range 0.000000-9.999999;
 “Input”: Display the actual frequency measured by the sensor, display range 0.000-9000.0Hz;
 “Output”: Display the corresponding frequency or current output according to the "output type"
settings in the menu
 “Surface temperature”: Display amplifier internal temperature, display range -99.9-+99.9℃;
 “Over limit”: When the metering function is opened, the cumulative flow of excess caps is
displayed, display range 0.000-999999999;

Note: When the accumulative flow is accumulated to 1000000000, it will be cleared and re-accumulated.

 “Menu modification”: Number of times the menu changes are displayed. display range is 0-
9999; when adding to 10000, reset the records;
 Interface 4: display current time, total power down minutes, and system clock on display
 Interface 5: it may display the power on and off records and save the power on and off time in
last 10 times and the start time of “system clock”.
 Description of special display:
A. NULL: This data is not displayed;
B. ERROR: Data error. Please check the menu settings or display the work parameters at this time;
C. OVERRUN: Data runs over display range

V. Menu setting
The menu setting is completed by
5.1 Function of each button
(1) (K1): Enter the set status and set the confirmation of the value;
(2) (K2): Move the cursor's position downward one cycle;
(3) (K3): A choice of 1 or function for the value of the cursor on which the cursor is located;
(4) (K4): Returns the previous menu item.

5.2 Main menu
In the main interface state, press K1 to enter the main menu.
Press the K2 key cycle to select the menu, press the K1 button to enter.

5.3 Main menu of parameter setting

After you select the menu, press K1 to enter the password authentication interface. After you enter the correct
password, you can set the parameters.

Note: the system will automatically withdraw from the "set" state when the parameter setting menu is not
operated for 30 seconds. At this point, the setting parameter value is invalid. The parameter value may take effect
after the storage and exiting

5.3.1 Parameter change menu directory (see table I)

Initial password: 000000

Parameter settings menu directory Table I

1. The table lists all the menu items in the software, which are not all displayed in general; Depending on the
function and settings, certain menu items are blocked;
2. When you enter the menu, you may find that a value is different from the original setting. It is normal that
LED display has not been refreshed. Press K2 button to recover to normal.

5.3.2 Cumulative clearing

The "cumulative clear" menu clears accumulated traffic and power loss records.

5.3.3 Zero set

Zero setting method:
Manual zero setting:
Enter the zero settings menu, modify the zero value, and then save it

(Note: Non-professional personnel cannot adjust manually)

The automatic zero adjustment:

1. Single button zeroing: On the main interface, press zero button or until the indicator is on. It will enter
the automatic setting status. When the indicator is on, the zero adjustment will end.

2. Menu status zeroing: enter the automatic resetting menu. When the zero point is stable, press to save it.

Note: when checking the zero, the pipe flow shall be guaranteed to be zero.

VI. Setting method of linear correction coefficients (Liquid temperature compensation setting method can be
referred to)
F1……F10、K1……K10 is the frequency and coefficient corresponding to the actual target location of the
instrument. The frequency and coefficient of the 10 groups are not set at all, but it must be continuously set from
small to large starting from “frequency I” and “coefficient I”.

The rest Break point frequency and coefficient must keep the original default value 0
Linear correction instrument coefficient algorithm:
1.When F<F1, K=K1;
2.When F1≦F<F2, K=(F-F1) (K2-K1)/(F2-F1) +K1;
3.When F2≦F<F3, K=(F-F2) (K3-K2)/(F3-F2) +K2;
4.When F3≦F<F4, K=(F-F3) (K4-K3)/(F4-F3) +K3;
5.When F4≦F<F5, K=(F-F4) (K5-K4)/(F5-F4) +K4;
6.When F5≦F<F6, K=(F-F5) (K6-K5)/(F6-F5) +K5;
7.When F6≦F<F7, K=(F-F6) (K7-K6)/(F7-F6) +K6;
8.When F7≦F<F8, K=(F-F7) (K8-K7)/(F8-F7) +K7;
9.When F8≦F<F9, K=(F-F8) (K9-K8)/(F9-F8) +K8;
10. When F9≦F<F10, K=(F-F9) (K10-K9)/(F10-F9) +K9;
11.When F10≦F, K=K10
Wherein: F—frequency corresponding to current flow (Hz)
K1……K10—Calibration instrument factor corresponding to F1……F10

Note: if only setting “frequency 1” to “frequency 3” and “coefficient 1” to “coefficient 3”, the rest bending
frequency and coefficients will be set to 0. When the measuring frequency is larger than or equal to “frequency
3”, it will be calculated based on “coefficient 3”.

VII. Communication functions

7.1 Relevant parameter

This instrument has RS485 communication interface and adopts standard MODBUS-RTU communication
protocol. The related parameters are as follows:

7.2Data format
IEEE754 format of Standard single precision floating point number

7.3 data address

This instrument supports only 03 commands to read data, and each data register address is as follows:
1.0000H: Instantaneous flow value
2.0002H: Cumulative flow value
3.0004H: Working condition temperature (No compensation model; 0.0000)
4.0006H: gauge pressure/absolute pressure (No compensation model; 0.0000)
5.0008H: Operating volume flow rate
6.000AH: Working condition density
7.000CH: compressibility (Nonstandard unit of volume, 0.0000)
8.000EH: input frequency
9.0010H: Working frequency output (when it is the output, it is 0.0000)
10.0012H: Equivalent pulse output (not output, 0.0000)
11.0014H: current output (not output, 0.0000)
12.0016H: 0.0000(This address system remains independent of the display data on the instrument interface)
13.0018H: gauge temperature
14.001AH: Transfinite cumulative flow (when the protocol metering is off, it is 0.0000)
15.001BH: Total power loss time (when the system clock is off, it is0.0000)
16.001EH: Menu modification times

7.4 Special transmission data

Transmission data when liquid crystal displays the following information:
 NULL: Transmit data is 0
 ERROR: Transmit data is -1234
 OVERRUN: Transmit data is-8888

Appendix 1 Connection diagram of intelligent amplifier

Appendix 2 Calibration method

(1) When the instrument is calibrated, the “output form” should be set to “frequency of working conditions” and
“small signal cutting number” should be set to 0; after the calibration, set “instrument coefficient” according to
the actual calibration and then restore “output form” and “small signal cutting number” to the original setting.
(2) Fixed point flow stability time: ≥60s

Appendix 3 Basic formula

(1) Instantaneous volume flow


Qv—Operating volume flow rate (unit: m3 /h)

F—Current working frequency (unit: Hz)

K—Instrument coefficient (unit: pulse number /m3)

(2) Instantaneous mass flow rate

Where: Qm—Working condition mass flow rate (unit: kg/h)

ρ—Medium condition density (unit: kg/m3)


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