EZRA Manuscript
EZRA Manuscript
EZRA Manuscript
ABSTRACT: The effects of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and telecommunication masts are stochastic.
The Radio Frequency meter (R.F metre) was used in taking the power density readings from hundred (100) mobile phone
devices at varying distances of 2 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm and seven (7) telecommunication masts at 100 m, 120 m, 140
m, 160 m, 180 m and 200 m. The readings from the phones were taken based on the phone brand, received signal strength,
duration of phone usage, duration of calls and distance variation. The readings from the telecom mast were taken based on
distance variation from the R.F metre.
The maximum average power density of the mobile phones during receiving a call ranged from 0.000 μW/cm 2 at 15 cm to
12.510 0.063 μW/cm2 at 2 cm. The power densities of the radiation emitted by the telecommunication masts at varying
distances in all four directions ranged from 28.7 μW/cm2 at 100 m to 7440.0 μW/cm2 at 200 m. Power densities from the
mobile phones followed the inverse square law where the amount of radiation decreased with increasing distance.
Telecommunication masts power densities increased with increasing distances.
Keyword: Electromagnetic radiation, RF metre, Power density, Cell phones, Telecommunication mast.
The third planet has witnessed diverse breakthroughs of scientific inventions in transition within the chronology of
technology. Technology has a rudimentary function of providing an easier solution to any complex issue with the sole aim
of saving time and energy. Among such advancements is the outburst of cell phones and their telecommunication mast or
towers. Over the years cell phones has made communication easier with or without proximity making greater impacts. As
of 2016, there were 7.4 billion subscriptions worldwide nonetheless the actual number of users is lower as many users own
multiple cell phones. However, whiles it presents itself as a helpful contrivance with the emission and transmission of non-
ionizing type of radiation much concern are being raised about the possible effects of these devices which operates in the
microwave range (450–2100 MHz) of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation
with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz whiles
Electromagnetic radiation are waves (photons/quanta) of electromagnetic field, propagating through space carrying
electromagnetic radiant energy. Visible light is electromagnetic radiation, as are radio, infrared, and X-rays .
Telecommunication masts (cell towers or cell sites) that hold antennas and other communications equipment has flooded
the geographical area of Ghana and are situated close to settlements such as homes, on top of offices, schools etc. These
cell towers work 24 hours per day and so transmit radiations 24 hour per day, and the people living within the radius of
10square of meters from the cell tower will receive 10,000 to 10,000,000 times stronger signal than required for mobile
communication . This is occurring amidst the vast growth of telecommunication service providers in Ghana and West
Africa. Electromagnetic Field (EMF) and waves are an important and main media to carry signals from a particular source
to the desired destination; these signals propagates for miles around with powerful high frequency radio waves (known as
microwaves) to support the use of cellphones as well as Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Wireless LANs, 802.11 networks, Bluetooth
supported devices and more . Mobile towers are especially dangerous because they emit microwaves at a frequency of
1900 MHz . In retrospect to this, researchers seem to be gearing their efforts towards finding out if the electromagnetic
radiation emitted by these devices are harmful or not [5]. Not only if they are harmful but as well if they can cause a degree
[6] [7]
of certain biological effects like brain tumours or other carcinogenic diseases . Wolf and Wolf (2004) have it that in
Israel, based on medical records of people living within 350 metres of a long established telecom mast, exhibited a fourfold
amplified incidence of cancer paralleled with the general population of Israel, and a tenfold upturn specifically among
women, compared with the surrounding locality further from the mast. In Spain it was established in a study that the
strongest five associated significant ill-health effects among those living in the vicinity of two GSM mobile phone base
stations were depressive tendency, fatigue, sleeping disorder, difficulty in concentration and cardiovascular problems.
People living within 50 to 300 meter radius were found to be in the high radiation zone and are more prone to ill-effects of
electromagnetic radiation .Although safety measures to which mobile phones and their base-stations conform surely
protect against excessive microwave heating, there is evidence that the low intensity, pulsed radiation currently used pose
a non-thermal threat [9]. If these threats carries adverse health consequences, existing guidelines would be insufficient. The
radiation used is indeed of very low intensity, but an oscillatory similitude between this pulsed microwave radiation and
certain electrochemical activities of the living human tissues should prompt concern. These should be pointers for future
researches. In the meantime, what this research work sought to do is to look at the stochastic effect of the electromagnetic
radiation emitted by these cell phones and telecommunication masts via a careful analysis of data collected from varieties
of cell phones and telecommunication masts within the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and its
neighbouring environs.
Mathematically, the power of the radiation received by the cell tower or phone can be determined. The formula used for the
determination of the power received by the antenna at a distance R is
Received power (Pr) is directly proportional to the transmitted power (P t), Gain of transmitting(Gt) and Receiving antennas
(Gr), and the square of wavelength of the signal ( ). It is inversely proportional to the square of the distance(R) and
measured in µW/m 2. Also, the power density at any distance from an isotropic antenna is simply the transmitter power
divided by the surface area of a sphere (4πR2) at that distance. The surface area of the sphere increases by the square of the
radius, therefore the power density, P D, (watts/square meter) decreases by the square of the radius as they are inversely
proportional [10].
The power density from an isotropic antenna:
(PD) = Equation 1.2
4 R
The power density at a distant point from a radar with an antenna gain of G t is the power density from an isotropic antenna
multiplied by the radar antenna gain. The units of the power densities from both the mobiles phones and telecommunication
masts were µW/cm 2 and µW/m 2 respectively. Their denominators vary due to the distances taken into consideration in
both cases. The Maximum Average power density reading is main subject of consideration during the measurement as the
values are not discrete when not averaged. Considering the fact that all phone calls are received at the front side of the
mobile phone, all the measurements of the power density were then taken from that direction of the phones. The sample
sizes of different phone brands considered were 100. 32 of which were Samsung phones, 18 iPhones, 11 Infinix phones, 6
Windows phones, 4 Tecno phones, 4 HTC phones, 8 non-smart phones (generally referred to as yams) and 17 other single
brands of mobile phones. The data from these have been put into tables in the appendix.
The research was planned to assess the magnitude (power density) of telecommunication mast radiations on the students
and townsfolks living between 100 and 200 metres radius of mast sites on KNUST campus and its environs. As well mobile
phone radiations emitted by cell phones used by students residing on campus (particularly Brunei hostel) were assessed.
The study areas selected for this research were Ayeduase and Bomso townships all situated at the east and west wings of
KNUST and suburbs of Kumasi in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The inclusion criteria are people living, working or
schooling around 500 metres radius of all the mast sites in KNUST and its environs. The estimated number of
telecommunication masts found in KNUST and its environs are about 15 however 7 of them were closer in proximity to
residential areas and free from obscure places with many impedance and so were considered. These masts belongs to the
major telecommunication networks operating in Ghana namely MTN, Vodafone, Tigo and Airtel. The calculated study
population of KNUST was over 50,000 in number.
The AKTAKOM electromagnetic field (TES-92 ElectroSmog) metre was the instrument used for the measurements of the
radio frequency for this particular research. The RF meter is one which has been used for about 3 times since its calibration
in the year 2015.
It’s a portable device designed for safe measurement of EMF characteristics by isotropic method. Is equipped with 3-channel
sensor and non-directional measurement probe which allows measuring simultaneously on three axes: x, y, z at frequency
ranges from 50mhz to 3.5ghz. It measures the power density of the radiation emitted by the mobile phone and
telecommunication mast at various distances with units’ µw/cm 2 and µw/m 2 respectively.
Figure 1.0. A picture showing a Jig in a safe room used in data measurement in mobile phones.
Fig 1.3. A picture of two telecom masts situated 30m from each other
6% iPhone
Figure 1.4. A Pie Chart showing the percentages (%) of the different brands of phones used.
Considering the first brand of mobile phones thus the Samsung phones; the power density readings followed the inverse
square law as the power density increased with decreasing distances. On stand-by mode all the mobile phones seemed to
give off no maximum average power density reading. This was due to the fact that there were lesser interferences from
other phones due to the secluded area in which the research was conducted. The relationship between power density and
distance to detector for Samsung is shown in Figure 1.4 below.
0.14 Samsung phones
0 5 10 15 20
Distance (cm)
Figure 1.5. A graph of Samsung phones with power densities at varying distances.
The patterns for these mobile phones look the same as the values of their power densities are seen to increase with decreasing
distances. The trend line, which is the dotted straight line, shows the trend for the Galaxy J5 Samsung phone. The graph
only shows the power densities based on varying distances. The common factor among these phones is their signal strength,
3G, and their brand name. Similar relation and concept was seen in the data collected for iPhones and all the other smart
Tecno T410
Samsung GS
0.05 3 mini
0.02 Samsung
Galaxy J5
0 (Samsung
0 2 4 6 Galaxy J5)
The above graph shows a slight and appreciable rise in the power densities as the time duration of the phone calls increases.
S6 Edge
2.5 4G
S3 3G
0.5 S3 4G
0 5 10 15 20
-0.5 (S6 Edge
Distance (cm) 4G)
Figure 1.7. A graph of some Samsung phones with 3G & 4G signal strength against power density at varying distances.
The power densities received in relation to the signal strength of the mobile phones. Four Samsung mobile phones of two
particular brands S3 and S6 Edge respectively each having two different signal strength of either 3G or 4G. From Figure
1.7 it was observed that the distance factor also affected the amount of radiation received from the mobile phone but
comparing the two Samsung phones it was observed that the increase in the signal strength was also a factor in the increase
in the amount of radiation emitted by the phone as the power density is seen to be higher in the S6 Edge cell phone with 4G
signal strength (blue) over the 3G signal strength (black) even though both phones have been used for less than a year. This
is also seen to be the same in the Samsung S3 phones as well, where the Galaxy S3 phone with 4G signal strength (yellow)
is seen to have a higher power density reading as compared to the other with 3G signal strength (violet). The S3 phone with
3G signal strength has been used for 5 years whiles the other with 4G signal strength has been used for 4 years. With this,
the power density is still higher for that with the 4G signal strength. This buttresses the point of the signal strength being a
factor for high radiation exposure in Samsung phones. Also among other smart phones like HTC brand of mobile phones
the highest power densities were seen to be given by the types of phones with 4G signal strength.
600 Linear
0 50 100 150 200 250
The data above was an Airtel mast located at Ayeduase and situated on top of a hostel. The other two directions did not
have readings because those sides were blocked by other buildings towards victory towers hostel and Shepherdsville hostel.
It is observed from the graph that the power densities increased with increasing distance, especially in the West direction.
Figure 4.8 to 4.13 shows the relationship between power densities of various telecom mast with distances
1500 EAST
Linear (EAST)
0 50 100 150 200 250
1500 WEST
0 50 100 150 200 250
The MTN mast was located close to the School of Business at KNUST. This mast when compared also followed the same
pattern of increased power density at increased distance.
8000 WEST
6000 EAST
Linear (EAST)
0 50 100 150 200 250
The graph above is a graph of the power densities of a Vodafone mast at Hall 7(KNUST). The values recorded in the West
direction are observed to be lower as a result of the building, i.e. Hall 7 hostel, which is located in that particular direction
of the mast at a distance of 36.1 m from the mast. The trend line in the graph shows the increase in the power density as the
distance increases. The graphs above show the evidence of an increase in power density with increasing distance. It also
shows the varying power densities in different directions.
The results above are for a sample size of 100 phones and 7 masts. The data for the 100 mobile phones followed the concept
of the inverse square law such that the increase in distance is inversely proportional to the measure of the power densities,
i.e. the higher the distance the lower the power densities. The highest values of power densities were recorded at a distance
of 2cm from the mobile phones whiles low values were recorded at distances of 10cm and 15 cm. The maximum average
power density of the mobile during receiving a call ranged from 0.000 μW/cm2 to12.510 μW/cm2 +0.062 μW/cm2. The
power densities of radiation emitted by the telecommunication masts at varying distances in all four directions ranged from
28.7 μW/cm2at 100 m to 7440.0 μW/cm2 at 200 m.
In retrospect to the results and discussion originating from this project it can therefore be concluded that:
1. The mobile phones were observed to follow the theory of the inverse square law as the power densities decreased
with increasing distances.
2. In relation to the signal strengths, it was observed that the higher the signal strength the higher the power density,
i.e. Phones with 4G signal strength had higher power densities than those with 3G signal strength.
3. The long duration on phone calls caused probable increase in power densities and thus the amount of radiation
4. In the telecommunication masts, the power density increases with increasing distance because of the high gain of
transmission (Gt) as well as interference from other masts.
5. The power density results from the masts varied in different directions due to the attenuation by buildings, trees,
and other means of obstruction.
1. Difficulty in securing or gaining access to different mobile phones from their owners for the setup
2. Interference from two or more different telecom masts sited in a close range to each other within a particular area
3. Difficulty in creating an interference-free safe room.
1. Avoid carrying your mobile phone on your body (e.g. in Pocket or bra)
6. For the Telecommunication Networks & mobile manufacturers information texts on how to reduce exposure can
be sent to users. E.g. Telstra mobile messages sent to mobile customers in Australia.
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Table 1.0. A table of Samsung Smart phones and the power densities of the radiation they emit.
PHONE BRAND NO. OF SIGNAL STAND BY 2cm 5 cm 10 cm 15 cm
Table 2.0. A table of iPhones and the power densities of the radiation they emit.
Table 3.0. A table of Infinix phones and the power densities of the radiation they emit.
PHONE BRAND NO. OF SIGNAL STAND BY 2 cm 5 cm 10 cm 15 cm
Table 5.0. A table of non-smart phones and the power densities of the radiation they emit.
PHONE BRAND NO. OF SIGNAL STAND BY 2 cm 5 cm 10 cm 15 cm
Table 6.0 .A table of the power densities of some brands of phones against the time duration during phone calls.
Table 7.0. A table of telecommunication masts and the power densities of the radiation they emit at
varying distances in 4 different directions
3. MTN Business School East 434.8 460.5 521.4 679.6 761.2 795.1
4. VODAFONE & 5. Behind Brunei North 1482 2569 4079 5268 6821 7440
AIRTEL (0.5m apart) Hostel
6. VODAFONE Commercial Area South 550.2 761.2 1000 1160 1373 1906