General Principles of Law in International

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Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress

19th IASL worldwide Congress, 2013
BALI – Indonesia, October 29 - 30, 2013

International Legitimacy of Sports, Sports Law and

Sports Tourism, and Lex Sportiva

Session Topics and Science
I. Institutional Autonomy of Sport Activities
• Sports Legal Order and Lex Specialist of sport
• International Legitimacy of Sporting Life, Lex Sportiva – Lex Olympica
• International Sports law, Sports and Human Rights in Sports
• International Sports Law and Lex Sportiva


Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos
Prof. University of Athens, Advocate, Attorney-at-law in Supreme Court
and Counsel of State President of IASL

First and foremost, the “General principles of Law”, are connected directly to
the theoretical basis of law in order to face several problems. Apart from this, they
consist a significant interpretation tool in the hands of the law applier aiming to the
correctness of the conferment of law as well as the solidity of the decisions.
The presence of such principles of law, in the international field, consists a
warranty of uniformity and effective conferment of law, as well as its internal
function and its unity.
Throughout the research that in the applicable framework of the Lex sportiva
order, it results that there are several categories, apart from those of the general
principles that are finding application. A) The general principles of law as unde-
niable principles around the globe, b) the principles of law that apply on human
rights problems, c) the Sports Law principles, in the form of Lex Sportiva, as
well as international sports law, such as those of world anti doping code.
In the framework of the international legal order in sport, it is being examined
the problem of implication of the general principles of law mentioned above
e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

that it is governed by the special characteristics of Lex Sportiva which is an non

national, sui generis, legal order in the international sports field and the nature of
the legislation by the implication of those orders to its internal function as well
as to the unity of law.
The implication of the principles of law that mentioned above, has a special role in
the conferment of law, not only to the correctness and the security of law but also that
the formed legislation consists a warranty of all those. However, it is of significant im-
portance to ensure that this principles should not only serve the existence and solidity
of the Lex Sportiva system but also the correct allotment of the law in its framework as
well as the overthrow of the Lex Sportiva orders whenever it is necessary, having as a
result to proof the formative character of the legislation and the general principles of the
law as a further category of law source in the field of Lex Sportiva.


Klaus Vieweg
Prof ., Erlangen University, Germany

Should the principle of fair play be confined to the playing field or should its
reach extend to the courtroom? Regarding the decisions of the CAS itis clear that,
in procedural matters, fairness is of fundamental importance (e.g. the right to be
heard). The question then arises as to whether this fairness is restricted to proce-
dural matters. In order to provide an answer to this question it is instructive to
examine more closely the method by which courts review the decisions of sports
organizations. There can be three sources of error which are subject to review:
Incorrect findings of fact, incorrect application of the rules and regulations and,
last but not least, the unlawful content of the rules and regulations themselves.
When one considers the decisions of the CAS, one can appreciate the importance
which it attaches to these first two points. Regarding the third point the CAS lays
claim to the right to examine the content of the rules and regulations of the sports
organizations in order to ascertain whether these infringe on mandatory statutory
provisions and legal principles. In practice, however, it very seldom exercises this
right. As an independent court of arbitration the CAS should be more courageous
in reviewing the content of the rules and regulations of the sports organizations. In
particular the guarantee of autonomy for associations leaves room for recognition
of the principle of proportionality, which is an essential element of the fairness
principle. The litmus test is whether the rules and regulations provide a reasonable
balance between the interests of the sports organizations and the athletes.
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia


Igor V. Ponkin (Dr. of Law)
Professor of chair of the legal support of the state and municipal services
of the International Institute of Public Administration and Management
of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and
Public Administration, Moscow, Russia.
Alena I. Ponkina (Dr. of Law)
Lecturer of Sports Law Chair of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy,

The article is devoted to research of the structure of normative regulation of

the public relations in the field of sport, identification of the approaches to defini-
tion of the concepts “sports law” and “lex sportive”. There have been studied the
nature and content of lex sportiva. There have been analysed characteristic fea-
tures and lines of mutual influence of these two systems of normative regulation.
The nature and structure of this “rule dominating in the world of sport” have
been studied insufficiently.
The system of normative regulation in the field of sport includes two large
and independent segments, complexes:
1) sports law – complex of statutory legal regulation (by the State) in the field
of sport;
2) “lex sportiva” – complex of other (apart from legal) normative regulation
(other names – self-regulation of the relations in the field of sport by sports sub-
jects, local and corporate regulation in the sports sphere, etc.).
There are various points of view regarding lex sportiva, up to absolute negation of
existence of this statutory (but not legal) system.
Sports normative regulation (as the form of regulation other than the legal regula-
tion authorized by the state) has the history incomparable to the history of sports laws,
and extends back over millennia because even in the states of the Ancient World we
can see examples of sports normative regulation authorized not by the states, but the
communities, the organizations, that is ancestor of lex sportiva. Sports laws has begun
appearing only quite recently. Even the only respectable history of lex sportiva makes
shallow the objections against separation of this system of normative regulation.
The special aspect of lex sportiva structure also consists in the fact that this con-
vergent network consolidation of complexes of non-legal normative regulation in
the field of sport topped with the system “superstructure” at the international level,
the large independent subsystem complexes of which are rules of the International
Olympic Committee and some other international sports organizations.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

Lex sportiva has no obligatory legal force, however possess certain standard
force and are mandatory for observance or fulfilment by the participants of the
sports relations under penalty of adverse effect and application of sanctions with
regard to them within the system of public relations settled by lex sportiva, being
subject to which is obligatory and reasonable due to obligations undertaken by the
specified participants when entering the subject area of lex sportiva regulation.
Detailed research is required regarding the issue of interaction of the sports
law and lex sportiva. This interaction has rather complex structure and very am-
bivalent features.
There are lot of evidence of the fact that there are situations when the state de
facto and de jure recognizes the statutory power and value of lex sportiva.
Keyword: normative regulation on sport, sports law, lex sportiva, sport


Xianh Huiying

Abstract: Sports law and Lex Sportiva are very important concept in our
research. They are all translated in same Chinese word. Sports law is same as
Lex Sportiva, or is different? This paper analysis necessity of distinguish these
two concepts, and explore the difference between these two concept, point out
sports law and Lex Sportiva are different concept. Sports law should be general
concept, wildly refers to all law concept in sports. Lex Sportiva is a part of sports
law, it belongs supra-national sports community autonomy law.



Olga Shevchenko
Assistant Professor (Ph.D), Moscow State Law University,
Secretary General of the International Association of Sports Law,
Executive secretary of the Sports Law Commission of the Russian
Association of Lawyers

«Sport and human rights have a set of common values and goals,» - said the
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on expert discussions of
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

the UN Council on Human Rights, dedicated to the issues of sport and human
rights organized by the February 27, 2012.
In 2005 in the document of the World Summit the Heads of State and Government
have fixed a common point of view, according to which: «recognize that sport is
a tool for education, development and peace, cooperation, solidarity, tolerance,
understanding, social inclusion and health local, national and international levels».
Major international sporting events, such as the Olympic Games or the World
Cup Football, have a huge impact on human rights.
The adoption of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sport
(UNESCO, 1978) entailed the recognition of a human right to sport. This right
has been embedded in later human rights instruments, such as the Convention on
the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, the Convention on the Rights
of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
A major human rights concern from the athlete’s is the exploitation. In the globalised
sports community, athletes are treated as merchandise and often become victim of
human traffickers. With regard to minor athletes, sports can in some cases amount to
child labour and might infringe their right to development and other children’s rights.
Like any social activities, sports can also be potentially negative side effects.
Already ten years ago, the General Assembly has recognized the existence of
the following problems associated with sports activities, the danger faced by
sportsmen and sportswomen, especially young sportsmen, including child labor,
violence, doping, early specialization, over training and commercial operation,
as well as deprivation, such as premature rupture of family bonds and the loss of
sporting, social and cultural ties.
All existing hazards require the settlement of human rights of a professional
athlete and coach, legislative recognition of labor rights and the right to social
security, pension rights, the rights to sickness benefits for loss of earning capacity,
the right to be treated with dignity, etc.
Therefore, it is important to ensure the Human Rights of athletes and coaches
adopt the Convention of the UN or the ILO, as well as national legislation.


Tang Yong
Lecturer (Dr.), Law School, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics,
Hangzhou, 310018, P.R.China
There are various concepts on sports law in international academy, such as
international sports law, global sports law, domestic sports law, national sports

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

law and lex sportive. It is because of different legal culture and sports practice in
states. In the context of China, defining the concept of sports law means picking
up the denominator from relative elements based on acknowledging the existence
of sports law. The definition of sports law can be demarcated as the sum of legal
norms to adjust social relationship under the circumstance that people engage
in physical movements in order to maintain and promote their health and enjoy


An Analysis on the Chinese Football Association (CFA)’s Early
Termination of Camacho’s Work Contract
Zhang Shizong

Recently the Chinese Football Association terminated its work contract with
Camacho, a foreign head coach of the Chinese National Football Team, which
may lead to a financial compensation of 51.5 million RMB(Chinese Dollar) with
tax reaching 25 million RMB. The current study aims to explore relevant issues
of great importance and provide in-depth analyses in the following aspects:
1. The legal relationships between foreign coaches employed by the CFA and
the Sports agents who introduce foreign coaches to the positions
2. The legal relationships between the CFA and sponsors (e.g., Dalian Wanda)
who financially support the payment of foreign coaches of the Chinese National
Football Team.
3. The legal relationships between Chinese coaches, players and foreign
coaches in the Chinese National Football Team.
4. The legal issues in the regulation of employing foreign coaches by mem-
bers of the CFA.
5. The legal issues in the supervision of employing foreign coaches by the
public, such as professionals in the football circle, football fans, new media, and
non-profit sport organizations etc.
6. The legal issues in the intervention of Chinese General Administration of
Sport and Chinese Football Management Center on the employment of foreign
coaches of the CFA.
7. The legal issues in the invention of International Sport Organizations (e.g.,
FIFA) on the employment of foreign coaches of the CFA.

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

8. The legal issues in the invention of Sport administrating organizations of

the employed foreign coach’s mother country on the employment of foreign
coaches of the CFA.
Conclusion: Legal issues involved in the employment of foreign coaches by
the CFA is rather complicated, which can not be simply interpreted that the CFA
has great degree of freedom in determining who to employ, and the time and
price to formulate and terminate the work contract. The relevant matters involve
legal relationships of various levels and natures as well as major public benefits
in social, national and international domains. Therefore, the employment of for-
eign coaches should be subject to open processing with great degree of transpar-
ency and thoughtfulness.

II. Sports law and Economical Aspects of Sports

• Sports Law and Governance of Sport
• Monopolies and Oligopolies in Sports
• Competition law - Sports Betting and Gambling


Sadara Montenegro, Jose Trigueros
Leyva, Montenegro Trigueros Lawyers, Mexico
Image Rights in sports embody a field that has flourished with countless opportu-
nities. International and national associations, teams and athletes in several jurisdic-
tions make the most of its benefits while other jurisdictions are scarcely beginning to
recognize their own rights. Mexico is one of the later, including image rights within
the scope of intellectual property and specifically concerning pictures and images
displayed in the media, which unfortunately generate a gray legal framework of un-
certainty which is more often than not, used against the athletes. By analyzing and
comparing the regulation of the United States of America, we will outline several
areas of opportunity which Mexico can implement regarding the protection of his
athletes. The proper implementation of the Image Rights must be safeguarded as
it offers the athletes the resources for having a qualified sports training, which will
benefit the long-term development of their sports career. Moreover, teams and as-
sociations will flourish in order to make athletes reach its essential objective―the
progress of their sports discipline. Consequently, the regulations in Image Rights
finally will promote a fair-minded sports generation of wealth.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)


Ralf Mutschke
FIFA Director Security, Switzerland

Sport, and football in particular, is under increasing threat from match manipulation,
the effects of which reverberate nationally, regionally and globally. The greates
threat comes from outside the world of football, where organised crime networks are
infiltrating the football world in an attempt to corrupt players, referees and officials in
order to manipulate matches for betting purposes, either to launder money or to gain
massive profits from the betting market on the manipulated matches. FIFA has taken
a zero tolerance approach to match manipulation and is committed to protecting
the integrity of football by all possible means. The development and coordination
of FIFA’s action program with regards to match manipulation has been centralised
under the FIFA Security Division. To protect the integrity of football, to fight match
manipulation, FIFA has introduced the FIFA Integrity Initiative. One of the aims of
the initiative, led by the FIFA Security Division, is to strengthen football from within.
The focus is on prevention and education, since the problem of corruption and match
manipulation has to be tackled in a proactive way in order to achieve long-term
results. In order for FIFA and the football community to tackle the problem of match
manipulation, it is vital that governments and law enforcement agencies also take the
respective necessary measures. Match manipulation is a complex and serious issue
which must be addressed as a long-term approach on many levels and in cooperation
with all stakeholders. FIFA is firmly committed to protect the integrity of football.
The path to success involves finding a common ground.


Qian Kan-kan
A doctoral candidate from Law School of Wuhan University Wuhan,
430072, P .R. China

As a new analysis framework in new public management area, five facts of

governance theory, that is, legitimacy, rule of law, accountability, effectiveness,
transparency, provide a new logos on analyzing the legal mechanisms for the National
Fitness Program in China. Meanwhile, the “post-modernity” of governance theory
makes sense to definite its suitability of China.
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

First, the ‘legitimacy’ factor in the theory of governance is far beyond the
meaning of conforming to the laws. There are other criterions of making a clear
distinction between right and wrong, such as, moral, religious, personal habits,
and practices. It is legal for governments to manage the undertakings of physical
culture and sports. It can’t be replaced for any other social organizations. The
power source of social organizations bases on the legal authorization, commis-
sioned by the government and the common people.
Secondly, the law is the lowest evaluation standard of social activity, and the
final evaluation standard of social relations.Sports law system make it possible
that designs the rights of citizens in advance, realization of their interests, protec-
tion of their liberties, ask for relief when they are infringed.
Thirdly, the minimum requirement of governance to National Fitness in account-
ability is that the obligation and responsibility may corresponding to each other.
Fourthly, the government’s effective operation relies on supervision activi-
ties, such as inspection and evaluation.
Fifthly, transparency show us a state of honest communication. The gov-
ernment and social organizations which have the the authority to form a sports
organization and make decisions to sports items, make sure that the information
overall, true and easy to understand.



John T Wolohan
Prof. Syracuse University, USA

In November 2011, in an effort to cash in on a portion of the billions of

dollars that are gambled illegally on sports games annually across the country,
New Jersey voters approved a referendum to amend the state constitution and
allow sports betting. Under the proposed new law, betting on sports would
be legal in Atlantic City casinos and at the state’s horse racing tracks. The law
does, however, prevent any betting on all sporting events involving New Jersey
colleges and university teams regardless of where they played, as well as all
collegiate sporting events held within New Jersey.
In August 2012, the NCAA, the National Basketball Association, National
Football League, National Hockey League and Major League Baseball filed a
lawsuit seeking to block the new law from going into effect. In their lawsuit,
the NCAA and the professional sports leagues contend that expansion of sports

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

betting beyond the four states, Nevada, Delaware, Oregon and Montana, which
currently allow it threatens the integrity of the games and is a violation of the
Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act.
This presentation sets out to examine the issues involved in the dispute and
begin with a brief overview and history of sport betting in the United States.
Next, the presentation reviews how the federal government has attempted to
regulate sports betting by the states. Particular attention will be given to the
Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act and how it has been used to
prevent the expansion of sport betting into other states, most recently Delaware.
The presentation will conclude by examining the arguments made by the State of
New Jersey in their attempt to expand sport betting into the state, the arguments
of the NCAA and professional leagues and the probable outcome of the case.


Zhang Xiaoshi, Zhao Jing
Sports Law Research Center of China University of Political
Science and Law, China

Since single sports associations represented by the China Football Associa-

tion implemented professionalism, a series of problems have appeared and many
experts and scholars stated their own points from different angles. In this article,
the author tries to start with public power sources of sports associations, analyze
the reasons of problems related to sports associations and put forward paths and
ways to solve the above problems.


Alexandru Virgil VOICU
Prof.Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, President
of the Juridical Commission of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee

From the point of view of both quality and quantity, the economic aspects of
sport is characterized by dynamics. Sports activities may give rise to lucrative
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

business that can cross economic crises more easily than other companies. This
dynamics of sport economics is based on the new trends in contemporary soci-
ety: the reduction of working hours, the increased amount of spare time, in which
people choose to practice or watch sports, in order to create a state of well be-
ing, the concern for the physical appearance (the ‘look’), the internationalization
of trends in fashion etc. Sports, according to the European Commission White
Book on Sport “is a growing social and economic phenomenon which makes an
important contribution to the European Union’s strategic objectives of solidar-
ity and prosperity”. Plenty of organizations have assumed sport-tourism as their
main activity (which is already included in the Romanian Standard Classifica-
tion of Economic Activities). Romanian sport economics is favored by the exist-
ence of ‘sport professions’, including some related to sport tourism activities. In
Romania, sport tourism mainly encompasses forms of recreational sports and
national and international tour packages which target attending sporting events.
If the two concepts of the science of management, efficiency and effective-
ness, do not specifically include the necessity of legality, it is our duty to distin-
guish and propose it as a concept of the science of management – as far as we
are concerned, an argument in favor of this proposal is the acute necessity of the
harmonious inclusion of the activities of sports organisations and the economic
activities of sport tourism within the context and demands of civilised conduct,
in strict compliance with legal and responsible norms.
In this context, this paper aims to present the content of a juridical course’s
syllabus designed to teach students the competences needed to carry out sport
tourism activities in accordance with professional liability in the field. Such a
course should be part of the curricula of Romanian higher education programs in
tourism as well as physical education and sports.



Nader Shokri (Dr.)
President of Legal Committee of NOC.IR. Iran

Regarding the Iranian civil law, a betting is a contract between two parties
in which one of the parties corroborates a particular matter while the other one
rejects it. Both parties imagine that the one who surmises correctly receives
a sum from the mutual party or they may foresee the occurrence of an event
and they become committed in a manner that the party who guesses correctly
receives a particular sum from the opposite party.
The Iranian civil law, explicitly repeals the distrainment and illegal
commitments in chapter 12 of the specific contracts. It states explicitly in article
e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

654 of the Iranian civil law that gambling and betting are null and void and the
claims pertinent to them can’t be dealt with. Legal-based logic proffers reasons
for illegality and invalidation of such activities with its own arguments.
Considering the fact that betting does not have intellectual profit if for
instance two persons agree that in a chess game the loser must offer some money
to the winner, such an agreement is null and void although the betting inserted
in the contract has intellectual profit (financial possession), the matter which
is dealt with does not have any intellectual benefit. It goes without saying that
in accordance with article 215 of the Iranian civil law it is stated that the case
for transaction must have intellectual and canonical profit. Such a dealing is
nullified. Since the contract is abrogated, the condition is also prioritizing
quashed (even though the condition has profits). Hence, in case of winning or
losing, no commitments will be constituted for the opposite party.
Betting is among the apparent cases of aimless use. If any profits are obtained
through this means, they should be reverted to the original owner.
The swindling nature of a deal, a swindling transaction is null and void from
Islamic point of view. A contract has a swindling nature if the relationships of
parties and the destiny of the deal is dependent upon chance and prospects, and
is vague too. From the attitude of Iranian jurist consult chance-based contracts
are among swindling contracts. The governance of determining a destiny is not
imaginable in a betting and such an agreement is null and void.
The lack of contribution of one’s will in the contract destiny: if two parties
mutually agree upon a fact that whose result is the conveyance of a possession
from one person to another one but achievement of the possession shifting is
dependent upon the occurrence of a matter out of the contract that makes none
of the two parties for or against in contract compilation, it seems that it alters
the intent to compile. According to articles 190, 191 and 195 of Iranian civil law
such a contract is countermanded due to the lack of intent to compile.
Specificity of barterers in a contract: according to the article 216 of Iranian
civil law, consideration and reciprocal entity are among the essential conditions
of the accuracy of a deal.


Simon Gardiner (Dr.)
Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
This paper is a literature review of the recent dialogue concerning the
creation of such a body. It represents the basis of a funding bid to support related
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

empirical research to examine and evaluate the case for a ‘Global Sports Anti-
Corruption Body’ being created to engage with the problem of match fixing and
wider financial corruption in sport.
Financial corruption in international sport federations including vote
rigging and bribery, fraudulent betting including match fixing and spot fixing
(manipulation of an event in a sporting event), money laundering and other
criminal phenomena have become a dangerous threat to sport. Additionally,
competition related corruption involving prohibited drug use and other forms of
cheating within sporting competition are prevalent.
The argument supporting the creation of such a Global Sports Anti-Corruption
Body is predicated on the belief that it would be able to adopt a more coherent
and wide-ranging approach to this problem than has been evident up to this point
with a variety of disparate structures within sports bodies. And as with WADA,
the body would be able to be part of a multi-agency approach together with law
enforcement bodies such as Interpol. There would also be the opportunity to pool
resources and allow the type of forensic investigation that is required to unravel
the financial complexities inherent in corrupt financial dealings. Such a body if it
came to fruition, would clearly be able to adopt the good exemplars, which have
been developed within specific sports such as international cricket and tennis to
fight corruption and match fixing. As such it would have a harmonising effect
across all sport.
However, the efficacy of this approach has been questioned by some: for
example elements within the betting industry believe that essentially a self-
regulatory approach based on memoranda of understanding between betting
companies and sports bodies on sharing of information is an effective way of
detecting nefarious activities. In addition it is questioned whether it is realistic
that such a body could adequately respond to inherent criminality of money
laundering and other activates of criminal gangs connected to match fixing.
Additionally, unlike WADA that was very much a creation of the IOC and its
then existing anti-doping infrastructure, it is not obvious to see where the specific
political impetus will come from for the creation of an equivalent anti-corruption
organisation such as the Global Sports Anti-Corruption Body.
Match fixing is a current challenge to ‘Sporting Integrity’. This is not only
about the need to play a role in engaging with criminality. Sporting integrity is
the ethical essence of sport. What is crucial is that good governance is the key
test of the anti-corruption framework that evolves in the next few years.
Sports corruption is a complex and multifaceted area to examine. As far as
the specific occurrence of match fixing in sport, there have been incidents over
many years. The true extent of the problem however remains unknown. Using
terminology developed in criminology, there is an unknown ‘dark figure’ of
match fixing based on suspicions, allegations and undetected incidents. There is

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

some conjecture within football and across other sports whether it is the primary
threat compared to other forms of corruption such as anti- doping. There are
reasonably few official determinations of match fixing, those that there are come
from official investigations by sporting authorities and/or by law enforcement
agencies. It has been argued that “there needs to be a much more systematic
approach in recording corruption cases” (Transparency International, 2011).
However, the identifiable measures of the phenomenon suggest the problem is
chronic and critical.
Much of the support for a Global Sports Anti-Corruption Body seems to be
intuitive and unsubstantiated. There is a need for a much more rigorous and reflective
debate as to whether this form of sporting self-regulation is the appropriate way to
proceed in the engagement with the complexities of sporting corrupt.

III. Sports law and Sport Tourism

• Sports Law, Tourism and Entertainment of Sport
• Professionalization of International Sports Activities and Physical Exercise
• Legal Problems of the Olympics Games a nd the Paralympic Games


Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos
Prof. University of Athens, Advocate, Attorney-at-law in
Supreme Court and Counsel of State
President of IASL

The interest shown by people around the globe the last years for sports ac-
tivities, in minor or major degree, has made it a unique and essential economic
The sports economic activity, thus, is being connected not only to the profes-
sional sports but also to the amateur sports activities, just like to the sports tour-
ism as well as recreation or even to the suburban sporting activity.
All the above mentioned, may lead us to the statement that freedom in sports
activities is connected to economic freedom, getting a special and critical content
and interest to sports tourism and recreation in the countryside as well.
From the research of the Greek and the European legal status, effortlessly it
arises that an initial institutionalization with emergence of a specific regulatory

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

framework for sports tourism, leisure and countryside sports is becoming a

necessity, in order to be socially beneficial and creative.
Furthermore, it is internationally required the legal basis for these forms of
sport to be laid, by identifying the areas of action and the obligations and rights
of the persons and the entities involved.
A sports tourist charter may become a guide for the national legislation
regulatory on this issue.


Yi Li
China University of Political Science and Law Research center
of sports law Beijing, China

For the Olympics of 2008’s successfully held and more and more world
games coming. In developed countries insurance is an important part of their in-
dustries. The number of the public’s insurance is large and the kinds of insurance
are various. In the developed countries, the laws that related to sports insurance
have been well developed. But in China sports insurance just on the early-stage.
It Lack of relevant policies and laws and Lack of specificity coverage on com-
mercial insurance. But it will be the most important part of sports industries.
Of course, its development will be a long process. Present in China the sports
insurance just make little progress, while the campus sports and the public sports
are expecting more attention. So this paper has university physical education in
mind, physical educators and students as the main body, to researches the need
of the sports insurance in universities and brings forward suggestions about set
up university insurance system.
This paper by using these research methods such as: document information
method, expert interview method to analyses and investigate.
The conclusion shows that the sports insurance’s development will be the
most important part of sports industries and the sports insurance will be a best
way to solve injury accident in school. Students need to further accelerate the
advancement of insurance awareness. But the lagging of the sports law and other
related laws in China has been delayed the development of the sports insurance
directly. Also, the lacking of exploitation experts in the insurance field is the
main reason for its slow development.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)


(history and reality)
Anatoly Peskov
Head of Security Department, Russian International Olympic University,

The article is devoted to criminological analysis of racism, national and reli-

gious extremism for the Olympics and other sporting events. These problems are
analyzed in the context of the events of history and the modern world. Consider-
able attention is paid to the tasks for the prevention of extremism in the sporting
events in accordance with the requirements of international law. Particular atten-
tion is given to national criminal law measures to combat against this negative
phenomenon in Russian Federation.



Yu Xiaoguang, Luo Jiasi
China, shenyang Sports University

The extreme behavior in the field of sports, such as kidnapping, bomb attacks,
terrorist activities, etc. seriously interfere with the normal sports events and the
propagation of sports spirit. This paper sorts out the terrorist incidents have
occurred in the sports field, analyses the causes, studies the legal settlement
mechanism of other countries, and then provides advice to the sport events
operation and security measures in China, hoping to increase some safety
guarantee of China' sports.

Mehdi Yousefi Sadeghloo (Dr.) Shokri Tahere

Base on Alderman Definition of violence – intentional answer from somebody

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

with an aim to heart a person or animal. This definition is not the same braveness,
temerity which does not contain an add intention. As we mentioned violence is
an act against people and animal, so an act against a chair is not violence.
In a sport activity an action called violence if reaction against athletic an
intentional movement that ends to damage to other player and refer or judge
reacts against doer, and he got a sentence as punishment.
Law makers with helping of educational teachers and responsible people in
sport are able forbid hostile acts, immoral behavior, and dangerous activities. But
there are many obstacles, like spectators who support such a behaviors, coaches
who will see more action of players, sports which violence are main part of them,
like boxing that shows more violence give more point ,and advantage to the
player, and owner of sport clubs who will earn much more money, if spectators
are happier.
Violence in sport backs up of:
Political interest is behind of this kind of violence.
Economical interest supports the violence to achieve their goals.
Leisure targets backing them up.
Racists shadow seems take care of such violence.
Politic divided society to various colors, names, teams or groups and
introduced their goals to them. Then they use the power of such a group as a
pressure tools against their competitor.
“If economy is not the foundation of our society, it is one of basic principles”.
Investor who are after more income try to divided people to consume several
of goods which already provided by investors. The groups compete with each
other to buy their own color, brand, etc.
This kind of activities used to arrange by governments and its family. Powerful
slaves had to fight in for king and its family against each other
Until one kill the other. It was a kind of entertainment.
This kind of violence backs up by polices parties and will use people force
to win the power camp against its rival. In such violence religious minorities or
ethnic minorities will safer a lot.
Persons or groups whose behavior is irresponsible and their movements are
against law in time of sport events special in football called hooliganism.
This kind of violation established its footstep in England and gradually
widespread to many countries. They are relentless, rude and caused many
causalities, victims and economically losses.
Researches shows that most of hooligans are young people at age of 18 – 23
which obey command from leaders who have own interests and back up the
According a study in England hooligan are usually people with crime record.
In England 3000 of them are registered by police and they banned to travel to

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

other countries.
A trace of Political, economical and racists aim has been shown.
I think we can ease this kind of violation through a global plan, which contains
various kind of information for student in high schools. Useful information
which must sends on Radio and TV, hard penalty and high educated police can
prevent or ease violation in sport events.


Guo chun-ling
Center for the study of sports law in Xi'an Institute of Physical Education
College,Xi-an,710068, China

Sports leisure industry is a new economic growth point in the process of

China's economic and social development, it’s healthy and stable development
needs a good legal environment.but the development of China's sports leisure
industry is still subject to the shortage of rule supply , regardless of the concept
of the rule of law, the national legal system, law enforcement and supervision
can not fully meet the current needs of sports leisure market development,This
is related to China's sports development background, system and operation
mechanism, and also related to the lag of construction of rule of law in China,
the existing legal system and the rule of law concept of poor implementation
of the deviation .This paper re examines the leisure industry market in China
from the view of sports legislation, administrative enforcement and supervision,
people's legal idea etc,and further clarification of a series problems of sports
leisure industry development environment for the rule of law in China, trying to
promote the scientific development of sports leisure industry, and puts forward
some proposals to promote the development of China's economy and society.
This paper mainly studied from the following aspects
一, The current situation of the development of leisure sports legislation
(一) Management legislation in the national macro level
(二) Legislation about sports leisure industry in the national level
(三)Specialized or related legislation of sports leisure industry development
in the Provincial level
For the Shan xi Province as an example, the development of sports leisure

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

industry legislation is lagging behind. “The regulations of Xi'an city sports

activities”and “The detailed rules and regulations of Xi'an city sports activities”
is more mature, but the sports leisure industry policies and regulations of Shan xi
province are still insufficient. It Mainly in the following three aspects: firstly, the
legislative lagged to the sports leisure industry development; secondly, System
defect of regulations is the bottleneck restricting the development of sports
leisure industry; thirdly, The legislation lay particular stress on administrative
power, and neglect the importance of policy oriented and Industrial autonomy .
二, The development status of administrative law enforcement and administrative
supervision in the sports leisure industry
Firstly, The personnel consciousness in the Provincial level administrative
law enforcement is stronger, the enforcement of law is more normalize, and the
administrative law enforcement and supervision in the prefecture and city level
is more concrete, the enforcement of law is proper implementation, the effect of
law enforcement is obvious.
Secondly, the basis of administrative law enforcement is less, botn the scope
of law enforcement and supervision is narrow.
Thirdly, both the standardization of the administrative law enforcement
procedures and enforcement staff’s quality need to be strengthened.
三,legal consciousness present situation of related main body in the sports
leisure industry development
Phenomenon of Legislative subjects caring about interests of department,
local, and individual exists. Concept of rule of law remains to be strengthened.
Good law order has not yet formed.
四,the perfect suggestions of the rule of law environment of the sports
leisure industry development
All of sports administrative departments and other related administrative
departments should further strengthen power of the law enforcement and
supervision, and the grasp of the policies and regulations. The implementation
of the sports industry policies needs to implement related laws and regulations.
Legislation system should to be designed scientific and reasonable, and accurate
positioning. Law enforcement should emphasis on people-oriented, respect the
fundamental interests of the market main body; pay attention to cultivate people's
basic legal literacy.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

IV. Sports Law, Globalization and Media –

Broadcasting – doping-violence
James Ar Nafziger
Prof. Willamette University, USA

Sports tourism is a growth industry, particularly in attractive locations where

sports development is progressing steadily such as Indonesia. National identity
with athletes and teams is, of course, an essential basis for the enthusiasm of
fans.Thus, a common nationality will likely inspire fans as sports tourists to
follow particular athletes and teams to international competition abroad. Related
legal issues are significant. One complex issue is country swapping by athletes,
often involving quickie citizenships by talent-poor countries in a particular
sport or sports to acquire foreign athletic talent. Other nationality issues range
from statelessness and visa eligibility to such issues in football/soccer and other
professional sports as foreign nationality quotas for teams.The eligibility of
athletes to compete consecutively on different national teams can also be an
issue. My presentation will address such nationality issues, particularly country
swapping and quickie citizenships, in the contexts of both Olympic and other
sports competition. I will conclude with observations about the extent or not that
the issues matter.


Ma Hongjun
Prof. Research Center of Sports law of China University of
Political Science and Law

The Olympic Games is the largest sports event in the world, the history of the
Olympic Games is also the history of the Olympic Games broadcast. Olympics
enriched people’s lives, while the various forms of Olympic Games broadcasting
have really integrated the Olympic Games into people’s lives. This article firstly
defined the concepts of television broadcast and sports event broadcasting right,
determined the meaning of broadcasting right; and secondly introduced the de-
velopment history of the Olympic Games broadcasting right, analyzed Olympic
Games broadcasting right in three stages, and thirdly illustrated the nature of

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

Olympic Games broadcasting right in the aspects of live broadcast and literal
broadcast, and then elaborated on China’s Olympic broadcasting right; finally
pointed out the other issues involved in Olympics broadcasting right, mainly
discussed in the following two perspectives of Olympics new media broadcast-
ing right and the balance of interests between Olympics broadcasting right and
public information right.


Wang Xiaoping
Prof. China University of Political Science and Law

Abstract: The revision of sports law has great significance for further regulating
sports economy activities and operation of professional sports. The context
compares and analysis the current system of China professional sports ,foreign
countries ’operational system, so as to propose the legislation on China
professional sports, and look forward to supplying references to legislators.


Seyedeh Maryam Talebzadeh
Attorney at law & Member of Legal Committee of NOC.IR.
Inspector f Iranian Scientific Association of Sports Law, Iran

This article deals with the media coverage of women in sports and the manner
to display them. Considering the fact that IX Law has been approved to equalize
the gaming time of women, regarding this law, the financial sources and facilities
of professional and university sports must be at women’s disposal more than
ever, nonetheless, after elapsing of 30 years since the aforementioned law was
approved, sexual attractions about women are noted instead of recognizing their
sports achievements.
Mass media regard the body of sportswomen as an attractive piece of
commodity sportsmen are limned in large mass medias due to their bodily
e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

structure, physique, virility and superiority whereas sportswomen and their

accomplishments are underestimated.
It is indispensable to conduct further researches until the time is ripe for the
concentration to shift from focusing on sexuality of sportspersons to focusing on
their athletic aptitudes and the slides of sportswomen and female champions are
nor misused.


András Nemes
Prof. Semmelweis UniversityFaculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
(TF)Sport Management and Recreation Department, Budapest, Hungary

Renowned sport managers and doctors argue about the question if it is

possible from a physiological aspect to reach such an outstanding result as Lance
Armstrong who won the Tour de France seven times in a row.
At a race such as the Tour de France, where the bikers have to ride 3470 km at
a lively clip raises the question whether is it even possible to win 7 times without
If it is possible, then why is it so unique? If it is not, then why didn’t he fail
any doping tests even though he was tested more than 500 times? Why did he
confess all the doping in a TV show to Oprah Winfrey?
In my study I’m looking for the answers for these questions.
I compared the Code Compliance, the WADA Anti-doping Code, the USADA
documents, and the relevant documents which can be found on the internet. I
used the interview with Travis Tygert in 60 minutes sports (01.09.2013) and of
course the well-known Armstrong interview in Oprah show. I used 3 relevant
books. Armstrong’s book (It’s not about the bike) and Hamilton’s and Coyle’s,
and David Walsh’s book. My technique was mostly about primer document an-
alyzing and in a smaller part secondary document analyzing. I compared the
WADA practice with all the information which was available in the media. I
consulted with doping specialists, doctors and veterinarian.
Analyzing the documents drew my attention to some facts from which the
UCI and the whole doping controlling team could learn. First of all, the tech-

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

nologies of the banned substances are developing a lot faster than the controlling
technology. My presentation summarizes the lessons.



Daniel Gandert
Northwestern University School of LawChicago, IL USA

There are plans for the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) to be amended
in November at the World Conference on Doping in Sport. Among the major
changes being proposed is doubling the penalty for a first doping offence
from two years to four years. While this change will please many members of
the Olympic movement and other stakeholders, it will bring about concerns
regarding whether the new WADC adheres to the principle of proportionality.
The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), which serves as the final arbiter for
issues relating to doping rules, has included the principle of proportionality in
its decisions since the early tribunal’s early days, dating prior to the creation of
the WADC. CAS decisions that are determined to go against the principle could
be attacked since CAS is seated in Switzerland and proportionality is one of
the primary Swiss private administrative law principles. In the near future, it is
likely that athletes will believe that doping rules are not proportionate as applied
to their case and that CAS will need to address the proportionality of the revised
The increase in length for a first suspension follows failed attempts to bring
about doping rules stricter than the current WADC. In 2008, the IOC passed
the “Osaka Rule,” which prohibited athletes with suspensions of at least six
months from competing in the next Olympic Games, even for cases where their
suspensions were completed by the time of the next Olympics. This brought
about disproportionality as applied to some cases, including that of LaShawn
Merritt, whose suspension was reduced to 21 months under No Significant Fault
or Negligence but was prohibited by the Osaka Rule from competing in the 2012
Summer Olympic Games. CAS determined that the rule constituted a change
from the WADC. It also determined that the IOC was bound by the WADC and
that the rule was invalid. This made arguments related to the proportionality of
the rule moot, however, it allowed members of the Olympic movement to make
the rule valid by amending the WADC to allow for it.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

While initial plans were for the “Osaka Rule” to be included in the WADC,
the more recent proposal has been for the revised code to instead include a four
year suspension for an athlete’s first standard doping offence, instead of the two
years prescribed by the current rules. In many instances, this would not bring
about the same level of proportionality as the “Osaka Rule.” Since this would
merely apply to an athlete’s first standard offence, it means that it would not also
apply to athletes whose suspension was reduced because of No Significant Fault
or Negligence, or other reasons. This would also make the effect of the rule, as
related to the Olympics, more uniform. With the current two year suspension,
athletes who commit their offence close to the Olympics are denied the opportunity
to compete in the next games, while athletes who commit a doping offense three
years prior to the Olympics maintain the ability to compete. However, there are
many cases for which this rule will be disproportionate as applied to an athlete’s
case. This will also increase the amount of years for which athletes who receive
reduced suspensions will need to sit out in some circumstances which may also
bring about disproportionality.


Anna Mariyama
Khodijah Risa Kharisma
M. Reza Pratama
Muhammad Evan Agustian
Ronggul Sitompul
Law Sport Organization (LSO) Olympus Student, University of
Sriwijaya Indonesia

Sport is any activity that systematically for encourage, nurture, and develop
the potential for physical, spiritual and social. Sport aims to maintain, improve
health and fitness, achievement, human qualities, inculcate moral values and no-
ble character, sportsmanship, discipline, strengthen and nurture national unity,
strengthen national security, as well as raise the dignity, dignity and honor. Foot-
ball became the most popular sport in the world should be a good example for
other sports. Unfortunately, during this era of globalization where the efficiency
of a barometer of success someone has made the sportsman or related parties

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

such as coach, manager, and so do the frauds in order to make the sport to be
the best club. Such as the use of drugs (doping) and match-fixing has been the
most popular topic. It is done by the management of this very large impact to the
athlete who dreamed that sport just as a supplier of hobby and pleasure opinion,
has now become a business field for the players. Value - the value of sportsman-
ship has been changed and abolished so that it does not get more attention for
sports people so that only the physically strong financially and who will survive
and the weak will disappear. On the other hand, it is seen by the management as
a gold mine money maker that can be scooped easily. Value - the value of sports-
manship that there is no mention of this has hurt a lot of people not to mention
the supporters, players crackdown will field whipped up their spirits and make
them more willing to do things - it is not fair to players and clubs to defend their
beloved field from the stands. Based of the example above we feel that it is worth
the lift to let the world know the dark football as an example for other sports in
the sportsmen, management, supporters and all those involved in sport open their
eyes to mistakes which they did superbly athletes and supporters as actors and
sports enthusiasts.


Jia Haixiang
China University of Political Science and Law

Studying on CBA participant's legal status may promote the CBA Games
to operate smoothly. The objective knowledge on CBA Games participant's
legal status comes from a systemic analysis about their rights and obligations.
However, there is almost blank in this research area. According to this paper,
the CBA Games participants are the athletes, whose legal rights can be divided
into basic rights and common ones. Responding to the legal rights, their legal
obligations can also be divided into basic obligations and common ones. On
one hand, the athletes enjoy rights of equality, liberty, entering competition with
no discrimination, and so on. On the other hand, they are subjective to observe
the CBA rules and other related regulations, obey rules of contest and sports
disciplines, and carry out the obligation of endorsement of light hurt.


e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)


Wang Linlin
Beijing Information Technology College, China

Studying on CBA participant’s legal status may promote the CBA Games to
operate smoothly. The objective knowledge on CBA Games participant’s legal
status comes from a systemic analysis about their rights and obligations. How-
ever, there is almost blank in this research area. According to this paper, the CBA
Games participants are the athletes, whose legal rights can be divided into basic
rights and common ones. Responding to the legal rights, their legal obligations
can also be divided into basic obligations and common ones. On one hand, the
athletes enjoy rights of equality, liberty, entering competition with no discrimi-
nation, and so on. On the other hand, they are subjective to observe the CBA
rules and other related regulations, obey rules of contest and sports disciplines,
and carry out the obligation of endorsement of light hurt.



Tan Zhong-qiu
Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu 610041, China

A In competitive sports, running doping caused great harm to both the sports-
related mental and relative athletes. However, in existing legal system, the ju-
diciary can not act a crime of such behavior, which not only led to confusion in
judicial practice, but also make people doubt the credibility of the judicial. On
the other hand, since the punishment is so severe, the behavior which will be
convicted should be taken enough caution. The behavior of running doping has
serious social harm, practices often, while the existing laws can not adjust effec-
tively. So at this stage, putting such acts as crimes has a substantial rationality.


Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia


Taking Weifang city (a local city) as an example
Zhu wen-ying
Weifang University, Weifang City, Shandong Province,PC: 261061,China

There are many problems in Chinese professional football, but the develop-
ment of China’s youth football is exciting. China’s local youth football has evi-
dent characteristics with the development of fast, and relying on the professional
football school(Luneng football school) extended impact, and greater efforts to
support parents, and the youth participation enthusiasm high, and relying on their
participation in various competitions to exercise their own players, and high mo-
bility, and etc. On the development of youth football is concerned, there are many
problems such as no football field, a serious shortage of funds, members scattered,
Imperfect competition system and organization, a serious shortage of time training
activities, and the local government and the schools especially school do not sup-
port and other issues. Deal with the problems. In view of these problems, first of
all, the state should support the youth football from the perspective of law, a strong
system of subsidies and tax incentives; open football fields gradually in order to
solve the most pressing problems in the development of the youth football; stand-
ardize various event organization and operation, providing the recommendation for
systemic and scientific training plans; do publicity in order to guarantee the quan-
tity and quality of youth football team and , ensure the sustainable development of
the football team; perfect all kinds of match system, building better competition
order; encourage the youth team to participate in various competitions to enhance
the overall strength of their own, and discover the potential talent in the course
of the game, so that they can get more opportunities to the football developed
countries to study and exchange, and expand the impact of the youth football in
the region, national and worldwide; seek funding support, and youth clubs should
seek actively funding support to solve the insufficiency of the development of
the club. In a word, the development of youth football has the significant sig-
nificance to promote the healthy growth of minors, and guide young people inter-
ested in football, to improve the young people soccer movement level, to find and
improve the national football training football reserve talents. Youth is the future
of football, to improve the overall level of Chinese football, the development of
the youth football should first pay attention and supporting, because the culture of
football and personnel is a long-term process, and the entire resources of the state
and society are needed to mobilize.


e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)


Anna Di Giandomenico
Assistant Professor (PhD), University of Teramo, Italy

Sports news of recent years tell us more and more often about sports fraud
episodes, that darken other sports feats. Attempts to distort the course of
competitions, reaching or not the wanted outcome, don’t seem to have borders
of sports specialties or nationalities.
It’s concretized a sort of democratic equality, because of involving various
protagonists of sports competitions: a sort of democratic equality, perhaps never
reached in any other field of sport.
The awareness of the spread of this phenomenon provoked and still provokes
alarm, not only at level of sports governance, but even at state level and/
or international one: so the actions aimed at countering the diffusion of this
phenomenon ended up to retrace the steps of what’s already experienced about
the fight against doping, which is, moreover, a specific form of sports fraud, that
acquired autonomous consistency, because of its spread.
Nevertheless, it’s interesting to point how, contrary of what’s occurred in the
case of doping, beyond a general and shared reprehension, in sports legal system
it isn’t reached any uniformity for evaluation and regulation of the case, whose
typification and relative sanctions show an extremely differentiated panorama.
Once again, the onus of guiding the steps towards effective contrasting actions
and, more importantly, uniform, is taken in an extra-sports area, particularly by
the Council of Europe.
In fact, the Council of Europe is dealt with sport many times, acknowledging
it a special role, because of its specific pedagogical function. From here a special
focus on a legislative policy in sport field, which has led to the issue of several
recommendations and convention on sport; a special attention, that in the last years
focused on sports fraud, which is the object of the Recommendation on promotion
of the integrity of sport against manipulation of results, notably match-fixing (CM/
Rec(2011)10), constituting the prelude to a next Convention on the matter.
In this contribution I shall consider interesting points and problematic knots
of such regulative approach, highlighting how it’s undoubtedly a fundamental
starting point, but not sufficient, if not supported by the awareness by sports
organizations of the need to face the matter in a coordinated and, as far as
possible, uniform manner, similarly to what already experienced for doping.
So, when a World Anti-Sports Fraud Agency? When a World Anti-Sports Fraud
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia


Renata Kopczyk (Dr),
University of Wroclaw, Chair of International and European Law
Wroclaw, University of Technology, Polish University Sports Association (Azs)
District Bar Association, Disciplinary Judge (Polish Basketball Federation),

The cornerstone of the this presentation are famous words by Nelson Man-
dela: Sport has the power to change the world, to inspire to unite people in a
way that little else can. Sport can create hope where there was once despair. It
breaks down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of discrimination. Sport speaks
to people in a language they can understand. What is more, the very foundation
of sports and the ideology of Olympism state, which has been emphasized in this
presentation, says that it has to be free from any form of discrimination.
The presentation on anti-discrimination in sport in the European Union leg-
islation is an element of all-European, even a worldwide, debate on the shape of
relations between sport and European law and generally between sport and law.
This is an area where different concepts on the EU influence on sport sphere are
clashing. This results in an attempt to find a compromise in terms of sports legal
regulations by general law as well as legislation set up within the autonomy of
sports organisations.
Non-discrimination rule is seen as a basis of the EU legislation. It allows for
elimination of barriers, which could limit execution of rights resulting from the
EU legislation. Moreover, in the light of the treaties, no diversification within the
confines of an internal market are legally justified.
There is no doubt that the EU legislation has had a significant impact on sport
not only in an European scale but also on a global one. EU anti-discrimination
regulations (especially article 18 and article 19 of the Treaty on the functioning
of the European Union (TFEU), which expressis verbis forbid, among other,
gender discrimination) are very important here.
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has commented on this
subject repeatedly since 1974. In the disputes, which were examined by CJEU
since that time, the CJEU proved that there are such issues in sport which may,
and in fact, should be protected by the EU legislation. The verdict in Koch’s
case (1974) moved the matter of sport out of the internal federation’s structures.
However, a verdict in Bosman’s case issued in 1993 had the most significant
impact, it changed completely the face of the European sport and introduced
it to a new era of relations between the EU and trade union regulations. Anti-
discrimination nature of cases is also a consequence of trans-border character of
contemporary sport.

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

Sport development dynamics and its ever growing economic and social im-
portance make the EU face old problems but in a new shape. Legal disputes,
which are currently faced by the CJEU, show that non-discrimination issues in
sport are topical and still create many problems of a legal nature and evoke
numerous uncertainties. A fundamental issue is the question about the general
character of the non-discrimination EU regulations and their validity when it
comes to sports issues. In other words, what is the range of non-discrimination
ban in sport. Every time when this issue is considered, one should remember its
complex and specific character.
That is why the aim of the presentation was to characterise regulations per-
taining to discrimination ban in sport (understood in different plains, including
gender discrimination), and to try and answer the question whether the general
character of discrimination and pertaining legal regulations may be directly ap-
plied to sport. The presentation is an attempt at a partial approach to discrimina-
tion ban in sport and the EU legislation.

VI. Session Jurisdiction

Dispute resolution - Sports Law Jurisprudence:
CAS and Court of Justice of the European Union


Jalil Maleki
Prof., Dean of The Law Faculty, Islamic azad university central
Tehran branch (A.U.T.B), Lawyer1, Iran
Yaghoub Kadkhodaei
Private law student M.A,islamic azad university central Tehran branch2, Iran

Increasing growth and development of sports, complexity and expansion of

sport organizations, institutions and activities, ever complicating mechanisms of
laws and their function in sports, on-going fundamental changes in sports facts
and phenomena, media impacts and their analytic and international influence

university central Tehran branch (A.U.T.B)
- Yaghoub kadkhodaei, private law student M.A,islamic azad university central Tehran branch
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

which goes far beyond the geographical borders of countries, even farther be-
yond the continents, have caused to be raised enormous differences and disputes
in the area of sports which this necessitates efficient resolutions on such disputes.
On the other hand, there are some obstacles and limitations existing in the
matter of referral of sports disputes to the specialized international institutions
such as Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) due to different legal systems of
the countries, question of conflict of laws, the international conventions granting
right to the persons to raise their claim in the national and international courts,
also some requirements which should observed as a matter of binding regula-
tions in the statutes and regulations of the sports institutions and those relating
to sports dispute resolution authorities, sometimes the compulsory jurisdiction
of national courts of the countries as a matter of requirements of their constitu-
tions as well as the other rules and regulations; thus, the existing situation gives
rise to recourse to and application of the methods of Alternative Dispute Resolu-
tions [hereafter “ADR”] by a third party and/or third parties who are mutually
elected and appointed by the parties to the dispute in compliance with the rules
of proceedings again mutually agreed upon by the parties. This is sometimes also
referred to as “Private Justice”. This could well avoid from being involved in
contradictory rules and regulations and will prevent from emergence of political
biasing in decisions.
ADR methods are based on mutual agreement and consent of the parties to
the dispute; with some particular features of such processes, ADR resolves the
dispute in a specialized and expertise procedure with reliance on just and equita-
ble guidelines, especially with regard to its features of amicable nature, flexibili-
ty, expedited processing, deploying specialized experts, variation of its methods,
cost effectiveness, maintaining confidentiality, incrementing the contentedness
of the parties to dispute, selectivity of third party, mutual consent of the parties
in determining the proceeding rules, avoidance from conflict of laws, equitability
of decisions, safe keeping good relations, non-intervention by the governments
in the application of such methods, execution of decisions with mutual consent
of the parties to dispute, etc.
From among these methods mention could be made of negotiation, media-
tion, conciliation, non-binding arbitration, neutral evaluation, mediation-arbitra-
tion (Med-AR), mini trial, fact-finding processes, mediation-arbitration based on
the best proposal, etc.
It should be mentioned that ADR methods are not limited only to the proc-
esses named above, and the parties may have recourse to various methods of
dispute resolutions with due regard to their mutual will, intention and consent,
and the nature of their difference. It should be noted that lacking of uniform rules
in different sports areas among the countries of the world has caused these coun-
tries to legislate some rules and regulations corresponding to the sovereignty

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

of each country respectively; these rules sometimes give rise to contractual and
non-contractual disputes in the sports areas which may differ and vary country by
country, and as a result, in such a way the rights of the athletes will not be protected
on an appropriate uniform basis. This is so while the sports are regarded as one of
the ideals of human society which is enshrined, accepted and confirmed in interna-
tional instruments and resolutions as a matter of tool and instrument for promotion
of education, health and development, as is specially emphasized in paragraph 7
of Resolution 85/5 of General Assembly of the United Nations approved on 3rd
November 2003. Therefore, it is required that the ground be paved for human ex-
altation by establishing uniform rules in all fields relating to the sports including
the manner of uniform and efficient method of dispute resolution.


Li Baoqing

The arbitration agreement or the contract between parties is the precondi-

tion of the arbitration. Arbitration by Court of Arbitration for Sport (hereafter
CAS) is not an exception. However, the jurisdiction of CAS arbitration, in fact,
goes much far beyond that of the ordinary arbitration agreement, based on the
different understanding of the arbitration agreements and the rules. This kind of
expansion can be observed both in the Ordinary Arbitration Division and in the
Appeals Arbitration Division. The aim of this research on the CAS jurisdiction
expansion is to help people to apply the rules positively and to avoid passive ap-
plication in the settlements of sports-related disputes.



Amir Hossein Shokri
Member of Iranian Scientific Association of Sports Law & Student of
University in Law, Iran

The sports society has witnesses an extraordinary growth in the number and
augmentation of sports discrepancies among sports individuals and organizations

Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

during the past two decades. The most number of sports and international
discrepancies are relevant to umpireship which are propounded in the court of
arbitration for sports which were established by international Olympic committee
in 1984 and its laws match the Swiss regulations.
The published statistics of the court of arbitration for sports is a sample of
growth of the amount of disputes or incongruities submitted in court of arbitration
for sports which demonstrates that it has had merely 50 files during 11 years
between the years 1984 and 1995 which have been resolved.
But the amount of work has considerably doubled from 1996 to 2006. Now
considering the tremendous bulk of files propounded in the court of arbitration for
sports, some endeavors are made in this article to express the manner to settle disputes
in the aforesaid court. The point which one should bear in mind is that ultimately
whether the governance of law and justice in the way the court of arbitration for
sports deals with discrepancies is accessible in all the cases propounded or not.



Dagmara Kornobis-Romanowska
Prof., Chair of Public International and European Law, Chair Jean Monnet on
European Legal Studies Wroclaw University, Poland

The confrontation with the relationship of sports and law in the European Un-
ion (EU) raises many particular problems and deserves recognition, examination
and deep judicial reflection. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
is the only judicial institution in the EU empowered to provide a coherent response
to contemporary challenges in sport. The purpose of this paper is to present the
development of the case law of the CJEU of the in order to show the evolution and
to draw the directions and the challenges in the future of sports law in the EU.
Under the Treaty of Lisbon, the EU has the competence to carry out actions
to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of the member states in the area
of sport (Article 6, point e of the TFEU). The actions of the EU in this regard are
targeted primarily to the development of the European dimension in sport (Arti-
cle 165 para.2 TFEU). Moreover, the EU has an obligation to foster cooperation
with third countries and the competent international organizations in the field
of sport, in particular the Council of Europe (Article 165 para. 3 of the TFEU).
With few and the limited references of the Treaties establishing European

e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

Union (Treaty on the European Union - TEU, Treaty on the functioning the
European Union - TFEU), the recognition of the legal nature of sport belongs
to the CJEU. The latter is the only institution upon which the treaty confers the
power to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is
observed(Article 19 TEU). This provision empowers the CJEU to examine the spe-
cificity of sport in the activities of the member states and sports entities. There are
many particular legal consequences as far as sport activity falls within the scope
of the EU treaties. It means as far as it has an economic dimension and concerns
the freedoms of the internal market (the rights to provide services, the right to
establishment, the free movement of goods) and the competition law. But the of
sport cannot be exhaustively recognized by the single market laws because of its
specificity. It also covers such the areas as public health, education, training, youth,
culture or media and touches such problems like broadcasting issues, autonomy of
sport organizations, nationality and antidoping rules, and many others.
Consequently, sport is the subject to European Union law when its constitutes
an economic activity (C-36/74 Walrave & Koch, para. 4; C-13/76 Donà, para.
12; C-415/93 Bosman, para. 73; C-519/04 Meca-Medina, para. 22; C-325/08
Bernard, para. 27). This is the main principle established in the case law of the
CJEU and reiterated under the consecutive revisions of the treaties that has been
guided the EU sports policy for decades. But it must be noted that the CJEU
has also the strong impact on the national legal systems of the member states
(including national sports organizations), especially through the references for
the preliminary rulings addressed to it from the national judiciaries and by the
principles of supremacy and the legal effect of EU law (C-26/62 Van Gend en
Loos; C-6/64 Costa v ENEL). Taking it into consideration, the final conclusion
of this presentation is that the jurisdiction of the CJEU shapes not only the EU
law, but it also lays out the obligations for the member states to provide remedies
sufficient to ensure effective legal protection. From this point of view, the juris-
prudence of the CJEU in sports cases has the impact in law practice not only in
Europe but also may have the effect on sports law worldwide.


Lucio Colantuoni
Prof. Avv. Sports Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan, Italy

Integrity in sport is perhaps one of the most valuable commodities. Fans

must believe that what they see on the field of play represents a true test of the
Abstracts form 19th IASL worldwide Congress in Bali 2013, Indonesia

competitors’ skills. If they cannot, there is a real risk that they will ignore sport
and take sponsors and broadcasters with them.
There are many occasions where results have been affected by outside
influences, but there are now some big new developments that make tackling
match-fixing urgent and very important.
For instance, internet betting may not be an activity we are very familiar with,
but it now accounts for many billions of dollars. That amount of money attracts
the attention of criminals and indeed much of it is connected directly to money
laundering and fraud.
Match-fixing is not new, but it is an increasing problem for sport globally.
This paper shall look at a brief history, review some notorious international
cases and observe their effect on the sports concerned. The focus will be also on
the South Asia region.
The recent jurisprudence of TAS/CAS Lausanne (CH) will be thoroughly
Furthermore, since a range of prevention, education, communication and
detection measures have been developed in recent years, the paper shall analyze
such actions to prevent match-fixing as well as the best practices to safeguard
sports integrity.
No sports organization is immune to a match-fixing scandal. A full-blown
crisis can destroy reputations and careers but, with some advanced planning, the
worst consequences can be avoided.
*Author furthermore is an Attorney in Milan, Director of the Sports Law Research
Center of Milan, Board Member of IASL, TAS/CAS Arbitrator (Lausanne - CH), With the
cooperation of Edoardo Revello – SLRC.



(Ordinary and arbitration courts)
Özgerhan Tolunay
Doctor of law, Attorney at law, TOLUN Consulting, Sport Law Center
Switzerland, Turkey

1. Switzerland, the country of advanced scientific research on sports law, the

seat of several international sports organizations, has always provided us precious
solutions to use in our daily activities in field of sports law. This is mainly due to
sentences pronounced by Swiss courts and settlements by arbitration published
e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I: 1 (2013)

from the TAS (CAS) in Lausanne.

2. Turkey, a fully developing country in the field of sports activities, is also
the source of interesting decisions for the sports law. However, this expansion is
mainly observed with regard to the Turkish professional football and especially
in terms of the fight against match fixing and violence during sports events. This
kind of decisions is essentially pronounced by Turkish criminal courts and the
Arbitration court of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF).
During our congress in Moscow, I had, in part, handled the same subject.
The development of events in Turkey since then confirmed my expectations:
The severity and anti-constitutionality of the quite recent Turkish law have
been corrected, the role and the influence of UEFA have been determinant in
the exclusion of the Turkish teams from the championship, the Turkish Football
Federation has suffered and will continue to suffer a blow from which it could
not recover easily.
3. The impact of match fixing, especially related to sport betting, continued to
acquire a greater and more important dimension in the world, sometimes nearing
organized crime.
In my paper of this year, I will therefore handle the state of the case law
situation in Turkey in the field of the fight against match fixing and a few other
interesting issues. I will conclude my paper by highlighting the recent important
decisions pronounced by Swiss courts and the TAS on different branches of
sports, either related to a case in Switzerland or at the international level.


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