The Roles of Muhammad Ali Jauhar in Indi

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By Gonda Yumitro2


This topic is important and interesting to be discussed because Muhammad Ali Jauhar
was able to compromise both notions of nationalism and Islamism in politics. This
excellence idea shows that he was a modern and moderate Islamic thinker. In his
belief, the similarity of nationalism and Islamism can be seen through their rejection
on colonialism. Even he introduced the importance idea on the unity of Islam and
Hindu in order to against British colonialism in India. This idea made him close to
Gandhi which then had been changed since Nehru Report published to against his
idea on Federation of Faith. After such event, though his Islamic principle basically
was so huge and rational, he spent most of his time for Khilafat Movement. He had
mission to preserve the existency of Islamic Khilafat in Turkey which he believed as
the duty of all the Muslims over the world to show the existence of Muslim

Keywords: Khilafat, Movement, Politics, India, Islam, Muslim

Muhammad Ali Jauhar was born on 10 December 1878 in Rampur state from
wealthy and enlightened family of Pathans. His grandfather was a petty official in the
court of Nawab Muhammad Yusuf Khan. His father, Abdul Ali Khan, was died when
he was two years old which caused his family had financial problems. But his mother
wanted him and his brother, Saukat Ali to studi in modern education. So that, both of
them studied English since child.
For that porpuse, his mother sold almost all of their land properties for
sending them to the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh, founded by Sir
Syed Ahmad Khan, to study. In this campus, he showed his capacity as a brilliant

This paper is presented in International Conference on International System (ICIS) with the theme
The End of The Westphalian Settlement?, Contemporary Global Challenges Toward The Nation State
System, Conducted by University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, November 11 th, 2013
Lecturer of Department of International Relations , University of Muhammadiyah Malang
debater, poet, and writer. He also generally used to differ with the professors and
spoke in the union on topics which irritated them. His speeches were forceful and
made him known as revolutionary person. Then Muhammad Ali showed exceptional
brilliance in graduation from this college, which delivered him to pursue his study to
London in 1898. He finished his study in Oxford, Department of Modern History in
After coming back from London, he applied to be a teacher in Alighar Muslim
University, but he was rejected since he had criticized some of his previous teacher
while he was studying in bachelor degree. Then he joined Baroda Civil Service and
worked there. But after seven years, since he had capability in thinking and writing,
he found him self like fish out of water, so that he shifted to be a journalist. Since that
time, he wrote a lot of his brilliant ideas for the freedom of India. In expressing the
reason of shifting to be journalist, he said, “The reasons which so irresistibly impelled
me to take journalism was that the affairs of my country as the juncture made it the
only arena through which I could prove of any appreciable use”.3
He criticized a lot of British policy frankly, such kind of Balkan wars and
Kanpur Mosque incident in 1913. For that purpose, he found Comrade and journal of
Hamdard and wrote a lot of articles in The Times, The Observer, and The Manchester
Guardian. Through some of his writtens, he brought the ideas of Hindu and Muslim
unity, non cooperation movement and pan Islamism.
After interned for 5 years from 1915 to 1919 because of his critics to British
policy, he joined the Indian National Congress. Then he became the president of the
Indian National Congress in 1923. In this organization, he collaborated a lot of things
with Gandhi. Meanwhile, in term of education, Mohammad Ali worked hard to
expand the AMU, by founding of new campus, Jamia Millia Islamia in 1920, which
was later moved to Delhi. In 1931, he died in London during the first Round Table

Iqbal, Afzal. Life and Times of Mohammed Ali. Analysis of The Hopes, Fears and Aspirations of
Muslim India From 1778 to 1931, page 64
Conference as he wished, not to return to India which was unfree. Then he was buried
in Jerusalem by the demand of Muslim people in that city.

Muhammad Ali And Struggle for Indian Independence

Muhammad Ali had significant roles in the struggle for Indian independence.
Muhammad Ali emphasized the need of Hindu Muslim cooperation. He argued that
Muslims and Hindus should recognize clearly that there are differences between them
which need to interfere with the development of mutual respect. Because of this idea
and non cooperation movement, in the early time of his participation in Indian
politics, he was very close with Gandhi.
In non cooperation movement, he played vital roles in comenting different
segment of society. He argued that India could not achieve independence unless the
two major communities united and fight under one banner. He worked hardly for the
Hindu and Muslim unity. He stated, “Without a proper and lasting settlement of
Hindu Muslim unity, we can effect nothing”4. On the other occasion, he said that
Hindu Muslim unity is vital, and in fact the most vital that we have to settle, but the
issues which disturb that unity are contemptibly petty.5Because of this effort, both
Muslim and Hindu love him, and he was elected as the congress president.
In this position, he transformed the congress into a true mass national
organization. He explained that Muslim should accept Gandhi’s leadership. He
introduced Gandhi’s ideas to whole country, such as to his almamater in Alighar
Muslim University. He explained to Indian Muslims that there is no contradiction of
being a good Muslim and in being a good Indian. He said, “Where God commands I
am a Muslim first, a Muslim second and a Muslim last, and nothing but a Muslim.
But where India is concerned, I am and Indian first, an Indian second and and Indian

Chopra. PN. 1988. Indian Muslims In Freedom Struggle, page 67
Ahmad, Khwaja Muhammad. Moulana Muhammed Ali, A Great Freedom Fighter. page 21.
idem, page 70.
Moreover, Muhammad Ali believed to the idea of federation of faith. To
support this idea, he brought the case of unification of Jews to claim Palestine region
as the fact which show the existence of federation of faith. He said that people can be
united by the name of religion and get their own rights based on that belief. So that,
in term of Indian politics, he demanded the implementation of federation of faith,
which means that the Muslim will have their own right based on religions federation.
Muhammad Ali stated, “We, ourselves, who have been living in India, are great
believers in a sort of Federation of Faiths”7.
He Stated, "I had long been convinced that here in this country of hundreds of
millions of human beings, intensely attached to religion, and yet infinitely split up
into communities, sects and denominations, providence had created for us the mission
of solving a unique problem and working out a new synthesis, which was nothing low
than a Federation of Faiths. For more than twenty years I have dreamed the dream of
a federation, grander, nobler and infinitely more spiritual than the United States of
America, and today when many a political cassandra prophesies a return to the bad
old days of Hindu-Muslim dissensions I still dream that old dream of "United Faiths
of India."8
In this time, his relations was still close to Gandhi, that was why Gandhi was
actively campaigned for the release of Ali brothers when they were arrested. Both
Gandhi and Muhammad Ali had same mission in advancing Hindu Muslim unity.
They also were actively in non violent and non cooperation movement. Speaking
together with Gandhi in Lucknow, Muhammad Ali declared that Indian Muslim had
chosen the path of non violent and non cooperation to secure their country and faith.9
According to him, Muslimness did not in anyway nullify Indianness. He
harmoniously blended his love for Islam and his love for India.

Maulana Mohammad Ali, From The Presidential Address. INC Session, 1923, Cocanada (now
Hasan, Mushirul. 1981. Muhammad Ali, Ideology and Politics, page 67-68
Even because of this close relations, Gandhi supported his idea for Khilafat
Movement, which criticized the policy of British that couldnot satisfied the Indian
Muslim. Gandhi knew that Muhammad Ali was not the person who supported
communalism10. This support can be seen through Gandhi activity to launch a non
cooperation movement on 19 March, the same day with the founding of Khilafat
Movement on 191911. In establishing Jamia Millia Islamia in 1920, Gandhi also had
determinant factor to back up Muhammad Ali and team and making M. Ali became
the first Vice Chancellor of this university. Moreover, after his release on September
1924, Gandhi stayed with Muhammad Ali in Delhi, even Gandhi was fasting in Ali’s
house for 21 days12.
On the other hand, Muhammad Ali admired Gandhi very much, as he said, “I
cannot find in any community – Jewish, Christian or any other men who has noble a
character as Mahatma Gandhi”13. Even Muhammad Ali was the person who raised
Gandhi to the position of Mahatma and got him accepted as the spirit behind Hindu
Muslim unity.14 Both of Gandhi and Muhammad Ali also undertook a tour of the
whole country with his brother Shaukat Ali. This trio constituted the most effective
and popular leadership which made them were received with mass ovation
everywhere. In that time, people supported to non cooperation movement.15
Then, when Muhammad Ali was arrested by British in 1922, there were
tremendous changes in Indian politics, one of them was the conflict between Hindu
and Muslims in Amritsar, Multan, Muradabad, Meerut, Allahabad and some other
cities.16 This conditions showed the increased of communalism for the issue of cow
slaughter and the playing music before mosque.

idem, page 31.
Idem, pagen 40
12 , see also Iqbal, Afzal. Life and Times
of Mohammed Ali. Analysis of The Hopes, Fears and Aspirations of Muslim India From 1778 to 1931,
page 420
op.cit. page 68.
Chopra. PN. 1988. Indian Muslims In Freedom Struggle, page 63
idem, page 68.
Hasan, Mushirul. 1981. Muhammad Ali, Ideology and Politics, page 71
After was released in 1923, Muhammad Ali expressed his annoyance with the
Muslim co-workers who had organized counter movement against the Hindus and
expressed completed solidarity with the congress and Gandhi17. He believed that
Muslims and Hindus should live like brothers and supported non cooperation
movement as he said, if cooperation was haram according to Islamic law two years
ago, it cannot become halal today”.18
But in 1928, Nehru declared Nehru Report which was a memorandum
outlining a proposed new dominion constitution for India and the roadmapping of
Indian politics. In term of this issue, Muhammad Ali opposed separate electorates but
agreed to reservation of seats for Muslims where they were in a minority. But it did
not meet the demands of some Muslim leaders who wanted complete autonomy.
Muslim League rejected the Nehru reports, and Jinnah was sided in it.19 Muhammad
Ali rejected the Nehru committee report and said that they could agree to dominion
status instead of independent, but not with Muslim on their demand for 33%, instead
of 26 %.
Because of his rejection to Nehru reports, inspite of the failure of Khilafat
Movement, Muhammad Ali was very disappointed. On the other, Gandhi suspended
the civil disobedience. Because of those condition, Muhammad Ali hated Gandhi
very much by his statement, "Even the most degraded Muhammadan was better than
Mahatma Gandhi."20
In 1931, Muhammad Ali was sick when he went to London to attend the
round table conference. He stated that he would not go back to slave country. He said,
“I want to go back to my country if I can go back with the substance of freedom in
my hand, otherwise I will not go back to a slave country. I would prefer to die in a
foreign country as long as it is a free country and if you don’t give us freedom in

Chopra. PN. 1988. Indian Muslims In Freedom Struggle, page 24
op.cit page 77
op.cit. page 26
India you will have to give me a grave here”21. Then he died there and was buried at
Jerusalem at the request of Muslim population of that city.

Khilafat Movement
Muhammad Ali Jauhar was one of the most famous leader and spokesman of
Khilafat Movement. This movement was appeared because the Turkey Ottoman
Empire was defeated in the first world war. This movement was launched in India to
campaign the continuity of the Turkey Khilafat. For that purpose, he wrote many
articles about this issue. One of those article was the “Choice of The Turks” which
criticized the policy of British and demanded the existence of Khilafat. The article
which he wrote in stress condition because of diabetic trouble, made British became
very upset and put him and his brother in jail on May 191522.
In 1920, he led khilafat delegation for caming to England to present their case
to the British government and people. During the delegation’s stay, their visits to the
Woking Mosque were reported in The Islamic Review. In his speech, he convinced
that the rights of the Muslim should be respected. He also said that the the power of
chaliph should not be reduced. (The Islamic Review, April 1920, p. 139). He said, “I
only want to make it clear that we have come here chiefly in connection with a
religious question which is of great importance to us. With regard to this, we desire to
point out what is the connection of Indian Musalmans with the Khilafat”23. So he
made religion (especially Islam) is one of the most important issue in life.
In connecting to this, Muhammad Ali argued that Islam is rational. He stated
that Islam, as we understand it, is not a set of doctrines and dogmas; it is a complete
outlook on life, a moral code and a social polity24. So that, in his opinion the the
issue of khilafat is not only the problem of Turkey and Arab people, but the question

Chopra. PN. 1988. Indian Muslims In Freedom Struggle, page 31
Hasan, Mushirul (editor), 1999. My Life, A Fragment: An Autobiographical Sketch of Maulana
Muhammad Ali.
Dee, Sean Oliver. page 110, The Caliphat Question. 2009. UK: Lexington Book.
of entire Muslim in the world. He argued that the function of khalifa is to defence the
faith. (The Islamic Review, April 1920, p. 140–141).
He stated that the khilafat must be preserved by the entire body of Muslims at
all times with adequate temporal power. He said in his short speech after khutbah that
the brotherhood among Muslim is beyond the region. So that, all Muslim among the
world should be united for this Khilafat Movement. Related to this, he stated that
Islam recognises no ethnical, geographical or political barriers to free human
intercourse and sympathy. Islam’s whole outlook on life is supranational rather than
From his statement, we can realize that Muhammad Ali supported the idea of
Pan Islamism. This idea which was not instinctive, but the outcome of much thought
and deliberation. In expanding this idea, he was inspired by Abdul Kalam Azad in
term of idea of personal center of Islam – in khalifah – and the local center was the
“island of Arabia”. He argued that those both regions should not be occupied by non
Muslim countries.
But this movement came to unsuccessful end since in March 1924, Kemal
Ataturk abolished Turki Usmani khalifah through a declaration of the Grand National
Assembly. Since that time, he realized that it would be big mistake if he did Islamic
activities directed by communal legality. So that, he started to understand his struggle
as Islamic duty. This religious favour characterized the rest of his life.26
In Ali’s opinion, Turkeys’s defeat was the defeat of Islam, its humiliation, the
shame of every Muslim. Because of this many activities, Muhammad Ali had
emerged as the leader of the Muslim intelligentsia. But also because of this Khilafat
Movement, in 1913, Muhammad Ali came into open conflict with the official world.
At the end, he failed to keep this movement, even to find the solution problems
between Hindu and Muslim.

Hasan, Mushirul. 1981. Muhammad Ali, Ideology and Politics, page 37
From the explanation above, it is clear that Muhammad Ali Jauhar has
significant roles in Indian politics and Khilafat Movement. In term of India politics,
Muhammad Ali has the idea of the unity of Hindus and Muslims and supported non
cooperation movement, led by Mahatma Gandhi. Because of those similarities in
mission and thought to bring Indian in freedom life from British colonialism,
Muhammad Ali was very close to Gandhi. Since Muhammad Ali who brought his
idea of federation of faith, failed and Khilafat Movement, opposed Nehru Reports,
and he had problem with the Gandhi’s suspension of civil disobedience, the relations
of both leader became worse.
On the issue of Khilafat Movement, Muhammad Ali was one of the important
leader who believed in pan Islamism. He spent his life for the interests of Muslims
since he wanted to keep khalifah in Turkey keep remained. He believed in the
principles of Islam within the political system and life. So that he wanted to bring the
issues of Muslim brotherhood beyond border dan the rationality of Islam in modern
life. Unfortunately, he failed to gain success in all of his movement, but at least he
showed the way to die respectfully for keeping his idealism and the freedom of
Muslim and Indian.**

Ahmad, Khwaja Muhammad. 1978. Moulana Muhammed Ali, A Great Freedom
Fighter. Hydrabad: Abdul Kalam Azad Oriental Research Institute
Ali, Maulana Mohammad. From The Presidential Address. INC Session, 1923,
Cocanada (now Kakinada)
Chopra. PN. 1988. Indian Muslims In Freedom Struggle. New Delhi: Criterion
Dee, Sean Oliver. 2009 The Caliphat Question. UK: Lexington Book.
Hasan, Mushirul (editor), 1999. My Life, A Fragment: An Autobiographical Sketch of
Maulana Muhammad Ali. Delhi: Manohar Publishers
Hasan Mushirul. 1981. Muhammad Ali, Ideology and Politics. New Delhi: Manohar
Iqbal, Afzal. Life and Times of Mohammed Ali. Analysis of The Hopes, Fears and
Aspirations of Muslim India From 1778 to 1931. Delhi: Jayyed Press.

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