unit 5- buổi tiếp

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II. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.

1. a. tofu b. opera c. hot d. bottle

2. a. taught b. water c. sandwich d. author
3. a. apple b. pancake c. snack d. salt
4. a. sauce b. saw c. bought d. yoghurt
5. a. torch b. pot c. omelette d. rock
I. Match the food or spice with its definition.
1. omelette 2. sausage 3. pepper 4. turmeric 5. sauce 6. noodles 7. tofu 8. spring
a. a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour

b. a food in the form of long, thin strips cooked in soup

c. a dish made by mixing eggs together and frying them
d. a food consisting of a small roll of pastry filled with meat and vegetables, and
e. a small tube of skin filled with a mixture of meat, spices etc,
f. a soft white food made from soya beans
g. a yellow powder made from the root of an Asian plant
h. a grey or white powder used to give a spicy, hot taste to food
Complete each sentence with the word in part I. Use the picture as a cue.

1. Jane eats ___________ quite often because it is healthy.

2. Would you like bacon or ___________?

3. Add some ___________ to give the chicken a yellow colour.

4. To make an ___________ you must first beat the eggs.

5. Do you want to eat ___________ or rice?

6. Don‟t put so much ___________ in the soup.

7. Heat the oil, then deep-fry the ___________.

8. I made some spaghetti ___________ for dinner.

III. Underline the correct words.
1. She bought a loaf/ bowl/ bar of bread so we can make sandwiches. – 1 ổ bánh

2. We‟ve already eaten a tube/ packet/ slice of biscuits!
3. Would you like a bowl/piece/glass of lemonade?
4. There is a piece/ carton/ kilo of milk in the fridge. – hộp sữa
5. Could you cut me a smaller slice/ spoon( thìa)/ bunch of ham (thịt hun khói)? –
1 lát thịt
6. You can have a loaf/ piece/ pot of cake after you‟ve eaten your vegetables! –
miếng bánh
7. See round the grocer‟s for a bottle/ tin/ tube of sardines. – 1 hộp cá mòi
8. She ate a glass/ slice/ bowl of noodles yesterday morning. Bát mì
9. Anna always eats a slice/ bar/ loaf of chocolate on her way to school. Thanh scl
10. He got a can/ piece/ carton of Coke from the fridge because he was thirsty.
Lon coca
IV. Complete the instructions to make a basic French omelette with the verbs
in the box.

(1) ___________ eggs, water, salt and pepper in small bowl until blended. (2)
___________butter in nonstick omelet pan. (3) ___________ in egg mixture.
Mixture should set immediately at edges. When top surface of eggs is thickened
and no visible liquid egg remains, (4) ___________ filling, such as shredded
cheese, finely chopped ham on one side of the omelet. (5) ___________ omelet in
half with turner. With a quick flip of the wrist, turn pan and invert omelet onto
plate. (6) ___________ immediately.
VI. Fill in the blanks with a, an, some or any.
1. Have you got __________ potatoes?
2. I‟d like __________bread, and __________piece of cheese, please.
3. For breakfast, I have __________ham sandwich and __________orange juice.
4. Here are __________ cereals, but there isn‟t __________ milk.
5. Would you like __________ beer or would you prefer __________ bottle of
6. Is there __________ rice left? ~ I‟m afraid there isn‟t __________ rice left, but
youcan have __________noodles instead.
7. There aren‟t __________ bananas, but there is __________ apple and
__________ grapes.
8. I want __________ jam and __________ butter for my toast.
9. Can I have __________ sausages and__________omelette with fries on the side,
10. My father always has __________biscuit and __________cup of tea at
VII. Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
1. _____________grams of sugar per day should we consume?
2. _____________bread do we need?
3. _____________coffee do you drink in a day?
4. _____________steaks do you want?
5. _____________meat do we need for the barbecue tonight?
6. _____________bottles of orange juice have you had today?
7. _____________hamburgers did he eat?
8. _____________cream would you like in your coffee?
9. _____________potatoes are there in the basket?
10. _____________rice can I put in the soup?
Read the dialogue and circle the correct words.
Lucy: How about making (1) a/ an apple pie?
Alan: Great idea! Have we got (2) some / any apples? – câu hỏi
Lucy: Yes, there are (3) some / any in the bowl. (4) How much / How many do we
Alan: A lot, about a (5) kilo / litre.
Lucy: We haven‟t got enough. We can buy (6) some / any in the corner shop.
Alan: And we need (7) some / any flour, too. Look at the recipe. (8) How much /
many flour do we need?
Lucy: About half a pound.
Alan: And (9) how much / how many eggs do we need?
Sue: Four. And we also need (10) some / any butter and (11) some / any sugar. Oh,
we haven‟t got (12) some / any butter.
Andy: We can buy (13) a / some bar of butter in the shop, too.
Complete the dialogues with the phrases or sentences in the box.
1. A: What kind of Vietnamese food do you like? B:
2. A: What would you like to drink? B:
3. A: What is your favourite taste? B:
4. A: How much milk do you need? B:
5. A: How often do you drink milk tea? B:
6. A: Would you like some cheese? B:
7. A: What are you going to have for breakfast? B:
Read the text carefully then decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F).
Once being a basic food of farmers and poor families in Vietnam, com tam or
broken rice is now a favourite dish of most Vietnamese. It is said that the best
broken rice can be found in Saigon.
When you come to Saigon, you should try this dish at least one time and you will
not regret it.
Com tam literally means broken rice. Broken rice originally consisted of grains
which were broken during the harvesting and cleaning of rice. In the past, as most
people preferred to eat the long, whole grain rice, broken rice grains were difficult
to sell and usually eaten by the Vietnamese working class because of the cheap
price. Nowadays, often favored over long grain rice for its unique flavour and
texture, broken rice is one of the best-loved fares in Vietnam.
Local broken rice eateries can practically be found on every street in Saigon. A
broken rice dish is served with many beautiful colours from grilled pork chop with
multi-flavour to steamed egg, shredded pork skin, pickles, vegetables such as
tomatoes, cucumbers ... and especially sweet fish sauce that is the spirit of the dish.
1. Today, com tamis only eaten by poor Vietnamese.
2. Com tamis made from broken rice grains.
3. In the past, most people didn‟t eat broken rice grains because they were cheap.
4. It is difficult to find a place to eat com tam in Saigon.
5. The most important part of com tamis sweet fish sauce.
6. Com tamis now a favourite dish of Vietnamese people, especially Saigonese.
. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. a. bread b. beef c. meat d. tea
2. a. audience b. sauce c. sausage d. taught
3. a. eggs b. cups c. cartons d. noodles
4. a. soup b. salt c. sauce d. sugar
5. a. fridge b. rice c. spinach d. milk
II. Choose the odd one out.
1. a. juice b. sandwich c. lemonade(nước chanh) d. milk
2. a. sweet (kẹo,ngọt) b. sour (chua) c. salty (mặn) d. sauce (nước mắm)
3. a. egg b. pork c. beef d. ham (thịt hun khói)
4. a. cheese b. salt (muối) c. orange d. bread
5. a. bowl (bát) b. glass (cốc thủy tinh) c. plate (đĩa) d. fork (dĩa)
III. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence.
1. Pho is always served _________ fresh herbs, bean sprouts, sliced-up chiles, and
lime. được phục vụ/ăn kèm với
a. for b. with c. in d. on
2. This cake is made _________ fresh butter and eggs. được làm từ
a. in b. of c. by d. from
3. You don’t need to take _________ food on the trip.
a. a b. some c. any d. the
4. We need a _________ of bread to make the sandwiches for everyone. ( 1 ổ bmi)
a. carton b. bar c. loaf d. tube
5. There was some ham _________ from lunch. Còn lại, sót lại
a. leave b. leaving c. to leave d. left
6. My lemonade-nước chanh is a bit _________. Can you give me some sugar
(đường), please?
a. sour- chua b. sweet-ngọt c. spicy- cay d. salty- mặn
7. Would you like _________ milk in your coffee? (sữa – không đếm được)- lời
gợi ý
a. any b. some c. a d. a few
8. How _________ cheese do we need to make a cheese cake? ~ About 250 grams.
a. few b. many c. much d. little
9. Flour is the main _________ in cakes. (bột mì: flour)
a. recipe- công thức b. dish- món ăn c. formulary d. ingredient- nguyên liệu
10. Alan: _________________ Huan: Pho, bun cha, bun bo, banh mi, com tam,
a.What Vietnamese food should I try(món ăn việt nam mà tôi nên thử)?
b.What‟s your favourite drink?
(nước yêu thích)
c.How do you cook Vietnamese food? (làm ntnao để nấu..) d.How much
food do you like?
Match the questions with the answers.
1. Are you ready to order?
2. How much flour do we need?
3. What is there to drink?
4. What Vietnamese food can you cook?
5. How many slices of ham do you want?
6. How does this garlic soup taste?
7. Would you like another bowl of rice?
8. Do you want something to drink?
a.Beer, orange juice and mineral water.
b.Very good.
c.Two or three.
d.No, thanks. I‟m full.
e.Yes. I‟d like chicken with rice, please. f.Just a bottle of mineral water, please.
g.Bun bo and mien ga.
h. 250 grams.
Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers.
Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the north to the south. In Northern
Vietnam, food is characterized by light and balanced. Northern Vietnam is seen to
be the cradle of Vietnamese cuisine with many notable dishes like Pho, Bun Rieu,
Bun Thang, Bun Cha, BanhCuon, etc. Then, food culture in Northern Vietnam
became popular in Central and Southern Vietnam with suitable flavors in each
The regional cuisine of Central Vietnam is famous for its spicy food. Hue cuisine
is typical Central Vietnam‟s food culture. Food in the region is often used with
chili peppers and shrimp sauces, namely, Bun Bo Hue, BanhKhoai, BanhBeo, etc.
In Southern Vietnam, the warm weather and fertile soil create an ideal condition
for planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and livestock. Thus, food in the region is
often added with garlic, shallots and fresh herbs. Particularly, Southerners are
favored of sugar; they add sugar in almost dishes. Some signature dishes from
Southern Vietnam include BanhKhot and Bun Mam.
1. It is considered that Vietnamese cuisine __________.
a. originated from the North- đến từ miền bắc
b. became more and more popular – trở nên phổ biến
c.always combines taste and colour
d.can be found only in Northern Vietnam- chỉ được tìm ở miền nam
2. What are the features (đặc điểm) of Northern Vietnamese food?
a. It‟s delicious and healthy.
b. It‟s sweet and sour.
c.It‟s light and balanced.
d. It‟s a bit fatty and salty.
3. Hue cuisine is notable for its __________. = famous for
a. colorful food
b. spicy taste
c. bitter taste
d. light flavor
4. In Southern Vietnam, __________.
a. the warm weather makes it hard to plant fruit and vegetables
b. fresh herbs are always used in cooking
c.people love sweet food
d. sugar is often added to dishes – đường được cho thêm vào món ăn
5. Which of the followings is NOT true? – không đungs
a.Food in Vietnam changes region to region.
b. Southerners do not like northern food due to its light flavor.
c.Chill peppers and shrimp sauces are among the frequently used ingredients.
d.Bun Bo Hue is a typical dish of the Central Vietnam cuisine.
Giải thích:
1. Thông tin: Vietnamese food culture varies by regions from the.....each regions.
2. Thông tin: In Northern Vietnam, food is characterized by light and balanced
3. Thông tin: The regional cuisine of Central Vietnam is famous for its spicy food. Hue cuisine is
typical Central Vietnam's food culture. Food in the region is often used with....etc.
4. Thông tin: Particularly, Southerners are favored of sugar, they add sugar in almost dishes.
5. Thông tin: Then, food culture in Northern Vietnam became popular in Central and Southern
Vietnam with suitable flavors in each regions.
Dịch: Văn hóa ẩm thực Việt Nam thay đổi theo vùng miền từ Bắc vào Nam. Ở miền Bắc Việt
Nam, thức ăn có đặc điểm là nhẹ và cân bằng. Miền Bắc Việt Nam được xem là cái nôi của nền
ẩm thực Việt Nam với nhiều món ăn nổi tiếng như Phở, Bún riêu, Bún thang, Bún chả, Bánh
cuốn,… Sau đó, văn hóa ẩm thực miền Bắc dần phổ biến ở miền Trung và miền Nam với hương
vị phù hợp với từng loại. vùng. Ẩm thực miền Trung nổi tiếng với những món cay. Ẩm thực Huế
là nét văn hóa ẩm thực đặc trưng của miền Trung Việt Nam. Món ăn trong vùng thường dùng ớt
và mắm tôm như Bún Bò Huế, Bánh Khoái, Bánh Bèo, v.v. Ở Nam Bộ, khí hậu ấm áp, đất đai
màu mỡ tạo điều kiện lý tưởng để trồng nhiều loại cây ăn trái, rau củ và chăn nuôi gia súc. . Vì
vậy, thức ăn trong vùng thường được thêm tỏi, hẹ tây và các loại thảo mộc tươi. Riêng người
miền Nam chuộng đường; họ thêm đường vào hầu hết các món ăn. Một số món ăn đặc trưng của
miền Nam Việt Nam bao gồm Bánh Khọt và Bún Mắm.

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