Proba Lectures

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Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables.


Uniform distribution.
Probability density functions.
Random variables. Independence

Dr.Stephen Edward Mwaijande

FTC (MUST), B.Sc.Ed (Hons)(UDSM),M.Sc


Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

The University of Dodoma

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

After developing a background in probabilistic models with

discrete outcomes we can now progress further and do
exercises where uncountably many outcomes are explicitly
Here, the events are associated with subsets of a continuous
space (a real line R, an interval (a, b), a plane R2 , a square,
etc.). The simplest case is where the outcome space Ω is
represented by a ’nice’ bounded set and the probability
distribution corresponds to a unit mass uniformly spread over
it. Then the event (i.e a subset) A ⊂ Ω acquires the
P (A) = . (1)
where ν(A) is the standard Euclidean volume (or area or 2/24
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

P (A) = f (x)dx. (2)
Here f is a given PDF f ≥ 0 with
f (x)dx = 1. (3)

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Uniform Distribution

A continuous random variable X is said to have a Uniform

distribution over the interval [a, b] , shown as
X ∼ U nif orm(a, b), if its PDF is given by


 b−a , if a < x < b,
fX (x) = (4)
0, if x < a, or x ≥ b.

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

It can be noted that the corresponding CDF is given below:

 0, if y ≤ a ≤ 1,

FX (y) = y−a
, if a < y < b, (5)

y, if y ≥ b.

its mean and variance are given respectively by

E(X) = , (6)
(b − a)2
V ar(X) = . (7)

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Normal (Gaussian) Distribution

The normal distribution is by far the most important
probability distribution. One of the main reasons for that is
the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) that we will discuss later in
the book. To give you an idea, the CLT states that if you add
a large number of random variables, the distribution of the
sum will be approximately normal under certain conditions.
The importance of this result comes from the fact that many
random variables in real life can be expressed as the sum of a
large number of randomvariables and, by the CLT, we can
argue that distribution of the sum should be normal. The CLT
is one of the most important results in probability and we will
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

We first define the standard normal random variable. The

PDF of an N (µ, σ 2 ) RV X is
1 1 2
p exp − 2 (x − µ) , x ∈ R; (8)
(2πσ) 2σ
with the mean and variance E(X) = µ, V ar(X) = σ 2
and the MGF and CHF
1 2 2 1 2 2
EeθX = eθµ+ 2 θ σ , EeitX = eitµ− 2 t σ , θ, t ∈ R If
X ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), then x−µ
∼ N (0, 1) and
∀b, c ∈ :cX + b ∼ N (cµ + b, c2 δ 2 ).

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

also Gausian distribution has a CDF:

Z ∞  
1 1 2 y−µ
FX (y) = p exp − 2 (x − µ) dx = Φ( ), y ∈ R;
σ (2π) ∞ 2σ σ

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

We will then see that we can obtain other normal random

variables by scaling and shifting a standard normal random
A continuous random variable Z is said to be a standard
normal (standard Gaussian) random variable, shown as
Z ∼ N (0, 1) , if its PDF is given by

1 1 2
FZ (z) = p exp − z , z ∈ R; (10)
(2π) 2

The √ 1 is there to make sure that the area under the PDF
is equal to one. 9/24
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Note that, in all calculations involving PDFs, the sets C with

dx = 0. (11)

(sets of measure 0) can be disregarded. Therefore,

probabilities P (a ≤ x ≤ b) and P (a < x < b) coincide. (This
is, of course, not true for discrete RVs.)
The median m(X) of RV X gives the value that ’divides’ the
range of X into two pieces of equal mass. In terms of the CDF
and PDF:
m(X) = max {y : FX (y) ≥ 0} . (12)

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Exponential Distribution

The exponential distribution is one of the widely used

continuous distributions. It is often used to model the time
elapsed between events. We will now mathematically define
the exponential distribution, and derive its mean and expected
value. Then we will develop the intuition for the distribution
and discuss several interesting properties that it has.

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

A continuous random variable X is said to have an

exponential distribution with parameter λ > 0 , shown as
X ∼ Exponential(λ), if its PDF is given by

λe , x > 0;

fX (x) = (13)

 0, otherwise

and its CDF is given by

0, if x ≤ 0,

FX (x) = (14)
1 − e , x > 0;

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

We can find its expected value as follows, using integration by

Z ∞ Z ∞
E(X) = xf (x)dx = xλe−λx dx =
0 0 λ
and its variance is
V ar(X) =

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Gamma Distribution

The gamma distribution is another widely used distribution.

Its importance is largely due to its relation to exponential and
normal distributions. Here, we will provide an introduction to
the gamma distribution. Interested person may discuss more
properties of the gamma random variables. Before introducing
the gamma random variable, we need to introduce the gamma

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Gamma function: The gamma function shown by Γ(x), is an

extension of the factorial function to real (and complex)
numbers. Specifically, if n = {1, 2, 3, ..., }, then

Γ(n) = (n − 1)! (15)

More generally, for any positive real number α , Γ(α) is

defined as

Z ∞
Γ(α) = xα−1 e−λx dx, for α > 0. (16) 15/24
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

for a Gamma RV, has a PDF

λα α−1 −λx
fX (x) = x e ; (17)

and a CDF y
FX (x) = xα−1 e−λx ; (18)
Γ(α) 0

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

For integrals over (0, ∞) with an integrand consisting of a

power term and an exponential term, one should try
transforming into a Gamma function, defined as
Z ∞
Γ(p) = xα−1 e−λx dx. (19)
Given p, Γ(p) can be found from tables or by means of a
computer program. Some useful properties of the Gamma
function are:
Γ(p + 1) = pΓ(p),
Γ(n + 1) = n!, (20)
1 √
Γ( ) = π.
for non-negative integer n. 16/24
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence


E(X) =
and its variance is
V ar(X) =

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Cauchy Distribution

For a Cauchy RV has a PDF

fX (y) = , y ∈ R. (21)
τ2 + (y − α)2

and a CDF
1 −1 y − α π
FX (y) = tan ( )+ , y ∈ R. (22)
π τ 2

To be brief we write X ∼ Ca(α, τ ).

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

In general, we say that X has a PDF f (and write X ∼ f ) if

∀y ∈ R
Z y
Gam(p) = tp−1 e−t dt, p > 0. (23)

Then, ∀a, b ∈ R with a < b:

Z b
P (a < X < b) = f (x)dx. (24)
and in general, ∀ measurable set A ⊂ R:
P (X ∈ A) = f (x)dx. (25)

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

The expected value or expectation of a continuous r.v. X with
p.d.f. f(x) is denoted by E(X) and is defined as
Z ∞
E(X) = xf (x)dx. (26)

provided that the integral is absolutely convergent (i.e.

|x|f (x)dx is finite). As in the discrete case, E(X) is
often termed the expected value or mean of X.
Z ∞
E(g(X)) = g(x)f (x)dx. (27)
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence


An immediate application is to the variance of X, denoted by

V ar(X) and defined as

V ar(X) = E([X − E(X)]2 ). (28)

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Writing µ = E(X), we have

Z ∞
V ar(X) = (x − µ)2 f (x)dx,

= (x2 − 2µx + µ2 )f (x)dx,
∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
2 2
= x f (x)dx − 2µ xf (x)dx + µ f (x)dx,
−∞ −∞ −∞
Z ∞ Z ∞
2 2
= x f (x)dx − 2µ.µ + µ .1 = x2 f (x)dx − µ2 ,
−∞ −∞
2 2
= E(X ) − [E(X)] ,

just as in the discrete case.

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Normal distributions. Convergence of random

variables and distributions.The Central Limit
I We have already learned a number of properties of a
normal distribution. Its importance was realised at an
early stage by, among others, Laplace, Poisson and of
course Gauss.
I Understanding the special nature of normal distributions
required facts and methods from other fields of
mathematics, including analysis and mathematical physics
(notably, complex analysis and partial differential
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Recall the properties of Gaussian distributions which we have

established so far:
I The PDF of an N (µ, σ 2 ) RV X is
1 1 2
p exp − 2 (x − µ) , x ∈ R; (30)
(2πσ) 2δ
with the mean and variance E(X) = µ, V ar(X) = σ 2
and the MGF and CHF
1 2 2 1 2 2
EeθX = eθµ+ 2 θ σ , EeitX = eitµ− 2 t σ , θ, t ∈ R If
X ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), then x−µ
∼ N (0, 1) and
∀b, c ∈ :cX + b ∼ N (cµ + b, c2 δ 2 ).
I Two jointly normal RVs X and Y are independent iff
Cov(X, Y ) = Corr(X, Y ) = 0.
Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

The sum X +Y of two jointly normal RVs X ∼ N (µ1 , σ12 ),

Y ∼ N (µ2 , σ22 ), with CorrX − Y = r is normal, with mean
µ1 + µ2 and the variance σ12 + 2σ1 σ2 + σ22 . See equation
(2.41). In particular, if X, Y are independent,
X + Y ∼ N (µ1 + µ2 , σ12 + σ22 ). In general, for independent
RVs X1 , X2 , ..., where Xi ∼ N (µi , σi2 ), the linear combination
Σi ci Xi ∼ N (Σi ci µi , Σi c2i σi2 ).
To sum up for any random variable X we have discussed so
far, we write X ∼ U (a, b), X ∼ N (µ, σ 2 ), X ∼ Exp(λ),
X ∼ Gam(α, λ),and X ∼ Ca(α, τ ).

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

Let X ∼ Ca(2, 4). Find the probability that
a. X is less than 3,
b. X is greater than 4,
c. X is between 1 and 3.5
A CDF for Cauchy is given by
1 −1 y − α π
FX (y) = tan ( )+ , y ∈ R. (31)
π τ 2

Uniform distribution. Probability density functions. Random variables. Independence

here α = 2, τ = 4, y = 3
we have

P (X < 3) = F (3),
1 −1 3 − 2 π
= tan ( )+ ,
π 4 2
1 h −1 πi
= tan (0.25) + = 0.578
π 2
Verify for part b) and c)
b)0.3524 c) 0.156

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