Unit III Ecosystem and Biodiversity MCQ

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Topic Name : Ecosystem and biodiversity: UO 3a,3b, 3c, 3f: Assessments: Formative

Set 1: Question No 1 Set 1: Question No 2 Set 1: Question No 3

Set 1- Set 1- Set 1-

No1: Which one of the following is No2: Transfer of energy from source No3: The type of ecosystem with the
not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle of plants through a series of organism highest mean plant productivity is
in an ecosystem? is known as ________________ _______________

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) Carbon cycle a) Food web a) Tundra

b) Phosphorous cycle b) Energy cycle b) Temperate grassland

c) Sulphur cycle c) Food chain c) Desert

d) Nitrogen cycle d) Biological system d) Tropical rain forest

Ans: b Ans: c Ans: d

Set 2: Question No 1 Set 2: Question No 2 Set 2: Question No 3

In ecosystem standing crop refers An ecosystem which can be easily Which ecosystem produce the
to________________ damaged but can be recovered after highest annual net primary
some time if damaging effect stops productivity?
will be having
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

b) All the green plants a) High stability and high resilience a) Tropical evergreen forest

e) All the non living materials b) High stability and low resilience b)Tropical rain forest

f) All living and dead animals c) Low stability and low resilience c) Tropical deciduous forest

g) All the living materials both d) Low stability and high resilience d) Temperate evergreen forest
animals and plants
Ans: d Ans: d Ans: b
Set 3: Question No 1 Set 3: Question No 2 Set 3: Question No 3

____________is the term used to Which of the following is not the The biodiversity contained in the
describe the variety of life found on value of biodiversity? ecosystem provides forest dwellers
Earth and all of the natural processes. with all their daily needs is______use

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) Biodiversity a) Social use a) Ethical and Moral

b) Ecosystem b) Aesthetical use b) Consumptive

c) Biosphere c) Environmental use c) Aesthetical

d) Ecology d) Moral d) Social

Ans: a Ans: c Ans: b

Set 4: Question No 1 Set 4: Question No 2 Set 4: Question No 3

The initiative of biodiversity Which of the following is not a marketable products such as animal
assessment focuses on which Causes of biodiversity losses? skins, ivory, medicinal plants, honey,
ecosystem types: etc comes under_______.

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) Forest a) Over exploitation a) Productive value

b) wetland b) Eco-friendly b) Consumptive value

c) Marine c) Co-extinction c) Aesthetic value

d) All of the above d) Habitat loss and fragmentation d) Social value

Ans: d Ans: b Ans: a

Set 5: Question No 1 Set 5: Question No 2 Set 5: Question No 3

_______called the ‘lungs of the Which leads to over- exploitation of Which of the following is not an
planet’. natural resources? Important hot spots in India?

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) Sahyadry rain forest a) Greed a) Himalayan

b) Kankan rain forest b) Eco-friendly b)Western ghat

c) Amazon rain forest c) Need c) Indo-Berma

d) South Africa rain forest d) All of the above d) Central ghat

Ans: c Ans: a Ans: d

Assessment Type: Summative: End of CO: in LMS

Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

What flows through The process in which Which type of What makes plant Into how many areas
the ecosystem while green plants and few ecosystem accounts producers? the energy that is
matter cycles within organisms use for most of the net received by
them? sunlight to synthesize primary productivity organisms during
nutrients is on earth even though energy transfer is
known__________ it has a low average converted?
net primary
Recall/ Remembering Understanding productivity?
Application Understanding Application

a)Energy a) Chemosynthesis a) Tropical rain forest a) Plants produce a) One

their own food
b) Force b) Photosynthesis b) desert b) Plants depend on b) Two
other organisms for
c) Pressure c) Food chain c) Tropical evergreen c) Plants are c) Three
forest decomposers

d) wind d) Food web d) Ocean d) Plants do not d) Four

require any energy

Ans: a Ans: b Ans: d Ans: a Ans:c

Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

The area to which a A set of organisms Habitat of Dog Fish is The destruction of Each organism in an
species is biologically that resemble one habitat of plants and ecosystem is at a
adapted to live is another in animals is called specific feeding stage
known appearance and called as
as-------------- behaviour is the ----
called a --------------

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

a) Niche a) Exons a) River a) endemism a) Climax level

b) Habitat b) Prions b) Pond b) endangered b) Producer level


c) Succession c) Species c) Lake c) habitant loss c) Trophic level

d) All of the above d) None of the above d) Sea d) flood d) Consumptive level

Ans: b Ans: c Ans: d Ans: c Ans:c

Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

Zoos are examples Study of inter- How is the An ecosystem

An ecosystem consist
for relationship between atmosphere, gradually merges
organisms and their hydrosphere and of with an adjoining one
environment lithosphere through a
is connected ? transitional
zone called the --------
Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

a) insitu conservation a) Ecology a) Hydrological a) Green plants and a) ecological niche

cycle animals
b) in vivo b) Ecosystem b) Nitrogen cycle b) Green plants and b) ecological
conservation decomposers footprint

c) exsitu c) Phytogeography c) Oxygen cycle c) Producers and c) ecotone

conservation consumers

d) exvivo d) Ethology d) Carbon cycle d) Green plants, d) Biodiversity loss

conservation animals, decomposers
and abiotic
Ans: c Ans: a Ans: d Ans: d
environment Ans:c
Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

Driving force in an Which of the A trophic level refers Levels of biodiversity Which ecological
ecosystem is following is a to: pyramid is always
include all but one:
possible producer in upright?
an ecosystem?

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

a)Plants a) Plants a) Area in the tropics a) Genetics a) Pyramid of

b) Animals b) An organism’s b) Species b) Pyramid of
b) Producers
portion in a food biomass
c) Solar energy c) Human c) An organism’s c) Population c) Pyramid of energy
position in an
d) Biomass energy d) Fish d) An organism’s d) Ecosystem d) Pyramid of
position in a biome number and biomass

Ans: c Ans: a Ans: c Ans: c Ans:c

Summative: Q 1 Summative: Q 2 Summative: Q 3 Summative: Q 4 Summative: Q 5

The type of diversity Conservation of An ecosystem may

The primary Energy flow in an
including all the biodiversity outside not undergo changes
different kinds of the natural habitat is because: producers in a forest ecosystem is always:
living things found in called as:
ecosystem are:
a certain
habitat is called as:

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application Understanding Application

a) Species diversity a) Ex-situ a) It is in a state of a) Chlorophyll a) Unidirectional

homeostasis containing trees and
b) Genetic diversity b) In-situ b) It has plants and plants
b) Herbivores b) Cyclic
animals both

c) Ecosystem c) Conservation c) It gets solar energy c) Carnivores c) Reversible

diversity continuously

d) Population d) In-vivo d) The decomposers d) Bacteria and other d) Multi-directional

diversity are present in it micro-organism

Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a

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