ITT420 - Lab 3
ITT420 - Lab 3
ITT420 - Lab 3
Name: Chelsea Evva & Sharifah Najwa Student No: 2022908061 & 2022901149
Complete this lab exercise before the end of the lab session. Produce and submit three
pages of evidence of completion of this task.
Starting and Stopping Services at Boot Time Some common web related services
running on a Linux server are, but not limited to, include: httpd (Apache), mysqld
(MySQL), vsftpd (Very Secure FTP), named (BIND), iptables (packet filtering ruleset),
sshd (Secure Shell), network (network related services) and various others. Usually
these services are started at boot time. To check what services are installed on the
server, you can use the chkconfig tool. For example:
You can also specify one service with chkconfig. For example, if you want to see if
mysqld is running, you can use this command:
If you would like to stop the service from starting in run level 3:
If you would like to simply ensure a service starts at the necessary run level, you can
run the following command:
You can use the chkconfig command to stop or start a service when booting into
specific run levels. Use:
You can easily stop, start and restart services with a simple command line tool. The
service command can be used with any of the services listed with chkconfig --list. You
must be logged in as root to use the service command. For example, mysqld is not
set to start at boot but you wish to start it now. You can use the service command:
The service command can also be used to stop services. For example, you want to
stop the mysqld service. Use the following command:
If you want to check to see if a service is running (or not running), you can also use
service command. For example:
amd - runs the automount daemon for remote filesystem mounting such as nfs
anacron - checks delayed `cron' tasks (see below) at boot time and executes
Useful if you have cron jobs scheduled but don't run your machine all the time.
apmd - Advanced Power Management BIOS daemon. For use on machines,
especially laptops, that support apm. Monitors battery status and can shut down
the system if power is too low.
arpwatch - keeps watch for ethernet IP address pairings that are resolved using
the ARP protocol.
atd - runs jobs queued by `at'
autofs - control the operation of automount daemons, used to mount and unmount
devices on demand
bootparamd - allows computers to boot from a Linux machine using the BOOTP
network protocol. A server process that provides information to diskless clients
necessary for booting
crond - automatic task scheduler. Manages the execution of tasks that are
executed at regular but infrequent intervals, such as rotating log files, cleaning up
/tmp directories, etc.
cups - daemon for print services under the Common Unix Printer System, a
replacement for lpd
dhcpd - implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and the
Internet Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). Used to lease out IP addresses to remote
drakfont - font server in Mandrake
fetchmail - daemon to fetch mail at regular intervals from mail servers
ftpd - ftp server daemon.