Up Clinical Pharmacy
Up Clinical Pharmacy
Up Clinical Pharmacy
UP - Clinical Pharmacy
1.The blood clotting mechanism require this metallic ion as a 5. Contraindicated drug in patients with allergic bronchial
co-factor asthma
A. Barium A. Atropine
B. Sodium B. Methacholine
C. Calcium C. D-tubocurarine
D. Magnesium D. Propranolol
E. Potassium E. Phentotamine
Calcium should be present in order to activate Astham is treated as the symptoms arise. For acute
factors IX to IXa, factors X to Xa and factors II to IIa in the asthma, the drug of choice is a B-agonist because of their
intrinsic and extrinsic systems of blood coagulation greater potency and fast-acting property. Bronchodilators
such as theophylline and atropine are also used, therefore B-
blockers is contraindicated
2. The metabolism of this compound/substance leads to gout
A. Calcium
B. Purines 6. Bone marrow depression is most likely caused by this
C. Cholesterol antibiotic
D. Carbohydrate A. Streptomycin
B. Tetracycline
The end product of purine metabolism is uric acid in C. Amphotericin B
gout, there is hyperuricemia, acute or chronic recurrent D. Penicillin G
arthritis and deposits of monosodium urates E. Chloramphenicol
The early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may be Patients with pre-existing hearing loss, however, may fail to
non-specific and consist of malaise, fatigue, diffuse experience tinnitus despite potentially toxic serum salicylate
musculoskeletal pain and morning stiffness. After sometime, concentration of greater than 40mg/dL
the noon-specific musculoskeletal pain localized to the joints
bilaterally. The hands, wrists and feet are the ones first
involved 12. Drug which is used in Parkinsonism
A. Reserpine
B. Trihexyphenydyl
9. The condition manifested by a patient having a white cell C. Physostigmine
count of 3000 cells per cubic millimetre D. Chlorpromazine
A. Leukemia E. Pyridoxine
B. Leukolysis
C. Leukopenia The anticholinergic drugs of choice for Parkinson’s
D. Leukocytosis disease are the synthetic agents because they act more
selectively than atropine and scopolamine. The most
Leukopenia is a reduction in the number of white commonly used anticholinergics are trihexyphenidyl and
cells; occurs occasionally in viral disease benztropine. The antihistamines, diphenhydramine and
Leukocytosis is an increase in the number of white orphenadrine and the phenothiazine, ethoprozapine, have
cells generally indication an acute infection significant anticholinergic properties and are useful in
Leukemia is a condition when total white cell Parkinsonism
reaches as high as 500,000 per cubic millimetre
11. Salicylate administered for arthritis is decreased due to Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying compound
this most frequent symptom of salicylate overdosage contained in the red blood cells. The normal values for male
A. Tinnitus is 14.0 to 18.0 g/dL and 11.5 to 15.5 g/dL for females. The
B. Metabolic acidosis total haemoglobin concentration depends primarily upon the
C. Skin rash number of red blood cells in the blood sample, although, it is
D. Fever also slightly influenced by the amount of haemoglobin in
E. Respiratory alkalosis each red cell
15.Which of the following is not a sign and symptoms of (mean 1%=50 hours) it can be given once a day. Piroxicam is
hypothyroidism? indicated for arthritis or osteoarthritis
A. Forgetfulness
B. Sensitivity to cold
C. Unexplained weight gain 19. Pancuronium does not exert the following action, except:
D. Irritability A. Increase muscle relaxation
E. Lethargy B. Increase duration of activity
C. Enhance rapidity of action
Irritability is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Along
with nervousness and insomnia, these symptoms are Pancuronium is approximately 5 times as potent as
manifested as an increase in alkaline phosphatise level, an tubocurarine as a competitive neuromuscular blocker. Its
increase in calcium and an increase in AST (aspartate) advantages are:
Minimal cardiovascular effect
Little histamine-releasing or hormonal actions
16. The penicillin which is least bound in blood serum Pancuronium was synthesized in 1964
A. Ampicillin
B. Cephalosphorin
C. Penicillin 20. What will happen to serum phenytoin level when the
chlormaphenicol/phenytoin combination is used?
Ampicillin is about 20% bound to plasma proteins A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No effect
17. Which antibiotic is known to cause a Fanconi-like
syndrome upon ingestion of expired and degraded from this The increase in the amount of phenytoin in serum is
drug? due to the significant inhibition of metabolism of phenytoin
A. Ampicillin caused by chloramphenicol. Half-life of phenytoin in
B. Doxycycline increased 2 to 3 times normal, thus there is a necessity to
C. Tetracycline decrease phenytoin dosage
D. Cephalosphorin
E. Clindamycin
21. Which of the following does not show elevation of plasma
A Fanconi-like syndrome is characterized by: level when given simultaneously with cimetidine?
Polyuria A. Metoprolol
Polydypsia B. Propranolol
Proteinuria C. Atenolol
Glycosuria Cimetidine interacts with the following drugs:
Gross aminoacidosis Warfarin
These toxic effects are due o the damage brought Phenytoin
about by expired and degraded tetracycline on the proximal Theophylline
renal tubule Phenobarbital
18. Piroxicam is used over other NSAIDS because it Nifedipine
A. Relatively expensive Digitoxin
B. Acts by a different mechanism that may be additive to Quinidine
other NSAIDS Mexiletine
C. May be given on a once a day schedule TCA eg imipramine
D. Can be taken with meals Because cimetidine shows the metabolism by
E. Has essentially no gastrointestinal effects inhibiting cytochrom P-450 and this prolong drug half-life
22. Prednisone is a/an 26. Drug most likely to cause a lupus-like syndrome?
A. Adrenergic stimulant A. Captopril
B. Anti-inflammatory drug B. Hydralazine
C. Bronchodilator C. Propranolol
D. Minoxidil
The corticosteroids like prednisone inhibit both the
early manifestations of the inflammatory process: The lupus-like syndrome associated with
Edema hydralazine occurs in less than 10% of patients with the
Fibrin disposition following symptoms
Migraton of leukocytes into the inflamed area Myalgia
Phagocytic activity and the later manifestations Arthralgia
Proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts Fever
Deposition of collagen Antinuclear antibodies
Cicatrization Rash
Chest pain
23. Patients taking which of the following drugs should their Asthenia
CBC be monitored regularly? Hepatosplenomegaly
A. Phenytoin Patients develop this syndrome usually after more
B. Bisacodyl than 2 months of therapy, slow acetylators of hydralazine,
C. Acetylcysteine during summer season and dosage of more than 200mg per
D. Isoproterenol day
E. Minocycline
Phenytoin has been implicated to cause aplastic 27. The diuretic of choice for poisoning in order to induce
anemia due to alteration in folate metabolism. Other diuresis
haematological reactions include neutropenia and leukemia A. HCTZ
B. Triamterene
C. Chlorthalidone
24. This laxative is recommended when chronic use is needed D. Mannitol
A. Bulk-forming
B. Stimulant Mannitol prevents the accumulation of high
C. Saline concentration of the toxic agent within the tubular fluid by
D. Lubricant exerting an osmotic effect within the tubular fluid, inhibiting
the reabsorption of water and maintaining the rate of urine
Examples of bulk laxatives flow
Hydrophilic colloids – form gels within the large
intestine, distending the intestine and stimulating
its peristaltic activity 28. The vitamin used for hyperlipidemia
Saline cathartics (magnesium hydroxide and A. Ascorbic acid
magnesium citrate) – also distend the bowel and B. Thiamine
stimulate its contraction C. Niacin
D. Cyanocobalamin
E. Pyridoxine
25. Which is not a pro-drug?
A. Bacampicillin Niacin is a rational choice for initial drug therapy for
B. Methampicillin hypercholesterolemic and hypertriglyceridemic patient at
C. Methicillin the same time because this drug can lower both cholesterol
D. None and triglyceride, but a better drug of choice would be
Bacampicillin is the 1-ethoxy-carbonyloxyethyl ester
of ampicilin. This inactive form is well absorbed after oral
administration and becomes active when it is hydrolyzed to
ampicillin during absorption from the GIT
29. Which anti-neoplastic causes congestive heart failure intermediate between those of regular insulin and protamine
(CHF)? zinc insulin suspension
A. Doxorubicin
B. Tamoxifen
C. Methotrexate 33. This drug characteristically produce throbbing headache
D. Vincristine A. Procainamide
E. Cisplatin B. Propranolol
C. Verapamil
There are two ways by when CHF induced by long- D. Glyceryltrinitrate
term doxorubicin therapy is manifested E. Nifedipine
Acute, transient and usually benign
electrocardiographic changes Headache is a common and expected side effect of
Chronic, cumulative, dose-dependent and the nitrates and patients usually develop tolerance to this
potentially fatal cardiomyopathy effect in several weeks of beginning therapy. Mild analgesics
help correct this inconvenience. Occasional patients
experience continuing headache and discontinue their
30. Penicillin with the best gram-negative spectrum therapy
A. Nafcillin
B. Methicillin
C. Penicillin V 34. Hyperkinesis in children is treated with which of the
D. Phenethicillin following mild CNS stimulant?
E. Ampicillin A. Caffeine
B. Doxapram
Ampicillin and the related aminopenicillins are C. Methylphenidate
bactericidal for both gram-positive and gram-negative D. Theophylline
bacteria. They are somewhat less active than pen G against
gram-positive cocci but sensitive to the latter Methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and
microorganisms. The meningococcus, pneumococcus, pemoline are all effective in the management of hyperactive
gonococcus and L. monocytogenes are sensitive to the drug children. The first two are both available in standard and
sustained-released preparations
37. Herpes simplex infection of the eyelids and conjunctiva is 40. Long term therapy is not recommended for
treated best by phenylbutazone since it has potential for producing
A. Thiabendazole A. Blood dyscrasias
B. Idoxuridine B. Damage to the optic nerve
C. Amphotericin C. Damage to the auditory nerve
D. Carbenicillin D. AOTA
Herpes simplex virus of the eye and conjunctiva Phenylbutazone and its analog, oxyphenbutazone,
causes corneal blindness. There are three approved drugs are well known to cause aplastic anemia and the risk when
available to manage this condition the drug is taken regularly and for a prolong period
Vidarabine 41. Drug of choice in the treatment of status epilepticus
Trifluridine is considered the drug of choice A. Phenobarbital
B. Amobarbital
C. Phenytoin
38. One of the following is a white blood cell except D. Paraldehyde
A Basophil E. Diazepam
B. Eosinophil
C. Monocyte Diazepam – 10mg is extremely effective for rapid
D. Reticulocyte but temporary, termination of seizure activity in status
E. Lymphocyte epilepticus. This is because high serum/CNS concentrations
is achieved rapidly
Reticulocyte is a young erythrocyte that is not yet Phenobarbital may be useful for the treatment of
completely mature status epilepticus in patients who cannot tolerate phenytoin
Basophil – an increase of which accompanies or in whom phenytoin has previously proven effective
chronic myeloid leukemia, myelofibrosis and polycythemia Phenytoin is considered the long-acting anti-
vera convulsant of choice for most patients with tonic-clonic
Eosinophil - a granular leukocyte that have surface status epilepticus
receptors that bing IgG and IgE
Monocyte – a non-granular WBC acting as
phagocytes, becoming transformed into macrophages after 42. Guanethidine’s antihypertensive activity is inhibited by
invading infected sites, where their number reach a peak in A. Diazepam
48 hours B. Amitryptyline
Lymphocyte – a non-granular leukocyte important C. HCTZ
in the process of immunity, producing antibodies and other D. Probenecid
agents involved in the immune process E. Nitrofurantoin
and studied. These drugs selectively inhibit phosphodiesteras 47. All are characteristics of Parkinson’s disease except
F-III, the cyclic AMP specific cardiac phosphodiesterase A. Muscle rigidity
In patients with severe heart failure or cardiogenic B. Ambivalence
shock, digitalis is not the initial drug choice because of the C. Bradykinesia
delay in its time to peak action and its possible deleterious D. Tremor
effect of the peri-infarction area E. Postural instability
Digitalis (digoxin, digitoxin0 increases the force of 49. Factor most directly associated to angina attacks
contraction of both the normal and abnormal hear (positive A. Stress
inotropic effect), and decreases the conduction of velocity B. Myocardial ischemia
and prolong the refractory period of AV mode C. Heavy smoking
Dopamine and dobutamine (inotropic agents) are D. Obesity
frequently used in acute cardiac emergencies, but their used
is limited by the need for IV administration In men, not in women, a positive family history of
Amrinone, a non symphatomimeetic inotrope, is heart attack is independently predictive of death from all
associated with an unacceptably high incidence of side causes and from cardiovascular and ischemic heart attacks.
effects when given by mouth, but parenteral form Hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, smoking and
stress are risk factors which can be altered
51.What condition of the liver characterized by the presence 55. Patients should not take this drug with streptomycin
of nodule and fibrous tissue? A. Acetazolamide
A. Hepatitis B. Ethacrynic acid
B. Cirrhosis of the liver C. Triamterene
C. AOTA D. Chlorthalidone
E. Mannitol
Cirrhosis is a chronic disease of the liver where there
is widespread hepatic parenchymal cell destruction. There is Drugs that are ototoxic by itself can increase its
the formation of connective tissue and nodular regeneration. ototoxic effect by concurrent administration, especially in
The liver nodules change the anatomical location and renally compromised patients. Aminoglycosides (kanamycin,
function of the blood vessels and bile ducts, causing gentamicin, neomycin, streptomycin and tobramycin) and
obstruction and resulting in portal hypertension ascites, ethacrynic acid and is such a combination. Permanent or
jaundice and esophageal varices transient hearing loss results, thus, the concurrent use of
these drugs should be avoided
59. Methotrexate is an antineoplastic drug and is used in Lithium toxicity is reported as a consequence of the
A. Hyperuricemia presence of NSAIDs that increase renal tubular reabsorption
B. Arthritis of sodium by inhibition of prostaglandin E
C. Goiter
60. Which of the following reduces the effectiveness of oral The anticlostridal antibiotics are used for severe
contraceptives? cases of pseudomembraneous colitis (PMC). An example of
A. Rifampicin which is vancomycin (125-500mg orally 4x a day) for 7 days to
B. Phenytoin 10 days is widely used a first line therapy
C. Barbiturates
65. Which is not used in mania?
Rifampicin significantly induces liver enzymes and A. Carbamazepine
increase metabolism of corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, B. Lithium
quinidine, diazepam, ketoconazole, propranolol, metoprolol, C. Acetazolamide
sulfonylureas and warfarin
Carbamazepine, a dibenzazepine tricyclic
compound which is now being used increasingly in the
61. One of the following is not a sedative-antihistamine treatment and prophylaxis of refractory bipolar disorders of
A. Astemizole acute mania or depression
B. Chlorpheniramine Litium therapy is used in a patient with a prior
C. Promethazine history of mood disorder in the patient himself or in the
D. NOTA family or if there is a continuous manic behaviour
1. All of the following therapies are used for metastatic 8. Prominent characteristic of angina pectoris
prostate cancer, except A. Diuresis
A. Estrogen B. Abnormal pulse rate
B. Leuprolide C. Squeezing chest pressure
C. Orchrectomy D. Skin pallor
D. Corticosteroids E. Weakness
E. Somatostatin analogues
9. Which analgesics is useful in patients with myocardial
2. Differential white blood cell counts in the laboratory are infaction?
useful in the diagnosis of A. Mefenamic acid
A. Anemia B. Acetaminophen
B. Sphetocytosis C. Morphine
C. Vitamin deficiency D. Aspirin
D. Eosinophilia
E. Thrombocytopenia 10. Which is not a clinical manifestation of gastroenteritis?
A. Fever
3. Which of the following barbiturates in the therapeutic B. Vomiting
doses is the longest acting? C. Abdominal pain
A. Amytal D. Night sweats
B. Nembutal
C. Secobarbital 11. All of the following are complication of untreated
D. Phenobarbital diabetes mellitus except
E. Pentothal A. Gangrene
B. Increased perception of pain and temperature
4. Which of the following classes of drugs undergoes the C. Atherosclerosis
least change in the body? D. Hypertension
A. Alcohols
B. Salicylates 12. Which of the following is not a diabetic complication?
C. Local anesthetics A. Retinopathy
D. Volatile anesthetics B. Cardiovascular complication
C. Nephropathy
5. Inflammation of the bladder D. Anemia
A. Urethritis
B. Cystitis 13. Phenobarbital is used for viral hepatitis to
C. Prostatitis A. Promote fatty acid synthesis
D. Pyelonephritis B. Activate the enzyme prolyl hydroxylase
E. Urinitis C. Induce the production of glucoronyl transferase
33. Which of the following enzymes would be elevated in 41. To be recorded in the recorded book except
acute pancreatitis? A. Pethidine
A. Alkaline phosphatise B. Fentanyl
B. Lactic dehydrogenase C. Codeine phosphate
C. Creatinine phosphokinase D. Obimin
D. Amylase E. Bromazepam
34. Fatigue, lethargy, and weakness are caused by the loss of 42. The following are true except
which ion? A. PT and C should be composed of at least 5 physicians
A. Sodium B. The pharmacists acts as the secretary of the committee
B. Lithium C. A mandatory committee under the conditions of
C. Calcium participation of the hospital insurance program
D. Potassium
43. IV admixture
35. All of the factors listed below may play a role in the A. Adding an additive to an IV fluid
development of duodenal ulcer disease, except: B. Incorporating an antibiotic into an IV drop
A. Spicy food ingestion C. Both A and B
B. Tobacco smoking D. Hyperalimentation
C. Genetic factors
D. Helicobacter pylori infection 44. TPN is administered through
A. Subclavian vein
36. What type of leukocyte appears first and is present in B. Femoral artery
greatest numbers in an inflammatory focus soon after tissue C. Nose
injury has occurred?
A. Plasma cell 45. Medication orders (chart orders) differ from prescriptions
B. Eosinophil in that they
C. Neutrophil A. Are intended for ambulatory use
D. Lymphocyte B. Contain only the generic name of the drug
C. May contain non-medication instructions from the
37. Most effective in acute treatment of migraine headache practitioner
A. Propranolol D. Contain quantity of medication to be dispensed
B. Methylsergide
C. Ergotamine sulfate 46. A package that contains one discrete pharmaceutical
dosage form
38. When used to treat susceptible urinary tract infection, A. Single unit package
which of the following anti-infective drugs will have its B. Unit dose dispensing system
activity increased in an alkaline urine? C. Drug distribution system
A. Methenamine D. NOTA
B. Nitrofurantoin
C. Tetracycline 47. A drug distribution system in which all doses are in unit
D. Gentamicin dose form at the time they are dispensed
A. Unit dose
39. The metabolism of which of the following compounds is B. Unit dose package
altered in patients taking anticonvulsants? C. Unit dose dispensing system
A. Pyridoxine D. AOTA
B. Folic acid
C. Riboflavin 48. The advantages of the individual prescription order
D. Tyrosine system of drug distribution
A. Increased potential for medication error
40. To be recorded in the additional opium book, except B. Increased drug inventory
A. Pentothal sodium C. Delay in drug administration
B. Nalbuphine HCl D. AOTA
C. Codeine phosphate, phenitamine maleate, guiafenesin E. NOTA
D. Diazepam
49. A standard dosing schedule of “q6h” dictates that doses ANSWER KEY
be given at
A. 10 AM and 10 PM 1. E 26. D
B. 9 AM, 1PM, 5PM 2. D 27. C
C. 9AM, 3PM, 9PM, 3AM 3. D 28. B
D. 6AM, 12NN, 6PM 4. D 29. A
5. B 30. A
50. A sign at patients door stating “NPO” means 6. B 31. C
A. Patient should be left undisturbed 7. C 32. B
B. Patient should not be given anything by mouth 8. B 33. D
C. Patient should be given drugs before meals 9. C 34. D
D. Patients should be given drugs after meals
10. D 35. A
11. B 36. C
12. D 37. C
13. C 38. D
14. B 39. B
15. B 40. A
16. A 41. E
17. D 42. A
18. D 43. C
19. D 44. A
20. A 45. C
21. C 46. A
22. C 47. C
23. B 48. C
24. A 49. C
25. C 50. B