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I. Objectives
At the end of the 30-minute lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Differentiate the types of writing styles.
b. Understand the use of the different type of writing styles.
c. Create his/her own essay using the different styles.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Writing Styles
b. References: Perry, D. (2020). Writing Styles. The Graduate Writing
Center. Retrieved September 10, 2021 from https://web.uri.edu/graduate-
c. Materials: Word Document
III. Activity/Lesson Proper
A. Preparatory Activity:
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Class Management
d. Review

B. Activity (Motivation)
 Journaling
 Letters
 Short Story

C. Analysis
Direction: Pair-up what you think is the corresponding Writing Styles in
these examples.
 Textbooks • Persuasive Writing
 Cover Letters • Narrative Writing
 Novels • Descriptive Writing
 Short Stories • Expository Writing

D. Abstraction
The manner a writer writes can be defined as his or her writing style. It is a
literary approach that each individual author employs in his or her work. It
differs from one author to the next and is determined by the author's
syntax, word choice, and tone. It's often referred to as a "voice" that
readers hear when they read a writer's work. There are four main types of
writing; persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive.
Persuasive: For this writing style, the author is making an attempt to win
over the reader of the validity of a precise position or argument.
Persuasive writing includes the writers’ opinions, and provides
justifications and proof to support their claims.
Examples: Letters of Recommendation; cover letters; Op-Eds and
Editorial newspaper articles; argumentative essays for academic papers.
Narrative: Often visible in longer writing samples, the reason of this
writing fashion is to proportion statistics within side the context of a story.
Narratives should consist of characters, conflicts, and settings.
Examples: Short stories; novels; poetry; historical accounts.
Expository: this sort of writing is employed to clarify a plan and share info
to a broader audience. Informative writing provides evidence, statistics, or
results and focuses on the facts of a precise topic. this sort isn't meant to
precise opinions.
Examples: How-to articles; textbooks; news stories (not editorials or
Op-Eds); business, technical, or scientific writing.
Descriptive: this sort of writing is employed to depict imagination to make
a transparent image within the mind of the reader. This methodology helps
the readers become additional connected to the writing by appealing to
their senses. Descriptive writing employs literary techniques love similes,
metaphors, allegory, etc. to interact the audience.
Examples: Poetry; fictional novels or plays; memoirs or first-hand
accounts of events.
In this discussion we can now identify ad different the different uses of
writing styles that are/being used.
E. Application
Pick any type of writing Styles and make your own essay/story using these
styles. Make sure that the work is grammatically and semantically correct.
Also don’t forget that wrong spelling wrong.
Concept: 40%
Spelling: 5%
Grammar & Semantics: 10%
Clarity: 20%
Neatness: 5%
Relation to topic: 20%

IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Find 10 examples of Writing Styles. What type of writing styles is it and write
3 sentence explanation.

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