Modals Chart - GrammarBank v2

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Modal Verbs

Modal USES Present / Future PAST

We are supposed to We were supposed to
supposed expectation
meet them here. meet here.

We are to meet them We were to meet them

be to strong expectation
here. here.

I can learn modal verbs

ability / possibility I could jump high a few
years ago but now I
can / could
informal permission can't.
You can use my car
Can - Can't tomorrow.
informal polite request

Could Can I borrow your book?

impossibility (negative That can't have been
only) true!
Cats can't swim.

necessity I have to go to class I had to go to class

today. yesterday.
have to
lack of necessity I don't have to go to I didn't have to go to
(negative) class today. class yesterday.

I have got to go to class I had to go to class

have got to necessity
today yesterday.

You had better be on

had better strongly advised (past form uncommon)

May I borrow your book?

polite request
You may leave the room.
may formal permission
He may be at the school. He may have been at
less than 50% certainty

He might have been at

Might less than 50% certainty He might be at school.

must strong necessity I must go to class today. I had to go to class

95% certainty Mary isn't in class. Mary must have been sick
She must be sick.(present yesterday.

prohibition You must not open that


I ought to study tonight. I ought to have studied
last night.
ought to
She ought to be at She ought to have done
80% certainty
school well on the test.

ask another person's

Shall I invite them too?
shall opinion (only used with I
Shall we dance?
or we)

You should have paid

advisability I should study tonight
your bills.
He should have done
80% certainty He should be at school
well on the test.

Another Reference for Modals

Legal Obligation / Official MUST Police officer: 'You must wear a seatbelt.'

Logical Conclusion MUST The teacher's absent. She must be sick.

We are supposed to turn our cell phones

Reporting a Rule BE SUPPOSED TO
off in movie theaters.

Personal Necessity / HAVE TO / HAVE GOT

I have to call the doctor today.
Obligation TO

Possibility CAN I can meet with you on Friday.

I can play the piano.

Ability CAN / BE ABLE TO
I am able to speak English.
CAN / BE ALLOWED I can have a dog in my apartment. I am
TO allowed to have pets in my room.

COULD / WAS ABLE When I was a kid, I could run for hours.
Past Ability
TO could vs was were able to

Past Permission I wasn't allowed to go out at nights.

You should call your mother on her


Warning HAD BETTER You'd better study before the test.

A Choice / Not required DON'T HAVE TO I don't have to wear a suit to work.

Possibility / Uncertainty
It might / may rain this evening.
about the future MAY / MIGHT
May be it will rain this evening.
*adverb MAYBE

Polite request WOULD / COULD Would you open the door, please?

Permission MAY / CAN / COULD May I borrow your pen?

To express what you

WOULD LIKE I would like to learn English free.

Preference WOULD RATHER I would rather walk than drive.

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