MOP - Integration RN-BDPGB To BA-BDSHO-01 & BA-BDRGO-02
MOP - Integration RN-BDPGB To BA-BDSHO-01 & BA-BDRGO-02
MOP - Integration RN-BDPGB To BA-BDSHO-01 & BA-BDRGO-02
Type of MoP
1. New Site
2. Expansion
3. Software Update / Upgrade
4. Integration
5. Migration
6. System Engineering
7. New Product Introduction (NPI)
8. Proof of Concept (PoC)
9. Trial
Status of MoP
1. DRAFT – Initial propose document from LTI
2. REVIEW – document review between Customer and LTI
3. APPROVED – document signed off by Customer and LTI
This document has been prepared to integrate new link between RN-BDPGB-01 and RN-
BDPGB-02 to BA-BDSHO-01/BA-BDRGO-02 and migrate upstream traffic from PE router to
BA router.
This MoP will be done by Lintas Teknologi Indonesia Team and has to be supervised by
MOP Integration RN-BDSBG to BA-BDSHO-01/ BA-BDRGO-02
authorized PT. XL Axiata Team, and the schedule shall be proposed in advance to PT. XL
Upon the completion of the works, Lintas Teknologi Indonesia installation team shall inform
to PT. XL Axiata informing that the procedures has been completed.
4.2 Schedule
The MPLS network setup will be done on live network and It is proposed to be scheduled
on :TBD, 2016
Integration RN-BDSBG to BA-BDSHO-01/ BA-BDRGO-02
5. Configure interface BA-BDSHO-01: BA-BDSHO-01 5 minutes OK
ge-0/0/9 at BA- >configure private RN-BDPGB-01 NOK
BDSHO-01 and # Paste This Command #
interface ge-1/0/6 at deleteinterfaces ge-0/0/9
RN-BDPGB-01 set interfaces ge-0/0/9 description “BB_GSM_1x_1GE_to_RN-BDPGB-01_ge-
set interfaces ge-0/0/9 mtu 4500
set interfaces ge-0/0/9 gigether-options no-auto-negotiation
set interfaces ge-0/0/9 unit 0 family inet address
show |compare
commit synchronize and-quit
>configure private
# Paste This Command #
delete interfaces ge-1/0/6
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 description “BB_GSM_1x_1GE_to_BA-BDSHO-01_ge-
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 mtu 4500
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 gigether-options no-auto-negotiation
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 family inet address
show |compare
commit and-quit
Verify :
ping bypass-routing size 4500 rapid count 1000
Note :
only goes to next step if test ping is normal
show | compare
commit check
commit synchronize and-quit
>configure private
# Paste This Command #
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 family iso
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 family mpls maximum-labels 5
set policy-options prefix-list rr_bgp_peers
set policy-options prefix-list rr_bgp_peers
set policy-options prefix-list mpls_prefix
set policy-options prefix-list ip-management
delete policy-options policy-statement Internal_route
delete protocols isis export Internal_route
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt from
protocol direct
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt from route-
filter exact
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt then accept
set protocols bgp group MP-BGP export Internal_Route
set groups mpls-lsp protocols mpls label-switched-path <3G-*> ldp-tunneling
set protocols mpls apply-groups mpls-lsp
set protocols mpls path-mtu allow-fragmentation
set protocols mpls path-mtu rsvp mtu-signaling
set protocols mpls statistics file mpls_statistics
set protocols mpls statistics interval 300
set protocols mpls log-updown syslog
set protocols mpls optimize-aggressive
set protocols mpls smart-optimize-timer 900
set protocols mpls no-propagate-ttl
set protocols mpls interface ge-1/0/6.0
set class-of-service interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 rewrite-rules exp exp-rw-RAN-
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
Verify :
show isis adjacency | no-more
show isis interface | no-more
show mpls interface | no-more
show ldp interface | no-more
show rsvp interface | no-more
show mpls lsp | no-more
show mpls lsp extensive | no-more
show rsvp neighbor | no-more
show bgp summary
show | compare
commit check
commit synchronize and-quit
show bgp summary
show route advertising-protocol bgp10.165.60.240
show route receive-protocol bgp10.165.60.240
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
>configure private
# Paste This Command #
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
10 Make sure all Please confirm to team fault regarding all services under PE and RN-BDPGB-01
services are normal
show |compare
commit check
commit and-quit
Verify :
ping bypass-routing size 4500 rapid count 100
Note :
only goes to next step if test ping is normal
>configure private
# Paste This Command #
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 family iso
set interfaces ge-1/0/6 unit 0 family mpls maximum-labels 5
set policy-options prefix-list rr_bgp_peers
set policy-options prefix-list rr_bgp_peers
set policy-options prefix-list mpls_prefix
set policy-options prefix-list ip-management10.169.10.0/24
delete policy-options policy-statement Internal_route
delete protocols isis export Internal_route
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt from
protocol direct
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt from route-
filter exact
set policy-options policy-statement Internal_Route term adv-mgmt then accept
set protocols bgp group MP-BGP export Internal_Route
set groups mpls-lsp protocols mpls label-switched-path <3G-*> ldp-tunneling
set protocols mpls apply-groups mpls-lsp
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
Verify :
show isis adjacency | no-more
show isis interface | no-more
show mpls interface | no-more
show ldp interface | no-more
show rsvp interface | no-more
show mpls lsp | no-more
show mpls lsp extensive | no-more
show rsvp neighbor | no-more
show bgp summary
show | compare
commit check
commit synchronize and-quit
show bgp summary
show route advertising-protocol bgp10.165.60.241
show route receive-protocol bgp10.165.60.241
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
>configure private
# Paste This Command #
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit
>config by CiscoTeam
15 Make sure all Please confirm to team fault regarding all services under PE and RN-BDPGB-02
services are normal
1 Check connectivity ping bypass-routing <ip-address> Test IP Connectivity OK
IP PtP Connection between RN Router to RN NOK
show interfaces terse Router , to PE Router ,
Node B and RNC
2 Check VRRP and show vrrp summary Test VRRP in Router RAN
failover works
normally , also ARP show arp
3 IGP This is the first step that we
must enable/check for
MPLS-VPN fuction. This
section will provide
information about routing
table of inet.0 for optimal
a ISIS use link state information
to make routing decision
6.1 Fallback plan
Integration RN-BDSBG to BA-BDSHO-01/ BA-BDRGO-02
1 Restore original configure private Router OK
configuration in load override yyyymmdd.NAME BA-BDSHO-01 NOK
show | compare
commit check
commit and-quit Estimated time : 1 minutes
We declare that the design for the abovementioned systems and functions, as defined in this
document is executed to the full satisfaction of the customer based on EWO#...........................
The following representatives from the respective organizations involved in this project are
satisfied that this document captures the full requirement for this service.
MOP Integration RN-BDSBG to BA-BDSHO-01/ BA-BDRGO-02
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