Tourist Satisfaction An Analysis of Cultural Heritage in Miagao Iloilo

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“PROBE 2023: ‘’Navigating Innovations in Tourism and Hospitality Management”.

Presenter No.: 2 Program: BSTM


John Michael Niolar, 2 Rowen Rie Nocal, 3Catherine Rhose Sicabalo, 4Ryzel Tajanlangit,
Mary Jane Tiña
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Article Info Abstract

(This part will be
filled by the Research This study aimed to determine the level of satisfaction of tourists with
Coordinator) the cultural heritage in Miagao, Iloilo, when taken as a whole and
Article Tourism grouped according to age, gender, educational attainment, and type of
tourists. The respondents of the study were thirty (30) tourists (15 local
Received: tourists and 15 foreign tourists), taken purposively. The descriptive
design used the duly validated researcher-made questionnaire to gather
the needed data. Count the frequency count, percentage distribution, and
mean for descriptive analysis. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis were
used in the inferential data analysis with a significance set of 0.05. The
findings of the study showed that the local and foreign tourists are
satisfied with the cultural heritage site in Miagao Iloilo when taken as a
Tourist whole and grouped according to age, gender, educational attainment,
Satisfaction, and type of tourist. No significant differences were noted in the level of
Cultural Heritage satisfaction of tourists to the cultural heritage site in Miagao Iloilo when
grouped according to gender, age, educational attainment, and type of
tourists. Hence, the null hypothesis was not rejected. It is recommended
that other researchers should conduct further studies to determine the
level of satisfaction with the cultural heritage site in Miagao Iloilo using
another variable.

Background of the Study

Cultural heritages are one of the aspects that significantly contribute to the tourism industry, giving the place its
development. These were infrastructures, customs, and beliefs created centuries ago, which depict the past and
play a major part in keeping and maintaining the culture and traditions up to the present and being recognized
for its beauty and uniqueness, persuading tourists and creating a change in a particular place.

Cultural heritage refers to sites, things, and practices a society regards as old, influential, and worthy of
conservation. It is currently the subject of increasing popular and scholarly attention worldwide, and its
conceptual scope is expanding. Most social scientists emphasize its functions for supporting ethnic, national,
and elite interests, but others point to its creative and counter-hegemonic sides. Cultural heritage was a
prestigious place known for contributing to the tourism industry. Make a specific place known for its beauty
and uniqueness, like those cultural heritages that UNESCO World Heritage already distinguished as landmarks
and tourist attractions (Brumann, 2015).

Cultural heritages play a significant part in tourism development, where tourists tend to travel to places and
contribute to tourism by availing of products and services. Cultural heritages portray the past identity of a
society, which also contributes to local and national tourism.

According to Marinao (2017), tourist satisfaction is one of the most widely studied factors in the literature on
tourism and hospitality. From this perspective, specialized literature reveals the key role of tourist satisfaction
when choosing a destination. Also, achieving customer satisfaction could lead to a thriving tourism industry.
Moreover, it has been argued repeatedly that, on the one hand, the feeling of satisfaction experienced by the
tourist in a cultural heritage site will be a valuable antecedent to recommend or return to a place. In other words,
satisfaction will be an explicit antecedent to tourist loyalty to a place.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine tourists' level of satisfaction with the cultural heritage in Miagao, Iloilo.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions.
1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, and tourist
2. What is the level of satisfaction of tourists when taken as a whole and when classified according to age,
gender, educational attainment, and type of tourist?
3. Is there a significant difference in the satisfaction of tourists when classified according to age, gender,
educational attainment, and type of tourist?

There is no significant difference in the level of satisfaction of tourists when taken as a whole and when
classified according to age, gender, educational attainment, and type of tourist.
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Profile of Tourists

 18-25
 26-30
 31 and Up

 Male
 Female
 Gender Diverse Community
Level of Satisfaction
Educational Attainment
 Elementary Level
 High School Level
 College Level
 College Graduate
 Postgraduate

Types of Tourist
 Local Tourist
 Foreign Tourist

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The schematic diagram showing the relationship of variables in the study. The independent variable is the
demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, and types of tourists.
The dependent variables are the level of satisfaction.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

Tourist satisfaction is a measure of how tourists are satisfied with the product and other means and how tourism
and services supplied by a company of the tourism system meet or surpass the expectations of tourists.
(Tarvido, G. et. Al 2014)

This study was anchored on the equity theory, which reveals that tourist satisfaction can be analyzed as a
relationship between the sacrifices and rewards they expect in terms of time, cost, effort, and value received
(Oliver & Swan, 1989).

On the other hand, Rama, J. (2022) equity theory in customer/tourist satisfaction is the idea that individuals
require consistency between what was expected and what was experienced. Equity theory in tourist satisfaction
with destinations also applies to any kind of tourist attraction. The tourist already has a sense of what the
destination looks like and, with that, what they expect from the cultural heritage or the tourist destination.

Another theory anchored to this study was the attribution theory, which has been used more in
dissatisfaction/complaining behavior models than in satisfaction ones. According to the customer satisfaction
model, consumers are seen as rational information processors who seek explanations to explain why a purchase
outcome, such as discontent, has occurred. These reasons may include the goods themselves, the service, the
pricing, and even the person who sold the product (Rama J. 2022). (Rama J., 2022).

This theory is particularly relevant in relation to tourist satisfaction with the tourist destination because the
tourist considers the attribute of the cultural heritage or the tourist destination. How the tourist was satisfied or
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of satisfaction of 30 tourists with cultural heritages in
Miagao, Iloilo. This study was limited to 30 tourists in Miagao, Iloilo, consisting of local and foreign tourists.
Its main purpose was to identify how satisfied the tourists were regarding the cultural heritages and propose
possible solutions to the problem. The researchers consider every aspect of tourists’ personal information that
has an impact on their choices and satisfaction, such as their age, gender, educational attainment, and type of
tourist, whether it is a local or foreign tourist, which includes the balikbayan and immigrants. Each of the
respondents was given the same questionnaires to answer. The number of respondents will be determined using
convenience sampling.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this research proved useful to the following entities:

Students. The result of the study will be very beneficial to the students, especially for Tourism students, for it
will provide information on how cultural heritages affect the tourism industry of a certain place.

Teachers. The result of the study could help them serve as reference material in their discussion regarding
related tourism lessons, especially those tourism teachers.

Local Government Unit. This study will be beneficial to the Tourism Information Office of each municipality,
for it will serve as a benchmark of information on tourist satisfaction with the different cultural heritage found
in their municipality. Also, the result of this study could be used by the LGU to come up with different
strategies that can help to develop the area.

Local and Foreign Tourist. This study would be beneficial to the tourists because it can give them knowledge
and awareness about the cultural heritage sites. Additionally, it fosters their sense of pride and aids in the
development of social tourism.

Future Researchers. Information, data, and results of this study as a basis for their ongoing or future studies.
This could help them create new knowledge on how they could make their study more productive. This study
will provide for similar studies.


Research Design

This study used the descriptive survey questionnaire method of research to determine the tourist’s satisfaction
level with the cultural heritage in Miagao, Iloilo. According to Hellevik (2019), questionnaire surveys are,
without a doubt, the most extensively used data collection technique in the social sciences. The same questions
are provided to a relatively large sample of respondents in quantitative surveys, frequently with fixed-response
options. The interviews can be performed face to face or over the phone, with the interviewer asking the
questions and taking notes, or with the respondents reading the questions and responding on a questionnaire
form provided by post or via the internet. This method is used to collect data to test a hypothesis or answer
questions about the level of satisfaction with the subject of the investigation.

The Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were local and foreign tourists in our country, specifically in Miagao, Iloilo,
during the period of 2022-2023. The said tourists were exploring some of the Cultural Heritage in Miagao,
Iloilo. The respondents were selected using the convenience sampling. The Survey Method was conducted
since the researchers used a sample population who served as the respondent of the study. This method was
used to generate data based on the perceptions and evaluations of the respondents, depending on the type of
needed information covered in the study. This study will determine the perception of local and foreign tourists.

Respondents n %
Local Tourist 15 50
Foreign Tourist 15 50
total 30 100

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument used in this study was the researcher-made survey questionnaire. The panel of experts did
content and face validation of the instrument prior to the distribution among the respondents.

The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part 1 is composed of the data of the respondents, which include
the age, gender, educational attainment, and type of tourist. Part II was the tool used to determine the level of
satisfaction of local and foreign tourists. There were statements or questions to be answered by utilizing a 5-
point Likert Scale to rate them: 5 for very satisfied, 4 for satisfied, 3- for neutral, 2 for dissatisfied, and 1- for
very dissatisfied.

A Likert scale is a rating scale used to assess opinions, attitudes, or behaviors. It comprises a statement or a
question, followed by five or seven answer statements. Respondents select the choice that best expresses their
feelings about the statement or topic. (Bhandari P., NikoloPoulou K. 2020).

Tourist Level of Satisfaction for the Cultural Heritage

Range of Means Description

4.21 – 5.00 Very Satisfied

3.41 – 4.20 Satisfied

2.61 – 3.40 Neutral

1.81 – 2.60 Dissatisfied

1.00 -1.80 Very Dissatisfied

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers conducted a pre-survey of the different cultural heritage sites in Miagao. A research-made
survey questionnaire was prepared to gather the data for this study after it underwent necessary validation by
the panel of experts. The researchers secured a letter of permit noted by the research teacher and research
adviser and approved by the Campus Administrator. The questionnaire was given to the identified respondents.
Each respondent was given three questionnaires evaluating three cultural heritages (Puente De Boni, Puente De
Britanico, Miagao Church). The researchers properly explained the directions to the respondents. The
respondents were given time to fill in the said questionnaires. A total of ninety (90) questionnaires were
distributed. The questionnaires were gathered by the researchers for analysis and interpretation. The
respondents were assured that their responses would be treated confidentially and used for study purposes only.

Data Analysis Procedure

Data gathered in this study was subjected to the following descriptive and inferential statistical tools:

Mean and Standard Deviation. To determine the level of satisfaction of tourists when taken as a whole and
when classified according to age, gender, educational attainment, and type of tourist.
Mann-Whitney U Test. To determine the significant difference in the level of satisfaction of tourists when
classified according to gender and type of tourist.

Kruskal Wallis. To determine the significant difference in the level of satisfaction when classified according to
age and educational attainment.


This study was conducted to determine the tourist’s level of satisfaction with cultural heritage sites in Miagao,
Iloilo, in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, and types of tourists. Furthermore, this was conducted
to determine whether there is a significant difference in the variables. A total of thirty (30) respondents
(specifically 15 local tourists and 15 foreign tourists) were used in this study. This study was conducted from
the month February to May 2023. The researcher employed the descriptive design to determine the tourist’s
level of satisfaction with the Cultural Heritage Site in Miagao, Iloilo. Mean and standard deviation were the
statistical tools used to determine the level of satisfaction, and Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis were used
to determine the significant difference.

The findings revealed that the respondents were male and female, comprised of local and foreign
tourists who visited the cultural heritages in Miagao, Iloilo. The level of satisfaction of local and foreign
tourists, when taken as a whole, was interpreted as “Satisfied” on the cultural heritage site in Miagao, Iloilo. In
terms of age, it was rated as “satisfied,” gender “satisfied,” educational attainment “satisfied,” and types of
tourists “satisfied.”

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

Characteristics n %
Male 10 25
Female 20 75
Total 30 100
18-25 12 40
26-30 3 10
31 & above 15 50
Total 30 100
Educational Attainment
High School 2 7
College 14 46
College Graduate 6 20
Post Graduate 8 27

Table 2 shows the level of satisfaction of tourists when taken as a whole. The result shows that in terms of
gender, it was classified as “satisfied” and has an overall mean of 4.12 and a standard deviation of 0.327. In
terms of age, it was classified as satisfied and had an overall mean of 4.13 and a standard deviation of 0.266. In
terms of educational attainment, it was classified as “satisfied” and has an overall mean of 4.12 and a standard
deviation of 0.489. In terms of types of tourists, it was classified as “satisfied” and has a mean of 4.13 and a
standard deviation of 0.303. Therefore, the overall results state that the respondents are satisfied in terms of
gender, age, educational attainment, and type of tourist, with an overall mean of 4.13 and a standard deviation
of 0.346.
Table 3. Levels of Satisfaction of Tourists according to Gender, Age, Educational Attainment and Type of
Variable M(SD) Description
Male 4.11 (0.453) Satisfied
Female 4.13 (0.202) Satisfied
18-25 4.05 (0.344) Satisfied
26-30 4.16 (0.168) Satisfied
31 & above 4.18 (0.288) Satisfied
Educational Attainment
High School 3.95 (0.304) Satisfied
College 4.07 (0.305) Satisfied
College Graduate 4.28(0.448) Very Satisfied
Post Graduate 4.15(0.090) Satisfied
Type of Tourist
Local 4.09(0.321) Satisfied
Foreign 4.16(0.286) Satisfied

Table 3 shows the level of satisfaction of respondents when taken as a whole and when classified
according to their age, gender, educational attainment, and types of tourists. Results show that the level of
satisfaction of respondents, when taken as a whole, was classified as “Satisfied” (M=413, SD=0.346). When it
comes to gender, results show that male respondents (M=4.11, SD=0.453) and female respondents (M=4.13,
SD=0.202) which was classified as “satisfied.” According to age, from the ages 18-25 (M=4.05, SD=0.344),
from the ages 26-30 (M=4.16, SD=0.168), and the age 31& above (M=4.18, SD=0.288) was classified as
“satisfied.” According to educational attainment, High school level (M=3.95, SD=0.304) was classified as
“satisfied,” College level (M=4.07, SD=0.305) was classified as “satisfied,” College Graduate (M=4.28,
SD=0.448) which was classified as “very satisfied” and Post Graduate (M=4.15, SD=0.090) which was
classified as “satisfied.” According to the type of tourist, Local tourists (M=4.09, SD=0.321) and foreign
tourists (M=4.16, SD=0.286) are classified as “satisfied."
The study "Tourist Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Behavioral Intentions to Revisit Cultural
Heritage Tourists: Basis for Development Plan" revealed the results that the demographic variables
demonstrated a relationship between the groups with age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment,
occupation, tourist type, and frequency of visit. It reveals no significant difference in tourists' satisfaction with
the destination when grouped by profile variable, as indicated by computed p-values greater than 0.05 alpha
levels because the computed p-values are significant at p<05. The result indicates the test of differences in
satisfaction of tourists in the destination when grouped by profile. This test confirmed that there is no
statistically significant relationship between sex and tourists. The test confirmed that there is no significant
difference between tourist type and tourist satisfaction when respondents are grouped according to their profile.

Table 4. Difference in the level of satisfaction of the Tourists when Classified according to Gender
Variable Mrank Σrank MWU value P
Male 16.25
465 92.5 0.741
Female 15.13
*Significant at p<.05
Table 4 shows the difference in the level of tourist satisfaction when classified according to gender. The result
showed that there is no significant difference in tourist satisfaction when classified according to gender, with a
p-value of 0.741.
This study, “Analysis of Tourist Satisfaction Index Based on Structural Equation Model,” also revealed no
significant difference in the satisfaction of tourists of different genders. Compared to our study, this only
shows that there is no variation in the level of tourist satisfaction with the other attributes of cultural heritage
when it comes to gender.

Table 5. Difference in the level of Satisfaction of the Tourists when Classified According to Type of Tourist

Variable Mrank Σrank MWU value p

Type of Tourist
Local 14.97
465 104.5 .740
Foreign 16.03
*Significant at p<.05

Table 5 shows the differences in the level of satisfaction when classified according to the type of tourist.
According to what was presented, there is no significant difference in tourist satisfaction in terms of type of
tourist with a p-value of 0.740.
This result was supported by the study “Destination Perception and Loyalty: Exploring the Difference between
Local and Foreign Tourists.” according to this study, among respondents, female tourists were more active in
the participation of the surveys, 52% of local tourists, and 57% of foreign tourists were females. Generally, the
result shows that tourist satisfaction in the study both local and foreign tourists are satisfied and has a p-value
of 0.821. Compared to our study, female tourists have a higher frequency than male tourists. Still, when it
comes to tourist satisfaction, both local and foreign tourists are satisfied with the cultural heritage in Miagao

Table 6. Difference in the level of Satisfaction of the Tourists when Classified According to Age
Variable Mrank H(28,2) p
18-25 14.04
26-30 17.00 0.563 0.755
31 & above 16.37
*Significant at p<.05

Table 6 shows the differences in the level of tourist satisfaction when classified according to age.
Based on what was presented above, there is no significant difference in tourist satisfaction when
classified according to age, with a p-value of 0.755.
This result was supported by the study “Determining satisfaction of international tourist: A different
approach.” This study shows Females are more satisfied than males; tourists aged 56 to 65 are the
most satisfied, while millennials under the age of 35 are the least satisfied. Generally, this only shows
that older tourists are more satisfied than younger ones, which gives a comparison in our study.

Table 7. Difference in the level of Satisfaction of the Tourists when Classified According to Educational
Variable Mrank H(27,3) p
Educational Attainment
High School 10.50
College 13.68 3.075 0.380
College Graduate 20.25
Postgraduate 16.38
*Significant at p<.05
Table 7 shows the differences in the level of tourist satisfaction when classified according to educational
attainment. Based on the above result, there is no significant difference in tourist satisfaction when classified
according to educational attainment, with a p-value of 0.380.
The results show that college graduates are very satisfied. At the same time, the rest are satisfied with the
cultural heritage, and this is supported by the study “Satisfaction on tourist destinations in Davao Del Sur.”
results in this study shows that out of 342 respondents, the majority are college graduate with a frequency of
220 and has a percentage of 64%. The rest has a frequency of 122, with a rate of 36%.


Based on the result, it can be concluded that most of the respondents were female. The result indicates a higher
level of participation and interest in cultural heritage among women in the context of Miagao, Iloilo. However,
it is important to note that the study did not find any significant variations in the level of satisfaction with
cultural heritage based on age, gender, educational attainment, and types of tourists.

The study’s hypothesis, which stated that there would be no significant difference in the level of satisfaction
among tourists when classified according to these variables, was accepted. This suggests that regardless of age,
gender, educational background, or the purpose of their visit, tourists in Miagao, Iloilo, generally reported
similar levels of satisfaction with the cultural heritage offerings.

This finding is significant as it indicates that the cultural heritage in Miagao, Iloilo, has a universal appeal and
is able to attract and engage a diverse range of visitors. Regardless of their demographic characteristics or
motivations for visiting, tourists in the area have consistently reported positive experiences and satisfaction
with the cultural heritage sites.

The lack of significant differences among different groups also suggests that the cultural heritage sites in
Miagao, Iloilo, successfully provide a meaningful experience to all visitors, regardless of their background or
interests. This study indicates that the heritage sites are well-maintained, accessible, and able to cater to a
diverse tourist population's varied needs and preferences.

Furthermore, the findings imply that the management and promotional strategies employed for the cultural
heritage sites in Miagao, Iloilo, effectively reach and satisfy a wide range of tourists. Consistent satisfaction
across different demographic groups indicates that efforts to preserve and promote the heritage have
successfully created a positive and inclusive visitor experience.

However, it is essential to note that while the study did not find significant differences in satisfaction levels,
further research and analysis may be required to understand better the specific factors influencing visitor
satisfaction. It could involve exploring additional variables, such as cultural background, travel preferences, or
previous exposure to heritage sites, to identify any underlying factors contributing to variations in visitor

Overall, the study’s findings highlight the importance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage in Miagao,
Iloilo. By creating a positive and inclusive visitor experience, the heritage sites can continue attracting diverse
tourists, contributing to the local economy, and fostering a deeper appreciation for the region’s rich cultural


The study's findings have provided useful insights into boosting cultural heritage and enhancing the entire
visitor experience. Based on these findings, several measures have been suggested to achieve these objectives.

A tourism course can provide the skill and knowledge needed to excel in any tourism role, so teachers or
tourism teachers, both those who teach heritage science or not, should be equipped with adequate knowledge
about the cultural heritages. Knowledge can be gained through a sightseeing tour, seminars, and reading more
about the cultural heritages in a place. Moreover, teachers need to exert more effort to increase their and their
students' understanding of the defects in cultural heritages, how cultural heritages affect the tourism industry,
and take a more active role and responsibility in conserving the cultural heritage site in a particular place.

As cultural heritage faces growing problems, the Local Government Units (LGUs) should provide access to the
facilities that help maintain the cultural heritage site. It is crucial to address the littering and destruction of
heritage sites. One effective measure is the installation of garbage bins in and around these areas. By providing
convenient disposal options, visitors will be encouraged to dispose of their waste responsibly, thereby
preserving the integrity and beauty of the cultural heritage. Regular maintenance and cleaning services should
also be implemented to ensure the cleanliness of these sites.

Additionally, the presence of food establishments or stores near cultural heritage sites can significantly
enhance the experience for tourists. Having convenient access to refreshments or meals allows visitors to
explore and enjoy the heritage more without worrying about their basic needs. It also provides an opportunity
to showcase local cuisine and promote economic growth in the surrounding communities.

Furthermore, signage is crucial in educating visitors about the history, significance, and other relevant
information related to cultural heritage sites. Clear and informative signage should be strategically placed
throughout the area, providing details about the site’s background, cultural context, and important visitor
guidelines. This enhances the educational aspect and adds to the overall visitor experience by creating a deeper
connection with the heritage.

In today's digital age, visual content significantly impacts the promotion and popularization of cultural
heritage. Creating inspiring promotion videos highlighting these sites' unique features, stories, and experiences
can be a powerful tool for generating interest and attracting more visitors. These videos can be shared through
various platforms, such as social media, tourism websites, and travel agencies, to reach a wider audience and
increase awareness about the cultural heritage.

In the past few years, tourists have visited the area; the researchers recommend that the tourists help maintain
the cultural heritage site by having self-discipline and respect by using as much plastic as possible due to the
improper use of plastic or wrong throwing of garbage, specifically the plastic around the site that can destroy
the beauty of the area. Also, vandalism is prohibited in the area, and an anti-vandalism act should be imposed;
this can help maintain and conserve the cultural heritage site. For tourists, be sure to show your appreciation
and clean up yourself after.

For more related studies to be used, the Researcher recommended that the future Researcher sincerely seek
information that can help establish different implementations and solutions to mitigate the possible threats or
problems that the cultural heritage sites face.

In conclusion, the recommended measures based on the findings of the study aim to improve the cultural
heritage experience by addressing issues like littering, providing convenient facilities, offering educational
information, and utilizing digital promotion strategies. By implementing these measures, locals and tourists can
preserve, promote, and enjoy cultural heritage sites, contributing to their long-term sustainability and cultural


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