Bispectral Image Fusion Using Multi-Resolution Transform For Enhanced Target Detection in Low Ambient Light Conditions

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Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics

Vol. 57, January 2019, pp. 33-41

Bispectral image fusion using multi-resolution transform for enhanced target

detection in low ambient light conditions
Divya Agrawala,b* & Vinod Karara,b
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh 160 030, India
Optical Devices and Systems, CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh 160 030, India
Received 22 May 2018; accepted 10 August 2018

Performing target detection/identification task using only visible spectrum information becomes extremely difficult during
low ambient light conditions. Visible spectrum information consists of information available in the range of 400-700 nm
wavelength. However, infrared spectrum carries information beyond 800 nm. To overcome the difficulty of target detection by
human operator during the task of surveillance, fusion of visible and infrared spectral image information has been proposed.
The image fusion has been performed using multi resolution transform based curvelet technique. The use of curvelet transform
has been done because of its high directional sensitivity and reconstruction quality. Curvelet transform has been used to
decompose source images to obtain coefficients at coarse, intermediate and fine scale. These coefficients have been fused as per
respective decomposition level, followed by reconstruction of fused image using inverse curvelet transform. Bispectral fused
image inherits scene information as well as target information both from visible and infrared spectrum images respectively. The
proposed image fusion output images are visually and statistically compared with other fusion method outputs. The fused image
obtained using proposed fusion method in comparison to other fusion results show clear background details, high target
distinctiveness, better reconstruction and lesser clutter.

Keywords: Curvelet transform, Image fusion, Infrared image, Situation awareness, Visible image

1 Introduction Different multispectral image fusion techniques

The task of surveillance presents several types of proposed earlier in literature include: ratio-of-low
challenges like keeping an alert vigil continuously for pass pyramid approach2, biological opponentcolor
instant threat recognition. This requires a high degree fusion approach3, color space transform approach4,5,
of situation awareness (SA) on the part of operator. wavelet based fusion approach6,7, biorthogonal
SA involves perception, comprehension and decision wavelet8, contourlet transform9 and others. A review
making1. Thus, for having good SA the very first of the techniques proposed in literature for
thing required is having good perception of the multispectral image was reported by the authors
surroundings. In case of surveillance tasks, one of the earlier10. The review study suggested that use of
major concerns is to detect the threat using vision multi-resolution transform (MRT) based techniques
during low ambient lighting conditions. The optimal for image fusion is more advantageous than other
solution for this situation could be achieved by fusion fusion approaches. Advantages of using MRT with
of infrared and visible images as both these imaging respect to conventional fusion methods are many like:
sensors cover information from different bands of better signal-to-noise ratio, increased directional
electromagnetic spectrum. information, stable inverse transform and improved
It is known that human eye can only visualize perception and comprehension. MRT based
objects in visible range of electromagnetic spectrum techniques includes various pyramid-based
while infrared image provides information that approaches, wavelet transform based approaches,
captures the temperature gradient related information multi-resolution geometric analysis, etc. The pyramid
from any scene. The multispectral image fusion result based approaches and wavelet transform suffer from
is rich with more information content and conveys discrepancies like spatial distortion, spectral
information in the dark about hot targets, which go distortion, blurring and directional insensitivity. Ma et
unseen by naked eyes. al.11 presented an extensive review of various image
————— fusion techniques been proposed for fusion of infrared
*Corresponding author (E-mail: and visible images. Authors have presented that there

is a need to have flexible basis selection as per 𝑐 𝑗, 𝑙, 𝑘 ∶ ∑ 𝑓 𝑡 ,𝑡 𝜑 ,, 𝑡 ,𝑡 … (1)

decomposition level during the process of image
fusion using MRT. Authors also highlight that the Where, each 𝜑 , , is a digital curvelet transform
fusion algorithm should be developed keeping in (DCT) [15]. DCT obeys the rule of parabolic scaling.
mind the end application. They emphasize that the The complete steps of algorithm are shown in Fig. 1.
fusion evaluation metrics being used to judge the The coefficients thus obtained after decomposition
quality of image fusion result must be chosen keeping of the image consist of both approximation and detail
in mind the human visual processing. information of the image. The approximation
In this work, a multi-level fusion algorithm based coefficients carry mostly the information about the
on curvelet transform for fusion of registered visible background details of an image whereas, the detail
and infrared images of the same scene is proposed. coefficients are abundant in the detail or edge related
The multi-level fusion basis is selected to preserve the information of any image.
details from source images judiciously. The fused In the proposed fusion algorithm, USFFT based
images then obtained by using proposed curvelet discrete CT is used to decompose both infrared and
transform based multilevel fusion (CTMF) algorithm visible image to extract approximation and detail
are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The coefficients of both the images.
image-fusion evaluation metrics are selected in The fusion scheme designed involves separation of
accordance to the end use application, i.e., the discrete coefficients obtained from DCT into three
surveillance. Thus, the analysis of fused results is classes; coarsest scale coefficients, intermediate scale
done to check whether the fusion will lead to coefficients and finest scale coefficients.
enhancement of observer’s SA or not. Before discussing the fusion rules let us revisit the
goal. The aim here is to improve SA of observer during
2 Materials and Methods low ambient lighting operation times. During such
Curvelet transform (CT) is a type of MRT, which conditions, the main hurdle as could be seen from the
involves multi-layer decomposition, and output of visible cameras (Fig. 2b), the background
reconstruction, a pattern like human visual system’s details are captured well, however, the hot target could
working. CT is an extension of the wavelet transform, nowhere be seen. The same scene captured with
exhibiting better directionality and reconstruction as infrared image (Fig. 2a) is able to convey the location
compared to wavelet transform. CT analyzes an of the hot target without much background details. So,
image with different block sizes while using a single it could be inferred that the maximum background
transform. In the first generation curvelet, an image is information is thus being carried by the visible images,
first decomposed into a set of wavelet bands and then however, the details are being stored with the infrared
each band is analyzed using a ridgelet transform. The images. The fusion rules have been developed keeping
block size is adjustable at each scale level. this in mind.
The coarsest scale coefficients contain the most
Curvelet transform was first proposed to analyze global information related to any scene. The fusion
local lines or curves12. This transform is often referred rule defined for the first level of decomposition is:
to as the first generation curvelet transform and it was
quite difficult to implement. Later it was further 𝐶 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐶 , 𝐶 … (2)
improvised to come up with second-generation
curvelet transform13-15 which has great applications in where, 𝐶 and 𝐶 are the coarsest coefficients of
image processing. Curvelet transform can be original infrared and visible image, respectively,
implemented using two different approaches:
wrapping based curvelet decomposition and USFFT
based curvelet decomposition. The USFFT approach
yields most faithful discretization of the continuous
definition15. The curvelet transform used in this work
is based on the USFFT approach. It provides a faithful
discretization of the continuous approach. For any
input Cartesian arrays of the form 𝑓 𝑡 , 𝑡 , (0 ≤𝑡 , 𝑡 < Fig. 1 — Flowcharts for applying discrete curvelet transform to
n), curvelet coefficients can be calculated as: obtain coefficients of input images.

obtained after curvelet decomposition. Some Where, 𝐶 and 𝐶 are the coefficients at
researchers even proposed algorithms based on intermediate level of decomposition for original
weighted average method for fusion, however, on infrared and visible image respectively obtained after
analysis it was reported that weighted averaging had curvelet decomposition. The aim is to capture the
not much effect on the final fused image quality. It maximum local and global information present in the
was seen that weight of value as 0.5, i.e., mean intermediate scales of decomposition.
operation was found to be a suitable operation to fuse In the finest level of decomposition, as per our goal
low frequency coefficients16. we want the details to be captured the most. Thus, at
As we move up the level of decomposition further, the finest scale of decomposition we preserve the
the information conveys more and more detailed finest scale coefficients of the infrared image. The
information about the scene. The fusion rule for the fusion rule is defined as:
intermediate levels of decomposition coefficients,
which lie between the coarsest and finest scale, is 𝐶 𝐶 … (4)
described below:
The fused coefficients thus obtained are
𝐶 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐶 , 𝐶 … (3) concatenated according to their level of decomposition
to obtain a complete set of fused coefficients. This is
then subjected to the inverse CT to obtain fused image.

3 Results and Discussion

The developed algorithm is tested on the infrared
and visible image data set provided by Alexander
Toer, TNO, Soesterberg, The Netherlands17. The
images provided in the image fusion dataset consist of
registered infrared and visible image of the same
scene taken at same point of time. These images were
used as the source input images that were fused using
the proposed fusion algorithm. Also, the images were
fused with other methods proposed in literature to
compare the result of the proposed CTMF method.
The fusion algorithm is applied on four separate set of
images and the fusion results obtained using different
fusion schemes are shown in Fig. 2 to Fig. 5. These
four image sets have different background conditions
and elements on the scene. Different image sets were
used for fusion and analysis to check the robustness of
proposed fusion approach for varying conditions.
The infrared image and visible image conveys
information about the target present on the scene and
background information of the scene respectively.
The fusion methods proposed in literature have been
of mainly three types: pixel based fusion, region
based fusion and decision based fusion. The pixel
based fusion is preferred because of information
integrity and high-quality reconstruction. The method
proposed in this paper also follows a pixel based
fusion scheme. The other methods which are being
Fig. 2 — (a) Infrared image, (b) visible image, (c) fused image using used for comparing the proposed CTMF method
pixel-by-pixel addition, (d) fused image by Principal component
analysis (PCA), (e) fused image by DB5 wavelet, (f) fused image by
outputs are: fusion using pixel-by-pixel addition
Biorthogonal wavelet, (g) fused image by Wrapping based curvelet method, fusion based on principal component
transform and (h) fused image by the proposed method. analysis, fusion by using Daubechies-5 (DB5) wavelet

approach, fusion using biorthogonal wavelet approach 3.1 Visual analysis

and curvelet transform based method which follows The visual analysis of the fused result gives first
the wrapping based decomposition approach16. level decision on the suitability of the fusion
For comparing the images, both qualitative as well algorithm. The fused output requires being
as quantitative approaches are used in this work. The informative as well as strain-free experience to user
qualitative approach involves visual analysis of each eyes. If the fused output conveys information at the
fused image obtained through different fusion cost of producing more stress on user, it will hamper
methods and the proposed CTMF method. For SA of the user leading to fatigue. The images (a) and
quantitative analysis, few fused image quality metrics (b) in Fig. 2 are the infrared and visible images of the
have been calculated and compared for all fused same scene, respectively. In Fig. 2(a), while the hot
images obtained with different fusion methods and the target is clearly identifiable, the fencing and other
proposed method. background boundary details are blurred. In Fig. 2(b),
the fence and other background details are clearly
visible but detection of hot target presence is not
possible. On fusion by different methods, we observe
that in case of pixel-by-pixel addition (Fig. 2(c)), the

Fig. 3 — (a) Infrared image, (b) visible image, (c) fused image
using pixel-by-pixel addition, (d) fused image by Principal Fig. 4 — (a) Infrared image, (b) visible image, (c) fused image using
component analysis (PCA), (e) fused image by DB5 wavelet, pixel-by-pixel addition, (d) fused image by Principal component
(f) fused image by Biorthogonal wavelet, (g) fused image by analysis (PCA), (e) fused image by DB5 wavelet, (f) fused image by
Wrapping based curvelet transform and (h) fused image by the Biorthogonal wavelet, (g) fused image by Wrapping based curvelet
proposed method. transform and (h) fused image by the proposed method.

overall fused image obtained seems oversaturated and and Fig. 3(g), the presence of hot target is noticeable
the image has high blooming effect that is but with significant blurring of edges. The image
undesirable. output of proposed fusion method (Fig. 3(h)) shows
Figure 2(d) is the image fusion output obtained by distinct hot target presence with sharp edges and clear
using principal component analysis (PCA) based background information details.
fusion. This method tends to maintain consistent gray In case of the third and fourth image sets, fusion
scale mean and variance in the fused image. The results of wavelet based fusion approach and curvet
fused image output conveys the background details based fusion approach are seen in Fig. 4(e), 4(f), 5(e)
with fidelity; however, the hot target region leans and 5(f) and Fig. 4(g), 4(h), 5(g) and 5(h),
towards darker shade of grey. The recognition of hot respectively. In case of wavelet based fused images as
target would demand more attention from user for the shown in Fig. 4(e) and 4(f) as well as in Fig. 5(e) and
identification task and hence will not help in 5(f), hot target presence is distinct but the edges are
improving the SA of user. found to be blurred. Whereas, in case of curvelet
Figure 2(e) and Fig. 2(f) are fused image outputs based fused images, Fig. 4(g) and 4(h) and Fig. 5(g)
obtained by two different variation of wavelet and 5(h) convey distinct hot target presence with
transform; DB5 and biorthogonal wavelet, similar background fidelity and sharpness. This,
respectively. Both these methods decompose images
at different scales and obtain approximation as well as
detail coefficients at every scale. Biorthogonal
wavelets are different in respect of operation that it
uses different function for decomposition and
reconstruction process. Both these images represent
background details with high fidelity, however, the
images suffer from blurring at edges, the sharpness of
images as compared to the image outputs in Fig. 2(g)
and Fig. 2(h) is significantly lower.
Figure 2(g) shows fused image output obtained by
using wrapping based CT approach. The output image
has better quality in terms of sharpness with respect to
other image fusion methods reported in Fig. 2(c-f).
However, when compared with the proposed CTMF
fusion approach Fig. 2(h), it is observed that the target
edges with CTMF fusion approach are more crisp and
sharp in the fused image as seen in Fig. 2(h). In this
fused image, the hot target information is clearly
visible from the infrared source along with the
background details that include roof top, fences,
boundaries, road, grass, etc. are also clear and sharp.
Similarly, on analysis of image sets shown in Fig.
3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, it is seen that in case of pixel-by-
pixel fusion, the blooming effect is dominant in case
of Fig. 3(c) and Fig. 4(c), while Fig. 5(c) has been
totally oversaturated and nothing is visible. When
comparing the fused image outputs obtained using
PCA based fusion, as seen in case of Fig. 3(d), Fig.
4(d) and Fig. 5(d), the background details are clear
and distinct but the hot target visibility has been Fig. 5 — (a) Infrared image, (b) visible image, (c) fused image using
reduced or completely lost (as seen in Fig. 5(d)). pixel-by-pixel addition, (d) fused image by principal component
analysis (pca), (e) fused image by DB5 wavelet, (f) fused image by
While analysis of fused output of wavelet based biorthogonal wavelet, (g) fused image by wrapping based curvelet
methods and wrapping based CT in Fig. 3(e), Fig. 3(f) transform and (h) fused image by the proposed method.

however, is in agreement with the postulation that their respective values for the four fusion methods are
curvelet transform is able to resolve edges better than shown in Fig. 7 to Fig. 11. The results show image
the wavelet transform. quality parameter outputs for fusion by using DB5
The visual analysis of four set of images provides wavelet approach, fusion using biorthogonal wavelet
merit of the proposed CTMF method. The fusion approach, fusion by wrapping based CT approach and
results demonstrate that the proposed CTMF provides the proposed CTMF method. The statistical parameters
better fusion results as compared to other fusion used for measuring image quality analysis are: structural
methods. In the third and fourth image fusion set (Fig. similarity index (SSIM), correlation (CORR), target-
5 and Fig. 6), fused output of CTMF is better than versus-background entropy (ETB), peak signal-to-noise
pixel-by-pixel addition and PCA approach, while, ratio (PSNR) and signal-to-clutter (SCR) ratio.
output of wavelet and wrapping based CT methods Structural similarity index (SSIM) assesses the
are almost comparable with proposed CTMF result. quality of fused image output (target image) with
However, the edge sharpness of hot target is always respect to reference image in terms of three
found to be better with proposed CTMF fusion parameters namely luminance, contrast and structure.
method. To assess the image output quantitatively, It is given by:
statistical parameters are used to calculate the fused
image quality obtained through multi-resolution 𝑆𝑆𝐼𝑀 𝑥, 𝑦 … (5)
transform approach based fusion methods.
3.2 Statistical analysis Where, 𝜇 and 𝜇 are mean of target and reference
The main goal of this work is to enhance situation images, 𝜎 and 𝜎 are variance of target and reference
awareness of user by providing him an enhanced image, respectively; C1 and C2 are the regularization
content image having crisp information about hot constants19. SSIM helps in measuring how close the
target and background details. The visual analysis of
the four images sets lead to the inference that the
multiresolution transform approach based methods
exhibited better fused image quality in subjective
terms as compared to other reported methods. Now,
the statistical image features are used to correlate the
qualitative analysis of the fused image through
calculated image features18. This approach compares
statistical image quality features to check the
efficiency of different fusion algorithms.
In this study, the image features are calculated to
determine quality of fused image in terms of; (a)
similarity with the original source image and (b) Fig. 7 — Trend of parameter correlation for all four fused image
enhanced visibility of target with lesser amount of noise sets obtained through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF
& clutter added to the image. Various parameters and method.

Fig. 6 — Trend of parameter SSIM for all four fused image sets Fig. 8 — Trend of parameter ETB for all four fused image sets
obtained through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF method. obtained through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF method.

∑ ∑ ̅
… (6)
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

Where, 𝐴̅ and 𝐵 are mean of the target and

reference visible images respectively. The correlation
results obtained for fused images obtained using
Methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF method are
shown in Fig. 7.
The correlation between fused images obtained
through the proposed CTMF method is also found to
be higher in comparison to other wavelet based fusion
Fig. 9 — Trend of parameter PSNR for all four fused image sets methods for all image sets and higher from wrapping
obtained through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF method. based CT method for three out of four cases.
For enhancing situation awareness of user, it is
important to convey the background information with
fidelity but equally important is to detect target
information prominently. To measure the detectability
of hot target with respect to background, the
parameter ‘Target versus background entropy (ETB)’
is used. The theory behind its operation is that the
high entropy target would be easily visible with
respect to low entropy background. The results
obtained for Methods A, B, C and the proposed
CTMF are shown in Fig. 8. It is calculated using
Fig. 10 — Trend of parameter SCR for all four fused image sets following formula:
obtained through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF
method. 𝐸𝑇𝐵 |𝐸 𝑇 𝐸 𝐵 | … (7)
fused image is from the source image. SSIM results Where, 𝐸 𝑇 and 𝐸 𝐵 are the entropy of target
for fused images obtained using Methods A, B, C and and reference images, respectively.
the proposed CTMF method are shown in Fig. 6. The ETB results support the visual analysis, the
As can be seen from the graph, SSIM is highest for target distinctiveness is found to be higher with the
all image sets with the proposed CTMF method in proposed CTMF fusion algorithm in three of four
comparison to the wavelet based approaches. image sets clearly, while in the second image set,
However, the results of method C and proposed ETB is slightly lower than method B. Also, it can be
CTMF were found to be almost similar in three out of seen that proposed CTMF method outperforms
four cases of fused results. For the second image set, wrapping based CT approach in all cases providing
method C achieved higher SSIM as compared to better target distinctiveness.
proposed CTMF. However, visual analysis for Fig. 4 Further, to assess the image quality in terms of
suggest that the Method C shows distinct presence of reconstruction capability, peak signal-to-noise ratio
hot target but with more blurring at edges in (PSNR) is calculated for the four image sets obtained
background details as compared to the proposed through methods A, B, C and the proposed CTMF
CTMF method. It can be concluded that proposed method. PSNR is a parameter commonly used to
CTMF method is able to retain the maximum estimate the quality of reconstructed image versus
similarity to the original scene in respect of original image. PSNR is calculated using the
luminance, contrast and structure along with following formula:
conveying hot target details with fidelity.
The second parameter used for measurement of
fused image quality is correlation between the fused 𝑃𝑆𝑁𝑅 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔 … (8)
image and original visible scene. Correlation (CORR)
between the two images is calculated by using Where, peak value2 is calculated based on image
following formula: data type and MSE is the mean-square-error between

the target image and reference image. It signifies that 4 Conclusions

higher the PSNR value, better is the reconstructed A MRT based multi-level-fusion algorithm for
image quality. The PSNR values obtained for the four bispectral image fusion was proposed in this work. The
different fusion methods are shown in the Fig. 9. infrared and visible images were fused to combine the
In the PSNR results obtained for all four different complimentary information of these two spectral bands
image sets, PSNR value achieved by the proposed to obtain a single informative image. This would help
CTMF method is more than the other wavelet based in enhancing target detection by human operator during
fusion approaches for all image sets and higher from low ambient lighting conditions. The proposed fusion
wrapping based CT method for three out of four algorithm uses digital curvelet transform to decompose
cases. infrared and visible images at different scales and
The last quality metric used for measurement of orientations. The coefficients obtained after
fused image quality is signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR). decomposition at coarse, intermediate and finest scale
According to theory of SA, lesser the clutter in the were fused using three different fusion operatives as
image better is SA of user. Clutter mainly refers to the per their respective decomposition level. The fused
presence of unwanted/excess information in any images obtained after application of proposed
image, which can affect the target recognition, algorithm were then compared with other fusion
hampering SA of observer and adding to more method outputs. Visual and statistical analysis of fused
confusion. The values of SCR obtained for all four the images obtained shows that the proposed CTMF
fused image outputs obtained by using methods A, B, method succeeds in maintaining background fidelity
C and the proposed CTMF method are shown in Fig. with improved target distinguishability. The images
10.SCR is calculated using the following formula20,21: obtained using the proposed CTMF method merits on
preserving background details, target distinctiveness,
𝑆𝐶𝑅 10 𝑙𝑜𝑔 q … (9) better reconstruction and lesser clutter. Thus, it could
be inferred that the use of this fusion method will help
in enhancing target detection ability of human operator
Where, a2 is intensity of the target and 𝜎 the during low ambient lighting conditions.
variance of local background.
Results show that the SCR value achieved using
proposed CTMF method is higher than the wavelet Acknowledgment
based approaches and similar for the wrapping based The authors are thankful to Director, CSIR-Central
CT approach. Thus, it can be inferred that the Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh,
proposed CTMF method helps in maintaining the India for providing the necessary facilities and
target recognition with minimum amount of clutter in support. Authors also extend thanks to Alexander
the fused output. Toet, TNO, Soesterberg, The Netherlands, for
The comparison of all image quality parameters providing visible and infrared images.
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