Table A1.2 - Sizing and Rating
POI Size Symiol 4 7 10 18 20 2 35 50)
om | 4 7 10 15 20 25 35 50
Flow Rate
Us 02s | 04a 063 | 095 oss | 126 | 158 | 316
Lbs. 8 “4 20 30 0 50 70 100
Grease Capacity
‘9 36 64 a1 | 136 182 az | a8 | 454
A1.3 Sizing Procedure
‘Table A1.3 is provided to show the standard formula in steps for sizing grease interceptors to suit requirements of specific ftures. An example
ofthis sizing formula is included to illustrate the steps.
Table A1.3 ~ Procedure For Sizing Grease Interceptor
7 Determine cub content of fsture by multiplying ' sink 48" long by 24° wie by 12° deep
length x wid x depth Cubic content 48 x 24x 12 = 19,824 cube inches.
2 Determine capacity in gallons 1 Gal = 231 eubic inches. Contents in gallons: 13,624/281 = 59.8 gallons
3 Determine actual drainage load. The fiture is normally ‘Actual drainage load 0.75 x 59.8 = 449 gallons
filled to about 75% of capacity wih water. The tems being
‘washed displace about 25% ofthe ture content, thus
actual crainage lad = 75% of fature capac
4 Determine flowrate and drainage perlod. In general, good Calelate ow rate for one minute period
practices dita a one minute drainage period: nowever, 4.9/1 = 449 GPM Flow Rate
‘where conatons permit, a two minute drainage period is
ceptable. Drainage perid isthe actual time requies to Calculate Now rat fortwo minute period
completely drain the fture 44,972 = 225 GPM Flow Rate
Fow rate = Actual Drainage Load/Dranage Period
5 Select interceptor. Fom Table At.2 select interceptor For one minute pero
which corresponds to the flow rate calculated. 44.9 GPM requires PDI size
Note: Select next larger size when flow rate falls Fortwo minute period:
between two sizes liste, 22.5 GPM requires POI size "2
A1.4 Selection
Table At. i included as a selection chart for standard PDI Certified grease interceptors applicable to various size fixtures commonly used in
domestic, commercial, and institutional installations. The selections listed are based on the sizing formula Covered in Table A1.3.
1.5 Dishwashers
‘A separate grease interceptor is recommended foreach commercial dishwasher. The size ofthe interceptor is determined by the GPM lscharge
rate ofthe dishwasher as spactied by the manufacturer. Select proper interceptor of equivalent or next higher rate from Table At.2.
Drain-Net | Phone 1.900.407.3726 | 50 Tannery Ra. Blig #3, Readington Industrial Center, Branchburg, NJ 08876
www.drain-net.comGREASE INTERCEPTORS CET ag
a6 a7
Multiple Fixtures Alternate Sizing Method Based on Drainage Fixture-Units
Where multiple fhturas are serviced by a single interceptor, calculate Most plumbing codes lst drainage Fixture-Unit values for plumbing
the total capacty of all tures, establish the maximum number of fixtures and for Matures not Iisted. These values are gven Tor drain
fixtures that may be drained simultaneously, and apply factor to the outlet or trap size, Fxture-unit values are convertad to discharge rates
total capacity to determin maximum simultaneous capacity. Than on the basis of one fisture-unit equaling 7.5 GPM, See Table At.7 for
proceed wit sizing and selection of interceptor using sizing formula recommended PDI size grease interceptor based on drainage tixture-
Table At.3, unit sizing method,
Table A1.4 - Selection Chart (eu Equivalents Omitd tor Sinpiciyy) Table AT.7
Teconmended POI Sze Faure Oatiet | Drainage Por
pate Giese interceptor ortiap Sto | Fsture-Unt cru ‘Siz Groaso
compartment | Number | Drainage | One-minute | Two-minute ‘nehes) Value Ecuivalent _| _Inteoaptor
Size ot sad | Drahage | Drainage a i 75 0
anenes) _|comparmants| (Gallons) | Pesiod | Period rT 2 Aen i:
8x 12x6 1 42 7 4 2 3 20 B
1611418 1 58 7 4 Pry @ m0 %
Dx 1Bx8 1 a4 0 7 2 a We a
tex 168 2 180 6 0 4 3 450 30
2x18 x8 2 187 a 0
1 20%8 1 185 2 10
xr] 1 187 2 10
n20x8 2 20 B 8
mam] 2 30 % 20
raxrgrr | 2 49 0 25
Drain-Net | Phone 1.900.407.3726 | 50 Tannery Ra. Blig #3, Readington Industrial Center, Branchburg, NJ 08876