MSC Molecular Biology
MSC Molecular Biology
MSC Molecular Biology
Choice Based
Credit System
Department of Studies in Molecular Biology
Manasagangotri, Mysuru-570006
Choice Based Credit System (cBCS)
.Board of Studies in ;'violecular Biology
t!nrverrity i;rf Mysrrro
l,lanasagangoin, h'i Y tiUHU-5/0 006
Faculty Science
Progr:rm me ob.iectivcs
ill thc
The main objective of this M.Sc.. progralllme is to provide strong lirurrdalion
sub.iect Molecular Biolog.v to becolre
o'l'caching l-actrltics in Acadelnic Itlstitt-tticltrs'
. Researchcrs in researclr instittttitlns or industrics
o f:ntrepreneur to start their o\\'n colllpan]''
Programme Outctlmcs
The M.Sc.. progralnrne in Molecular Biologf is highll' sought prograrnrl1e
arrr.orlg li1'e
ot'this cach stLrtlcrlt ri'ill:
sciences irr thc LJpiverri rl (1,..r sr-rcccssfll co,rpTetio,t llrosral)llllc
o I{ave a strong lirunclatiop in understanding the hasic brochcllical reactitltts
occurs in both prokarlotic alrcl euliaryotic i1'stcms at lrolccular lcl'cl. [rurtherthe
stu6enl will bc'ablc tir lcarn cLrtting cdge tc:chrr,rlogr itt the llclcl ol'ccll
molecular hitllogy. tllicrobioltlgy. irtrrtlutl,'lo91 anil rlrcclicirlal bi6logl'
Programme Specific Outcome
('lass room teaching uill be Lrsing black board and chalk. powerpoint
prcsentation and information and cornmunications technology.
a One on one interaction or with small student numbers during tutorial classes.
a Individual student performs experiments as per the protocol in practicalclasses.
a Student seminar/research paper presentation in each semester.
Students will be tested for their rvriting abilities to answer precise and essay
type questions.
Anirnat Physiology SC J 0 0 J
7 487 s6
Objectives are:
o To stucly the fundatncntals of clrelnistrl' o1-biomolecules'
o To study the molccular basis of organic reactiotts.
Course outcome
I'he student u'ill:
o Unclerstand thc basic chcmical bonds involved in the biotlltllcculcs and or-uanic
o Llnclerstand the stereochemistrl of'biornolcculcs and hetcroc)'clic cot.npounds.
o [.Jndcrstand thc role of elcctrolvtes and thcir itnportancc irr biological systeln.
Course Contents:
Bonding: Clovalent bond: coordinate boncl; coordinate borld fbrlllatiotr in trallsition tlletals.
Bonding of iron in hentologibin ancl cytochror.t.tcs. cobalt irr Vit [] 12. tltagtlesiutll irr
chloropiyll. Spccial propeftic; of rvatcr; Structurc and bonding..Cry's.1al field theorl: l.igancl
licld tlieorl, arrd Valcncej boncl theory. Chclators; types of Ii-tlands atrci cotnplcxes.
Stereochemistry: lmporlapcc o1' stercochen.ristr,"'. pttsitiorl atlcl ordcr ol' groLtps arortrrd
carbon. Geomelric alcl optical isonterisnr: absolutc artd rclatir"': contigtrratitttr. Sl lrlnlclrl
view ol'chirality. relation bctrvecn cltiralitl, anci optical activit). reprcsclrtaticln ol'chiral
structures by Irischer. Structure and stcreochemistry ol srlgars alrcl all.litlo acicls; atlotllcr.
epirrer, diastereorner. sterioisolllcr. I) ancl I-. (+) and (-). R ancl S'
Hctcr uc.vr-lrr Lr)ulpoundg: L.hcnri:tr',' ol lurun. indulc. tlrir-'.ttlL'. pt:t rrr'-'. p't' I i'Jirr'
isgalloxazirrc, ;,y,,.,1.. ('ltcrnrstrr iil por1.tlt1 t ttt:, ollLl llclllc lncl thclr [rlolor:ie al
'third Scmester Molecul:rr Biologv (lVlinimum 20 nnd Marimum 24 credits)
Pratical-4: Experiments in
2 HC 0 0 4 4
Molecular Genetics and seminar.
3 Practical-5: Proiect Work HC 0 0 6 6
Objectives are:
o 'fo studl,thc basic principles involved in plant ancl aninral cell cultr-rretechnologv.
o 'l
o s1ud,r the rariotrs technir}res involred in thc scparation o1'biornolecules.
o Io studr the adr,'anccd techniclues in the analr,'sis ol'brornolcculcs.
Coursc outcome
Course Contents:
llhrllilrg lcuhnirlurrril l)ol blrrl, Sr,rrrlhcrn. l.jr.rrthorn, \\/or,lern hhrt, l)N,,\ li"rnl pnnt ulitiu),,
DNA finger print assay, gel retardation assay, nuclease protection assay. RFLP. RAPD.
Objectives are:
To study the characterization of biomolecules for their size, shape and structure
using analytical techn iques.
To study isotopes and its application in understanding biological process.
Course outcome
[Jnderstand dif fcrent spectral anall'sis involved in dcternrining the sizc. sltape
and structure of' d i f1-crent biotnolccu les.
LJnderstarrd tlre dif fbrcnt t)pes of isotopes ancl its applications in biological
reactions and s.
Course Contents:
X- ra1. C'11 stallography: I)nrtcin cr-rstals. []ragg's larr. ttnit ccll. isolttorphotts
replacement, flbcr pattern o1' t)NA.
[:lectt'ospttrv lt'ttizatioll- [l'agrlrr,'lrtalitrll rrlro linrc ol'l'l i!'ht- NI\l'[)l alrcl l;Sl' l'('-l\'1 S'
i ( -N.l5-l\l\
-12P, l'r'1. ttS.
Ra<lioisotopesin lliology:-tH. '*C. concept olhalf'-lif'e. decay constant.
detection and quantitation - GM counter and solid and liquid scintillation counter.
Specific acti vity. autorad iography and the ir appl icati ons.
Applications of radioactivitl': L.abeling of proteins and nucleic acids. Dilution
techniques. pulse clrase method. carbon dating. substrate prodr"rct relationship
(clrolesterol biost nthesis) and bond cleavage specif icitl.
Objcctivcs are:
o I'o develop sl<ills in the practical corrponents and to learn good laboratory
. To learn the preparatior-rs of various reagents and culture mcdia.
r J'o learn thc isolation and cstimations of biorrolecules using dillerentmethods.
o fo develop skills lbr senrinar presc'ntrttitrr.
Cclurse outcome
o IJnderstand thc basics of laboratorl' rcagcnts/soluticlns arrcl theirpreparations
w ith respect to pcrcent solution. nrolar and nclrrnal solutions.
o [Jnderstand the isolatiort and analvsis o1'various bionrolccule s r"rsing
\pcLtrose()pie tttetlt,rJr.
o [,ndcrstand thc isolation and charactcrization ol'rnicroorSlrrrisrnr rrsinustaining
tcch n iq ues.
r I)evclop thc art of presentation dLrring serninar rvhich rvill help indeveloping
skills fbr teaching prol'ession^
Coursc (lontcnts:
Preparation of'bLr1'lcr. \4cdia prcparation: nLrtricnt broth. nLrtricnt agar. potato dextrose
agar. ('zapckclllr agar. Mac ( onlicr''s agar.
Sterilization techniqLres. hot air r-rven" auloclave/pressure cooker. filtration unit.
Study'of purc culture techniques: Scrial dilLrtion. pour platc. spread plate. streak plate.
poinl inocLrlation.
Measurement ol'grou th using -'l'trrbidonretcr/ photocolorinrctcr/ spcctrornetcr and
Iacrnoc_r'tonrclcr ( Ycast ccl ls)
lsolatiorr ol'plasnricl I)NA [:rlraclion ol'l)NA arrd IINA fiorn. l)rosophila. coconut
cndospcrnt. ('ntcria ot'ptrritr - 160/280 [-lV absorptittn ratio.
Colorimetry; applications of
Beer-Lambeft's law, determination of extinction
coefficient. Colorimetric estimation of Nucleic aicd and proteins. Estimation of protein
UV absorption of protein and Nucleic acid. Ilypo and hyper-chromicity of Nuclcic acid
on heat denaturation.
Estimation of sugar h1'DNS and anthrone rnethods.
Seminar: Itach studcnt rriil sirc it l-s ntilr sctlinar *itlt poucr;loitlt prcscnlatitltl tln a
topic assigncd.
BIOMOt.llCtl 1-l'lS Objcctives are:
r To stucly the rnolccular propertics ol'lariot-ts biontttlccttlcs in the cell.
o To study structural characterization of biomolecules
Course outcomc
o Understand tlrc structure and classification olcarbohydrates, alnitro acids. Iipids
proteins and nucleic acids.
o IJn<-lcrstarrcl glr co[)iolosr. protcin liilding. lirrccs aflcctirlg prolcin lirlcling.
. [Jnderstand tltc dcterrnination acid cttrttposrtiort. seclttcncing o1-l)NA.
Course Contents:
l,opfirlc hond: l.cntrlrr:; lt tho pepnde hnntl tr:rttrrall-r, ttr-utttrirry 1r,-'1'1i,.1.'. y.lttt;thi.,tii
ot'pcptidc:;; :,ttllttit'rr L'l,i,r'o ","11'tt'ir
",,f 'r1,1,,. 1,,,.;rrrrl t rrrlr,,1,l,,,,,,- t l',tt', rit:rl .lJlltllC::tl1
h'lsl ifi"lJ': :.uliJ" .1)'tttlt.sir- nnil ;rrptidc lilntinn
Determination of amino acid compositions: Acid arrd base catalyzcd hy'drol,vsis.
separation. cluantitication. deterrrination o1-N and C tcrnrinal residues. dctcrrnination of
site ol'gl-v-cosylation and type o1'linkage (o-glycosyl and n-gllcosyl).
Lipids: Cllassiflcation of lipids: oils. fats. and u,axes. Occurrence and properties of fatty'
acids. esters ol- fattv acids. cholesterol. phospholipids. glycolipids. sphingolipids,
ccrebrosides and gangliosides.
ci rc
Host parasite interaction: Recognition and entr)' processcs o1'diflf'crent pathogens like
bacteria, viruses into animal anJ plant host cells. alteration ol- lrost cell behavior by'
p;th";;;r. virus-induccd ccll transiormation. pathogen-induced diseases in anirnals and
plantsl cell-cell lttsion in both norrnal and abnortnal ce lls'
o [Jnde rstand blood and its contposition. ltct'\ r]tl\. t'crpirlttrrt-r. c\crct()r)'- cl igestir c'
n'tuscle and reproductive physiology.
Introduction: Meaning and scope of animal physiology. Definition of cell types, tissue,
organs and systems.
Muscle physiology: Skeletal muscle and smooth muscle, muscle proteins; actin,
myosin. tropomyosine. tropon ins.
o -[o
stLrd_v the rlolecular rlechanisms of cnzvtnc reactiotls trsins inhibitors and
Course outcome
o Understand enzymes. the ir activitl,' measurements and kirretic rcactiol'ls.
r Understand enzyme reactions using inhibitors and activators.
r Unde rstand the nature of catalysis. mcchanism of acticttt and type o{-inhibition.
o IJnderstarrcl the regulaticln o1'enzl'l.nes irr tllctaholic reactions.
Course Contents:
Naturc o1' cnzr.nre catallsis: 'l'ransition state thcr)r\. proxirnit-r and oricntation. orbital
steering. acid base catalysis. covalent catalvsis. metal ion catalysis. nucleophilic and
electroplrilic catalysis. inlramolecular catall'sis" cntropl efl'ects. Frtlect of temperature
and pH on enz\rne catal,l'sed reaction"
Coursc Contents:
Introduction: Ilistorical perspectivc. corrpositiorr of'llNA and I)NA. Ilases. ('hargall's
rLrle Iypes of IINA. Isolation and prrrilication r:l'llNA and I)NA. structurc ol'RNA and
DNA. central dogrna ol'nrolccular biologl.
DNA-nntip:rrcllel nature: Ncarcsl ncighbour basc liequencv analysis. Replication of'
DNA. senri conscrr.,atir,c natrrrc: Messclsolr arrd Stahl crperirncnt. Ileplication of double
'rlrtnrlrrcl t)N \ dircrtirrn (rl'rcnliruti,-rn, ili:c,i-rntinrrrrrr:. replicaliirn. Okazaki fiegi:mr:nts
I)NA polrrncrasc I II and IIl. I)NA ligase. t)NA topoisorrerases. l''idelitv of replication.
replrcation ilr r,irLrscs. rurlling circlc rrodel" single strandcd I)NA r,'irus. Applications of
rttiltrchrlnilri;rl I)l.l ,'\, Ir',',nrh,',n nr')drrl lr;mslcsion \\nlhcsis tl)l.r .:\ p'il l\,'antl \').
Transcription: Cloliner"itl ol'genes and proteins. Ii.NA pol-v"rnerase I. Il and lll. RNA
biosr'ntehsi-s in prokar_rotes and culiarr'otcs: initiation. elonqation and termination. RNA
depertderrl RNA slnthesis. I{NA rcplicase ol QB r,'irLrs. Processing ot'eukarvotic RNA.
Translation: Genetic code. triplet codon. universaliry f'eattrrcs o1'thc .genctic cocle'
assignment of codons. studies of Khorana. Nirenberg. triplct binding techniques'
J.gJn.tu.y. wobble hypothcsis. evoltttiotl olgcnetic code and cod()n trsitgc' variation
Course outcome
o [Jnderstand the kinetics o['enz1 tlre catalyzed reactiorls'
Course Contents:
Specific activitl,. ptl and tentpcrattlrc optitrttnr" cncr[-Il o1'activati<ln- Knl and
Vmax. Phot6-oxidation ol- rnethl lene blue. Photc's1'nthi:lit: rcdtrt:liorr ol2'(r
d ich loropheno lindophenols.
Seminar: Each student will give a l5 min seminar with power point presentation on a
topic from the subjects assigned.
o Understand the research problern so that one can plan for future course ofthe
research work"
Course Contents:
Students will be assignedithey will select a recent topic on which they will write a
review and subnrit in the form of a booklet for evaluation.
Course Contents:
glyoxylate cycle.
IIMP shLrntpathuar. irrtcrconr,ersion of hcroses. Utilization ol-non glttcose sLlgars.
Biosy'nthcsis of sttcrtlsc. starch attd gll cogen.
ATP synthesis. ATP synthase complex. binding change mechanism. proton tnotive
fbrce. Mitchell's hypothesis.
Substrate Ievel phosphorvlation. tirtile c1'oles and thcir application.
o Understand the detailed synthesis and degradation of purines and pyramidines
pathways and their disorders.
Course Contents:
General mechanisms of amino acid metabolisrrr and regulations: Role of cot-actors; PLP
and THF in amino acid metabolism. Deamination, transamination, decarboxylation
desu lphuration process.
Coursc outcomc
o Understand the lrarvesting solar cnergy tu uhurttical cllcrg)' byphotosynthesis,
solute trannporl and photo assimilate translocation process
Course Contents:
Photosynthesis: Photos,"-nlhetic apparatus in plants. photosrstetns land II. light
harvesting antenna contplex.
Electron flow'and photoplrosphon,lation: cyclic and nonc.vclic. oxlgcn evolution.
Calvin cycle. C3. C4 and CAM c1'cle. Photore spiration. bactcrial photosl'rrthcsis.
Regulation of photosynthesis. RU Ill SCO.
Stress physiology: Responses of plants to biotic (pathogen and insects) and abiotio
(r.l,ater. tetrperature and salt) strcsscs. mechanisrns o1- resistance to biotic strcss and
tolerance to abiotic stress.
Host parasite interaction: Recognition and cntry processes ol difflerent pathogens like
bacteria, viruses, alteration ol- host ccll behavior b1, pathogens. virus-induccd cell
transformatiorr. patlrogcn-induced discases in plants. cell-ccll firsion in both normal and
abnormal ce lls arrd def'ense s)stctl1 irr plants.
Course outcome
o Understand general aspects ol'ccntral dogma of tnolecular biolog1,.
o Understand thc hurnatr genorne prtr.icct altd genetic disorders.
a [Jnderstand the significance of genetically modified food.
a Understand the importance of pharmaceutical l5r important biomolecules.
Course Contents:
Cellstructure ancl sLrbcellular organells and their Iunction. Origin o1'lnitochondria and
chioroplast. Prokarlotes ancl eukan otcs.
I)NA and IINA as (ierretic rnaterials. (lerrtral [)ognra o1'Molecular []iologl'.
Work o1'Watson and Crick. Rosalind Franl<lin" Chargatl. Ilershey and Chase. Stahl and
Messelson. Kornberg. Khorana. Barbara Metchinkof .
Course Contents:
f'LjNC'IION Objectives are:
o l'o studl'thc basic cornponents o1-a cell. cellc,l'cle and itsregulatiott.
o Tcr studt endocrine systerrs and their regulations.
r 'l'o
studl the rrcchanisrn ol'actions of difltrent classes ofhormones.
Course outcome :
r []nde rslancl thc clctailccl strulctllrc and lirnction of a ccll and therr regulation by
c,rclins and L'[)Ks.
r [.inderstand the various endocrinc organs in relation to tlrc rcgulation of varic'rus
nretabol ic proccsscs.
r LJnderstand the varioLrs signaling cascades in regulation o1'cellLrlar rnetabolism.
o Understand thc h_vpo and hr,.peractivities of all tlre cndocrine organs andtheir
in various disorders.
nran if.bstation
Course Contcnts:
Cell: Structure of a cell, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle and its regulation, different phases
of cell cycle. Apoptosis, cyclins and CDKs. Cell-cell and cell-ECM interaction and
ECM structure.
Endocrine System: Endocrine organs in man. l,ocation and inter relationship of
endocrine glands in man; classification and chemistry of hormones, hormones of
hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, liver, adrenals, gonads and
Functions and abnormalities: Hypo and hyper production of hormones secreted by;
pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals and gonads.
Structure and control of hypothalamus function: Hormones produced; GRH,
somatostatin, TRH, CRH, GnRH.
Pituitary gland: Structure, hormones of anterior, posterior and median lobes. Pro-
Testes and ovaries: Structure, hormones produced by testes and ovaries, menstrual cycle.
Second messengers: lP-r. DACi. cAMP. protein kinases. Nitric oxidc signaling:
generati()ll and actirrtt.
Growth factors: Structure. nrcchanism of-action and receptors of hCF. PDGt'. NGF
and IGF.
Pineal gland. mclotonin and circadian rhythm.
Chemistry and action o1' prostaglandins. prostacycIins and thromoxanes.
Newly d iscovered horrnones.
Insect hormones: Structure and lirnction o1'rroulling'rlle. ccdl sonc..jLrr'cnile
hormones. Pherolnoncs. coltrtlttttication in insects.
Application ol insect horr.nones.
Objectives are:
o Todevelop skills in the practical components and to learn good laboratory
o -l
o lcarn pritncr design. P( ll ancl cloning slratcgics
o '1'o
develop skills [or setninar prescntatiott.
Course outcome :
Course Contents:
Isolation of lg(i lrom cgg yolk and fiorr Serunr. tTLISA and Wcstcrn []lot anall"sis ol-
expressed proteins.
Primer Design, PCR, Reverse Transcribed PCR. Protein Electrophoresis'
Ciloning Strategics: Stickl ancl blunt cnd lrgatttrn. lclentrlrcatitrl.t ol clotle .
r Understand the basics involved in cell rnediated and humoral mediated defense
Course Contents:
MHC: MHC gene and its polymorphism, role of MHC in immune response and
Non-specific defenses in man: Barriers to inf"ection: skin" tructllts tnembrane.
inflarniriation, complement hyper sensitivitl'reactions ('Iype I. ll. III arrd IV).
Transplantation: Autograft. isografi. allograft and xenografi. Gralt re.iection. grafi vs.
host reaction. Immunosuppressive drugs'
Objectives are:
o 'lo study the basics of genonlics. proteomics thror"rgh biointbrrnatrcs'
o I'o study' varirtlts data bases and servers involved.
o To stuc11' tnolecular tnodcling and drLrg desrgning.
Course outcome :
Course Contents:
Scoring a multiple alignment, multiple sequence alignment, methods-dynamic
programming approach. progressive alignment, iterative refinement methods. Pattern
matching in DNA and protein sequences, PAM matrices, BLAST, FAST and FASTA.
Nucleotide sequence analysis, tools and methods, single nucleotide polymorphism.
Objectives are:
o To study industrial importance of microorganisms and theirmetabolites.
o To study thc proccss of fermentation in the production of biomolecules.
Course Contents:
TECHNOLOGY Objcctives arc:
r To str-rdy the basics of rccombinant DNA technologl-.
r Urrtlcr:terrd lrs rrpul taltii i,I ri-qtrlr:tlttn (:n,'itllt::; trttd ligutiurr stt.r.-','tttc: rrr[],'-
proccss ol cloning.
Course Contents:
Genetic Engineering: Extraction and purification of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from
biologicalsources. Definition, aims and objectives of recombinant DNA technology.
Ligation: Blunt end and sticky end ligation, use of linkers and adopters, homo polymer
tailing, colony hybridization, plaque hybridization.
Transformation: Micro injection, electroporation, lipofection, calcium phosphate
method, protoplast fusion/somatic cell hybridization and biolistic methods.
Transgenic plants and animals, gene knock out.
Techniques: DNA sequencing, shot gun and orderly sequencing, chromosome walking,
PCR; analysis of products, nested PCR, applications of PCR in cloning, agriculture and
medicine. RT-PCR technique and applications. Real time PCR for quantification.
Identifying the right clones: Direct screening; insertional inactivation of marker gene,
visual screening, plaque phenotype. Indirect screening; immunological techniques,
hybrid arrest translation. hybrid select translation. Screening using probes; construction
of gene probes, hybridization and labeling.
Mapping in Prokaryotes and Viruses: Bacterial transformation and transduction,
conjugation; F+ plasmids, Hfr cells, time of entry mapping. Arrangement of genes in
phage chromosome, plaque formation and lytic cycle. Fine structure of rll locus of T4.
Lysogeny'and l" phage.
Applications: Gene therapy, applications in agriculture medicine, industry. GM foods,
terminator gene, negative impact of genetic engineering.
Objectives are:
r J'o study thc phcnotypc using Drosophila as a modclorganism.
o To study the chromosomal aberration using Giemsa staining.
Corrrse ontcome the sfudent will:
r I Irrrler*rirrr,l rlr,, ('
r,*lr"t i,' irt JrlrettlI ypirl rlrser val iurt
r Understand the applications of chromosornalstaining.
Course Contents:
Paper Presentation: Presentation of recent Research Article.published in the last two
years which is appropriate in the various disciplines of Biochemistry from a peer
reviewed Journal.
Objectives are:
o fo address a small research prclbleln.
Course Contcnts:
project work will be on deflned research topic allotted to the students.'fhc students will
alsd have to present a research data paper published recently in pccr revierved.jottrnals
preferably in the arca of proj cct rvork.
Objectives are:
o 'l-o study the baslcs o1'genetics and regLrlations of genetic traterials.
. 'l
o stucll chrclr.nttsontal abcrralions. rcpair tlechanistrts and gcnetic clisorders.
Course outcome thc studcnt lvill:
o Understand the early genetic work lrom Mendelian laws Llp to reconttllolecttlar
study of genetic principles.
o [Jnderstand the various aberration processes and the repair Irechanistn.
. Under starrd the regulations of gcnc in botlr prokat'1'crtes alld eukarl otcs.
Course Contents:
Basic Principlcs of Mcndelism: [.aws o['inheritancc. dominance. codorninance.
epistasis" (ct'rornb shape ln chicl<ens) plerotroprsrn. ('r,toplasrnic inlrcritances (lnale
sterilitl in plants. shell coiling).
Gene linkage antl chromosome: Linkage and recombination of genes in a
chromosome. X-linked irrheritance. Poly-gcnic inheritance. rnitochondrial inheritance. Y-
chrornosorr're inheritance. Map un it.
/) 3r
Course Contents:
Cell and- Tissue Culture Technology: Role of hormones in growth and development
pf"rtr, tisiue-specific hormonesl- Callus Induction, Organogenesis, Somatic
fmbryogenesis, iell suspension culture and synthetic seeds'
Micropropagation: Propagation from pre-existing meristem. shoot apical meristem,
shoot and noie culture. miciopropagation stages and applications.
o To studv the culture and applications of various types of animal cells including
epitheliil cells, tumor celll'and immune cells'
o To study the methods involving in invitro fertilization and embryo transfer in
humans and farm animals.
o To study the applications of transgenic animals'
Course outcome the student u'ill:
r Understand the preparation and culture of anirnal cell culture.
o Understand the applications ol-epithelial cells. tumor cclls and immune cells in
studying the disease conditions and drug targets.
o [Jnderstand the importance oltransgenic animals and their legal and socio-
econornic irnpact.
Course Contents:
Culture of :rnimal cells: Advantages and Iirnitations oItissue culture. aseptic handling,
and facilities reclLrired rredia and cell lines.
Printarl cultulc: lsolalion ol-rnoLlse ancl chick ernbrros. hunran biopsics. tnethods fbr
prirnarr cLrlturc. norrrt-'ncluture ol'ccll lincs. sub cultr-rrc and propagittiorr" ilntrortalrzation of
cell lines. cell lirre designation" sclcction o1'cell linc and routine rnaintenlrrce.
. il#
*I* :i::: :i':
fluorcscencc based ccll sorting.
::: : ::T:j:::::l:
('lraracterizution ol- cclls based in nrorpholog)" chromosotrc anal\sis. I)NA content.
RNA and protein, enz) nre activ it1 . antiuenic markers. cl,totoxicitv assa) s.
Ccil quantitatton. ccll culture contamination: rnonitoring and eradicaticln.
cr)'opre servatron.
Organic and embl-vo culture. (lhoicc o1'models. organ cultLlre. histot)'pic culture,
fllter-well inscrts. rreuronal aggregales whole ernbrl,'o culture eggs.chick and
rnarlrnalian crnbnos.
Clnning of Animals: Methods and uses. Introduction. nuclear transt'er for cloning.
cloning fiom ernbrl,onic cclls. adr"rlt and f-etal cclls. C'loning fiorn short-tenn cultured
cells. Cloning fiorn long-tcrm cultured cells. Cloning efficiency. cloning for production
o1'transscrric anirnals. gclte targcting fbr cloned transgenic animals. cloning for
C()ll\ef\ llt l()ll.
Transgenic animals and applications. T'he and socio-ecolrtlrnic impact o1'
Biosafety regulations: guidelines fbr rcsearch in transgcnic anilnals. ptrblic a\\arcness ot'
the processci of prodLrcing transgerlic orgattistrs'
Course Contents:
Origin of cells and unicellular evolution: Origin of basic biological molecu.les: a.b.iotic
tynin.sir of organic monomers ancl polymers: conccpt of' Oparirr unq I laldane:
expcrirrre nt of MIller ( 1953)l the first celi: evolution ol prokarvote s: origin ol cukarlotic
ceils: evolglion of r-rniccllular cukarr,otcs: anaerobic tlletabolistn" photosvnthesis and
aerobic mctaholisttt.
Evolutionara history: Nla.ior cvents in tlrc evolutionarv titne scalc: origitts ol'
unicellular and nrulticlllglar'irrganisrns: rna.lor groLlps of'plarrls ancl animals. Pttnctttated
equilihriurn and phr lectic graclrialisrn. stagcs in prirnate cvoltttion inclLrdins Ilttlno.
ijspllrgical liprc scalc. pr-e IrioLic uuntl ilirrt.ts. I)ating rl['lii:.sill;. clil'[crcrlt lltcthods.
current controverslcs c(-rllccrnlnS theor\ ot'evolutiotl.
Objectives are:
o To study the sampling techniques and significance of biostatistics.
o To studl'the collection and representation of statisticaldata.
o To study the applications of various means of statistical analysis.
Course Contents:
l. Clayden G. Warren W. Greeves N, Wothers P ,,Organic Chemistry
. Oxford
University Press.
2. Morrison R. Boyd R (1992) Organic Chemistry.6th. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice
7 . Wilson K, Walker JM (2000) Principles and techniques of practical biochemistry:
Cambridge University Press.
8. Nelson DL, Lehninger AL, Cox MM (2008) Lehninger principles of biochernistry:
9. Bergethon PR (1998) The physical basis of biochemistry: the foundations of
molecular biophysics: Springer Science & Business Media'
10. Creighton TE, Chasman DI (1997) Protein structure: a practical approach: IRLpress
I l. Adams RL,P. Know,ler.ll'. Leader DP (1992)'Ihe biochernistry olthe nucleicacids:
Chapman and Hall.
20. Guyron Aurcher C, Hall John Ir (2006)'fext book of Medical Physiology. Elsevier
India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
21. Dixon M, Webb E.(1979)Enzyme inhibition and activation. Enzymes 3: 126-136.
22. Rao C (1973) University General Chemistry: An Introduction to Chemical Science:
MacMillan India.
23. Wilson K, Walker J (2010) Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular
biology: Cambridge University Press.
24.pigman W (2012) The carbohydrates: chemistry and biochemistry: Elsevier.
25. Marshall AG (1978) Biophysical chemistry: principles, techniqttes,and
applir:atiorrs: Wrley Ncw Yc,tk.
26. Ircrslrt A (lrtts) I-nzymc struutut'c ottd Irlechanism.
31. Goodwin'l'W. Mercer El (1983) [ntroduction to plant biochernistrl.
32. Br-rchanan BIl. Cruissem \I". Jones R[. (2000) Biochcrnistr"y & tnolecular biolog.v of
plants: American Societl ol' Plant Physiologists Rockvillc.
3,1. Murral IlK. (iLrrner D. Mayes PA (1996) Harper's biochernistry: London: Prenrice
Ilall lnternational. I 996.
3-5. Conn Ir. StLrrnpl'P (2009) Outlines of biochenristrl': John Wilel & Sons.
.16. [)elvcs P.l. Vlartin S.l. I]r-rrton DI{- I(oitt IM (l0l l) Roitt's csscrttialirrmunologl:
.lolrn Wiley & Sons.
54. Smith CM. Marks AD. [.ieberrlan M (200,5) I]asic lVlcclical []iochcrnistrl: A Clirrical
Approach : t-ippincott Wi I I ianrs & \\' i lk i rrs'
55. Cohen NC (1996) Guidebook ort nrolecular rnoclelin.e in drr-rg desigu. Acadentic
61. Walker M. Itaplcl. I{ (2009) Route rnaps in gcnc technoloel:.lohn \\'ils & Sotrs.
63. Brorvn t (2010) (ienc cloning and I)Nr\ analysis: alt itttroclttcttotl: .lohtl Wilcl &
64. Kornberg A, Bakerl'A (19S0) DNA replication: WII Frccrnan San Francisco'
65. Ayala F.l. Kiger .lA ( l9B0) MoCcrn gcrrctics: tlen-ianrin/Crttlrtritrgs Pirblishing
Companl' Califbrn ia.
66. t.cvin B (1999) Gerres VIL Oxibrcl I
jnivcrsitv Prcss Ncu'York.
67. Watson JD (1970) N{olccular biologl o1'thc genc. Molecttlar biologr ol'thcgcne.
$dX;Dd> o)doeoor&e;o1>
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2. d'e, d.dodded d)droo6, Aeddr, Aeil d:d> ao$r$ 0roo3r, d>doearg;d
eCdo$d Aryort, dodnrlorioeg, &ejnJad)
3. $e.:iz3d( Eoero ozl), &ddod> A*AcD60eo$, &,nJo6.
4. Eud$erie3dd, (ddlrdd), ecdgd czIoil, $claa Oeo$, &rno&-elCoo$d *odeo$p
Spdq doB&do€ nJoE EdridrtJasoaieroR €,.oeOd.
5. iaao$d E:e.:iz3d67oeegd& (Edsdd), udedeqnrl, &elnrD6 &g_a6"60eo$,
6. $od97tberBz3d6>e.:ndd(doeqoi.l) epdd ecd ioooJ:d6, d),laa Oe.:o$, $eiB,JD6.
7. aoo3:r0aorddd:, a:r2(ax"), erdgd &ztrorl, d)daa Ooo$, $elnrEcb.
Proceedings of the Board of studies in Molecular biology (PG)
I . Existing syllabus is revisedlast year and hence no major reco ons were made
Dr. N. S. Devaki
Prof. G. R. Janardhana
Prof. ShubhaGoPal
Annexure- I
New Open elective syllabus - III semester
Title -Molecular Basis of Human Diseases
Tentative Paper Code: 48776
Infectious diseases:
Mycobacterial diseases (Tuberculosis and Leprosy), Bacterial diseases
Non-comm unicable diseases :
syndrome) 5h
Disease of vital organs: D
Heart: CVD, CHD, atherosclerosis, lipid profile, LDL oxidation, foam cell
formation, plaque formation, plaque rupture, thrombosis. Risk factors, lifestylc
modification. lipid lowering drugs. 6h
Endocrine disorders: Disorders of under and over production of major
hormones (thyroid, pituitary, and adrenals hormones), measurement of
hormones. 2h
Z. Huntan Biochemistry and Disease. l't Edition, Gerald Litwack Gerald Litwack