AI and Leadership: New Changes of Leadership Under The Development of Artificial Intelligence

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AI and Leadership

New Changes of Leadership Under the Development of Artificial


Wenjing Xiong(B)

Business School, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong 999077, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Leaders are important for developing and implementing new strategic
plans, as well as for interacting with and motivating employees to improve their
commitment to the company’s goals. Maintaining leadership skill development is
critical to keeping on the right path. Enlightened corporate leaders recognize the
problems of employees and put new progress of leadership theory into practice to
create a more successful working environment. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence
(AI), as a new technology, allows machines to perform difficult tasks that ordinar-
ily need human intelligence. AI will increase the productivity of leaders by taking
over some automated, mechanical, and administrative activities. It is difficult for
artificial intelligence to replace human care, human thinking, and human interac-
tion with human factors. Future leaders may need to adjust their attention to place
more emphasis on these elements.

Keywords: AI · Leadership · Administrative works · decision-making · Human


1 Introduction

Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques provide a new perspective for
business applications in the twenty-first century. Most people expect artificial intelli-
gence (AI) to play a key role in company management [1]. As a result, some people
claim that AI could endanger human leadership in the workplace. The reality is that
AI is a potent force that will redefine, not replace, workplace leadership. Technology
changes and organizational leadership should follow suit. Therefore, leaders must adjust
to these changes more swiftly. AI is changing the way that leaders make decisions. In
other words, leaders will use AI to simplify and enhance the decision-making process
by reducing the cognitive processing of facts and information.
However, the use of artificial intelligence also poses some challenges for the manage-
ment of leaders, such as data security and ethical and moral issues. Therefore, leaders
need to change their leadership styles and philosophies with the times to meet these
challenges. In addition, to improve operational efficiency and boost the bottom line of
the firm, leaders need to pay more attention to human factors, such as personality and
behavior. Although the application of artificial intelligence is developing quickly, no

© The Author(s) 2023

C. F. Peng et al. (Eds.): MMET 2022, ASSEHR 703, pp. 497–503, 2023.
498 W. Xiong

machine or robot could ever replace the special qualities of people, such as their humil-
ity, personalities, and vision. A good leader should pay more attention to soft skills in
the future [2].

2 AI in Leadership
2.1 Advantages of AI in Leadership
AI has dramatically changed the definition of human leadership, and it will become more
common in the workplace.

1. Automating internal procedures and tasks. Organizations should begin to consider

how to automate the internal operations and processes required by the business related
to the third-party platform. Leaders should treat AI as a teamwork and create ways to
achieve this goal. Machine learning technology, especially computer vision and Nat-
ural Language Processing, could be used to create self-service platforms that provide
cognitive workflow automation, allowing leaders and staff to deal with complex multi-
stage procedures more effectively. Furthermore, machine learning systems can visualize
many operations. In this way, leaders could visually compare each simulated strategy
and select the most suitable strategy for their organization. Adopting machine learning
technologies can save time and money for leaders, employees, and enterprises.
2. Improving leaders’ outcomes and processes. AI could be applied rapidly and effec-
tively by utilizing already-existing software tools or algorithms. In addition, AI develops
a research strategy for your business to find and evaluate these tools. Companies employ
them and evaluate them against current practices or competitive tools. Leaders can gain
more knowledge by comparing the results and make more wise judgments. AI will help
executives categorize and analyze a large amount of information, including data, images,
and language. Human resources management will make extensive use of this. The staff
review is a significant and intricate process that requires justification and appropriateness.
3. Enhancing human expertise: AI can improve the ability of leaders by providing them
with real-time data insights, encourage social contacts among people, and connect them
with robots and other machines that cooperate with people. These robots or machines
can work alongside humans to increase work efficiency and precision [3].
4. The advent of the era of artificial intelligence will effectively improve the level of
human resource management. Big data could assist company leaders in collecting, orga-
nizing, and digitally evaluating all HR management data. This can maximize the under-
standing of the existing state of human resources and optimize the value of employ-
ees’ potential. Thus, the organization can continuously conduct in-depth analysis and
improvement of each human resources management module to make more informed
judgments regarding the work of each module. Artificial intelligence and big data tech-
nology enable human resource management to make judgments based on data instead
of human experience and intuition [5].

2.2 The Risks and Limitations of AI in Leadership

First, with the increase of the quantity and quality of data in AI technology, decision-
makers will face the difficulty of information overload. Furthermore, the allocation of
AI and Leadership New Changes of Leadership 499

decision rights between AI and leaders is unclear. In other words, there is a difficult
trade-off between when leaders should delegate decision-making power to AI tools
and how much decision-making power leaders are prepared to delegate to AI tools
[3]. Additionally, businesses that rely too much on AI systems also face the risk of
collapse. AI is designed to assist managers in making better judgments. Overreliance on
AI will lead to rigid management of leaders. Since artificial intelligence is a machine,
it has the potential of malfunction. Although the probability of failure is very low,
excessive reliance on it will hinder the organization from effectively handling emergency
preparedness. Finally, contemporary artificial intelligence is not fully integrated into the
social environment. It costs money to adapt various AI tools for various scenarios.
In addition, the substitution of manual labor with machine labor results in a dimin-
ished sense of social identity. Artificial intelligence can replace part of the repetitive
physical labor performed by humans because of its accuracy, availability, and relatively
low cost. Machines can achieve many tasks on assembly lines, and even specific non-
creative mental labor can be performed by AI [4]. This poses a considerable difficulty
for company human resource planning, especially whether allocating different types of
work should be given to machines or employees. Existing staff may resist accepting new
AI technology if they experience such inconsistencies. Employee resistance can weaken
a company’s incentive to innovate.
Furthermore, the technology for artificial intelligence is updated quickly. The organi-
zation’s management faces the difficulty of ensuring whether the workforce’s individual
capabilities and overall quality can keep up with the advancements in artificial intelli-
gence technologies. The employees of a company are the final executors of management
decisions and are accountable for propelling the company forward. Alongside the devel-
opment of artificial intelligence, enterprises should also provide immediate training
for managers and the corresponding professional knowledge, concepts, and beliefs. As
employees themselves, they should also modify their thinking and the need to adapt to
the updates of the technological revolution quickly. Additionally, they should reposition
their abilities and achieve breakthroughs in the technologies that they are proficient in.
Finally, using artificial intelligence to manage human resources necessitates a signifi-
cant quantity of data as the foundational component; consequently, protecting individual
privacy becomes the most critical obstacle and a potential source of danger [5]. Com-
panies monitor the content of employees’ work via software programs or electronic
devices to access employee data that is both more complete and more effective. The
access to data may raise employee privacy concerns, especially if the data pertains to the
employee’s surfing history on social networking sites, shopping site records, or audio.
As a result, managing the boundaries of data gathering and controlling data use becomes
a challenging issue for executives.

2.3 AI and Human Leadership

There may be some overlap between AI and leadership, which has led to extensive
discussion about whether AI will eventually replace human leadership in the future
workplace. The function of AI is like a decision-making system, which always maintains
the current state of diagnosis and a perfect one-to-one related action. However, even
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employing programmed decision machines to link the present condition with action is
insufficient to capture the full complexity of human decision making [6].
Leaders can influence individuals and groups within the organization and help and
guide them to achieve common goals. There are two essential components of leadership:
soft and hard components. The hard elements of leadership are repetitive and mechani-
cal, whereas the soft elements are adaptable and human. Hard leadership talents typically
require technical and repetitive abilities, such as data analysis, strategic planning, and
design. The interpersonal field of human leadership, which may be adaptable to the
changing environment, such as listening skills, team building, humanization, and adapt-
ability, is critical to soft leadership skills. The most important work of soft elements is
to enable people to analyze the function of each skill and its impact on leadership.
AI has been quickly and widely implemented in business, notably in the process of
business digitization. Data analysis, graphic design, and model simulation are only a
small part of the repetitive and mechanized work that AI can help leaders to complete.
Nowadays, AI can perform some administrative jobs more effectively, quickly, and
affordably [7]. These tasks resemble the challenging aspects of leadership. Therefore,
many people worry that AI will change the workforce, especially those simple and
automated jobs.
The new relationship between AI and human is the collaborative function of human-
AI decision-making. The ability of AI to quickly collect, process, and analyze data and
provide real-time results can improve the analysis efficiency and help educational leaders
make data-driven and evidence-based decisions [8]. For human factors, leaders must also
deal with social information. Situational elements, cognitive processes, and emotional
processes may affect leaders’ decisions [9]. AI-assisted data-driven decision-making,
however, sometimes conflicts with moral judgment based on values. Therefore, leaders
must strike a balance between these two styles of decision-making to succeed [10].

3 Suggestions for AI New Leadership

In the future, AI will redefine leadership and collaborate with human leadership to
improve corporate management. Leaders should utilize AI to support innovation man-
agement decisions, that is, to analyze resources by using big data analysis. AI connects
new management processes such as consumer analysis, platform comprehension and
communication methods, which is conducive to improving the organization’s ability
As suggested in previous studies, leaders should consider how to modify their lead-
ership style to better utilize AI decision-making tools. Leaders should make full use of
the advantages of AI tools in data processing, process modeling and other fields. Nev-
ertheless, decision-making should not rely too much on AI, because it is only a tool to
help leaders make better choices, not to replace them. To make effective decisions, it is
necessary to evaluate not only objective data and evidence, but also social information,
such as interpersonal relationships.
Therefore, leaders should use AI technologies to help them complete difficult lead-
ership tasks to save time and improve accuracy. Leaders are working harder in the
meanwhile to cope with social information and humanistic care.
AI and Leadership New Changes of Leadership 501

3.1 Suggestions for Leaders to Change Their Leadership Style

How to Treat AI?

1. Utilizing AI in administrative tasks: A survey indicates that managers spend more than
half of their time on management tasks [11]. These tasks could be performed by AI tools,
which will save time and money. This is a technical relief for leaders. By automating
the administrative processes, AI solutions can reduce the tedious, menial and repetitive
management tasks of leaders.
2. Paying more attention to decision-making: Leaders should concentrate more on the
analysis of data that AI cannot obtain and analyze and reduce the time to deal with admin-
istrative responsibilities. Managers may be familiar with and comprehend ethics, culture,
and history. For strategic decision-making, managers should equip their innovative think-
ing with data analysis and interpretation. Therefore, in this situation, senior experience,
judgment, and discretion seem to be more important characteristics of effective leaders.
3. Identifying the goal of AI: if the organization cannot clearly state the purpose of using
AI, there will be conflicts between managers and AI tools. There are different types of
AI. Organizations must actively pursue artificial intelligence solutions that meet their
specific requirements. If the aim of the AI solution is not specified in advance, it is
impossible to design the appropriate technology. To make use of the potential benefits
of AI in strategic decision-making, businesses must apply AI technology to strategic
decision-making. Decision-making authority will be transferred to AI, which will cause
managers to lose some degree of control [12]. However, managers are usually not in
a hurry to give up control [13]. Therefore, clarifying the reasons for adopting AI will
ensure that each part has appropriate responsibilities.
4. Regarding AI as “staff”: Managers should view AI as a partner and acknowledge that
it is not necessary to “race against machines.” Even if it is unlikely to automate human
judgment, AI tools may significantly increase this effort by assisting decision support,
data-driven simulation, and discovery tasks [14].

How Has Leadership Changed?

Learning and absorbing new information and technology: AI technology and techniques
will be rapidly updated. To employ the latest technology to help them manage teams
and set strategic direction, managers should continue to learn and accept new AI tools.
The role of a competent manager is to introduce the technology to team members,
let them use it, and help them understand how it can improve their work efficiency.
Additionally, managers face difficulties in selecting new AI tools. Whether selecting
customer relationship management (CRM) software or scheduling software, executives
should consider the team’s best interests. If leaders want to increase acceptance within
the company, they should choose the most user-friendly solution [15].
Strengthening leadership’s soft skills: communication, training, team building and
the ability to handle social data are all leadership soft skills. This paper demonstrates
the favorable relationship and influence between soft leadership abilities and individual
entrepreneurial learning. Leaders with strong soft power can better manage their teams
and cultivate an environment of precise teamwork to achieve their goals [16].
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Paying more attention to humanistic care: AI cannot capture human emotions. The
analysis results provided by AI are supported by objective data evidence. However, when
leaders assess the impact of unpleasant or life-changing effects on one or more people,
they will consider their emotional impact and adopt the characteristics of human empathy
[17]. For instance, when AI analyzes the evaluation of team members, it solely considers
attendance, performance indicators, and work accomplishment. However, AI was unable
to analyze the exact reasons for poor working performance and low attendance. Employee
mistakes or absences may occasionally not be their fault; Instead, they may be caused
by physiological problems, or even team dynamics. These psychological issues require
the sharp understanding of leaders. Leaders can use their soft skills instead of relying
solely on AI tools to analyze reports generated to condemn or reward employees.
In the future, AI and human leadership will be combined to achieve a high level
of leadership effectiveness and efficiency. With the development of AI, human leaders
undoubtedly need to acquire new capabilities to adapt to the changing environment, but
by doing so, we can optimize the beneficial impact of AI on company management.

4 Conclusion
As AI plays an ever-increasing role in all elements of the company, business managers
must be prepared to adapt to the changing nature of leadership. In the future, AI will
improve leadership and collaborate with leaders to achieve long-term success of the
However, even managers should not ignore the risks and limitations of using AI
tools, they sill should regard AI as one of their employees and avoid relying on AI to
draw conclusions. Leaders must consider more human and social factors when making
the final choice.

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