Panic Disorder Phobias

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300.01 Panic disorder without agoraphobia
300.21 Panic disorder with agoraphobia
300.22 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder
300.23 Social phobia
300.29 Specific phobia

Panic attack is a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort with onset

spontaneous/unpredictable or situationally bound, peaking within 10 minutes.

Phobic object may symbolize the underlying conflict, although there is not
always a clear connection. Personal perceptions, life experiences, and cultural
values color the meaning of the symbol for the client.
The freudian view is that anxiety feelings stem from loss of love and support
from the mothering figure, which increases the client’s dependency needs. The
client combats the diffuse intolerable anxiety by an exaggerated use of
displacement on a particular object or situation, which makes the anxiety more
Phobic partners may develop in the family; these are “helpers” who stand by
and participate in maintaining phobic behavior, protecting phobic client from acute
panic and anxiety. Participation of partner furthers the unconscious wish of phobic
client to be taken care of and to be in control.

(Refer to CP: Generalized Anxiety Disorder.)
Temperament may be a factor in that some fears are innate. These fears
represent a part of the overall characteristics with which one is born that influence
how the individual responds to specific situations throughout his or her life.
Research suggests irregularities in the synthesis and release of norepinephrine
and/or hypersensitivity of receptors for neurotransmitters (including serotonin and
gamma-aminobutyric acid [GABA]), or an interaction between norepinephrine
transmitters. The trigger may lie in the locus coeruleus located in the brainstem.
There also may be a genetic susceptibility to either an excess or deficiency of CO 2
levels and a sensitivity to lactate associated with the panic attack.

Family Dynamics
(Refer to CP: Generalized Anxiety Disorder.)


Palpitations or tachycardia
Sweating, hot flashes, or chills
Ego Integrity
A persistent fear of some object/situation that poses no actual danger or in which
the danger is magnified out of proportion to its seriousness; tries to avoid or
escape contact with the feared object or situation
Degree of discomfort may vary from mild anxiety to incapacitation; may be unable
to move, speak, or identify ways of decreasing anxiety or may begin running
about aimlessly and shouting
May express a sensation of dread and a certain knowledge that death is at hand or
may fear dying, going crazy, or doing something uncontrolled

Nausea/abdominal distress

May exhibit one of three types of phobias:
Agoraphobia: Fears any situation in which individual may feel helpless or
humiliated if a panic attack should occur and client cannot readily escape from
public view
Specific/Simple Phobia: Fear involving specific objects such as spiders or snakes
or situations such as heights, darkness, or closed spaces
Social Phobia: Fear of talking or writing in public and/or eating, blushing, urinating,
etc.; fear of these behaviors resulting in public scorn
Preoccupied with bodily symptoms and feelings of terror
Feelings of faintness, dizziness, or lightheadedness; trembling/shaking; paresthesias
(numbness or tingling sensations)
May experience brief periods of delusional thinking, hallucinations, inability to test
Depersonalization or derealization

Chest pain or discomfort

Shortness of breath (dyspnea); smothering sensations, choking; hyperventiliation,
labored breathing

Occurs more frequently in women than in men
May avoid sexual involvement because of fear of arousal, particular sexual acts,
and/or relationships

Social Interactions
More common among people who have experienced an early traumatic loss, such as
the death of a parent
Manipulates environment and depends on others to avoid confrontation with the
object or situation
Some constriction of life activities present

Usually begins in late teens or early adulthood (panic attacks rare after age 65)
Attacks may be associated with magic or witchcraft
No history of a physical disorder (e.g., hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia), although
mitral valve prolapse is common
May report other disorders such as major depression, somatization disorder,
schizophrenia, personality disorder
Increased rate of alcohol abuse

Drug Screen: Identifies drugs that may be used by client to reduce anxiety, rules
out drugs that may produce symptoms.
Other diagnostic studies may be conducted to rule out physical disease as a basis
for individual symptoms, e.g.:
EEG: To rule out epilepsy, other neurological disorders.
EKG: In the presence of severe chest pain to rule out cardiac conditions.
Thyroid Studies: To rule out hyperthyroidism.

1. Provide for physical safety.
2. Assist client to recognize onset of anxiety.
3. Help client learn alternative responses.
4. Assist with desensitization to phobic object/situation, if present.
5. Promote involvement of client/family in group or community support activities.

1. Stays in feared situation even when discomfort is experienced.
2. Identifies techniques to lower/keep fear at manageable level.
3. Confronts the phobia and is desensitized to the stimulus.
4. Demonstrates greater independence and an increasingly freer lifestyle.
5. Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.

(Refer to CP: Generalized Anxiety Disorder for needs/concerns in addition to the following NDs.)


May Be Related to: Unfounded morbid dread of a seemingly
harmless object/situation (e.g., fear of being
alone in public places, snakes, spiders, dark,
heights, stormy weather [virtually any
Possibly Evidenced by: Physiological symptoms, mental/cognitive
behaviors indicative of panic
Withdrawal from or total avoidance of situations
that place client in contact with feared object
Desired Outcomes/Evaluation Criteria— Acknowledge and discuss fears.
Client Will: Demonstrate understanding through use of
effective coping behaviors and active
participation in treatment regimen.
Resume normal life activities.


Encourage discussion of the phobia. Investigate Only when a difficulty is acknowledged can it be
sexual concerns, noting problems expressed (e.g., dealt with. Note: Phobic reaction to sex
sex is a duty/obligation that is not enjoyed by theindicate a problem of incest/sexual abuse.
Provide for client’s safety (e.g., a secure environment, In severe anxiety, client fears total
staying with the client, letting the client know theand loss of control.
nurse will provide for safety).
Suggest that the client substitute positive thoughts Emotion connected to thought, and
changing to a
for negative ones. more positive thought can decrease the level of
anxiety experienced. This also gives the client an

alternative way of looking at the problem.

Discuss the process of thinking about the feared Anticipation of a future phobic reaction allows
object/situation before it occurs. client to deal with the physical manifestations of
Encourage client to share the seemingly unnatural Clients are often reluctant to share
feelings for fear
fears and feelings with others, especially the nurse of ridicule and may have repeatedly been
told to
therapist. ignore feelings. Once the client begins to
acknowledge and talk about these fears, it
becomes apparent that the feelings are
Share own experience with client as indicated after If nurse therapist has dealt successfully
relationship has been established. phobia in own life, client may be encouraged by
the fact that someone has overcome a similar
problem. Use judiciously to avoid meeting own
needs rather than focusing on the client’s needs.
Encourage to stop, wait, and not rush out of feared Client fears disorganization and loss of
control of
situation as soon as experienced. Support use of body and mind when exposed to the fear-
relaxation exercises (e.g., breath control, muscle producing stimulus. This fear leads to an
relaxation, self-hypnosis). avoidance response, and reality is never tested.
client waits out the beginnings of anxiety and
decreases it with relaxation exercises, then she
he may be ready to continue confronting the
Explore things that may lower fear level and keep it Provides the client with a sense of control
over the
manageable (e.g., use of singing while dressing, fear. Distracts the client so that fear is not totally
practicing positive self-talk while in a fearful focused on and allowed to escalate.
Use desensitization approach, e.g.: Systematic desensitization (gradual systematic
exposure of the client to the feared situation
controlled conditions) allows the client to begin
overcome the fear, become desensitized to the
Note: Implosion or flooding (continuous, rapid
presentation of the phobic stimulus) may show
quicker results than systematic desensitization,
relapse is more common or client may become
terrified and withdraw from therapy.
Expose client to a predetermined list of anxiety- Experiencing fear in progressively more
provoking stimuli rated in hierarchy from the challenging but attainable steps allows client to
least frightening to the most frightening. realize that dangerous consequences will not
occur. Helps extinguish conditioned avoidance
Pair each anxiety-producing stimulus (e.g., Helps client to achieve physical and mental
standing in an elevator) with arousal of relaxation as the anxiety becomes less
another affect of an opposite quality (e.g., uncomfortable.
relaxation, exercise, biofeedback) strong
enough to suppress anxiety.
Help client to learn how to use these techniques Client needs continued confrontation to gain
when confronting an actual anxiety-provoking control over fear. Practice helps the body become

situation. Provide for practice sessions (e.g., accustomed to the feeling of relaxation, enabling

role-play), deal with phobic reactions in real- the individual to handle feared object/situation.
life situations.
Encourage client to set increasingly more difficultDevelops confidence and movement toward
goals. improved functioning and independence.

Administer antianxiety medications as indicated: Biological factors may be involved in
benzodiazepines, e.g., alprazolam (Xanax), phobic/panic reactions, and these medications
clonazepam (Klonopin), diazepam (Valium), (particularly Xanax) produce a rapid calming
lorazepam (Ativan), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), effect and may help client change behavior by
oxazepam (Serax). keeping anxiety low during learning and
desensitization sessions. Addictive tendencies of
CNS depressants need to be weighed against
benefit from the medication.
Involve in interoceptive exposure therapy as Alters client’s response to internal sensations as
appropriate, with client holding breath, client learns that the feelings associated with
hyperventilating and inhaling CO2, or receiving do not indicate impending disaster.
sodium lactate injections as indicated.


May Be Related to: Unidentified stressor(s)
Contact with feared object/situation
Limitations placed on ritualistic behavior
Possibly Evidenced by: Attacks of immobilizing apprehension
Physical, mental, and cognitive behaviors
indicative of panic
Expressed feelings of terror and inability to cope
Desired Outcomes/Evaluation Criteria— Verbalize a reduction in anxiety to a manageable
Client Will: level.
Use individually appropriate techniques to
interrupt progression of anxiety to panic level.
Demonstrate increasing tolerance to phobic
Identify and use resources effectively.


Establish and maintain a trusting relationship by Therapeutic skills need to be directed toward
listening to the client; displaying warmth, answering putting the client at ease, because the
nurse who is
questions directly, offering unconditional acceptance; a stranger may pose a threat to the highly
being available and respecting the client’s use of client.
personal space.
Be aware and in control of own feelings; explore the The nurse’s anxiety can be communicated
to the
cause of own anxiety and use this understanding client, which only adds to the client’s sense of
therapeutically. terror. Discussion of these feelings can provide a
role model for the client and show a different
of dealing with them.
Provide simple, clear explanations and instructions. During period of increased anxiety, client
have difficulty focusing on/comprehending
Support the client’s defenses initially. The client uses defenses in an attempt to deal
an unconscious conflict, and giving up these
defenses prematurely may cause increased
Verbally acknowledge the reality of the pain of the The symptoms that the client is
client’s present coping mechanism (panic) without relieve some of the intolerable anxiety felt
by the
focusing on the symptoms that are being expressed. client. If client is unable to release this
tension, the
anxiety will only increase, possibly causing client

to lose control.
Provide feedback about behavior, stressors, and Sets groundwork for dealing with anxiety when
coping responses. Validate what you observe with client is calmer. Includes client in plan of
the client. providing sense of control/self-worth.
Emphasize relationship between physical and Client needs to be aware of mind-body
emotional health, and reinforce that this is an area relationship and the physiological
changes that
to be explored when client feels better. cause discomfort.
Observe for increasing anxiety. Assume a calm Early detection and intervention facilitate
manner, decrease environmental stimulation, and modifying client’s behavior by changing
provide temporary isolation as indicated. environment and the client’s interaction with it,
minimize the spread of anxiety.
Assist client/family to recognize and modify Recognition of causes/relationships provides
situations that cause anxiety when precipitating opportunity to intervene before anxiety escalates

factor can be identified. (Note: Simple phobias are or loss of control occurs.
usually specific and object-centered; this is not so
with all phobic disorders.)
Determine/discuss use of alcohol and other drugs. May be used to reduce anxiety/avoid
attacks and can lead to abuse. (Refer to Ch. 5,
Substance-Related Disorders.)
Note diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse. This cardiac abnormality affects between Qr
Qw of panic disorder clients. Heart palpitations
resulting from the failure of the valve to close
properly can increase anxiety and trigger panic
Determine use of caffeine-containing beverages. These clients may be more sensitive to the
producing effects of caffeine, which may
precipitate panic/anxiety attacks.
Suggest supportive physical measures, such as Provides physical relaxation and helps client
warm baths/whirlpool, massage. manage anxiety/maintain control.
Encourage interest in outside activity through the Increases participation in life while
decreasing the
following actions: amount of time and energy available for
maladaptive coping mechanisms.
Share an activity with the client; This is emotionally supportive and reinforces
socially acceptable behavior.
Provide for physical exercise/activity of some Uses energy in constructive ways. Endorphins
type within client toleration; body’s naturally produced “narcotics”) induce
feelings of wellness/euphoria and are thought to
be released during exercise. Note: Use exercise
therapy with caution, as half of clients have
increased anxiety with exercise.
Structure the client’s day with a list of planned Provides opportunity to experience success,
activities realistic to client’s capabilities. Include enhances self-esteem and increases self-
others in providing client care and support.
Identify signs/symptoms of escalating anxiety and Helps client become proactive in
appropriate responses (e.g., relaxation, stopping progression of anxiety to panic. Enhances sense
negative self-talk). control.
Assess suicidal ideation. These individuals have an increased rate of
suicide/suicide attempts. This is of particular
concern when therapeutic treatment of major
depression lifts client’s mood to the point at
which she or he can act on suicidal thoughts.
Discuss side effects of medications, noting reactions Side effects of antianxiety medications
may cause
that may occur (e.g., drowsiness, ataxia, confusion, concern heightening anxiety and may
headache, slurred speech, lethargy, giddiness, evaluation/treatment.
dizziness, vertigo, and impaired visual
Involve in cognitive behavioral techniques such as Cognitive restructuring corrects
rational-emotive therapy and self-instruction. and develops self-confidence.

Administer medication as indicated:
Antianxiety agents, e.g., alprozolam (Xanax), Provides relief from the immobilizing effects of
lorazepam (Ativan), clonazepam (Klonopin); anxiety and promotes participation in ADLs and
therapy program. Drug effects may be noted
shortly after beginning therapy but problems
dependence/withdrawal symptoms may occur.
Antidepressants, e.g., imipramine (Tofranil), May be used in conjunction with other drugs as
desipramine (Norpramin); or selective antidepressants may require several weeks
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), e.g., positive effects are noted, and still may not alter
fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft); client’s fear of panic attacks. SSRIs have fewer/
milder side effects and may be better tolerated
client. Note: Upwards of 50% of client’s with
disorder also have an episode of major
Monoamine-oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), e.g., These drugs have also been found to be effective
phenelzine sulfate (Nardil); treating panic attacks. Side effects may be
temporary, and caution needs to be exercised
about food that should not be consumed while
receiving these drugs.
Propranolol (Inderal); Several antihypertensive agents such as this
blocker have potent effects on the somatic
manifestations of anxiety (e.g., palpitations,
tremors, etc.), although they have less dramatic
effects on the psychological component of
Anticonvulsants, e.g., valproate (Depakene), These drugs have a sedative effect on the CNS
carbamazepine (Tegretol). are used to stabilize mood in some clients,
especially when other drugs are ineffective.
Refer client/family to counseling, psychotherapy, May need additional assistance/long-term
or groups, as indicated. to make lifestyle changes necessary to achieve
maximum recovery.

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