CPSA Policy
CPSA Policy
CPSA Policy
The practice readiness assessment (PRA) is composed of two
parts that applicants must pass in succession before receiving an
Alberta medical practice permit:
Part A: Preliminary Clinical Assessment (PCA)
Part B: Supervised Practice Assessment (SPA)
The applicant must pass both the PCA and the SPA (in
succession) in order to be eligible for independent practice on
CPSA’s Provisional Register Conditional Practice.
The PRA is a high stakes pass/fail process. It ensures
physicians who don’t have their Canadian credentials have the
knowledge and competency to practise medicine safely in
The PRA is not a training experience or a process to identify
remediation needs to be addressed prior to independent
NOTES Due to limited resources, a physician has two attempts to pass
a PRA in any Canadian jurisdiction.
Ongoing AHS sponsorship is required in order to be eligible for
any PRA.
If the candidate’s conduct becomes the subject of a complaint
under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act, the PRA process
may be put on hold until the complaint has been resolved. A
final decision on the outcome of the PRA will not be made until
the information resulting from the complaint and the final
outcome of the complaint are available for consideration as
part of the application for registration.
Contact: 780-423-4764
Physician applicants who do not meet the CPSA General Register requirements must fulfill
the following in order to undergo a PRA:
1) Meet the eligibility requirements for the Provisional Register, Conditional Practice; and
2) Obtain AHS sponsorship.
The role of the physician assessor/supervisor is to conduct the PRA and to gather evidence,
the final outcome of the PRA is that of the Deputy Registrar of Registration, or designate.
The PRA will be individualized to reflect the scope of practice and practice setting that the
physician has been sponsored to work in.
Failure of any part of the assessment process will result in a refusal of registration on the
Provisional Register Conditional Practice.
Eligibility Requirements for Provisional Register Conditional Practice
Practice Readiness Assessment information
Medical Council of Canada (MCC) National Assessment Collaboration’s (NAC)
Practice-Ready Assessment (PRA) programs
The Registrar is given the authority to determine applications for registration under sections
28 to 30 of the Health Professions Act (HPA). Section 20 of the HPA allows the Registrar to
delegate functions and duties to another person. The Registrar has delegated his duties and
responsibility under Part 2 of the HPA to the Deputy Registrar responsible for registration.
Council governing the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
Health Professions Act
CPSA Bylaws