Dentsu Creative Trends 2024
Dentsu Creative Trends 2024
Dentsu Creative Trends 2024
“ Through creativity, armed with the powers of technology and
storytelling, we hold potential to pave ways for many exciting
‘Futures Less Traveled’, borne of core principles of optimism
and ambition.”
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— Our trends report this year is inspired by one of the world’s favorite poems,
“The Road Not Taken”. It’s a poem about choices and the power of storytelling to
I took the one less traveled by, make sense of our choices.
And that has made all the difference.”
As we look forward we see a world where multiple possible futures coexist.
ROBERT FROST, THE ROAD NOT TAKEN Where the future is not written, where it is up to each of us—brands, businesses, and
individuals—to design, innovate, and strive for the future we want to see.
It’s often said that hope is not a strategy; and as we look at the world
around us it is hard sometimes to maintain our optimism about the future.
Nevertheless, our report embraces hope as a conscious choice in a world where
we no longer have time for cynicism.
‘The Futures Less Traveled’ is about the surprising power of small moments
of joy and optimism as acts of faith, rebellion, and resistance.
Most of all, it is a call to design for the future we want to see. To realize that
it is not written and that we are the generations holding the pen.
5 Trends 01 02 03 04 05
Meanwhile, self-care has become a form of quiet rebellion for Gen Z, with
skincare emerging as a self-soothing ritual in an age of anxiety. As adulthood looks
ever more daunting and key milestones look less accessible — we see a kind of
Peter Pan marketplace evolve, as a generation pursues play as a form of therapy.
“Anything Flows” hit the scene with a series of vivid TV spots about self-
expression, flow and flavor. We then put a spotlight on a community known for its
lyrical flow, hip-hop, by partnering with famous rapper Flo Milli to give Slurpee the
summer anthem it always deserved. We invited brand fans to spin their own lyrics
for a chance to get a spot on the song’s official remix and join Flo Milli on tour,
Our Work
“Joy is an act of resistance”, Toi Derricotte. As Laura Hampson puts it, in Glamour magazine, “How
dopamine dressing works is that we actively choose to wear
We see brands, artists, and audiences embrace the clothing that makes us happy and brings us joy (yes, please!) — it’s
simplest of pleasures. Joyous surrealism seems the only possible part-fashion, part-mindfulness”. 2
response to a world in chaos, a world where Deloitte report that
46% of Gen Z feel stressed or anxious all/almost all of the time. Meanwhile, we see humor and surrealism in advertising
making a comeback with Fiat taking a stand against grey and
Fashion and Beauty brands play with absurdity and Husqvarna marshaling a choir of singing vacuum cleaners. Totino’s
challenge our perceptions of reality. From Handbag cars for absurd and surreal campaign for its pizza rolls turned everyday
Jacquemus to Kusama painting the town polka dot for Louis situations into unforgettable mind-bending moments.
Vuitton to subway trains with mascara, a playful and uplifting
spirit can be seen. Even if some concepts existed more in the Moreover, as we touch on in our next trend, humor is
imagination than in reality. increasingly being used for surprising purposes.
71 %
In parallel, we see Gen Z investing in self-care as never #Softlife has a billion TikTok views and counting 5, while
before. The “Everything Shower” becomes a moment of refuge the #lazygirljob phenomenon coined by creator Gabrielle Judge,
and cocooning for a generation that is seeking comfort in the celebrates work-life balance and anti-hustle culture — although
small things, while elaborate Korean-inspired beauty rituals take many argue that it is not “lazy” to expect not to work to the point
on an almost meditative quality. of burnout.
“Typically lasting two to four hours, an Everything Shower In China, a younger generation of consumers rebel (in
involves a weekly head-to-toe routine that features hair masks, the softest of ways) against a fast-paced, high-pressure lifestyle
exfoliating scrubs, shaving oils, and moisturizing balms” explains where they often feel alienated from their true selves: the concept
Chloe McDonnell, The Guardian.4 of Yi Huá. “The Lying Flat” or Tang Ping movement is a widespread
reaction against constant striving and self-improvement, making
Around the world, we see a rejection of hustle culture time instead to just be.
and the embrace of “soft life” and “lazy girl jobs”.
Art galleries are fusing with soft play to meet the demand,
with properties such as the Balloon Museum and Bubble Planet
expanding around the world alongside giant adult playgrounds
such as Ballie Ballerson, combining ball pits with cocktail hour.
Meanwhile, the #girldinner trend on TikTok gives adults permission
to eat exactly what they want, however unusual the combination,
often reaching for childhood favorites.
Moments of humor and levity matter more than ever in an anxious So intense is our pace of life that every moment of respite and As challenging as the world around us can feel, optimism is not
world. Now that the Cannes Lions festival have introduced a relaxation matters. Brands who can create pauses, rituals and naive or self-indulgent. Only through optimism, linked to action,
category dedicated to humor, expect to see comedy’s 2023 moments that allow consumers to exhale and be themselves can we make change possible.
comeback expand into 2024. will feel the benefit.
Related to our first trend, we see a reclaiming of genres and formats easily
underestimated as superficial, soft, or playful as tools for change. As the creator
economy soars and brands embrace entertainment, we see surprising new content
formats emerge as drivers of serious business growth, and societal change.
81 %
A generation raised on the art and craft of world-building The Metaverse Architecture Biennale brought together
expect to take an active role in reshaping the physical world architects to debate and discuss the potential of architecture and
they live in. As part of Fortnite’s “Creative Mode”, Epic Games design in the Metaverse.
introduced Unreal Editor inviting players to become engineer-
architect-artist-storytellers designing their own “islands”. Beyond the virtual world, we see a Minecraft-inspired
mentality infiltrate the every day. The CHI 311 site enables Chicago
Nike was one of the first brands to adopt the technology citizens to request tree planting, graffiti removal, and other acts of
creating Airphoria as a means of immersing fans in an Air Max- civic good. Users can track their requests and see the impact they
themed universe. Meanwhile, Saba looked to Roblox to create are making in the real world.
the world’s first menstruation education game in the multiverse,
successfully educating over 30 million kids online. Guerrilla gardening or “Botanarchy” as author Ellen Miles
calls it, continues to engage as a gentler approach to rebellion,
We see major political organizations legitimize gaming as with an edge. Miles campaigns for access to green nature to
a space to debate and make a change. The World Economic Forum be included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
has created a virtual Swiss town, designed as a place for Davos’ champions guerrilla gardening as providing a vital sense of control
stakeholders to interact and collaborate. and agency in a world where the future can seem volatile.
“It is impossible to build a better world if one cannot first With their “Mother Nature” film Apple demonstrated
imagine it”. Lesley Lokko, Novelist and Curator. conclusively that purpose and entertainment are by no means
mutually exclusive, as a concerned Octavia Spencer demanded
Since the days when we huddled together around the a status update from execs on their progress on sustainability.
campfire, we have known the power of storytelling to change Studies demonstrate storytelling significantly outperforms fact-
behavior. Until recently, however, storytellers have shied away based communication in driving sustainable behaviors.9
from some of the most pressing issues, with just 3% of scripted
drama featuring climate change in any way.8 In a shift in the A good place to begin a new narrative is with new
cultural landscape, 2023 was the year of the ‘eco-thriller’ with storytellers, building on a powerful desire to challenge older,
blockbusters like “The Last of Us” and Apple TV’s “Extrapolations” colonial narratives and tell new stories, from new perspectives.
confronting our darkest fears.
In partnership with Dentsu Creative India and Dentsu
HBO brought the universe of “The Last of Us” to life to Creative Portugal, Vedantu, an e-learning platform created “The
great visceral effect with their ‘Infected Billboard’ in partnership Everything Book” an innovation that shares the stories of local
with Dentsu Creative Mexico. The hyper-real fungus appeared role models inside an internet signal aggregator to democratize
to take over everything around it, infecting even a car and street education and inspire children from rural communities in India.
furniture, also going viral online!
If we want to change attitudes and behavior, it may start with play. If we want to tell new stories, we need new heroes, and it matters The creator economy has already had an extraordinary impact on
If we can convince a generation to take the same sense of agency who is holding the pen. It’s time for brands to lead the way in the world of marketing. Now imagine the creator economy married
and ownership they feel in games into the real world imagine the elevating new voices, with new and diverse perspectives. to the power of generative AI, the barrier to creating high fidelity
impact they can have on the world. assets no higher than a prompt and an imagination.
In response to a world that can feel overwhelming and a cost of living crisis,
we see a powerful engagement with all things local and homegrown. The post-
pandemic “revenge travel” boom shows signs of fading but in its place, we see a
desire to engage with local spaces and places.
This does not mean a parochial turning away from other places and
cultures. We see a hunger for authentic human stories wherever they come from,
a recognition that the most compelling story of all is humanity. Those traveling
look beyond the surface to understand the real story of the countries and cultures
they visit.
81 %
Allied with our new storytellers trend, we see a desire to Corona’s Native Sportscasters campaign earned the beer
hear the authentic story of places from the people who know and brand plaudits for its inclusive football match coverage inviting
love them best. Mexicans to broadcast football matches in their native language.
While many programs are broadcast in Spanish, there are as
The travel industry is placing new emphasis on many as 68 native languages within the country. Aligned to this
empowering indigenous communities to tell and profit from their trend we see brands reminding us all of the wonder and beauty
own stories. The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada’s of the physical world in a world where almost anything can be AI-
“Original Original” campaign promotes experiences owned by generated. AWAY luggage company reminds us that “The World
Canada’s First Nation communities, Inuits and Métis. Sensitive Is Not AI-Generated” while the Nikon camera brand celebrates the
engagement with these communities is paramount as businesses extraordinary, unpredictable beauty of the real world vs the world
navigate the line, too often ignored in the past, between exploration generated by prompts.
and exploitation.
To promote Air France-KLM's loyalty programme, Flying
We also see a resurgence in hyper-local media. Earlier this Blue, Dentsu Creative France told the story of member, Didi Han,
year, Cox Media Group (CMG) launched Neighborhood TV tapping as she travels to Seoul, she opens up about how different trips
into the need to connect with our own communities. shaped her personality.
62 %
Since the pandemic, there has been a marked shift in the In Vietnam, local is gaining in prestige with the likes
reliance on international networks and an appreciation for goods of popular shoe brand Biti’s showcasing 40 years of progress in
and services far closer to home. Vietnam, in 40 frames delivered in 1.6 seconds, the time it takes to
take a physical step forward. Featuring the work of 40 local artists
A Horizon Media survey revealed that 62% of young US ‘A Step Forward’ quickly went viral as audiences were inspired by
adults said they would be “motivated to buy a product or service if their national pride to share content from the campaign.
it helps them achieve a sense of community belonging.” 12
In India, we also see a desire to embrace local luxury
A useful barometer for this sentiment in action is China brands, amidst the rise and rise of India’s middle class, the fastest-
where young consumers are favoring homegrown fashion and growing demographic in the country, that now accounts for 1 in 3
beauty brands. A network of local coffee brands has sprung up, of the population.13 India is one of the fastest-growing markets for
from Saturn Bird to Manner, challenging preconceptions of what luxury in the world, with an appetite both for imported brands that
coffee “should” be according to Western traditions. Beauty brands give back to the local community, and for local fashion, beauty,
such as Florasis and Proya are also growing rapidly, in part due to and skincare brands.
their embrace of traditional Chinese craft and ingredients.
Our desire for a more rooted sense of place is also being Chinese influencer Annie Yi debuted a livestream
reinforced in our digital worlds. shopping experience with a difference on the e-commerce
platform Xiaohongshu attracting over 1 million viewers (and 50M
As an evolution of the interest in decentralized social RMB) over a nine-hour long broadcast where “the live stream was
platforms, we see the emergence of the ‘cozy web’, a term not the usual fast-paced peddling of products; rather, it felt like an
popularized by writer Venkatesh Rao which describes the private, intimate sharing session.15
intimate digital spaces on the internet people are increasingly
retreating to. The need for niche and neighborliness is manifesting
again in the surge of small media titles covering topics closer to
The cozy web also marks a shift in the content that gets home. Writers for titles like The New York Times and Bloomberg
shared which is less about creating things designed to go viral Business Week are sidebarring for independent worker-owned
and instead creating slower content for a smaller audience of like- websites like Byline for smaller audiences. 404 Media is a new
minded individuals “offering space to consider how you want to independent media company founded by technology journalists
contribute to the discourse. This is also translating into novel ways pledging to dive into the stories in between the headlines.
to market to audiences.
We are moving rapidly beyond the age of the bland and universal We see a desire both for discovery and familiarity. Consumers Even the largest global brands can benefit from embracing local
insight, replaced by a hunger for authentic humanity. While lived want to explore beyond the obvious and to also take comfort in cultures and codes in how they engage audiences globally. KFC
experiences may be different, we recognize truth authentically things close to home. The opportunity is there to use hyper local China for example combines imagery from the brand’s heritage
told when we see it. communications, to uplift local businesses and to show new sides with codes borrowed from traditional Chinese iconography.
of familiar cities.
In 2024 and beyond, businesses will need to assess the role of the human
touch—literally and figuratively, in the development of products and services.
Working with Masatane to develop the prototype, and using NTT's tech, the
DJ is now able to express himself ‘physically’ in real-time when he performs to his fans
in the Metaverse or on a digital screen using signals controlled from six sensors on
his neck, arms, and legs.
87 %
2023 has been the year audiences across the board have The technique combines traditional Chinese calligraphy
curiously embraced Gen-AI. Whether it's prompting ChatGPT techniques with innovation; as Blake says “It’s a kind of magic,
to draft copy or igniting Midjourney to ideate town plans there is isn’t it?”
an inherent awe in the technology, what might it make possible?
That curiosity earned ChatGPT a million users in 5 days.17 Alongside pure play creativity, in 2024 we will see use
cases that enhance the customer experience in more practical
Brands are making an asset of the unexpected creative ways by leveraging Gen-AI. Dentsu Creative partnered with Skip
potential of Gen-AI. Coca‑Cola® created Coca‑Cola® Y3000 the Dishes, a Canadian food delivery brand to develop The Inflation
Zero Sugar in collaboration with artificial intelligence attempting Cookbook, an AI-assisted app that tracks volatile grocery prices
to “understand how fans envision the future through emotions, and generates recipes in response to real-time pricing data.
aspirations, colors, flavors and more”.
Over 150M people have already used myAI, Snapchat’s is a virtual AI music studio for amateurs combining Gen AI chatbot, for everything from design inspiration to
sound engineering, composing, and mixing in one app with some skincare.18 In Japan AI is being positioned as a kind of “spiritual
creators already signed to labels. Artist Sir Peter Blake, aged 91, partner for the elderly” creating an always-available companion
is using AI-powered robots to convert photographic images to that will not show signs of boredom or frustration.
portraits in mere minutes.
81 %
Even in a climate of immersive digital technologies, there Meanwhile, Amazon plans to expand its Amazon One
is an unmatched emotional resonance in physical and sensorial pay-by-palm technology to all Whole Foods stores in the US by
stimulation. the end of the year. Users connect their palm with a stored credit
card and then can pay with a simple wave of their hand.
Innovations are coming to market that engage additional
senses. Chinese electronics giant TCL's Gesture Ring software is Dentsu Creative's groundbreaking work for Eurofarma,
embedded on selected TV sets inviting consumers to use palm and “Scrolling Therapy” used facial recognition and social content to
fist gestures to control content. Its Movie Mood Explorer function help Parkinson's patients combat one of the saddest symptoms
senses the viewer's mood from their gestures and uses AI to make of the disease—an inability to express emotion through facial
recommendations. expressions. By matching some of the most common interactions
on social media—like, scroll and play—with facial expressions,
Also in China, we see the younger generation evolve patients could browse their feeds using their faces, and at the
traditional rituals into digital experiences. A Chinese Wooden Fish, same time complete their facial exercises, formerly an unpleasant
traditionally used as a prayer charm has been translated into an and time consuming chore.
app that has been downloaded over 600,000 times. 20
65 %
AR, AI, and commerce continue to blend and embed in our AR continues to offer an element of enchantment to real-
lives in increasingly sophisticated ways to enhance the consumer world interactions for both adults and children alike. One such
experience. This is creating exciting new possibilities that blur the example is The Haribo Happiness Hunt, an AR treasure hunt tasking
boundaries between online and offline commerce, making every families to hunt for 3D candy hidden in the scene.
moment and interaction a shoppable one.
Innovations in AI are also transforming search, creating
Dentsu Creative China created the KFC Re:Store virtual concierge-like commerce experiences. Multisearch in Google
store experience for a young generation of Chinese consumers, Lens can help users design and track down the perfect item;
50% of whom claim to spend more time hanging out with friends enabling users to search by images customized to their needs.
in gaming environments than in the “real world,” with 70% of Gen Z Shopify is enabling every merchant to create a 3D AR model in
users tending to socialize online.22 under 20 minutes in line with the release of IOS17.
Alongside custom avatar apparel and “Chicken Coin” Meanwhile, image recognition is transforming sectors
currency that they can exchange for virtual goods, users are from healthcare to skincare to agriculture. Drones powered by
able to order in the metaverse and have their order delivered to a image recognition technology can assess the ripeness of fruit
physical destination. and pick it from the tree when ready.
The idea of online vs offline commerce feels obsolete in a world As more and more of our brand experiences are digitally enabled, Generative AI lets us imagine entirely new sights, sounds and
where a shoppable digital layer surrounds so many of our real world interfaces such as gesture, touch and image recognition will ensure possibilities. The only limit is our collective imagination. Yet a
interactions and technologies. Design instead for a world where that those experiences are genuinely brand building, distinctive world of unlimited possibilities can be as alarming as it's inspiring.
any encounter can be a shoppable one. and delightful. 2023 was the year when governments around the world began in
earnest to think about how to balance safety and innovation in AI;
expect 2024 to see much soul searching in this space.
68 %
On one hand focusing on yourself may be a necessary In cultures that have traditionally been more collective,
strategy for self-preservation in challenging times. On the other, individuals are exploring individuality within the collective; not
there is an implicit understanding that life is lived alongside others rejecting close familial and societal bonds but finding space for
and that there are benefits to tuning into different types of wisdom. the individual within those structures. In India, SBI Life Insurance
Across the spectrum, our inherent need for belonging and social adapted their proposition from “Main Se Hum” (From me to we) to
bonding means people still crave the thrill and safety of connection. “Apne Liye Apno Ke Liye” (For me and mine) a seemingly small but
Sociologist Emile Durkheim calls this “collective effervescence”; significant shift.
“the unique surge in feeling when people come together for a
shared purpose”. In Japan, the ‘shared bookstore’ movement invites
individuals to curate their own bookshelves in stores which others
“Collectivity” and “Individualism” become not binary can then purchase from, for example, Passage in Tokyo, bringing
options but two states we can inhabit simultaneously. In Western the concept of social commerce into the physical space.
cultures, traditionally more individualist, we see a desire for more
collective existences. French organization Hyper Voisins (Super
Neighbors) for example inspires the art of being a good neighbor
by creating in-person events and WhatsApp groups for people to
both discuss neighborhood issues and socially bond.
50 %
For both practical and emotional reasons, we see an In the UK, media brand Lad Bible in collaboration with the When it was reported that STI rates among Canadians
increase in intergenerational living and relationships. Young people Royal British Legion facilitated poignant conversations between over 65 had risen by 240%, Dentsu Creative Canada looked to the
are increasingly less able to leave the family home while ageing First World War Veterans and current soldiers. In Copenhagen, unique bond between grandparents and their grandchildren as a
populations rely on familial support. Living by Alfa is a new kind of development reserving space for means to tackle this. F#cking Old assorted hard candies, designed
both families and over 55’s with communal spaces designed for to be shared, are each wrapped with a conversation starter around
More profoundly, consumers are increasingly realizing intergenerational mixing. safer sex.
the power and wisdom of intergenerational heads together. In
place of unproductive and adversarial battles, mature and youthful More broadly, we see a fundamental reappraisal of what
generations are embracing a culture of listening and collaboration. it means to engage older audiences with very different lifestyles
and aspirations than previous generations. Formats traditionally
Many cultures have long embraced the wisdom of elders reserved for ‘youth’ audiences are reimagined for mature
but only now are Western consumers recognizing the power of audiences, such as “The Golden Bachelor”.
grandparents as influencers, with skills and aesthetics now highly
aspirational to a generation craving authenticity and slow living. Fashion brands continued their love affair with more
mature talent, with Loewe’s Autumn Winter campaign featuring
The #grandmillennial style remains a surprising resilient Dame Maggie Smith (88) while actress Naomi Watts has created a
interiors trend, alongside #coastalgrandma chic. beauty brand, “Stripes” aimed at menopausal skin.
70 %
While we navigate our relationship with our families, For example, musician Grimes has released a program
generations, and communities, the rise and rise of AI is also allowing artists to transform their voice samples into a “GrimesAI
prompting us to explore our relationship with our own identity. voiceprint” that can be used in original songs.
For Gen Z, dressing their avatars allows them to express Adobe, which has trained its Firefly model on Adobe
their individuality (47%) and feel good about themselves (43%), Stock, has openly licensed this and other public-domain content
but also to feel more connected to peers — both in the digital and and is exploring a compensation model for creators.
physical worlds. 70% say they get physical style inspiration from
dressing their avatars.26 A more problematic aspect of the trend is the rights
models and actors hold over their images and identity in a world
The digital doppelganger emerges — literally a digital of generative AI. In the world of fashion, models, and agents are
twin that can be used as a proxy. In France, we see ChatGPT concerned that body scans enable businesses to use models’
used as a means to manage awkward conversations, rather than virtual bodies without their consent. The issue of control over
ghosting the unfortunate friend or partner. one’s own image and likeness was also a major factor in the recent
Hollywood Actors’ Strike, with Tom Hanks experiencing the perils
Whilst AI rights and IP remains a hot topic some users of Deep Fake technology when his image was used to promote a
are getting ahead and taking control of how their digital identity is dental plan.
used in the future.
As older generations become aspirational once again, consider Design for multi-generational households and cultures rather While real world retail will stay with us, we will see ever increasing
how brands can embrace and harness their wisdom. From DIY to than demographic stereotypes. Find unusual commonalities. The opportunities for virtual commerce, virtual services, even virtual
education to making do and mending older generations have a Two Generations service matches older people living alone with workforces. How can brands and business help consumers take
wealth of practical expertise and experience to share. younger audiences seeking affordable accommodation. control of their digital identity to unlock new business models?
What will serve us best is not certainty but imagination; the mental and
organizational agility to imagine new possibilities—both alarming and extraordinary—
and to innovate to meet them.
There are of course key strategies we can adopt to give us greater control of
our destinies. Our 2023 CMO Survey shows that CMOs seek above all else a direct,
owned relationship with their customer. Moreover, we see 81% in agreement that
their business will make a fundamental pivot in response to climate change.
The future-ready business will require both sustainable business models and
enduring customer relationships but perhaps most of all it will require imagination
and optimism. The ability to continue to hope for, design for, and innovate for a better
future even when the world around us looks often like a volatile and alarming place.
In exploring The Futures Less Traveled, imagination and creativity will remain
our superpowers.
1. “Top Trends 2023: Volume 2”, Horizon Catalyst, July 2023
2. “Why dopamine dressing is the feel-good fashion trend we need in 2022” Glamour Magazine UK, 2nd Aug 2022
3. “From main character energy to ROI on friendships, new Guardian research reveals a nation finding happiness in the smaller picture”, The Guardian, July 2023
4. “TikTok’s new favourite self-care trend? The four-hour “Everything Shower”, The Guardian UK, 15 Sept 2022
5. “”
6. “Lego sales leap 17% as fans buy bigger, more complicated sets”,, 7 March 2023
7. “Dentsu Creative 2023 CMO Report: Creativity At A Crossroads”, 11 Sept 2023
8. “Climate Change in Entertainment”, The Norman Lear Centre, 2022
9. “Stories vs. facts: triggering emotion and action-taking on climate change”, Springer Link, 6 April 2019
10. “Amazon Prime Video uses TikTok duets to host voice-acting contest”, Contagious, 16 May 2023
11. “Dentsu Creative 2023 CMO Report: Creativity At A Crossroads”, 11 Sept 2023
12. “Horizon Media Top Trends Volume 2”, July 2023
13. “Gauging India’s middle-class opportunity”, Financial Times, May 17 2023
14. “Brits bored by low-quality social media content, says study”, Warc, April 21 2020
15. “China’s e-commerce slows down as celebrities turn to Xiaohongshu for ‘quiet selling’”, Jing Daily 13 October 2023
16. “Dentsu Creative 2023 CMO Report: Creativity At A Crossroads”, 11 Sept 2023
17. “ChatGPT - statistics & facts”, Statista 2023
18. “Early Insights on My AI”,, 2023
19. “Dentsu Creative 2023 CMO Report: Creativity At A Crossroads”, 11 Sept 2023
20. “The luck factor: Chinese youth embrace digital prayers and lucky charms in tough times”, Jing Daily, 5 October 2023
21. “The State of Creativity Study”, Cannes 2023
22. “KFC Re:Store, Reinventing retail for one of the world’s largest audiences”, Dentsu Creative 2023
23. “2022: Upswing in people feeling part of their community, with young people leading the way”, TNL Community Fund, 11 January 2022
24. “Americans more likely to say it’s a bad thing than a good thing that more young adults live with their parents”, Pew Research 2023
25. “Gen Alpha & Gen Z”, Newzoo Gamer Insights, 2022
26. “MetaverseFashionTrends”, Roblox 2023