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Civil Procedure Mbe Questions

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Civil Procedure

1. A B C D

2. A B C D

3. A B C D

4. A B C D

5. A B C D

6. A B C D

7. A B C D

8. A B C D

9. A B C D

10. A B C D

11. A B C D

12. A B C D

13. A B C D

14. A B C D

15. A B C D

16. A B C D

17. A B C D

18. A B C D

19. A B C D

20. A B C D

21. A B C D

22. A B C D

23. A B C D

24. A B C D

25. A B C D

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Question 1 Question 2

A corporation filed a breach of contract action A building materials supplier, who is a

against another corporation in the United States citizen of State A, and a contractor, who is a
District Court for the District of State A on the citizen of State B, had a contract dispute. The
basis of diversity of citizenship jurisdiction. The contractor drove to the supplier’s home in State
action seeks $80,000 in damages. The plaintiff A to discuss possible settlement of the dispute.
corporation was incorporated in State B and has The discussions were not successful. As the
its principal place of business in State C. The contractor backed out of the supplier’s driveway,
defendant corporation was incorporated in State the contractor accidently hit the supplier’s car,
C and has its principal place of business in State damaging it significantly. The supplier sued
A. The defendant corporation filed a motion the contractor in federal court, asserting both a
to dismiss the action for lack of subject matter breach of contract claim and a negligence claim
jurisdiction. for the damage done to the supplier’s car. The
supplier’s complaint seeks $71,000 in damages
Will the defendant corporation’s motion be for breach of contract and $5,000 in damages to
granted? pay the cost of repairs to the car.

(A) Yes, because both corporations are citizens Does the federal court have subject matter
of State C. jurisdiction over the supplier’s action?

(B) Yes, because the defendant corporation is a (A) Yes, because the amounts of the supplier’s
citizen of the state in which the action was two claims may be aggregated and thus
filed. meet the amount in controversy require-
(C) No, because the plaintiff corporation is a
citizen of State C and the defendant corpo- (B) Yes, because the supplier’s two claims are
ration is a citizen of State A. related and therefore may be aggregated to
satisfy the amount in controversy require-
(D) No, because, while both corporations are ment.
citizens of State C, the plaintiff corporation
is also a citizen of State B and the defen- (C) No, because the supplier’s two claims do
dant corporation is also a citizen of State A. not arise from the same transaction or
occurrence and therefore may not be aggre-
gated to satisfy the amount in controversy

(D) No as to the negligence claim but yes as to

the breach of contract claim.


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Question 3 Question 4

A driver was killed in a two-car accident A seller entered a contract with a buyer
in State A. The deceased driver was a citizen under which the buyer agreed to purchase
of State B, and the driver of the other car is a certain corporate securities for $500,000. The
citizen of State A. The executor of the deceased buyer refused to go through with the purchase,
driver’s estate filed a negligence action in federal contending that the entire transaction was void
district court on behalf of the deceased driver because of federal securities statutes. The seller
against the State A driver, seeking $250,000. thus sold the securities to another party but
The executor is a citizen of State A. was able to sell them for only $420,000. The
seller filed an action against the buyer in federal
Does the federal court have diversity of district court, alleging that the transaction did
citizenship jurisdiction over this action? not violate federal securities statutes and seeking
$80,000 for the buyer’s breach of contract. The
(A) No, because the executor and the defendant seller and the buyer are both citizens of the same
are both citizens of State A. state.
(B) No, because federal courts will not exercise Does the federal court have subject matter
diversity of citizenship jurisdiction over jurisdiction over the action?
probate matters.
(A) Yes, because the action raises the federal
(C) Yes, because the executor of the plain- issue of whether the transaction violated
tiff’s estate is a citizen of State A and the federal securities statutes.
deceased plaintiff is a citizen of State B.
(B) Yes, because the amount in contro-
(D) Yes, because the deceased plaintiff was a versy exceeds the required minimum for
citizen of State B and the defendant is a purposes of federal question jurisdiction.
citizen of State A.
(C) No, because the buyer and seller are
citizens of the same state and the action
does not arise under federal law.

(D) No, because the amount in controversy for

purposes of federal question jurisdiction is
not sufficient.


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Question 5 Question 6

A citizen of State A filed a breach of contract A researcher and an analyst had employ-
action against a citizen of State B in a State A ment contracts with a corporation. The corpo-
state trial court. The State B defendant timely ration fired them because it believed they had
and properly removed the action to the United conspired to give its trade secrets to a compet-
States District Court for the District of State A. itor. Knowing that the conspiracy allegations
The defendant then filed a motion to dismiss the were not true, the researcher and the analyst
action based on insufficient service of process. sued the corporation in federal district court
Following a hearing, the court found that service for breach of their employment contracts. The
was proper and denied the motion. The defen- researcher seeks $100,000 in damages and the
dant then filed her answer, responding to the analyst seeks $50,000. They are both citizens of
merits of the complaint and asserting that the State A. The corporation is incorporated in State
case should be dismissed on the grounds that B, and its principal place of business is in State
another action was pending between the same B.
parties for the same cause in a State B state
court. The State A Rules of Civil Procedure Does the federal district court have subject
provide that a party waives the right to seek matter jurisdiction over both of the claims?
dismissal on that ground if the party files a
pre-answer motion to dismiss and does not assert (A) Yes, the court has diversity of citizenship
that ground in the motion. jurisdiction over both claims because the
amounts of their related claims may be
Should the federal court hold that the defen- aggregated to satisfy the amount in contro-
dant has waived the right to seek dismissal based versy requirement.
on the pendency of the same cause in another
court? (B) Yes, the court has diversity of citizenship
jurisdiction over the researcher’s $100,000
(A) Yes, because this action was commenced claim and supplemental jurisdiction over
in a State A state court, so the federal court the analyst’s $50,000 claim.
must apply State A law.
(C) No, the court does not have subject matter
(B) Yes, because this action is in a federal jurisdiction over the analyst’s $50,000
court in State A on the basis of the court’s claim because the claims of both plain-
diversity of citizenship jurisdiction, so the tiffs may not be aggregated to satisfy the
federal court must apply State A law. amount in controversy requirement.

(C) No, because this issue is unlikely to affect (D) No, the court does not have subject matter
the outcome of the action or to create jurisdiction over either claim because the
forum-shopping, so the federal court should breach of contract claim is based on state
apply federal law, under which the defen- law.
dant has not waived this defense.

(D) No, because this issue is governed by the

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, under
which the defendant has not waived this


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Question 7 Question 8

A pedestrian was injured in a car accident An investor filed a civil action against her
involving two cars. The pedestrian filed a negli- broker in a State A state court seeking $30,000
gence action against both drivers in federal for violation of federal securities statutes. The
district court, seeking to hold them jointly and investor is a citizen of State B and the broker is a
severally liable for $500,000. The pedestrian is citizen of State A.
a citizen of State A, and both drivers are citizens
of State B. The first driver then asserted a cross- May the broker remove the action to federal
claim against the second driver, claiming that district court?
the second driver’s negligence was the sole cause
of the accident and seeking to recover from the (A) No, because the amount in controversy is
second driver $15,000 for the damage done to too small for federal subject matter juris-
the first driver’s car. diction.

Does the federal court have subject matter (B) No, because the defendant is a citizen of
jurisdiction over the cross-claim? the state from whose court the action is
(A) No, because the cross-claim is between two
citizens of the same state. (C) Yes, the broker may remove the action to
federal district court on the basis of federal
(B) No, because the amount of the cross-claim question jurisdiction.
is too small.
(D) Yes, the broker may remove the action to
(C) No, because there is no supplemental federal district court on the basis of federal
jurisdiction over the cross-claim unless it is diversity of citizenship jurisdiction.
related to a federal question claim asserted
in the same action, and there is no federal
question claim.

(D) Yes, the court has supplemental jurisdiction

over the cross-claim.


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Question 9 Question 10

A car buyer, a resident of State A, wished A hunter residing in State A visited a website
to purchase a new car. After shopping both created and operated by a hunting equipment
online and in person for the best price, the company. The company is a State B corporation,
buyer decided to purchase a car from a dealer in and its headquarters and all its facilities are in
State B. The buyer drove to the State B dealer- State B. It sells its products in several stores in
ship, signed a sales contract, paid for the car, State B and through its website. Its marketing
and drove the car back home to State A. Three efforts and most of its sales are in State A and
months later, the buyer was in an accident in State B. Using the company’s website, the hunter
State A while driving the new car. The other ordered a hunting stand. The hunter paid for
driver in the accident was a resident of State B the stand and shipment to State A by providing
who was just passing through State A. The other his credit card information on the company’s
driver filed a negligence action against the buyer website. After the stand arrived at the hunter’s
in a court in State B. home in State A, the hunter used the stand while
on a hunting trip in State C—a very popular
Does the buyer have sufficient contacts with hunting destination. The stand collapsed, causing
State B such that a State B court could exercise severe injuries to the hunter.
personal jurisdiction over the buyer for the negli-
gence action? The hunter filed a products liability action
against the company in a State C court. The
(A) Yes, because the buyer had purposeful con- company filed a motion to dismiss the action on
tacts with State B. the ground that the State C court lacks personal
jurisdiction over it. Although the company’s
(B) No, because the other driver’s claim does website is accessible in State C, the company
not arise from the buyer’s contacts with does not otherwise advertise there, and it does
State B, and the contacts are insufficient to no business there. There is no evidence that the
create general personal jurisdiction. company has sold any products in State C.
(C) No, because the buyer did not benefit in any Does the company have sufficient contacts
way from the contacts with State B. with State C such that a State C court may
exercise personal jurisdiction over it?
(D) No, because the buyer’s contacts with State
B were not purposeful. (A) Yes, because the company’s website is
continuously accessible in State C so that
people there may purchase products from
the company at any time.

(B) Yes, because the company could foresee

that its customers would carry the compa-
ny’s hunting products on hunting trips to
other states—particularly states where
hunting is popular.

(C) No, because personal jurisdiction cannot be

based on Internet contacts.

(D) No, because the company does not have

sufficient purposeful contacts with State C.


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Question 11 Question 12

An automobile crash victim intends to file a A zoologist was moving to State A from State
negligence action based on diversity of citizen- B, where she had lived her entire life. She was
ship jurisdiction against a driver in federal court driving a truck and trailer that contained all of
for injuries sustained in an automobile accident her possessions across the country when she was
that occurred in State A. The victim resides in involved in a severe accident in State C. After
State B, and the driver resides in State C. State being released from the hospital, but before
A, State B, and State C all have only a single suit was filed, the zoologist proceeded to State
federal judicial district. A, where she rented an apartment and found a
job. The driver of an automobile involved in the
In which federal district court(s) is venue severe accident intends to file a negligence action
proper? against the zoologist in federal district court.
The driver is a citizen and resident of State D.
(A) The District of State A only.
In which federal district(s) is venue proper?
(B) The District of State C only.
(A) The District of State C only.
(C) The District of State A and the District of
State C. (B) The District of State C and the District of
State B.
(D) The District of State A, the District of State
B, and the District of State C. (C) The District of State C and the District of
State A only.

(D) The District of State C, the District of State

D, and the District of State A.


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Question 13 Question 14

A plaintiff from State A filed a breach of After filing her complaint in federal district
contract action in a federal court in State B. The court, a plaintiff mailed to a defendant by
defendant in the action is a State B corpora- ordinary first-class mail the following: duly
tion. The corporation’s president and registered executed copies of the complaint and summons,
agent, the only officer having express authority a request that the defendant waive service of
to receive service of process on behalf of the process, two copies of a waiver-of-service form,
corporation, was out of the country for several and an addressed, prepaid return envelope. The
months. State B’s rules of civil procedure, defendant signed the waiver-of-service form
however, authorize service on a corporation by and returned a copy to the plaintiff. Fifty days
serving any “officer, managing or general agent, after the plaintiff mailed the forms to the defen-
or any agent authorized to receive service.” dant and 25 days after the defendant returned
State B’s rules also authorize service of process the signed form to the plaintiff, the plaintiff
by certified mail. The plaintiff thus sent the filed a motion for entry of default and a default
summons and complaint to the defendant corpo- judgment. The following day, the defendant filed
ration’s only vice president, who resides in State and served his answer.
B. The vice president signed the certified mail
return receipt. Was the defendant’s answer timely?

If the corporation files a motion to dismiss (A) No, because the defendant may no longer
the action for improper service of process, how file an answer once the time for filing a
should the court rule? response to a complaint has expired and
the plaintiff has filed a motion for default
(A) Deny the motion, because service of pro- judgment.
cess was proper.
(B) No, because the Federal Rules of Civil
(B) Deny the motion, because the defendant Procedure require a defendant to file a
waived service of process by allowing its response to a complaint within 21 days after
only agent authorized to receive service to being served with process.
leave the country.
(C) Yes, because the defendant filed his answer
(C) Grant the motion, because, despite what less than 28 days after he returned the
state rules allow, service on a corporation waiver of service form.
sued in federal court must be on the officer
or agent of the corporation who is autho- (D) Yes, because a defendant who waives
rized by the corporation to receive service service of process is allowed additional
on behalf of the corporation. time in which to respond to the complaint,
and the time had not yet expired.
(D) Grant the motion, because, despite what
state rules allow, service on a corporation
sued in federal court may not be made by
certified mail.


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Question 15 Is the amended complaint barred even

though it relates back to the time of the original
A customer became ill from meat he complaint?
purchased at the “The Corner Grocery” store
in City A. The legal name of the store is “The (A) No, because the customer appears to have
Corner Grocery, Inc.” The customer’s attorney acted in good faith and exercised reason-
instituted a diversity action in federal district able care in naming the proper defendant.
court, mistakenly naming as the defendant “The
Corner Grocery” in City B, whose legal name (B) No, because the new defendant received
is “The Corner Grocery Company, Ltd.” The timely notice of the action so as not to be
two are separate legal entities, but their stock is prejudiced in defending the merits and
owned by the same persons in the same propor- knew or should have known that the action
tions. The complaint specifically described would have been brought against it but for
the store from which the pork was purchased, a mistake concerning the proper party’s
including its City A address. identity.

Approximately one month after filing the (C) Yes, because the proper defendant was
complaint, and after the statute of limitations not served with process within the time
had expired, the customer’s attorney served prescribed for service of the original
process on an individual who is the presi- complaint.
dent and 50% shareholder of both stores. The
named defendant, the City B store, then filed (D) Yes, because both the original and the
its answer denying liability on the grounds that amended claims are barred by the statute of
the customer never visited the City B store and limitations since service of process did not
never bought anything there. Upon learning that occur until after the statute of limitations
he had named the wrong store as defendant, the expired.
customer’s attorney filed a motion to amend the
complaint to substitute the name of the correct
defendant for the incorrect defendant originally
named. After the court allowed the amendment,
the new defendant filed an answer asserting that
the claim against it was barred by the statute of
limitations. In response, the customer’s attorney
asserted that the amended complaint is not
barred because it asserts a claim that arises from
the same transaction as the original complaint
and therefore relates back to the time of the
original complaint.


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Question 16 Question 17

A bar prep company discovered that its Two citizens of State A were injured in State
copyrighted content was being used in an B when the taxi in which they were riding was
online simulated exam that its competitor was in an accident. The two State A citizens intend
administering in a few days. The company filed to file tort claims against the taxi driver, a citizen
a petition for an ex parte order to direct the of State B, in federal district court seeking over
competitor to immediately remove that content $100,000 each.
from its website. The company submitted an
affidavit specifying why immediate and irrepa- May or must they assert their claims in federal
rable injury will result if the exam is adminis- district court in a single civil action?
tered, and offered to provide security for any
costs or damages incurred by the competitor if (A) They must assert their claims in a single
it was determined that the order was wrongfully action because their claims arise from the
issued. same accident.

Should the court issue the order? (B) They may assert their claims in a single
action if they wish, or they may file
(A) Yes, because the company submitted an af- separate actions.
fidavit with specific facts showing immedi-
ate and irreparable injury. (C) They may not assert their claims in a single
action because they are not asserting a
(B) Yes, because the competitor will receive single undivided interest.
notice of the order once it is issued by the
court. (D) They may not assert their claims in a single
action because each plaintiff is seeking
(C) No, because a court cannot issue an injunc- damages for his own discrete bodily
tion unless the adverse party has notice of injuries.
the hearing.

(D) No, because the company has not provided

sufficient certification for obtaining an ex
parte order.


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Question 18 Question 19

Three drivers were in a traffic accident in The plaintiff in a negligence case was injured
State A. The three drivers were citizens of State in a car accident with the defendant. The plain-
A, State B, and State C, respectively. Only tiff’s attorney retained a physician to examine
the driver from State C sustained any injuries the plaintiff and to testify regarding the plain-
and damage. The driver from State C filed a tiff’s injuries. After the physician examined
tort action against the State A driver, seeking the plaintiff, the plaintiff’s attorney discussed
$100,000 in damages. The State A driver the physician’s findings with the physician.
believes that he was not at fault in any way and The plaintiff’s attorney and the physician also
that the driver from State B was the sole cause of discussed what the physician should include in
the accident. Assume State A does not recognize the expert witness report that will be provided
any claim of contribution among joint tortfea- to the defendant. The defendant then conducted
sors. a deposition of the physician. During the deposi-
tion, the defendant’s attorney asked the physician
May the State A driver assert a third-party to describe what was said in his conversations
claim against the State B driver in the pending with the plaintiff’s attorney. The plaintiff’s
action, alleging that the State B driver was the attorney objected to those questions.
party at fault and should pay for the State C
driver’s injuries? Are the defendant’s questions regarding the
plaintiff’s attorney’s discussions with the physi-
(A) Yes, because third-party claims are permit- cian properly subject to discovery?
ted as long as they arise from the same
transaction or occurrence as the original (A) No, because the communications between
action. the plaintiff’s attorney and the physician
are protected from discovery under the
(B) Yes, because the State A driver’s third- work product doctrine.
party claim is derivative of the State C
driver’s original claim. (B) No, because the communications between
the plaintiff’s attorney and the physician are
(C) Yes, provided the State A driver obtains protected by the attorney-client privilege.
leave of the court.
(C) Yes, because the attorney does not represent
(D) No, the State A driver may not maintain the the physician and therefore the communica-
third-party claim. tions between the plaintiff’s attorney and
the physician are not privileged.

(D) Yes, because the communications between

the plaintiff’s attorney and the physician are
relevant to determine the basis for opinions
and statements in the physician’s expert


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Question 20 Question 21

A former shareholder of a corporation filed an The plaintiff and defendant in a negligence

action against the corporation’s board of direc- action filed in federal district court were in
tors, alleging that the directors’ wrongful actions a two-car accident. The defendant’s attorney
diminished the value of the corporation and its properly gave notice of and commenced a
stock. The former shareholder served a request deposition of an eyewitness to the accident.
for production of documents that included a Attorneys for both parties were present at the
request for any documents relating to the value deposition. During the deposition, the defen-
of the corporation. The corporation produced dant’s attorney asked the witness a leading
a number of documents, but withheld certain question, and the plaintiff’s attorney did not
documents that were written by its attorneys, object. At the time of trial, the eyewitness was
claiming that the documents were protected out of the country. Therefore, the defendant’s
from discovery under the attorney-client privi- attorney sought to read a portion of the witness’s
lege. Without contacting or conferring with the deposition testimony into evidence at trial,
corporation or its lawyer, the former shareholder including the leading question and the witness’s
filed a motion to compel production of the response to it. The plaintiff’s attorney objected
withheld documents, claiming that they were not at trial to the reading of the leading question and
covered by the privilege. The court ruled that the witness’s response.
the documents were not privileged and had to be
produced. Is the leading question and response properly
admissible in evidence at trial?
What will be the likely result if the former
shareholder seeks to recover costs or attorneys’ (A) No, because none of the deposition testi-
fees related to the motion or to have sanctions mony is admissible in evidence under these
imposed on the corporation? circumstances.

(A) The shareholder may not recover costs or (B) No, because, while the deposition testimony
attorneys’ fees or have sanctions imposed. is generally admissible under these circum-
stances, the court may exclude the leading
(B) The shareholder may recover the costs of question and answer on the basis of the
asserting the motion to compel but may plaintiff’s objection at trial.
not recover any attorneys’ fees or have
sanctions imposed. (C) Yes, because the deposition testimony is
generally admissible under these circum-
(C) The shareholder may recover the costs stances, and the plaintiff waived any objec-
and attorneys’ fees incurred in asserting tion to the leading question because the
the motion to compel, but may not have plaintiff did not object to the question at the
sanctions imposed. deposition.

(D) The shareholder may recover costs and (D) Yes, because once a part of the deposition
attorneys’ fees incurred in asserting the testimony is admissible under these circum-
motion to compel, and may have sanctions stances, all of the deposition is admissible
imposed. regardless of the plaintiff’s objection.


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Question 22 Question 23

A hotelier entered into a contract with a An office furniture supplier filed a breach
merchant to have the merchant build and of contract action against a law firm in federal
deliver custom furniture having a total cost of district court to recover the balance due on
$1 million. The hotelier is a resident of State an account for furniture it supplied. The law
A and the merchant is a resident of State B. firm filed a motion to dismiss the action on the
The merchant completed the furniture but the ground that service of process was improper.
hotelier refused delivery, claiming that the furni- Following a hearing, the court held that service
ture was not as the hotelier and merchant had was proper and sufficient. Two more months
agreed. The hotelier then filed an action against passed without the law firm filing an answer.
the merchant in federal district court, claiming The supplier then filed a motion to have the clerk
breach of contract and seeking the return of a of court make an entry of default, and the clerk
$100,000 deposit. The merchant filed an answer, did so.
denying liability and denying that it breached
the contract. At the same time, the merchant What procedure must the supplier follow to
filed and served a counterclaim asserting that the obtain a default judgment against the law firm?
hotelier had breached the contract and seeking
the $900,000 balance due. A week after being (A) File a motion to have the clerk of court en-
served with the merchant’s answer and counter- ter the default judgment, and the clerk may
claim, the hotelier filed a voluntary dismissal of do so without the law firm receiving any
the action. further notice of the motion.

Is the hotelier’s dismissal effective? (B) File a motion to have the clerk of court
enter the default judgment, and the clerk
(A) Yes, because the party that commenced an may do so as long as the law firm receives
action may always terminate it. additional notice of the motion for default
(B) Yes, because a plaintiff may voluntarily
dismiss an action of right if the plaintiff (C) File a motion to have the judge enter the
does so within 21 days of the defendant default judgment, and the judge may do so
filing an answer. without the law firm receiving any further
notice of the motion for default judgment.
(C) No, because, while the hotelier other-
wise would have had the right to dismiss (D) File a motion to have the judge enter the
the action, the hotelier cannot volun- default judgment, and the judge may do so
tarily dismiss the action because of the as long as the law firm receives additional
merchant’s pending counterclaim. notice of the motion for default judgment.

(D) No, because, after a defendant files an

answer, an action may be dismissed only by
a stipulation signed by all parties or by an
order of the court.


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Question 24 Question 25

The owner of property bordering a river A plaintiff filed a single cause of action
properly brought suit in federal court against against a defendant on a claim based on products
a power company, alleging that the power liability in state court. The plaintiff contends
company dumped radioactive waste water from that a space heater that he was using during the
one of its nuclear plants into the river, causing winter short-circuited, causing a fire that burned
the property owner many health issues and down his house. In July, the plaintiff’s case
resulting in the diminution of his property’s against the defendant went to trial, and the jury
value. The suit sought damages and a prelimi- determined that the fire was caused by faulty
nary injunction forbidding the power company wiring in the plaintiff’s home. The following
from dumping any waste into the river. The September, the plaintiff filed a breach of
power company was provided with notice of warranty action against the defendant in federal
the hearing, to which it sent its lawyer. During court, properly invoking the court’s diversity
the hearing, the power company claimed that it jurisdiction. The defendant, after properly
has complied with applicable state and federal being served with process, files an answer with
environmental regulations, and stated that it an affirmative defense of claim preclusion as
will continue to comply with the regulations his first pleading or motion. The defendant,
if the injunction is denied. The judge granted at an appropriate time, then files a motion for
the preliminary injunction and set a date for a summary judgment based on the assertion of
pretrial conference, as required by the Federal claim preclusion.
Rules of Civil Procedure.
How should the court rule on the defendant’s
May the power company immediately appeal motion?
the judge’s granting of the preliminary injunc-
tion? (A) Deny the motion, because the application
of claim preclusion is a factual issue for the
(A) No, because the order is not final. jury to determine.

(B) No, because the question has not been certi- (B) Deny the motion, because the plaintiff’s
fied as one falling within the Interlocutory breach of warranty theory is not the same
Appeals Act. cause of action as the plaintiff’s products
liability claim.
(C) Yes, but only if the power company takes
a default judgment, thereby making the (C) Grant the motion, because claim preclusion
judgment final. applies to bar the claim.

(D) Yes, because the order is immediately (D) Grant the motion, because the defendant,
appealable as of right. by raising the issue in his first pleading or
motion, did not waive the defense of claim


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MPQ 201 workshop civil procedure S.indd 16 12/7/2018 11:39:46 AM

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