Construction of A Parametrized Tracked Vehicle Model and Its Simulation in MSC - ADAMS Program

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Construction of a Parametrized Tracked Vehicle Model and its Simulation in


Article in Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control · November 2013
DOI: 10.1260/0263-0923.32.1-2.167


13 367

3 authors:

Tomasz Nabagło Janusz Kowal

AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


Andrzej Jurkiewicz
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


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Construction of a Parametrized Tracked

Vehicle Model and its Simulation in
Tomasz Nabaglo1, Janusz Kowal2 and Andrzej Jurkiewicz3

The paper summarizes the methods of a tracked vehicles model construction in
MSC.ADAMS program. Advantages and faults of these methods are described
here. Finally, the authors describe one chosen method with exact elements
geometry of the chosen real suspension parts. Basis on this method, a
construction of the tracked vehicle model is described. Parts of this model are
parameterized and can be fluently changed with usage of a dedicated user
interface. Next, a part of the tracked vehicle simulation results is presented.

Keywords: tracked vehicle model, ADAMS, vehicle parameterization

Tracked vehicles are designed for driving on a rough and irregular terrain. They can
be either civilian vehicles, used for heavy-duty, as also military vehicles used, on the
battlefield. By using software, which models and simulates objects dynamics, the
main difficulty in the modelling are associated with the track multi-body
mechanism. During the modelling process, the authors must decide whether they
should simplify the model. This may significantly decrease the simulation time.
They have to remember that they also reduce a degree of model fidelity. They may
increase the model fidelity, but this implies a longer simulation time.

In the tracked vehicles modelling techniques, a variety of model structure
simplifications is known. The simplifications are also connected with the wheels
and the tracks. The simplifications are connected with the wheels and the tracks.
Such solution is applied with usage of wheels with increased radius, after
elimination of the tracks. This model is used in so called MSC.ADAMS Tracked
Vehicle (ATV) module. The module is an extension of MSC.ADAMS package. This
simplification is defined as a string track model and illustrated in Fig. 1

Figure 1. String track model [2]

The above-mentioned simplification radically reduces the simulation time, due to

the elimination of multi-segment track mechanism. However, it may give inaccurate

1 Tomasz Nabaglo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology

2 Janusz Kowal, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Science and Technology
3 Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Science and


Vol. 32 No. 1+2 2013 153

Construction of a Parametrized Tracked Vehicle Model and its Simulation in

results when a hard surface with small bumps is crossed over. In such situation, high
fidelity of the track tangent surface and the road surface is the most important [4, 5].
The ATV module can generate a vehicle model with multi-body track too. This
model is further called a dynamic track model (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Dynamic track model [2]

Constraints, between the wheels and track links as also between the links and a
road surface, are contact constraints. In the case of the model generated by usage of
the ATV module, the track links have simplified forms. This feature is associated
with usage of model building simplifications, which are offered in the ATV. As
shown in Figure 3, the discrepancy between the simulation results of the string
model and the results of the dynamic track model are not significant.

Figure 3. Comparison of simulation results for dynamic and string track [2]

However, if high convergence between simulation results and measurements

results measured on the real vehicle is very important, then we should apply the real
geometry of chosen solids of tracked vehicle suspension.


In the article, the authors propose a solution with usage of track links, which are
copies of the real links shape.

Figure 4. Tracked vehicle suspension model based on real geometry of track segments and wheels

Also, some elements, such as road wheels, propulsion wheels and idler wheels
are based on geometry of the real parts, (Fig. 4). Each element is characterized by
its mass and inertia moments [1, 3]. To make simulation time shorter, the authors
assumed a simplified geometry of the selected elements, such as wishbones, torsion
bars, etc. In the case of contact constraints between two rigid solids, the authors used
the above-mentioned solids geometries. There are the same as geometries of the


Tomasz Nabaglo, Janusz Kowal and Andrzej Jurkiewicz

elements in the real vehicle. Due to the contact constraints, the original geometries
of the real vehicle elements were retained for the track links and the propulsion
wheels. In the model building process, in order to facilitate their construction, we
can divide the full model into several groups of elements.

3.1. Focus on the construction elements groups

The tracked vehicle model is constructed with elements, which can be divided into
five groups of subsystems, shown in Figures 5 to 7. Figure 5 shows a vehicle hull
module based on the real geometry of the vehicle hull and its mass and inertia

Figure 5. Vehicle hull

Next group consists of the suspension system elements (Fig. 6). The suspension
is based on torsion bars. The single, repeatable road wheel suspension includes the
torsion bar element and suspension arm fixed to the torsion bar. The forces acting
on the torsion bars are modelled with usage of torsion springs elements (from
TORSION_SPRING_1.sforce to TORSION_SPRING_12.sforce). In this particular
model, dampers and bumpstops are installed on the axles 1,2 and 6, starting from
the front of the vehicle. Before the first road wheel axis, an idler wheels suspension
system is placed. The idler wheels suspensions are attached to the hull in the fixed
position (Fig. 6). Next to the last road wheel, rotational joints of the propulsion
wheels are placed. Kinematic excitations act in the rotational joints simulating a
vehicle propulsion. The rotational constraints appear not only in joints connecting
torsion bars with the hull but also in connections of suspension arms with road
wheels. They appear in connections of the hull with the propulsion wheels and idlers
with the idler wheels too.

Figure 6. Suspension system based on torsion bars

Vol. 32 No. 1+2 2013 155

Construction of a Parametrized Tracked Vehicle Model and its Simulation in

As it was mentioned above, the propulsion wheels geometries are copies of the
propulsion wheels geometries of the real vehicle. A geometry of the other wheels
are approximately close to the original, but note that because of detailed
dimensioning of these elements, approximation level is high (see Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Wheel set

Another element is the tracks set (Fig. 8). The single track link geometry is based
on the geometry of the real track link. Positions of track links and connections
between subsequent links as also constraints between wheels and tracks and also
tracks and a road surface was set up with usage of a private tool program. This
program was written in so called ADAMS Script language.

Figure 8. Tracks set

A road surface, on which the vehicle is moving, is the final element of the model.
On the road, a lateral obstacle is located. This obstacle is crossed over with the right
track of the vehicle. The obstacle is a beam, which height equals 17cm, width 20cm
and length 2m.

3.2. Model parameterization

The authors have built the model, which was initially parameterized. The
parameterization lets rebuild the model in very short time. It lets researchers
conduct tests of many different solutions of the model construction. Through
multiple simulation with many versions of model parameters, the researchers can
choose best solutions in the desired conditions. For the task of various models
testing, a User Interface (UI) have been built (see Fig. 9). In this UI users can not
only observe values of parameters but also change it fluently. The effect of changing
can be observed at once after it, on the full vehicle model. In the same time such
parameters like mass and inertia moments are recalculated.
The UI is built with four tabs containing: Construction parameters associated
with coordinates, Construction parameters associated with dimensions, Parameters
of elastic elements and finally Measurements. Tabs “Construction parameters” let us


Tomasz Nabaglo, Janusz Kowal and Andrzej Jurkiewicz

Figure 9. User interface

set, so called, hard-points of construction in Cartesian coordinate system or let us

establish lengths and radiuses of such elements as torsion bars or wheels. In tab
“Elastic elements parameters”, an operator can set stiffness and damping
coefficients or he can input stiffness and damping characteristics, when he chooses
option “nonlinear” for a spring or damper element. Almost all of these tabs are
preprocessor tools but the last one of them called “Measurements” is a
postprocessor tool. It lets us plot time-traces of such variables like accelerations and
displacements of the hull or wheels. The UI lets us set in a very short time, such
variable like vehicle velocity. This variable is particularly important during the
simulation process. The whole UI is written in so called ADAMS Script. This script
through usage a simple syntax lets us construct complex user interfaces. It lets us
also set and ignite simulations or even construct the full track system automatically
and relatively fast.

3.3. Full vehicle model

The whole model of the tracked vehicle is shown in Figure 10. A set of model
parameters that were measured on a real object encloses masses and inertia
moments of such elements like the vehicle hull, idler wheel, propulsion wheel and
track link. Masses and inertia moments of the other elements are calculated
automatically based on geometries of these elements, in condition that they are
made from steel. Assumed density of steel equals 7801 kg/m3. All elements of the
suspension system model, excluding susceptible elements such as springs, dampers,
bushings, track and wheel rubbers, are rigid solids. The authors assumed identical
elastic-kinematic parameters for all suspension torsion bars. The bar torsional
stiffness, in the model, was calculated based on the characteristics of the real torsion
bar stiffness. To simplify the model, a linear stiffness characteristics was assumed

Figure 10. The full model of tracked vehicle

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Construction of a Parametrized Tracked Vehicle Model and its Simulation in

for torsion springs and torsion dampers. The stiffness coefficient equals 308.74
N·m/°. The damping coefficient equals 43.45 N·m·s/°.
A preload torque on the single bar was assumed according to data enclosed in the
technical documentation of the vehicle. Angular deviations of suspension arms from
the horizontal position for preload conditions were also taken from the
documentation. The damper models mounted on axes 1, 2 and 6 are based on non-
linear damping characteristics.


The simulation was carried out at a speed of 22 km/h. The results are presented in
conditions of crossing a rectangular beam obstacle with right wheels. The obstacle
is described at the end of section 3.1. The simulation results are available in the
visualization mode (Fig. 11). In the upper part of the figure we observe behaviour
of the first three road wheels. It describes vertical displacements of these wheels. We
can observe here also influence of one wheel movement for other road wheels
displacement. In the lower part, road wheels vertical accelerations are presented. We
can observe here the strongest reaction of the first road wheel. Reactions of the next
wheels are successively smaller and smaller. In the right side of the figure we can
observe behaviour of the vehicle model. In ADAMS/View environment we can
observe this behaviour in the real time presentation synchronized with both above
mentioned time-traces.

Figure 11. Simulation results

Based on construction and simulation processes, the authors observed many benefits
of the high fidelity model construction in the ADAMS/View module without usage
of the ATV. Usage of the private tool application to the track model construction
gives more possibilities in the construction process and improves model fidelity.
Parameterization of the model makes its construction and verification process more
flexible and comfortable for users. Due to contact constraints, in case of such
objects like tracked vehicles, the fidelity of specific parts like wheels and track
links, is very important. However, simplifications can speed up the modelling and
simulation process, but they could have significant negative effect on the results

[1] ADAMS-ver. 2010, Help Documentation (ADAMS/View, Solver),
MSC.Software 2010.


Tomasz Nabaglo, Janusz Kowal and Andrzej Jurkiewicz

[2] Skovbjerg H., Complete Dynamic Solution for Tracked Vehicles, Web site:
mics/ATV_webinar/ATV%20webinar.html, 2013.

[3] Wojtyra M., Fraczek J., Metoda ukladów wieloczlonowych w dynamice

mechanizmów, (transl.: Method of multi-body systems if mechanisms
dynamics), OWPW, Warszawa 2007, ISBN: 978-83-7207-703-5.

[4] Assani D.N., Bryzik W.,et. al., Modeling and Simulation of an M1 Abrams
Tank withAdvanced Track Dynamics and Integrated Virtual Diesel Engine,
Mech. Struct. & Mach., Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 453-505, 1999.

[5] Ryu1 H. S., Bae D. S., et. al., A compliant track link model for high-speed,
high-mobility tracked vehicles, International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Engineering, No. 48, pp. 1481-1502, 2000.

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