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Safety and immunogenicity of inactivated poliovirus vaccine

schedules for the post-eradication era: a randomised
open-label, multicentre, phase 3, non-inferiority trial
Ananda S Bandyopadhyay, Chris Gast, Luis Rivera, Xavier Sáez-Llorens, M Steven Oberste, William C Weldon, John Modlin, Ralf Clemens,
Sue Ann Costa Clemens, Jose Jimeno, Ricardo Rüttimann

Background Following the global eradication of wild poliovirus, countries using live attenuated oral poliovirus vaccines Lancet Infect Dis 2021;
will transition to exclusive use of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) or fractional doses of IPV (f-IPV; a f-IPV dose is 21: 559–68

one-fifth of a normal IPV dose), but IPV supply and cost constraints will necessitate dose-sparing strategies. We Published Online
October 23, 2020
compared immunisation schedules of f-IPV and IPV to inform the choice of optimal post-eradication schedule.
Methods This randomised open-label, multicentre, phase 3, non-inferiority trial was done at two centres in Panama For the Spanish translation of the
and one in the Dominican Republic. Eligible participants were healthy 6-week-old infants with no signs of febrile abstract see Online for
illness or known allergy to vaccine components. Infants were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1, 1:1:1:2, 2:1:1:1), using appendix 1
computer-generated blocks of four or five until the groups were full, to one of four groups and received: two doses of Polio, Global Development,
intradermal f-IPV (administered at 14 and 36 weeks; two f-IPV group); or three doses of intradermal f-IPV Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, Seattle, USA
(administered at 10, 14, and 36 weeks; three f-IPV group); or two doses of intramuscular IPV (administered at 14 and (A S Bandyopadhyay MBBS,
36 weeks; two IPV group); or three doses of intramuscular IPV (administered at 10, 14, and 36 weeks; three IPV J Modlin MD); Biostatistics
group). The primary outcome was seroconversion rates based on neutralising antibodies for poliovirus type 1 and Consultant, Seattle,
Washington, USA (C Gast PhD);
type 2 at baseline and at 40 weeks (4 weeks after the second or third vaccinations) in the per-protocol population to
Hospital Maternidad Nuestra
allow non-inferiority and eventually superiority comparisons between vaccines and regimens. Three co-primary Señora de la Altagracia,
outcomes concerning poliovirus types 1 and 2 were to determine if seroconversion rates at 40 weeks of age after a Santo Domingo, Dominican
two-dose regimen (administered at weeks 14 and 36) of intradermally administered f-IPV were non-inferior to a Republic (L Rivera MD);
Department of Infectious
corresponding two-dose regimen of intramuscular IPV; if seroconversion rates at 40 weeks of age after a two-dose IPV
Disease, Hospital del Niño
regimen (weeks 14 and 36) were non-inferior to those after a three-dose IPV regimen (weeks 10, 14, and 36); and if Dr José Renán Esquivel,
seroconversion rates after a two-dose f-IPV regimen (weeks 14 and 36) were non-inferior to those after a three-dose Panama City, Panama
f-IPV regimen (weeks 10, 14, and 36). The non-inferiority boundary was set at –10% for the lower bound of the two- (X Sáez-Llorens MD,
J Jimeno MD); Division of Viral
sided 95% CI for the seroconversion rate difference. Safety was assessed as serious adverse events and important
Diseases, National Center for
medical events. This study is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03239496. Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases, CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA
Findings From Oct 23, 2017, to Nov 13, 2018, we enrolled 773 infants (372 [48%] girls) in Panama and the Dominican (M S Oberste PhD,
W C Weldon PhD); Global
Republic (two f-IPV group n=217, three f-IPV group n=178, two IPV group n=178, and three IPV group n=200).
Research in Infectious Diseases,
686 infants received all scheduled vaccine doses and were included in the per-protocol analysis. We observed non- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
inferiority for poliovirus type 1 seroconversion rate at 40 weeks for the two f-IPV dose schedule (95·9% [95% CI (R Clemens MD,
92·0–98·2]) versus the two IPV dose schedule (98·7% [95·4–99·8]), and for the three f-IPV dose schedule (98·8% S A Costa Clemens); and
Fighting Infectious Diseases in
[95·6–99·8]) versus the three IPV dose schedule (100% [97·9–100]). Similarly, poliovirus type 2 seroconversion rate at Emerging Countries, Miami,
40 weeks for the two f-IPV dose schedule (97·9% [94·8–99·4]) versus the two IPV dose schedule (99·4% [96·4–100]), FL, USA (R Ruttimann MD)
and for the three f-IPV dose schedule (100% [97·7–100]) versus the three IPV dose schedule (100% [97·9–100]) were Correspondence to:
non-inferior. Seroconversion rate for the two f-IPV regimen was statistically superior 4 weeks after the last vaccine dose Dr Ananda S Bandyopadhyay,
in the 14 and 36 week schedule (95·9% [92·0–98·2]) compared with the 10 and 14 week schedule (83·2% [76·5–88·6]; Polio, Global Development,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
p=0·0062) for poliovirus type 1. Statistical superiority of the 14 and 36 week schedule was also found for poliovirus
Seattle, WA 98119, USA
type 2 (14 and 36 week schedule 97·9% [94·8–99·4] vs 10 and 14 week schedule 83·9% [77·2–89·2]; p=0·0062), and ananda.bandyopadhyay@
poliovirus type 3 (14 and 36 week schedule 84·5% [78·7–89·3] vs 10 and 14 week schedule 73·3% [65·8–79·9]; gatesfoundation.org
p=0·0062). For IPV, a two dose regimen administered at 14 and 36 weeks (99·4% [96·4–100]) was superior a 10 and
14 week schedule (88·9% [83·4–93·1]; p<0·0001) for poliovirus type 2, but not for type 1 (14 and 36 week schedule
98·7% [95·4–99·8] vs 10 and 14 week schedule 95·6% [91·4–98·1]), or type 3 (14 and 36 week schedule 97·4% [93·5–99·3]
vs 10 and 14 week schedule 93·9% [89·3–96·9]). There were no related serious adverse events or important medical
events reported in any group showing safety was unaffected by administration route or schedule.

Interpretation Our observations suggest that adequate immunity against poliovirus type 1 and type 2 is provided by
two doses of either IPV or f-IPV at 14 and 36 weeks of age, and broad immunity is provided with three doses of f-IPV,
enabling substantial savings in cost and supply. These novel clinical data will inform global polio immunisation
policy for the post-eradication era.

www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021 559


Funding Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.

Introduction associated with circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses.3,4

For decades, trivalent oral poliovirus vaccines (OPV; Areas with low vaccination coverage, where homotypic
poliovirus type 1, type 2, and type 3) were the preferred wild polioviruses have been eliminated, with epidemiologic
vaccines for polio control and eradication, with trivalent conditions—such as low socio­ economic status, poor
inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) exclusively used in a hygiene and sanitation, and high population density—that
few high-income countries until 2000.1 Use of these favour poliovirus transmission are at increased risk of
vaccines has driven the progress toward global eradication circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreaks caused by
of wild polioviruses.2 Eradication of wild poliovirus type 2 reverted strains of live attenuated vaccine virus that have
was declared on Sept 20, 2015, with the last reported case regained trans­missibility and neurovirulence.5 Since the
in October 1999, and the eradication of wild poliovirus global cessation of routine use of poliovirus type 2 Sabin
type 3 was declared on Oct 17, 2019, following the OPV, an increasing number of circulating vaccine-derived
last reported case in November, 2012. Since 2017, wild poliovirus type 2 outbreaks have been reported. The
poliovirus type 1 cases have only been reported in number of reported circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus
Afghanistan (14 cases in 2017, 21 cases in 2018, 29 cases in outbreaks more than tripled from nine between Jan 1, 2017
2019, and 47 cases to date in 2020) and Pakistan (eight cases and June 30, 2018 to 29 between Jan 1, 2018 and June 30,
in 2017, 12 cases in 2018, 147 cases in 2019, and 73 cases to 2019.6 This has led the WHO to designate these outbreaks
date in 2020).3 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
After the certification of global wild poliovirus type 2 Several clinical trials have contributed data to the
eradication, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts evidence base to support the adoption of combined
on Immunisation (SAGE) recommended global with­ bivalent OPV and IPV schedules.7–11 Most low-income
drawal of live type 2 poliovirus vaccines from all use from countries now include one IPV dose with their bivalent
May, 2016, replacing trivalent OPV with bivalent OPV OPV primary series. IPV introduction was delayed in
(types 1 and 3), and the inclusion of at least one dose of approximately 40 low risk countries because of restricted
IPV in routine infant schedules. This dose of IPV is the global manufacturing capacity resulting in supply con­
only source of immunity against poliovirus type 2; it is straints. Faced with supply and cost constraints the
administered to prevent paralysis because of the risks WHO SAGE and regional Technical Advisory Groups

Research in context
Evidence before this study Added value of this study
The declaration of eradication of wild poliovirus type 3 on The present study was done specifically to investigate the
October 17, 2019 means only the continuing circulation of wild responses to two or three doses of f-IPV in polio vaccine-naive
poliovirus type 1 in Afghanistan and Pakistan confounds the infants as primary vaccinations, and to directly compare these
goal of global eradication of wild polioviruses. Once eradication with equivalent schedules using full dose IPV. By using a
is achieved current planning suggests that children will still delayed schedule we were also able to assess the effect of the
need to be immunised against polio for at least another decade timing of these vaccinations on the immune responses, and the
primarily because of the ongoing threat posed by circulating influence of pre-existing maternal antibodies on the final
vaccine-derived polioviruses. To accomplish this strategy while immunogenicity.
removing the source of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses
Implications of all the available evidence
will require the replacement of all routine use of oral poliovirus
This study provides the first clear and direct comparison of f-IPV
vaccines (OPV) with inactivated poliovirus vaccines (IPV).
with full-dose IPV as primary immunisation of infants against
Because the manufacturing capacity of IPV is currently
poliovirus in delayed schedules. It confirms that
inadequate for projected global demand and their cost makes
immunogenicity can be conferred using f-IPV doses to make
them unaffordable for many low-income countries, WHO and
such dose-sparing immunisations affordable in low-income
associated bodies have recommended use of fewer doses or
and middle-income countries provided the immunisation
fractional doses of IPV (f-IPV) administered intradermally.
schedule is adapted to ensure maternal antibodies do not
We searched PubMed from the inception of the database until interfere with the response. As such, it will inform policy makers
April 27, 2020, using the terms “polio”, “vaccine”, “fractional”, to formulate future immunisation recommendations following
and “immunogenicity”. We found 20 reviews and clinical global eradication of wild-type polioviruses and cessation of all
studies in which f-IPV was used as priming or booster doses, but OPV use.
few of these were clinical studies in which f-IPV was used for the
full infant primary immunisation series.

560 www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021


recommended alternative IPV vaccination schemes be for Harmonisation and Good Clinical Practice guidelines.
introduced, including intradermal application of fractional The trial is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03239496.
IPV (f-IPV) doses rather than full-dose IPV.12,13 Although
the supply situation has improved,14 the potential global Randomisation and masking
withdrawal of all OPV following the declaration of global At enrolment infants were randomly assigned (1:1:1:1,
eradication of all wild-type polioviruses will necessitate 1:1:1:2, or 2:1:1:1) in varying block sizes of four or five to
increased use of IPV or f-IPV as the sole source of one of four vaccination schedules: three IPV doses (three
poliovirus immunity for infants. IPV group), two IPV doses (two IPV group), three f-IPV
Alfaro-Murillo and colleagues15 have suggested that doses (three f-IPV group), or two f-IPV doses (two f-IPV
OPV withdrawal could be done in regions, such as the group). Study nurses were trained in the injection
Americas, where paralytic disease is entirely caused by technique for intradermal administration. Because of the
vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis and circulating nature of the trial assessing four different vaccination
vaccine-derived polioviruses. There is no risk of vaccine- schedules, admin­istrators, nurses giving the vaccine, and
associated paralytic poliomyelitis or emergence of the infants and their parents or guardians were not
vaccine-derived poliovirus associated with IPV use. masked to treatment allocation, but laboratory staff
Alfaro-Murillo and colleagues15 also acknowledged that a responsible for measuring the immunogenicity out­
switch from OPV to IPV in some regions will be difficult comes for the primary outcomes were masked to
to achieve because of cost and the shortfall in supply of treatment group and timepoint the sample was taken.
IPV. This highlights the urgent need for scientific
evidence to clarify the optimal IPV scheme to implement Procedures
for the long term, following cessation of all OPV use. The study vaccine was a WHO-prequalified Salk IPV
This study aimed to compare immune responses to vaccine (Poliomyelitis Vaccine [Inactivated], Serum
intramuscular full-dose IPV with intradermal f-IPV in Institute of India, Pune, India), which is representative of
two different schedules in poliovirus-naive infants in all available IPV vaccines. Each 0·5 mL dose contained
Panama and the Dominican Republic where there have 40 D antigen units Mahoney strain (poliovirus type 1),
been no wild poliovirus or detectable circulating vaccine- 8 D antigen units MEF-1 strain (poliovirus type 2), and
derived polioviruses transmission since the 2000–01 32 D antigen units Saukett strain (poliovirus type 3),
outbreak.16 Infant vaccination sche­dules vary between the 2·5 mg of 2-phenoxyethanol, and up to 12·5 μg of
two countries. In 2014, Panama replaced OPV with formaldehyde. Full intramuscular IPV doses were
hexavalent (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-hepatitis B-IPV- administered in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh using
Haemophilus influenzae type b) combi­nation vaccine for a standard needle and syringe. Fractional doses, one-fifth
the three dose infant schedule, with bivalent OPV of the full dose presented in 0·1 mL, were administered
boosters at 18 months and 4 years of age. Whereas, the intradermally in the upper arm using a 0·1 mL autodisable
Dominican Republic uses IPV at 2 months followed by syringe. Vaccines were administered to the two f-IPV
bivalent OPV at 4, 6, 18 months, and 4 years of age. group on weeks 14 and 36; to the three f-IPV group on
Absence of any outbreak response use of poliovirus type weeks 10, 14, and 36; to the two IPV group on weeks 14
2 OPV in these two countries provided an ideal and 36 weeks; and to the three IPV group on weeks 10, 14,
epidemiological setting to study poliovirus vaccine and 36. For this study infants in both countries received
immunogenicity that simulates the post-OPV era. the same routine vaccines in the same schedules (figure 1).
This was necessary because the standard hexavalent IPV-
Methods containing combi­nation vaccine had to be replaced with a
Study design and participants pentavalent one (diphtheria, tetanus, whole-cell pertussis,
This randomised, open-label, multicentre, phase 3, non- hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b) to allow
inferiority trial was done at two urban sites in Panama and the IPV and f-IPV vaccines to be administered separately.
one urban site in the Dominican Republic. Eligible When necessary, the polio vaccines were administered
participants were healthy 6-week-old infants with no signs concomitantly with routine infant vaccines (pentavalent
of febrile illness or known allergy to vaccine components. combination, pneumococcal, rotavirus, and influenza),
Infants were excluded if they had received previous which were administered according to the national
poliovirus vaccination, had a known HIV infection, had immuni­ sation recommendations (figure 1). Infants in
any blood disorder contraindicating intramuscular or the two-dose groups (the two IPV group and the
intradermal injections, or if any household contacts had two f-IPV group) received additional IPV vaccinations
been vaccinated with OPV in the previous 4 weeks. after the study to ensure they met these requirements.
Institutional Review Boards of each study centre and Infants were monitored for 30 min after vacci­nation,
the respective national committees approved the study then parents recorded solicited local reactions (pain,
protocol. Parents or guardians of all participating infants induration, and redness) and body temperature for 7 days;
provided signed informed consent before enrolment and unsolicited adverse events were monitored throughout the
the study was done according to International Council study in e-diaries. Parents were to immediately report the

www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021 561


Concomitant routine vaccinations Study polio vaccinations

DTwP-HBV-Hib at weeks 6, 10 & 14 Three IPV group
+ Rota & Pneumo at weeks 6 & 14
Two IPV group

Three f-IPV group After the study, 1 or 2 additional full

IPV intramuscular doses were given to
Two f-IPV group complete the recommended dose


Weeks 6 10 14 18 20 30 36 40

Blood sampling

Three IPV group All All Two IPV group All

and three f-IPV group groups groups and two f-IPV group groups

Figure 1: Study design

The experimental study schedule used in the four study groups in both the Dominican Republic and Panama illustrating the administration of IPV and f-IPV, the
concomitant routine vaccinations, and the blood sampling timepoints for assessment of poliovirus neutralising antibodies. IPV was administered intramuscularly. f-IPV
was administered intradermally. f-IPV was one-fifth of a normal IPV dose. IPV=inactived poliovirus vaccine. f-IPV=fractional-inactived poliovirus vaccine.DTwP=diptheria-
tetanus-whole-cell pertussis vaccine. HBV=hepatitis B vaccine. Hib=Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. Rota=rotavirus vaccine. Pneumo=pneumococcal vaccine.

occurrence of any serious adverse events or important or two or three doses of f-IPV, to decrease the number
medical events throughout the duration of the study. of doses required to provide an adequate standard of
Serious adverse events were defined as death or events that immune protection in the community.
were either life-threatening, required hospitalisation, or Three co-primary outcomes concerning poliovirus
resulted in persistent or significant disability or incapacity. types 1 and 2 were to determine if seroconversion rates at
Important medical events were medically significant 40 weeks of age after a two-dose regimen of intradermally
See Online for appendix 2 events defined in the protocol (appendix 2) that did not administered f-IPV were non-inferior to a corresponding
meet any serious adverse events criteria but required two-dose regimen of intramuscular IPV; if seroconversion
medical consultation or intervention. rates at 40 weeks of age after a two-dose IPV regimen were
Four blood samples were taken from each participant: non-inferior to those after a three-dose IPV regimen; and if
at 10 or 14 weeks of age before the first vaccination, and at seroconversion rates after a two-dose f-IPV regimen are
18, 36, and 40 weeks of age (figure 1). Sera were stored at non-inferior to those after a three-dose f-IPV regimen.
temperatures of –20°C or lower for measurement of Secondary outcomes included assess­ments of superiority
neutralising antibodies against polioviruses type 1, of seroconversion rates for polio­virus types 1 and 2 of the
type 2, and type 3 using the WHO standard micro­ four regimens with different administration schedules,
neutralisation assay (WHO EPI GEN 93.9) adapted at the immunogenicity of different regimens in terms of
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention laboratories neutralising antibody titres, and safety. Exploratory
(Atlanta, GA, USA), as previously described.17 Sero­ outcomes included the primary and secondary outcomes
protection rates (group proportions with a reciprocal for poliovirus type 1 and type 2, applied to poliovirus type 3.
neutralising antibody titre ≥8 for each poliovirus type)
and group geometric mean titres at each timepoint were Statistical analysis
calculated using a logarithmic (base 2) scale. Immune To maintain statistical power without increasing the
responses were expressed as seroconversion rates (total required number of participants, primary objective
proportions of each group that changed from seronegative comparisons were restricted to poliovirus type 1 and type 2
to sero­ positive, or baseline seropositive infants who considering the current global epidemiology of polio­
displayed a four-times or higher increase in antibody viruses. They also represent examples of poliovirus types
titres after vaccination assuming an exponential decay of that are included (type 1) and excluded (type 2) from the
maternal antibodies with a half-life of 24 days). bivalent OPV vaccines used in both study countries in case
the ongoing use of these live viruses in the study
Outcomes environment influences the responses. Before the study,
The primary objective of the study was to determine seroconversion rates of 80% for the three IPV group,
whether the immune response induced against 96% for the two IPV group, 64% for the three f-IPV group,
poliovirus type 1 and type 2—the two poliovirus types and 95% for the two f-IPV group after the second dose
that as wild polioviruses or circulating vaccine-derived were assumed, and seroconversion rates of 99% for the
poliovirus are responsible for all current cases of paralytic three IPV group and 96% for the three f-IPV group after
disease—4 weeks after completion of the primary series the third dose were assumed. Sample sizes were chosen
were similar between infants who received vaccine such that the primary non-inferiority comparison would
schedules that consisted of two or three doses of IPV, have 80% or higher power for a joint comparison of

562 www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021


785 screened

12 ineligible

773 randomised

200 to the three IPV group 178 to the two IPV group 178 to the three f-IPV group 217 to the two f-IPV group

5 withdrawn by parents 6 withdrawn by parents 8 withdrawn by parents 10 withdrawn by parents

195 received first dose 172 received first dose 170 received first dose 207 received first dose

9 discontinued 4 discontinued 4 discontinued 4 discontinued

1 death 4 withdrawn by parents 2 lost to follow-up 2 lost to follow-up
2 lost to follow-up 2 withdrawn by parents 1 other
1 protocol violation 1 withdrawn by parents
1 serious adverse event
4 withdrawn by parents

186 received all doses and completed 168 received all doses and completed all 166 received all doses and completed all 203 received all doses and completed all
all visits visits visits visits

8 excluded 9 excluded 6 excluded 8 excluded

4 protocol violations 5 protocol violations 3 protocol violations 2 missing lab data
1 major study window 3 major study window 2 major study window 1 wrong study procedure
deviation deviations deviations 2 major study window
2 wrong study procedure 1 out of window final 1 prohibited concomitant deviations
1 unrelated serious adverse sample vaccination 3 out of window final
event* samples

178 included in per protocol analysis 159 included in per protocol analysis 160 included in per protocol analysis 195 included in per protocol analysis

Figure 2: Trial profile

IPV=inactived poliovirus vaccine. f-IPV=fractional-inactived poliovirus vaccine. *Infant had sepsis and fully recovered. Sepsis occurred at 18 weeks and could have interfered with the immune response
to vaccination. IPV was administered intramuscularly. f-IPV was administered intradermally.

poliovirus type 1 and type 2 (90% for each type individually). which the participant age differed at this time point (eg,
Secondary comparisons of superiority and non-inferiority the three IPV group vs the two IPV group after the first two
also had 80% power or higher, except for the comparison doses), accounting for the decay of maternally derived
between the two f-IPV group and the three IPV group, antibody as previously described. Superiority comparisons
which could not have been meaningfully increased without of seroconversion rates were made using one-sided
an infeasibly large sample size. The sample size for each Fisher’s exact test (α=0·025). Comparisons of neutralising
group was further increased, assuming a 10% dropout and antibody titres between regimens at the same timepoint
non-evaluability rate. All non-inferiority comparisons of were done using geometric mean titre ratios, facilitated by
seroconversion rates between vaccine regimens and an analysis of covariance model of the log₂ titre to adjust
vaccine types were made with the lower bound of two- for the baseline concentration and study site as fixed
sided score-based CIs (α=0·05) with a 10% non-inferiority effects. Non-inferiority of regimen 1 to regimen 2 was
margin. The non-inferiority margin was chosen via the declared if the lower 95% bound of the two-sided CI for the
fixed-margin method, including preservation of 90% geometric mean titre ratio is greater than 0·67, selected as
benefit (lower CI of seroconversion rate from previous the more stringent of common margins for non-inferiority
studies),18,19 expected for comparator groups involved in evaluations of geometric mean titres between vaccines or
primary objective comparisons. All comparisons were vaccine regimens in accordance with WHO guidance on
made with the sample taken 4 weeks after the last the clinical evaluation of vaccines. No adjustment for
vaccination for each specified regimen, including those in multiple comparisons was done in this study.

www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021 563


Three IPV group Two IPV group Three f-IPV group Two f-IPV group Poliovirus Poliovirus Poliovirus type
(n=195) (n=172) (n=170) (n=207) type 1 type 2 3 (95% CI)
(95% CI) (95% CI)
Mean age, weeks (SD) 5·5 (0·70) 5·5 (1·02) 5·5 (0·68) 5·4 (1·05)
Boys 104 (53%) 83 (48%) 93 (55%) 105 (51%) Non-inferiority comparisons

Girls 91 (47%) 89 (52%) 77 (45%) 102 (49%) Two f-IPV group vs –2·2 –0·8 –12·2
two IPV group (–6·3 to 1·8) (–4·1 to 2·6) (–18·4 to –6·5)
Two IPV group vs –1·9 –1·3 –3·1
Black 3 (2) 1 (1) 7 (4) 3 (1) three IPV group (–5·4 to 0·3) (–4·5 to 0·9) (–7·2 to –1·0)
Hispanic 105 (54) 107 (62) 100 (59) 131 (63) Two f-IPV group vs –2·9 –2·1 –9·1
Latin American 84 (43) 64 (37) 62 (36) 69 (33) three f-IPV group (–6·8 to 0·8) (–5·2 to 0·3) (–15·7 to –2·7)
White 3 (2) 0 (0) 1 (1) 4 (2) Three f-IPV group vs –1·3 0 –6·3
Mean weight, kg (SD) 4·4 (0·63) 4·4 (0·63) 4·4 (0·66) 4·4 (0·55) three IPV group (–4·4 to 0·9) (–2·9 to 2·5) (–11·1 to –3·4)
Range, kg 3·2–6·3 2·9–6·5 2·2–6·0 2·0–5·9 Two f-IPV group vs –4·1 –2·1 –15·4
three IPV group (–7·9 to –1·9) (–5·2 to 0·1) (–21·1 to –11·0)
Baseline seropositivity rate*
Three f-IPV group vs 0·6 1·3 –3·1
Poliovirus type 1 84 (43%) 46 (27%) 79 (46%) 52 (25%) two IPV group (–2·8 to 4·3) (–1·1 to 4·5) (–8·4 to 1·7)
Poliovirus type 2 97 (50%) 43 (25%) 71 (42%) 49 (24%) Superiority comparisons
Poliovirus type 3 44 (23%) 17 (10%) 31 (18%) 24 (12%) Two IPV group vs 2·6 9·9 3·0
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified. The three IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. three IPV group after (–1·5 to 6·9) (5·2 to 15·5)† (–1·8 to 7·9)
The two IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. The three f-IPV group received intradermal two doses
vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. The two f-IPV group received intradermal vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. f-IPV was Two f-IPV group vs 12·7 14·1 11·3
one-fifth of a normal IPV dose. IPV=inactivated poliovirus vaccine. f-IPV=fractional inactivated poliovirus vaccine. three f-IPV group (6·6 to 19·6)† (8·6 to 20·8)† (2·9 to 20·0)‡
*Baseline measured at 10 weeks for the three dose regimens and at 14 weeks for the two dose regimens. after two doses

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of all patients that received at least one vaccine The three IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks.
The two IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. The three
f-IPV group received intradermal vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. The two f-IPV
group received intradermal vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. *Using values at 18 weeks
Poliovirus type 1 Poliovirus type 2 Poliovirus type 3
for the three dose regimens, 4 weeks after administration of second dose.
n/N (% [95% CI]) n/N (% [95% CI]) n/N (% [95% CI])
†p<0·0001. ‡p=0·0062.
Three IPV group at week 18 172/180 160/180 169/180
after two doses (96% [91·4–98·1]) (88% [83·4–93·1]) 93·9 (89·3–96·9) Table 3: Superiority and non-inferiority comparisons between the per-
Three IPV group at week 40 178/178 178/178 178/178 protocol population of each vaccine schedule group
after three doses (100% [97·9–100]) (100% [97·9–100]) 100 (97·9–100)
Two IPV group at week 40 152/154 153/154 150/154 Results
after two doses (99% [95·4–99·8]) (99% [96·4–100]) (97% [93·5–99·3])
From Oct 23, 2017, to Nov 13, 2018, we enrolled
Three f-IPV group at week 18 134/161 135/161 118/161
after two doses (83% [76·5–88·6]) (84% [77·2–89·2]) (73% [65·8–79·9]) 773 (372 [48%] girls) infants in Panama and the Dominican
Three f-IPV group at week 40 158/160 160/160 150/160
Republic. Enrolment was balanced by site in Panama and
after three doses (99% [95·6–99·8]) (100% [97·7–100]) (94% [88·8–97·0]) the Dominican Republic and infants were randomly
Two f-IPV group at week 40 186/194 190/194 164/194 assigned to the four study groups (two f-IPV group n=207,
after two doses (96% [92·0–98·2]) (98% [94·8–99·4]) (85% [78·7–89·3]) three f-IPV group n=170, two IPV group n=172, and
Data are n (%) unless otherwise specified. The three IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. three IPV group n=195). 744 (96%) received at least one
The two IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. The three f-IPV group received intradermal polio vaccination (367 IPV and 377 f-IPV) representing
vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. The two f-IPV group received intradermal vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. f-IPV was
the safety population (figure 2). Of whom, 723 (94%)
one-fifth of a normal IPV dose. IPV=inactivated poliovirus vaccine. f-IPV=fractional inactivated poliovirus vaccine.
completed their vaccination regimens at week 40, and
Table 2: Seroconversion rates by poliovirus type in the per-protocol population of each vaccine schedule 692 (90%) were eligible for the immunogenicity analysis
group (figure 2). Baseline characteristics and demographics in
the safety population are reported in table 1. Seroconversion
Role of the funding source rates by poliovirus type for each vaccine schedule are
ASB and JM were full-time employees of the Bill & reported in table 2. In a combined assessment of the
Melinda Gates foundation, which provided grant funding three IPV group and the three f-IPV group at 10 weeks of
for the study. RR was a full-time employee of Fighting age, 163 (45%) of 365 infants were seropositive for
Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries, the study poliovirus type 1, 168 (46%) seropositive for poliovirus
sponsor. All were responsible for the study design and type 2, and 75 (21%) seropositive for poliovirus type 3. In a
protocol. Contract research organisations monitored the combined assessment of antibodies in the two IPV group
trial and managed the data (VaxTrials) and did the and the two f-IPV group, the baseline seropositivity rates at
statistical analysis (Assign DMB). All authors had full 14 weeks of age were 98 (26%) of 379 infants for poliovirus
access to the data, prepared the manuscript (with type 1, 92 (24%) for poliovirus type 2, and 41 (11%) for
the assistance of an independent professional medical poliovirus type 3, illustrating the waning of maternal
writer funded by the study sponsor), and agreed to its antibodies when compared with the combined three dose
submission. groups at 10 weeks.

564 www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021


A Poliovirus type 1
262 144 Three IPV group
Two IPV group
65 536 Three f-IPV group
Two f-IPV group
Serum neutralising antibody titres (log scale)

16 384






B Poliovirus type 2
1 048 576

262 144
Serum neutralising antibody titres (log scale)

65 536

16 384






C Poliovirus type 3
16 384

Serum neutralising antibody titres (log scale)


Figure 3: Geometric mean
titres of poliovirus type-
64 specific serum neutralising
antibodies in each group at
16 each sampling timepoint
Error bars are 95% CIs. f-IPV
was one-fifth of a normal IPV
4 dose. IPV was administered
intramuscularly. f-IPV was
administered intradermally.
1 IPV=inactived poliovirus
10 weeks 14 weeks 18 weeks 36 weeks 40 weeks
vaccine. f-IPV=fractional-
Timepoint inactived poliovirus vaccine.

www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021 565


increased at 14 and 18 weeks after the first and second

Three IPV group Two IPV group Three f-IPV group Two f-IPV group
(n=195) (n=172) (n=170) (n=207) vaccinations, and peaked at 40 weeks after the third dose at
36 weeks (figure 3). In the two IPV group and the two f-IPV
Patients with serious adverse 10 (5%; 6 (3%; 7 (4%; 9 (4%;
events (%; number of events)* 12 events) 7 events) 10 events) 9 events) group baseline was at 14 weeks, when maternal antibody
Deaths 1 (1%) 0 0 0 titres were lower than in the three IPV group and the three
Life threatening adverse events 0 0 0 1 (1%)
f-IPV group. In three dose regimens, IPV vaccination
Required hospitalisation 8 (4%) 5 (3%) 7 (4%) 9 (4%)
induced higher titres than f-IPV at 18 weeks, 4 weeks after
Congenital anomaly or birth 1 (1%) 1 (1%) 0 0
vaccination. Titres then waned by week 36, when the
defect second dose increased poliovirus type 1 and 2 antibodies
Patients with important 4 (2%; 0 2 (1%; 2 (1%; such that the three f-IPV group and the two f-IPV group
medical events (%; number of 8 events) 4 events) 2 events) geometric mean titres were similar at 40 weeks. The
events)* highest geometric mean titres to poliovirus type 1 and
Fever† 0 1 (1%) 1 (1%) 1 (1%) type 2 were reported in the two IPV group after two IPV
Local adverse events doses (at 40 weeks), but the highest geometric mean titre
Total number of doses 565 338 499 410 to type 3 was reported in the three IPV group at 40 weeks.
Pain 1 (0·2%) 1 (0·3%) 12 (2·4%) 1 (0·2%) No reactions within 30 min of vaccination occurred. One
Redness 5 (0·9%) 2 (0·6%) 10 (2·0%) 9 (2·2%) infant in the Dominican Republic in the three IPV group
Inflammation 0 1 (0·3%) 2 (0·4%) 1 (0·2%) died because of shock and cardio­respiratory arrest 15 weeks
Data are n (%). The three IPV group received intramuscular vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. The two IPV group received after the second IPV vaccination, but this was not
intramuscular vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. The three f-IPV group received intradermal vaccine at 10, 14, and 36 weeks. considered to be causally associated with the study. There
The two f-IPV group received intradermal vaccine at 14 and 36 weeks. *All events were unrelated to study regimens.
were 38 serious adverse events (ten in the Dominican
†All cases of fever were reported after the first vaccination.
Republic and 28 in Panama) reported in 32 infants,
Table 4: Summary of adverse events and important medical events 19 events in 16 infants in both the two IPV groups and the
two f-IPV groups (table 4). One infant with three serious
The three co-primary immunogenicity outcomes adverse events (anaemia, diarrhoea, and sepsis) due to the
regarding seroconversion rates for poliovirus types 1 and 2 congenital condition adrenal hyper­ plasia received one
were positively met (table 3)—namely, non-inferiority of vaccination and was then withdrawn, but they remained in
the two f-IPV group compared with the two IPV group, the otherwise good health at final contact. None of the serious
two IPV group compared with the three IPV group, and adverse events or 14 important medical events (eight mild
the two f-IPV group compared with the three f-IPV group. and six moderate) reported in eight infants were considered
In all cases the lower confidence bound of the absolute to be causally associated with vaccination.
differences in the percentages of immune responses was Solicited injection site reactions were infrequent in all
higher than –10%. Exploratory non-inferiority comparisons groups (table 4); in the 739 infants monitored after their
showed that three doses of f-IPV (the three f-IPV group) first vaccination there were six reports of tenderness, ten of
were non-inferior to two (the two IPV group) or three redness, and four of inflammation, all mild to moderate
(three IPV group) doses of IPV for the type 1 and type 2 and transient. Mild injection site redness was reported in
seroconversion rates (table 3). nine of 724 infants after the second vaccination and seven
When poliovirus type 3 responses were analysed, non- of 349 after their third vaccination, with no reports of pain
inferiority was only shown between the two IPV group and or inflammation in these groups. There were three reports
the three IPV group (table 3). In most comparisons of mild fever—one each in the two IPV, the three f-IPV,
between the f-IPV and IPV regimens, the f-IPV type 3 and the two f-IPV groups—after the first vaccination but
responses were inferior, with the exception of the three none after subsequent doses.
f-IPV group compared with the two IPV group.
In superiority analyses done to assess the influence of Discussion
timing of vaccinations, two IPV doses at 14 and 36 weeks Following certification of the global eradication of wild
elicited significantly higher seroconversion rates against poliovirus type 1 and interruption of circulating vaccine-
type 2 poliovirus than when administered at 10 and derived poliovirus transmission, it will be crucial to
14 weeks, but responses to poliovirus type 1 and type 3 did maintain immunity against poliovirus for the immediate
not differ between these two-dose schedules. Sero­ period after eradication. Our study provides novel data that
conversion rates to all poliovirus types were all signi­ficantly can inform global, regional, and national policy decisions
higher when two f-IPV doses were administered at 14 and on IPV-only schedules for the post-eradication era, with an
36 weeks rather than 10 and 14 weeks (table 3). option for dose-sparing and cost-saving in settings where
Following vaccination in the three IPV group and the routine use of full doses of IPV are challenging because of
three f-IPV group, antibody geometric mean titres cost or availability. We show that two intradermal f-IPV
increased for all three poliovirus types from baseline; doses can elicit robust immune responses—as shown by
antibodies at baseline were presumed to be maternal. the seroconversion rate for poliovirus type 1 and type 2—
In these groups geometric mean titres progressively that are non-inferior to two full doses of IPV, but these

566 www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021


responses are dependent on the age of the infant at the of immune priming with initial doses of f-IPV.19 The same
time of administration and also probably affected by the investigators showed that responses to intramuscular f-IPV
time interval between vaccinations. Seroconversion rates at 4 and 8 months were non-inferior to the intradermal
to two doses of f-IPV given at 14 and 36 weeks were route.29 A three-dose primary series of intradermal f-IPV in
significantly superior for all three virus types than when infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age elicited similar
the doses were given at 10 and 14 weeks. When given at seroconversion rates for each of the three poliovirus types
14 and 36 weeks, f-IPV was non-inferior to IPV for as full dose IPV, but significantly lower titres.18
poliovirus type 1 and type 2, although rates for type 3 Intradermal vaccine administration will require training
were inferior, and geometric mean titres were lower. These of health-care staff, but there are examples to show that
observations of equi­ valent seroconversion rates are this was done successfully with the introduction of
important because sero­con­version to polioviruses at any intradermal f-IPV.30 Our study provides novel clinical data
timepoint confers protection against paralytic disease.20,21 on the administration of two or three doses of IPV or f-IPV
When IPV is administered alone or in a combination in delayed schedules proposed by SAGE. We found that
with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-based vaccines it has two doses of intramuscular IPV or intradermal f-IPV at 14
proven to be safe, with no causal association with any and 36 weeks provide acceptable serocon­ version rates
adverse events other than temporary, minor, local reactions, against all three poliovirus types although geometric mean
such as erythema (<1%), induration (3–11%), or tenderness titres—most notably to poliovirus type 3—were lower.
(14–29%).22–24 Our data confirm these observations, with no However, a three-dose f-IPV regimen might be considered
vaccine-related serious adverse event or important medical ideal given the suboptimal immunogenicity against
event. Reactogenicity mainly consisted of infrequent, mild- poliovirus type 3 and lower geometric mean titres overall
to-moderate injection site reactions, with only three reports with two f-IPV doses. Consistent with SAGE recom­
of mild fever, all after the first vaccination. mendations for future two-dose regimens, our study
With global eradication of wild polioviruses, all live polio supports delaying the first IPV dose until 14 weeks of age
vaccines will be withdrawn from routine use to eliminate to minimise interference by maternally derived antibodies.
the risk of emergence of vaccine-derived polio­viruses and The study was open-label because of the evident
vaccine-associated paralytic polio­myelitis. Countries using differences in presentation and mode of administration of
bivalent OPV will switch to IPV-only schedules for routine IPV and f-IPV, but the laboratory personnel responsible for
infant immunisations. Faced with the challenges of measuring immunogenicity for the primary objective were
increasing manufacturing capacity to meet future global masked to treatment group and timepoints. Other
requirements for IPV13 and the higher cost of IPV per dose assessments, including local reactions arising from the
than OPV, the use of intradermal f-IPV is an attractive intradermal administration of f-IPV compared with
option.22 IPVs manufactured from wild Salk poliovirus the intramuscular administration of IPV, might have
strains or attenuated Sabin poliovirus strains inactivated been affected. For example, more frequent observation of
with formaldehyde are available and are generally severe redness or induration at the injection site might arise
considered to be equivalent to each other in terms of from greater overall reporting of such local reactogenicity
immuno­ genicity. These inactivated vaccines can be because of the different route of admin­istration.
administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, Our study is the first to inform decisions on polio
often in diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis-based combin­a­tions, immunisation schedules for an era with no elective use of
and fractional doses of stand-alone IPV can be administered OPVs. The findings offer strong evidence of the potential
intradermally. However, all IPV vaccines have been to mitigate cost and supply constraints related to IPV for
licensed based on three-dose infant schedules with the the concluding phase of the eradication programme. We
first dose administered in the second month of life and report that near-universal immune responses can be
there is only a small amount of information on the optimal elicited with two full doses of intramuscular IPV when
schedule for f-IPV. given in the delayed schedules reported in this study,
Studies with alternative f-IPV schedules have generally implying substantial cost and supply savings because the
shown lower seroconversion rates than full IPV doses current practice is to use four or more full doses of IPV in
depending on age at administration, but two f-IPV doses routine immunisation schedules in countries where OPV
can substitute for one full IPV dose.24,25 Studies in is not being used. We also report that two f-IPV doses
Bangladesh26 and Cuba27 found intradermal f-IPV elicited administered via the intradermal route are protective
significantly lower sero­ conversion rates and geometric against the two serotypes that are circulating as wild-type
mean titres than intra­muscular IPV for all three poliovirus or circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, and that three
types when administered at 6, 10, and 14 weeks of age. In f-IPV doses are protective against all three polio serotypes,
another study in Bangladesh, a priming dose of f-IPV which will provide additional cost and supply savings.
6 weeks before subsequent OPV was also inferior to an IPV Given the rapidly evolving landscape of poliovirus vaccine
schedule.28 Another Cuban study found that one or two development, with changing epidemiology of vaccine-
doses of f-IPV at 4 and 8 months induced significantly derived poliovirus following global type 2 OPV with­drawal
lower seroconversion rates than IPV, but there was evidence in 2016 and ongoing wild poliovirus type 1 circulation,

www.thelancet.com/infection Vol 21 April 2021 567


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