CHN Transes Week 2

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APPLICATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH TOOLS IN ● Deal with recording of vital events in the community
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - Births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc.
Methods of Measuring the Population Size
● By determining the increase in the population
● The science which deals with the study of the human
resulting from excess of births compared to deaths,
population's size, composition, and distribution in space
which can be done in two ways
● Nurses need comprehend the characteristics of the
population that makes the people vulnerable to certain 1. Natural Increase
health conditions - The difference between the number of births
and the number of deaths occuring in a
Population size population in a specified period of time
● Number of people in a given place or area at a given
● Knowing population size of a place allows the nurse to
make comparisons about population changes over time
● Helps to rationalize the types of health groups or
interventions which are going to be provided for the 2. Rate of Natural Increase
community - The difference between the Crude Birth Rate
and the Crude Death Rate occurring in a
Population composition population in a specified period of time
● If the population is characterized in relation to certain
variables such as age, sex, occupation, or educational
Spatial distribution
● It is how people are distributed in a specific geographic ● By determining the increase in the population using
location data obtained during two census periods
- Implies that the increase in the size of the
Note: The three events described above are affected
population is not merely attributed to excess in
depending on how fast or how slow people are added to the births but also the effect of migration
population as a result of births, deaths, and migrations
1. Absolute increase per year
occurring in the community - Measures the number of people that are added
to the population per year
Sources of Demographic Data
● Demographic information can be obtained from a
variety of sources but the most common come from
censuses, sample surveys, and registration systems
● Official and periodic enumeration of population
● Demographic, economic, and social data are collected
from a specific population group
● The data are later collated, synthesized, and made
known to the public for the purpose of determining and 2. Relative increase
explaining trends in terms of population changes and - Actual difference between two census counts
planning programs and services expressed in percent relative to the population
● Two ways of assigning people when census are taken: size made during an earlier census
1. De jure - done when people are assigned to the
place where they usually live regardless of where
they are at the time of the census
2. De facto - method when people are assigned to
the place where they are physically present at the
time of the census regardless of their usual place
of residence
● Very expensive undertaking as it asks for complete
enumeration of the population Population Composition
● Require money to pool together people and other
● The composition of the population is commonly
resources to complete the census in a limited period of
time described in terms of its age and sex
● The nurse utilizes data on age and sex composition to
Sample Survey decide who among the population groups merits
● Demographic information collected from a sample of attention in terms of health services and programs
given population
● Even if the obtained data come from a small number of Sex composition
people proportionate to the total population, the results ● Compute for the sex ratio
will always be generalized for the whole population - Compares the number of males to the number of
Registration Systems females in the population
● Collected by the civil registrar’s office

● The sex ratio represents the number of males every ● Private Sector Financing Agents – offer complementary
100 females in the population or supplementary benefit packages
● Service Coverage - “Preventive, promotive, curative,
rehabilitative and palliative care for medical, dental
mental and emergency health services delivered either
as population-based or individual-based health
Age composition Service Delivery
● Consideration of the individual, family, community and ● Health care provider network (HCPN) - group of primary
government can afford the services to tertiary care providers (public or private), offering
Acceptability people-centered and comprehensive care in an
● Health care services are compatible with the culture integrated manner with the primary care provider acting
and traditions of the population as the navigator and coordinator.
Availability ● Primary Care Provider Network refers to a group of
● A question whether the health service are offered in public, private or mixed primary care providers as the
health care facilities or is provided on a regular and foundation of HCPN.
organized manner ● Organization of Local Health Systems:
- Province-wide and City-wide Health systems
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE LAW - Provincial/ City Health Board
RA 11223: The Universal Health Care Law - Provincial/ City health office
● Signed by Rodrigo Duterte - Incentives for improving competitiveness
● Expansion of population, service, and financial Human Resources for Health
coverage ● National Health Human Resource Master Plan
● Shift to primary care ● National Health Workforce support system
● All Filipinos guaranteed “equitable access to quality and
affordable health care goods and services and
● Safety and quality
protected against financial risk
● Affordability
● Ensure every Filipino is healthy, protected from health
● Equity
hazards and risks, and has access to affordable, quality
and readily available health service that is suitable to Governance and Accountability
their need ● Health Promotion
● Evidence-Informed sectoral; policy and planning for
General Objectives
● To progressively realize universal health care through
● Monitoring and Evaluation
systemic approach and clear role delineation of
● Health Impact Assessment
● Health Technology Assessment
● To ensure equitable access to quality and affordable
● Ethics in public health policy and practice
health care and protection against financial risk
● Health information system
Declaration of Principles ● Appropriation
● Integrated and comprehensive approach
● Whole of system, whole of government, whole of
society approach
● Comprehensive health services without causing
financial hardship
● People oriented approach
Universal Health Care
● Healthy living, schooling and working environments
● Primary care provider team for every family
● Healthy spending is predictable not “lahat libre”

Salient Features of UHC Law

● All Filipinos automatically be member of Philhealth
● Families not registered – assisted by their healthcare
● Philhealth ID will not require availing services
● Direct and Indirect Contributors

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