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Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249

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Simulation and CRM

Doris Østergaard, MD, DMSc *, Peter Dieckmann, Dipl.-Psych., PhD,
Anne Lippert, MD, CHPE
Danish Institute for Medical Simulation, Herlev Hospital, Copenhagen University, Herlev, Denmark

Patients are harmed as a result of incidents. Both poor interdisci-
simulation-based training plinary communication and teamwork are contributing factors to
crisis resource management such events. The principles of crisis resource management are meant
non-technical skills to help prevent and manage difficulties and reflect both, the social-
team training team-oriented and cognitive-individual-oriented aspects of human
factors. This article explores the importance of human factors
training for safe care of patients and the role of simulation. Based
on the available literature, the need to integrate this type of training
to increase awareness of the importance of human factors and
to change attitudes appears obvious. A combination of different
training methods appears to be useful. Simulation-based training
appears to be favourable, although the number of studies demon-
strating the impact of training is limited. It is important to develop
training programmes for individual teams, based on the knowledge
of challenges and deficiencies, and to monitor behavioural change.
Several methods, including patient safety data, interviews, obser-
vational studies and simulations, can be used to specify learning
objectives. The training should be established for the real team(s).
Furthermore, leaders need to implement training in the organisa-
tion and establish databases to monitor the impact on patient
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Anaesthesiology was one of the first specialities to demonstrate the impact of human factors in
1978.1 An increased interest in learning from incidents was observed,2 and resulted in considerable
improvements in patient safety during anaesthesia over the past 30 years.3 Although a recent review
questions the results, due to methodological challenges,4 it is widely believed that anaesthesia is safer

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ45 44883582.

E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Østergaard).

1521-6896/$ – see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
240 D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249

today than it was earlier.5,6 Patient safety has been improved by analysing and learning from events,
and implementing necessary changes, such as introducing equipment for monitoring patients’ vital
parameters and evidence-based, standardised guidelines for procedures.5 Furthermore, the first
attempt, in the early 1990s, to systematically tackle such challenges was the introduction of the
concept of anaesthesia crisis resource management (ACRM), which addressed human factors in
the operating-room setting.7,8 ACRM courses emphasised the importance of team skills and training for
the actual team. Since then, several centres around the world have implemented simulation-based
ACRM training. Those efforts emphasise the benefit of concerted analysis-and-intervention strategies.
As the concept extended into different domains and specialities, it was called crisis resource
management (CRM).
However, in the last two decades, several studies have emphasised that hospitalised patients are
harmed as a result of errors and incidents occurring during their care.3 Besides the suffering of those
affected most – patients – their relatives and friends as well as health-care professionals suffer.9 Several
studies have shown that poor interdisciplinary communication and teamwork are important
contributing factors to adverse events in general, in the operation room (OR) and in the area of peri-
natal deaths.1012 Poor communication was identified as the primary root cause in more than 70% of
perinatal sentinel events recorded by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organi-
sations.13 This indicates that it is important to provide health professional teams with training in
competencies; such as communication, teamwork, decision making and situation awareness, in
addition to medical knowledge and practical skills.
The principles of CRM are intended to help prevent and manage difficulties during medical care, and
they reflect both the social-team-oriented and cognitive-individual-oriented aspect of human factors.14
Acquiring CRM abilities is, often, associated with a change of attitudes and behaviours as well as
learning of new skills and de-learning of former habits. Change is necessary at the individual, team and
organisational levels. As health professionals may constitute team members in different teams, it is
important to develop a set of generic learning objectives (e.g., how to effectively communicate with
unknown health-care professionals) as well as a set of specific objectives for a given team (e.g., solving
a conflict in an existing team). The training of complete multi-disciplinary teams has been described to
enable teams to function well, in both unexpected events and routine cases, to improve patient
safety.15,16 It is important to emphasise that simulation not only has a role in training people to handle
catastrophes. CRM is equally important when handling common challenges and, in fact, can prevent
a routine situation from deteriorating because early warning signs were missed. Simulation-based
training has been recommended as a method to train teams in learning these skills for pedagogical and
patient safety reasons, and the use of this tool is increasing across the world.
This article explores the importance of human factors training for high quality, safe care for patients
and attempts to define the role that simulation can play with regard to these topics – both in terms of
an analysis and as an interventional tool.

Aspects of patient safety and CRM in the medical domain

Like medicine, other high-risk domains such as the aviation industry, nuclear power plants,
petroleum and maritime industries acknowledge the complexity of errors. Thus, error-management
strategies need to be developed and implemented, focussing on reducing error as much as possible,
while acknowledging that the zero-error rate will not be achievable. Reducing human error and
minimising their negative impact might be tackled at different levels: at the system-design level, one
might attempt to reduce error-triggering situations and, thus, make it easier to recognise errors and
recover from them. Safety redundancies, multiple data sources, improved displays and alarm philos-
ophies are examples of this level. The next level is to establish protective measures that shield patients
and health-care professionals from errors that may occur (e.g., improved medication labels, double-
checking of procedures). Education and training constitute another possible level to help health-care
professionals avoid, recognise and recover from errors. This article focusses on this final level,
emphasising, however, that integrated improvement strategies are required, and that they can be
developed by applying CRM principles.
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In most high-risk domains, training has shifted from focussing on knowledge, skills and attitudes
related to the medical expertise of the operation, so-called technical skills (TSs), to focussing on non-
technical skills (NTSs). By definition, NTSs are cognitive, social and personal resource skills that
complement TSs, and contribute to safe and efficient task performance.17 In traditional medical
education, subject-matter expertise is rated very high. Less emphasis is, at times, placed on capabilities
that help professionals to actually use their subject-matter expertise in challenging and ambiguous
real-world situations. Being a good anaesthesiologist, however, also requires being able to work in
multi-disciplinary teams and make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Several frameworks
have aimed at describing and defining NTSs comprising, among other elements, communication, co-
operation, decision making, conflict resolution and workload management. These constituent
elements are, often, tackled in CRM courses. NTSs and CRM are, thus, aimed to help the human aspect
to prevent and manage errors that could not be arrested by system design or other protective barriers.
The human ability to discover and recover from error should – or must – be improved individually and
in a team.
The CRM concept was introduced more than 30 years ago in the aviation industry.18 Since its
inception, the concept has been further developed on the basis of safety data obtained from the
organisation. In the medical domain, there is little analytical recognition of the role played by human
error. In the past, errors in the care of individual patients were seldom investigated or discussed. While
it is necessary to understand differences between aviation and medicine, some basic ideas will be
applicable across contexts, the strongest of which might be the insight that isolated courses in NTSs
will seldom show results, but must be supported by an organisations’ safety behaviour across all levels.
Further studies are needed to modify the experiences about how to improve safety using CRM pro-
grammes according to health-care’s particular needs.19
Several challenges have to be overcome in the integration of NTSs into the medical curricu-
lum.16,1921 The first challenge is to decide what is necessary to be taught.21 It has been recommended
to develop a stronger human factors theory base, make more use of the available theories and identify
key skills in different situations and for different teams in medicine.16 Another challenge is to develop
and validate measurement tools, such as behavioural markers to measure skills in the necessary TSs
and NTSs in receiving outcome-oriented education. A behavioural marker system has been developed
for anaesthesiologists: the Anaesthestists’ Non-Technical Skills System (ANTS).22 Similar systems have
been developed for surgeons, the Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS).23 The Observational
Teamwork Assessment for Surgery (OTAS) system has been developed for the evaluation of teams.24
The links between the various systems and terms have been illustrated (see Table 1).25 A further
challenge within the medical domain is to link and embed NTSs with TSs such that it helps health
professionals to understand the importance of both and to use them for the benefit of patients.
Overall, this review of the literature illustrates an increasing interest in CRM and NTSs and in
introducing these in pre- and postgraduate educational programmes as well as continuous medical
education for health professions. The challenge is to adapt to the users’ needs and to fully implement
this type of training in organisations. One method to get started is to increase awareness within the

Teams in the medical domain

Crisis or critical situations are challenging for several reasons including time constraints or
nonspecific/unknown symptoms that make it difficult to arrive at a diagnosis. A critical situation often
implies a complex problem that requires a well-functioning team comprising of experts from several
disciplines working together. However, the team is, often, being formed as the situation develops, and
team members may not have met each other before. Several intermediate teams might be formed until
the complete multi-disciplinary team is established. Expert teams such as these can be described as ‘ad
hoc teams’.10
This ‘ad hoc’ team has several challenges. The members of the team are constantly exchanged and
the team consists of specialists from different departments with diverse cultures. New team members
have to be briefed and receive updated information efficiently to be able to participate quickly in the
stabilisation of the patient. The role of the team leader is often emphasised, but it can be debated as to
242 D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249

Table 1
Illustrates the relationship between the elements in the Anaesthesia Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) system22
and the Crisis Resource Management (CRM) system.25

Cognitive and mental skills
Planning and preparing Anticipate and plan
Know your environment
Prioritising Exercise leadership
Set priorities dynamically
Provide and maintain standards Use cognitive aids
Identify and use resources Distribute workload
Mobilise all available resources
Gathering information Use all available resources
Recognising and understanding Allocate attention
Anticipating Anticipate and plan
Identifying options
Balancing risks and selecting options Prevent and manage fixation errors
Re-evaluating Re-evaluate repeatedly
Social and interpersonal skills
Coordinating activities with team Communicate effectively
Exchanging information Communicate effectively
Using authority and assertiveness Exercise leadership and followership
Assessing capabilities Exercise followership
Supporting others

Table modified from Ref.25

who actually is the leader of a multi-disciplinary team. Transferral of leadership from one discipline to
another can also be difficult when new team members come in, for example, from the obstetrician to
the anaesthesiologist in the delivery room. Other challenges include the allocation of tasks to different
team members and the ability to communicate effectively within the team, if the team members do not
already know one another and each others’ competencies. In the past, various health-care professionals
have been educated to be self-reliant individuals in accordance with the curriculum of their chosen
speciality, and, usually, the training has been focussed on medical expertise skills rather than team-
work. Therefore, a group of individuals, who are experts in their own fields, do not necessarily coalesce
to form an ad hoc expert team.26
In addition to education, several other challenges exist in health care. Routine operations in
hospitals are, often, performed in ‘silos’ or vertical structures such as wards, where the staff members
work in teams consisting of health professionals who work within the same speciality and share
a common culture. However, horizontal systems, used when patients have co-morbidities or are
critically ill, are less well developed.27 Therefore, team members in local teams are able to familiarise
themselves more easily with routine tasks and their fellow team members over some time, but might
be less familiar with handling complex or critically ill patients and working within a multi-disciplinary
‘ad hoc’ team. A critical situation is, by nature of some urgency, one which might contribute to the
difficulties in the functioning of the ‘ad hoc’ team. In addition, differences in educational and patient
safety cultures exist between hospital departments.28 Therefore, neither the team member’s individual
education nor the hospital’s structure and culture support the development of multi-disciplinary
expert teams, and this may have major implications for patient safety. One could ask why multi-
disciplinary training in handling emergency situations is not widely implemented, when patient safety
literature has indicated the need for such training.3

Simulation-based training in the medical domain

Simulation-based training – how to do it

Full-scale simulations include a realistic manikin (neonate, child or adult) and monitor(s) placed in
a realistic clinical environment, such as an OR, a ward or an ambulance. Monitors and manikins
D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249 243

interface with a computer program to project and display vital signs, voice and, sometimes, move-
ments. In ‘full-scale simulation-based training’, the team members participate in a scenario: a patient
case develops according to a set of learning objectives and the participants’ actions, while the
instructors adapt to participants actions.29 The learning objectives can be related to TSs, NTSs or
a combination. The scenario is audio- and video-recorded and clips from the recordings are used in the
debriefing session (see below).
Change of attitudes and working mode is difficult for adults; simulation appears to be a promising
tool to facilitate this. Several publications have described a set of principles and provided guidelines for
using simulation-based training most efficiently.25,26,30 Simulation should be used when appropriate
and in combination with traditional methods.
A review reported findings that medical simulations were educationally effective, and that simu-
lation-based education complemented medical education in patient-care settings.31 Essential factors
for the success of simulation-based education include providing feedback, integrating simulation into
a curriculum and providing practise situations with variable levels of difficulty.31 Furthermore, it aims
to create a valuable learning experience for the participants.31,32 The most important aspects are
considered to be: the preparation of the participants for the simulations, the design of scenarios with
well-described learning objectives and the description of the roles in the scenarios. This requires that
the communication between participants and instructors be refined and a safe learning environment
created, wherein these individuals can meet on common ground.32 Selection and training of the
facilitators are essential. Simulation-based training comprises of different phases which influence each
other and need to be optimised jointly to achieve the learning objectives32; if not, a bad experience in
the simulation-based scenario might negatively influence the debriefing.
‘The debriefing’ is a very important part of the simulation session, where participants can reflect on
actions taken in the scenario and discuss them within the team. The facilitator can use small sequences
from the recording to illustrate learning objectives. The relationship between participants and trainers
is different from that in the classroom. In simulation-based training, the simulation instructors’ role is
not to teach, but to facilitate learning. For the participants to grow professionally, they must develop
meta-cognitive skills, and among these is the ability to analyse critically ones’ own performance. In the
debriefing session, the facilitator steers the discussion and, by the use of questions, provides insight
into frames (mental models) behind the participants’ reactions and actions. Most of the time, the
duration for debriefing should be longer than the simulation scenario itself. Several papers describe
facilitation allocated to methods and debriefing procedures3337 while also describing debriefing
processes33 and assessment of debriefers. One of the difficulties in a debriefing is the balance between,
on the one hand, delivering critique while avoiding defensiveness and maintaining psychological
safety and, on the other hand, being superficial.36,37 Different techniques of debriefing, and their pros
and cons, have been discussed in an overview.38 The educational efficacy of oral feedback, videotape-
assisted oral feedback or no feedback (no debriefing) has been studied in a randomised controlled
study.39 A significant improvement in the participants’ NTSs were seen after oral feedback or video-
tape-assisted oral feedback.39 There was no improvement observed in the control group.

Training of teams in the medical domain

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report3 recommended the use of simulation-based training in the
medical domain, developed on the basis of positive experiences from the aviation industry. This is
because the aviation industry turned itself into a highly reliable organisation through the use of
Several institutions have taken the IOM recommendations seriously, and have introduced simula-
tion-based training, such as the Kaiser Permanente that was described by Leonard.19 Private entities,
including experts from the aviation industry, are developing courses to fulfil this demand. Experts,
however, emphasise that hospitals and teaching centres must take the lead themselves in developing
team training and CRM programmes within health-care16 because training should be based on
materials and lessons learnt from their own domain and need to be context specific.
Training of established multi-disciplinary teams in hospitals does take place internationally, such as
training of the cardiac arrest team,4244 the medical emergency team45 and the trauma team.4648
244 D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249

Training programmes have also been developed for teams from the emergency department, the
operation theatre49,50 and the obstetric team.5153 Some of these programmes have been developed
based either on work analysis or by analysing which NTSs were needed.44 The positive experiences
from well-defined emergency teams have created an interest in training ward staff in handling patients
at risk of developing critical illness, and this training of ward staff (doctors, nurses and nurse assistants)
is becoming more widespread.54 In general, it is important to train ‘the real team’ – to involve all the
team members from different disciplines in the scenario.
One of the hot topics presently discussed is in situ training (training in the clinical setting) versus
training in the simulation centre. Advantages and disadvantages of these different settings have been
debated.55,56 The advantages of in situ training include: training in the operational setting with the
equipment used in daily life, wherein the entire organisation can be trained (secretaries, allied health
professions, etc.; “train together, who works together”) in procedures and guidelines. Furthermore, this
type of training appears to be well suited for implementing change impulses and in instances where all
staff members are to be trained in a short period of time to kick start an implementation procedure.
Staff can use breaks and in-between shift time to train for procedures relevant to the shift. The
disadvantages of in situ training include: interruptions of work; interruptions during training by work,
logistical challenges and groups creating problems during training, if conflicts exists prior to the
training. One major disadvantage pertains to the resources needed for the set-up, the availability of
space for training and mobility of equipment. It can be difficult to actually step aside from patient
treatment, especially during times of shortage of staff.
The major advantages of using a simulation centre are the preparedness of the room/equipment and
the availability of human resources. In addition, staff members would enjoy a break from daily routine
and have the ability to focus attention on new tasks together with team members. The risk of being
drawn back to clinical work due to shortage of staff is minor.
In general, several of these disadvantages can be overcome if the simulation-based training is well
planned, and these authors recommend that the location be chosen depending on the learning
objectives and possibilities.

The development of a team training course

A systematic approach to course development can be recommended, for example, Harden’s 10 steps
for course development.57 This approach has been used for planning a multi-disciplinary, full-scale,
simulation-based course in the management of deteriorating hospital patients.58 Guidelines for team
training interventions have been described by Burke et al.26 In Table 2, the 10 steps and the guideline
are presented.
Any intervention should be based on a needs assessment and must be data driven. Patient safety
data from incident reports and root-cause analyses are excellent sources of information. Simulation is
used increasingly as an analysis (research) tool to analyse the working environment – often, in
combination with interviews of staff members. It can be a valuable tool to analyse the interplay
among humans, technology and organisation, and to uncover the system’s weaknesses, which should
be corrected; also in addition, it can demonstrate the competencies necessary for the multi-disci-
plinary team. Two papers have described this scenario in the obstetric environment.59,60 Some
studies have even tested the interventional changes in a simulated setting before they are introduced
in the clinical setting. Simulation has also been used as an evaluative tool in the development of
clinical research protocols and procedures.61 Simulation is, therefore, seen as more than a new format
for medical education; the simulation centre can be used as the institutional safety, and quality,
Based on analyses of such data, the learning objectives can be chosen and addressed by using
different educational methods. Often, a combination of methods is used to optimise learning and
address different learning styles. The principles of organising a multi-disciplinary group for CRM have
been described by Murray and Foster, who strongly advocate the use of simulation for training CRM
skills.63 Some find it difficult to distinguish between the tool (the simulator) and the content (CRM), but
CRM training can be imparted using other methods and a full-scale simulator can be used for other
D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249 245

Table 2
Guidelines for the development of training interventions according to Ref.57 and for team training interventions by Ref.26

Harden: 10 questions to ask Burke and Salas 2006: 10 Guidelines

1. Needs assessment Design and development guided by team task analysis
2 Learning objectives Ensure team training facilitates adaptive behaviours
Ensure team members apply closed loop communication
3 Course Content Develop team training to create systematic opportunities for practice
of requisite team competencies
4 Organisation of content Team training must emphasise key teamwork components
5 Educational strategies to be adopted Design team training to facilitate shared understanding
among team members
6 Teaching methods Pre practice tools to maximise the impact of training
Course material
7 Assessment Evaluate team training and collect a variety of evidence as its impact
8 Communicating details of Ensure latent organisational messages about the importance of team
the curriculum to the students training match those that are spoken
9 Educational environment and climate Team training must promote attitudes and behaviours that are
indicative of a learning climate
10 How should the process be managed?

Several CRM training programmes, that are based on classroom teaching, are available, but they are
often used in combination with simulation-based training. A recent review article indicates the limited
effect of classroom-based teaching for team training.64 Theories on adult learning support the use of
simulation-based training.65 Adult learners prefer to learn through experience, and their biggest
motivational factor is a need for knowledge that can improve their skills. Feedback is shown to be an
important factor for learning to take place. Pre-course material is important to prepare the team
members for the simulations and, hence, to optimise learning. The scenarios should be developed
based on patient cases relevant for that particular team. Developing a course manual is essential to
avoid major deviations from the learning objectives.
Overall, there is a need for studies demonstrating how to use simulation-based training optimally.
Although the use of this type of training is burgeoning, our understanding of how simulation-based
training influences team members, how their learning processes can be facilitated and the imple-
mentation of the learning in practise is limited.

Evaluation of simulation-based team training

Kirkpatrick’s four-level model is often used for evaluation of educational or training interventions.66
Level one, the reaction level, measures the participants’ responses to the intervention. This can be used
as a guide for further adjustment of the intervention. Level two, the learning level, illustrates the
degree of change in the participants’ knowledge, skills or attitudes. Self-assessment has been used as
an indicator of the effectiveness of training, but the reliability of this method has been questioned.67
Level three, the behavioural or organisational level, illustrates change of behaviour, impact on oper-
ating procedures or both. Level 4, the patient-outcome level, describes the benefit for the patients or
the consequences of the training programme.
There are, however, several challenges in evaluating teams: which skills to measure (TSs, NTSs or
both), who to evaluate (the individual or the team) and how to do it (develop validated evaluation
tools). Furthermore, to ensure reliability, courses for evaluators have been developed and trainers’
ratings compared. As described previously, behavioural marker systems have been developed for
anaesthetists and surgeons.22,23 Attempts have been made to design systems, such as the OTAS, for the
evaluation of team performance in the operating theatre.24 One of the challenges described is how to
evaluate the effect if the team performance varies during the scenario or if one of the team members
performs significantly different from the rest of the team.
Overall, there are numerous studies that describe the positive effects of simulation-based team
training at the reaction level, but although the use of this technology is increasing, there are only
a limited number of high-quality studies demonstrating the effect on learning and on patient safety.
246 D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249

In general, training appears to change the clinicians’ reactions and attitudes in a positive way
towards patient safety and CRM.49,53,58 Self-reported change of CRM behaviours in managing an event
had significantly, or to some extent, improved following 1 year or later after a simulation-based
course.53 Several studies have shown an effect on skills51,59 following obstetric team training. Fewer
mistakes were seen 6 months later in simulated scenarios.59 Communication has been shown to be
more directed and tasks more likely to be acknowledged and performed following obstetric team
Only a few studies have focussed on the effect on patient outcome. Improved quality of care
provided by residents during actual cardiac arrests has been demonstrated in a randomised controlled
study.42 The simulator-trained residents showed significantly higher adherence to standards than
residents who underwent conventional training. In a large study including approximately 20 000
neonates, an improvement in perinatal outcome was shown after simulation-based team training.51
The number of children with Apgar scores 6 decreased significantly after the intervention.
A recent systematic review on the effectiveness of multi-disciplinary obstetric team training finds this
type of education to be potentially effective, but recommends new studies on its effectiveness and cost
effectiveness before a broader implementation is undertaken.69
Training with the ‘real team’ is considered to be important, and a positive effect on outcome with
this type of training has been described42,49; however, others have failed to show an influence on
outcome.54,70 In the latter study, ward staff, doctors, nurses and nurse assistants were trained in
identifying the critically ill patient. An incidence of one out of five patients at risk was observed in both
the pre- and post-intervention periods. No difference in staff awareness of patients at risk, 30-day
mortality or 180-day mortality was identified.54 Larger-scale studies might be necessary to demon-
strate an effect of simulation-based team training. Recently, the association between implementation
of a medical-team training programme and surgical mortality has been demonstrated in a large-scale
study involving 180 000 patients.50 The training programme required briefings and debriefings in the
operating theatre and introduces checklists as a part of the process. The training did not include
simulation. An 18% reduction in mortality was seen after the training programme as compared with
a 7% decrease in facilities where personnel had not undergone training.

The implementation of simulation-based team training

Following the study by Draycott et al. showing the impact on patient safety, hospitals in the region
actually implemented this type of training.51 Often, however, this was not the case. Simulation-based
courses for the multi-disciplinary team are developed and conducted by enthusiastic simulation
experts. Sometimes, this is conducted in collaboration with patient safety and human factors experts.
The team members participating in the course often find the training very useful, but very few orga-
nisations actually move to an implementation phase. One explanation might be that, although clini-
cians see the benefit of the course – the need to change the way teams work together – the organisation
has not reached that level of awareness. One reason might be that the effect of a given course or
initiative on patient outcome in their organisation is not measured.
The study presented by Neily et al.50 indicates that large-scale studies are necessary to show an
impact on patient safety; the question is, whether we all need to conduct this type of studies in our
organisations before CRM training is implemented.
Implementation of guidelines has proven to be difficult in the medical domain. To overcome the
barriers for change, organisational programmes should be developed according to theories of change
management. Facilitators in each department must be motivated and trained in order to be role models
for other staff members and change culture. These authors strongly believe in using such facilitators as
instructors in the simulation-based training programmes to link to clinical training. The involvement of
staff in the development process, the conduction of the training and the implementation is vital,
although the training to be a simulation instructor can be demanding. The main challenge is the
involvement of key players and leaders, who can set the priorities.
Parallel to what is done in specialist training, simulation needs to be integrated in the training of
D. Østergaard et al. / Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology 25 (2011) 239–249 247


First, based on the existing literature, it appears obvious to integrate sessions introducing CRM and
NTSs to all staff members of the hospitals in order to increase awareness of the importance of human
factors and to change attitudes. Second, it seems to be important to establish training for the real
team(s) and evaluate the effectiveness. At present, this is not performed in a systematic way, and not all
staff members participate in relevant team training courses. The challenge is to develop training
programmes for the individual teams based on the knowledge of challenges and deficiencies and to
monitor behavioural change. Several methods, including patient safety data, interviews with team
members, observational studies, simulations in the clinical setting or combinations of the above, can be
used to set learning objectives.
Programmes addressing generic CRM competencies and specific team-training programmes for all
team members are necessary. Furthermore, there is a need to involve leaders and key players in the
field to implement this type of training in the organisation and establish databases (and links to
existing ones) that make it possible to monitor the impact on patient outcome. Finally, CRM might also
help in designing work systems to be safer, when it spreads beyond the individual into organisational
learning and development.

Practice points

 CRM/NTS training should be developed based on needs assessment.

 Learning objectives can be related to technical skills/non-technical/and combinations of both.
 Combinations of different methods can be used.
 Simulation-based training appears to be effective.
 Training of the actual team is essential.
 Training the organisation is necessary in order to change culture and not only the CRM skills.
 Involvement of leadership and key persons is necessary.
 Establishment of a multi-disciplinary research and development team is important.

Research agenda

 There is a need to strengthen research in medical education. Many of the publications present
data illustrating a population of course participants without a thorough discussion of the
generalisability of the data. Often, the studies lack a theoretical framework.
 There is a need to design studies to elucidate how to use simulation-based training and
debriefing most efficiently and to provide an understanding of the benefits of this type of
training – how does it support learning?
 There is a need to develop validated tools to assess effect of training and to train facilitators
(raters) in how to use these tools.
 There is a need to establish multi-disciplinary research teams to be capable to conduct these
types of studies and to obtain funding.

Conflict of interest statement

None declared.


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