4th Sem 2022 Midsem

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Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech (E&TCE) 4th Semester Mid Semester Examinations, March 2022

(Analog Electronics – ET2201)

Full Marks: 30 Time: 45 Minutes

(Answer ANY ONE question from this part)

1. (a) The following discrete MOSFET amplifier utilizes a drain-to-gate resistance RG for
biasing purposes. The input signal vi is coupled to the gate via a large capacitor, and the
output signal at the drain is coupled to the load resistance R L via another large capacitor.
Determine its small-signal voltage gain.

(b) For the given network, determine (using appropriate approximations): (i) re. (ii) input
resistance, Ri, (iii) output resistance, Ro and (d) Closed circuit voltage gain, Av.

2. (a) Using proper analysis describe how the loss in an inductor can be represented as a parallel
combination of an inductor and a resistance.
(b) We wish to select appropriate values for the coupling capacitors CC1 and CC2 and the
bypass capacitor CS for a CS amplifier for which RG= 4.7 M, RD= RL= 15 k, Rsig=
100 k, RS= 10 k, and gm = 1 mA/V. It is required to have fL at 100 Hz and that the
nearest break frequency be at least a decade lower.
(c) Calculate the amplifier gain of the circuit for the differential amplifier gain A=100,000
and resistances R1 = 1.8 k and R2 = 200 .
(Answer ANY ONE question from this part)

3. (a) Discuss the characteristics of ID and gm of Common source stage (i) without and (ii)
with Source degeneration.
(b) Assuming λ = γ = 0, calculate the small-signal gain of the circuit.

(c) For a cascode amplifier, with the help of small signal equivalent circuit, show that the
gain; (literals have their usual meanings)


4. (a) Draw the variation of gm as a function of VGS-VT (ID constant), ID (W/L constant) and
VGS-VT (W/L constant.

(b) Design a cascode amplifier with following specifications:

DC gain=2500
Gain bandwidth product=100MHz
Load Capacitance=1 pF
Kn'=150µA/V2, VTn=0.5V, VE=20V,VDD=3.3V, ro for load=∞

(c) Discuss the origin of different types of nonlinearities in the switched capacitor integrator
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech (ETC) 4th Semester Mid Semester Examination March 2022


Full Marks: 30 Time: 45 minutes


Q1 (a) Design a 13:1 MUX using minimum number of 2:1 MUXes only .
(b) Using logic gates design a system whose input is i and output is 2 i where i is a 3-
bit word i2i1i0.
(c) A four-variable function is given f(A,B,C,D) = m(7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15)
Use a K-map to minimize the function.
(d) Design a 4-bit Binary to 5-bit BCD Encoder using logic gates (3+4+6+7=20)

Q2. (a) Derive the truth table of a binary full Subtractor. Design the circuit for the same
using NAND gates only.
(b) Explain with necessary diagram the operation of a 4-bit loadable down binary
synchronous counter using D flip-flop and logic gates (4+6=10)
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
B.Tech(ETC) 4th Sem Mid Semester Examinations, March 2022
(Microelectronics ET 2203)

Full Marks: 30 Time: 45 Minutes

Group A
Answer all the questions of this group

1. (a) Write down some characteristics of good metal film.

(b) Why silicon technology is so popular for the fabrication of devices as well as ICs?
(c) Mention the role of SiO2 in microelectronics technology.
(d) Write down the basic principle of ellipsometry.
(e) Write down the significance of Fick’s law of diffusion.
(f) What is Mean Free Path? Write down its significance.
(g) Write down advantage and disadvantages of growth of single crystal by Czochralski
(h) Mention some factors on which the selection of dopant source depends.
(i) Write advantage and disadvantages of angle lapping technique.
(j) Write down some advantages of e-beam evaporation technique.
(10 ×1½ = 15)
Group B
Answer any one question

1a. On what factors the uniformity of etching process depend?

b. What are the specifications of an etchant?
c. What is contrast ratio of a photoresist? Show its effect on pattern development.
d. How mask plates are fabricated?

2a. For fabricating multiple devices on the same substrate, which parameters can be varied
from one device to another and why?
b. Draw the flowchart of fabrication of three diodes separated by 500 µm on a p-type
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
B.Tech(ETC) 4th Sem Mid Semester Examinations, March 2022
Electronic Instrumentation and Control (ET 2204)
Full Marks: 30 Time: 45 Minutes
Group A
Answer all the questions from this group
1. (a) How the term ‘accuracy’ differs from ‘precision’?
(b) How a transducer differs from a sensor?
(c) With example explain how an active transducer differs from a passive transducer?
(d) Why semiconductor strain gauge is better than a metal strain gauge?
(e) Write down the role of soft iron core in an LVDT.
(f) Why one cannot measure low value as well as very high value resistance using a multimeter.
(g) Make a comparison between series type and shunt type ohmmeter.
(h) Write down the importance for measurement of Q of a circuit.
(i) What is electrodynamometer type instrument?
(j) What is compensated Wattmeter?
(10 × 1½ = 15)
Group B
Answer any one question
2a. What is the advantage of error coefficients over error constants?
b. Give an example of a type zero electrical system. Draw its detailed block diagram and identify the
presence of feedback, if any.
c. Draw the signal flow graph of the block diagram in Fig.1 and use Mason’s gain formula to obtain
the transfer function.


d. Use Routh Hurwitz criteria to estimate the stability of the system (s+2)(s-2)(s+2j)(s- 2j)(s2+s+1)=0
e. Define breakaway point and centroid in root locus.
3a. For an unity feedback control system with transfer function G(s)=K/(s+1), compute the error
constants and error coefficients.
b. Sketch the root locus plot of the system whose characteristics equation is given by
s(s+3)(s2+2s+2)+K=0 (5 +10 =15)
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech. (ET) 4th Semester Mid-Semester Examination, March 2022

Electromagnetic Theory & Radio Wave Propagation

Full Marks : 30 Time : 45 Minutes
Attempt All Questions
Figures on the right indicate the distribution of marks

1. Give physical interpretation of . D = +ve, and . D = 0 with necessary diagrams. [4]

2. Write the differential and integral forms of Maxwell’s equations for static fields indicating the
vector and scalar quantities and labeling all the symbols. [8]

3. Explain the fact as to why charges injected into a metallic solid sphere are distributed uniformly
over the surface of the sphere after a while. [3]

4. An n-type rectangular semiconductor slab is placed on a y-z plane subjected to a magnetic field
in the +x direction. A current is passing through the slab in the negative y-direction. State the
phenomenon of hall effect and find the polarity of the hall voltage induced across the slab in
respect of x-y-z axes. [7]

5. The incident and transmitted rays of a uniform plane wave are making angles of 1 and 2 with
the normal to the interface between two media (assume that the wave is parallel polarized and
there is no reflection). Assume that the wave is coming through medium 1 and falling on medium
2; the conductivities of the two media are zero; and the interface is charge free. The permittivity
of medium 1 is 1 and that of medium 2 is 2. By applying boundary condition, find the value of
tan 1
in terms of the permittivities of the media. [8]
tan  2

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