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As a year passes, regular changes occur in the weather. This cycle of weather
changes is divided into four parts, known as seasons. The four seasons are winter,
spring, summer, and autumn, or fall.

What Causes the Seasons

The seasons are related to the way sunlight falls on different parts of Earth in the
course of a year. As Earth revolves around the Sun, the North Pole points to the
same direction in space. For about six months of every year the North Pole is tilted
toward the Sun. During this time, the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct
sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere also gets more
hours of daylight. During the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from
the Sun. The Southern Hemisphere then gets more direct sunlight and more hours
of daylight.

When the Northern Hemisphere is getting the most sunlight, it experiences its
warmer seasons—spring and summer. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere
is getting the least sunlight, so it experiences its colder seasons—fall and winter.
The seasons in the two hemispheres are always opposite.

When then Seasons Begin?

Summer begins on the summer solstice, which is the day with the most hours of
daylight. This is June 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. It is December 21 or
22 in the Southern Hemisphere. Winter begins on the winter solstice, which is the
day with the fewest hours of daylight. In the Northern Hemisphere this is
December 21 or 22. In the Southern Hemisphere it is June 21 or 22.

Autumn begins on the autumnal equinox. This is September 22 or 23 in the

Northern Hemisphere. It is March 20 or 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. Spring
begins on the vernal equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere this is March 20 or 21.
In the Southern Hemisphere it is September 22 or 23. On both equinoxes the hours
of daylight are equal to the hours of darkness everywhere on Earth.
Effects of the Seasons

The changes in weather during each season depend on how close a region is to
the Equator. Places at the Equator get a steady amount of direct sunlight
throughout the year. For this reason there is little difference from one season to the
next. There may be rainy or dry periods, but temperatures are generally warm year-

The North and South poles are the farthest points from the Equator. Therefore
temperatures stay cold throughout the year. During the winter it is dark even in the
daytime. In the summer the Sun shines late at night. However, this “midnight Sun”
is not strong enough to give the poles hot weather.

Between the poles and the Equator, temperatures may vary greatly from one season
to the next. During winter, the weather is generally cold and often snowy. Some
animals hibernate, or sleep for a long time. Many birds have moved to warmer
places. Some plants die, and others stop growing.

When spring arrives, temperatures become warmer. Plants and trees produce new
leaves and flowers. Birds return from their winter homes, and animals come out of

During the summer, temperatures reach their highest levels. There are more hours
of daylight, and the Sun is more intense. This extra sunshine helps plants to grow.

Temperatures fall again as autumn begins. Some trees and plants lose their leaves.
Animals with fur grow thicker coats to keep themselves warm during the coming
winter. Many birds travel to warmer places.

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