Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code:3710713 Date:04 Mar 2022

Subject Name:Power Electronics Converters and Applications
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Discuss static and dynamic characteristics of MOSFET. Also specify rating, 07
switching frequency and applications of MOSFET.
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of buck converter and explain the continuous 07
conduction mode of operation with necessary waveform. Derive the equation
of output voltage and output voltage ripple.
Q.2 (a) Explain the working of cuk converter with neat diagram and necessary waveform. 07
Derive the expression for output voltage in terms of duty ratio.
(b) In a buck-boost converter operating at 20kHz, L =0.05 mH. The output 07
capacitor is sufficiently large and Vd = 15 V. The output is to be regulated at
10 V and the converter is supplying a load of 10 W. Calculate the duty ratio D.
(b) With neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working of SEPIC 07
converter. Derive output voltage in terms of duty ratio.
Q.3 (a) Explain Unipolar modulation scheme for H-bridge inverter operation. How is 07
it different from bipolar modulation? What is the effect of unipolar schemes
on the output voltage’s harmonic spectrum?
(b) Draw space vector diagram for 3-phase voltage source inverter. Explain the 07
seven segment switching pattern considering reference vector located in
Q.3 (a) Explain the working of Z-source inverter with neat diagram. Mention the 07
advantage of Z-source inverter over VSI and CSI.
(b) Explain space vector control of 3-phase bridge inverter. Show that the 07
amplitude of output voltage with space vector technique is 15.5 % higher than
that obtained with sine-triangle PWM technique.
Q.4 (a) Explain the effect of source inductance for single phase full converter. Also 07
derive the equation of output voltage V0 in terms of firing angle α and source
inductance LS.
(b) Draw power circuit for a three phase full converter feeding RLE load. Draw 07
output voltage waveforms for a firing angle delay (α) of 60° indicating the
conduction of its various elements on the assumption of continuous output
current. Hence, obtain an expression for the average output voltage in terms of
Q.4 (a) Explain how two three phase full converters can be connected back to back to form a 07
circulating current type of dual converter. Discuss its operation with the help of
voltage waveform across (a) each converter (b) load and (c) reactor.
(b) Explain the working of three-phase to single-phase cycloconverter with 07
necessary circuit and waveforms. Derive the expression of output voltage.
Q.5 (a) Explain the principle of ON-OFF control & Phase control for AC voltage 07
(b) With neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working of three-phase 07
bidirectional delta-connected controller with resistive load and firing angles α=120°.
Derive the equation of rms output phase voltage.
Q.5 (a) Describe the necessity of Isolation of gate and base drives and explain how 07
they are implemented using the pulse transformer and optoisolator with
necessary circuit diagrams.
(b) Explain the working of three-phase current source inverter with neat diagram and 07
necessary waveforms. Compare it with voltage source inverter.


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