Detailed Lesson (Writing)
Detailed Lesson (Writing)
Detailed Lesson (Writing)
1. Preliminary Activities:
b. Attendance Check
"Now, let's do a quick attendance check. -"Yes, ma'am.”
Is everyone present today? No
absences? Great.”
C. Motivation
We will be having an activity, and I - (after 10 minutes
want you all to prepare a 1 whole sheet
of paper.
After 5 min, you will read your work at - ( Student after read their work
the front. at front)
2. Discussions
-An essay is a written piece of work that
Our topic for today is all about writing presents and discusses a specific topic
essays. or argument in a structured and
coherent manner.
"Who here knows what an essay is?
Please tell me.”
Now, please read the body. -The body of an essay is the main
section where the writer develops and
supports their main ideas or arguments.
It provides detailed explanations,
evidence, and analysis to substantiate
the thesis statement.
Yes ma’am.
Good, now read the last part The conclusion of an essay is the final
section where the writer summarizes
the main points, reiterates the thesis
statement, and leaves a lasting
impression on the reader. It serves as
the culmination of the essay, providing a
sense of closure and reinforcing the
significance of the discussed ideas.
- Yes ma’am
Very good!
5. Valuing
IV. Assessment
What are the essential components of a well-structured essay, and how does effective
essay writing contribute to clear communication of ideas and arguments? Write the short
bond paper .