Core Muscles
Core Muscles
Core Muscles
External Oblique
Origin: Inner
surface of 7th to
12th ribs, Ant. 2/3
of iliac crest, & Action: Rotation,
lateral 1/3 of Flexion, and lateral
inguinal ligament. flexion of trunk.
Insertion: Linea
alba, pubic crest,
pecten pubis
Core Muscles
process of C2-L5 Action: Extension
& sacrum of spine, ipsilateral
lateral flexion, &
Insertion: contralateral
Spinous process rotation
superior to origin
Importance of Core Stabilization and
• Proximal stability is fundamental for distal mobility.
• “The core is a “muscular corset that works as a unit to stabilize the body and
spine, with and without limb movement”. (Richardson et al. 1999)
• Core control is required for ADL’s, balance, stability, and coordination during
occupational task and complex high-level sports.
• The core serves as a link that transfers energy between the UE and LE’s.
• Provides protection to the lumbar spine and transmits forces that are places on
the spine and core by the extremities.
•When the core presents as weak or imbalanced, injury or tissue damage may
Identifying Weaknesses
•While the global muscles do play a role in the stabilization of the core, an
improper balance between strong global muscles and weak local muscles will
produce local instability.
Clinical Tools
An insufficiency is noted as 49 mm
Hg or less.
Therapeutic Exercise for Core
Stabilization and Strengthening
Key to abdominal training Start with local muscles and progress to global muscles to ensure
that global muscles are not compensating for local muscles. Stabilization before strength.
Brotzman, S. B., Manske, R. C., & Daugherty, K. (2011). Core Stabilization Training.
Clinical orthopaedic rehabilitation: an evidence-based approach (3rd ed., pp. 467-
482). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Mosby.
Escamilla, R., Lewis, C., Bell, D., Bramblet, G., Daffron, J., Lambert, S., et al. (
2010). Core Muscle Activation During Swiss Ball and Traditional Abdominal
Exercises. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 40, 265-276.
Hides JA, Stokes MJ, Saide M, et al: Evidence of lumbar multifidus muscle wasting
ipsilateral to symptoms in patients with acture/sub-acute low back pain, Spine
19:165-172, 1994
Hides JA, Richard C, Jull GA: Multifidus muscle recovery is not automatic after
resolution of acute, first episode low back pain, Spine 21:2763-2769, 1996