Domasig vs. NLRC
Domasig vs. NLRC
Domasig vs. NLRC
This petition for certiorari under Rule 651 of the Rules of Court
seeks to nullify and set aside the Resolution of respondent National
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) rendered on 20 September
1994 remanding the records of the case to the arbitration branch of
origin for further proceedings.
The antecedent facts as narrated by public respondent in the
assailed resolution are as follows:
“We find the decision of the Labor Arbiter not supported by evidence on
record. The issue of whether or not complainant was a commission agent
was not fully resolved in the assailed decision. It appears that the Labor
Arbiter failed to appreciate the evidences submitted by respondent as
Annexes “B" and “B-1" (Rollo, p. 22–27) in support of its allegation as
regard[s] the nature of complainant’s employment. Neither is there a
showing that the parties were required to adduce further evidence to support
their respective claim. The resolution of the nature of complainant’s
employment is vital to the case at bar considering that it would be
determinative to his entitlement of monetary benefits. The same is similarly
true as regard the claim [sic] for unpaid commission. The amount being
claim [sic] for unpaid commission as big as it requires substantial proof to
establish the entitlement of the complainant to the same. We take note of the
respondent’s claim that ‘while they admit that complainant has an unpaid
commission due him, the same is only for his additional sale of 4,027 pieces
of regular price and 1,047 pieces at bargain price for a total sum of
(P20,135.00+2,655.00) or P22,820.00 as appearing in the list of Sales and
unpaid commission’ (Annex ‘C' and
4 Opulencia Ice Plant and Storage vs. NLRC, 228 SCRA 473.
5 Velasquez vs. Nery, 211 SCRA 28 [1992]).
“It is clear from the law that it is the arbiters who are authorized to
determine whether or not there is a necessity for conducting formal hearings
in cases brought before them for adjudication. Such6 determination is entitled
to great respect in the absence of arbitrariness."
In the case at bar, we do not believe that the labor arbiter acted
arbitrarily. Contrary to the finding of the NLRC, her decision at least
on the existence of an employer-employee relationship between
private respondents and petitioner, is supported by substantial
evidence on record.
The list of sales collection including computation of
commissions due, expenses incurred and cash advances received
(Exhibits “B" and “B-1") which, according to public respondent, the
labor arbiter failed to appreciate in support of private respondents’
allegation as regards the nature of petitioner’s employment as a
commission agent, cannot overcome the evidence of the ID card and
salary vouchers presented by petitioner which private respondents
have not denied. The list presented by private respondents would
even support petitioner’s allegation that, aside from a monthly salary
of P1,500.00, he also received commissions for his work as a
salesman of private respondents.
‘Having been in the employ of private respondents continuously
for more than one year, under the law, petitioner is considered a
regular employee. Proof beyond reasonable doubt is not required as
a basis for judgment on the legality of an employer’s dismissal of an
employee, nor even preponderance of 7 evidence for that matter,
substantial evidence being sufficient. Petitioner’s contention that
private respondents terminated his employment due to their
suspicion that he was being enticed by another firm to work for it
was not refuted by private respondents. The labor arbiter’s
conclusion that petitioner’s dismissal is therefore illegal, is not
necessarily arbitrary or erroneous. It is entitled to great weight and
6 Coca-Cola Salesforce Union vs. NLRC, 243 SCRA 680.
7 Velasquez vs. Nery, supra.
It was error and grave abuse of discretion for the NLRC to remand
the case for further proceedings to determine whether or not
petitioner was private respondents’ employee. This would only
prolong the final disposition of the complaint. It is stressed that, in
labor cases, simplification of procedures, without regard to
technicalities and without sacrificing the fundamental requisites of
due process,
8 is mandated to ensure the speedy administration of
After all, Article 218 of the Labor Code grants the Commission
and the labor arbiter broad powers, including issuance of subpoena,
requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the
production of such documentary evidence as may be material to a
just determination of the matter under investigation.
Additionally, the National Labor Relations Commission and the
labor arbiter have authority under the Labor Code to decide a case
based on the position papers and documents 9 submitted without
resorting to the technical rules of evidence.
However, in view of the need for further and correct computation
of the petitioner’s commissions in the light of the exhibits presented
and the dismissal of the criminal cases filed -against petitioner, the
labor arbiter is required to undertake a new computation of the
commissions to which petitioner may be entitled, within thirty (30)
days from submission by the parties of all necessary documents.
WHEREFORE, the resolutions of the public respondent dated 20
September 1994 and 9 November 1994 are SET ASIDE. The
decision of the labor arbiter dated 19 May 1993 is REINSTATED
and AFFIRMED subject to the modification above-stated as regards
a re-computation by the labor arbiter of the commissions to which
petitioner maybe actually entitled.