Instagram Famous - The Counterintuitive Method To Grow A Massive Instagram Following and Take Any Brand To The Next Level by Marina de Giovanni
Instagram Famous - The Counterintuitive Method To Grow A Massive Instagram Following and Take Any Brand To The Next Level by Marina de Giovanni
Instagram Famous - The Counterintuitive Method To Grow A Massive Instagram Following and Take Any Brand To The Next Level by Marina de Giovanni
The Counterintuitive Method to Grow a Massive Instagram
Following and Take Any Brand to the Next Level
Copyright © 2019 Marina De Giovanni/ Not a Model
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
Cover and design: Bree Grosshandler
Cover photography: Marina de Giovanni, Federica Dall’Orso
and Grant Puckett
A Note to You
The title of this book is Instagram Famous.
It will provide you with the knowledge and
resources you need to become an Instagram
persona with a highly engaged following.
But before we get into it, I’d like to discuss
what happens after you’ve finished the book.
(Ironic, I know!)
The ultimate goal of this book is to give you
YOUR opportunity in life. As you know, we’re
living in a digital age where acquiring fame
no longer relies solely on traditional forms
of media—print media, film studios, music
studios, radio broadcasting, television, and
so forth.
Today we can implement online content strat-
egies that demand attention using platforms
that are readily available. So, you’re reading
this because you’ve chosen that opportunity.
But equally as important, that opportunity
chose you.
Building an audience and becoming Insta-
gram Famous comes with power. Power to
impact others and become an asset to the
community. Power to change the present
and to impact the future. With your voice
and following, you have the chance to better
society in your own, authentic way.
Marina de Giovanni
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to rapidly grow your brand. We’ve seen companies like
Fashion Nova and HiSmile — and personal brands like
Kylie Jenner and Jen Selter— explode over the last couple
of years. And they’re not slowing down. It’s my promise
to reveal the secrets of Instagram experts and set you up
for success so you can grow your own empire.
But I also have a warning. The truth is: most everything
you’ve read or seen about growing a following and build-
ing a business on Instagram is dead wrong. I won’t say
you’ve been lied to, but I will say that you’ve not been told
the full story. All the common Instagram “tactics” you’re
being taught will never bring you the results you want.
(You’ll understand why in just a second).
The fact is, you need something different, and that’s
exactly what you’re getting in this book. I’m going to tell
you things you won’t hear anywhere else. Information that
most other “experts” either aren’t willing to share with
you, or simply don’t know themselves. Specifically, what
you’re going to learn in this book is how to use a concept
called Audience Attraction.
Audience Attraction is a proven strategy. And it has noth-
ing to do with gimmicks or “chasing followers.” Instead,
what it does is focus on real social media marketing so
you can finally stand out and grow an authentic following.
This is a completely NEW way to build a personal brand
and online empire, even if you’re starting from scratch.
So, come a bit closer and let me tell you how it all works…
Wanting More
In 2013 , I was a typical corporate girl,
working as an event manager and trying to
climb the corporate ladder, but really just
not enjoying what I was doing. I started
to notice people were making money on
social media and thought that might be
something I could try too. My hope was to
turn it into something that could support
me financially so I’d no longer have to
work a regular job I didn’t like.
Like most people starting out on social
media, the hardest part for me was grow-
ing a following. I told my friends about my
page, I was posting all the time, but after
doing this for a while I still wasn’t getting
followers. Nothing seemed to work, and it
was really frustrating, as you can imagine.
But I was SO sick and tired of my job, and
this seemed like the only way out.
marinadegiovanni 2h
So, I decided to keep going. I spent a lot of time reading The problem was, the sister account, Instagram pod groups,
books and online articles, and I decided to try some differ- following people in the hope that they’d follow me —
ent strategies to grow my brand on Instagram. First, I tried these were all short-term tactics. I was essentially trying
the whole hashtag thing. I’d go to these websites where to game the system rather than growing authentically.
they tell you all the different hashtags that are popular and As a result, the audience I was growing didn’t actually
trending. I would put all of them together and add them care about me. These people weren’t really interested in
to the bottom of my captions in my posts. I also followed my content or my brand. They were just following me
a lot of people, commented on, and liked their posts, in because they saw an image of a colorful donut or ice
hopes that they would notice me and follow me back. I cream from my sister account, or because I was in turn
joined Instagram pod groups and started doing share- following them.
4shares and like4likes. And I spent a lot of money on paid
It wasn’t too long until all my so-called followers became
shout-outs. This is where you pay other Instagrammers completely unengaged and my account took a HUGE
to promote you by posting your photo and tagging you. hit. Can you imagine? You get all excited about build-
The other thing I tried was starting a sister account, which ing a following, then it disappears and you have zero
is a separate account that you run, where you post generic comments… it’s embarrassing! And also, devastating. I
and trending type images. For example, you could find thought I was getting closer to my goal, but I was actually
someone else’s image that has a lot of engagement— digging myself in deeper. All that hard work and money
colorful donuts, ice cream, flowers, jewelry, wedding spent, for nothing.
dresses, whatever— and just repost it. The goal is to drive And then, just as I thought I’d finally had enough, that
people from your sister account to your personal account. maybe this dream wasn’t possible for me — right in that
moment as I was on the brink of quitting, something
“I was very happy with the major happened…
W H AT ?
Now What?
One night I was watching a movie, How
to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, when something
jumped out at me. I wasn’t sure what it
was at first, but then I got it. The main
character, Andie Anderson (played by Kate
Hudson), is one of those girls that always
gets the guy. Men obsess over her. While
another character, called Michelle, strug-
gles and comes off as a little pathetic. This
got me thinking, “How can one woman
always get the guy and another always
drive men away?” Of course, the answer
is obvious. Women who are successful
with men understand how to attract them.
These women know that if you chase a
guy, he’s going to lose interest.
strategies DON’T WORK!
See, the problem with chasing in relationships is you’re
going to attract the wrong guy. You might get his attention,
but he’s probably not really going to care about you. He’s
just a creeper looking for desperate women.
And that’s what happens when you’re doing these Instagram
chasing tactics. You’re actually attracting the equivalent
of the creepy guy, right? You’re attracting an audience that
doesn’t really care about you, they only care about what
they can get out of you.
Growing a real, engaged Instagram following is about one
simple thing: Understanding how to attract an audience
rather than chase one.
That’s the epiphany I had. And I began to feel as though
I’d stumbled onto a major breakthrough. While concep-
tually this made perfect sense to me, I still didn’t know
what other options were out there for building a following,
apart from these activities that we’ve all been told to do.
So, I made a plan to start doing some serious research
and figure out how the top ultra-influencers and brands
were actually attracting their audiences and growing those
audiences really quickly. I’m from Sydney and I don’t
know about you, but in my city, there are often a lot of
distractions. I just couldn’t do that research here. I needed
B R E A K-
Major Breakthrough
I flew to the United States. My plan was
to attend events and meetings with other
influencers and brands. I wanted to figure
out what others were doing and apply it
to my own business. The problem was,
I found a lot of random and conflicting
information, and the suggestions I got
were more or less to do stuff I was already
doing. I quickly realized that every influ-
encer and brand that I spoke to was either
using chasing tactics or had been an early
adopter of the platform and had grown
a following in an environment with less
competition. And now, these early adopt-
ers didn’t really have a strategy for growth
at all. They were just riding the wave.
I felt frustrated. I knew there had to be a better way to now everything was practically on hyperspeed. I was
grow an audience, and if I couldn’t get this information creating content faster than ever before, and my following
from influencers and brands directly, then I was going to was jumping overnight. And getting a few hundred new
have to figure it out on my own. followers in a day became the norm.
That’s really when I realized everything had changed!
I nicknamed the project Within the next 90 days, I grew my audience more than I’d
grown it in the previous three years, and my income grew
“Audience Attraction” as well. I’d done it — I’d cracked the code of ultra-influ-
encers and brands. I’d figured out how they’re attracting
and growing their massive followings on Instagram. So, if
What I decided to do next was create a full-blown, step-by-
you’ve been trying to grow your audience but have been
step action plan to figure out how ultra-influencers, icons,
struggling, it’s probably because you’ve been working on
and brands were attracting their audiences. I nicknamed
tactics that are based around chasing rather than attract-
the project “Audience Attraction,” and I approached it like
ing. If you have, don’t feel bad, because you’re not alone.
I was working to unlock a code. What were the secrets
I spent A LOT of time on those tactics too.
that the top people on Instagram were using to grow and
monetize their followings? I knew the secret somehow lay But, what happens when you make the switch and you
in attracting an audience rather than chasing one. actually attract instead of chase?
I spent a lot of time doing my own research. I compiled
tons of notes and dissected all the top Instagram feeds,
looking at what the top influencers were doing. I went
through all the different niches: fashion, beauty, fitness,
food, interior design, money, DIY, travel, and more! After
about eight months of research, and a lot of trial and error,
I eventually completed something I now call the Audience
Attraction Method.
When I started applying this method, I was pretty surprised
by the results. I saw a huge shift in my growth. It used to
take me weeks or even months to grow my following just
a little bit. And even then, I’d often seen my following
go up… and then a couple days later, go back down! But
Here’s how the Audience Attraction Method works: attracting your audience not just to yourself or your brand,
but also to your products and services.
These elements, Attention Content and Conversion, grow
together and rely on each other. If you try to build one
without the other, you won’t get anywhere; building
Attention Content without Conversion means you’ll have
an engaged audience, but no way to make money, and
building Conversion without Attention Content means
you’ll have a potential way to make money, but a disen-
gaged audience that won’t “click your links.” And, these
elements continue to grow together as you expand:
you’ll always want to post more Attention Content, and
you’ll always be looking for ways to convert followers
to purchasers.
C H A P T E R F I V E : PA R T I
Audience Alignment
The first question you must answer is:
“WHO is my audience?” You’ve probably
heard the saying, “Try to appeal to every-
body and you’ll appeal to nobody.” I know
that logically it might make sense to try
to appeal to everyone, but the problem
is that it makes you sound uninteresting
and boring.
Now, a lot of experts talk about focusing
on a “target market,” and while this is
very important, it’s actually only half the
story. Target marketing involves breaking
a market into segments and focusing your
marketing efforts on a specific group of
consumers. However, experts who talk
about market segmentation tend to focus
on demographics (gender, age, education,
etc.) and geographics (city, state, country,
etc.). While these are both important, I’ve
found that when it comes to building a
following on social media, these are the
LEAST important elements (by a long
way). Why? Because demographic and
C H A P T E R S I X : PA R T I I
Attention Content
This chapter is dedicated to showing you
how to get your audience’s eyes glued to
your content. Now that you know who
they are and what they believe in, the next
question is, “How do I get them to pay
attention to me?”
The answer is something I call “Attention
Content.” This is a series of techniques
that you can use to grab— and keep—your
audience’s attention by distributing specific
content in different formats across the
Instagram platform, including Instagram
Feed, Instagram Stories, Instagram Live,
IGTV, and Instagram advertising. The
whole purpose of all of this content is to
magnetically attract your Perfect Audience.
wants, it will help you create content that is meaningful to
them— and for that reason, they’ll be more likely to pay
attention to it.
For example, in my beauty niche, the thing that my audi-
ence wants is to be more confident.
When it comes to creating my Attention Content, I simply
create posts that help support that confidence. My content
is all based around self-confidence and self-love, and I
help my followers feel more confident by providing them
with the knowledge of how to use makeup to enhance
their looks. I help them feel better about themselves
by using makeup AS A TOOL . I demonstrate makeup
tips, tricks, tutorials… all things that can help my beauty
audience feel more confident.
If you know exactly what your audience wants and you
can create content that will help them, then they’ll be
significantly more drawn to you. And the hidden bonus is
it makes your job of creating content so much easier and
way more strategic. You’ll know exactly what content to
create to capture your Perfect Audience’s attention, and
you’ll no longer be guessing.
I want to give you a couple more examples here of Atten-
tion Content in action. @ashleygraham is most known
as a plus-size model and advocate for plus-size women,
and she understands that her target audience has a few
core challenges. They may struggle with their weight,
not knowing how to eat right or what exercises to do to
be healthier. Ashley creates specific Attention Content
to attract people who are looking to overcome these
challenges. But that’s not all she does. She also shares
her core beliefs, one of which is that it’s important to
strive for health, and NOT just “to be skinny.”
Another example is @ fullyrawkristina. She believes in the
power of raw food. She understands that her audience
wants to live a raw food lifestyle, and she knows that there
are a lot of challenges that come with that. For example,
where to source good food, how to prepare the food, how
to structure your meals around food that is 100 percent
raw, how to order when eating in a restaurant, and so
on. Her content is almost exclusively about helping her
audience solve these core challenges. At the same time,
she also represents her core beliefs about veganism, and
her conclusion that the raw food lifestyle is the healthiest
way to live.
So far, you’ve learned about Audience Alignment: how to
align your core beliefs and interests with a target market.
Then, you learned how to use your core beliefs and your
audience’s wants to create Attention Content. Now, your
“magnet” is in full force, and you’re ready to create content
that will grab the attention of your Perfect Audience.
In the next chapter, I’ll show you how to profit from this
new-found attention…
C H A P T E R S E V E N : PA R T I I I
This chapter is about attracting an audience
not just to your content, but also to your
products and services. This is basically
the “How to make money on Instagram”
step. And the first thing you need to do
is to figure out exactly what you want
to promote.
I’m about to state the obvious here, but it
needs to be said because I find this step
escapes so many people. The simple fact
is that you can’t make money on Insta-
gram simply by creating content. You
have to be consistently, almost relentlessly,
promoting products and services.
can be a coach. And similar to a service-based business, If you already have a somewhat substantial audience
coaching can be a great option when you’re just starting that’s highly engaged, then maybe you could try brands
out because it can be quite profitable even with just a collaborations. Or, if you don’t have that many followers
few clients. right now, maybe an online course or offering a service or
coaching is a more viable option to get started with. Just
5. Promote physical products
focus your efforts on which option can get you off the
There are tons of brands that have essentially built their
ground the fastest. And of course, over time you can start
whole business through Instagram marketing. If you’re
to add more income streams.
thinking about starting a physical product business, while
the list of products you could potentially sell is almost Once you know what you’re going to promote, the next
limitless, the biggest challenge is going to be the cost in step is to create content to actually convert a follower into a
getting it all set up: start-up costs, inventory, labor, manu- customer. And the best way that I’ve found to consistently
facturing and shipping costs, and so on. For this reason, do that in a cool way (and without coming across as salesy,
selling physical products is not the business I’d recom- pushy, or annoying), is through entertainment.
mend for most people just getting started.
6. Promote digital products “This is the real secret to
Digital products are products that can be delivered
digitally. Some of the big names in this field are Netflix,
monetizing on Instagram.”
iTunes, Spotify, and Audible. The most common examples
you see from smaller brands are e-books, apps, and online This is the real secret to monetizing on Instagram. And
courses. Selling digital products on Instagram is where the biggest brands like Fashion Nova and HiSmile and
I’ve had the most success, and it’s where I recommend celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Jen Selter all know it.
most people start. Digital products don’t require a lot of They know that in order to get people’s attention and
start-up costs, and they’re easy and fun to create. So if subtly pitch them on a product or service, you need to
you have any information to share with the world, then entertain them first.
creating a digital product might be a good option for you. One of my favorite methods for entertaining is through
Now if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and not sure Instagram Stories. The reason I like this approach is
which product or service is right for you, the best advice because it mimics the reality TV style. See, people don’t
I can give you is to just start with whichever option is watch Instagram Stories to be sold stuff. They watch to
most realistic for you right now. In other words, which be entertained. Which is good for us because knowing
of these options can you start promoting the fastest? this, we can act accordingly. We need to capture and
of a lot of entertainment.
So to convert a follower into a customer, deliver your
promotions in between a series of entertaining and valu-
able content. You want to find interesting and relevant
ways to include promotions around the content that you
create as you go about your day and document your life.
Make sense?
Now that you know how to convert your followers, it’s
also important to have specific strategies to push your
content and build your audience, and that’s what we’ll
look at next…
S T R AT E G Y # 1
or uploading videos, you’ll need to check the group’s is going to be two weeks from now? If a follower isn’t
rules regarding self-promotion. There’s a right way and genuinely interested in your content, they’re never going
a wrong way to do it. Most of the good groups will have to like, comment on, or share your posts. And they’re
strong rules to prevent pushy self-promotion. After all, most certainly not going to buy anything you promote!
no one wants to be part of a spammy group. So in the long term, it means you’re going to end up with
The right way to go about this is to say something like, an account not just with low engagement, but also one
“Here’s my favorite recipe, workout, fashion tip, etc.” Just that doesn’t convert. And nobody wants that, right? And
make it a post, no links to your website or Instagram. if you’re thinking about working with brands someday,
having low engagement is detrimental. Brands will be less
The wrong way is to say something like, “Follow me on
likely to work with someone who has a lot of followers
Instagram and I’ll follow you back.” Or, “Go check out
and no engagement versus someone who has a small
my blog and make sure to comment,” with a link to your
following and high engagement.
Instagram or blog. That isn’t cool. I have a group and you
would not believe the amount of comments we get like So it’s my belief that joining Instagram pods will actually
that despite having strict rules. So, don’t be that girl. Be hurt you in the long run. Instead, focus your attention on
Cool. It will pay off in the long run. forming real connections with real people in Facebook
groups— that’s a much more effective strategy for growing
What NOT to do in Facebook groups:
a valuable and engaged audience that converts!
Let’s talk about Instagram pods— dun dun dun!
You’ll notice when you start joining these Facebook groups
that people are talking about Instagram pods. As you
know from Chapter 1, Instagram pods are online groups
where people come together to do follow4 follow, like4 like,
comment4 comment, share4 share, and other nonsense!
The reason I don’t like pod groups is because I believe
they’re a waste of time. At the end of the day, you want
followers who are going to engage with your content
because they actually enjoy what you create — NOT
because you have a secret arrangement with them. If you
agree to follow someone only if they follow you back,
how engaged with your posts do you think this person
S T R AT E G Y # 2
is spending your time trying to collaborate with big personal level, those are the DMs that I ignore.)
“celebrity” type influencers who have massive followings in Step 3: DM or e-mail them.
the hundreds of thousands or millions. If you try to contact
A nice, short, friendly DM or email is all it takes to reach
a mega-popular influencer, you’re unlikely to ever get a
out and help solve their problem for them. And some-
reply. So it’s important to look to establish relationships
times multiple points of contact really help. So, if you
with influencers with a following about double the size of
DM them and don’t get a reply, don’t necessarily think
yours (or even slightly less than that).
they’re ignoring you. They might just not have seen it.
Here’s how I teach my students to do this: So send them another friendly DM, an email, or reply to
Step 1: Pick the influencers to partner with. a comment on one of their social media posts.
Create a list of 20 influencers in your niche with an Insta-
gram following about double that of yours. For example, if “Building relationships is
you have 3,000 followers, then look for influencers with
about 6,000. If you have 20,000, then look for influencers about helping people”
with about 40,000.
Step 2: Look for a way to get their attention. Use this approach, and you will begin to make partnerships
The way to do that is to actively follow these influencers with other influencers. But the overarching message I
and look for opportunities to help them solve their prob- want to get across to you is that building relationships
lems. If you want people to like you, make everything is about HELPING people. It’s about making everything
you do in the relationship about THEM . Make THEM you do about THEM; solve THEIR problems, make THEM
feel important. Listen to and solve THEIR problems. Talk feel important. That’s how this works.
about things THEY care about. Novel concept, I know!
But it works.
As an example, let’s say the influencer just posted about
how they’re going to be in New York next week and they’re
looking for a photographer. If you happen to be a New
York-based photographer or you can connect them with
one, THAT’S how you build the initial relationship. It’s
not about you saying, “Hey I love your stuff would love
to connect!” That approach is weak sauce! (And on a
S T R AT E G Y # 3
their hashtag if they have one. The brand will have people
who manage their social media and check for people
using their hashtag or tagging them.
S T R AT E G Y #4
How to create a giveaway: clothes or make the background bright, and have lots of
Step 1: Choose your prize. movement to capture people’s attention. You just want
to stop people in their tracks as they’re scrolling through
Pick a prize that’s relevant to your audience. Don’t choose
their feed.
random prizes (like an iPad). While the iPad might get
you a ton of entrants, unless your brand is related to • Make sure your caption is clear and gets across the point
technology, you won’t end up with followers who are that you’re actually running a giveaway. (Again, I recom-
interested in your brand and products. For me, in the mend searching #Giveaway for more inspiration.)
beauty niche, prizes could be things like a gift card from
Step 4: Promote your giveaway EVERYWHERE!
Sephora or Ulta, makeup products, or an online or in-
person “Makeup Masterclass.” (In addition to giving You want to go above and beyond to get the word out
away products, you can give away your time. So if you’re about your giveaway. Here are a few ideas:
a professional makeup artist, your prize could be a one- • Add a link to the giveaway post in your bio.
hour private session with you.) • Ask your friends and family to tag their friends on your
Step 2: Create your rules. post and to share your Instagram link on their social
This is where you write out the guidelines and set of
criteria for participation in your giveaway. For example, • If you have influencer friends, ask them to promote
do you want people to like the post, leave a comment, your giveaway. (And you can return the favor for them
tag a friend? Or do all three? For inspiration, search by promoting their giveaways in the future.)
# Giveaway on Instagram to see how other brands and • Promote your giveaway on your other social platforms.
influencers communicate their rules. If you have an existing following on another social
Step 3: Create your giveaway post. platform, then you can leverage those other audiences
to promote your Instagram giveaway.
This is the post you want people to like and comment on.
You can make it an image or a video — it’s up to you. But • Use hashtags, like #Giveaway or #Sweepstakes. You can
either way, some tips with this are: also get more specific to your niche. So, if your giveaway
is related to, say, fitness, then you could use the hashtag
• If it’s an image, you can add text to the image like “ENTER #FitnessGiveaway. You can even use something specific
NOW ” or “WIN ” to make it clear that it’s a giveaway.
to the product— if you’re giving away Kylie Cosmetics
• If it’s a video, make the first three seconds attention- products, you can use the hashtag #KylieCosmetics
grabbing. Try to showcase the prize in a unique way. Giveaway.
And if you’re going to be in the video, wear bright
110 C H A P T E R T W E LV E
S T R AT E G Y # 5
I know this may not sound like that big of a deal, but IT
ACTUALLY IS A BIG DEAL. Here’s why: Let’s say you’re
a beauty influencer and you create a makeup tutorial. You
can show your video to the followers of other top beauty
influencers or brands like Michelle Phan and Sephora.
So this is a guarantee that your target audience will see
your content!
Here’s what it looks like in practice:
Once you go live with your ad, Instagram will show your
content to the followers of those influencers and brands.
That means you’re likely to get some of their followers
to start following YOU. You’re putting your content in Now when you’re ready to get more advanced with your
front of people that want to see it. Make sense? Instagram advertising, I recommend using Facebook’s
Ads Manager, a more powerful way to reach your audience
If you’re just getting started, the fastest approach is to
than simply boosting your posts from the Instagram app
simply “boost” one of your posts, and you can do this
on your phone. Ads Manager gives you more options
easily from your phone. The first thing you’ll need to do
for creating ads, targeting them, and tracking your adver-
is create a business account. To do that, you’ll have to go
tising performance.
into your account settings inside the Instagram app, select
“Switch to Business Profile” and then follow the steps the And Facebook has actually created an online learning
app gives you. platform with trainings on how to create and optimize
your ads using its Ads Manager platform. You can find
Once you have an Instagram business profile, you’ll be
Facebook’s free learning center here: https://www.face-
eligible to run ads, and a “Boost Post” button will appear
alongside your posts, like this:
Either way, whether you decide to simply boost your posts
or take it to the next level with Ads Manager, you can start
advertising your content to reach your target audience. As
I mentioned, you don’t need a lot of resources to test it.
You can spend as little as five bucks on an ad.
From there, you simply follow the prompts and add the
relevant targeting details like gender, age, location, and
interests. Then you’re off to the races!
When you put yourself out there on social media and help
people solve problems through your content, it gives you
the power to positively impact the lives of others. There
is no better feeling, and I can’t wait for you to experience
it firsthand. But the only way to get there is to get started.
I know it may be difficult to believe in yourself and your
capabilities. I say that because I experienced a lot of
self-doubt and internal battles at the start of my career.
But even though I wasn’t 100 percent sure myself or of
what I was doing, I just took small steps toward my goal
anyway. And that’s what I suggest you do. Start taking
small steps consistently, and when you begin achieving
little wins…you will thirst for more.
If you’ve dreamed of being an entrepreneur or starting a
personal brand that you love and can make money from,
the best advice I can give you is to focus on one task at a
time. Do that, and I promise you will make progress— and
I’m right here with you to help you every step of the way.
So the only thing left to do is get started. It’s time to take
your first step in the right direction. I know that I’ve given
you a lot of information in this book, and that taking
action can be overwhelming (and scary). I totally get that.
So here’s what I recommend: Take one idea from this
book and take action on it in the next ten minutes.
Don’t focus on completing the task; just start it. Success
is not about getting everything perfect. It’s about taking
action. So dedicate the next ten minutes to taking action.
You will be amazed by what you can create.
Marina De Giovanni
Copyright © 2019 Marina De Giovanni/Not a Model