Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

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Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

A Guide For Developers and Investors

This document was written for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) by Alasdair Miller and Ben Lumby of Sgurr Energy Limited.
The project was implemented in partnership with The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Ministry of Finance.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 3

South asia Department

Maruti Suzuki Building,
3rd Floor, 1, Nelson Mandela Road,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070, INDIA
Telephone (91-11) 4111-1000 , 4111-3000, Facsimle (91-11) 4111-1001, 4111-3001

February 2012

Solar energy technology is gaining swift acceptance.

India is well-placed to benefit from the successful development of the solar energy industry. It is
hoped that this guidebook will encourage project developers and financiers in India and elsewhere
to adopt industry best practices in the development, construction, operation and financing of
solar projects.

This guidebook is a best practice manual for utility-scale solar power plants in India. It
focuses primarily on ground mounted, fixed tilt PV projects and also covers solar tracking
system technology. Intended to be a practical toolkit, the guidebook includes an annex that
covers Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology and highlights aspects of the CSP project
development process that differ from the PV equivalent. It also has annexes on construction,
operation and maintenance contract terms.

While the guidebook is focused on utility-scale, grid-connected solar projects, much of the
technical content is equally relevant to off-grid solar applications and is likely to be helpful to
readers keen to deepen their understanding of this exciting sector.

To illustrate various aspects of project development, construction and operation, a number of

case studies have been included. All case studies are based on the same project: a real 5MWp, thin
film plant situated in India. The following section summarizes the various aspects in the process
of development, operation and financing of utility scale solar power plants in India. Each topic is
covered in detail in this book.

We hope that you find this guidebook useful.

Anita Marangoly George

Infrastructure & Natural Resource, Asia

International Finance Corporation

A Member Of World Bank Group
4 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Solar PV Technology
The applications of solar PV power systems can be PV modules must be mounted on a structure. This helps to
split into four main categories: off-grid domestic; off-grid keep them oriented in the correct direction and provides them
non-domestic; grid-connected distributed; and grid-connected with structural support and protection.
centralised. This guidebook is focussed on grid-connected
centralised applications. Mounting structures may be either fixed or tracking. Since
fixed tilt mounting systems are simpler, cheaper and have
The main components of a PV power plant are PV modules, lower maintenance requirements than tracking systems, they
mounting (or tracking) systems, inverters, transformers and are the preferred option for countries with a nascent solar
the grid connection. market and with limited indigenous manufacturers of tracking
technology (such as India). Although tracking systems are
Solar PV modules are made up of PV cells, which are most more expensive and more complex, they can be cost-effective
commonly manufactured from silicon but other materials are in locations with a high proportion of direct irradiation.
available. Cells can be based on either wafers (manufactured
by cutting wafers from a solid ingot block of material) or PV modules are generally connected together in series to
“thin film” deposition of material over low cost substrates. In produce strings of modules of a higher voltage. These strings
general, silicon-based crystalline wafers provide high efficiency may then be connected together in parallel to produce a higher
solar cells but are relatively costly to manufacture, whereas thin current DC input to the inverters.
film cells provide a cheaper alternative but are less efficient.
Inverters are solid state electronic devices that convert DC
Since different types of PV modules have different electricity generated by the PV modules into AC electricity,
characteristics (in terms of efficiency, cost, performance in low suitable for supply to the grid. In addition, inverters can
irradiation levels, degradation rate), no single type is preferable also perform a range of functions to maximise the output
for all projects. In general, good quality PV modules are of a PV plant.
expected to have a useful life of 25 to 30 years, although their
performance will steadily degrade over this period. In general, there are two main classes of inverters: central
inverters and string inverters. Central inverters are connected
The PV module market is dominated by a few large to a number of parallel strings of modules. String inverters
manufacturers based predominantly in Europe, North America are connected to one or more series strings. While numerous
and China. Selecting the correct module is of fundamental string inverters are required for a large plant, individual
importance to a PV project, keeping in mind the numerous inverters are smaller and more easily maintained than a
internationally accepted standards. When assessing the quality central inverter.
of a module for any specific project, it is important to assess
its specifications, certifications and performance record besides While central inverters remain the configuration of choice
the track record of the manufacturer. for most utility-scale PV projects, both configurations have
their pros and cons. Central inverters offer high reliability
and ease of installation. String inverters, on the other hand,
are cheaper to manufacture, simpler to maintain and can give
enhanced power plant performance on some sites.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 5

Solar Resource
The efficiency of proposed inverters should be carefully Reliable solar resource data are essential for the development
considered during the development process. While there is no of a solar PV project. While these data at a site can be defined
universally accepted method for quantifying inverter efficiency, in different ways, the Global Horizontal Irradiation (the total
there are a number of established methods that can help in solar energy received on a unit area of horizontal surface) is
making an informed decision. Almost half of the inverter generally of most interest to developers. In particular, a high
market is dominated by SMA Solar Technology AG, which long term average annual GHI is desired.
has a higher market share than the combined share of the next
four largest vendors. Following a global shortage of inverters There are two main sources of solar resource data: satellite
in 2010, some big name players are starting to enter the solar derived data and land-based measurement. Since both sources
inverter market. A key parameter is the Performance Ratio have particular merits, the choice will depend on the specific
(PR) of a PV power plant, which quantifies the overall effect site. Land based site measurement can be used to calibrate
of losses on the rated output. The PR, usually expressed as a resource data from other sources (satellites or meteorological
percentage, can be used to compare PV systems independent stations) in order to improve accuracy and certainty.
of size and solar resource. A PR varying from approximately
77% in summer to 82% in winter (with an annual average PR As solar resource is inherently intermittent, an
of 80%) would not be unusual for a well-designed solar PV understanding of inter-annual variability is important. At least
installation or plant, depending on the ambient conditions. 10 years of data are usually required to give the variation to a
reasonable degree of confidence.
It is also important to consider the capacity factor of a PV
power plant. This factor (usually expressed as a percentage) In India, solar resource data are available from various
is the ratio of the actual output over a period of a year to sources. These include the Indian Meteorological Department,
theoretical output if the plant had operated at nominal power NASA’s Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy data set,
for the entire year. The capacity factor of a fixed tilt PV plant METEONORM’s global climatological database, and satellite-
in southern Spain will typically be in the region of 16%. Plants derived geospatial solar data products from the United States
in India operating within a reliable grid network are expected National Renewable Energy Laboratory. These sources are of
to have a similar capacity factor. varying quality and resolution. Appropriate expertise is needed
to interpret the data.
This apart, the “specific yield” (the total annual energy
generated per kWp installed) is often used to help determine
the financial value of a plant and compare operating results
from different technologies and systems.
6 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Project Development
The development of a PV project can be broken down The development phase takes the project from the feasibility
into the following phases: conceptual, pre-feasibility study, stage through to financial close and is likely to consist of:
feasibility study, development and design. In general, each
succeeding phase entails an increased level of expenditure but
• Preparation and submission of the permit
applications for the proposed solar PV project.
reduces the risk and uncertainty in the project. In practice,
the progression through these phases is not strictly linear. The • Preparation and submission of a grid
amount of time and money committed in each phase will vary, connection application.
depending on the priorities and risk appetite of the developer. • Revision of the design and planning permissions.

A typical scope for a feasibility study would include • Decision on contracting strategy (turnkey EPC
the items below (again, these are covered in more contract or multi- contract).
detail in the book): • Decision on the financing approach.

• Production of a detailed site plan. • Preparation of solar PV module

tender documentation.
• Calculation of solar resource and environmental
characteristics. • Supplier selection and ranking.

• Assessment of shading (horizon and nearby buildings • Preparation of construction tender documentation.
and objects).
• Contractor selection and ranking.
• Outline layout of areas suitable for PV development.
• Contract negotiations.
• Assessment of technology options providing cost/
benefit for the project location: • Completion of a bankable energy yield.

• Module type. • Preparation of a financial model covering the full life

cycle of the plant.
• Mounting system.
• Completion of a project risk analysis.
• Outline system design.
• Environmental impact assessment.
• Application for outline planning permission.
• Production of a detailed project report.
• Grid connection – more detailed assessment of
likelihood, cost and timing. • Securing financing for the project.

• Predicted energy yields. The design phase will prepare the necessary detail and
documentation to enable the tendering and construction of
• Financial modelling. the solar PV plant.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 7

Site Selection Energy Yield Prediction

Selecting a suitable site is a crucial part of developing The energy yield prediction provides the basis for
a viable solar PV project. In selecting a site, the aim is to calculating project revenue. The aim is to predict the average
maximise output and minimise cost. The main constraints that annual energy output for the lifetime of the proposed
need to be assessed include: power plant (along with the confidence levels). The level of
accuracy required will depend on the stage of development
• Solar resource – Global Horizontal Irradiation, of the project.
annual and inter-annual variation, impact of shading.

• Local climate – flooding, high winds, snow and To estimate accurately the energy produced from a PV
extreme temperatures. power plant, information is needed on the solar resource and
temperature conditions of the site. Also required are the layout
• Available area – area required for different module
and technical specifications of the plant components.
technologies, access requirements, pitch angle and
minimising inter-row shading.
To make life easy for project developers, a number of solar
• Land use – this will impact land cost and energy yield prediction software packages are available in the
environmental sensitivity. The impact of other land market. These packages use time step simulation to model the
users on the site should also be considered.
performance of a project over the course of a year. To ensure
• Topography – flat or slightly south facing slopes are more accurate results that would satisfy a financial institution’s
preferable for projects in the northern hemisphere. due diligence and make the project bankable, the analysis
should be carried out by a qualified expert. Realistic allowance
• Geotechnical – including consideration of
groundwater, resistivity, load bearing properties, soil should be made for undermining factors such as air pollution,
pH levels and seismic risk. grid downtime and electrical losses.

• Geopolitical – sensitive military zones should Annual energy yields may be expressed within a given
be avoided.
confidence interval (for example, the P90 annual energy
• Accessibility – proximity to existing roads, extent of yield prediction means the energy yield value with a 90%
new roads required. probability of exceedance). Since the energy yield simulation
software is heavily dependent on the input variables,
• Grid connection – cost, timescales, capacity,
proximity and availability. any uncertainty in the resource data gets translated into
uncertainty in the yield prediction results. As the energy yield
• Module soiling – including local weather, depends linearly, to a first approximation, on the plane of
environmental, human and wildlife factors.
array irradiance it is the uncertainty in the resource data that
• Water availability – a reliable supply is required for dominates the uncertainty in the yield prediction.
module cleaning.

• Financial incentives – tariffs and other incentives

vary between countries and regions within countries.
8 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Plant Design
The design of a PV plant involves a series of compromises The electrical design of a PV project can be split into the
aimed at achieving the lowest possible levelised cost[1] of DC and AC systems. The DC system comprises the following:
electricity. Choosing the correct technology (especially
modules and inverters) is of central importance. Selecting a
• Array(s) of PV modules.
module requires assessment of a complex range of variables. • Inverters.
At the very least, this assessment would include cost, power
output, benefits / drawbacks of technology type, quality,
• DC cabling (module, string and main cable).
spectral response, performance in low light, nominal power • DC connectors (plugs and sockets).
tolerance levels, degradation rate and warranty terms.
• Junction boxes/combiners.
The factors to consider when selecting inverters include • Disconnects/switches.
compatibility with module technology, compliance with grid
code and other applicable regulations, inverter-based layout,
• Protection devices.
reliability, system availability, serviceability, modularity, • Earthing.
telemetry requirements, inverter locations, quality and cost.
The AC system includes:
In designing the site layout, the following aspects
are important:
• AC cabling.

• Switchgear.
• Choosing row spacing to reduce inter-row shading
and associated shading losses. • Transformers.

• Choosing the layout to minimise cable runs and • Substation.

associated electrical losses.
• Earthing and surge protection.
• Allowing sufficient distance between rows to allow
access for maintenance purposes. Every aspect of both the DC and AC electrical systems
should be scrutinised and optimised. The potential economic
• Choosing a tilt angle that optimises the annual
gains from such an analysis are much larger than the cost of
energy yield according to the latitude of the site and
the annual distribution of solar resource. carrying it out.

• Orientating the modules to face a direction that In order to achieve a high performance PV plant, the
yields the maximum annual revenue from power incorporation of automatic data acquisition and monitoring
production. In the northern hemisphere, this will
technology is essential. This allows the yield of the plant to be
usually be true south.
monitored and compared with calculations made from solar
irradiation data to raise warnings on a daily basis if there is a
shortfall. Faults can then be detected and rectified before they
have an appreciable effect on production.

[1] Levelized cost is the net cost to install and operate a renewable energy system
divided by its expected life-time energy output.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 9

In addition, power plants typically need to provide • Local communities.

24-hour forecasts (in half hourly time steps) to the network
• Health and safety agencies/departments.
operator. These forecasts help network operators to ensure
continuity of supply. • Electricity utilities.

• Military authorities.
Selection of suitable technology and optimisation of
the main electrical systems is clearly vital. Alongside, Early engagement with all relevant authorities is highly
detailed consideration should be given to the surrounding advisable to minimise risk and maximise the chances of
infrastructure, including the mounting structures, control successful and timely implementation of the project.
building, access roads and site security systems. While these
systems should be relatively straightforward to design and Construction
construct, errors in these systems can have a disproportionate
impact on the project. The management of the construction phase of a solar
PV project should be in accordance with construction
Permits and Licensing management best practice. The aim should be to construct
the project to the required level of quality within the time and
Permit and licensing requirements vary, depending on cost deadlines.
the location of the project but the key permits, licences
and agreements typically required for renewable energy During construction, the environmental impact of the
projects include: project as well as the health and safety issues of the workforce
(and other affected people) should also be carefully managed.
• Land lease contract.
The IFC Performance Standards give detailed guidance on
• Environmental impact assessment. these issues. Compliance with these standards can facilitate the
financing of a project.
• Building permit/planning consent.

• Grid connection contract. Typical issues that arise during the construction of a PV
project include:
• Power purchase agreement.

The authorities, statutory bodies and stakeholders that • Foundations not being suited to ground conditions.
should be consulted also vary from country to country but will • Discovery of hazardous / contaminated substances
usually include the following organisation types: during excavation.

• Local and/or regional planning authority. • Incorrect orientation of modules.

• Environmental agencies/departments. • Insufficient cross-bracing on mounting structures.

• Archaeological agencies/departments. • Incorrect use of torque wrenches.

• Civil aviation authorities (if located near an airport). • Damaging cables during construction / installation.
10 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Operations and Maintenance

• Delayed grid connection. Compared to most other power generating technologies,
• Access / construction constrained by weather. PV plants have low maintenance and servicing requirements.
However, suitable maintenance of a PV plant is essential to
• Insufficient clearance between rows for vehicle access. optimise energy yield and maximise the life of the system.
Maintenance consists of:
While some of these issues appear minor, rectification
of the problems they cause can be expensive. While close
• Scheduled or preventative maintenance – planned
supervision of contractors during construction is important, in advance and aimed to prevent faults from
using the services of a suitably experienced engineer should be occurring, as well as to keep the plant operating at its
considered if the required expertise is not available in-house. optimum level.

• Unscheduled maintenance – carried out in response

Commissioning to failures.

Commissioning should prove three main criteria: Scheduled maintenance typically includes:

• The power plant is structurally and electrically safe. • Module cleaning.

• The power plant is sufficiently robust • Checking module connection integrity.

(structurally and electrically) to operate for the
specified project lifetime. • Checking junction / string combiner boxes.

• The power plant operates as designed and performs • Thermographic detection of faults.
as expected.
• Inverter servicing.
Commissioning tests are normally split into three groups: • Inspecting mechanical integrity of
mounting structures.
• Visual acceptance tests. These tests take place before
any systems are energised and consist of a detailed • Vegetation control.
visual inspection of all significant aspects of the plant.
• Routine balance of plant servicing / inspection.
• Pre-connection acceptance tests. These include an
open circuit voltage test and short circuit current test. Common unscheduled maintenance requirements include:
These tests must take place before grid connection.
• Tightening cable connections that have loosened.
• Post-connection acceptance test. Once the plant is
connected to the grid, a DC current test should be • Replacing blown fuses.
carried out. Thereafter, the performance ratio of the
plant is measured and compared with the value stated • Repairing lightning damage.
in the contract. An availability test, usually over a
period of 5 days, should also be carried out.
• Repairing equipment damaged by intruders or
during module cleaning.

• Rectifying supervisory control and data acquisition

(SCADA) faults.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 11

• Repairing mounting structure faults. MWp for solar PV power projects commissioned during fiscal
years 2010/11 and 2011/12. The CERC benchmark also gives
• Rectifying tracking system faults.
a breakdown of the various cost elements that can be used by
Careful consideration should be given to selecting an developers for planning or comparison purposes.
operation and maintenance (O&M) contractor and drafting
the O&M contract to ensure that the performance of the plant The financial benefits and drawbacks to the developer
is optimised. After the project is commissioned, it is normal should be explored in detail through the development
for the EPC contractor to guarantee the performance ratio and of a full financial model. This model should include the
the O&M contractor to confirm the availability and, ideally, following inputs:
the performance ratio.
• Capital costs – these should be broken down
as far as possible. Initially, the CERC assumption
Economics and Financial can be used but quoted prices should be included
when possible.
• Operations and maintenance costs – in addition
The development of solar PV projects can bring a range of to the predicted O&M contract price, operational
economic costs and benefits at the local and national levels. expenditure will include comprehensive insurance,
administration costs, salaries and labour wages.
Economic benefits can include:
• Annual energy yield – as accurate an estimate as is
• Job creation. available at the time.
• Use of barren land. • Energy price – this can be fixed or variable and will
depend on the location of the project as well as the
• Avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions.
tariff under which it has been developed.
• Increased energy security.
• Certified Emission Reductions – under the Clean
• Reduction of dependence on imports. Development Mechanism, qualifying Indian solar
projects may generate Certified Emission Reductions,
• Increased tax revenue. which can then be sold. However, this revenue is
difficult to predict.
An awareness of the possible economic benefits and costs
will aid developers and investors in making the case for • Financing assumptions – including proportion of
debt and equity, interest rates and debt terms.
developing solar energy projects to local communities and
government bodies. • Sensitivity analysis – sensitivity of the energy
price to changes in the various input parameters
India’s Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) should be assessed.
has produced a benchmark capital cost of INR 169 million/
12 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Financing PV Projects
Solar PV projects are generally financed on a project finance In Europe, it is quite normal to see the equity partners and
basis. As such, the equity partners and project finance partners developers form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to develop the
typically conduct an evaluation of the project covering the project. The equity component is typically around 15-20% of
legal aspects, permits, contracts (EPC and O&M), and the total project investment cost. The debt portion—usually
specific technical issues prior to achieving financial closure. provided by an investment bank offering project finance
The project evaluations (due diligence) identify the risks and or leasing finance—is typically 80-85% of the total project
methods of mitigating them prior to investment. investment cost.

There are typically three main due diligence evaluations: Despite the recent turmoil in the international credit
markets, many financial institutions are willing to provide
• Legal due diligence – assessing the permits and long term finance for the solar energy sector. Individual
contracts (EPC and O&M). projects from smaller developers may receive financing with a
loan to value (LTV) ratio of 80%, whereas portfolios of solar
• Insurance due diligence – assessing the adequacy of
the insurance policies and gaps in cover. power projects from experienced developers may be financed
with a LTV ratio of 85%. Typical terms of the project finance
• Technical due diligence – assessing technical aspects loan are approximately 18 years. In India, a debt-equity split
of the permits and contracts. These include:
of 75:25 is taken as standard and the debt term is typically
• Sizing of the PV plant. around 14 years.

• Layout of the PV modules, mounting and/or At present, the insurance industry has not standardised the
trackers, and inverters.
insurance products for PV projects or components. However,
• Electrical design layout and sizing. an increasing demand for PV insurance is expected to usher
in standardisation. In general, while large PV systems require
• Technology review of major components
liability and property insurance, many developers may also opt
(modules/inverters/mounting or trackers).
to add policies such as environmental risk insurance.
• Energy yield assessments.

• Contract assessments (EPC, O&M, grid

connection, power purchase and Feed-in Tariff
( FiT) regulations).

• Financial model assumptions.

A Guide For Developers and Investors 13

Solar power is becoming a widely accepted technology.
India is well-placed to benefit from the successful
development of a solar energy industry. It is hoped
that this guidebook will encourage Indian project
developers and financiers to adopt industry best
practices in the development, construction, operation
and financing of solar projects.
14 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

1 INTRODUCTION���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
2 SOLAR PV TECHNOLOGY�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
2.1 Applications of Solar PV����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
2.2 Overview of Ground Mounted PV Power Plant���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
2.3 Solar PV Modules����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
2.4 Mounting and Tracking Systems���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
2.5 Inverters������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
2.6 Quantifying Plant Performance����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
2.7 Solar PV Technology Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
3 THE SOLAR RESOURCE� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
3.1 Quantifying the Resource��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
3.2 Solar Resource Assessment������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
3.3 Variability in Solar Irradiation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
3.4 Indian Solar Resource���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44
4 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
4.1 Overview of Project Phases������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
4.2 Concept�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 50
4.3 Pre-Feasibility Study������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 50
4.4 Feasibility Study������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
4.5 Development����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
4.6 Detailed Design������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
5 SITE SELECTION���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
5.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55
5.2 Site Selection Constraints��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
6 ENERGY YIELD PREDICTION� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
6.1 Irradiation on Module Plane����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 60
6.2 Performance Modelling������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 61
6.3 Energy Yield Prediction Results������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 61
6.4 Uncertainty in the Energy Yield Prediction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
A Guide For Developers and Investors 15

7 PLANT DESIGN������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 68
7.1 Technology Selection����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
7.2 Layout and Shading������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
7.3 Electrical Design������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
7.4 Infrastructure����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
7.5 Site Security�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
7.6 Monitoring and Forecasting����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
7.7 Optimising System Design��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
7.8 Design Documentation Requirements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
7.9 Plant Design Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102
8 PERMITS AND LICENSING����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105
8.1 Permitting, Licensing and Regulatory Requirements – General������������������������������������������������ 105
8.2 IFC Performance Standards On Social And Environmental Sustainability�������������������������������� 105
8.3 Permitting, Licensing and Regulatory Requirements – India����������������������������������������������������� 106
9 CONSTRUCTION�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
9.1 Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
9.2 Interface Management������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
9.3 Programme and Scheduling����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
9.4 Cost Management��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������113
9.5 Contractor Warranties�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������115
9.6 Quality Management���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������116
9.7 Environmental Management���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������116
9.8 Health and Safety Management���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������117
9.9 Specific Solar PV Construction Issues��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������117
9.10 Construction Supervision�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������119
10 COMMISSIONING���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
10.1 General Recommendations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
10.2 Pre-Connection Acceptance Testing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 123
10.3 Grid Connection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
10.4 Post Connection Acceptance Testing����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
10.5 Provisional Acceptance��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
10.6 Handover Documentation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 125
16 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

11 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
11.1 Scheduled/Preventative Maintenance���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
11.2 Unscheduled Maintenance��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 128
11.3 Spares�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
11.4 Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Optimisation���������������������������������������������������������� 129
11.5 Contracts�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 129
11.6 Operations and Maintenance Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
12 ECONOMICS AND FINANCIAL MODEL�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
12.1 Economic Benefits and Costs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 134
12.2 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) Cost Benchmarks�������������������������������������� 136
12.3 Financial Model���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 137
13 FINANCING PV PROJECTS� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
13.1 Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
13.2 Project Financing������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144
13.3 Risks���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 146
13.4 Insurance�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
14 CONCLUSION���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150

Appendix A – Concentrated Solar Power

1 INTRODUCTION�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151
2 Installed CSP Capacity���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
3 THE SOLAR RESOURCE� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 152
4 Review of CSP Technologies� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 152
4.1 Overview of Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies����������������������������������������������������������� 154
4.1.1 Uptake and Track Record������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 156
4.1.2 CSP Cost Trends��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
4.1.3 Summary Comparison���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
4.2 Parabolic Trough Concentrators��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 158
4.2.1 Reflector�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160
4.2.2 Receiver Tube������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 161
4.2.3 Heat Transfer Fluid��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 161
4.2.4 Base Frame, Tracking System and Connecting Elements�������������������������������������������������������� 162
A Guide For Developers and Investors 17

4.2.5 Examples from Industry������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 162
4.2.6 Losses������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 163
4.2.7 Costs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164
4.2.8 Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 165
4.3 Power Tower���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 166
4.3.1 Heliostat and the Tracking and Control Mechanisms�������������������������������������������������������������� 166
4.3.2 Receiver, Heat Transfer Medium and Tower���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167
4.3.3 Examples in Industry������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 167
4.3.4 Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 168
4.4 Parabolic Dish�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
4.4.1 Stirling Engines��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
4.4.2 Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
4.5 Power Block����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 170
4.6 Energy Storage and Supplementary Heating������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 171
4.6.1 Overview������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
4.6.2 Storage Medium (Including Molten Salts)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 172
4.6.3 Supplementary Heating (Use of Natural Gas or LPG)�������������������������������������������������������������� 172
4.6.4 Costs�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 172
4.6.5 Conclusions��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 173
4.7 Cooling and Water Consumption������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 173
4.7.1 Cooling Options�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 173
4.7.2 Water Consumption��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������174
4.8 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175
4.9 Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 176
4.9.1 Manufacturers and Examples from Industry���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 176
4.9.2 CPV Advantages and Disadvantages���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
4.10 Linear Fresnel Reflector��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
4.10.1 Applications and Examples������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 177
4.10.2 Reflector and Structure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 178
4.10.3 Receiver and Heat Transfer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 179
4.10.4 Conclusions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 179
18 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

5 Site Selection� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180
6 Energy Yield Prediction� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 180
6.1 Site Conditions and Data Measurements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 180
6.2 Technology Characteristics����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
6.3 Energy Yield Modelling���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 181
7 Project Implementation� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.1 Overview����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.2 Design��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.2.1 Project Size and Land Area�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.2.2 Load Matching Generation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.2.3 Solar Multiple������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 182
7.2.4 Capacity Factor�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182
7.2.5 Grade of Heat����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
7.3 Development���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183
7.4 Engineering, Procurement and Construction������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 184
7.5 Uncertainties and Risks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 184
7.5.1 Achieving Performance Improvements������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 184
7.5.2 Realising Learning Rate Effects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 184
7.5.3 Supply Chain Competition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
7.5.4 Short Term Cost Uncertainties��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185
8 Conclusion���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185

Appendix A – Concentrated Solar Power������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 151

Appendix B – AC Benchmarks�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
Appendix C – EPC Contract Model Heads of Terms��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 188
Appendix D – O&M Contract Model Heads of Terms������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 195
A Guide For Developers and Investors 19


Figure 1: Overview of Solar PV Power Plant���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Figure 2 (a): PV Technology Classes������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
Figure 2 (b): Development of Research Cell Efficiencies�������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
Figure 3: Effect of Tilt on Solar Energy Capture��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Figure 4: Benefit of Dual Axis Tracking System����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Figure 5: An Example of a Tracking PV Plant�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Figure 6: PV System Configurations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Figure 7: Transformer and Transformerless Inverter Schematic��������������������������������������������������������� 36
Figure 8: Efficiency Curves of Low, Medium and High Efficiency Inverters as
Functions of the Input Power to Inverter Rated Capacity Ratios������������������������������������ 37
Figure 9: Inverter Manufacturer Market Share 2009�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
Figure 10: Annual Average Global Horizontal Irradiation����������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Figure 11: Example Pyranometer Measuring GHI (Image courtesy: Kipp & Zonen)������������������������� 43
Figure 12: Annual Average Daily Global Horizontal Irradiation for India at 40-km Resolution.���� 45
Figure 13: Annual Mean Horizontal Solar Irradiation for Three Cities in India�������������������������������� 46
Figure 14: Monthly Diffuse and Direct Solar Irradiation in Chennai, India�������������������������������������� 47
Figure 15: Large Scale PV Plant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57
Figure 16: Uncertainty in Energy Yield Prediction������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 65
Figure 17: Sun-path Diagram for Chennai, India��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Figure 18: Shading Angle Diagram (Image courtesy of Schletter GmbH)����������������������������������������� 76
Figure 19: Voltage and Power Dependency Graphs of Inverter Efficiency��������������������������������������� 79
Figure 20: PV Array Showing String Cables����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Figure 21: Typical Transformer Locations and Voltage Levels in a Solar Plant where
Export to Grid is at HV�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89
Figure 22: PV System Monitoring Schematic��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 95
Figure 23: Components of a Forecasting System�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Figure 24: Spacing Between Module Rows����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������119
Figure 25: Solar Panel Covered with Dust������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 127
Figure 26: Benchmark Solar PV Plant Cost Breakdown according to CERC������������������������������������� 136
20 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants


Appendix A – Concentrated Solar Power

Figure 1: Average Daily Direct Normal Solar Irradiation for Selected Asian
Countries (kWh/m2 /day)���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 153
Figure 2: Ideal Representation of a Concentrating Solar Power System����������������������������������������� 154
Figure 3: Solar Thermal Concentrator Types������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 155
Figure 4: Typical CSP Power Plant Schematic (Parabolic Trough with Storage)������������������������������ 155
Figure 5: Implementation of CSP Technologies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 157
Figure 6: Generating Cost for Recently Completed and Under Construction CSP Projects����������� 157
Figure 7: An Example of a Parabolic Trough Concentrator�������������������������������������������������������������� 160
Figure 8: An Example of a Parabolic Concentrator Solar Plant�������������������������������������������������������� 161
Figure 9: Component Cost as a Percentage of Overall Plant Cost��������������������������������������������������� 163
Figure 10: Installed Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant with Storage������������������������������������������������ 164
Figure 11: Generating Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant������������������������������������������������������������������� 165
Figure 12: An Example of Solar Power Tower Technology��������������������������������������������������������������� 167
Figure 13: An Example of a Parabolic Dish System��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 169
Figure 14: Implementation of Energy Storage in CSP Plants������������������������������������������������������������ 171
Figure 15: ISCC Plant Schematic���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175
Figure 16: Illustration of Typical CPV Concentrating Mechanism���������������������������������������������������� 177
Figure 17: Example of SolFocus CPV Installation������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 177
Figure 18: Kimberlina solar thermal energy plant, installed by AREVA Solar (USA)���������������������� 178
A Guide For Developers and Investors 21


Table 1: Characteristics of Various PV technology classes������������������������������������������������������������������ 28

Table 2: PV Module Standards�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Table 3: Indicative List of Inverter-related Standards������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Table 4: Inter-Annual Variation in Solar Resource From Analysis of NASA SSE�������������������������������� 44
Table 5: Losses in a PV Power Plant������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 62
Table 6: Comparison of Module Technical Specifications at STC������������������������������������������������������� 69
Table 7: Inverter Selection Criteria������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
Table 8: Inverter Specification�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Table 9: Definition of Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Table 10: Performance Optimisation Strategies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Table 11: Annotated Wiring Diagram Requirements������������������������������������������������������������������������ 101
Table 12: Solar PV Project Interfaces���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111
Table 13: Typical EPC Payment Schedule���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������114
Table 14: Warranty Types and Requirements�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������115
Table 15: Benchmark Costs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 137

Appendix A – Concentrated Solar Power

Table 1: CSP Installed Capacity (MW)������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156
Table 2: Comparison of Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies����������������������������������������������� 159
Table 3: Parabolic Trough Reference Plant Characteristic���������������������������������������������������������������� 164
Table 4: Condenser Cooling Options���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������174
Table 5: Water Requirements for Different CSP Plant Types������������������������������������������������������������ 175
Table 6: Examples of ISCC Plants�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 176
Table 7: Load Matching Options��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 183

Appendix B – AC Benchmarks
Table 1: Cable Specification���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
Table 2: Switchgear Specification������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 186
Table 3: Transformer Specification����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 187

Appendix C – EPC Contract Model Heads of Terms

Table 1 – Milestone Payments and Transfer of Title������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191
22 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

List of abbreviations
°C Degrees Centigrade CPV Concentrating HV High Voltage Tracking
A Amp IFC International Finance MTBF Mean Times Between
CSP Concentrated Solar Corporation Failures
AC Alternating Current Power
IEC International NAPCC National Action Plan
AOD Aerosol Optical Depth DC Direct Current Electrotechnical for Climate Change
a-Si Amorphous Silicon DIN Deutsches Institut für NREL National Renewable
Normung IP International Energy Laboratory
CB Circuit Breaker
Protection Rating or
DNI Direct Normal Internet Protocol NVVN NTPC Vidhyut Vyapar
CDM Clean Development
Irradiation Nigam (NVVN)
IRR Internal Rate of Return
DSCR Debt Service Coverage O&M Operations and
c-Si Crystalline Silicon
Ratio ISC Short-Circuit Current Maintenance
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas
EIA Environmental Impact JNNSM Jawaharlal Nehru PPA Power Purchase
Assessment National Solar Mission Agreement
CdTe Cadmium Telluride
EN European Norm kWh Kilowatt Hour PR Performance Ratio
CE Conformité
EPC Engineer Procure LTV Loan to Value PV Photovoltaic
LV Low Voltage REC Renewable Energy
CER Certified Emission
FiT Feed-in Tariff Certificate
Reduction MET Meteorological
GHI Global Horizontal RPO Renewable Purchase
CERC Central Electricity MNRE Ministry of Renewable
Irradiation Obligation
Regulatory Energy
Commission GSM Global System SCADA Supervisory Control
for Mobile MPP Maximum Power Point and Data Acquisition
CIGS Copper Indium
(Gallium) Di-Selenide MPPT Maximum Power Point
A Guide For Developers and Investors 23

The objective of this guidebook is to communicate how to successfully finance, develop, construct and operate a utility scale PV
power plant.

Throughout the guide, a number of case studies have been included to illustrate specific aspects of the development and
construction of solar PV projects in India. These case studies are based on a real solar PV project of 5 MWp capacity located in
India. While the studies are based on this one specific project, many of the issues addressed are relevant to other locations and
many of the challenges faced by this project will be common across solar power plant projects in India. This plant was the first of
its kind on this scale in India and served as a demonstration plant. It is in this context that the case studies should be read.

The layout design recommendations assume the plant is located in the northern hemisphere, although the concepts may be
extended to southern hemisphere locations.

Annex A gives an overview of CSP technology and highlights key differences between the PV and CSP project development
processes. Other appendices provide technical benchmarks for AC equipment and heads of terms for EPC and O&M contracts.
The guidebook may also be read in conjunction with the Indian market analysis report[2].

[2] IFC Market Analysis on Solar Power Generation in India (SgurrEnergy Limited).

Case Studies
The case studies will highlight a wide range of issues and lessons learned from the
development and construction of the 5 MW plant in Tamil Nadu, India. However, it should
be noted that many of these issues (e.g. the losses to be applied in an energy yield prediction
or the importance of a degree of adjustability in a supporting structure) come down to the
same fundamental point: it is essential to get suitable expertise in the project team. This does
not only apply to technical expertise but also to financial, legal and other relevant fields. It
can also be achieved in a variety of ways: e.g. hiring staff, using consultants or partnering with
other organisations.

Issues and lessons described in these case studies will inform the actions of other developers
and help promote good practice in the industry to ensure that best practices can be followed
to support project financing in this sector.
24 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

This section of the guidebook discusses PV applications, onto the semiconductor PV cells generates electron
movement. The output from a solar PV cell is direct
module technologies, mounting systems, inverters, monitoring
current (DC) electricity. A PV power plant contains
and forecasting techniques. It provides an overview of current many cells connected together in modules and many
commercially available technologies used in utility scale modules connected together in strings[3] to produce
solar PV projects. The purpose is to provide a framework of the required DC power output.
understanding for developers and investors before they commit
• Module mounting (or tracking) systems – These
to a specific technology.
allow PV modules to be securely attached to the
ground at a fixed tilt angle, or on sun-tracking
2.1 Applications of Solar PV frames.

There are four primary applications for PV power systems: • Inverters – These are required to convert the DC
electricity to alternating current (AC) for connection
to the utility grid. Many modules in series strings and
• Off-grid domestic – Providing electricity to
parallel strings are connected to the inverters.
households and villages that are not connected to the
utility electricity network (the “grid”). • Step-up transformers – The output from the
inverters generally requires a further step-up in
• Off-grid non-domestic – Providing electricity
voltage to reach the AC grid voltage level. The step-
for a wide range of applications such as
up transformer takes the output from the inverters to
telecommunication, water pumping and
the required grid voltage (for example 25 kV, 33 kV,
navigational aids.
38 kV, 110 kV depending on the grid connection
• Grid-connected distributed PV – Providing point and requirements).
electricity to a specific grid-connected customer.
• The grid connection interface – This is where the
• Grid-connected centralised PV – Providing electricity is exported into the grid network. The
centralised power generation for the supply of bulk substation will also have the required grid interface
power into the grid. switchgear such as circuit breakers and disconnects
for protection and isolation of the PV power plant as
The focus of this guidebook is on grid-connected centralised well as generation and supply metering equipment.
PV power plants. However much of the guidebook is also The substation and metering point are often external
to the PV power plant boundary and are typically
relevant to other applications.
located on the network operator’s property[4].

2.2 Overview of Ground Mounted 2.3 Solar PV Modules

PV Power Plant
This section describes commercially available technology
Figure 1 gives an overview of a megawatt scale options for solar PV modules, discusses module certification
grid-connected solar PV power plant. The main and module manufacturers, and elaborates on how solar PV
components include: module performance can degrade over time.

• Solar PV modules – These convert solar radiation [3] Modules may be connected together in series to produce a string of modules.
directly into electricity through the photovoltaic When connected in series the voltage increases. Strings of modules connected
effect in a silent and clean process that requires in parallel increase the current output.

no moving parts. The photovoltaic effect is a [4] Responsibility for this is defined in the grid connection contract. Normally,
it is the grid operator‘s onus to maintain the equipment in the grid operator‘s
semiconductor effect whereby solar radiation falling boundary—and there will be a cost to be paid by the PV plant owner.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 25

Utility Grid


Solar Modules
Mounting Racks Step Up

AC Utility
Net Meter
Transfers DC
DC/AC Disconnects
Electricity to
Transfers the Service
Converted AC Panel

Figure 1: Overview of Solar PV Power Plant

2.3.1 Background on PV Materials

The unusual electrical properties required for PV cells limit Figure 2(a) summarises the technology classes:
the raw materials from which they may be manufactured.
Silicon is the most common material while cells using • Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) – Modules are made from
cells of either mono-crystalline or multi-crystalline
cadmium telluride and copper indium (gallium) di-selenide
silicon. Mono-crystalline silicon cells are generally
are also available. Each material has unique characteristics that the most efficient, but are also more costly than
impact the cell performance, manufacturing method and cost. multi-crystalline.

PV cells may be based on either silicon wafers

• Thin Film – Modules are made with a thin film
deposition of a semiconductor onto a substrate. This
(manufactured by cutting wafers from a solid ingot block of class includes semiconductors made from:
silicon) or “thin film” technologies (in which a thin layer of a
semiconductor material is deposited on low-cost substrates). • Amorphous silicon (a-Si).

• Cadmium telluride (CdTe).

PV cells can further be characterised according to the
long range structure of the semiconductor material, “mono- • Copper indium selenide (CIS).
crystalline”, “multi-crystalline” (also known as “poly-
• Copper indium (gallium) di-selenide (CIGS).
crystalline”) or less ordered “amorphous” material.
26 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

2.3.3 Thin Film PV Modules

As of January 2010, approximately 78% of the global Crystalline wafers provide high efficiency solar cells but are
installed capacity of solar PV power plants use wafer-based relatively costly to manufacture. In comparison, thin film cells
crystalline silicon modules. Amorphous silicon and cadmium are typically cheaper due to both the materials used and the
telluride thin film modules make up the remaining 22%. simpler manufacturing process. However, thin film cells are
less efficient.

silicon cells


Thin film silicon


Thin film cells CIS/CIGS


Figure 2(a): PV Technology Classes

2.3.2 Crystalline Silicon PV Modules

Crystalline silicon modules consist of PV cells (typically The most well-developed thin film technology uses silicon
between 12.5 square cm and 20 square cm) connected in its less ordered, non-crystalline (amorphous) form. Other
together and encapsulated between a transparent front (usually technologies use cadmium telluride and copper indium (gallium)
glass), and a backing material (usually plastic or glass). di-selenide with active layers less than a few microns thick. In
general, thin film technologies have a less established track record
Mono-crystalline wafers are sliced from a large single crystal than many crystalline technologies. The main characteristics of
ingot in a relatively expensive process. thin film technologies are described in the following sections.

Cheaper, multi-crystalline wafers may be made by a variety Amorphous Silicon

of techniques. One of the technologies involves the carefully
controlled casting of molten poly-silicon, which is then In amorphous silicon technologies, the long range order of
sliced into wafers. These can be much larger than mono- crystalline silicon is not present and the atoms form a continuous
crystalline wafers. Multi-crystalline cells produced in this way random network. Since amorphous silicon absorbs light more
are currently cheaper but the end product is generally not as effectively than crystalline silicon, the cells can be much thinner.
efficient as mono-crystalline technology.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 27

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) can be deposited on a wide range process, the quality of assembly and packaging of the cells
of both rigid and flexible low cost substrates. The low cost of into the module, as well as maintenance levels employed
a-Si makes it suitable for many applications where low cost is at the site. Regular maintenance and cleaning regimes may
more important than high efficiency. reduce degradation rates but the main impact is specific to
the characteristics of the module being used. It is, therefore, Cadmium Telluride important that reputable module manufacturers are chosen
and power warranties are carefully reviewed.
Cadmium telluride (CdTe) is a compound of cadmium
and tellurium. The cell consists of a semiconductor film stack The extent and nature of degradation varies among module
deposited on transparent conducting oxide-coated glass. A technologies. For crystalline modules, the cells may suffer from
continuous manufacturing process using large area substrates irreversible light-induced degradation. This can be caused by
can be used. Modules based on CdTe produce a high energy the presence of boron, oxygen or other chemicals left behind
output across a wide range of climatic conditions with good by the screen printing or etching process of cell production.
low light response and temperature response coefficients. The initial degradation occurs due to defects that are activated
on initial exposure to light. Copper Indium (Gallium) Di-Selenide
(CIGS/CIS) Amorphous silicon cells degrade through a process called
the Staebler-Wronski Effect[5]. This degradation can cause
CIGS is a semiconductor consisting of a compound of reductions of 10-30% in the power output of the module
copper, indium, gallium and selenium. in the first six months of exposure to light. Thereafter, the
degradation stabilises and continues at a much slower rate.
CIGS absorbs light more efficiently than crystalline silicon,
but modules based on this semiconductor require somewhat Amorphous silicon modules are generally marketed at
thicker films than a-Si PV modules. Indium is a relatively their stabilised performance levels. Interestingly, degradation
expensive semiconductor material, but the quantities required in amorphous silicon modules is partially reversible with
are extremely small compared to wafer based technologies. temperature. In other words, the performance of the modules
may tend to recover during the summer months, and drop
Commercial production of CIGS modules is in the early again in the colder winter months.
stages of development. However, it has the potential to offer
the highest conversion efficiency of all the thin film PV Additional degradation for both amorphous and crystalline
module technologies. technologies occurs at the module level and may be caused by:

2.3.4 Module Degradation • Effect of the environment on the surface of the

module (for example pollution).
The performance of a PV module will decrease over time. • Discolouration or haze of the encapsulant or glass.
The degradation rate is typically higher in the first year upon
initial exposure to light and then stabilises. • Lamination defects.

Factors affecting the degree of degradation include the

[5] An effect in which the electronic properties of the semiconductor material
quality of materials used in manufacture, the manufacturing degrade with light exposure.
28 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Table 1: Characteristics of various PV technologies[7]

Copper Indium
Technology Crystalline Silicon Amorphous Silicon Cadmium Telluride
Gallium Di-Selenide
Abbreviation c-Si a-Si CdTe CIGS or CIS
Cost ($/Wp, 2009) 3.1-3.6 2.5-2.8 2.1-2.8 2.7-2.9
Percentage of Global
78% 22%
installed capacity[8]
Thick layers
Thickness of cell Thin layers (<1µm) Thin layers (<1µm) Thin layers (<1µm)
Current commercial
12-19% 5-7% 8-11% 8-11%
coefficient for -0.50%/°C -0.21%/°C -0.25%/°C -0.36%/°C
power[9] (Typical)

• Mechanical stress and humidity on the contacts. efficiency technologies are more costly to manufacture, less
efficient modules require a larger area to produce the same
• Cell contact breakdown.
nominal power. As a result, the cost advantages gained at the
• Wiring degradation. module level may get offset by the cost incurred in providing
additionally required power system infrastructure (cables and
PV modules may have a long term power output mounting frames) for a larger module area. So using the lowest
degradation rate of between 0.3% and 1% per annum. For cost module does not necessarily lead to the lowest cost per
crystalline modules, a generic degradation rate of 0.5% per Wp for the complete plant. The relationship between plant
annum is often considered applicable (if no specific testing has area and module efficiency is discussed in Section 5.2.2.
been conducted on the modules being used[6]). Banks often
assume a flat rate of degradation rate of 0.5% per annum. At the time of writing, crystalline silicon technology
comprises almost 80% of global installed solar capacity and is
In general, good quality PV modules may be expected to likely to remain dominant in the short term. But the presence
have a useful life of 25-30 years. The possibility of increased of thin film technologies is growing. As of 2010, Cadmium
rates of degradation becomes higher thereafter. Telluride accounted for the large majority of installed
thin film capacity but CIGS is thought to have promising cost
2.3.5 Module Cost and Efficiency reduction potential

Table 1 shows the cost and commercial efficiency of some

2.3.6 Certification
PV technology categories. As may be expected, while higher

[6] US Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
[7] ASIF: Informe Annual 2009. Maximum efficiency values taken from “Best
Production-Line PV Module Efficiency Values From Manufacturers‘ Websites”
issues internationally accepted standards for PV modules. PV
compiled by Bolko von Roedern, NREL 9-2009 modules will typically be tested for durability and reliability
[8] “Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2014” www.epia.org
(Concentrating PV and other minor technologies not shown).
[9] The temperature coefficient for power describes the dependence on power
output with increasing temperature. Module power generally decreases as the
module temperature increases.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 29

according to these standards. Standards IEC 61215 (for Table 2 summarises major PV quality standards. These are
crystalline silicon modules) and IEC 61646 (for thin film an accepted quality mark and indicate that the modules can
modules) include tests for thermal cycling, humidity and safely withstand extended use. However, they say very little
freezing, mechanical stress and twist, hail resistance and about the performance of the module under field conditions
performance under some fixed test conditions, including of varying irradiance and temperature experienced at a specific
standard testing conditions (STC )[10]. site location.

Table 2: PV Module Standards

Test Description Comment
Crystalline silicon terrestrial The standard certification uses a 2,400 Pa pressure. Modules
IEC 61215 photovoltaic (PV) modules – Design in heavy snow locations may be tested under more stringent
qualification and type approval. 5,400 Pa conditions.
Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic Very similar to the IEC 61215 certification, but an additional
IEC 61646 (PV) modules – Design qualification test specifically considers the additional degradation of thin
and type approval. film modules.
Part 2 of the certification defines three different
Application Classes:
1). Safety Class 0 – Restricted access applications.
EN/IEC 61730 PV module safety qualification.
2). Safety Class II – General applications.

3). Safety Class III – Low voltage applications.

Module safety assessed based on:
1). Durability.

IEC 60364-4-41 Protection against electric shock. 2). High dielectric strength.

3). Mechanical stability.

4). Insulation thickness and distances.

Required for modules being installed near the coast or for
IEC 61701 Resistance to salt mist and corrosion
maritime applications.
The certified product conforms to the
Conformité Européenne
EU health, safety and environmental Mandatory in the European Economic Area.
Comply with the National Electric
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent U.S.
Code (NEC), OSHA and the
based product safety testing certification company which
UL 1703 National Fire Prevention Association.
is a Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
The modules perform to at least 90%
Certification by a NRTL is mandatory in the U.S.
of the manufacturer’s nominal power.

[10] STC, Standard Test Conditions are defined as an irradiance of 1000W/m 2 at a

spectral density of AM 1.5 (ASTM E892) and cell temperature of 25°C.
30 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Figure 2(b): Development of Research Cell Efficiencies[12]

This diagram was created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the Department of Energy

There are efforts to create a new standard, IEC 61853, There are currently a few large module manufacturers
which will test the performance and energy rating of modules dominating the market. Financial institutions often keep lists
under a variety of irradiance and temperature conditions. of module manufactures they consider bankable. However,
This standard should facilitate comparison and selection of these lists can quickly become dated as manufacturers
modules, based on performance. introduce new products and quality procedures. Often, the
larger manufacturers (such as Suntech, Sunpower or First
2.3.7 Module Manufacturers Solar) are considered bankable, but there is no definitive and
accepted list.
Manufacturers of PV modules are based predominantly
in Europe, China and North America[11]. A 2009 survey by 2.3.8 Module Technology Developments
Photon International (2-2009) indicated that there were over
220 suppliers of PV modules and over 2,700 products. When Solar PV module technology is developing rapidly. While
assessing the quality of a module for any specific project, it a wide variety of different technical approaches are being
is important to assess its specifications, certifications, track explored, the effects of these approaches are focused on either
record, and the track record of the manufacturer. improving module efficiency or reducing manufacturing costs.

[11] There are several module manufacturers in India but the current installed Incremental improvements are being made to conventional
production capacity is still under 1000 MWp per annum. India exports a
major portion of the production. The dominant technology is crystalline silicon c-Si cells. One of these improvements is the embedding of
with amorphous silicon gaining ground.
[12] Image courtesy from United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory the front contacts in laser-cut microscopic grooves in order to
www.nrel.com, it can be accessed April 2011.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 31

Figure 3: Effect of Tilt on Solar Energy Capture

reduce the surface area of the contacts and so increase the area Figure 2(b) illustrates the development of the efficiencies
of the cell that is exposed to solar radiation. Similarly, another of research cells from 1975 to the present day. It should be
approach involves running the front contacts along the back of noted that commercially available cells lag significantly behind
the cell and then directly through the cell to the front surface at research cells in terms of efficiency.
certain points.
2.4 Mounting and Tracking Systems
Different types of solar cell inherently perform better at
different parts of the solar spectrum. As such, one area of PV modules must be mounted on a structure, to keep them
interest is the stacking of cells of different types. If the right oriented in the correct direction and to provide them with
combination of solar cells is stacked (and the modules are structural support and protection. Mounting structures may
sufficiently transparent) then a stacked or “multi-junction” cell be fixed or tracking.
can be produced which performs better across a wider range of
the solar spectrum. This approach is taken to the extreme in 2.4.1 Fixed Mounting Systems
III-V cells (named after the respective groups of elements in the
Periodic Table) in which the optimum materials are used for each Fixed mounting systems keep the rows of modules at a
part of the solar spectrum. III-V cells are very expensive but have fixed tilt angle[13] while facing a fixed angle of orientation[14].
achieved efficiencies in excess of 40%. Less expensive approaches Figure 3 illustrates why the tilt angle is important for
based on the same basic concept include hybrid cells (consisting maximising the energy incident on the collector plane.
of stacked c-Si and thin film cells) and multi-junction a-Si cells.

Other emerging technologies which are not yet market ready

[13] The tilt angle or “inclination angle” is the angle of the PV modules from the
but could be of commercial interest in future include spherical horizontal plane.
[14] The orientation angle or “azimuth” is the angle of the PV modules relative to
cells, sliver cells and dye sensitised or organic cells. south. East is -90° south is 0° and west is 90°.
32 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Improvement with tracking Without tracking

Output Power

Time of Day

Figure 4: Benefit of Dual Axis Tracking System

2.4.2 Tracking Systems

The tilt angle and orientation is generally optimised for each In locations with a high proportion of direct irradiation
PV power plant according to location. This helps to maximise including some regions of India, single or dual-axis
the total annual incident irradiation[15] and total annual energy tracking systems can be used to increase the average total
yield. For Indian sites, the optimum tilt angle is generally annual irradiation. Tracking systems follow the sun as it
between 10º and 35º, facing true south. There are several moves across the sky. They are generally the only moving
off-the-shelf software packages that may be used to optimise parts employed in a PV power plant.
the tilt angle and orientation according to specifics of the site
location and solar resource. Single-axis trackers alter either the orientation or tilt angle
only, while dual-axis tracking systems alter both orientation
Fixed tilt mounting systems are simpler, cheaper and have and tilt angle. Dual-axis tracking systems are able to track the
lower maintenance requirements than tracking systems. sun more precisely than single-axis systems.
They are the preferred option for countries with a nascent
solar market and limited indigenous manufacturing of Depending on the site and precise characteristics of the
tracking technology. solar irradiation, trackers may increase the annual energy
yield by up to 27% for single-axis and 37% for dual-axis
trackers. Tracking also produces a smoother power output
plateau as shown in Figure 4. This helps meet peak demand in
[15] Irradiation is the solar energy received on a unit area of surface. It is defined afternoons, which is common in hot climates due to the use of
more fully in section 3.1.
air conditioning units.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 33

Figure 5: An Example of a Tracking PV Plant

Almost all tracking system plants use crystalline silicon An example of a tracking PV plant is shown in Figure 5.
modules. This is because their higher efficiency reduces Aspects to take into account when considering the use of
additional capital and operating costs required for the tracking tracking systems include:
system (per kWp installed). However, relatively inexpensive
single-axis tracking systems have recently been used with some Financial:
thin film modules.
• Additional capital costs for the procurement
There are many manufacturers and products of solar PV and installation of the tracking systems
(typically $140-700/kWp).
tracking systems. A 2009 survey of manufacturers by Photon
International magazine (11-2009) listed 170 different devices • Additional land area required to avoid shading
with a wide range of tracking capabilities. Most fall into one compared to a free field fixed tilt system of the same
of six basic design classes (classic dual-axis, dual-axis mounted nominal capacity.
on a frame, dual-axis on a rotating assembly, single-axis • Large tracking systems may require cranes to install,
tracking on a tilted axis, tracking on a horizontal axis and increasing the installation cost.
single-axis tracking on a vertical axis). In general, the simpler
the construction, the lower the extra yield compared to a fixed
• There is a higher maintenance cost for tracking
systems due to the moving parts and actuation
system, and the lower the maintenance requirement. systems. Typical additional maintenance costs range
from $2.8-21/kWp per annum.
34 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Operational: 2.5.1 Inverter Connection Concepts

• Tracking angles: all trackers have angular limits that There are two broad classes of inverters: central inverters
vary among products. Depending on the angular and string inverters. The central inverter configuration shown
limits, performance may be reduced.
in Figure 6 remains the first choice for many medium and
• High wind capability and storm mode: dual-axis large scale solar PV plants. A large number of modules are
tracking systems especially need to go into a storm connected in series to form a high voltage string. Strings are
mode when the wind speed is over 16-20 m/s. This then connected in parallel to the inverter.
could reduce the energy yield and revenues at high
wind speed sites.
Central inverters offer high reliability and simplicity of
• Direct/diffuse irradiation ratio: tracking systems will installation. However, they have disadvantages: increased
give greater benefits in locations that have a higher mismatch losses[16] and absence of maximum power point
direct irradiation component. This is discussed tracking[17] (MPPT) for each string. This may cause problems
further in Section 3.
for arrays that have multiple tilt and orientation angles, suffer
2.4.3 Certification from shading, or use different module types.

Support structures should adhere to country specific Central inverters are usually three-phase and can include
standards and regulations, and manufacturers should conform grid frequency transformers. These transformers increase the
to ISO 9001:2000. This specifies requirements for a quality weight and volume of the inverters although they provide
management system where an organisation needs to: galvanic isolation from the grid. In other words, there is
no electrical connection between the input and output
• Demonstrate its ability to consistently provide voltages—a condition that is sometimes required by national
products that meet customer and applicable electrical safety regulations.
regulatory requirements.

• Aim to enhance customer satisfaction through the Central inverters are sometimes used in a “master slave”
effective application of the system. These include configuration. This means that some inverters shut down
processes for continual improvement as well as the when the irradiance is low, allowing the other inverters to run
assurance of conformity to customer and applicable more closely to optimal loading. When the irradiance is high,
regulatory requirements. the load is shared by all inverters. In effect, only the required
number of inverters is in operation at any one time. As the
2.5 Inverters
operating time is distributed uniformly among the inverters,
design life can be extended.
Inverters are solid state electronic devices. They convert DC
electricity generated by the PV modules into AC electricity,
ideally conforming to the local grid requirements. Inverters
can also perform a variety of functions to maximise the output
of the plant. These range from optimising the voltage across
the strings and monitoring string performance to logging data,
and providing protection and isolation in case of irregularities
in the grid or with the PV modules. [16] Mismatch refers to losses due to PV modules with varying current/voltage
profiles being used in the same array.
[17] Maximum Power Point Tracking is the capability of the inverter to adjust its
impedance so that the string is at an operating voltage that maximises the
power output.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 35

Central Inverter String Inverter

Figure 6: PV System Configurations

In contrast, the string inverter concept uses multiple String inverters, which are usually in single phase, also have
inverters for multiple strings of modules. String inverters are other advantages. For one, they can be serviced and replaced
increasingly being used as they can cover a very wide power by non-specialist personnel. For another, it is practical to keep
range and can be manufactured more cheaply in a production spare string inverters on site. This makes it easy to handle
line than central inverters. Additionally, they provide MPPT unforeseen circumstances, as in the case of an inverter failure.
on a string level with all strings being independent of each In comparison, the failure of a large central inverter—with
other. This is useful in cases where modules cannot be a long lead time for repair—can lead to significant yield loss
installed with the same orientation, where modules of different before it can be replaced.
specifications are being used, or when there are shading issues.
Inverters may be transformerless or include a transformer to
step up the voltage. Transformerless inverters generally have a
higher efficiency, as they do not include transformer losses.
36 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

MPP Tracking Power

Voltage Amplitude Decoupling

Power MPP Tracking Voltage

Decoupling + Inverter Amplitude
+ Isolation

Figure 7: Transformer and Transformerless Inverter Schematic

In the case of transformerless string inverters (see Figure 7), across the installation. Transformerless inverters also cause
the PV generator voltage must either be significantly higher increased electromagnetic interference (EMI).
than the voltage on the AC side, or DC-DC step-up
converters must be used. The absence of a transformer leads to Inverters with transformers provide galvanic isolation.
higher efficiency, reduced weight, reduced size (50-75% lighter Central inverters are generally equipped with transformers.
than transformer-based models[18]) and lower cost due to the Safe voltages (<120 V) on the DC side are possible with this
smaller number of components. On the downside, additional design. The presence of a transformer also leads to a reduction
protective equipment must be used, such as DC sensitive of leakage currents, which in turn reduces EMI. But this
earth-leakage circuit breakers (CB), and live parts must be design has its disadvantages in the form of losses (load and
protected. IEC Protection Class II[19] must be implemented no-load[20]), and increased weight and size of the inverter.

[18] A Review of PV Inverter Technology Cost and Performance Projections, NREL

Standards, Jan 2006. [20] The load-dependent copper losses associated with the transformer coils
[19] IEC Protection Class II refers to a device that is double insulated and therefore are called load losses. The load-independent iron losses produced by the
does not require earthing. transformer core magnetising current are called no-load losses.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 37

2.5.2 Power Quality/Grid Code Compliance 2.5.3 Efficiency

Power quality and grid code requirements are country- A number of different measures of efficiency have been
dependent. It is not possible to provide universally applicable defined for inverters. These describe and quantify the
guidelines. The national regulations and standards should be efficiency of different aspects of an inverter’s operation.
consulted when selecting an inverter and designing a solar PV The search for an objective way of quantifying inverter
power plant. performance is still ongoing. New ways of measuring efficiency
are frequently suggested in industry literature. The most
In general, one of the quantities used to describe the quality commonly used methods are discussed below.
of a grid-connected inverter is total harmonic distortion
(THD). It is a measure of the harmonic content of the inverter The conversion efficiency is a measure of the losses
output and must be limited in most grid codes. For high experienced during the conversion from DC to AC.
quality devices, THD is normally less than 5%[21] . These losses are due to multiple factors: the presence of
a transformer and the associated magnetic and copper




Inverter Efficiency (%)

50 Efficiency Medium
40 Low



0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Ratio of Input Power to the Inverter’s rated Capacity

Figure 8: Efficiency Curves of Low, Medium and High Efficiency Inverters as

Functions of the Input Power to Inverter Rated Capacity Ratios[22]

[22] Jayanta Deb Mondol, Yigzaw G. Yohanis, Brian Norton. Optimal sizing of
[21] Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering (Wiley, 2003) array and inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic systems, 2006.
38 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Table 3: Indicative list of inverter-related

losses, inverter self-consumption, and losses in the power
Electromagnetic compatibility
electronics. Conversion efficiency is defined as the ratio of the
(EMC). Generic standards.
fundamental component of the AC power output from the
EN 61000-6-1: 2007 Immunity for residential,
inverter, divided by the DC power input:
commercial and light-industrial
PAC (Fundamental component of AC power output) environments.
nCon = =
PDC (DC power input) Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC). Generic standards.
The conversion efficiency is not constant, but depends on EN 61000-6-2: 2005
Immunity for industrial
the DC power input, the operating voltage, and the weather
conditions including ambient temperature and irradiance.
The variance in irradiance during a day causes fluctuations Electromagnetic compatibility
in the power output and maximum power point (MPP) of a (EMC). Generic standards.
PV array. As a result, the inverter is continuously subjected EN 61000-6-3: 2007 Emission standard for residential,
to different loads, leading to varying efficiency. The voltage commercial and light-industrial
at which inverters reach their maximum efficiency is an environments.
important design variable, as it allows system planners to Electromagnetic compatibility
optimise system wiring. (EMC). Generic standards.
EN 61000-6-4: 2007
Emission standard for industrial
Due to the dynamic nature of inverter efficiency, it is environments.
better depicted through diagrams than by uniform numeric Information technology
values. An example depicting the dependency of the inverter equipment. Radio disturbance
EN 55022: 2006
efficiency on the inverter load is given in Figure 8. characteristics. Limits and
methods of measurement.
The European Efficiency is an accepted method of Electronic equipment for use in
EN 50178: 1997
measuring inverter efficiency. It is a calculated efficiency power installations.
averaged over a power distribution corresponding to operating Photovoltaic systems – Power
climatic conditions of a central European location. As a useful IEC 61683: 1999 conditioners – Procedure for
means of comparing inverter efficiencies[23], the efficiency measuring efficiency.
standard also attempts to capture the fact that in central
Europe most energy is generated near the middle of a PV
Inverters can have a typical European Efficiency of 95% and
module’s power range.
peak efficiencies of up to 98%. Most inverters employ MPPT
algorithms to adjust the load impedance and maximise the
Another method of comparing efficiencies is using the
power from the PV array. The highest efficiencies are reached
Californian Efficiency. While the standard is based on the
by transformerless inverters.
same reasoning as the European efficiency, it is calibrated for
locations with higher average irradiance.
Inverter manufacturers should measure the efficiency of
their products, according to the IEC 61683 standard, to
[23] If h50% denotes the efficiency at a load equal to 50% of the nominal power, the ensure that the results are accurate and compliant.
European Efficiency is defined as:
n Euro =0.03×n5% + 0.06 ×n10% + 0.13×n 20% + 0.1×n30% + 0.48×n50% + 0.2
A Guide For Developers and Investors 39

2.5.4 Certification

In order to ensure a high level of quality and performance, The latest global market survey for inverters conducted by
and to minimise risk, inverters must be compliant with Photon International magazine (04-2010) lists 1,068 inverter
a number of standards. The requirements, in terms of types, 532 of which are rated at 10 kW or less. Over a quarter
compliance with standards, depend on the location of the of the inverter types belong to the 10 to 100 kW range.
project and the type of inverter.
Over the past year, a number of major industry players have
Important standards bodies for inverters are DIN VDE, started to enter the inverter market. These include GE, ABB,
IEC and EN. Inverters must be CE compliant in order to and Schneider Electric (through the acquisition of Xantrex).
be installed in Europe. Table 3 is a non-exhaustive list of In 2010, the growth in the solar PV market and delays in
standards to which inverters should conform according to production (due to scarcity of key electronic components) led
European practice. to a global shortage of inverters.

2.5.5 Inverter Manufacturers 2.6 Quantifying Plant Performance

The inverter market is dominated by SMA Solar The performance of a PV power plant is expected to fall
Technology AG, which has a higher market share than the during its lifetime, especially in the second and third decade of
combined share of the next four largest vendors (Kaco, its life as modules continue to degrade and plant components
Fronius, Power-One and Siemens) (as illustrated in Figure 9). age. In addition to the quality of the initial installation, a high
Other inverter manufacturers hold the remaining 18% share of degree of responsibility for the performance of a PV plant lies
the global market[24]. with the O&M contractor. This section discusses how the
operational performance of a PV plant may be quantified.

2.6.1 Performance Ratio

18% The quality of a PV power plant may be described by
its Performance Ratio (PR). The PR, usually expressed as a
percentage, can be used to compare PV systems independent
5% of size and solar resource. The PR may be expressed as:
Power-One 49% (AC Yield (kWh))
6% PR =
(Installed Capacity (kWp)×Plane of
Array Irradiation(kWh/m2) )×100%
10% By normalising with respect to irradiation, the PR quantifies
the overall effect of losses on the rated output and allows a
comparison between PV systems at different locations. A
KACO new energy plant with a high PR is more efficient at converting solar

Figure 9: Inverter Manufacturer Market Share 2009[24] [24] Sun & Wind Energy February 2010
40 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

irradiation into useful energy. The PR of a plant may be CF=(Energy generated per annum (kWh))/(8760
predicted using simulations, or alternatively may be calculated (hours / annum)×Installed Capacity (kWp))
for an operational plant by measuring irradiation, ambient
temperature, wind velocity, module temperature, voltage and The capacity factor of a fixed tilt PV plant in southern
current over a given time period. Spain will typically be in the region of 16%. This means
that a 5 MWp plant will generate the equivalent energy of
As PV plant losses vary according to environmental a continuously operating 0.8 MW plant. Plants in India
conditions through the year, the PR also varies. For example, operating within a reliable grid network are expected to have a
the more significant negative temperature coefficient similar capacity factor.
of power for crystalline modules may lead to increased
losses at high ambient temperatures. A PR varying from 2.6.3 Specific Yield
approximately 77% in summer to 82% in winter (with an
annual average PR of 80%) would not be unusual for a well- The “specific yield” (kWh/kWp) is the total annual energy
designed solar PV power plant that is not operating in high generated per kWp installed. It is often used to help determine
ambient temperature conditions. the financial value of an array[25] and compare operating results
from different technologies and systems. The specific yield of a
Some plants using amorphous silicon modules show the plant depends on:
opposite effect: in summer months, the PR increases, dropping
again in the colder winter months. This is due to the fact that • The total annual irradiation falling on the collector
plane. This can be increased by optimally tilting the
Staebler-Wronski degradation is partially reversible at high
modules or employing tracking technology.
temperatures. It is common to observe seasonal oscillations
in the PR of amorphous silicon plants due to this thermal • The performance of the module, including sensitivity
annealing process. to high temperatures and low light levels.

• System losses including inverter downtime.

Averaged across the year, a PR in the upper seventies or
lower eighties is typical for a well-designed plant. This may be Some module manufacturers claim much higher kWh/
expected to reduce as the plant ages, dependent on the module kWp energy yields for their products than those of their
degradation rates. competitors. However, independent studies to determine the
divergence between actual peak power and nominal power—
2.6.2 Capacity Factor and to correct for other technical distortions—tend to show
much less of a difference.
The capacity factor of a PV power plant (usually expressed
as a percentage) is the ratio of the actual output over a period
of one year and its output if it had operated at nominal power
the entire year, as described by the formula:

[25] An Array is a linked collection of PV modules.

A Guide For Developers and Investors 41


Solar PV Technology Conclusions

Photovoltaic (PV) cell technologies are broadly categorised as either crystalline or thin film. Crystalline wafers
provide high efficiency solar cells but are relatively costly to manufacture; they are sub-divided into mono-crystalline
or multi-crystalline silicon. Mono-crystalline silicon cells are generally the most efficient, but are also more costly than

Thin film cells provide a cheaper alternative but are less efficient. There are three main types of thin film cells:

• Amorphous Silicon – The low cost of a-Si makes it suitable for many applications where low cost is more
important than high efficiency.

• Cadmium Telluride – Modules based on CdTe produce a high energy output across a wide range of climatic
conditions with good low light response and temperature response coefficients.

• Copper Indium (Gallium) Di-Selenide (CIGS/CIS) – Commercial production of CIGS modules is in the
early stages of development. However, it has the potential to offer the highest conversion efficiency of all the
thin film PV module technologies.

The performance of a PV module will decrease over time due to a process known as degradation. Typically,
the degradation rate is highest in the first year of operation and then it stabilises. PV modules may have a long
term degradation rate of between 0.3% and 1% per annum. Banks often assume a flat rate of degradation rate
of 0.5% per annum.

Modules are either mounted on fixed angle frames or on sun-tracking frames. Fixed frames are simpler to install,
cheaper and require less maintenance. However, tracking systems can increase yield by up to 34%. Tracking,
particularly for areas with a high direct/diffuse irradiation ratio, also enables a smoother power output.

Inverters convert DC electricity generated by the PV modules into AC electricity, ideally conforming to the local
grid requirements. They are arranged either in string or central configurations. Central configuration inverters are
considered to be more suitable for multi-megawatt plants. String inverters enable individual string MPPT and
require less specialised maintenance skills. String configurations are becoming increasingly popular as they offer more
design flexibility.

PV modules and inverters are all subject to certification, predominantly by the IEC. However, one major absence in
the standards is performance and energy rating testing other than at standard testing conditions (STC). A standard is
being prepared for this, which should enable easier comparison of manufacturers.

The performance ratio (PR) of a well-designed PV power plant will typically be in the region of 75% to 85%,
degrading over the lifetime of the plant. The capacity factor should typically be in the region of 16%. In general, good
quality PV modules may be expected to have a useful life of 25 to 30 years.
42 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

3. THE SOLAR RESOURCE 3.2 Solar Resource Assessment

3.1 Quantifying the Resource Long term annual average values of GHI and DNI can be
obtained for a site by interpolating measurements taken from
Site selection and planning of PV power plants requires ground based sensors or indirectly from the analysis of satellite
reliable solar resource data. Power production depends imagery. Ideally, historical values of daily or hourly irradiation
linearly on the plane of array irradiance[26], at least to a first with a spatial resolution of 10 km or less are required to
approximation. The solar resource of a location is usually generate regional solar atlases.
defined by the values of the global horizontal irradiation[27],
direct normal irradiation and diffuse horizontal irradiation as As the distance between a solar resource and a ground-based
defined below. sensor increases, the uncertainty of interpolated irradiation
values increases. Under such circumstances, satellite derived
• Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) – GHI is the data may be preferred. The uncertainty in satellite-derived data
total solar energy received on a unit area of horizontal is reducing as new models develop. The precise point at which
surface. It includes energy from the sun that is satellite data become preferable over data interpolated from
received in a direct beam and from all directions of
ground sensors depends on the individual case. The relative
the sky when radiation is scattered off the atmosphere
(diffuse irradiation). The yearly sum of the GHI is merits of these alternative data sources are discussed below.
of particular relevance for PV power plants, which
are able to make use of both the diffuse and beam 3.2.1 Satellite Derived Data
components of solar irradiance.
Satellite-derived data can offer a wide geographical coverage
• Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) – DNI is the
total solar energy received on a unit area of surface and can often be obtained retrospectively for historical
directly facing the sun at all times. The DNI is of periods in which no ground-based measurements were taken.
particular interest for solar installations that track This is especially useful for assessing long term averages. A
the sun and for concentrating solar technologies combination of analytical, numerical and empirical methods
(as concentrating technologies can only make use of can offer half-hourly data with a nominal spatial resolution
the direct component of irradiation).
down to 2.5 km, depending on the location and field of view
• Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation (DHI) – DHI is the of the satellite.
energy received on a unit area of horizontal surface
from all directions when radiation is scattered off the One advantage of satellite resource assessment is that data is
atmosphere or surrounding area. not susceptible to maintenance and calibration discontinuities.
The same sensor is used to assess locations over a wide area.
Irradiation is measured in kWh/m2, and values are often
This can be particularly useful in comparing and ranking sites
given for a period of a day, a month or a year. A high long
as bias errors are consistent.
term average annual GHI is typically of most interest to PV
project developers. Average monthly values are important
A comparison of the GHI values shows that statistics
when assessing the proportion of energy generated in each
obtained from satellite readings correspond well with
month. Figure 10 shows the annual average of GHI for India.
ground-measured data. But it is not so in the case of DNI
[26] Irradiance is the power incident on a surface per unit area. (Watts per square values. Currently, it is not so clear if this dissonance is due
meter or W/m 2). to the satellite methodology or the poor maintenance of
[27] Irradiation is a measure of the energy incident on a unit area of a surface in a
given time period. This is obtained by integrating the irradiance over defined ground-based measurement stations, but is likely to be a
time limits. (energy per square meter or kWh/m 2)
combination of both.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 43

Figure 10: Annual Average Global Horizontal Irradiation[28]

This diagram was created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the Department of Energy (USA)

Efforts are underway to improve the accuracy of satellite-

derived data. One way is to use more advanced techniques for
the treatment of high reflectivity surfaces such as salt plains
and snow-covered regions. Another technique uses updated
methods for estimating the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD),
which can depend on locally generated dust, smoke from
biomass burning and anthropogenic pollution.

Accurate estimates of AOD are particularly important

for the calculation of DNI for concentrating solar power
applications. Concentrating solar power is discussed in
Appendix A – Solar CSP Annex.
Figure 11: Example Pyranometer Measuring
GHI (Image courtesy: Kipp & Zonen)
[28] United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory www.nrel.com,
accessed May 2010.
44 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

3.2.2 Land Based Measurement

The traditional approach to solar resource measurement is For locations that have a low density of MET stations and
to use land-based sensors. A variety of sensor technologies is rely on satellite data, on-site resource monitoring may be
available from a number of manufacturers with differing accuracyconsidered during the feasibility stage of the project. On-site
and cost implications. The two main technology classes are: resource monitoring may be used to calibrate satellite-derived
estimates, thereby reducing bias and improving accuracy.
• Thermal Pyranometers – These are also known as In general, up to four months of measured data can reduce
solarimeters and typically consist of a black metal plate existing bias, and improve the estimation of the long term
absorber surface below two hemispherical glass domes
mean. A further, four to eight months of measured data will
in a white metal housing. Solar irradiance warms up
the metal plate in proportion to its intensity. The improve the capability to capture seasonal variations. But
degree of warming, compared to the metal housing, the best results are obtained by monitoring for a full twelve
can be measured with a thermocouple. High precision months or longer.
can be achieved with regular cleaning and recalibration.
Since thermal pyranometers have a slow response time, 3.3 Variability in Solar Irradiation
they might not be able to capture rapidly varying
irradiance levels due to clouds. Also, diffuse irradiance
can be measured if a sun – tracking shading disc is used In terms of irradiation, the solar resource is inherently
to block out irradiance travelling directly from the sun. intermittent. In any given year, the total annual global
An example of a pyranometer is shown in Figure 11. irradiation on a horizontal plane varies from the long term
average due to climatic fluctuations. This means that though
• Silicon Sensors – These are cheaper than pyranometers
the plant owner may not know the energy yield to expect in
and consist of a PV cell, often using crystalline silicon.
The current delivered is proportional to the irradiance. any given year, he can have a good idea of the expected yield
Temperature compensation can be used to increase averaged over the long term.
accuracy but its scope is limited by the spectral
sensitivity of the cell. Some wavelengths (for example To help lenders understand the risks and perform a
long wavelength IR) may not be accurately measured, sensitivity analysis, it is important to quantify the limits of
resulting in a lower irradiance measurement of up to
the inter-annual variation. This can be achieved by assessing
5% compared to thermal pyranometers.
the long-term irradiation data (in the vicinity of the site)
Well maintained land-based sensors can measure the solar sourced from nearby MET stations or satellites. At least 10
resource with a relative accuracy of 3-5%. Long term data years of data are usually required to give a reasonably confident
from such stations may be used to calibrate satellite – derived assessment of the variation. Research papers[29] show that for
irradiation maps. However, maintenance is very important since southern Europe (including Spain), the coefficient of variation
soiled or ill-calibrated sensors can easily yield unreliable data. (standard deviation divided by the mean[30]) is below 4%.
Table 4 shows the coefficient of variation for four locations in
In Europe, it is not common for the solar resource to be India as derived from data provided by NASA.
measured at the site of a PV plant for any significant length
of time, prior to construction. Energy yield predictions
typically rely on historical irradiation data taken from nearby
meteorological (MET) stations or derived from satellite imagery. [29] Uncertainties in photovoltaic electricity yield prediction from fluctuation of
solar radiation. Proceedings of the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference, Milano, Italy 3-7.9.2007.
[30] The coefficient of variation is a dimensionless, normalised measure of the
dispersion of a probability distribution. It enables the comparison of different
data streams with varying mean values.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 45

Figure 12: Annual Average Daily Global Horizontal Irradiation for India at 40 km Resolution[31]

3.4 Indian Solar Resource

Table 4: Inter-Annual Variation in Solar Resource
From Analysis of NASA SSE Data sources for solar radiation in India are of varying
Number of years Coefficient of quality. Comparison and judicious selection of data
of data Variation sources by specialists in solar resource assessment is
New Delhi 22 3.4% recommended while developing a project. Some of the more
Mumbai 22 2.5% accessible data sources include:
Chennai 22 2.2%
• India Meteorological Department data from 23 field
Sivaganga 22 4.3% stations of the radiation network, measured from
1986 to 2000.

[31] Data from United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory www.nrel. • NASA’s Surface Meteorology and Solar Energy data
com, accessed May 2010. National boundaries shown may not necessarily set. This holds satellite – derived monthly data for a
accurately reflect the Indian national boundaries.
46 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Horizontal Solar Irradiation (kWh/m²)


1027 1320
1000 Diffuse

820 800 656

Mumbai Chennai New Delhi
Figure 13: Annual Mean Horizontal Solar Irradiation for Three Cities in India

Figure 13: Annual Mean Horizontal Solar Irradiation for Three Cities in India

grid of 1°x1° covering the globe for a 22 year period METEONORM generates climatological averages
(1984-2005). The data are considered accurate estimated by using interpolation algorithms and
for preliminary feasibility studies of solar energy satellite data.
projects in India. They are also particularly useful
for estimating the inter-annual variability of the • Satellite-derived geospatial solar data products from
solar resource. the United States-based National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL). Annual average DNI and GHI,
• The METEONORM global climatological database latitude tilt, and diffuse data are available at 40 km
and synthetic weather generator. This contains resolution for South and East Asia and at 10 km
a database of ground station measurements of resolution for India, as shown in the examples of
irradiation and temperature. In cases where a site is Figure 10 and Figure 12.
over 20 km from the nearest measurement station,
A Guide For Developers and Investors 47

Horizontal Solar Irradiation (kWh/m2)



100 Diffuse

















Figure 14: Monthly Diffuse and Direct Solar Irradiation in Chennai, India

Figure 13 shows the proportion of direct and diffuse Figure 14 shows how the average monthly solar irradiation
radiation for three cities in India obtained from the varies over a year at Chennai. The energy yield and revenue
METEONORM database using land-based sensors supervised of a PV power plant may be expected to vary approximately
by the Word Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Due to in proportion. The annual mean GHI in Chennai is
the higher proportion of direct irradiation, it may be expected 2,021 kWh/m2. By optimally-orientating a fixed tilt plant,
that tracking technologies will offer a greater advantage in the yearly sum of global irradiation may be increased to
New Delhi than in Mumbai. 2,048 kWh/m2. Based on this resource, a 1 MWp plant with a
PR of 80% will give an AC yield of 1,638 MWh.
48 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Case Study 1
Resource Assessment
In order to support financing, the developer of the 5 MW plant in Tamil Nadu had a basic solar resource assessment
carried out. However, only one data source was used and there was no assessment made of the inter-annual variability
of the resource. Nor was any analysis provided of the historical period on which the data was based. However, as has
been seen globally, financing institutions are becoming more sophisticated in their analysis of solar plants and their
requirements are moving towards including analysis from additional data sets.

In a competitive market, financial institutions will tend to give better terms of financing to those projects that have the
lowest risk financial return. An important component of the risk assessment is the confidence that can be placed in the
solar resource at the site location. Developers can reduce the perceived long term solar resource risk by:

• Comparing different data sources, assessing their uncertainty and judiciously selecting the most appropriate
data for the site location.

• Assessing the inter-annual variation in the solar resource in order to quantify the uncertainty in the revenue in
any given year.

There are a variety of possible solar irradiation data sources that may be assessed for the purpose of estimating the
irradiation at potential solar PV sites in India. The datasets either make use of ground-based measurements at well-
controlled meteorological stations or use processed satellite imagery.

The location of the 5 MW plant in Tamil Nadu was more than 200 km from the nearest MET station. It was, therefore,
necessary to rely on data interpolation between distant MET stations, and on data from satellites.

The image below compares the data obtained for the site location from three such data sources. There is a significant
discrepancy between them. A robust solar resource assessment would compare the data sources, discuss their uncertainty
and select the data most likely to represent the long term resource at the site location.

Where there is significant uncertainty in the data sources (or in the case of large capacity plants), a short term data
monitoring campaign may be considered. Short term monitoring (ideally up to one year in duration) may be used to
calibrate long term satellite-derived data and increase the confidence in the long term energy yield prediction.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 49

Mean daily global horizontal irradiation (kWh/m2)



MET station interpolation
4.0 (20 years)

3.0 NASA SSE satellite data

(22 years)
10 km resolution satellite data
1.0 (7 years)







Oc r









50 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

To move from concept to construction, a project must • Development – The development phase takes
pass through a number of development stages. The key the project from the feasibility study to financial
consideration during project development is the balance of closure. This involves moving the project forward
on a number of fronts including outline design and
expenditure and risk. There is no definitive detailed “road
selection of contractors.
map” for developing a solar PV project. The approach
taken will depend on the developer’s priorities and • Detailed Design – The key systems and structures
requirements such as risk profiles or deadlines, as well as site will be designed in detail. This will generally be
dependent parameters. completed by a contractor.

• Construction – The physical construction of

This section outlines a general development process the project.
for a solar PV project and highlights key considerations for
each stage. More detail on each of these stages is given in the
following sections. However, it should be noted that in
4.1 Overview of Project Phases practice the development process may not follow such a
simple linear progression.
The development process for a solar PV project can be
broken down in to the following stages: 4.2 Concept

• Concept – An opportunity (a potential PV project) The identification of a potential solar PV project

is identified. generally requires:

• Pre-feasibility study – This is the first assessment of

• A project sponsor[32].
the potential project. It is a high-level review of the
main aspects of the project such as the solar resource, • A potential site.
grid connection and construction cost in order to
decide if it the project is worth taking forward. • Funds to carry out feasibility assessments.

• Feasibility study – If the outcome of the pre- 4.3 Pre-Feasibility Study

feasibility study is favourable, a detailed feasibility
study can be carried out. This consists of a A pre-feasibility study aims to assess if a project is worth
significantly more detailed assessment of all aspects of
progressing without committing significant expenditure.
the project. The purpose of the feasibility study is to
explore the project in enough detail for the interested A pre-feasibility study should, as a minimum, include
parties and stakeholders to make a commitment to assessment of:
proceed with its development.

[32] The Sponsor(s) is (are) the party that owns the specific Project Company which
is set up to develop and own a specific project or portfolio. Contracts and other
agreements are entered into in the name of the Project Company. The Sponsor
provides financial (and other) resources, thereby allowing the Sponsor to retain
control of the project in a way that can allow it to minimise its exposure to risk.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 51

4.4 Feasibility Study

• The project site and boundary area. The feasibility phase will focus on the possible site or sites
outlined in the pre-feasibility study. It will take into account
• A conceptual design of the project, including each of the constraints in more detail and, if multiple sites are
estimation of installed capacity.
being assessed, should highlight the preferred site.
• The approximate costs for development, construction
and operation of the project and predicted revenue. A typical scope for a feasibility study would include:

• Estimated energy yield. • Production of a detailed site plan.

• Grid connection – cost and likelihood of • Calculation of solar resource and environmental
achieving connection. characteristics (temperature and wind speed).
• Permitting requirements and likelihood of • Assessment of shading (horizon and nearby buildings
achieving these. and objects).
In order to keep expenditure low, estimated costs are likely • Outline layout of areas suitable for PV development.
to be based on indicative quotes or comparisons with similar
projects. Similarly, conceptual design will be based on readily • Assessment of technology options providing cost/
benefit for the project locations. This includes
available information. The method for assessing the likelihood
assessment of:
of obtaining a grid connection or obtaining planning (or
other) consents will depend on the location of the project. • Module type.
To start off, initial contact should generally be made with the
• Mounting System.
relevant organisations.
• Outline system design.
The site and resource assessments will constrain the area
• Application for outline planning permission.
likely to be viable for project use. At the pre-feasibility stage,
these assessments should take the form of a desk-top study. • Grid connection – more detailed assessment of
likelihood, cost and timing.
While a full energy yield is not required, an initial energy • Predicted energy yields.
yield should be carried out using solar resource data and
estimates of plant losses (based on nominal values seen in • Financial modelling.
existing projects).
The feasibility study may overlap with the development
phase depending on the priorities of the developer.

4.4.1 Outline System Design

Outline system design provides a basis for all project

development activities from estimating costs to tendering
for contractors. It is also required for planning permission
applications. While a conceptual design will have been
52 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

developed as part of the pre-feasibility study, it may be • Information required for submission.
worthwhile assessing various design configurations at this stage
• Method of submission (online or via the planning
in order to ensure that an optimised design is selected. department office).

Specific tasks include: • Standard restrictions for the area of the development
(for example zoning regulations).
• Calculation of shade and initial PV plant layout. This
• Process for making amendments at a later date.
process of optimisation typically takes into account:

• Shading angles. An application for outline planning (or other) permission

should form part of the feasibility stage. A full application
• O&M requirements. should be made during the development process.
• Module cleaning strategy.
It should be stressed that regulatory requirements vary
• Tilt angle and orientation. widely in different regions. The particular requirements of the
• Temperature and wind profiles of the site. Indian market are covered in detail in Section 8.3.

• Cable runs and electrical loss minimisation.

4.5 Development
• Module selection. This is a selection based on the
feasibility phase output, current availability and The development phase of the project takes the project from
pricing in the market place. the feasibility stage through to financial closure. The suggested
• Inverter selection. scope of work in this phase consists of:

• Mounting frame or tracking system selection, • Preparation and submission of the permit
including consideration of site specific conditions. applications for the proposed solar PV project.

• Electrical cabling design and single line diagrams. • Preparation and submission of a grid
connection application.
• Electrical connections and monitoring equipment.
• Revision of the design and planning permissions.
• Grid connection design.
• Decision on contracting strategy (i.e. single EPC
• Full energy yield analysis using screened solar data contract or multi-contract).
and the optimised layout.
• Decision on the financing approach.
4.4.2 Planning Applications • Preparation of solar PV module
tender documentation.
Advice on planning documentation requirements in
the project area can be obtained from the local planning • Supplier selection and ranking.
department or from an experienced consultant. The type of • Preparation of construction tender documentation.
information that needs to be considered includes:
• Contractor selection and ranking.
• Permits or licences required.
• Contract negotiations.
• Timescales for submission and response.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 53

• Completion of a bankable energy yield. The EIA should consider the likely environmental effects of
the proposed development based upon current knowledge of
• Preparation of a financial model covering the full
the site and the surrounding environment. This information
lifecycle of the plant.
will determine what specific studies are required. The EIA
• Completion of a project risk analysis. should then assess ways of avoiding, reducing or offsetting
any potentially significant adverse effects. The studies will
• Environmental impact assessment.
also provide a baseline case that can be used in the future to
• Production of a detailed project report. determine the impact of the project.
• Securing financing for the project.
Guidance on the significance of impacts is mainly
of a generic nature. However, it is broadly accepted that
4.5.1 Bankable Energy Yield Prediction
this significance reflects the relationship between a number
In the development stage, a bank grade energy yield will be of factors:
required to secure finance. It is advised that this energy yield
• The magnitude or severity of an impact (that is, the
is either carried out or reviewed by an independent specialist. actual change taking place to the environment).
This will ensure that confidence can be placed in the results
and will help attract investment. • The importance or value of the affected resource
or receptor.
The energy yield should include: • The duration involved.

• An assessment of the inter-annual variation and yield • The reversibility of the effect.
confidence levels.
• The number and sensitivity of receptors.
• Consideration of site-specific factors, including
soiling or snow, and the cleaning regime specified in The significance, importance or value of a resource is
the O&M contract. generally judged on the following criteria:

• Full shading review of the PV generator including • The land’s designated status within the land use
near and far shading. planning system.
• Detailed losses. • The number of individual receptors.
• A review of the proposed design to ensure that • An empirical assessment on the basis of
parameters are within design tolerances. characteristics such as rarity or condition.

4.5.2 Environmental Impact Assessment • Ability to absorb change.

It is recommended that the EIA is carried out by an

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is likely to be
experienced Environmental Impact Assessor or similarly
required for projects over a certain size. It is an assessment
qualified person.
of the possible impact, positive or negative, that a proposed
project may have on the environment. The EIA should
consider the natural, social and economic aspects of a project’s
construction and operation during its lifespan.
54 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

4.5.3 Detailed Project Report

The main output of the development phase will be a • Spare parts inventory cost.
detailed project report. This will be used to secure finance
from banks or investors (more information on financing is
• Connection cost for electricity and services.
in Section 13). The information should be project-specific • Details of the permitting and planning status.
including all relevant information in a professional and
clear format. The items detailed below give examples of the
• Environmental impact assessment, restrictions and
mitigation plans.
information that should be included:
4.5.4 Contract Strategy
• Site layout (showing the location of modules,
inverters and buildings). Indicative plans showing:
There are two main contracting strategies that a developer
• Mounting frame and module layout. may consider: multi-contract and single EPC contract.

• Inverter locations and foundations/housings.

A multi-contract approach will require significantly more
• Security measures. project management from the developer during the design
and construction phase. However, it will be cheaper than an
• Buildings and other infrastructures.
EPC approach.
• Initial electrical layouts:
The higher cost EPC option transfers significant risks
• Schematics of module connections through to from the developer to the contractor. If this option is chosen,
the inverter.
then the detailed design stage will be completed by the
• Single line diagrams showing anticipated EPC contractor. The developers will need to ensure that
cable routes. the tender documentation is accurate and includes all the
required information and systems. It will be easier and more
• Grid connection and potential substation
requirements. economical to make changes before the contracts are signed.
If the developer has little or no experience, or is unsure of any
• Bill of materials for major equipment. aspect of the project, it is advised that they seek advice from an
• Energy yield analysis. experienced consultant in that area.

• Losses assumed with regard to the energy There is no single preferred contracting approach. The
yield forecast.
approach taken will depend on the experience, capabilities and
• Financial model inputs including: cost sensitivity of the developer.

• Long term O&M costs and contingencies (up to

the end of the design life and/or debt term).

• Availability assumptions.

• Degradation of module performance

A Guide For Developers and Investors 55

4.6 Detailed Design 5. SITE SELECTION

This phase will prepare the necessary detail and 5.1 Introduction
documentation to allow construction of the solar PV plant to
be carried out. The following documentation will be prepared: Selecting a suitable site is a crucial component of developing
a viable solar PV project. There are no clear cut rules for site
• Detailed layout design.
selection. Viable projects have been developed in locations
• Detailed civil design (buildings, foundation, that may seem unlikely on first look, such as on high gradient
access roads). mountain slopes, within wind farms and on waste disposal
sites. In general, the process of site selection must consider
• Electrical detailed design.
the constraints and the impact they will have on the cost of
• Revised energy yield. the electricity generated. The main constraints that need to be
assessed include:
• Construction plans.

• Project schedule. • Solar resource.

• Interface matrix. • Local climate.

• Commissioning plans. • Available area.

The key electrical systems must be designed in rigorous • Land use.

detail. This will include equipment required for protection, • Topography.
earthing, and interconnection to the grid. The following
designs and specifications should be prepared: • Geotechnical.

• Geopolitical.
• Overall single line diagrams.
• Accessibility.
• MV & LV switchgear line diagrams.
• Grid connection.
• Protection systems.
• Module soiling.
• Interconnection systems and design.
• Water availability.
• Auxiliary power requirements.
• Financial incentives.
• Control systems.
“Showstoppers” for developing a utility scale PV power plant
The civil engineering items should be developed to a level
in a specific location may include constraints due to a low solar
suitable for construction. These will include designs of array
resource, low grid capacity or insufficient area. However, a low
foundations and buildings, as well as roads and infrastructure
solar resource could be offset by high local financial incentives,
required for implementation and operation. The design basis
making a project viable. A similar balancing act applies to the
criteria should be determined in accordance with national
other constraints. These are discussed further below.
standards. The wind loadings should be calculated to ensure
that the design will be suitable for the project location.
56 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

5.2 Site Selection Constraints

5.2.1 Solar Resource

A high average annual GHI is the most basic consideration Depending on the site location (latitude) and the type
for developing a solar PV project. The higher the resource, the of PV module selected (efficiency), a well-designed PV
greater the energy yield per kWp installed. When assessing the power plant with a capacity of 1 MWp developed in India
GHI at a site, care must be taken to minimise any shading that is estimated to require between one and two hectares
will reduce the irradiation actually received by the modules. (10,000 to 20,000 m2) of land. A plant using lower efficiency
Shading could be due to mountains or buildings on the far CdTe thin film modules may require approximately 40 to 50%
horizon, or mutual shading between rows of modules, or more space than a plant using poly-crystalline modules. Figure
shading near the location due to trees, buildings or overhead 15 shows a large ground mounted plant.
cabling. Avoiding shading is critical as even small areas of
shade may significantly impair the output of a module or 5.2.3 Climate
string of modules. The loss in output could be more than
predicted by simply assessing the proportion of the modules In addition to a good solar resource, the local climate should
that are shaded. not suffer from extremes of weather that will increase the
risk of damage or downtime. Weather events that may need
When assessing shading, it must be remembered that the consideration include:
path the sun takes through the sky changes with the seasons.
An obstacle that provides significant shading at mid-day in • Flooding – May increase the risk of erosion of
support structure and foundations, depending on
December may not provide any shading at all at mid-day in
geo-technical conditions.
June. The shading should be assessed using the full sun-path
diagram for the location. • High wind speeds – The risk of a high wind event
exceeding the plant specifications should be assessed.
Locations with a high risk of damaging wind speeds
5.2.2 Area
should be avoided. Fixed systems do not shut down
at high wind speeds, but tracking systems must shut
The area required per kWp of installed power varies with the down in safe mode when speeds of 16-20 m/s are
technology chosen. The distance between rows of modules (the exceeded.
pitch) required to avoid significant inter-row shading varies
with the site latitude. Sites should be chosen with sufficient
• Snow – Snow settling on modules can significantly
reduce annual energy yield if mitigating measures
area to allow the required power to be installed without having are not taken. If the site is prone to snow, then one
to reduce the pitch to levels that cause unacceptable yield loss. has to consider factors such as extra burden on the
mounting structures, the loss in energy production
and the additional cost of higher specification
A Guide For Developers and Investors 57

Figure 15: Large Scale PV Plant

5.2.4 Topography

modules or support structures. The cost of removing Ideally, the site should be flat or on a slight south facing
the snow needs to be weighed against the loss in (in the northern hemisphere) slope. Such topography
production and the likelihood of further snowfall. makes installation simpler, and reduces the cost of technical
The effects of snow can be mitigated by a design modifications required to adjust for undulations in the
with a high tilt angle and frameless modules. The
ground. With additional cost and complexity of installation,
design should also ensure that the bottom edge of the
module is fixed higher than the average snow level mounting structures can be designed for most locations. In
for the area. A site that has regular coverings of snow general, the cost of land must be weighed against the cost of
for a long period of time may not be suitable for designing a mounting structure and installation time.
developing a solar PV plant.

• Temperature – The efficiency of a PV power plant

5.2.5 Geotechnical
reduces with increasing temperature. If a high
temperature site is being considered, mitigating A geotechnical survey of the site is recommended prior to
measures should be included in the design and final selection. The purpose is to assess the ground conditions
technology selection. For instance, it would be better in order to take the correct design approach, and to ensure that
to choose modules with a low temperature coefficient the mounting structures will have adequate foundations. The
for power.
level of the geotechnical survey required will depend on the
foundation design that is envisaged.
58 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

5.2.7 Grid Connection

Best practice dictates that either boreholes or trial pits A grid connection of sufficient capacity is required to
are made at regular intervals and at a depth appropriate for enable the export of power. The viability of grid connection
the foundation design. The boreholes or trial pits would will depend on three main factors: capacity, availability and
typically assess: proximity. These factors should be considered thoroughly at
an early stage of a project; otherwise, the costs could become
• The groundwater level. prohibitive if the site is later found to be in an unfavourable
• The resistivity of the soil. area for grid connection.

• The load-bearing properties of the soil. • Capacity – The capacity for the grid to accept
exported power from a solar plant will depend on the
• The presence of rocks or other obstructions. existing network infrastructure and current use of
the system. The rating of overhead lines, cables and
• The soil pH and chemical constituents in order to
transformers will be an important factor in assessing
assess the degree of corrosion protection required and
the connection capacity available. Switchgear fault
the properties of any cement to be used.
levels and protection settings may also be affected
The geotechnical study may also be expected to include an by the connection of a generation plant. In cases
where a network does not have the existing capacity
assessment of the risk of seismic activity and the susceptibility
to allow connection, there are two options available:
to frost, erosion and flooding. 1) to reduce peak power export to the allowable
limits of the network or 2) to upgrade the network to
5.2.6 Access allow the desired export capacity. Network upgrade
requirements will be advised by the network operator.
The site should allow access for trucks to deliver plant and But some aspects of that upgrade can be carried out
by contractors other than the network operator. Initial
construction materials. This may require upgrading existing
investigation into network connection point capacity
roads or building new ones. At a minimum, access roads can often be carried out by reviewing published data.
should be constructed with a gravel chip finish or similar. However, discussion with the network operator will be
The closer the site is to a main access road, the lower the cost required to fully establish the scope of work associated
of adding this infrastructure. Safe packaging of the modules with any capacity upgrades.
and their susceptibility to damage in transport must also be
• Proximity – A major influence on the cost of
carefully considered. connecting to the grid will be the distance from the
site to the grid connection point. Sites should be
The site should be in a secure location where there is little at locations where the cost of grid connection does
risk of damage from either people or wildlife. It should ideally not adversely affect project economics. Besides,
be in a location where security and maintenance personnel can a higher connection voltage will entail increased
cost of electrical equipment such as switchgear
respond quickly to any issue and this requirement should be
and transformers, as well as a higher conductor
stipulated in the maintenance contract. specification. A higher voltage is also likely to increase
the time taken to provide the connection resulting in a
longer development period.

• Availability – The grid availability describes the

percentage of time that the network is able to export
power from the solar PV plant. The annual energy
A Guide For Developers and Investors 59

yield from a plant may be significantly reduced if Clearances from the military may be required if the site is in
the grid has significant downtime. This may have or near a military-sensitive area. Glare from solar modules can
adverse effects on the economics of the project. affect some military activities.
Availability statistics should be requested from
the network operator to establish the expected
downtime of the network. In developed areas, the 5.2.9 Module Soiling
availability of the grid is usually very high.
If the modules are soiled by particulates, then the
5.2.8 Land Use efficiency of the solar plant could be significantly reduced.
It is, therefore, important to take into account local
Solar PV power plants will ideally be built on low value weather, environmental, human and wildlife factors while
land. If the land is not already owned by the developer, then determining the suitability of a site for a solar PV plant.
the cost of purchase or lease needs to be considered. The The criteria should include:
developer must purchase the land or rights for the duration
of the project. Besides access to the site, provision of water, • Dust particles from traffic, building activity,
electricity supplies and the rights to upgrade access roads agricultural activity or dust storms.
must be considered along with relevant land taxes. • Module soiling from bird excreta. Areas close to
nature reserves, bird breeding areas and lakes should
Since government permission will be required to build a be carefully assessed.
solar plant, it is necessary to assess the site in line with the
local conditions imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies. Soiling of modules may require an appropriate maintenance
If the land is currently used for agricultural purposes, then it and cleaning plan at the site location.
may need to be re-classified for “industrial use” with cost and
time implications—and the possibility of outright rejection. 5.2.10 Water Availability

The future land use of the area must also be taken into Clean, low mineral content water is preferred for cleaning
account. It is likely that the plant will be in operation for modules. A mains water supply, ground water, stored water
at least 25 years. As such, extraneous factors need to be or access to a mobile water tank may be required; the cost
considered to assess the likelihood of their impact on energy of the various options will have an impact on the project
yield. For example, the dust associated with building projects economics. The degree to which water availability is an issue
could have significant impact on the energy yield of the plant. will depend upon the expected level of module-soiling, the
extent of natural cleaning due to rainfall and the required
Locating the plant in an environmentally sensitive area cleaning frequency.
should be avoided. Government stipulated environmental
impact assessments or plant/wildlife studies will slow down 5.2.11 Financial Incentives
and potentially stop the development of a project.
Financial incentives (such as feed-in tariffs or tax breaks) in
Any trees on the project site and surrounding land may different countries, or regions within countries, have a strong
need to be felled and removed, with associated cost. bearing on the financial viability of a project. Such incentives
could outweigh the costs associated with one or more of the
site selection constraints.
60 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants


An important step in assessing project feasibility and 2. Calculating the irradiation incident on the tilted
attracting finance is to calculate the electrical energy expected collector plane for a given time step.
from the PV power plant. The energy yield prediction provides
3. Modelling the performance of the plant with respect
the basis for calculating project revenue. The aim of an to varying irradiance and temperature to calculate the
energy yield analysis is to predict the average annual energy energy yield prediction in each time step.
output for the lifetime of the proposed power plant. Typically,
a 25 to 30 year lifetime is assumed.
4. Applying losses using detailed knowledge of the
inverters, PV module characteristics, the site layout,
DC and AC wiring, module degradation, downtime
The level of accuracy needed for the energy yield prediction and soiling characteristics.
depends on the stage of project development. For example, a
preliminary indication of the energy yield can be carried out 5. Applying statistical analysis of resource data and
assessing the uncertainty in input values to derive
using solar resource data and estimates of plant losses based on
appropriate levels of uncertainty in the final energy
nominal values seen in existing projects. For a more accurate yield prediction.
energy yield prediction, software could be used to illustrate
detailed plant specifications and three-dimensional modelling These steps are described in more detail in the
of the layout. Modelling will also help assess shading losses following sections.
within time-step simulation.
6.1 Irradiation on Module Plane
To accurately estimate the energy produced from a PV
power plant, information is needed on the solar resource In order to predict the solar resource over the lifetime of
and temperature conditions of the site in addition to the a project, it is necessary to analyse historical data for the
layout and technical specifications of the plant components. site. These data are typically given for a horizontal plane.
Sophisticated software is often used to model the complex The assumption is that the future solar resource will follow
interplay of temperature, irradiance, shading and wind- the same patterns as the historical values. Historical data
induced cooling on the modules. While a number of software may be obtained from land-based measurements or from
packages can predict the energy yield of a PV power plant information obtained from satellite imagery as described in
at a basic level, financiers generally require an energy yield Section 3.2.1 Data in hourly or sub-hourly time steps are
prediction carried out by a suitable expert. preferred. Statistical techniques can be used to convert average
monthly values into simulated hourly values if these are not
Typically, the procedure for predicting the energy yield of immediately available.
a PV plant using time-step (hourly or sub-hourly) simulation
software will consist of the following steps: Horizontal plane irradiation may be divided into its diffuse
and direct components. Models are used to calculate the
1. Sourcing modelled or measured environmental data resource on the specific plane at which the modules are tilted.
such as irradiance, wind speed and temperature Part of this calculation will take into account the irradiance
from land-based meteorological stations or satellite reflected from the surroundings towards the modules. The
imagery (or a combination of both). This results in
degree to which the ground is able to diffusely reflect radiation
a time series of “typical” irradiation on a horizontal
plane at the site location along with typical is quantified by the albedo values, which vary according to
environmental conditions. surface properties. A higher albedo factor translates into
A Guide For Developers and Investors 61

6.4 Uncertainty in the Energy Yield Prediction

greater reflection and so higher levels of diffuse irradiation. The uncertainty of energy yield simulation software depends
For example, fresh grass has an albedo factor of 0.26, reducing on each modelling stage and on the uncertainty in the input
down to a minimum of approximately 0.15 when dry. Asphalt variables. Modelling software itself can introduce uncertainty
has a value between 0.09 and 0.15 or 0.18 if wet. of 2% to 3%.

6.2 Performance Modelling The typical relative accuracy of measurements at

meteorological (MET) stations by a well-maintained
Sophisticated simulation software is used to predict the pyranometer is 3-5%. This represents the upper limit in
performance of a PV power plant in time steps for a set of accuracy of resource data obtained through MET stations.
conditions encountered in a typical year. This allows a detailed However, in many cases, the presence of a MET station at the
simulation of the efficiency with which the plant converts solar project location (during preceding years) is unlikely. If this
irradiance into AC power and the losses associated with the is the case, solar resource data will likely have been obtained
conversion. Some of these losses may be calculated within the using satellites or interpolation as described in Section 3.2.
simulation software, others are based on extrapolations of data This will increase the uncertainty in the resource data
from similar PV plants and analysis of the site conditions. depending on the quality of the satellite or the distance from
a well maintained MET station. In general, resource data
Depending on specific site characteristics and plant design, uncertainty of 7.5%[33] or higher may be expected.
losses may be caused by any of the factors described in Table 5.
Energy yield prediction reports should consider and (ideally) Uncertainty in other modelling inputs include estimates
quantify each of these losses. In individual cases, some of the in downtime, estimates in soiling, uncertainty in the
losses may be negated or considered in logical groupings. inter-annual variation in solar resource and errors due to
module specifications not accurately defining the actual
6.3 Energy Yield Prediction Results module characteristics.

The predicted annual energy yield may be expressed within The energy yield depends linearly, to a first approximation,
a given confidence interval. A P90 value is the annual energy on plane of array irradiance. Therefore uncertainty in the
yield prediction that will be exceeded with 90% probability; resource data has a stronger bearing on the uncertainty in
P75 is the yield that will be exceeded with 75% probability; the yield prediction than does the accuracy of PV modelling.
while P50, the expected value, is the annual energy yield Total uncertainty figures of up to 10% may be expected. A
prediction that will be exceeded with 50% probability. Good good energy yield report will quantify the uncertainty for the
quality energy yield reports used by investors will give the P50 specific site location.
and P90 energy yield prediction values as a minimum.

[33] “Quality of Meteonorm Version 6.0”, Jan Remund, World Renewable Energy
Congress 2008.
62 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Table 5: Losses in a PV Power Plant

Loss Description
The solar resource can be reduced significantly in some locations due to air pollution from
Air pollution
industry and agriculture.
Due to mountains or buildings on the far horizon, mutual shading between rows of modules
and near shading due to trees, buildings or overhead cabling.
The incidence angle loss accounts for radiation reflected from the front glass when the light
Incident angle striking it is not perpendicular. For tilted PV modules, these losses may be expected to be larger
than the losses experienced with dual axis tracking systems, for example.
The conversion efficiency of a PV module generally reduces at low light intensities. This causes
a loss in the output of a module compared with the standard conditions at which the modules
Low irradiance
are tested (1,000W/m2). This 'low irradiance loss' depends on the characteristics of the module
and the intensity of the incident radiation.
The characteristics of a PV module are determined at standard temperature conditions of 25°C.
For every degree rise in Celsius temperature above this standard, crystalline silicon modules
Module temperature reduce in efficiency, generally by around 0.5%. In high ambient temperatures under strong
irradiance, module temperatures can rise appreciably. Wind can provide some cooling effect
which can also be modelled.

Losses due to soiling (dust and bird droppings) depend on the environmental conditions,
rainfall frequency and on the cleaning strategy as defined in the O&M contract. This loss
can be relatively large compared to other loss factors but is usually less than 4%, unless there
is unusually high soiling or problems from snow settling on the modules for long periods of
time. The soiling loss may be expected to be lower for modules at a high tilt angle as inclined
modules will benefit more from the natural cleaning effect of rainwater.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 63

Table 5: Losses in a PV Power Plant

Loss Description

Most PV modules do not match exactly the manufacturer’s nominal specifications. Modules
are sold with a nominal peak power and a guarantee of actual power within a given tolerance
Module quality
range. The module quality loss quantifies the impact on the energy yield due to divergences
in actual module characteristics from the specifications.

Losses due to “mismatch” are related to the fact that the modules in a string do not all present
Module mismatch exactly the same current/voltage profiles; there is a statistical variation between them which
gives rise to a power loss.

Electrical resistance in the cable between the modules and the input terminals of the inverter
DC cable resistance give rise to ohmic losses (I2R). This loss increases with temperature. If the cable is correctly
sized, this loss should be less than 3% annually.

Inverter performance Inverters convert from DC into AC with an efficiency that varies with inverter load.

This includes transformer performance and ohmic losses in the cable leading
AC losses
to the substation.

Downtime is a period when the plant does not generate due to failure. The downtime periods
Downtime will depend on the quality of the plant components, design, environmental conditions,
diagnostic response time and the repair response time.
64 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Table 5: Losses in a PV Power Plant

Loss Description
Grid availability and The ability of a PV power plant to export power is dependent on the availability of the
disruption distribution or transmission network. Typically, the owner of the PV power plant will
not own the distribution network. He, therefore, relies on the distribution network
operator to maintain service at high levels of availability. Unless detailed information
is available, this loss is typically based on an assumption that the local grid will not be
operational for a given number of hours/days in any one year, and that it will occur during
periods of average production.

Degradation The performance of a PV module decreases with time. If no independent testing has been
conducted on the modules being used, then a generic degradation rate depending on the
module technology may be assumed. Alternatively, a maximum degradation rate that
conforms to the module performance warranty may be considered.

MPP tracking The inverters are constantly seeking the maximum power point (MPP) of the array
by shifting inverter voltage to the MPP voltage. Different inverters do this with
varying efficiency.

Curtailment of
Yield loss due to high winds enforcing the stow mode of tracking systems.
Auxiliary power Power may be required for electrical equipment within the plant. This may include security
systems, tracking motors, monitoring equipment and lighting. It is usually recommended to
meter this auxiliary power requirement separately.

Grid Compliance Loss This parameter has been included to draw attention to the risk of a PV power plant losing
energy through complying with grid code requirements. These requirements vary on a country
to country basis.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 65

Figure 16: Uncertainty in Energy Yield Prediction

Figure 16 represents the typical combined uncertainties in uncertainty in energy yield when inter-annual variability is
the yield prediction for a PV power plant. The dashed blue combined with the uncertainty in the yield prediction. The
line shows the predicted P50 yield. The green lines represent total uncertainty decreases over the lifetime of the PV plant.
uncertainty in energy yield due to inter-annual variability The lower limit on the graph corresponds to the P90 and the
in solar resource. The solid red lines represent the total upper limit corresponds to the P10.
66 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Case Study 2
Energy Yield Prediction
The developer of a the 5MW plant in Tamil Nadu required a solar energy yield prediction to confirm project feasibility
and assess likely revenues. The developer did not consider the range of available input data or conduct a long term
yield prediction over the life of the project; both of these would have been useful to derive a more accurate yield
figure, particularly for potential project financiers.

The developer sourced global horizontal irradiation data for the site location (see case study 1). Commercially available
software was used to simulate the complex interactions of temperature and irradiance impacting the energy yield. This
software took the plant specifications as input and modelled the output in hourly time steps for a typical year. Losses
and gains were calculated within the software. These included:

• Gain due to tilting the module at 10º.

• Reflection losses (3.3%).

• Losses due to a lower module efficiency at low irradiance levels (4.2%).

• Losses due to temperatures above 25ºC (6%).

• Soiling losses (1.1%).

• Losses due to modules deviating from their nominal power (3.3%).

• Mismatch losses (2.2%).

• DC Ohmic losses (1.8%).

• Inverter losses (3.6%).

A Guide For Developers and Investors 67

The software gave an annual sum of electrical energy expected at the inverter output in the first year of operation.
Although this is a useful indicative figure, an improved energy yield prediction would also consider:

• Inter-row shading losses (by setting up a 3D model).

• Horizon shading, if any.

• Near shading from nearby obstructions including poles, control rooms and switch yard equipment.

• AC losses.

• Downtime and grid availability.

• Degradation of the modules and plant components over the lifetime of the plant.

The results will ideally show the expected output during the design life of the plant and assess the confidence in the
energy yield predictions given by analysing:

• The uncertainty in the solar resource data used.

• The uncertainty in the modelling process.

• The inter-annual variation in the solar resource.

The energy yield prediction for the 5MW plant was provided as a first year P50 value (the value expected with
50% probability in the first year) excluding degradation. The confidence that can be placed in the prediction would
typically be expressed by the P90 value, the annual energy yield prediction that will be exceeded with 90% probability.

Projects typically, have a financing structure that requires them to service debt once or twice a year. The year on year
uncertainty in the resource is therefore taken into account by expressing a “one year P90”. A “ten year P90” includes
the uncertainty in the resource as it varies over a ten-year period. The exact requirement will depend on the financial
structure of the project and the requirements of the financing institution.
68 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Designing a megawatt-scale PV power plant is a complex thin film amorphous silicon, it should be realised that
each technology has examples of high quality and low
process that requires considerable technical experience and
quality products from different manufacturers.
knowledge. There are many compromises that need to be
made in order to achieve the optimum balance between • Different technologies have a differing spectral
performance and cost. This section highlights some of the key response and so will be better suited for use in certain
issues that need to be considered when designing a PV plant. locations, depending on the local light conditions.

• Amorphous silicon modules generally perform better

7.1 Technology Selection under shaded conditions than crystalline silicon
modules. Many of them show a better response in
7.1.1 Modules low light levels.

• The nominal power of a module is given with

While certification of a module to IEC/CE/UL standards a tolerance. Some modules may be rated with a
(as described in Section 2.3.6) is important, it says very little ±5% tolerance while others are given with a ±3%
about the performance of the module under field conditions of tolerance. Some manufacturers routinely provide
varying irradiance and temperature. It is also relatively difficult modules at the lower end of the tolerance, while
to find comprehensive and independent module performance others provide modules that achieve their nominal
power or above (positive tolerance).
comparisons. In addition, modules tested under a specific
set of conditions of irradiance, temperature and voltage, • When ordering a large number of modules, it
with a specific inverter, may perform very differently under is recommended to have a sample of modules
alternative conditions with a different inverter. independently tested to establish the tolerance.

• The value of the temperature coefficient of power

This makes choosing a module a more difficult process than will be an important consideration for modules
it may first appear. Many developers employ the services of installed in hot climates.
an independent consultant for this reason. When choosing
• The degradation properties and long term stability
modules, the following key aspects should be considered: of modules should be understood. The results of
independent testing of modules can sometimes
• The aim is to keep the levelised cost of electricity[34] be found in scientific journals or papers from
(LCOE) at a minimum. When choosing between research institutes.
high efficiency-high cost modules and low efficiency-
low cost modules, the cost and availability of land • The manufacturers’ warranty period is useful for
and plant components will have an impact. High distinguishing between modules but care should be
efficiency modules require significantly less land, taken with the power warranty. Some manufacturers
cabling and support structures per MWp installed offer as guarantee of performance the percentage of
than low efficiency modules. the peak power for a given duration; others give it as
a percentage of the minimum peak power (that is,
• When choosing between module technologies such as the peak power minus the tolerance).
mono-crystalline silicon, multi crystalline silicon and
• Frameless modules may be more suitable for locations
that experience snow, as snow tends to slide off these
modules more easily.
[34] The cost per kWh of electricity generated that takes into account the time value
of money.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 69

• Other parameters important for selection of modules module manufacturer has offered a power output
include: cost ($/Wp), lifetime, and maximum guarantee beyond 25 years. The conditions listed in
system voltage. both the power guarantee and product guarantee are
important, and vary between manufacturers.
7.1.2 Quality Benchmarks
• Lifetime – Good quality modules with the
• Product guarantee – In the EU, manufacturers appropriate IEC certification have a design life in
are legally bound to provide a product guarantee excess of 25 years. Beyond 30 years, increased levels
ensuring that modules will be fully functional for of degradation may be expected. The lifetime of
a minimum of 2 years. Some companies guarantee crystalline modules has been proven in the field. Thin
a longer period, with 5-6 years being the usual film technology lifetimes are currently unproven and
duration. rely on accelerated lifetime laboratory tests, but are
expected to be in the order of 25-30 years also.
• Power guarantee – In addition to the product
guarantee, most manufacturers grant nominal power The module data sheet format and the information that
guarantees. These vary between manufacturers but a should be included has been standardised and is covered
typical power guarantee stipulates that the modules by EN 50380, which is the “data sheet and nameplate
will deliver 90% of the original nominal power information for photovoltaic modules”. An example of the
after 10 years and 80% after 25 years. So far no
information expected in a data sheet is provided in Table 6.

Table 6: Comparison of Module Technical Specifications at STC

Manufacturer Xxxx
Module Model Xxxx
Nominal power (PMPP) 210 Wp
Power tolerance ±3%
Voltage at PMAX (VMPP) 26.5 V
Current at PMAX (IMPP) 7.93 A
Open circuit voltage (VOP) 33.2 V
Short circuit current (ISC) 8.54 A
Maximum system voltage 1000 VDC
Module efficiency 14.33%
Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C
Temperature coefficient of PMPP -0.41%/°C
Dimensions 1480×990×50 mm
Module area 1.47 m2
Weight 18 kg
Maximum load 5400 Pa
Product warranty 5 years
Performance guarantee 90%: after 10 years; 80%: after 25 years
70 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.1.2 Inverters

No single inverter concept is best for all situations. In efficiency are major inverter selection criteria, directly affecting
practice, the local conditions and the system components have the annual revenue of the solar PV plant. It is also important
to be taken into account to tailor the system for the specific to bear in mind that efficiency varies according to a number
application. Different solar PV module technologies and of factors. Of them, DC input voltage and percentage load are
layouts may suit different inverter types. So care needs to be the two dominant factors. Several other factors should inform
taken in the integration of modules and inverters to ensure inverter selection, including site temperature, product reliability,
optimum performance and lifetime. maintainability, serviceability and total cost of ownership. A
thorough financial analysis is required to determine the most
Among the major selection criteria for inverters, the cost-effective inverter option. Many of the inverter selection
financial incentive scheme and the DC-AC conversion criteria listed in Table 7 may feed into this analysis.

Table 7: Inverter Selection Criteria

Criterion Description
Banding of financial incentive mechanisms may have an
influence on the choice of inverter. For example, feed-in tariff
Incentive scheme
(FiT) schemes might be tiered for different plant sizes which
may, in turn, influence the inverter size.
Size influences the inverter connection concept. Central
Project size
inverters are commonly used in large solar PV plants.
High efficiency inverters should be sought. The additional
yield usually more than compensates for the higher
initial cost. The way the efficiency has been defined should be
carefully considered.

Consideration must also be given to the fact that efficiency

changes with DC input voltage, percentage of load, and several
other factors.
MPP range A wide MPP range allows flexibility and facilitates design.
National electrical regulations might set limits on the
maximum power difference between the phases in the case of
3-phase or single phase output
an asymmetrical load. For example, this limit is 4.6 kVA in the
German regulations.
The compatibility of thin-film modules with transformer-less
Module technology
inverters should be confirmed with manufacturers.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 71

Table 7: Inverter Selection Criteria

Criterion Description
A transformer inverter must be used if galvanic isolation is
National and international regulations
required between the DC and AC sides of the inverter.
The grid code affects inverter sizing and technology. The
national grid code might require the inverters to be capable
of reactive power control. In that case, over-sizing inverters
Grid code
slightly could be required. The grid code also sets requirements
on THD, which is the level of harmonic content allowed in
the inverter’s AC power output.
High inverter reliability ensures low downtime and
maintenance and repair costs. If available, inverter mean
Product reliability
time between failures (MTBF) figures and track record
should be assessed.
If modules of different specifications are to be used, then
Module supply string or multi-string inverters are recommended, in order to
minimise mismatch losses.
Ease of access to qualified service and maintenance personnel,
and availability of parts is an important dimension to consider
Maintainability and serviceability
during inverter selection. This may favour string inverters in
certain locations.
If a fault arises with a string inverter, only a small proportion
of the plant output is lost. Spare inverters could be kept locally
System availability and replaced by a suitably trained electrician. With central
inverters, a large proportion of the plant output would be lost
(for example, 100 kW) until a replacement is obtained.
Ease of expanding the system capacity and flexibility of design
should be considered when selecting inverters.
For sites with different shading conditions or orientations,
Shading conditions
string inverters might be more suitable.
Outdoor/indoor placement and site ambient conditions
Installation location
influence IP class and cooling requirements.
Plant monitoring, data logging, and remote control
Monitoring/recording/telemetry requirements define a set of criteria that must be taken into
account when choosing an inverter.
72 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Quality Benchmarks 7.1.3 Mounting Structures

The guarantee offered for inverters varies among Mounting structures will typically be fabricated from steel
manufacturers. A minimum guarantee of two years is typical, or aluminium, although there are examples of systems based
with optional extensions of up to twenty years or more. A on wooden beams. A good quality mounting structure may be
2009 survey of inverters[35] showed that only one inverter expected to:
manufacturer in the 100-500 kW range offers a guarantee
longer than 20 years. • Have undergone extensive testing to ensure
the designs meet or exceed the load conditions
experienced at the site.
While many manufacturers quote MTBF of 20 years or
more, real world experience shows that inverters generally need • Allow the desired tilt angle to be achieved within a
to be replaced every five to ten years. Based on a 2006 study[36], few degrees.
investment in a new inverter is required three to five times over
• Allow field adjustments that may reduce installation
the life of a PV system. time and compensate for inaccuracies in placement
of foundations.
Inverter protection should include:
• Minimise tools and expertise required for installation.
• Incorrect polarity protection for the DC cable. • Adhere to the conditions described in the module
• Over-voltage and overload protection. manufacturer’s installation manual.

• Islanding detection for grid connected systems • Allow for thermal expansion, using expansion joints
(depends on grid code requirements). where necessary in long sections, so that modules do
not become unduly stressed.
• Insulation monitoring.
Purchasing good quality structures from reputable
Inverters should be accompanied by the appropriate manufacturers is generally a low-cost, low-risk option. Some
type test certificates, which are defined by the national and manufacturers provide soil testing and qualification in order to
international standards applicable for each project and country. certify designs for a specific project location.

The inverter datasheet format and the information that Alternatively, custom-designed structures may be used to
should be included has been standardised and is covered solve specific engineering challenges or to reduce costs. If this
by EN 50524:2009 – “Data sheet and name plate for route is chosen, it is important to consider the additional
photovoltaic inverters”. An example of the information liabilities and cost for validating structural integrity. This apart,
expected in a datasheet is provided in Table 8. systems should be designed to ease installation. In general,
installation efficiencies can be achieved by using commercially
available products.

The topographic conditions of the site and information

gathered during the geotechnical survey will influence the
choice of foundation type. This, in turn, will affect the
[35] Photon International, The Photovoltaic Magazine, April 2009 choice of support system design as some are more suited to a
[36] A Review of PV Inverter Technology Cost and Performance Projections, NREL particular foundation type.
Standards, Jan 2006
A Guide For Developers and Investors 73

Table 8: Inverter Specification

Model XXX
Manufacturer XXX
Type (e.g. string, central, etc) String
Maximum power 21.2 kW
MPPT range 480…800 V
Maximum voltage 1000 V
Maximum current 41 A
Rated power 19.2 kW
Maximum power 19.2 kW
Grid connection 3 AC 400 V + N, 50 – 60 Hz
Maximum current 29 A
Cosφ (DPF) 1 (±0.9 on demand)
THD <2.5%
Maximum efficiency 98.2%
European efficiency 97.8%
Internal consumption during
<0.5 W
Transformer present No
Cooling Natural convection
Dimensions (WxHxD) 530 x 601 x 277 mm
Weight 41 kg
Working environment -25…+55°C, up to 2000 m above sea level (ASL)
IP rating IP 65 as per EN 60259
Warranty 3 years (basic); can be extended to 20 years
Standards compliance EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005, DIN IEC 721-3-3, VDE 0126-1-1
Certificates CE, UL, CSA
74 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Foundation options for ground-mounted PV In marine environments or within 3 km of the sea,

systems include: additional corrosion protection or coatings on the structures
may be required.
• Concrete piers cast in-situ – These are most
suited to small systems and have good tolerance to Tracker warranties vary between technologies and
uneven and sloping terrain. They do not have large
manufacturers but a 5-10 year guarantee on parts and
economies of scale.
workmanship may be typical.
• Pre-cast concrete ballasts – This is a common
choice for manufacturers having large economies of Tracking system life expectancy depends on appropriate
scale. It is suitable even at places where the ground maintenance. Key components of the actuation system such
is difficult to penetrate due to rocky outcrops or
as bearings and motors may need to be serviced or replaced
subsurface obstacles. This option has low tolerance
to uneven or sloping terrain but requires no specialist within the planned project life.
skills for installation. Consideration must be given to
the risk of soil movement or erosion. Steel driven piles should be hot-dip galvanised to reduce
corrosion. In highly corrosive soil, additional protection
• Driven piles – If a geotechnical survey proves
such as epoxy coating may be necessary in order to last the
suitable, a beam or pipe driven into the ground can
result in low-cost, large scale installations that can 25-35 year design life.
be quickly implemented. Specialist skills and pile
driving machinery are required, these may not always 7.2 Layout and Shading
be available.
The general layout of the plant and the distance chosen
• Earth screws – Helical earth screws typically made of
steel have good economics for large scale installations between rows of mounting structures will be selected
and are tolerant to uneven or sloping terrain. These according to the specific site conditions. The area available
require specialist skills and machinery to install. to develop the plant may be constrained by space and may
have unfavourable geological or topographical features. The Quality Benchmarks aim of the layout design is to minimise cost while achieving
the maximum possible revenue from the plant. In general this
The warranty supplied with support structures varies but
will mean:
may include a limited product warranty of 10 years and a
limited finish warranty of five years or more. Warranties could 1. Designing row spacing to reduce inter-row shading
include conditions that all parts are handled, installed, cleaned and associated shading losses.
and maintained in the appropriate way, that the dimensioning
is made according to the static loads and the environmental 2. Designing the layout to minimise cable runs and
associated electrical losses.
conditions are not unusual.
3. Creating access routes and sufficient space between
The useful life of fixed support structures, though rows to allow movement for maintenance purposes.
dependent on adequate maintenance and corrosion protection,
could be expected to be beyond 25 years.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 75

4. Choosing a tilt angle that optimises the annual describe the celestial motion of the sun throughout the year for
energy yield according to the latitude of the site and any location on earth, plotting its altitude[38] and azimuth[39]
the annual distribution of solar resource. angle on a sunpath diagram as shown in Figure 17. This, along
5. Orientating the modules to face a direction that with information on the module row spacing, may be used to
yields the maximum annual revenue from power
production. In the northern hemisphere, this will 1. Calculate the degree of shading and
usually be true south[37].
2. Simulate the annual energy losses associated with
Computer simulation software could be used to help design
various configurations of tilt angle, orientation
the plant layout. Such software includes algorithms which
and row spacing.

Horizon Line Drawing

Plane: Tilt 30˚, Azimuth 0˚


Sun Height [˚]



15 Behind Behind
The Plane The Plane
-180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Azimuth [˚]
Figure 17: Sun-path Diagram for Chennai, India[40]

[37] True south differs from magnetic south, and an adjustment should be made [39] The azimuth is the location of the sun in terms of north, south, east and west.
from compass readings. Definitions may vary but 0° represents true south, -90° represents east, 180°
[38] The elevation of the sun above the horizon (the plane tangent to the Earth‘s represents north, and 90° represents west.
surface at the point of measurement) is known as the angle of altitude. [40] PVSYST V5.06
76 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.2.1 General Layout

Minimising cable runs and associated electrical losses may • Shading – More highly tilted modules provide
suggest positioning an LV/MV station centrally within the more shading on modules behind them. As
plant. If this option is chosen, then adequate space should shading impacts energy yield much more than may
be expected simply by calculating the proportion
be allocated to avoid the possibility of the station shading
of the module shaded, a good option (other than
modules behind it. spacing the rows more widely apart) is to reduce
the tilt angle. It is usually better to use a lesser tilt
The layout should allow adequate distance from angle as a trade-off for loss in energy yield due to
the perimeter fence to prevent shading. It should also inter-row shading.
incorporate access routes for maintenance staff and vehicles at
• Seasonal irradiation distribution – If a particular
appropriate intervals. season dominates the annual distribution of solar
resource (monsoon rains, for example), it may be
7.2.2 Tilt Angle beneficial to adjust the tilt angle to compensate for
the loss. Simulation software is able to assess the
Every location will have an optimal tilt angle that maximises benefit of this.
the total annual irradiation (averaged over the whole year) on
7.2.3 Inter-Row Spacing
the plane of the collector. For fixed tilt grid connected power
plants, the theoretical optimum tilt angle may be calculated The choice of row spacing is a compromise chosen to reduce
from the latitude of the site. However, adjustments may need inter-row shading while keeping the area of the PV plant
to be made to account for: within reasonable limits, reducing cable runs and keeping
ohmic losses within acceptable limits. Inter-row shading can
• Soiling – Higher tilt angles have lower soiling losses.
The natural flow of rainwater cleans such modules never be reduced to zero: at the beginning and end of the day
more effectively and snow slides off more easily at the shadow lengths are extremely long. Figure 18 illustrates the
higher angles. angles that must be considered in the design process.


a b

Figure 18: Shading Angle Diagram (Image courtesy of Schletter GmbH)
A Guide For Developers and Investors 77

The shading limit angle[41] α is the solar elevation angle south. For example, an array facing in a westerly direction will
beyond which there is no inter-row shading on the modules. be optimised to generate power in the afternoon. The effect of
If the elevation of the sun is lower than α then a proportion tilt angle and orientation on energy yield production can be
of the module will be shaded. Alongside, there will be an effectively modelled using simulation software.
associated loss in energy yield.
7.3 Electrical Design
The shading limit angle may be reduced either by reducing
the tilt angle β or increasing the row pitch d. Reducing the tilt For most large solar PV plants, reducing the levelised cost
angle below the optimal is sometimes a choice as this may give of electricity is the most important design criteria. Every
only a minimal reduction in annual yield. The ground cover aspect of the electrical system (and of the project as a whole)
ratio (GCR), given by l/d, is a measure of the PV module area should be scrutinised and optimised. The potential economic
compared to the area of land required. gains from such an analysis are much larger than the cost of
carrying it out.
For many locations a design rule of thumb is to space
the modules in such a way that there is no shading at It is important to strike a balance between cost savings
solar noon on the winter solstice (December 21st in the and quality. Engineering decisions should be ‘careful’ and
northern hemisphere). In general, if there is less than a 1% ‘informed’ decisions. Otherwise, design made with a view to
annual loss due to shading, then the row spacing may be reduce costs in the present could lead to increased future costs
deemed acceptable. and lost revenue due to high maintenance requirements and
low performance.
Detailed energy yield simulations can be carried out to assess
losses due to shading, and to obtain an economic optimisation The design of each project should be judged on a case-
that also takes into account the cost of land if required. by-case basis, as each site poses unique challenges and
constraints. While general guidelines and best practices can be
7.2.4 Orientation formulated, there are no “one-size-fits all” solutions. While the
recommendations in the following sections are based on solar
In the northern hemisphere, the orientation that PV plants with centralised inverter architectures, many of the
optimises the total annual energy yield is true south. In the concepts discussed also apply to plants with string inverters.
tropics, the effect of deviating from true south may not be
especially significant. The following sections are based mainly on European
practices. Practices will differ elsewhere. It is, therefore,
Some tariff structures encourage the production of energy crucial to bear in mind that in all cases the relevant national
during hours of peak demand. In such “time of day” rate and applicable international codes and regulations are
structures, there may be financial (rather than energy yield) consulted and followed, to ensure that the installation is safe
benefits of orientating an array that deviates significantly from and compliant.

[41] Also known as “critical shading angle”.

78 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.3.1 DC System

The DC system comprises the following plant: higher than that given by standard multiplication factors. So,
this effect should also be taken into consideration. If in doubt,
• Array(s) of PV modules. the manufacturer should be consulted for advice.
• DC cabling (module, string and main cable). PV Array Design
• DC connectors (plugs and sockets).
The design of a PV array will depend on the inverter
• Junction boxes/combiners.
specifications and the chosen system architecture besides the
• Disconnects/switches. specific context and conditions of use. Using many modules in
series in high voltage arrays minimises ohmic losses. However,
• Protection devices.
safety requirements, inverter voltage limits and national
• Earthing. regulations also need to be considered.

When sizing the DC component of the plant, the maximum • Maximum number of modules in a string –
voltage and current of the individual strings and PV array(s) The maximum number of modules in a string is
should be calculated using the maximum output of the defined by the maximum DC input voltage of the
individual modules. Simulation programs can be used to help inverter to which the string will be connected to
with sizing but their results should be cross checked manually. (VMax (Inv, DC)). Under no circumstances should this
voltage be exceeded. Crossing the limit can decrease
the inverter’s operational lifetime or render the device
For mono-crystalline and multi-crystalline silicon modules, inoperable. The highest module voltage that can
all DC components should be rated as follows, to allow for occur in operation is the open-circuit voltage in the
thermal and voltage limits[42]: coldest daytime temperatures at the site location.
Design rules of thumb for Europe use – 10°C as the
Minimum Voltage Rating: VOC(STC) ×1.15 minimum design temperature, but this may vary
according to location. The maximum number of
modules in a string (nMax) may therefore be calculated
Minimum Current Rating: ISC(STC) ×1.25
using the formula:

The multiplication factors used above (1.15 and 1.25) are VOC(Module)@Coldest Module Operating Temperature×NMax <VMax(Inv, DC)
location-specific and cover the maximum voltage and current
• Minimum number of modules in a string – The
values that can be expected under UK conditions of irradiance. minimum number of modules is governed by the
While different multiplication factors may apply for other requirement to keep the system voltage within the
locations, national standards should be consulted. MPPT range of the inverter. If the string voltage
drops below the minimum MPP inverter voltage,
For non-crystalline silicon modules, DC component then the system will underperform. In the worst case,
the inverter may shut down. The lowest expected
ratings should be calculated from manufacturer’s data, taking
module voltage occurs during the highest operating
into account the temperature and irradiance coefficients. In temperature conditions. Design rules of thumb for
addition, certain modules have an initial settling-in period, Europe use 70°C as the design benchmark, but this
during which the VOC and ISC output they produce is much may vary according to site conditions. The minimum
number of modules in a string (nMin) may therefore
be calculated using the formula:
[42] Guide to the installation of PV systems – DTI (2006), 2nd edition.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 79

operating voltage and inverter optimum voltage

VMPP(Module) @Highest Module Operating Temperature×NMin>VMPP(Inv Min) as closely as possible. This will require voltage
dependency graphs of inverter efficiency (see example
• Voltage optimisation – As the inverter efficiency is
in Figure 19). If such graphs are not provided by
dependent on the operating voltage, it is preferable
inverter manufacturers, they may be obtained
to optimise the design by matching the array
from independent sources. Substantial increases

Figure 19: Voltage and Power Dependency Graph of Inverter Efficiency[43]

[43] Image courtesy of F.P. Baumgartner, www.zhaw.ch/~bauf

80 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

in the plant yield can be achieved by successfully Guidance on inverter and PV array sizing can be obtained
matching the operating voltages of the PV array from the inverter manufacturers, who offer system sizing
with the inverter. software. Such tools also provide an indication of the total
• Number of strings – The maximum number of number of inverters required.
strings permitted in a PV array is a function of
the maximum allowable PV array current and the A number of factors and guidelines must be assessed when
maximum inverter current. In general, this limit sizing an inverter:
should not be exceeded as it leads to premature
inverter ageing and yield loss. • The maximum VOC in the coldest daytime
temperature must be less than the inverter maximum Inverter Sizing DC input voltage (VInv, DC Max).

It is not possible to formulate an optimal inverter sizing • The inverter must be able to safely withstand the
strategy that applies in all cases. Project specifics such as the maximum array current.
solar resource and module tilt angle play a very important • The minimum VOC in the hottest daytime
role when choosing a design. While the rule of thumb has temperature must be greater than the inverter DC
been to use an inverter-to-array power ratio less than unity, turn-off voltage (VInv, DC Turn-Off ).
this is not always the best design approach. For example, this
• The maximum inverter DC current must be greater
option might lead to a situation where the inverter manages than the PV array(s) current.
to curtail power spikes not anticipated by irradiance profiles
(based on one hour data). Or, it could fail to achieve grid code • The inverter MPP range must include PV array MPP
compliance in cases where reactive power injection to the grid points at different temperatures.
is required. • When installed, some thin film modules produce
a voltage greater than the nominal voltage. This
The optimal sizing is, therefore, dependent on the specifics happens for a period of time until initial degradation
of the plant design. Most plants will have an inverter sizing has occurred, and must be taken into account to
prevent the inverter from being damaged.
range within the limits defined by:
• Grid code requirements: for example, reactive
0.8<Power Ratio<1.2 power injection.

• The operating voltage should be optimised for

maximum inverter efficiency.
PInverter DC rated
Power Ratio = • Site conditions of temperature and irradiation
PPV Peak
Pinverter AC rated
PInverter DC rated = n100% • Economics and cost-effectiveness.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 81

Inverters with reactive power control are recommended. 3. The minimisation of cable losses. The cable
Inverters can control reactive power by controlling the phase voltage drop and the associated power losses must
angle of the current injection. Moreover, aspects such as be as low possible. Normally, the voltage drop must
be less than 3%, but national regulations must be
inverter ventilation, air-conditioning, lighting and cabinet
consulted for guidance. Cable losses of less than 1%
heating must be considered. are achievable.

When optimising the voltage, it should be borne in In practice, the minimisation of voltage drop and associated
mind that the inverter efficiency is dependent on voltage. losses will be the limiting factor in most cases.
Specification sheets and voltage dependency graphs are
required for efficient voltage-matching. Cable Management Cable Selection and Sizing DC cabling consists of module, string and main cables.
Issues such as routing the main cables, and proper laying
The selection and sizing of DC cables for solar PV plants and trenching are to be considered in the detailed design of
should take into account national codes and regulations a solar PV plant. Additionally, management of overground
applicable to each country. Cables specifically designed for cables (for example, module cables) also needs attention.
solar PV installations (“solar” cables) are readily available and Importantly, these cables need to be properly routed and
should be used. In general, three criteria must be observed secured to facilitate commissioning and troubleshooting.
when sizing cables: Proper management ensures that cables are properly protected
from inclement weather and extraneous factors (for example,
1. The cable voltage rating. The voltage limits of abrasion on the sharp edges of the support structures).
the cable—to which the PV string or array cable
will be connected—must be taken into account.
A number of cable connection systems are available:
Calculations of the maximum VOC voltage of the
modules, adjusted for the site minimum design
temperature, are used for this calculation. • Screw terminals.

2. The current carrying capacity of the cable. The • Post terminals.

cable must be sized in accordance with the maximum • Spring clamp terminals.
current. It is important to remember to de-rate
appropriately, taking into account the location of • Plug connectors.
cable, the method of laying, number of cores and
temperature. Care must be taken to size the cable for Plug connectors have become the standard in grid connected
the worse case of reverse current in an array. solar PV plants, due to the benefits they offer in terms of
installation ease and speed. These connectors are normally
touch-proof (can be touched without risk of shock), and
provide safety to module connections.
82 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Module and String Cables

For module cables the following should apply[44]: In an array comprising of N strings connected in parallel
and M modules in each string, as shown in Figure 21, sizing of
Minimum Voltage Rating = VOC(STC) ×1.15 cables should be based on the following:

Minimum Current Rating = ISC(STC) ×1.25 • Array with no string fuses (applies to arrays of three or
fewer strings only)[45].
The cables should be rated to the highest temperature
Voltage: VOC(STC) ×M×1.15
they may experience ( for instance, 80°C). Appropriate de-
rating factors for temperature, installation method and cable
Current: I(SC(STC)) ×(N - 1)×1.25
configuration should also be applied.
• Array with string fuses[45].
Single conductor, double insulation cables are preferable
for module connections. Using such cables helps protect Voltage Rating = VOC(STC) ×M×1.15
against short-circuits. When sizing string cables, the number
of modules and the number of strings per array need to be Current Rating = ISC(STC) ×1.25
considered. The number of modules defines the voltage at
which the cable should be rated. The number of strings is Usually, single conductor, halogen-free cables are preferred[46].
used to calculate the maximum reverse current that can flow If there is a high risk of lightning, cables should be screened.
through a string—especially, in case of a fault when there are Again, opting for “solar” cables is advisable, as they are designed
no string fuses. to meet the relevant requirements.

N number of strings
(connected in parallel) Strings Cables

M number of modules per string

(connected in series)

Main DC Cable
Figure 20: PV Array Showing String Cables

[44] Guide to the installation of PV systems – DTI (2006), 2nd edition. Assumes [46] Halogen cables release corrosive and toxic gases if ignited.
mono- and multi-crystalline silicon modules, and UK conditions for the
multiplication factors.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 83 Main DC Cable

The formulae that guide the sizing of main DC cables incentive schemes such as FiTs). The increased costs for higher
running from the PV array to the inverter, for a system as cross section cables are thus amortised much faster.
shown in Figure 20, are given below[45]: Junction Boxes
Minimum Voltage Rating = VOC(STC) ×M×1.15
Junction boxes or combiners are needed at the point where the
Minimum Current Rating = ISC(STC) ×N×1.25
individual strings forming an array are marshalled and connected
together in parallel before leaving for the inverter through the main
Standard de-rating factors must be also applied, as described DC cable. Junctions are usually made with screw terminals and must
in Section be of high quality to ensure lower losses and to prevent overheating.

In order to reduce losses, the overall voltage drop between Junction boxes have protective and isolation equipment
the PV array and the inverter (at STC) should be minimised. like string fuses and disconnects (also known as load break
A benchmark voltage drop of less than 3% is suitable, and switches)[47], and must be rated for outdoor placement using, for
cables should be sized to reflect this benchmark. In most example, ingress protection (IP) 65. An explanation of the IP
cases, over sizing cables to achieve lower losses is a worthwhile (International Protection Rating) bands is provided in Table 9.
investment, since the allocated price for solar PV energy is Depending on the solar PV plant architecture and size, multiple
usually much higher than the normal market price (due to levels of junction boxes can be used.

Table 9: Definition of Ingress Protection (IP) Ratings

Example: IP65 1st digit 6 (Dust tight) 2nd digit 5 (Protected against water jets)
1st digit Protection from solid objects 2nd digit Protection from moisture
0 Non-protected 0 Non-protected
Protection against solid
1 1 Protected against dripping water
objects greater than 50 mm
Protection against solid
2 2 Protected against dripping water when tilted
objects greater than 12 mm
Protection against solid
3 3 Protected against spraying water
objects greater than 2.5 mm
Protection against solid
4 4 Protected against splashing water
objects greater than 1.0 mm
5 Dust protected 5 Protected against water jets
6 Dust tight 6 Protected against heavy seas
7 Protected against immersion
8 Protected against submersion

[45] Assuming mono- and multi-crystalline silicon modules, and UK conditions for [47] Disconnects should be not confused with disconnectors/isolator that are dead circuit
the multiplication factors. Relevant national standards should be consulted. devices (or, devices that operate when there is no current flowing through the circuit).
84 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Connectors

It is important to remember that the DC side of a PV Specialised plug and socket connections for PV applications
system cannot be switched off and that the terminals remain have been developed, and are normally pre-installed to module
live during the day. Therefore clear and visible warning cables to facilitate assembly. These plug connectors, which
signs should be provided to inform anyone operating on provide secure and touch-proof connections, are currently the
the junction box. Furthermore, all junction boxes should be preferred choice.
properly labelled as per national regulations for safety.
Connectors should be correctly rated and used for DC
As a precaution, disconnects and string fuses should be applications. As a rule, the connector current and voltage
provided. Disconnects permit the isolation of individual ratings should be at least equal to those of the circuit they are
strings, while string fuses protect against faults, as discussed in installed on.
Section Disconnects should be capable of breaking
normal load and should be segregated on both the positive and Connectors should carry appropriate safety signs that warn
negative string cables. against disconnection under load. Such an event can lead to
arcing (producing a luminous discharge across a gap in an
To ensure protection against short-circuits, it is electrical circuit), and put personnel and equipment in danger.
recommended that: Any disconnection should take place only after the circuit has
been properly isolated.
• The junction box enclosure is fabricated from non-
conductive material. In order to avoid errors during installation, the design of
• The positive and negative busbars are adequately DC connectors should be incompatible with AC connectors.
separated and segregated. String Fuses
• The enclosure layout should be such that short-
circuits during installation and maintenance are
extremely unlikely. The main function of string fuses is to protect strings from
over-currents. They must be designed for DC operation.
The system should be designed so that the main DC cable Miniature fuses are normally used in PV applications. National
exiting the junction box can easily transition to a trench. codes and regulations must be consulted when selecting and
sizing fuses.

The following guidelines apply to string fuses:

• All arrays formed of four or more strings should be

equipped with fuses. Alternatively, fuses should be
used where fault conditions could lead to significant
reverse currents.

• In most cases, string fuses can be omitted in arrays

with three or fewer series connected strings. However,
the string cables must be rated to withstand the
highest reverse currents expected. The system
A Guide For Developers and Investors 85 DC Switching

designer must also consult the module manufacturer DC switching is installed in the DC section of a solar
to ensure the module can withstand these reverse PV plant to provide protection and isolation capabilities.
currents. Importantly, while it might not be necessary DC switches/disconnects and DC circuit breakers are
to fit fuses in systems consisting of two or three
discussed below.
strings, it might still be beneficial to do so as this can
facilitate testing and tracing of faults.
DC Switches/Disconnects – Judicious design practice calls
• Since faults can occur on both the positive and for the installation of switching devices in PV array junction
negative sides, fuses must be installed on all boxes. DC switches provide a means of manually electrically
unearthed cables.
isolating entire PV arrays, which is required during installation
• To avoid nuisance tripping, the nominal current of and maintenance. DC switches must be:
the fuse should be at least 1.25 times greater than
the nominal string current. Overheating of fuses can • Double pole to isolate both the positive and negative
also cause nuisance tripping. For this reason, junction PV array cables.
boxes should be kept in the shade.
• Rated for DC operation.
• The string fuse must trip at less than twice the string
short-circuit current at STC or at less than the string • Capable of breaking under full load.
cable current carrying capability, whichever is the
lower value. • Rated for the system voltage and maximum
current expected.
• The trigger current of string fuses should be taken
into account when sizing string cables. It should • Equipped with proper safety signs.
not be larger than the current at which the string
DC Circuit Breaker – String fuses cannot be relied upon
cable is rated.
for disconnection of supply in case of fault conditions. This is
• The string fuse must be rated for operation at the due to the fact that PV modules are current-limiting devices,
string voltage using the formula[48]: with a short-circuit current only a little higher than the
nominal current. In other words, the fuse would not blow
String Fuse Voltage Rating= VOC(STC) ×M×1.15
since the fault current would be less than the trigger current.
For this reason, most PV codes and regulations recommend
Miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) can also be used for over-
that main DC circuit breakers (CB) should be installed
current protection, but they are less common than fuses due to
between the PV array fields and the grid connected inverters.
their higher cost.

Certain inverter models are equipped with DC CBs. As

Blocking diodes were commonly used in the past for circuit
such, installation of additional circuit breakers may become
protection. However, string fuses are currently preferred as
redundant. However, national regulations must be consulted
they serve the same function more efficiently.
to confirm the standards.

[48] Assuming mono- and multi-crystalline silicon modules, and UK conditions for
the multiplication factors. Relevant national standards should be consulted.
86 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Quality Benchmarks 7.3.2 AC System

Module cables must: AC Cabling

• Have a wide temperature range (-55 to 125°C). Cabling for AC systems should be designed to provide
a safe, economic means of transmitting power from the
• Be resistant to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and
weather if laid outdoors without protection. inverters to the transformers and beyond. Cables should
be rated for the operating voltage. They should also have
• Be single core and double insulated. conductors and screens sized for operating currents and
• Have mechanical resistance (animal proof, short circuit currents.
compression, tension and bending).
It is important that the cable chosen is specified correctly.
Apart from these, the risk of earth faults and short The following should be considered when designing
circuits should be minimised. Consequently, cable the cabling:
runs should be kept as short as possible. The following
cable options are preferable because they offer • The cable must be rated for the maximum
increased protection: expected voltage.

• Single conductor cable – insulated and sheathed.

• The conductor should be able to pass the
operating and short circuit currents safely.
For example, properly rated HO7RNF cables.

• Single conductor cable in suitable

• The conductor should be sized appropriately
to ensure that losses produced by the cable are
within acceptable limits, and that the most
• Multi core Steel Wire Armoured (SWA) – only economic balance is maintained between capital
suitable for main DC cables and normally used cost and operational cost (losses).
where an underground or exposed run is required.
• The conductors should be sized to avoid
voltage drop outside statutory limits and
equipment performance.

• Insulation should be adequate for the

environment of installation.

• Either copper or aluminium conductors should

be chosen.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 87

• A suitable number of cores should be chosen (either Switchgear type will largely be dependent on the voltage
single or multi-core). of operation. Switchgear up to 33 kV is likely to be an
internal metal clad cubicle type. Also, it will have gas – or
• Earthing and bonding should be suitably designed
for the project application. air-insulated busbars, and vacuum or SF6 breakers. For higher
voltages, the preferred choice will most likely be air-insulated
• The installation method and mechanical outdoor switchgear or, if space is an issue, gas-insulated
protection of the cable should be suitably designed
indoor switchgear.
for the project.

Cables should comply with relevant IEC standards or All switchgear should:
national standards. Examples of these include:
• Be in accordance with relevant IEC and
• IEC 60502 for cables between 1 kV and 36 kV. national standards.

• IEC 60364 for LV cabling (BS 7671 in UK). • Have the option to be secured by locks in off/
earth positions.
• IEC 60840 for cables rated for voltages above 30 kV
and up to 150 kV. • Clearly show the ON and OFF positions with
appropriate labels. AC Switchgear
• Be rated for operational and short circuit currents.

Appropriately rated switchgear and protection systems • Be rated for the correct operational voltage.
should be provided throughout the electrical system to provide
• In the case of HV switchgear, have remote switching
disconnection, isolation, earthing and protection for the capability.
various components of the plant. On the output side of the
inverters, provision of a switch disconnector is recommended • Be provided with suitable earthing.
as a means to isolate the PV array. Other switchgear may be
It should be noted that HV switching is a hazardous
required, depending on the size and set up of the electrical
procedure, and safety measures to minimise risk should be
infrastructure in the solar plant.
adopted as good practice.
88 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Sizing and Selecting Transformers

The purpose of transformers in a solar power plant is to Other issues to consider when designing and specifying a
provide suitable voltage levels for transmission across the site transformer may also include:
and for export to the grid. In general, the inverters supply
power at LV. But for a commercial solar power plant, grid • Tap setting requirements.
connection is typically made at upwards of 11 kV (HV levels). • Cooling medium.

It is therefore necessary to step up the voltage using a • Earthing.

transformer between the inverter and the grid connection • Winding connections.
point. Figure 21 shows a high level single line diagram
showing typical voltages of operation for the AC system of a • Number of windings.
solar power plant. • Requirement for redundancy/spare transformer.

Selection and specification – The selection of an • Losses.

appropriate transformer should consider several basic issues.
• Bushings for connection of cabling and
These include the required size of the transformer, its position overhead lines.
within the electrical system, and the physical location of
installation. The size of the transformer, which will depend on • Transformer trip and warning alarms.
the projected maximum power exported from the solar array,
Choosing a reputable manufacturer to carry out the detailed
should be specified in MVA.
design and manufacture should ensure that the transformer
provided is of the required standard. There are, of course,
Power would generally be expected to flow from the solar
many other parameters and design considerations that could
arrays to the grid. To prepare for the reverse case (a need to
be specified.
supply power back to the plant), this should be specified or an
auxiliary transformer used. The position of the transformer in
Losses – Transformers can lose energy through
the electrical system will define the required voltage levels on
magnetising current in the core, known as iron losses and
the primary and secondary sides of the transformer. Tertiary
copper losses in the windings. Minimising the losses in a
supplies for substation auxiliary services and/or harmonic
transformer is a key requirement as this will increase the
mitigation should also be considered.
energy supplied to the grid and, as a result, enhance the
revenue of a solar power plant.
In addition, the physical location and the anticipated
environmental conditions will need to be specified.
Test Requirements – Transformers should be subject to a
International and national standards should be specified
number of routine and type tests performed on each model
as required. The requirements for power transformers are
manufactured; these tests are set out in IEC 60076. The
defined in IEC 60076.
manufacturer also can be requested to undertake special tests
mentioned in IEC 60076.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 89

PV Array

PV Array

PV Array

PV Array
LV <1000

Inverters outputing at LV
MV 33000-1000v

LV/MV Transformers

MV collection switchgear

MV/HV Transformers
HV >33000v

Figure 21: Typical Transformer Locations and Voltage Levels in a Solar Plant where Export to Grid is at HV

Delivery and Commission – Consideration should be transportation will still be significant and road delivery may
given to the period of time required for manufacture and require special measures such as police escort.
delivery of transformers. Most large transformers will be
designed and built on order, and will therefore have a lengthy The positioning of the transformer in the power plant
lead time, which can stretch to several years. should also be decided at the planning stage. By doing this,
a transformer can be easily and safely installed, maintained
The delivery of large transformers to the site can also and—in the event of a failure—replaced. Liquid-filled
be a problem. Large transformers can be broken down to transformers should be provided with a bund to catch any
some extent, but the tank containing the core and winding leakage. Oil-filled transformers, if sited indoors, are generally
will always need to be moved in one piece. In the case of considered a special fire risk. As such, measures to reduce the
transformers around the 100 MVA size, the burden of risk to property and life should be considered.
90 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Substation

The substation houses the primary and secondary electrical Metering – Tariff metering will be required to measure the
equipment for the central operation of the solar plant and export of power. This may be provided at the substation or
connection to the local electricity grid. The substation can also at the point of connection to the grid. Current transformers
provide an operational base for staff required for operation and voltage transformers provided in the switchgear will be
and maintenance as well as stores or other auxiliary functions connected to metering points by screened cable.
associated with the solar plant. Equipment such as the LV/MV
transformers, MV switchgear, SCADA (Supervisory Control Data Monitoring/SCADA – SCADA systems provide
and Data Acquisition) systems, protection and metering control and status indication for the items included in the
systems can be placed within the substation. substation and across the solar plant. The key equipment
may be situated in the substation in control and protection
The layout of the substation should optimise the use of rooms. Air conditioning should be considered due to the heat
space while still complying with all relevant building codes and generated by the electronic equipment in the modules.
standards. A safe working space should be provided around the
plant for the operation and maintenance staff. Auxiliary equipment – The design of the substation should
take into account the need for auxiliary systems required for a
The substation may be wholly internal or may consist of functioning substation/control room. All auxiliary equipment
internal and external components such as transformers, HV should be designed to relevant standards and may include:
switchgear and backup generators. Separation between MV
switch rooms, converter rooms, control rooms, store rooms • LV power supplies.
and offices is a key requirement, besides providing safe access, • Back-up power supplies.
lighting and welfare facilities. In plants where the substation is
to be manned, care should be taken to provide facilities like a • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) batteries.
canteen and washrooms. • Diesel generators.

Where HV systems are present, an earth mat may need • Auxiliary transformers and grid connections.
to be provided to obtain safe step/touch potentials and • Telephone and internet connections.
earth system faults. Earth mats should be installed prior
to setting the foundation. Lightning protection should • Lighting.
be considered to alleviate the effect of lightning strikes on • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC).
equipment and buildings.
• Water supplies.
A trench is often required as a means for easing the routing
• Drainage.
of power and data cables to the substation.
• Fire and intruder alarms.
Where necessary, the substation may also need to
accommodate the grid company’s equipment (which
might be in a separate area of the building). Additional
equipment may include:
A Guide For Developers and Investors 91 Earthing and Surge Protection

The earthing of a solar PV plant influences a number of risk The earthing arrangements on each site will vary, depending
parameters, namely: on a number of factors:

• The electric shock risk to people on site. • National electricity requirements.

• The risk of fire during a fault. • Installation guidelines for module manufacturers.

• The transmission of surges induced by lightning. • Mounting system requirements.

• The severity of EMI. • Inverter requirements.

The earthing of a solar PV plant encompasses the following: • Lightning risk.

• Array frame earthing. While the system designer must decide the most appropriate
earthing arrangement for the solar PV plant, one can follow
• System earthing (DC conductor earthing). the general guidelines given below:
• Inverter earthing.
• Ground rods should be placed close to junction
• Lightning and surge protection. boxes. Ground electrodes should be connected
between the ground rod and the ground lug in the
Earthing should be provided as a means to protect against junction box.
electric shock, fire hazard and lightning. By connecting to the
• A continuous earth path is to be maintained
earth, charge accumulation in the system during an electrical throughout the PV array.
storm is prevented.
• Cable runs should be kept as short as possible.
The entire PV plant and the electrical room should be • Surge suppression devices can be installed at the
protected from lightning. Protection systems are usually inverter end of the DC cable and at the array
based on early streamer emission, lightning conductor air junction boxes.
terminals. The air terminal will be capable of handling
• Both sides of an inverter should be properly isolated
multiple strikes of lightning current and should be
before carrying out any work, and appropriate safety
maintenance-free after installation. signs should be installed as a reminder.

These air terminals will be connected to respective earthing • Many inverter models include internal surge
arrestors. Besides, separate additional surge protection
stations. Subsequently an earthing grid will be formed,
devices may be required. Importantly, national codes
connecting all the earthing stations through the required and regulations, and the specific characteristics of
galvanised iron tapes. each project must be taken into account.
92 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Quality Benchmarks

The AC cable should be supplied by a reputable • Type testing to appropriate standards.

manufacturer accredited to ISO 9001. The cable should have:
• A minimum warranty period of two years.
• Certification to current IEC and national standards • An expected lifetime at least equivalent to the design
such as IEC 60502 for cables between 1 kV and life of the project.
36 kV, IEC 60364 for LV cabling and IEC 60840
for cables rated for voltages above 30 kV and • The efficiency should be at least 96%.
up to 150 kV.
An example of the information expected in datasheets is
• Type testing completed to appropriate standards. provided in Appendix B – AC Benchmarks.
• A minimum warranty period of two years.
7.4 Infrastructure
• A design life equivalent to the design life
of the project. A utility scale PV power plant requires infrastructure
• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation and weather resistance (if appropriate to the specifics of the design chosen. Locations
laid outdoors without protection). should be selected in places where buildings will not cast
unnecessary shading on the PV module. It may be possible to
• Mechanical resistance (for example, compression,
locate buildings on the northern edge of the plant to reduce
tension, bending and resistance to animals).
shading, or to locate them centrally if appropriate buffer
AC switchgear should be supplied by a reputable zones are allowed for. Depending on the size of the plant,
manufacturer accredited to ISO 9001 and should have: infrastructure requirements may include:

• Certification to current IEC and appropriate national • Office – A portable office and sanitary room with
standards such as IEC 62271 for HV switchgear and communication devices. This must be watertight and
IEC 61439 for LV switchgear. prevent entry to insects. It should be located to allow
easy vehicular access.
• Type testing to appropriate standards.
• LV/MV station – Inverters may either be placed
• A minimum warranty period of two years. amongst the module support structures (if string
inverters are chosen) in specially designed cabinets
• An expected lifetime at least equivalent to the design
or in an inverter house along with the medium
life of the project.
voltage transformers, switchgear and metering
system[49]. This “LV/MV station” may be equipped
Transformers should be supplied by reputable manufacturers
with an air conditioning system if it is required
accredited to ISO 9001. They should have: to keep the electrical devices within their design
temperature envelopes.
• Certification to IEC and appropriate national
standards such as IEC 60076 for the power • MV/HV station – An MV/HV station may be used
transformer, IEC 60085 for electrical insulation and to collect the AC power from the medium voltage
IEC 60214 for tap changers. transformers and interface to the power grid.

[49] For string inverters, the LV/MV station may be used to collect the AC power.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 93

7.5 Site Security

• Communications – The plant monitoring PV power plants represent a large financial investment. The
system and the security system will require a modules are not only valuable but also portable. Efforts should
communications medium with remote access for be made to reduce the risk of theft and tampering. Such efforts
visibility and control of the plant. There can also be
may include:
a requirement from the grid network operator for
specific telephone landlines for the grid connection.
Often, an Internet broadband (DSL) or satellite • Reducing the visibility of the power plant by planting
communications system is used for remote access. A shrubs or trees at appropriate locations. Care should
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) be taken that these do not shade the plant.
connection or standard telephone line with • Installing a wire mesh fence with anti-climb
modems is an alternative though it has a lower protection. A fence is also recommended for
data transfer rate. safety reasons and may be part of the grid code
requirements for public safety. Measures should be
7.4.1 Quality Benchmarks taken to allow small animals to pass underneath the
fence at regular intervals.
Some benchmark features of PV plant infrastructure
include: • Security cameras, lights and microwave sensors with
GSM and TCP/IP transmission of alarms and faults
• Water-tight reinforced concrete stations or pre- to a security company as an option.
fabricated steel containers. • Anti-theft module mounting bolts may be used
• Sufficient space to house the equipment and facilitate and synthetic resin can be applied once tightened.
its operation and maintenance. The bolts can then only be released after heating the
resin up to 300°C.
• Inclusion of:
• Anti-theft module fibre systems may be used. These
• Ventilation grilles, secure doors and concrete systems work by looping a plastic fibre through all
foundations that allow cable access. the modules in a string. If a module is removed, the
plastic fibre is broken. This triggers an alarm.
• Interior lighting and electrical sockets.
• A permanent guarding station with security guard
• Either adequate forced ventilation or air- providing the level of security required in the
conditioning with control thermostats, insurance policy.
depending on environmental conditions.
• An alarm system fitted to the power plant gate and
the medium voltage station, metering station and to
any portable cabins.
94 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.5.1 Quality Benchmarks

Some benchmark security features include: three main methods for obtaining the solar irradiance and
environmental conditions:
• Fence at least two meters high.
• On-site weather stations – To measure the plane of
• Metallic posts installed every 6m. array irradiance, module temperature and preferably
• Galvanised and plastic coated fencing. horizontal global irradiance, humidity and wind
speed. This is the option of preference for many
• Video surveillance: current utility scale PV power plants. It allows data
to be collected and compared remotely with yield
• Multiple night and day cameras at a set figures on a daily basis for immediate fault detection.
distance apart.
• Meteorological data gathered from weather
• Illumination systems (infrared) for cameras satellites – Simulation and calculation algorithms
along the perimeter of the site. measure the projected power plant output. This
figure becomes the benchmark for comparing values
• A minimum of 12 months recording time. received from the PV plant on a daily basis, and helps
detect faults immediately. This method removes the
7.6 Monitoring and Forecasting need for an onsite weather station. A number of good
commercial providers of packages use this technique
7.6.1 Monitoring Technology in Europe. Rapid fault detection depends on data
being made available from satellites and being
If high performance, low downtime and rapid fault analysed quickly.
detection is required, automatic data acquisition and
• Local weather stations – This is the least desirable
monitoring technology is essential. This allows the yield of the of the three options as data may not be available for
plant to be monitored and compared with calculations made several months. During that period, the plant may
from solar irradiation data. Monitoring and comparison also lose considerable revenue if faults in the plant go
help raise warnings on a daily basis if there is a shortfall. Faults undetected. It is also possible that the local weather
can be detected and rectified before they have an appreciable station does not accurately track the conditions at the
site (especially if it is some kilometres distant).
effect on production.
In case there are other PV power plants in the vicinity of the
Relying solely on manual checks of performance is not site—or one large plant is split into a number of components-
advisable. A high level of technical expertise is needed to detect it is possible to compare production data and identify a fault
certain partial faults at the string level. In fact, it can take with one plant. Internet-based solutions are available that
many months for reduced yield figures to be identified. The function in this manner.
lower yield may lead to appreciable revenue loss for a utility
scale PV power plant. The on-site weather station solution is currently the most
common option. Data-loggers can be used to collect data from
The key to a reliable monitoring and fault detection the weather station, inverters, meters and transformers. This
methodology is to have good knowledge of the solar information is transferred once a day to a server which carries
irradiance, environmental conditions and plant power output out three key functions:
simultaneously. This allows faults to be distinguished from,
for example, passing clouds or low resource days. There are
A Guide For Developers and Investors 95

• Operations management – The performance service team via fax, email or text message.
management (either onsite or remote) of
the PV power plant enables the tracking of • Reporting – The generation of yield reports
inverters or strings. detailing individual component performance, and
benchmarking the reports against those of other
• Alarm management – Flagging any element of components or locations.
the power plant that falls outside pre-determined
performance bands. Failure or error messages can be Figure 22 illustrates the architecture of an internet portal
automatically generated and sent to the power plant based monitoring system.


Main Servers

Wind Speed

/ Direction


Meter(s) • Real time data
Web Interface
• Historical data
• Reporting
• Alarms (SMS, email, FAX)
• Monitoring Power • Events
• Visualisation Transformer
• Forecasting



SCADA System Control and Data Acquisition
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
TL Telephone Line

Figure 22: PV System Monitoring Schematic

96 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.6.2 Forecasting Technology 7.6.3 Quality Benchmarks

Dispatchable power plants typically need to provide a Monitoring systems should be based on commercially
forecast to the network operator. This helps to fix plant available software/hardware which is supplied with user
schedules and guarantee continuity of supply. Often, manuals and appropriate technical support.
production forecasts (in half hourly time-steps) are required
24 hours in advance. This entails weather forecasts coupled Depending on the size and type of the plant, minimum
with power forecasting algorithms—more so since PV power parameters to be measured include:
production is intermittent and random in nature. Such
forecasting algorithms can use physical models, statistical • Plane of array irradiance measured to accuracy
within 5% and stability within 0.5% per year. The
approaches or a combination of both. At the least, the
irradiation sensor will be of the same technology
algorithms require the definition of: as the modules being measured, or technology
independent. Silicon sensor reference cells are not
• Power plant capacity. advisable for use in Performance Ratio calculations.
• Module tilt and orientation. • Ambient temperature measured in a location
representative of site conditions with accuracy better
• Module specifications.
than ±1°C.
• Latitude and longitude of the plant.
• Module temperature measured with accuracy better
• Meteorological agency data, gathered from ground than ±1°C. This is done using a sensor thermally
measurement stations and/or satellites. bonded to the back of the module in a location
positioned at the centre of a cell.
The algorithms typically take three-hour national and/or
• Array DC voltage measured to an accuracy of
regional forecasts and break them down to 30 minute local
within 1%.
forecasts (temporal interpolation) before using algorithms
to forecast power production. Comparison of historical • Array DC current measured to an accuracy of
production and actual weather can also allow learning within 1%.
algorithms to be employed. Figure 23 shows the components • Inverter AC power measured as close as possible to
of a forecasting system. Results of forecasting are typically the inverter output terminals with an accuracy of
posted on web portals. There are a variety of commercial within 1%.
forecasting products available in the market today. But
• Power to the utility grid.
availability may be limited to regions that have rapid access to
meteorological agency’s weather data. • Power from the utility grid.

• Measurement of key parameters at one-

minute intervals.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 97

Local Monitoring

Local weather
weather forecast


Learning system

Mask & shading

Solar PV plant

Production forecast Monitoring

Figure 23: Components of a Forecasting System

98 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.7 Optimising System Design

The performance of a PV power plant may be optimised The aim is to minimise losses. Measures to achieve this are
by a combination of several enabling factors: premium described in Table 10. Reducing the total loss increases the
quality modules and inverters; a good system design with annual energy yield and hence the revenue, though in some
high quality and correctly installed components; and a good cases it may increase the cost of the plant. Interestingly, efforts
preventative maintenance and monitoring regime leading to to reduce one type of loss may be antagonistic to efforts to
low operational faults. reduce losses of a different type. It is the skill of the plant

Table 10: Performance Optimisation Strategies

Loss Mitigating Measure to Optimise Performance

• Choose a location without shading obstacles.

• Ensure that the plant has sufficient space to reduce shading

Shading between modules.

• Have a robust O&M strategy that removes the risk of shading due to
vegetation growth.
Incident angle • Use anti-reflection coatings, textured glass, or tracking.
Low irradiance • Use modules with good performance at low light levels.

Module temperature
• Choose modules with a lower negative temperature coefficient for power at
high ambient temperature locations.
• Choose modules less sensitive to shading (for example amorphous silicon).
Soiling • Ensure a suitable O&M contract that includes an appropriate cleaning
regime for the site conditions.
• Choose modules with a low tolerance. A tolerance of ±3% is typical but
Module quality
tolerances of between ±1.5% to ±10% are common.
• Sort modules with similar characteristics into series strings where possible.

Module mismatch • Avoid partial shading of a string.

• Avoid variations in module tilt angle.

A Guide For Developers and Investors 99

designer to make suitable compromises that result in a plant

with a high performance at a reasonable cost.

The ultimate aim of the designer is to create a plant that

maximises financial returns. In other words, it will usually
mean minimising the levelised cost of electricity.

Table 10: Performance Optimisation Strategies

Loss Mitigating Measure to Optimise Performance

• Use appropriately dimensioned cable.
DC wiring resistance
• Reduce the length of DC cabling.
Inverter performance • Choose correctly sized, highly efficient inverters.
• Use correctly dimensioned cable.

AC losses • Reduce the length of AC cabling.

• Use high efficiency transformers.

• Use a robust monitoring system that can identify faults quickly.

Downtime • Choose an O&M contractor with good repair response time.

• Keep spares holdings.

• Install PV plant capacity in areas where the grid is strong and has the
Grid availability
potential to absorb PV power.
Degradation • Choose modules with a low degradation rate and a peak power guarantee.
• Choose high efficiency inverters with good maximum power point
MPP tracking tracking algorithm.

• Avoid module mismatch.

Curtailment of tracking
• Ensure that tracking systems are suitable for the wind loads to which they
will be subjected.
100 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

7.8 Design Documentation Requirements

There are a number of minimum requirements that should • Mounting structure drawings with structural
be included within design documentation. These include: calculations reviewed and certified by a
licensed engineer.
• Datasheets of modules, inverters, array mounting
• A detailed resource assessment and energy
system and other system components.
yield prediction.
• Wiring diagrams including, as a minimum, the
• A design report. It will include information on the
information laid out in Table 11.
site location, site characteristics, solar resource, a
• Layout drawings showing the row spacing and summary of the results of the geotechnical survey,
location of site infrastructure. design work and the energy yield prediction.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 101

Table 11: Annotated Wiring Diagram Requirements

Section Required details

• Module type(s)

• Total number of modules

• Number of strings

• Modules per string

• String cable specifications – size and type.

PV String Information
• String over-current protective device specifications (where fitted) – type and voltage/
current ratings.

• Blocking diode type (if relevant).

• Array main cable specifications – size and type.

• Array junction box locations (where applicable).

Array electrical details • DC isolator type, location and rating (voltage/current).

• Array over-current protective devices (where applicable) – type, location and rating
• Details of all earth/bonding conductors – size and connection points. This includes
details of array frame equipotential bonding cable where fitted.
Earthing and protection
• Details of any connections to an existing Lightning Protection System (LPS).
• Details of any surge protection device installed (both on AC and DC lines) to include
location, type and rating.
• AC isolator location, type and rating.

• AC overcurrent protective device location, type and rating.

AC system
• Residual current device location, type and rating (where fitted).

• Grid connection details and grid code requirements.

• Details of the communication protocol.

Data acquisition and • Wiring requirements.

communication system. • Sensors and data logging.
102 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants


Plant Design Conclusions

The performance of a PV power plant may be optimised by reducing the system losses. Reducing the total loss
increases the annual energy yield and hence the revenue, though in some cases it may increase the cost of the plant. In
addition, efforts to reduce one type of loss may conflict with efforts to reduce losses of a different type. It is the skill of
the plant designer to make compromises that result in a plant with a high performance at a reasonable cost.

For plant design, there are some general rules of thumb. But specifics of project locations—such as irradiation
conditions, temperature, sun angles and shading—should be taken into account in order to achieve the optimum balance
between annual energy yield and economic return.

It may be beneficial to use simulation software to compare the impact of different module or inverter technologies and
different plant layouts on the predicted energy yield and plant revenue.

The solar PV modules are typically the most valuable and portable components of a PV power plant. Safety
precautions may include anti-theft bolts, anti-theft synthetic resins, CCTV cameras with alarms and security fencing.

The risk of technical performance issues may be mitigated by carrying out a thorough technical due diligence exercise
in which the final design documentation from the EPC contractor is scrutinised (as described in Section 13.2.2).
A Guide For Developers and Investors 103

Case Study 3
It is vital to ensure that suitable technical expertise is brought to bear on every aspect of the plant design through in-house or
acquired technical expertise.

In case of the 5 MW project, the most significant of the design flaws were:


• The foundations for the supporting structures consisted of concrete pillars, cast in situ, with steel reinforcing bars and
threaded steel rod for fixing the support structure base plates. This type of foundation is not recommended due to the
inherent difficulty in accurately aligning numerous small foundations.

• Mild steel was specified for the fixing rods. As mild steel is prone to corrosion, stainless steel rods would
have been preferable.

Supporting structures:

• The supporting structures were under-engineered for the loads they were intended to carry; in particular, the purlins
sagged significantly under the load of the modules. As supporting structures should be designed to withstand wind
loading and other dynamic loads over the life of the project, this was a major problem. Extensive remedial work was
required to retrofit additional supporting struts.

• The supporting structure was not adjustable (i.e. no mechanism was included to allow adjustment in the positioning of
modules). This is a basic mistake which compounded the flaw in the choice of foundation type; the combination of these
two mistakes led to extensive problems when it came to attempting to align the solar modules.
104 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants


• String diodes were used for circuit protection instead of string fuses. Current best practice is to use string fuses,
as diodes cause a voltage drop and power loss, as well as a higher failure rate.

• No protection was provided at the submain or main junction boxes. This means that for any fault occurring
between the array junction boxes and the DC distribution boards (DBs), the DBs will trip and take far more of
the plant offline than is necessary.

• No load break switches were included on junction box before the DBs. This means it is not possible to isolate
the plant at the array, submain or main junction box levels for installation or maintenance.

• The junction boxes did not allow for string monitoring. This reduces fault diagnosis capability.

The design flaws listed above cover a wide range of issues. However, the underlying lesson is that is it vital to ensure
that suitable technical expertise is brought to bear on every aspect of the plant design. Should the developer not have all
the required expertise in-house, then a suitably experienced technical advisor should be engaged. It is also recommended
that, regardless of the level of expertise in-house, a full independent technical due diligence is carried out on the design
before construction commences.

It should be borne in mind that it is far cheaper and quicker to rectify flaws at the design stage than during
or after construction.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 105


Obtaining the relevant permits and licences is essential • Civil aviation authorities (if located near an airport).
to facilitate the timely completion of a project. Clearances • Local communities.
also help ensure that the development proceeds in harmony
with the natural environment, existing land usage and other • Health and safety agencies/departments.
regulatory interests. • Electricity utilities.

It is recommended that early stage consultation with key • Military authorities.

authorities, statutory bodies and other relevant stakeholders is
8.2 IFC Performance Standards On Social And
sought. This is valuable in the assessment of project viability,
Environmental Sustainability
and may guide and increase the efficiency of the development
process. Early consultation can also inform the design process
The social and environmental sustainability standards laid
to minimise potential environmental impacts and maintain
down by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for
overall sustainability of the project.
all its investment projects have set an example for private
companies and financial institutions.
8.1 Permitting, Licensing and Regulatory
Requirements – General The IFC performance standards relate to the
following key topics:
The exact requirements vary from country to country but
the key permits, licences and agreements typically required for • Social and Environmental Assessment and
renewable energy projects include: Management System.
• Land lease contract. • Labour and Working Conditions.
• EIA. • Pollution Prevention and Abatement.
• Building permit/planning consent. • Community Health, Safety and Security.
• Grid connection contract. • Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement.
• Power purchase agreement. • Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural
Resource Management.
The authorities, statutory bodies and stakeholders that
should be consulted also vary from country to country but • Indigenous Peoples.
usually include the following organisation types: • Cultural Heritage.

• Local and/or regional planning authority. Compliance with the IFC performance standards will not
• Environmental agencies/departments. only ensure a socially and environmentally sustainable project
but will also facilitate the sourcing of finance for the project.
• Archaeological agencies/departments.
For further detail on the IFC’s performance standards
see www.ifc.org.
106 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

8.3 Permitting, Licensing and Regulatory

Requirements – India
• Ministry of Defence – It is recommended that
The solar PV industry in India is at an early stage of the Ministry of Defence is consulted at the land
development in a rapidly changing policy and regulatory identification stage. This is necessary to ensure
that the land does not lie in an unsafe zone, and
environment, marked by very significant diversity between
the development would have no adverse impact on
different states. As such, it is not practical to describe specific defence in sensitive areas.
permitting and licensing requirements for all states. Instead,
this section gives a broad overview of permitting and licensing In addition, the following agreements would be required at
requirements relevant to most of the country. an early stage to enable the development to proceed.

8.3.1 Project Start-up • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) – This is an

important requirement for establishing the viability
of the project. In India, under the solar generation-
The following key national and state level bodies should be
based initiative policy of MNRE, a PPA can be
consulted and the relevant approvals sought to confirm the signed with the state utilities. However, the draft
viability of a project proposal. The aim would be to establish a guidelines of the National Solar Mission specify that
starting point for the wider permitting and licensing process. for projects above 5MW, the PPA is signed by NTPC
Vidhyut Vyapar Nigam (NVVN). Projects below
• Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 5MW can be signed by the state distribution utilities.
(MNRE) – The Indian renewable energy industry
is reliant on policies and support mechanisms
• Land Agreement – An agreement to procure or lease
the necessary land is another key requirement for
implemented by the national government. Project
developing solar projects.
allocation and approval from the MNRE forms the
first step towards permitting and licensing a solar
8.3.2 Project Development and Implementation
power project. MNRE has specific requirements
to be fulfilled by solar project developers under
its generation-based incentives scheme and the To progress the project, the developer would need to
National Solar Mission. consult district and local level bodies and seek approvals
for development. The relevant authorities, agencies and
• State Nodal Agencies – These are state-level agencies
departments are likely to differ from district to district.
facilitating development of renewable energy projects
approved by MNRE. Obtaining an approval from Examples of the types of organisations that should be engaged
the relevant agency is an essential requirement for include the following:
obtaining other licences and agreements for land
lease and grid connection. • District Advisory Committee – A clearance may
be required from the district collector confirming
• Ministry of Civil Aviation – For plants located in that the project would not have an adverse impact
the proximity of an airport, an early consultation on its surroundings.
with the Ministry of Civil Aviation at the time
of land assessment is essential to ensure that no
objections are raised.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 107

• Planning Department – The project will normally • Local Governing Bodies – In some areas, a project
require prior approval from the relevant planning may fall under the jurisdiction of governing bodies
department at town and district levels. for small villages. Consultation with these local
bodies is key to getting consent for the project from
• Archaeological Department – Consultation and the local population. Their approval can facilitate
approval from the relevant archaeological department work in the construction and operation phases.
will confirm that the land acquired for the project is
not of historical significance. In addition, the following requirements should be noted.
• Fire Safety Authority – Consultation and approval
from the relevant authority may be required with
• Construction power requirements – This
specific licence is normally obtained from the state
respect to relevant fire safety requirements during
distribution utility for obtaining power required
construction and operation of the project.
during construction of the plant. Otherwise, stand-
• Forest Authority – Consultation and approval from alone diesel generators can be utilised with prior
the relevant forest authority may be required if trees permission from the pollution control board.
are to be felled to prevent any shading of PV plant.
It may also be prudent to confirm that the land
• Environmental Impact Assessment – An assessment
of the potential environmental impacts of the
to be developed has not been reserved for future
development should be undertaken. If required,
forestry operations.
appropriate mitigation measures should be identified
• Pollution Control Board – Consent from the local in consultation with relevant stakeholders. As
pollution control board may be required with respect a guideline, projects should adhere to the IFC
to wastewater management and noise emission performance standards (see Section 8.2).
control, particularly during the construction phase of
the project. 8.3.3 Power Export

• Irrigation Department – In addition to confirming • Grid Connection – In addition to the power

that land is not subject to any relevant reservation, purchase agreement, a grid connection permit from
consultation with the irrigation department the transmission utility is required for exporting
may ensure water availability during construction power. This normally specifies and confirms the point
and operation. and voltage level of connection.

• Industrial Development Corporation – Early • Electrical Inspectorate – Electrical inspectorate

consultation with such authorities at state level may approvals ensure safety on all electrical installations.
yield indirect benefits to the project, depending on The approvals are likely to be mandatory
various initiatives taken up by local governments for requirements of the public works department of the
industrial development. state in which the plant is built. These are required
through the life cycle—from pre-construction to
post-commissioning—of the project.
108 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Case Study 4
Permits and Licensing
There are many permits required for a multi-megawatt PV power plant in India. An indicative, non-exhaustive list
of the permits obtained for the 5MW plant built in Tamil Nadu in 2010 is shown in the table below. These apply
specifically to this project and permitting will differ in other states. In addition to the permits that are suggested below,
there will naturally be permits and licenses required as a result of simply operating a business in India (eg. human
resource requirement) which have not been included below in the interest of focus. However, these need to be given
equal attention in the development phase.

A lesson learnt in the case of the Tamil Nadu plant was that comprehensive legal advice on the permits is required as
well as a stringent management and follow up of the application processes.

It must be noted that some permit requirements were not relevant to the Tamil Nadu plant. Permission from the
Ministry of Defence, for example, was not required as the site was not in a militarily sensitive zone.

The majority of the permits were applied for and in place prior to the start of construction. This is deemed best
practice and sets a good example for other developers. One permission, involving land access rights, was overlooked.
The main access route to the plant was through land owned by another party. Until rights are obtained, the project
remains vulnerable to the risk of goodwill being withdrawn.

Some permits were issued on the condition that the plant was to be completed before a certain date. This caused
problems when the project was delayed. As a result, a re-application or extension was required. This illustrates the
importance of effective planning of projects and scheduling of construction.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 109

Area of Permission Documents Received Timing

Ministry of New and Renewable Letter from MNRE confirming eligibility of the project for
Prior to construction
Energy (MNRE) generation-based incentive.
“In-principle approval” from Tamil Nadu Energy
State Nodal Agencies Prior to construction
Development Agency (TEDA).
Ministry of Civil Aviation Not required as not in civil aviation proximity. -
Ministry of Defence Not required due to location of site and land ownership. -
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) PPA from Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB). Prior to construction
Various, mainly prior to
Land Agreement Deeds of sale for land.
District Advisory Committee on Renewable Energy issued a
District Advisory Committee Prior to construction
no-objection certificate.
Certification of Land Use by the Director of Town &
Planning Department Prior to construction
Country planning.
Archaeological Department Not required as no heritage buildings were on site. -
Forest Authority Not required as no tree felling was required. -
The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board consented – one
Pollution Control Board Prior to construction
consent each for air and water.
Irrigation Department Not required as no water courses were diverted. -
Not required as the land was already classified as non-
Industrial Development Corporation -
Seismic Centre Published data were incorporated into the design. -
Local Governing Bodies No objection received from local Panchayat. Prior to construction
This was not required as a diesel generator was used for
Construction power requirements -
construction power requirements.
EIA Submitted. Prior to construction
Grid Connection Consent from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. Prior to construction
Start-up power and tie-in approval from Tamil Nadu
Electrical Inspectorate
Electricity Board.
Full approval required after
During and after construction
electrically connected.
Local stakeholders Consent through meeting. Prior to construction
Land tax Land tax receipts for the site and approach road -
CDM approval from the Ministry of Environment and
Other Prior to construction

NB. This list is indicative only.

110 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

9.1 Introduction project interfaces, describe which organisations are involved,
allocate responsibility for each interface to a particular
The management of the construction phase of a solar PV individual, and explicitly state when the interface will be
project should be in accordance with general construction reviewed. In general, design and construction programmes
project management best practice. Therefore, the aim is should be developed to minimise interfaces wherever possible.
to construct the project to the required level of quality,
and within the time and cost limits. During construction, Opting for a turnkey EPC contract strategy will, in effect,
issues like environmental impact, and health and safety of pass the onus for interface management from the developer
the workforce (and other affected people) should also be to the EPC contractor. But interface management will remain
carefully managed. an important issue and one that requires ongoing supervision.
To some extent interfaces between the project and its
The approach to construction project management for a surroundings (for example grid connection) will remain the
solar PV plant will depend on many factors. Of them, one of responsibility of the developer.
the most important is the project contract strategy.
If a turnkey EPC strategy is chosen, then a contractor with a
From a developer’s perspective, construction project suitable track record in the delivery of complex projects should
management for a full turnkey EPC contract will be be selected to minimise this risk. Information should also be
significantly less onerous than that required for a multi- sought from potential contractors on their understanding
contract approach. However, a multi-contract approach gives of the project interfaces and their proposed approach to
the developer greater control over the final plant configuration. managing them.
Regardless of the contract strategy selected, there are a number
of key activities that will need to be carried out, either by the 9.3 Programme and Scheduling
developer or a contractor. These activities are described in the
following sections. A realistic and comprehensive construction programme is
a vital tool for the construction planning and management
Typical EPC contract terms may be found in Appendix C – of a solar PV project. The programme should be sufficiently
EPC Contract Model Heads of Terms. detailed to show:

9.2 Interface Management • Tasks and durations.

• Restrictions placed on any task.

Interface management is of central importance to the
delivery of any complex engineering project, and solar PV • Contingency of each task.
projects are no exception. The main interfaces to be considered • Milestones and key dates.
in a solar PV project are listed in Table 12. It should be noted
that the interfaces may differ, depending on the contracting • Interdependencies between tasks.
structure and specific requirements of particular projects. • Parties responsible for tasks.

For a multi-contract strategy, the developer should develop a • Project critical path.
robust plan for interface management. This plan should list all • Actual progress against plan.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 111

Table 12: Solar PV Project Interfaces

Item Element Organisations Interface / Comments
• All contractors
Monitoring of compliance with all
1 Consents • Landowner
planning conditions and permits.
• Planning authority.
• Civil contractor

• Mounting or tracking system supplier

• Central inverter supplier Site clearance. Layout and requirements for

2 Civil Works foundations, cable trenches, ducts, roads
• Electrical contractor and access tracks.
• Grid connection contractor

• Security contractor
• Civil contractor

• Electrical contractor Layout of the security system, including

3 Security power cabling and communications to the
• Security contractor central monitoring system.
• Communications contractor
• Mounting or Tracking system supplier Foundations for the mounting or tracking
Module • Civil contractor system, suitability for the module type and
4 Mounting or electrical connections, and security of the
Tracking System • Module supplier modules. Earthing and protection of the
• Electrical contractor mounting or tracking system.
• Civil contractor (for central inverters)

• Mounting system supplier (for string Foundations for larger central inverters,
inverters) or suitability for the mounting system.
• Module supplier Suitability of the module string design
5 Inverter
for the inverter. Interface with the
• Inverter supplier communications for remote monitoring
• Electrical contractor and input into the SCADA system.

• Communications contractor
112 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Table 12: Solar PV Project Interfaces

Item Element Organisations Interface / Comments
• Electrical contractor
AC/DC and • Civil contractor Liaison with regard to cable routes, sizes,
6 Communications weights, attachments and strain relief
Cabling • Communications contractor requirements.
• Security contractor
• Civil contractor Liaison with regard to required layout of
building equipment and interface with on-
• Electrical contractor site cabling installed by the site contractor.
7 Grid Interface
• Inverter supplier More interface outside the site boundary
for the grid connection cable/line to the
• Network operator network operator’s facilities.
• Electrical contractor Interface between the security system,
• Security contractor inverter system, central monitoring
8 Communications (SCADA), the monitoring company, and
• Communications contractor the owner or commercial operator of the
• Owner and Commercial operator PV plant.
Commissioning of all systems will have
9 Commissioning • All contractors several interface issues particularly if
problems are encountered.

All tasks and the expected timescale for completion should • Electrical site works.
be detailed along with any restrictions to a particular task. For
• Grid interconnection works.
example, if permits or weather constraints stop construction
during particular months. • Commissioning and testing.

For a solar PV project, it is likely that the programme will A high level programme should be produced to outline
have different levels, incorporating different levels of detail the timescales of each task, the ordering of the tasks and
around each of the following main work areas: any key deadlines. This should be completed as part of the
detailed design.
• Site access.
The programme will then be built up to detail all the
• Security. associated tasks and sub tasks, ensuring that they will
• Foundation construction. be completed within the critical timescale. A thorough
programme will keep aside time and resources for any
• Module assembly. contingency. It will also allocate allowance for weather risk or
• Mounting frame construction. permit restrictions for each task.

• Substation construction.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 113

9.3.2 Planning and Task Sequencing

Interdependencies between tasks will allow the programme Appropriate sequencing of tasks is a vital part of the
to clearly define the ordering of tasks. A project scheduling planning process. The tasks must be sequenced logically and
package will then indicate the start date of dependent tasks as efficiently. The overall sequence of works is generally: site
well highlighting the critical path. access, site clearance, security, foundation construction, cable
trenches and ducts, substation construction, mounting frame
Critical path analysis is important to ensure that tasks construction, electrical site works, communications, onsite
that can affect the overall delivery date of the project are grid works and then testing and commissioning. Each of these
highlighted and prioritised. A comprehensive programme work areas should be broken down into a series of sub-tasks.
should also take into account resource availability. This will Alongside, an assessment of the inputs required for each task
ensure that tasks are scheduled for when required staff or plant (especially when interfaces are involved) will help develop a
are available. logical and efficient sequence.

Incorporating a procurement schedule that focuses on items Consideration should also be given to any factors that
with a long manufacturing lead time (such as transformers, could prevent or limit possible overlap of tasks. These factors
central inverters and modules) will ensure that they are ordered could include:
and delivered to schedule. It will also highlight any issues with
the timings between delivery and construction, and the need • Access requirements.
for storage onsite.
• Resource availability (plant and manpower).

To share this information and to save time and effort, • Planning (or other regulatory) restrictions.
it is strongly recommended that an “off-the-shelf ” project
• Safety considerations.
scheduling package is used.
9.3.3 Risk Management
9.3.1 Milestones
The risks associated with the project should be identified,
Milestones are goals that are tied in with contractual assessed and managed throughout the construction process.
obligations, incentives or penalties. Incorporating milestones The hazards need to be incorporated in the planning and
in the programme helps the project team to focus on achieving scheduling of the project. Each aspect of the project should be
these goals. In effect, construction must be planned around assessed for likelihood and impact of potential risks. The next
certain milestones or fixed dates (for example, the grid step would be to develop a suitable action plan to mitigate
connection date). identified risks. If a particular risk could affect the delivery of
the whole project, alternatives for contingency (in terms of
If the contracted milestones are included in the programme, time and budget) should be included.
the impact of slippage on these dates will be apparent.
Appropriate budgetary and resourcing decisions can then be 9.4 Cost Management
made for those delays. The milestones can also indicate when
payments are due to a contractor. The viability of a solar project will be affected by the
duration of the construction period. During construction,
the project will be in debt owing to interest and finance
114 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

charges, and lack of income to make payments. Therefore, a Earned value management – This is an approach based
shorter construction period is generally preferable. The period on monitoring the project plan, actual work completed and
of construction also requires prudent cost management, work-completed value to assess if a project is on track. Earned
which is tied in with the project schedule and the contracted value management indicates how much of the budget (and
payment structure. available time) should have been spent, with regards to the
amount of work done to date. This method necessitates
The payment structure will depend upon the type advance calculation of both the baseline cost for a task and
of contract opted for, but is likely to involve milestone the resources required. If used correctly, this is a powerful tool
payments. The typical range of EPC payment schedules is for estimating and controlling project overspends as early as
detailed in Table 13. If a multi-contract strategy is chosen, possible in the construction period.
then a similar structure for phased-out payments for each
contract is advisable. Completion certificates – Completion certificates are
issued once the entire (or a specific) part of the plant is
This schedule shows that a high percentage of the payments physically complete. These certificates are issued prior to any
are made once the goods have been delivered to site. It also tests taking place and confirm that the contractor has installed
allows enough money to be held back to ensure that the the equipment correctly. They may only be for a specific part
contractor completes the works. of the project (for example a string of modules). Payment for a
particular item of work will not be made until the appropriate
The tools used for construction cost management in a completion certificate has been issued.
solar PV venture are the same as for any major engineering
project. These can include:

Table 13: Typical EPC Payment Schedule

Payment Payment Due Upon % of Contract Price
1 Advance payment (commencement date) 10-20
2 Civil works completed 10-20
Delivery of components to site (probably
3 40-60
on a pro-rata basis)
4 Modules mechanically complete 5-15
5 Modules electrically complete 5-15
Provisional completion and commercial
6 5-10
6 Solar PV plant taken over 5-10
A Guide For Developers and Investors 115

9.5 Contractor Warranties

Snagging lists – Compiling “Snag Lists” as an ongoing The owner of a PV power plant will typically use the
exercise is recommended. A prerequisite to the hand-over services of an EPC contractor to design and build a project.
phase, this list is a process of monitoring and tracking any He will also require an O&M contractor to operate and
defects. These should be addressed and rectified to the maintain the plant during its operational phase.
satisfaction of the developer. In some cases, the take-over
will occur with some minor defects still outstanding. In The EPC contractor offers project planning services, and
such a scenario, the snagging list will detail these minor will provide the necessary engineering for project design. The
defects, which will then have to be addressed within a contractor will typically be responsible for material selection
stipulated period. and procurement of modules, inverters, and balance of plant
components. Construction may be carried out by the EPC
Take-Over certificates – Take-over certificates will be issued contractor or through partnerships with local installation
by the contractor for acceptance by the developer. These will and project development companies (in this case, the EPC
be issued once all tests have been completed and defects contractor will provide on-site inspection). Warranties within
addressed. It is normal for the power purchaser to request a the EPC contract may include a Defect Warranty, Module
copy of the take-over certificate. To expedite the launch of the Capacity Warranty, Performance Ratio Warranty and Structure
project, the developer may choose to take over a project with Warranty as described in Table 14.
minor snags, subject to the contractor taking responsibility
to complete them. While this conditionality is acceptable,
progress in addressing defects should be monitored.

Table 14: Warranty Types and Requirements

Warranty Type Details
The contractor warrants that the plant will be free from defects in materials
Defect warranty and workmanship, and that the project will adhere to the qualities set out in a
technical specifications document.
The contractor may guarantee that the total peak capacity of the project within
a certain time period after completion is not less than a certain value, and
Module capacity warranty
may also certify that the degradation will not exceed a given value during the
warranty period.
The contractor guarantees that the PR as measured during a PR test will not be
Performance ratio warranty less than a given value, and that the PR shall not reduce by more than a given
percentage during the warranty period.
The contractor warrants the structural integrity of elements of the works for a
Structure warranty
given period.
116 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

9.5.1 Warranty Duration

Warranties for EPC contracts are typically in the two to five • Acceptance criteria.
year range. If the O&M contractor is also the EPC contractor,
• Completion date.
it can be easier to enforce these warranties. However, if they
are separate companies, the exclusions to the warranties should • Details of any records to be kept (for example,
be checked carefully. Also, the maintenance carried out by photographs or test results).
the O&M contractor should be in compliance with the EPC • Signature or confirmation of contractor completing
contractor’s requirements. tasks or accepting delivery.

The original manufacturer’s warranties on components such • Signature of person who is confirming tasks or tests
on behalf of the developer.
as inverters, support structures and modules should be passed
from the EPC contractor to the plant owner at handover. Quality audits should be completed regularly. These will
Acceptance testing is often completed before the plant is help developers verify if contractors are completing their works
handed over to the owner. in line with their quality plans. Audits also highlight quality
issues that need to be addressed at an early stage. Suitably
Even in a multiple contract structure, the component experienced personnel should undertake these audits.
warranties described in Table 14 above would be applicable
and should be incorporated. However, these warranties will 9.7 Environmental Management
be contract-specific, and need to be decided upon before
tendering for the work. This is a judicious way to ensure that The IFC Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS)
the guarantees provided are on a par with those expected by Guidelines are technical reference documents with general
the developers. and industry-specific examples of good international industry
practice. With respect to environmental management, the
9.6 Quality Management guidelines cover the following areas:

Controlling construction quality is essential for the success • General Guidelines.

of the project. The required level of quality should be defined
clearly and in detail in the contract specifications.
• Air Emissions and Ambient Air Quality.

• Energy Conservation.
A quality plan is an overview document (generally in a
tabular form), which details all works, deliveries and tests to be
• Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality.
completed within the project. This allows work to be signed • Water Conservation.
off by the contractor and enables the developer to confirm if
the required quality procedures are being met. A quality plan
• Hazardous Materials Management.
will generally include the following information: • Waste Management.

• Tasks (broken into sections if required). • Noise Emissions.

• Contractor completing each task or • Contaminated Land.

accepting equipment.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 117

It is recommended that these guidelines are followed as Community Health and Safety:
a benchmark, along with any specific local guidelines and
information from the EIA. • Water Quality and Availability.

• Structural Safety of Project Infrastructure.

As for quality management, contractors should be
urged to develop an environmental management plan • Life and Fire Safety (L&FS).
(addressing the areas listed above), against which their • Traffic Safety.
performance can be monitored.
• Transport of Hazardous Materials.
9.8 Health and Safety Management • Disease Prevention.

The health and safety of the project work force and other • Emergency Preparedness and Response.
affected people should be carefully overseen by the project
The IFC guidelines give guidance on how each of these
developer. Apart from ethical considerations, the costs of not
aspects of H&S should be approached, outline minimum
complying with health and safety legislation can represent
requirements for each aspect and list appropriate control
a major risk to the project. Furthermore, a project with a
measures that can be put in place to reduce risks.
sensitive approach to health and safety issues is more likely to
obtain international financing.
As a minimum standard, compliance with local H&S
legislation should be rigorously enforced. Where local legal
The IFC EHS guidelines cover two main areas of health
requirements are not as demanding as the IFC guidelines, it is
and safety: occupational health and safety and community
recommended that the IFC guidelines be followed.
health and safety. The issues covered under these areas are
listed below.
9.9 Specific Solar PV Construction Issues
Occupational Health and Safety:
The following sections describe common pitfalls or mistakes
• General Facility Design and Operation. that can occur during the construction phase of a solar PV
project. Most of these pitfalls can be avoided by appropriate
• Communication and Training. design, monitoring, quality control and testing on site.
• Physical Hazards.
9.9.1 Civil
• Chemical Hazards.
The civil works relating to the construction of a solar PV
• Biological Hazards.
plant are relatively straightforward. However, there can be
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). serious and expensive consequences if the foundations and
road networks are not adequately designed for the site.. The
• Special Hazard Environments.
main risks lie with the ground conditions. Importantly, ground
• Monitoring. surveys lacking in meticulous detailing or proper interpretation
could lead to risks such as unsuitable foundations.
118 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Used land also poses a risk during the civil engineering Underground cables should be buried at a suitable depth
works. Due to the nature of digging or pile driving for (generally between 500mm and 1,000mm) with warning tape
foundations, it is important to be aware of hazardous obstacles or tiles placed above and marking posts at suitable intervals on
or substances below the surface. This is especially important in the surface. Cables may either be buried directly or in ducts. If
former industrial sites or military bases. cables are buried directly, they should be enveloped in a layer
of sand or sifted soil should be included to avoid damage by
9.9.2 Mechanical backfill material.

The mechanical construction phase usually involves the Comprehensive tests should be undertaken prior to
installation and assembly of mounting structures on the site. energisation to verify that there has been no damage
Some simple mistakes can turn out to be costly, especially if to the cables.
these include:
9.9.4 Grid Connection
• Incorrect use of torque wrenches.
The grid connection will generally be carried out by a
• Cross bracing not applied.
third party over whom the project developer will have limited
• Incorrect orientation. control. Close communication with the grid connection
contractor is essential to ensure that the grid requirements
If a tracking system is being used for the mounting
are met. Delay in the completion of the grid connection
structure, other risks include:
will affect the energisation date, which will delay the start of
• Lack of clearance for rotation of modules. commercial operation.

• Actuator being incorrectly installed (or as specified), 9.9.5 Logistical

resulting in the modules moving or vibrating instead
of locking effectively in the desired position.
Logistical issues can arise if designs or schedules have not
These mistakes are likely to result in remedial work being been well-thought through. Issues that may arise include:
required before hand-over and involve extra cost.
• Lack of adequate clearance between rows of modules
for access.
9.9.3 Electrical
• Constrained access due to inclement
Cables should be installed in line with the manufacturer’s weather conditions.
recommendations. Installation should be done with care as • For larger tracking systems and central inverters,
damage can occur when pulling the cable into position. The cranes may be required. Therefore, suitable access
correct pulling tensions and bending radii should be adhered and manoeuvrability room within the site is essential
to by the installation contractor to prevent damage to the (see Figure 24).
cable. Similarly, cables attached to the mounting structure
require the correct protection, attachment and strain relief to
make sure that they are not damaged.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 119

Figure 24: Spacing Between Module Rows

9.10 Construction Supervision

It is recommended that the owner and lenders of Design reviews will generally be carried out on:
the project are kept informed of developments during
construction. Construction supervision may be carried out • Design basis statements.
by in-house resources. Alternatively, a “technical advisor” or • Studies/investigations.
“owner’s engineer” may be commissioned to carry out the
work on their behalf. • Design specifications.

• Design of structures.
The role of the technical advisor during the construction
phase is to ensure contractor compliance with the relevant • Drawings (all revisions).
contracts, as well as to report on progress and budget. The • Calculations.
construction supervision team would generally comprise
of a site engineer supported by technical experts in an office. • Execution plans.
The main parts of the technical advisor’s role are: review • Risk assessments and method statements.
of proposed designs, construction monitoring and witnessing
of key tests. • Quality plans.

• Safety plans/reports.

• Material and equipment selection.

• O&M manuals.

• Test reports.
120 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

The objective of the design review is to ensure that the • Inspection of cable tracks.
contractor has designed the works in accordance with the
• Witnessing of delivery/off-load of solar modules,
contract agreements and relevant industry standards. It also transformers, inverters and switchgear.
aims to ascertain that the works will be suitably resourced
and sequenced to deliver the project as specified. The design • Inspection of module, switchgear and inverter
review could also cover specific areas such as grid compliance installation.
or geotechnical issues, depending upon the specific project • Witnessing of site acceptance tests.
requirements and experience of the developers.
• Witnessing of completion tests.
Key stages and tests for witnessing will include: • Monitoring and expediting defects.

• Inspection of road construction. Besides the owner’s engineer, the lender’s engineer has the
additional role of signing off and issuing certificates that state
• Inspection of foundations.
the percentage of the project completed. These certificates are
• Verification of cable routes. required by the lenders prior to releasing funds in accordance
with the project payment milestones.

Case Study 5
Construction and Project Management
The 5MW PV power plant in Tamil Nadu was constructed during 2010. At commencement, construction was
projected to be completed within 38 weeks; due to various factors, many of which are covered in the case studies in
this book, construction ended up taking approximately 52 weeks – a significant and costly delay. In addition, the
constructed plant suffered from serious quality issues. The construction schedule should be carefully thought through
by suitably experienced personnel. It is also recommended that project management software tools are used as these
enable the developer to track the progress of a project, identify resource constraints and understand the impact of
uncompleted tasks.

The main causes of the construction delays were:

• Design flaws. Poor design of components, such as the support structures, lead to costly and time-consuming
remedial measures.

• Poorly planned construction schedule. The illogical sequencing of construction tasks caused a number of delays:
A Guide For Developers and Investors 121

• Monsoon rains restricted access to the site as the access road had not been sealed. The access route should
have been sealed well before the arrival of the monsoon.

• Modules were damaged (and were at risk of theft) as they were stored unprotected on site for long periods of
time. Modules and other valuable components should not be delivered to site until shortly before they are
required. If they must be delivered earlier then they should be stored in a controlled and secure environment.

The constructed plant suffered from a range of serious quality issues. These included:

• Foundations in incorrect locations.

• Poor alignment of foundations.

• Cracked and damaged foundations.

• Elements of the supporting structure left unattached.

• Poorly aligned solar modules.

• Damaged solar modules.

• Poor attention to detail in finishing of substation buildings.

While a wide range of factors undoubtedly contributed to each of these issues, the following factors are considered
to have been particularly significant:

• Design quality. Certain basic aspects of the design led directly to construction quality issues. The clearest
example of this is the design of the foundations and substructures leading to misalignment of the modules.
These problems could have been avoided if suitable expertise had been used in the design stage.

• Design documentation and document control. It is preferable to have a full set of “for construction” design
drawings before construction commences. Throughout the construction process, it is vital that document
management is thoroughly carried out; in particular, design changes and revision of drawings should be
rigorously controlled. The failure to do this led to basic mistakes such as foundations being constructed in the
wrong locations.

• Contractor capability. It is fundamentally important to select a suitably experienced and capable construction
contractor. Ideally, a contractor with demonstrable experience of similar projects should be selected. In any
case, potential contractors’ proposed approach to quality management should be thoroughly scrutinised
during the contractor selection process.

• Project Management – supervision / monitoring. Regardless of the capability of the selected contractor, the
developer must monitor construction progress closely. Suitably experienced personnel should regularly inspect
the progress and quality of the works (and the completeness of the quality records) as they progress. If the
developer does not have suitable resources in-house to carry out construction supervision then they should
engage a competent party to do it on their behalf.
122 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

The commissioning process certifies that the project owner’s Inverter commissioning should follow the protocol
requirements have been met, the power plant installation is described in the inverter installation manual. Tasks
complete and the power plant complies with grid and safety may include:
requirements. Successful completion of the commissioning
process is often considered to be part of the provisional or final
• Checking inverter cabling for conformity to
schematic diagrams.
acceptance of the PV plant.
• Checking that cable connections are firm.
Commissioning should follow the procedure described in
• Checking DC voltages for polarity and verifying
IEC 62445 and prove three main criteria: that they are approximately the same for each string.
Voltages must not exceed the maximum voltage of
1. The power plant is structurally and electrically safe. the inverter.
2. The power plant is sufficiently robust (structurally • Checking AC grid voltage. AC voltage
and electrically) to operate for the specified lifetime measurements between the external conductors
of a project. should be approximately the same as the nominal
voltage of the inverter.
3. The power plant operates as designed and its
performance is as expected. • Checking the internal AC power supply.
Critical elements of a PV power plant that require • Mounting the inverter panelling.
commissioning include:
• Inserting fuses or insulation blades (if applicable).
• Module strings. • Switching on the voltage supply by turning on the
grid monitoring circuit breaker (if applicable) and
• Inverters.
the external voltage supply circuit breaker. Status
• Transformers. lights should not be showing a fault.

• Switchgear. • Switching on the inverter and checking for power

export to the grid (if the irradiation level is above
• Lightning protection systems. the inverter threshold) and for any abnormal noise.

• Earthing protection systems. With the exception of the module strings, the
• Electrical protection systems. commissioning of the remaining plant components follows
standard procedures for power plant (the guide does not
• Grid connection compliance protection and dwell further on the details). The following sections provide
disconnection systems. an overview of the pre-connection and post-connection
• Monitoring systems (including irradiation sensors). acceptance testing and documentation requirements for the
module strings.
• Support structure and tracking systems
(where employed).
A Guide For Developers and Investors 123

10.1 General Recommendations

Commissioning should start immediately after installation inverters. These tests according to IEC 62446 should include:
has been completed or, where appropriate, sequentially as
strings are connected. For power plants employing modules • Open Circuit Voltage Test.
which require a settling-in period, for example, thin film • Short Circuit Current Test.
amorphous silicon modules, performance testing should
begin once the settling in period has been completed and the 10.2.1 Open Circuit Voltage Test
modules have degraded.
This test checks whether all strings are properly connected
Since irradiance has an impact on performance, tests should (module and string polarity) and whether all modules are
be carried out under stable sky conditions. The temperature of producing the voltage level as per the module data sheet. The
the cells within the modules should be recorded in addition to test should be conducted for all strings.
the irradiance and time.
The open circuit voltage, Voc, should be recorded and
Ideally, commissioning should be carried out by an compared with temperature adjusted theoretical values.
independent specialist third party selected by the owner. It
should include both visual and electrical testing. In particular, 10.2.2 Short Circuit Current test
visual testing should be carried out before any system is
energised. The testing outlined in this section does not This test verifies whether all strings are properly connected
preclude local norms which will vary from country to country. and the modules are producing the expected current. The test
should be conducted for all strings.
Test results should be recorded as part of a signed-off
commissioning record. While an independent specialist The short circuit current, Isc, should be recorded and
would be expected to carry out these tests, it is important that compared with the temperature adjusted theoretical values.
the developer and owner are aware of them and make sure
that the required documentation is completed, submitted 10.3 Grid Connection
and recorded.
Grid connection should only be performed once all
10.2 Pre-Connection Acceptance Testing DC string testing has been completed. It is likely that the
distribution or transmission system operator will wish to
Prior to connecting the power plant to the grid, electrical witness the connection of the grid and/or the protection relay.
continuity and conductivity should be checked by the Such a preference should be agreed in advance as part of the
electrical contractor. Once completed, pre-connection connection agreement.
acceptance testing should be carried out on the DC side of the
The grid connection agreement often stipulates the level of
parameters—such as electrical protection, disconnection and
fault—to which the PV power plant is required to adhere.
Usually, these conditions need to be met before commissioning
the grid connection.
124 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

10.4 Post Connection Acceptance Testing

Once the power plant is connected to the grid, the for the temperatures observed during the test. This is known
inverters will be powered up according to the manufacturer’s as the adjusted performance ratio. The electrical energy
start-up sequence. Inverter internal meters and displays generated is typically considered to be acceptable if it is within
should be verified prior to use. ± 3-5% of the value given by the agreed temperature adjusted
performance ratio.
Post grid connection should include:
If there are significant differences between the contractual
• DC current test. and actual adjusted performance ratio, the EPC contractor
• Performance ratio test. should identify and rectify the discrepancy before repeating the
performance ratio test.
10.4.1 DC Current Test
10.4.3 Availability Test
This test verifies whether all strings are producing
adequate and consistent operating current as per the module An availability test should be performed in parallel with the
data sheets. The test should be conducted for all strings. performance ratio test as described above. This will confirm
that an acceptable availability is being achieved according to
The string current values per inverter will be checked guaranteed values. The test will typically be performed for a
against the average values of all strings connected to the minimum of ten consecutive days under stable sky conditions.
same inverter and checked against acceptance criteria.
The availability of the system can be defined using
10.4.2 Performance Ratio Test the formula:

This test checks if the power plant is performing at or

(Power export time + Time in which
above the performance ratio agreed or warranted within the
power is not exported due to reasons
EPC contract. Measured
beyond control )
Average = *
A standard testing period would be continuous testing for (Theoretical time for which power
a minimum of ten consecutive days. Typically, a minimum may be exported)
irradiance will be defined and the performance ratio
measured for the period in which that irradiance is exceeded.
10.5 Provisional Acceptance
The electrical energy generated should be recorded at the
metering point (or as agreed in the contract documentation) The completion of the commissioning tests outlined above
and compared with the guaranteed value provided by the often forms part of the acceptance tests for the PV power
EPC contractor. An adjustment can be made to account plant. In some instances, the performance ratio test will
A Guide For Developers and Investors 125

be repeated after a period of operation. In such a case, the

completion of the commissioning tests marks the provisional
acceptance of the PV power plant. The final acceptance takes
place after a successful repeated performance ratio test. The
period of operation between the two tests is dependent on the
contract with the EPC contractor and the level of risk taken
on the components of the PV power plant.

For example, a PV power plant with a new technology, an

untested module manufacturer or a new EPC contractor may
carry a larger degree of technology risk. Therefore, repeating
the performance ratio test after one or two year’s operation
helps identify degradation and teething problems.

10.6 Handover Documentation

The commissioning record[50] should be handed over to

the developer once commissioning is complete, having been
signed by the authorised signatory to confirm that the work is
satisfactory. Where appropriate, the O&M contractor should
be informed of any system performance issues.

The commissioning record is typically submitted along with

other handover documentation, which should include:

• The O&M manual.

• Conformity and guarantee certificates.

• Warranty documentation.

• Performance guarantees.

• Monitoring compliance certificates.

[50] The commissioning record is a checked-off list of tasks that that have been
completed as part of the commissioning process.
126 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Specific scheduled maintenance tasks are covered in the
Compared to most other power generating technologies,
following sections.
PV plants have low maintenance and servicing requirements.
However, proper maintenance of a PV plant is essential to
11.1.1 Module Cleaning
optimise energy yield and maximise the life of the system.
Module cleaning is a simple but important task. It can
Maintenance can be broken down as follows:
produce significant and immediate benefits in terms of
energy yield.
• Scheduled or preventative maintenance – Planned
in advance and aimed at preventing faults from
occurring, as well as keeping the plant operating at its The frequency of module cleaning will depend on local
optimum level. site conditions (for example, prevalence of dust or rain) and
the time of year. As the soiling of modules is site – specific,
• Unscheduled maintenance – Carried out in
the duration between clean-ups is likely to vary between sites.
response to failures.
However, it is generally recommended to clean the modules at
Suitably thorough scheduled maintenance should least twice annually. Figure 25 shows the solar panel covered
minimise the requirement for unscheduled maintenance with dust. When scheduling module cleaning, consideration
although, inevitably, some failures still occur. A robust and should be given to the following:
well-planned approach to both scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance is important. • Environmental and human factors (for instance,
autumn fall debris and soiling from local
agricultural activities).
11.1 Scheduled/Preventative Maintenance
• Weather patterns: cleaning during rainy periods is
The scheduling and frequency of preventative maintenance less likely to be required.
is dictated by a number of factors. These include the
• Site accessibility based upon weather predictions.
technology selected, environmental conditions of the site,
warranty terms and seasonal variances. The scheduled • Availability of water and cleaning materials.
maintenance is generally carried out at intervals planned in
If the system efficiency is found to be below the expected
accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, and as
efficiency, then module cleaning should be scheduled
required by the equipment warranties. Scheduled maintenance
as necessary.
should be conducted during non-peak production periods
and, where possible, at night.
The optimum frequency of module cleaning can be
determined by assessing the costs and benefits of conducting
Although scheduled maintenance will both maximise
the procedure. The benefit of cleaning should be seen in an
production and prolong the life of the plant, it does represent
improved performance ratio due to the lower soiling loss—and
a cost to the project. Therefore, the aim should be to seek the
resultant increase in revenue). A cost estimate to clean all the
optimum balance between cost of scheduled maintenance and
modules at the PV plant should be obtained from the cleaning
increased yield through the life of the system.
contractor. If the cost to clean is less than the increased
revenue then it is beneficial to clean the modules.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 127

Figure 25: Solar Panel Covered with Dust

11.1.2 Module Connection Integrity 11.1.4 Hot Spots

Checking module connection integrity is important for Potential faults across the PV plant can often be detected
systems that do not have string level monitoring. This is through thermography. This technique helps identify weak and
more likely for central inverter systems for which no string loose connections in junction boxes and inverter connections.
monitoring at the junction/combiner boxes has been designed. It can also detect hot spots within inverter components and
In such cases, faults within each string of modules may along strings of modules that are not performing as expected.
be difficult to detect. Therefore, the connections between
modules within each string should be checked periodically Thermography should be conducted by a trained specialist
(this may include measuring the string current). using a thermographic camera.

11.1.3 Junction or String Combiner Box 11.1.5 Inverter Servicing

All junction boxes or string combiner boxes should Generally, inverter faults are the most common cause
be checked periodically for water ingress, dirt or dust of system downtime in PV power plants. Therefore, the
accumulation and integrity of the connections within the scheduled maintenance of inverters should be treated as a
boxes. Loose connections could affect the overall performance centrally important part of the O&M strategy.
of the PV plant. Any accumulation of water, dirt or dust could
cause corrosion or short circuit within the junction box. The maintenance requirements of inverters vary with size,
type and manufacturer. The specific requirements of any
Where string level monitoring is not used, periodic checks particular inverter should be confirmed by the manufacturer
on the integrity of the fuses in the junction boxes, combiner and used as the basis for planning the maintenance schedule.
boxes and, in some cases, the module connection box should
be conducted.
128 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

11.1.8 Balance of Plant

The annual preventative maintenance for an inverter should, The remaining systems within a PV power plant, including
as a minimum, include: the monitoring and security systems, auxiliary power supplies,
and communication systems should be checked and serviced
• Visual inspections. regularly. Communications systems within the PV power plant
• Cleaning/replacing cooling fan filters. and to the power plant should be checked for signal strength
and connection.
• Removal of dust from electronic components.

• Tightening of any loose connections. 11.1.9 Vegetation Control

• Any additional analysis and diagnostics Vegetation control and ground keeping are important
recommended by the manufacturer. scheduled tasks for solar PV power plants since there is a
strong likelihood for vegetation (for example, long grass, trees
11.1.6 Structural Integrity
or shrubs) to shade the modules. The ground keeping can
The module mounting assembly, cable conduits and any also reduce the risk of soiling (from leaves, pollen or dust)
other structures built for the PV plant should be checked on the modules.
periodically for mechanical integrity and signs of corrosion.
This will include an inspection of support structure
11.2 Unscheduled Maintenance
foundations for evidence of erosion from water run-off.
Unscheduled maintenance is carried out in response
to failures. As such, the key parameter when considering
11.1.7 Tracker Servicing
unscheduled maintenance is diagnosis, speed of response
Similarly, tracking systems also require maintenance and repair time. Although the shortest possible response
checks. These checks will be outlined in the manufacturers’ is preferable for increasing energy yield, this should be
documentation and defined within the warranty conditions. balanced against the likely increased contractual costs of
In general, the checks will include inspection for wear shorter response times.
and tear on the moving parts, servicing of the motors or
The agreed response times should be clearly stated within
actuators, checks on the integrity of the control and power
the O&M contract and will depend on the site location—
cables, servicing of the gearboxes and ensuring that the
and whether it is manned. Depending on the type of fault,
levels of lubricating fluids are suitable.
an indicative response time may be within 48 hours, with
The alignment and positioning of the tracking system liquidated damages if this limit is exceeded.
should also be checked to ensure that it is functioning
The majority of unscheduled maintenance issues are
optimally. Sensors and controllers should be checked
related to the inverters. This can be attributed to their
periodically for calibration and alignment.
complex internal electronics, which are under constant
operation. Depending on the nature of the fault, it may be
possible to rectify the failure remotely – this option is clearly
preferable if possible.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 129

Other common unscheduled maintenance It is important that spares stock levels are maintained.
requirements include: Therefore, when the O&M contractor uses some spares
he should replenish the stocks as soon as possible. This
• Tightening cable connections that have loosened. arrangement will reduce the time gap between the
• Replacing blown fuses. identification of the fault and replacement of the non-
operational component. This can be of particular relevance for
• Repairing lightning damage. remote locations with poor accessibility and adverse weather
• Repairing equipment damaged by intruders or conditions. Consultation with manufacturers to detail the
during module cleaning. spare parts inventory, based upon estimated component
lifetimes and failure rates, is recommended.
• Rectifying SCADA faults.

• Repairing mounting structure faults. 11.4 Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and

• Rectifying tracking system faults.
To optimise system performance, there is a need to ensure
The contractual aspects of unscheduled O&M are described
that the plant components function efficiently throughout the
in more detail below.
lifetime of the plant. Continuous monitoring of PV systems is
11.3 Spares essential to maximise the availability and yield of the system.

In order to facilitate a rapid response, a suitably stocked Section 7.6.1 describes some of the information required
spares inventory is essential. The numbers of spares required for an effective monitoring system. A SCADA system is able
will depend on the size of the plant and site-specific to monitor the real-time efficiency and continuously compare
parameters. Adequate supplies of the following components it with the theoretical efficiency to assess if the system is
should be held: operating optimally. This information can be used by the
O&M contractor to establish the general condition of the
• Mounting structure pieces. system and schedule urgent repair or maintenance activities
such as cleaning.
• Junction/combiner boxes.

• Fuses. 11.5 Contracts

• DC and AC cabling components. This section describes the key issues for consideration
• Communications equipment. with regards to O&M contracts. A model O&M contract
is included in Appendix D – O&M Contract Model
• Modules (in case of module damage). Heads of Terms.
• Spare inverters (if string inverters are being used).

• Spare motors, actuators and sensors should also be

kept where tracking systems are used.
130 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

It is common for the O&M of PV plants to be carried • Warranties and operational targets.
out by specialist O&M contractors. The contractor will be
• Terms and conditions.
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the whole
plant. This is likely to include: • Legal aspects.

• Modules and mounting frames or tracking system. • Insurance requirements and responsibilities.

• Inverters. These issues are discussed in the following sections.

• DC and AC cabling. 11.5.2 Contractor Services and Obligations

• String combiner or junction boxes.
The O&M contract should list the services to be performed
• Site SCADA system, remote monitoring and by the contractor. This list should be site-specific and include
communication systems.
the following:
• Site substation.
• Plant monitoring requirements.
• Site fencing and security system.
• Scheduled maintenance requirements.
• Auxiliary power supply.
• Unscheduled maintenance requirements.
• Site access routes and internal site roads.
• Agreed targets (for example, response time or
• Site building and containers. system availability).

• Vegetation control. • Reporting requirements (including performance,

environmental, and health and safety reporting).
• Maintenance of fire-fighting equipment or reservoirs.
It should be stipulated that all maintenance tasks shall be
11.5.1 Purpose performed by the contractor in such a way that their impact
on the productivity of the system is minimal. In particular,
The purpose of an O&M contract is to optimise the
the contract should stipulate that maintenance tasks should be
performance of the plant within established cost parameters.
kept to a minimum during the hours of sunlight.
To do this effectively, the contract must be suitably detailed
and comprehensive. In particular, the O&M contract should
The O&M contract will typically define the terms by which
clearly set out:
the contractor is to:
• Services to be carried out by and obligations on the
• Provide, at intervals, a visual check of the system
components for visible damage and defects.
• Frequency of the services.
• Provide, at intervals, a functional check of the
• Obligations on the owner. system components.

• Standards, legislation and guidelines to which the • Ensure that the required maintenance will be
contractor must comply. conducted on all components of the system. As a
minimum, these activities should be in line with
• Payment structure. manufacturer recommendations and the conditions
of the equipment warranties.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 131

• Provide appropriate cleaning of the modules and the • Local engineering practices (unless the
removal of snow (site specific). documents and conditions listed above require a
higher standard).
• Make sure that the natural environment of the
system is maintained to avoid shading and aid 11.5.5 Payment
maintenance activities.

• Replace defective system components and system The cost and remuneration of the O&M contract is
components whose failure is deemed imminent. generally broken down in to:

• Provide daily remote monitoring of the performance • Fixed remuneration and payment dates.
of the PV plant to identify when performance drops
below set trigger levels. • Other services remuneration and
expenditure reimbursement.
11.5.3 Obligations on the Owner
Fixed remuneration outlines the payment for the basic
In an O&M contract for a PV plant, the obligations on the services that are to be provided by the maintenance
owner/developer are generally limited to: contractor under the O&M contract. This section should
include the following:
• Granting the O&M contractor access to the system
and all the associated land and access points. • Cost – this is usually a fixed price per kWp installed.

• Obtaining all approvals, licences and permits • Payment structure (that is, monthly, quarterly
necessary for the legal operation of the plant. or annually).

• Providing the O&M contractor with all documents • Payment indexation over the duration
and information available to them and necessary for of the contract.
the operational management of the plant.
Remuneration for other services includes payment for any
11.5.4 Standards, Legislation and Guidelines services above the basic requirement. This should include:

This section of the contract outlines the various conditions • Method for determining level of other services
to which the O&M contractor must comply while carrying carried out.
out the O&M of the plant. These conditions are contained
• Agreed rates for conducting these services.
within the following documentation:
• Agreed method for approving additional expenses or
• Building or construction permits. services with the owner.

• Planning consents and licences. • Any required spare parts and other components that
are not covered by individual warranties.
• Grid connection statement, the grid connection
agreement and PPA (or similar). 11.5.6 Warranties
• System components installation handbooks.
An availability warranty can be agreed between the
• Applicable legislation. maintenance contractor and the owner of the system. It then
becomes the responsibility of the maintenance contractor
132 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

to make sure that the system operates at a level greater It is also recommended that this section includes the
than the agreed value. If the system operates below the circumstances in which either the maintenance contractor or
warranted level, then the maintenance contractor may be the developer would be entitled to terminate the contract.
liable to pay a penalty.
11.5.10 Response Time
11.5.7 Legal
The guaranteed response time of a maintenance contractor
The contract will have a section outlining the governing is an important component of the O&M contract. As soon
law and jurisdiction of the O&M contract. The governing as notification of a fault occurs, it is the responsibility of the
law is normally the law of the country in which the project contractor to go to the site within a set period of time. The
is located. A legal succession or a transfer of rights condition faster the response time, the swifter the issues can be diagnosed
is required for the developer to reserve the right to assign the and resolved towards the aim of returning the system to full
O&M contract to a third party. production. The distance between the PV plant and the
contractor’s premises has a direct correlation to the duration of
It is also recommended that every contract has a non- the guaranteed response time.
disclosure agreement. This agreement between the O&M
contractor and the developer will outline the information The time of year coupled with the accessibility to the
that is to be treated as confidential and that which could be site can have a bearing on the actual response time for any
disclosed to third parties. unscheduled maintenance event. Restrictions in access roads,
at certain times of the year, can delay response. Adverse
11.5.8 Insurance conditions can also reduce the size of the payload that can
be transported to the site, thus extending the duration of the
The contract should have a section outlining the insurance maintenance work.
responsibilities of the contractor for the operations and
maintenance activities. This insurance should cover damage to 11.5.11 Selecting a Contractor
the plant, as well as provide cover for employees conducting
the maintenance. When choosing an O&M contractor, his experience should
be thoroughly examined. In particular, the following aspects
It is normal for the O&M contractor to also arrange and should be considered:
pay for the full site insurance.
• Familiarity of the contractor with the site and
11.5.9 Term of Agreement equipment.

• Location of the contractor’s premises.

Every O&M contract needs to have a section that outlines
when the O&M contract shall become effective and the • Number of staff.
duration of the contract from the effective date. This section • Level of experience.
should also include provisions to renew or extend the contract
upon conclusion of the originally agreed term. • Financial situation of the contractor.

The intention should be to select a suitably experienced

contractor able to meet the requirements of the contract for
the duration of the project.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 133


Operations and Maintenance Conclusions

It is important to define the parameters for the operation and maintenance of a PV project during its life. These
conditions must, as a minimum, cover the maintenance requirements to ensure compliance with the individual
component warranties and EPC contract warranties. If an O&M contractor is being employed to undertake these
tasks it is important that the requirements are clearly stated in the contract along with when and how often the tasks
need to be conducted.

It is normal for an O&M contractor to provide a warranty guaranteeing the availability of the PV plant. In some
cases when the O&M contractor is also the EPC contractor, it is possible for the warranty to include targets for the
PR or energy yield. The agreed availability limits are often based on the independently verified energy yield report, but
with some leeway.

In general, the O&M activities for a solar PV power plant are less demanding than those related to other forms of
electricity generation. This is mainly due to the fact that there are no moving parts in a solar PV system (unless it is a
tracking system). However, maintenance is still an important factor in maximising both the performance and lifetime
of the plant components.
134 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

12. ECONOMICS AND 12.1.1 Local Economic Benefits and Costs

FINANCIAL MODEL In general, a solar project is likely to usher in economic
benefits for the local area. But the level of benefit may be
12.1 Economic Benefits and Costs region-specific, and may vary across the country. An awareness
of these local economic benefits will help developers and
As well as providing commercial benefits to renewable
investors in pushing solar projects as a development tool for
energy project developers, solar PV projects confer many
local communities and government agencies.
economic advantages to local and national economic growth.
Local economic benefits may typically include the following:
Economic benefits and costs should be considered by
policy makers, developers, investors and lenders to ensure that • Generation of direct and indirect employment.
individual profitable projects develop within a framework of
sustainable development. • Infrastructure developments such as roads,
water and electricity.
Lenders often require compliance with social and • Development of barren, unproductive or
environmental standards. Multilateral agencies such as contaminated land.
the IFC may have their own Social and Environmental
• Grid network upgrades providing power
Performance Standards. Other lenders may require compliance
supply security.
to standards as outlined in the Equator Principles[51] before
agreeing to finance a project. Government bodies may aim • Less polluting power generation.
to mitigate the adverse impact of developments through
However, these benefits must be weighed against:
permitting requirements.
• Resource impacts. Many projects are likely to be
The Government of India has implemented an array of constructed in areas with a scarcity of water and
policies to enhance the growth of the solar market and support electricity. So the use of these resources during
the National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC)[52]. construction and operation of the plant may have
an impact on the local economy. Careful siting
The major economic benefits and drawbacks for large scale and design of the projects should minimise this
potential impact.
solar PV projects are outlined in the following sections.
• Demand management. In urban India, peak
demand normally occurs in the evening. Shortage
of supply and inability to manage demand results
in power cuts, which have a negative impact on the
local economy and quality of life. While solar power
is only generated during the day, there is no facility
for trimming peak demand during the evening. Solar
[51] The Equator Principles (EPs) are a set of 10 environmental and social
principles adopted by the Equator Principle Financing Institutions power development should, therefore, be part of a
(EPFIs).These principles are criteria that must be met by projects wider strategic plan to manage demand and supply.
seeking financing from these institutions. They are to ensure that the
projects that receive finance are developed in a manner that is socially
responsible and reflect sound environmental management practices.
The full set of principles can be accessed through the following link:
[52] The NAPCC is the strategy by which the Government of India intends
to meet the challenge of climate change. It was announced in June 2008.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 135

12.1.2 National Economic Benefits and Costs

There are a number of national or macroeconomic benefits significant levels of solar power are installed in areas with a
which are likely to accrue from the development of solar power weak transmission network.
generation within India. An awareness of these benefits will
aid developers and investors when pitching the case for solar Budget diversions may also be significant as higher
development to policy makers. government budget allocations for solar projects may divert
resources from low income groups. Engagement of the
National economic benefits may typically include developer with the local community (by supporting local
the following: employment, for example) would be one way to work out a
mutually agreeable solution.
• Increased energy security arising from diversification
from coal-fired generation. 12.1.3 Benefits to Developers
• Long term energy price pressures mitigated due to
diversification of generation mix and technology Investment in solar projects offers a number of economic
development. The cost of installing solar power benefits to potential developers, the most important of which
generation is currently more expensive than coal-fired are outlined below:
generation in India. This gap would be expected to
reduce as the solar market matures and coal prices • Preferential tariff and guaranteed returns – Solar
rise. Energy price stability can lead to a wide range projects in India receive a FiT for 25 years.
of social and economic benefits. These include
improved global competitiveness of domestically • Concessional duties and tax breaks – The
produced goods and services, inflation reduction and Government of India has announced a concessional
social cohesion. customs duty of 5% on imports, with an exemption
on excise duty for some project components.
• Reduced dependence on imports resulting from long
term solar project development targets and mandates • Meeting the renewable energy obligation –
set by the National Solar Mission for consumption of Utilities and independent conventional power
domestically produced project components. producers have been mandated by the State
Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC) to
• Technology development, which leads to a purchase renewable energy under the Renewable
redeployment of human resources from primary Purchase Obligation (RPO). At present, the
industrial activities to higher value-creating proportion of renewable energy to be purchased
secondary industries. varies from 3% to 5% of the total generation across
various SERCs. This is likely to increase to 15% by
• Climate change mitigation, in line with the NAPCC.
• Reduction in pollution externalities such as health
and environmental consequences.
• Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) – RECs are
market-based instruments which give the developer
• Increased tax revenue. the option to either sell power produced at the state
specific average power pooled cost, or alternatively to
These benefits must be weighed against the cost of upgrades trade RECs separately.
to major transmission lines. Grid upgrades are likely if
• Certified Emission Reduction (CER) revenue[53].

[53] CER credits can be sold under the Clean Development Mechanism.
See Section 12.3.6
136 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

• Improvement in corporate image – Investment in produced a benchmark capital cost of INR 169 million/MWp
solar power projects allows developers to demonstrate for solar PV power projects commissioned during fiscal years
their commitment to environmental concerns. 2010-11 and 2011-12. This capital cost is considered to be a
• Business diversification – Development of expertise reference cost in India as no large utility scale projects have yet
and technical skills within the developer organisation, been commissioned.
allowing diversification of income generation streams
and access to a large emerging market. Figure 26 gives the percentage breakdown of cost for a typical
1MWp size project. These costs are discussed in more detail
12.2 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
in Table 15. It should be noted that the various elements of
(CERC) Cost Benchmarks
the capital cost will vary depending on the technology selected
and other project specific parameters; as an example, while
12.2.1 Capital Cost
the CERC benchmark costs show modules accounting for
approximately 60% of the overall capital cost, it is not unusual to
In order to determine the level of the feed-in tariff, the
see module costs ranging from 50% to 60% of the overall cost.
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has

Preliminary and Pre- [0.89%] Civil and
Operative Expenses General Works
[10.71%] [5.33%]
Evacuation to Inter-
connection [5.03%]

Unit [11.83%]

Mounting Structures [5.92%]

PV Modules

Figure 26: Benchmark Solar PV Plant Cost Breakdown according to CERC[54]

[54] Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)(2009); RE Tariff

Regulations Report
A Guide For Developers and Investors 137

12.2.2 Tariff Structure

For projects commissioned in financial years 2010-11 and been assumed to be INR 0.951 million/MWp for projects
2011-12, the tariff has been structured (assuming a useful life commissioned in fiscal year 2010–11. There shall be an annual
of 25 years) at a levelised rate of INR 17.91/kWh. This tariff escalation of 5.72% over the tariff period.
takes into account a reasonable return of equity, interest on
loan capital, depreciation factor, interest on working capital A more detailed discussion of the O&M costs associated
and O&M costs. with solar PV is provided in Section 12.3.

A more detailed discussion of the tariff structure is provided 12.3 Financial Model
in Section 12.3.
12.3.1 Introduction
12.2.3 Operations and Maintenance
It is clear from the discussion in the previous section
O&M expenses comprising extended warranties, repairs, that many of the economic benefits and costs of solar PV
routine maintenance, employee and administrative costs have project development do not accrue directly to the developer.

Table 15: Benchmark costs

Cost item Cost (INR million/MWp) Details
It is assumed that 5 acres/MW is required, at a cost of INR 0.3 million/
Land 1.5
acre, although this estimate will vary according to the technology chosen.
Although in practice there is a cost difference between crystalline and thin
PV Modules 101.9 film PV modules, the cost assumed for both of these technologies is US$
2.2/Wp. An exchange rate of INR 46.33/US$ is assumed.
Mounting The cost assumed for the mounting structure is INR 10 million/MWp
structure irrespective of the type of technology.
Power The cost assumed for the power conditioning unit/inverters, including the
conditioning unit/ 20.0 required controls and instrumentation, is INR 20 million/MWp
This cost includes supply, erection and commissioning of all cabling,
Evacuation to grid
8.5 transformers and evacuation infrastructure up to the grid connection
This cost includes services related to design, project management,
Preliminary and insurance and interest during construction, among others. Though it
operating expenses is expected to vary with project size, the cost assumed for generic tariff
determination is INR 18.1 million/MWp.
Civil and general This includes general infrastructure development, application for permits
works and approvals, and preparation of project reports
TOTAL 169.0
138 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

Instead, these act as “externalities”, which stem from environment. For example, a site located in a dusty
investment choices made largely on the basis of financial environment is likely to require frequent cleaning of modules.
benefits and drawbacks.
It is difficult to predict the O&M cost over the latter part
The financial benefits and drawbacks to the developer are of the 25 year design life as there are very few large scale
explored in detail through the construction of a full financial solar projects that have been generating for sufficient time
model. This facilitates the identification of key variables to have reached the end of their design life. The modules,
affecting the project value and enables financing decisions. which typically comprise over 60% of the total project cost,
are generally supplied with performance guarantees for 25
The following sections describe the key items and years. However, other project components require routine
assumptions that would be included in the financial modelling maintenance and component replacement. Aside from O&M,
of a typical Indian solar project, and discuss the conclusions operational expenditure will include comprehensive insurance,
that can be drawn from the results of the modelling process. administration costs, salaries and labour wages.

12.3.2 Capital Costs 12.3.4 Annual Energy Yield

According to a CERC report, capital cost per MWp for There are a number of factors which affect the annual
solar PV plant in India is expected to vary between INR 150 energy yield of a solar PV project as discussed in Section 6.
million to INR 170 million. This total capital cost includes The confidence level of the yield forecast is important, as the
the cost of land, PV modules, mounting structure, inverters, annual energy yield directly affects the annual revenue.
balance of plant and support infrastructure, and start-up costs.
The cost variation largely depends on the project location, the 12.3.5 Energy Price
project design (such as the voltage level of power cables), the
technology utilised and the grid connection cost. Besides the power generated, the solar PV project revenue is
dependent upon the power price. This may be fixed or variable
In addition to overall project cost, there can be significant according to the time of day or year, and must be clearly
variation in component costs depending on the type of PV stipulated in the power purchase agreement.
technology used.
Economic return has historically been the key limiting
A project with crystalline PV technology requires less surface factor for development of large scale grid-connected solar
area per kWp installed compared to thin film modules. As a PV projects. PV has a high initial capital cost. High energy
result, the mounting structure and DC cabling costs are lower. prices are required for projects to be economic. Currently,
However, there is not significant variation in the other cost grid-connected solar projects are highly dependent on policy
components. support initiatives such as grants, feed-in tariffs, concessional
project funding and mandatory purchase obligations.
12.3.3 Operations And Maintenance
(O&M) Cost In India, the power tariffs for solar PV projects are
determined by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
O&M costs for solar PV are significantly lower than other (MNRE). Incentive policies include the generation-based
renewable energy technologies. O&M costs depend on many incentives (GBI) and the recently created Jawaharlal Nehru
factors, including the project location and the surrounding National Solar Mission (JNNSM).
A Guide For Developers and Investors 139

Under these regulatory regimes and incentive schemes, there fixed rate tariffs. However, it has potential for better revenue
are five main tariff options for the sale of the renewable power than some of the other options.
that is generated:
All projects should carefully assess the current tariffs
• Demonstration scheme GBI – tariffs aimed at available to them to capitalise on the best rate. It is
supporting pilot projects. advisable to reassess the rate at any stage when the tariffs
• JNNSM scheme – tariffs to encourage both large and vary or new options (for which the plant would be eligible)
small scale projects. become available.

• CERCs Levelised Tariff – generalised country

12.3.6 Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)
wide tariff.

• State Government Incentives – localised tariffs. As India is a non-Annex 1 party under the UN Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM), qualifying Indian solar
• Selling electricity and trading RECs separately.
projects could generate Certified Emission Reductions (CERs).
Under the GBI scheme, the project developer signs a PPA These CERs can then be sold to Annex 1 parties and help
with the relevant state utility grid operator for a period of 10 them comply with their emission reduction targets. This
years, whereas under the JNNSM scheme, PPAs will be signed effectively causes transference of wealth from Annex 1 parties
for 25 years. such as the UK and Germany to Indian developers.

CERC has ruled that projects commissioned in financial Each CER is equivalent to the prevention of one tonne of
year 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 shall have a tariff term of 25 carbon dioxide emissions. The income from CERs can be
years. This term has been fixed on the basis of a reasonable substantial. However, this revenue source cannot be predicted
deemed internal rate of return (IRR). Equity is assumed to as it is uncertain whether the project will be accredited.
comprise 20% of project cost, with a rate of return of 19% Moreover, CER values fluctuate considerably. Therefore,
for the first 10 years of operation, and 24% for the rest of a sensitivity analysis around the CER price (and the period of
plant’s useful life. time for which the project is accredited) is important.

Under the JNNSM scheme, large scale solar projects with an The National CDM Authority under the Ministry of
installed capacity of 5MWp and above—connected to the grid Environment and Forests (MoEF) is the designated authority
at 33kV and above—will sign a PPA with NVVN. This, in in India for approving CDM projects.
turn, shall bundle the power with conventional power and sell
it to various utilities through the RPO. For projects with an 12.3.7 Financing Assumptions
installed capacity of less than 5MWp, connecting to the grid at
less than 33kV, the project developer will sign a PPA with the The project financing structure generally comprises of debt
state utilities. and equity as described in Section 13.

Trading of RECs must be conducted through power The general financial assumptions for a project in India
exchanges within the price-range set by CERC. This range is are as follows:
subject to variation. Given the variability of the price of RECs,
this policy involves a higher level of risk for developers than
• Financing structure – equity 20% and debt 80% as
assumed in CERC tariff order.

• Debt repayment period – 10 years.

140 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

12.3.8 Project Economics and Financial

Modelling Results

A project financial model will calculate a range of project A Minimum DSCR value of less than one indicates the
value indicators in order to allow developers, lenders, project is unable to service the debt in at least one year.
investors and relevant government bodies to assess the project Lenders will conduct sensitivity analysis around the key
economics from several perspectives. variables in order to determine whether the project will be
able to service the debt in a bad year, for example if energy
From an investor’s point of view, a project is generally yield is lower than expected, or operational expenditure is
considered to be a reasonable investment only if the internal higher than expected.
rate of return (IRR) is higher than the weighted average cost of
capital (WACC). Investors will have access to capital at a range 12.3.9 Sensitivity Analysis
of costs; the return arising from investment of that capital
must be sufficient to meet the costs of that capital. Moreover, Sensitivity analysis involves changing the inputs in the
the investment should generate a premium associated with the financial model (such as power tariff, capital cost, and
perceived risk levels of the project. energy yield) to analyse how the value of the project changes
(measured using Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, or
Solar projects are usually financed with equity and debt the Debt Service Cover Ratio).
components. As a result, the IRR for the equity component
can be calculated separately from the IRR for the project as a Sensitivity analysis gives lenders and investors a greater
whole. The developer’s decision to implement the project or understanding of the effects of changes in inputs such as power
not, will be based on the equity IRR. tariffs on the project’s profitability and bankability. It helps
them understand the key risks associated with the project.
As returns generated in the future are worth less than
returns generated today, a discount can be applied to future Typical results that are monitored during sensitivity
cash flows to present them at their present value. The sum of analysis include:
discounted future cash flows is termed the net present value
(NPV). Investors will seek a positive NPV, assessed using a • Post tax Project IRR.
discount rate that reflects the WACC and perceived risk levels • Post tax Equity IRR.
of the project.
• Average DSCR.
Lenders will be primarily concerned with the ability of • Minimum DSCR.
the project to meet debt service requirements. This can be
measured by means of the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), Typical variables investigated during sensitivity analysis are:
which is the cash flow available to service debt divided by the
debt service requirements. The Average DSCR represents the • Capital costs.
average debt serviceability of the project over the debt term. • Operational costs.
A higher DSCR results in a higher capacity of the project to
service the debt. Minimum DSCR represents the minimum • Annual energy production.
repayment ability of the project over the debt term. • Interest rate.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 141

Case Study 6
Economics and Finances
The 5MW plant’s costs increased during the project development and implementation phase, but the escalation was
only 2% of the original predicted cost. The risk of escalating cost was reduced by employing EPC contracts for the major
site works. Projects developed using EPC contracts are able to reduce the risk of cost overruns. Detailed financial models,
including sensitivity analysis should be carried out.

The plant was financed by a combination of equity and loan, including 18% of the final expected loan cost from the
IFC. Cost estimates of the project were provided by the developer at different stages of development and construction.
The first cost estimate was made in 2008/09; a final expected cost was calculated in late 2010. A comparison of the costs
against CERC benchmark values has been made in the table below.

Cost (INR million/MW)

5MW plant
Cost Area
CERC benchmark Original estimated Cost at EPC contract Final expected cost
cost (2008/09) signing (Q4 2010)
PV Modules 101.9 110.0 115.0 115.0
BOS and
28.5 56.9 60.6 60.6
transmission line
Civil, mechanical
works and 19.0 15.0 13.3 13.3
Land 1.5 7.0 3.7 3.7
Pre operative
4.0 4.0 5.7
Interest 18.1 2.0 2.0 4.1
Financing fee 1.0 1.0 1.1
Contingency 3.9 0.2 0.0
Total Cost 169.0 199.8 199.8 203.5
% variation on
+18% +18% +20%

The comparison shows that the CERC benchmark provides reasonable indicative estimates but these must be adjusted
according to project specific details. The main variation in the 5MW Tamil Nadu project compared to the CERC
benchmark can be attributed to the cost of PV modules and electrical works. The price of PV modules was found to be
13% higher than the CERC benchmark and the cost of electrical works was 113% higher than the benchmark. The high
cost of electrical works was partly due to the requirement for an electrical transmission line extension.
142 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

The benchmark land costs (0.3 INR per acre) provided by CERC were in line with land costs incurred during the
project. However, the project used 13.2 acres of land per MW installed compared to the CERC benchmark of 5 acres. As
a result, the cost of land per MW installed was more than double that of the CERC estimate.

In total, the Tamil Nadu project cost 20% more than the CERC benchmark. Although the costs increased during the
project development and implementation phase, the escalation was only 2% of the original predicted cost. The risk of
escalating cost was reduced by employing EPC contracts for the major site works.

The table below shows how the operating expenditure (estimated for the 5MW Tamil Nadu plant) compares to CERC
benchmarked costs, including the expected yearly escalation rates. As the operating costs are only estimates at the time of
writing, no lessons can be learnt at this stage. However, the indication is that the Tamil Nadu plant O&M cost estimates
are in line with those of CERC.

Cost Area 5MW solar plant (INR) CERC (INR) % Difference

Supervisor Salaries 480,000
Labour Wages 2,437,500
Insurances 782,500
4,755,000 -6%
Office Expenses 400,000
Spare Parts & Tools 400,000
Total O&M Cost for 5MWp 4,500,000
Annual Escalations 5.00% 5.72% -14%

Project costs and energy yield predictions were incorporated into a financial model to assess the viability of the project
with a tariff rate of INR 17.91/kWh. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to determine the viability of the scheme
under different stress tests.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 143

• CERC benchmarks can be used to make reasonable estimates of project costs at the feasibility stage.

• Costs need to be adjusted according to the specifics of the project, such as the distance to the grid
connection point.

• Predicted costs for the Tamil Nadu project have been adhered to as they fall within the 2% escalation range.
Discrepancies with the CERC benchmarks were due to module cost, electrical connection costs and the total area
of land required for the project.

• Projects developed using EPC contracts are able to reduce the risk of cost overruns.

• Detailed financial models, including sensitivity analysis should be carried out.

144 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants


13.1 Introduction It is not unusual to see an equity financing fee involved in
the provision of equity to the project. In some cases, the equity
The financing of solar PV projects is typically arranged by partner provides operations management for the project over
the developer or sponsor. It comprises two parts: an equity the long term.
investment and project financing to cover the debt portion.
In Europe, it is quite normal to see equity partners and
Project finance is the long term financing of infrastructure developers form a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to develop
and industrial projects based upon the projected cash flows the project. This is the equity vehicle which owns the project
of the project rather than the balance sheets of the project and plant when constructed. The SPV signs the EPC and
sponsors. Both the equity partners and project finance partners O&M contracts, and the project revenues are paid to the
typically conduct an evaluation of the project covering the SPV. The working capital requirements and debt servicing are
legal aspects, permits, contracts (EPC and O&M), and taken from the revenue to determine the returns for the equity
technical issues prior to achieving financial closure. partners from the projects, typically in the form of dividends.

The project evaluations (due diligence) identify the risks and In some cases, the equity partners will not commit equity to
methods of mitigating any risks prior to investment. Where projects unless they have received firm commitments of debt
the project has inherent risks, the exposure to these risks project finance or leasing finance.
will be negotiated between the parties and reduced wherever
possible with insurance. The debt portion is typically provided by an investment
bank providing project finance or leasing finance. The debt
The following sections cover each of these steps portion is the larger investment, which is typically 80-85% of
and processes. the total project cost.

13.2 Project Financing Despite the recent turmoil in the international credit
markets, many financial institutions are willing to provide
13.2.1 Financing Alternatives long term finance for the solar energy market. Individual
projects from smaller developers may receive financing with a
The equity portion can be provided by the developer or loan to value (LTV) ratio of 80%, whereas portfolios of solar
from equity partners that sign agreements or letters of intent projects from experienced developers may be financed with a
to purchase the projects from the developers. Equity partners LTV ratio of 85%. The usual term of a project finance loan is
may be individual firms, developers or equity funds managed approximately 18 years.
by management firms, bank equity fund managers or pension
fund managers. Large corporations and utilities may develop solar plants
without the need for project finance; these projects are
The equity funds can be used as the seed capital to start the financed from the corporate balance sheet. But the corporation
construction of the project, following completion of the design or utility will still conduct a similar due diligence review before
and environmental studies, legal analysis, permit applications committing the project funds.
and grid connection applications. The equity is typically
around 15-20% of the total project investment cost.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 145

13.2.2 How a Lender Evaluates a Project

Both equity and debt finance investors typically evaluate the The due diligence phase of evaluating a project takes three
legal, permitting, consent and technical due diligence areas of main forms:
the project. The due diligence conducted at the equity stage
may be based on preliminary technical information. On the • Legal due diligence – assessing the permits and
other hand, the due diligence for project finance is conducted contracts (EPC and O&M).
at a later stage and often supported with detailed technical • Insurance due diligence – assessing the adequacy of
information and designs. the insurance policies and gaps in cover.

• Technical due diligence – assessing the technology,

The developer typically carries out the following tasks:
integration and technical aspects of the
permits and contracts.
• Identifies the sites with the best resources.
The due diligence process reviews the designs and
• Negotiates the use of the land.
equipment specifications against best industry practice and
• Conducts an initial solar resource analysis. examines their appropriateness to the environment and design
goals of the PV plant. Typical areas assessed in technical due
• Completes an EIA.
diligence are:
• Conducts initial layout and design including initial
equipment selection. • Sizing of the PV plant:

• Applies for and receives planning permits and • Layout in the land area available.
• Appropriate buffer zone around the plant to
• Applies for and receives grid connection offer or account for shading/other activities.
letters of intent.
• Overall size appropriate for the grid connection.
• Applies for feed-in tariff (FiT) and/or PPA.
• Layout of the PV modules, mounting and/or
The equity investor typically evaluates the work in the list trackers, and inverters:
above. The next key step is to validate and confirm all the
• Assessment of level of inter-row shading.
permits, consents and power purchase agreements. Along with
the equity partner, the project SPV can look towards securing • Access to plant components for maintenance
the technical solution, detailed design and equipment supply. In and installation activities.
some cases, these are carried out by the developer, depending on • Electrical design layout and sizing:
the stage in which the equity partner enters the project.
• Assessment of cable losses in the
The project finance partner can often influence the choice of DC/AC cabling.
the equipment technology, based on what they perceive to be • Assessment of appropriateness of the cable
“bankable”. This often affects the selection of modules, inverters placement and connectors.
or mounting structures. One way to avoid such issues is to have
• Appropriateness of the earthing and
discussions early in the design phase with the project finance
protection systems.
partner. This can help assess the equipment selection and satisfy
the requirements of all partners. • Compliance to safety standards.
146 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

• Technology review of major components (modules/ The process of due diligence can require considerable
inverters/mounting or trackers): effort from the developer to satisfy the requirements
of the lenders. It is important that the developers have
• Suitable for environment.
realistic financial models with contingencies clearly shown.
• Integration of components. Alongside, it is also imperative to have a sensible construction
programme, which takes contingencies into account. Such
• Track record of suppliers and models.
a programme will clearly show that the target deadlines are
• Quality and compliance certificates. realistic and achievable.
• Compliance to safety standards.
The due diligence process is likely to identify risks, and help
• Warranties. develop solutions to mitigate the issues found. It may result
in changes in the design or use of components in the plant to
• Design life.
make the project “bankable” for the lenders.
• Degradation assumptions.
13.3 Risks
• Energy yield assessments:

• Appropriateness of any assumptions made. This section describes the key risks considered to be
applicable to an investment in solar PV projects. The list
• Source of solar irradiation data.
of risks identified below is not an exhaustive list. Investors
• Assessment of shade. and developers should satisfy themselves that the level of
risk attached with any development is appropriate to their
• Degradation assumptions.
investment criteria. Developers and investors should make
• Uncertainty analysis. every effort to mitigate the risks where possible.

• Model used and modelling techniques.

13.3.1 General Business Risks
• Check the theoretical Performance Ratio. Interest Rates
• Contract assessments (EPC, O&M, grid connection,
power purchase and FiT regulations):
Interest rate risk (variability in rates) is the risk borne
• Looking for interface points and areas where by an interest-bearing loan. It can be beneficial to finance
there could be risks. projects on long term fixed interest rate loans, as opposed to
• Examining construction timelines and ensuring variable rate loans.
that the critical path is clearly identified and
mitigated in the contracts. A fixed rate loan is a long term loan that carries a
predetermined interest rate with a tenure usually of 15-20
• Assessing the warranty and guarantee positions
years. Ideally, the plant should pay back the loan in 10 to 12
within the contracts – protection for the lenders.
years. But spreading the loan over a longer period allows for
• Financial model assumptions: smaller annual payments. This allows the developer the scope
to build a reserve and to return a profit in the first years.
• Assessing that the assumptions used are complete
and appropriate.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 147 Inverters and Cabling

The interest rate is payable at specified dates before maturity. Besides considering quality and warranties, the overall
This can be the best form of natural hedging to match long configuration of the PV power plant must be designed
term income with long term sources of finance. correctly. This will ensure that the maximum power reaches
the grid based on the gross irradiance reaching the modules. Leverage
The technology and manufacturer choice for the inverters
In cases where projects are to be financed through a is also important for ensuring trouble-free operation suited to
mixture of equity and non-recourse debt finance, leverage the environment and design of the PV plant. Warranties and
may potentially increase the total return of the equity maintenance activities for the inverters need to be carefully
investors. But it may also lead to increasing losses in adverse assessed to ensure that the risk of inverter failure is minimised.
market conditions. Technology Failure New Business Start-up
Generation of electricity involves mechanical and electronic
As the solar PV industry is fairly new, very few companies processes. These may fail under certain conditions, leading
have a long history in operating in this renewable energy to loss of revenue and repair or replacement costs. Selection
sector. A possible way to tackle this problem is to have key of modules, tracking systems (if used) and inverters should
contractor and strategic partners that have experience in be based on the track record of manufacturers—and the
constructing and operating solar power plants. warranties they offer. These warranties help reduce the risk
of technology failure in the initial years of the PV plant’s
13.3.2 Technical Risks operational life. Solar Module Solar Irradiation Risk

It is important to consider the quality of modules (for One of the key factors in determining the energy yield of
example, checking whether degradation will occur faster than a solar plant is the solar irradiation at the site. Changes in
expected) and the strength of the module manufacturer’s weather patterns such as cloud cover, rainfall and heat waves
warranties. Any problems in the installation are usually could reduce the energy output and, consequently, investor
identified within the first year and corrected under EPC returns. However, meteorological assessments and long term
(construction) warranties. Later, problems can be rectified averaging show that inter-annual variation over the lifetime of
under manufacturer’s warranties. But as far as possible, it is a PV plant is generally quite low, generally in the order of 5%,
preferable to avoid any interruptions to production. depending on location.

Given the long term nature of the project, choosing Solar Module Degradation
the right technology is essential in achieving consistent
results and maximising power output over the life of the The efficiency of solar modules as well as their degradation
project. A productive and viable PV power plant will (loss of performance) has a direct effect on the yield of a solar
automatically become an attractive proposition to potential plant. The degradation is indicated by the supplier (usually less
buyers in the future. than 1% per year). Any unexpected loss of performance could
have an adverse effect on the business.
148 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants Grid Connection

Module manufacturer’s power warranties generally cover The connection to the third party distribution or
larger losses of power due to degradation. However, the transmission network is often non-contestable. Therefore,
warranties need to be reviewed carefully for exclusions. The the final grid connection is reliant on the works of the third
financial strength and backing of the module manufacturers party network operator or their contractor. Grid connection
should be assessed to verify that the manufacturer can support contracts and deadlines should be finalised to mitigate
any claims against their warranties. In some cases, insurance this risk.
policies may be taken out by the manufacturers to cover
warranty claims. Delay in Obtaining an Operating
13.3.3 Pre Completion Risks
In some jurisdictions, the relevant authorities must Cost Overrun determine whether the construction of the plant and
connection facilities has been carried out in conformity with
Exposure to changes in the prices of components can the approved design, and whether they comply with the legal
account for a cost overrun. A change in prices for certain key requirements. Delays or difficulties in obtaining the operating
components, in particular modules and inverters, may have an permit may affect the income and profitability of the solar PV
adverse effect on the bottom line. plant. Delay in Completion 13.3.4 Post Completion Risks

Delay in completion occurs when there is a reliance on Market Risk

third party contractors for installation. In the construction
phase of a project, developers and SPVs enter into agreements Every developer should also keep in mind that government
with third-party professionals, independent contractors and policy towards renewable energy may change unfavourably.
other companies to provide the required construction and Changes with respect to legislation concerning renewable
installation services. If such contracted parties are not able energy policy could reduce the forecast revenues and profits
to fulfil their contractual obligations, the developers may of new projects. As importantly, a global consensus on
be forced to provide additional resources or engage other taking action on climate change may positively influence
companies to complete the work. Any financial difficulty, government policy.
breach of contract or delay in services by these third-party
professionals and independent contractors could have an Change of Legislation
adverse effect on the business.
Legislation gives qualifying PV power plants the right to Permits, Grid Applications and Feed-in receive a levelised tariff which takes into account depreciation
Tariff benefit. In India, under the JNNSM this tariff is guaranteed
for all electricity produced for 25 years. Under Indian law,
Permits and grid applications need to be secured for all the government cannot retrospectively change the tariff
project sites. Any project will carry the risk that all approvals issued. However, once a project is connected, particularly
will not be finalised and approved by the competent authority those under 33kV, there may be a residual risk that individual
or party within the expected timeline. Any delays may have an state governments may ask grid operators to retrospectively
effect on the income stream from the corresponding project. adjust the tariff levels.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 149 Operational Considerations

Every operational solar power station engages an O&M It is important to note that insurance is no substitute for quality
Contractor to carry out the day-to-day maintenance of (design and components), and should not be seen as a ‘magic wand’
the solar power station. Inefficiencies in the operation and to mitigate issues related to design, equipment or contract.
management of the project could reduce the energy output.
This can be reduced by adding performance clauses within the 13.4.2 General Liability Insurance
O&M contract, based on the availability of the PV plant and
targets for energy yield or performance ratio. General liability insurance covers policyholders for death or injury
to persons or damage to property owned by third parties. General
13.4 Insurance liability coverage is especially important for solar system installers, as
the risk to personnel or property is at its greatest during installation.
13.4.1 Introduction
13.4.3 Property Risk Insurance
At present, the insurance industry has not standardised
the insurance products for PV projects or components. A The PV system owner usually purchases property insurance to
number of insurers are providing PV insurance policies, but protect against risks not covered by the warranty or to extend the
underwriters’ risk models have not been standardised. The coverage period. The property risk insurance often includes theft
data required for the development of fair and comprehensive and catastrophic risks.
insurance policies are lacking as insurance companies often
have little or no experience with solar projects. Property insurance typically covers PV system components
beyond the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty. For example,
However, demand for PV insurance is increasing. In general, if a PV module fails due to factors covered by the warranty, the
large PV systems require liability and property insurance, manufacturer is responsible for replacing it, not the insurer.
and many developers may also opt to add policies such as However, if the module fails for a reason not accounted for in
environmental risk insurance. the warranty, or if the failure occurs after the warranty period,
the insurer must provide compensation for the replacement of
Though PV insurance costs can be quite high, it is likely the PV module.
that rates will drop as insurers become familiar with PV
plants and as installed capacity increases. A recent study 13.4.4 Environmental Risk Insurance
by NREL stated:
Environmental damage coverage indemnifies PV system owners
“Insurance premiums make up approximately 25% of a against the risk of either environmental damage inflicted by their
PV system’s annual operating expense. Annual insurance development or pre-existing damage on the development site.
premiums typically range from 0.25% to 0.5% of the total
installed cost of a project, depending on the geographic 13.4.5 Business Interruption Insurance
location of the installation. PV developers report that
insurance costs comprise 5% to 10% of the total cost of energy Insurance against the risk of business interruption is often
from their installations, a significant sum for a capital-intensive required to protect the cash flow of the solar project. This insurance
technology with no moving parts.” policy can often be a requirement of the financing process.
150 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants

It is widely being accepted that solar energy has a major part to play in promoting ecologically sustainable growth and
tackling climate change. In addition, tapping the power of the sun can improve the energy security of those countries,
including India, which are currently dependent on fossil fuel imports.

India has excellent reserves of solar resource and is well-placed to benefit from the development of a solar energy
industry. However, there are numerous and varied challenges to be overcome at various levels in order to establish a
successful solar power industry.

It is vitally important that developers and financiers of solar energy projects follow best practices in developing,
constructing, operating and financing projects. It is hoped that this guidebook will go some way towards promoting such
best practices in the sector. However, it should be borne in mind that there is no substitute for experience and expertise.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 151

Appendix A
Concentrated Solar Power: A Guide For Developers and Investors

The objective of this report is to provide an overview of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology. The report is
intended to be read in conjunction with “Utility Scale Solar Power Plants: A Guide for Developers and Investors”, and
focuses on those areas where CSP differs from PV. The report describes the following technologies and associated aspects
of CSP projects:

Technologies: Project aspects:

• Concentrated solar power technologies • Solar resource.

• CSP technologies uptake, experience and costs.
• Parabolic Trough.
• Solar field equipment and heat transfer.
• Power Tower / Central Receiver.
• Energy storage and supplementary heating.
• Parabolic Dish / Stirling Engine Systems.
• Power block / steam plant.
• Linear Fresnel Reflectors.
• Cooling and water consumption.
• Integrated Solar Combined Cycle (ISCC).
• Site selection.
• Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV).
• Energy yield prediction.

• Project implementation including design,

development and construction.

• Uncertainties and risks.

152 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A


Between 1984 and 1990, 354 MW of CSP generating The distribution of average daily direct normal irradiation
capacity was commissioned. This capacity remains in operation across India is shown in Figure 1. High resource locations are
today. No additional commercial plants were commissioned represented in red and orange. Plants located in these regions
until 2007[1]. The suspension of commercial CSP from 1990 to will have a superior financial viability. From Figure 1 it can
2007 was primarily caused by the high cost of the technology in be seen that the most suitable locations are primarily in desert
comparison with overall wholesale power costs. regions such as those in western India.

The renewed market interest in CSP since 2007 is due Financial viability of projects will depend upon the resource,
to a combination of rising fossil fuel costs, firm renewable technology and project costs, and the extent of government-
energy targets, and substantial governmental subsidies or driven financial support. Current costs of the technology and
other financial support mechanisms. These factors have constraints on financial support indicate that only projects
helped CSP technology become commercially attractive, that are located in the areas with the highest direct normal
resulting in increased investment in CSP projects. There is irradiation are likely to be viable in the near future with
now 900 MW of total capacity commissioned and a further annual average direct normal irradiation values of greater than
1,900 MW under construction. 2.2 MWh/m2/year or 6.0 kWh/m2/day[4].

When bundled with energy storage or when integrated 4. REVIEW OF CSP

with biomass or fossil-fuelled power plants, CSP can provide
load-matching generating capability. Hence, CSP is being
considered as a major part of the renewable energy mix
CSP technology utilises solar power by first concentrating
in the long term[2]. However, this will be dependent on
low density solar radiation and then either converting it:
substantial cost reductions being achieved, combined with
government-driven economic support. • To heat energy, and then through a turbine and
generator to electricity, in concentrating solar thermal
3. THE SOLAR RESOURCE systems; or

CSP technology generates electricity by focussing the

• Directly to electricity, in concentrating photovoltaic
(CPV) systems.
component of solar irradiance that travels directly from the sun.
The diffuse component of solar irradiance which is scattered The main concentrating solar thermal technologies are
from the ground and the sky cannot be focussed and therefore reviewed in Sections 4.1 to 4.4, while the related Balance of
cannot be used by CSP technology. For this reason, a CSP plant Plant (BoP), heat transfer media, factors affecting project
must be located in an area where clear skies are common, as any development and location, and the potential for integration
cloud cover, haze, fog or smog would significantly reduce the with conventional thermal generating plant are evaluated in
levels of direct irradiance reaching the plant. To focus the direct Sections 4.5 to 4.8. CPV systems are reviewed in Section 4.9.
irradiance, CSP technologies should face the sun at all times. Linear Fresnel reflectors are covered in section 4.10.
They do this by using sun tracking technology.

[1] SgurrEnergy CSP project database collated from information in Photon [2] IEA; Technology Roadmap, Concentrating Solar Power; 2010
International, Sun & Wind Energy [particularly 6/2010 issue], NREL CSP [3] National Renewable Energy Laboratory http://nrel.com
projects database [http://www.nrel.gov/csp/solarpaces/by_project.cfm], and [4] SgurrEnergy for Asian Development Bank; Central-West Asian Countries Solar
developer or project websites. Potential, Concentrated Solar Power; Draft report, November 2010.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 153

Figure 1: Average Daily Direct Normal Solar Irradiation in India (kWh/m2/day)[3]

This diagram was created by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory for the Department of Energy (USA)
154 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

Solar Radiation


Beam RECEIVER Thermal Engine Work/Electricity



Concentration Losses



Figure 2: Ideal Representation of a Concentrating Solar Power System

4.1 Overview of Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies

In concentrating solar thermal technology, the concentrator These may be categorised as line and point concentrators as
focuses the solar radiation on to a receiver which then shown in Figure 3.
heats a transfer fluid either directly or through a heat
exchanger system. The heat transfer fluid is then passed into Each of these technologies will be reviewed in greater detail in
a conventional thermal generation plant. Figure 2 provides subsequent sections.
a schematic energy flow diagram (Sankey diagram) of a
simplified concentrating solar thermal power system. The overall arrangement for a typical utility-scale power plant
using a parabolic trough solar field is shown in Figure 4. This
Concentrating solar thermal technologies include: example includes thermal energy storage, which is incorporated
between the solar heat receiver and the electrical power generation
• Parabolic troughs; plant. With parabolic trough collectors the receivers are distributed
across the solar field in the reflector units, whereas in power towers
• Power tower / central receivers;
the heat receiver is located at one or more centrally located towers.
• Parabolic dish / Stirling engine systems; and
Parabolic dishes can be used with a Stirling engine
• Linear Fresnel reflectors.
or alternatively a Rankine cycle heat engine, integral to
A Guide For Developers and Investors 155

Points Concentrators Line Concentrators

Power trough


Steam at 350-550°C
80-120 bar
Molten Salt
Air or Helium
at 600-1200°C Absorber tube
Parabolic 1-20 bar
Receiver reflector



Figure 3: Solar Thermal Concentrator Types[5]

Steam Turbine

Solar Field


Hot Salt Tank

Cooling Tower
Water Supply
Cold Salt Tank

Expansion Vessel

Figure 4: Typical CSP Power Plant Schematic (Parabolic Trough with Storage)[6]

[5] Graphic courtesy of Abengoa Solar

[6] Graphic courtesy of Abengoa Solar.
156 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

each dish unit. Utility scale parabolic dish power plants would Geographically, south-west USA dominates in terms of
therefore comprise many dish units. Energy storage is not operating experience and future projects, with Spain dominant
included in such plants since the heat engine operates directly in projects recently completed and under construction.
from the solar concentrator heat source.
4.1.2 CSP Cost Trends
The arrangement of linear Fresnel reflectors and power
plant could be similar to that for parabolic troughs. However, Due to variations in the configuration of the CSP plant (as
since current linear Fresnel reflector installations yield lower described later in this guide), generating cost or levelised cost
temperatures than parabolic troughs, and hence lower of electricity (US$/MWh) is a much better indicator of true
efficiency conversion to electrical power, linear Fresnel costs than installed cost (US$/MW installed capacity). The
technology is generally used for direct heat applications rather capacity factor (or load factor) varies over a wide range for
than utility power generation. CSP plants. Plants with similar areas of solar field, and annual
energy yields, may have differently sized generators depending
4.1.1 Uptake and Track Record on whether or not they have energy storage.

The uptake and track record of concentrating solar thermal Generating costs have been calculated from available
technologies is shown in Table 1 and Figure 5[7]. cost and performance information for recently completed
projects and projects under construction. This information
Parabolic trough technology is by far the most established is shown in Figure 6[9] (as a comparison the levelised cost of
technology in terms of operating experience. It also shows the generation for PV plants in 2010 was estimated to range from
highest anticipated build rate, taking into account projects
which have reached the advanced planning stage[8].

[7] Project data in the SgurrEnergy CSP database is collated from information in development permits are in place or subject to final approval, power purchase
Photon International, Sun & Wind Energy [particularly 6/2010 issue], NREL agreements are in place and construction contracts and financing are at an
CSP projects database http://www.nrel.gov/csp/solarpaces/by_project.cfm, and advanced stage of negotiation.
developer or project websites. [9] Calculated from selected project data in the SgurrEnergy CSP database
[8] Projects in the advanced planning stage are defined as projects where assuming 8% discount rate.

Table 1: CSP Installed Capacity (MW)

Region Construction Operation Notes
Solar generation supplies peak air conditioning loads. To date, most
plants without storage.
USA 7,837 758 431
30% government support on capital cost, Department of Energy
loan guarantees, renewables tariffs.
Individual plant capacity limited to 50 MW and storage encouraged
Spain 1,801 973 432
by feed-in tariff mechanism (€269/MWh ~ US$365/MWh).
Rest of
276 165 9 Mainly ISCC in Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Total 9,914 1,896 872
A Guide For Developers and Investors 157

12, 000

10, 000
Installed Capacity (MW)

8, 000

6, 000
Advance planning

4, 000 Construction


2, 000

Parabolic Parabolic Power Parabolic Linear
Trough Trough Tower Dish Fresnel
hybrid Reflector
Figure 5: Implementation of CSP Technologies



800 Parabolic Trough with Storage

Generating Cost (USD/MWh)


600 Parabolic Trough without Storage


Power Tower without Storage

Power Tower with Storage

1.50 1.70 1.90 2.10 2.30 2.50 2.70 2.90
Direct solar insolation (MWh/m /year)

Figure 6: Generating Cost for Recently Completed and Under Construction CSP Projects
158 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

170 US$/MWh (Middle East) to 400 US$/MWh (Northern to energy consumers. However, the pool price option enables
Europe). While there is no clear trend, or differentiation generators to sell electricity at the market price and receive a
between the various technologies, it is clear that the sites with lower premium tariff (€254/MWh) linked to the average or
the greatest solar resource achieved the lowest energy costs. reference electricity price. Once the additional incentive for
participation in this option and the continuity supplement
Consistent CSP cost trends have yet to emerge but the are considered, the total tariff can typically be of the order
following general comments can be made: of €330/MWh (US$440/MWh) dependent on pool power
price. The terms for the feed-in tariff limit the capacity of CSP
• Reported costs vary widely: plants in Spain to 50 MW each, and encourage incorporation
• Projects which have recently been completed, of energy storage.
or are currently under construction, show
increasing cost trends; and Recent costs have been two to three (or more) times
previous current estimated costs – these factors should
• Previously projected cost reductions are currently
arguably be applied to the future projected costs. For all CSP
not being realised.
technologies in the foreseeable future, substantial economic
• Generating costs will depend on: support will be required for project economic viability,
through a support mechanism which is specifically designed to
• Direct normal irradiation (DNI) at the
project location; support CSP projects.

• Size of plant; 4.1.3 Summary Comparison

• Optimization of the plant design;
The key parameters of CSP technologies including CPV are
• Technology costs; summarised in Table 2.
• Cost reductions achieved through technology
improvements; 4.2 Parabolic Trough Concentrators

• Increased competition in the supply chain; and A parabolic trough system is composed of a solar field, a
• Learning rate effects. power block and an optional thermal storage system. The solar
field consists of parallel rows of parabolic, trough-shaped solar
Recent CSP development in Spain has been driven by collectors that focus direct normal solar radiation onto tubular
the feed-in tariff which was €269/MWh (approximately receivers located at the focal point of the collectors. The
US$365/MWh at the time of writing) for the regulated tariff collectors are installed on single-axis tracking structures that
option, for years 2 to 25, linked to the average or reference can be aligned on a north-south or east-west horizontal axis
electricity price, with a lower tariff thereafter. Elimination depending on the electricity demand profile.
of feed-in tariff for year one has recently been introduced to
reduce a government budget deficit or pass-through of costs
A Guide For Developers and Investors 159

Each receiver consists of a metal tube with a solar radiation used to generate steam which is fed into a conventional steam
absorbing surface in a vacuum inside a coated glass tube. turbine to produce electricity.
A heat transfer fluid is circulated through the receivers and
transports the heat generated at the receivers to a series of heat Alternatively, parabolic troughs may be used for steam
exchangers in the power block of the plant. The temperatures augmentation or to supply process heat.
achievable are generally in the region of 400°C. The heat is

Table 2: Comparison of Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies[10]

Parabolic trough Tower Dish Engine Linear Fresnel
Commercial experience >20 years <4 years - -
Technology risk Low Medium High Medium
Optimal scale/
50 MW to >100 MW 50 MW to >100 MW 100 kW to >100 MW 50 MW to >100 MW
Demanding Demanding Moderate Simple to Moderate

Operating temperature 300°C-550°C 260-570+°C 750°C 270°C

Efficiency 14-16% 15-22% 24-31% 9-11%

Storage Yes Yes No Yes
Levelised cost of energy Current: 0.30-0.75 Current: 0.20-0.90
Future: 0.05-0.08 Future: 0.06-0.08
($/kWh)[11] Future: 0.06-0.08 Future: 0.06-0.08
Water usage High High Low Medium
Land requirement High High Variable / flexible Variable
Acciona Solar, Abengoa Abengoa Solar /
Solar / Abener, Solar Abener, Bright Source Tessera Solar / Stirling Ausra / Areva (small scale
Leading developers
Millenium, Solel / Energy, Torresol, Energy Systems (SES) projects), Novatec Solar
Siemens eSolar

[10] Original reference source: Technology Innovation Report, Concentrated Solar

Thermal, Cleantech Group, 2008; DLR; SCB research. Taken from Standard
Chartered Bank presentation and updated by SgurrEnergy.
[11] Cost ranges cover projects with and without storage where appropriate.
160 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

Figure 7: An Example of a Parabolic Trough Concentrator

Examples of a parabolic trough collector and a parabolic array. Mirrors need to be highly reflective to avoid losses and
trough collector solar field are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. durable to resist the harsh environments encountered in the
desert. The majority of mirrors currently used are of glass type
The main elements of the collector system are: with a reflective backing. Mirrors can be manufactured from
thick or thin glass; however, thick glass mirrors are currently
• Reflector the most commonly used.
• Receiver tube
Thick glass mirrors are typically constructed of 3-5mm
• Heat transfer fluid thick tempered glass or float glass (glass made by floating
• Base frame molten glass on a bed of molten metal), which due to the high
curvature required is normally pre-curved during construction.
• Tracking system The mirrors are typically fixed directly on to the parabolic
• Connecting elements trough supporting structure.

• Control system The number of companies manufacturing thick glass

mirrors is limited, with demand still outstripping supply. The
A brief description of each component is given in the
majority of reflectors manufactured for the parabolic trough
following sub-sections.
industry are produced by either Flabeg or Rioglass, both of
which have historically manufactured glass for the automotive
4.2.1 Reflector
industry. Other manufacturers are beginning to enter the
market; however, their experience in manufacturing reflectors
The reflectors used in parabolic trough systems are shaped
is still limited.
mirrors which are curved to create a focal point within a linear
A Guide For Developers and Investors 161

Thin glass mirrors are constructed of a glass layer of around

0.8 mm. Due to the flexibility of the glass, these mirrors can
be fixed directly to the supporting structure to provide the
concentrator shape. The benefits of this type of mirror are the
high reflectivity of the structure and lower cost in comparison
to thick glass mirrors. One drawback of these mirrors is that
they can be subject to corrosion if not correctly fixed to the
supporting structure.

Research is currently taking place on alternative reflector

films made from such materials as polymers and aluminium.
However, these technologies are currently still at the
development stage and have not yet entered serial production
or proved their durability.

Despite differing concepts, most trough collectors have a

similar design approach with individual collectors ranging
Figure 8: An Example of a Parabolic
from 5 to 6 metres in width and 12 to 13 metres in length.
Concentrator Solar Plant

4.2.2 Receiver Tube 4.2.3 Heat Transfer Fluid

Receiver tubes are mounted at the focal point of the
The heat transfer fluid normally used in parabolic trough plants
parabolic mirrors and serve as the first step in transferring the
is thermal mineral oil. The two main types are Caloria, which has
captured heat from the solar field to the power generation
a temperature rating up to 300°C and Therminol which has a
block. Receiver tubes are made of a steel tube with a solar
temperature rating up to 400°C. Therminol is the more efficient
active surface treatment. The surface treatment maximises
of the two due to its ability to meet the demanding requirements
the absorption of solar radiation and minimises the emission
of vapour phase systems and its superior heat transfer properties.
of radiative losses by means of a selective coating. The steel
tube is surrounded by a glass tube with an internal vacuum to Alternative oils have been investigated such as Syltherm which
protect the selective coating from the effects of the ambient is rated above 400°C therefore allowing more efficient heat
environment. Due to the differing expansion properties of transfer. This oil is, however, more expensive than the others and
steel and glass an expansion bellows connecting the outer and as such it is not widely used.
inner tubes is required. This ensures the vacuum between the
tubes is maintained. There must be a drying stage within the heat transfer loop
to prevent condensation forming in the thermal oil at night.
There are only two main manufacturers of receiver tubes on Direct steam generation technology is used in some plants, which
the market: the Israeli company Solel, now owned by Siemens, eliminates the costs of specialised heat transfer fluid and the
and the German manufacturer Schott. need for heat exchangers; however, efficiency and energy storage
capacity is reduced. Further research is required in this field and
pilot plants will need to be installed and generating to determine
the feasibility of using this medium as the transfer fluid.
162 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

Research[12], including commissioning of a pilot plant, is collectors besides helping rectify minor misalignment issues.
currently underway investigating the use of molten salts (a Some problems were observed during operations and the flexible
mixture of sodium and potassium nitrate) as a heat transfer hosing was replaced with a ball joint. This eliminated the
fluid. Molten salts are also used for energy storage as described original problem. However, some concerns have been raised with
in Section 4.5. However, as the freezing point of these salts is regard to the ball joint at high temperatures. Further research is
typically above 200°C, a mechanism needs to be in place so that being performed in this area.
the molten salt does not freeze in any component of the system,
including the pipe runs in the solar field from the receivers to The orientation of the solar field can be along either a north-
the power island. south axis or an east-west axis. A north-south axis is the norm to
allow collectors to track the sun’s azimuth over each day, hence
Other heat transfer fluids undergoing research include maximising annual output. An east-west axis, in contrast, allows
pressurised gases and Diphenyl. for seasonal adjustments for the sun’s elevation and latitude, thus
maximising mid-day output. Since adjustment is seasonal rather
4.2.4 Base Frame, Tracking System and than daily, east-west axis systems could dispense with motorised
Connecting Elements and automated tracking systems. Usually, utility scale projects in
or near the tropics employ north-south axis systems.
A structure is required to support the concentrators and allow
the mechanism to track the daily path of the sun as it moves 4.2.5 Examples from Industry
across the sky. The plants commissioned in the 1980s used a
supporting structure designed by Luz International. Since then, To date, parabolic trough technology is the most widely
there have been several evolutions from the original design. One deployed of the concentrating solar power technologies.
such structure is the Euro Trough torque box design. Between 1984 and 1990, nine parabolic trough CSP plants,
comprising 354 MW of generation capacity, were installed in
The torque box is designed so that collector elements can the Mojave Desert of California in the south-west of the United
be connected together on one drive resulting in the reduction States. These pioneering plants were the SEGS plants of Luz
of the total number of drives and interconnecting pipes. The International; they are still in operation today having produced
overall reduction in components results in a reduction of cost more than 11,000 GWh of electricity.
and of the thermal losses in the system.
The technology ceased to develop for a period of time
Throughout the day, the parabolic troughs are normally set and from 1990 until 2007 no further commercial scale
on tracking mode by electric motors driving through gearboxes, developments were commissioned. From 2007 to date a
or directly by hydraulic drives. Hydraulic drives, which provide further 464 MW of parabolic trough power plants have been
mechanical energy to move the collector, are currently the most commissioned, 400 MW of which was installed in Spain.
common tracking mechanism used.
An example of a recently completed project is the 50
Generally, the solar field comprises many collectors. Earlier, MW Solnova I project which is reported to have achieved
collector panels were connected to one another by flexible significant construction and alignment (tracking) technology
hosing, which facilitated movement between neighbouring improvements. In addition 1,310 MW of capacity is currently
under construction in Spain and the USA, with 7,960 MW at
[12] Sandia National Laboratories - National Solar Thermal Test Facility
the advanced planning stage, mainly in south-west USA.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 163

4.2.6 Losses

Losses within a parabolic trough plant arise from geometrical, power block efficiently, depending upon the heat transfer
optical and thermal factors. These losses, which are described fluid used. Thermal losses mainly consist of convection and
below, have to be given serious consideration during the design conduction losses to air and surrounding elements.
and siting stages of the plant development process.
The maximum theoretical efficiency of a steam turbine plant
Spacing between collectors must be adequate to minimise (or any other heat engine) is limited by the Carnot Efficiency,
shading losses, taking into account daily and seasonal variations defined as:
in the sun’s path. As well as lateral spacing, losses in the effective
tinlet steam - tcondenser outlet
collector length will also have to be taken into account in sizing ηCarnot=
tinlet steam
the solar field.
Optical and thermal losses will be present within the receiver ηCarnot = Carnot Efficiency, (%)
and will need to be accounted for when determining a plant’s
tinlet steam = Temperature of steam at inlet to turbine (K)
overall energy production. Optical losses are associated with the
reflectivity, transitivity, absorptivity (the fraction of incident tcondenser outlet = Temperature of water at outlet of condenser (K)
radiation that is absorbed) and beam irradiance inception factor
properties of the receivers, including thermal incidence angle. Actual efficiency will always be lower than the theoretical
maximum. As the steam temperature in a concentrating solar
Thermal losses and flow losses occur in the solar field plant is likely to be lower than in a conventional steam power
between the receivers and the power island, which places an plant, and condenser temperatures may also be higher, the
upper limit on the size of solar field which can supply each achievable efficiency is correspondingly lower.

13% 14%

6% Land Preparation


Thermal Oils
27% Tubes


11% Installation

Figure 9: Component Cost as a Percentage of Overall Plant Cost[13]

[[13] http://www.leonardo-energy.org/csp-training-course-5-lessons
164 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A


Installed Cost (1000 US$/MW)

8,000 Other
Site Infrastructure
6,000 Power block / Steam plant

4,000 Solar field / CSP Equipment


Figure 10: Installed Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant with Storage

Figure 10: Installed Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant with Storage

4.2.7 Costs

The following section explores the installed and generating on these inputs, the levelised cost of energy was US$377/
cost of a reference Parabolic Trough plant. MWh, with the largest component of this cost being capital
repayment on the cost of the project.
Figure 9 provides a high level overview of the cost of each
component in the solar field as a percentage of the overall cost The main opportunities for cost reduction have been
of the parabolic trough concentrator system. reported as:

The solar field accounts for around 60% to 80% of the

overall cost, while the power block (without energy storage)
accounts for around 10% to 15%. Energy storage, where Table 3: Parabolic Trough Reference Plant
required, typically comprises 15% to 20% of the cost. The Characteristics
remaining cost is required for the civil and electrical site Item
infrastructure and other development activities. Installed capacity 100 MW
Direct normal irradiance
Figure 10 and Figure 11 give the installed cost and 2.4 MWh/m2/yr
generating cost breakdowns for a 100 MW capacity reference Land area 400 ha
plant, based on the NREL SAM reference plant[14]. The
Capacity factor / load factor 38%
reference plant characteristics and main assumptions used
Energy yield 333 GWh/yr
to calculate the generating cost are given in Table 3. Based
Energy yield per hectare 0.83 GWh/yr/ha
8% discount rate, 20 year
Capital repayment

[14] NREL SAM model reference plant information from: Technical Report
NREL/TP-550-47605, July 2010; Parabolic Trough Reference Plant for Cost
Modelling with the Solar Advisor Model (SAM); C. Turchi.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 165


Generating Cost (US$/MWh)

250 Land Rent, Insurance

Fuel, water, losses
O&M cost
150 Capital Repayment



Figure 11: Generating Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant

Figure 11: Generating Cost of a Parabolic Trough Plant

• Optimal siting of plants; • Technological improvements across the range of

• Optimal sizing of plants: size may increase to 200
MW or 300 MW before losses in the solar field • Increased competition in supply chain; and
between the receivers and power island outweigh the
benefits of increased size; • Learning rate effects with increase in cumulative
built capacity, provided that build rate is sustained
• Increase in storage capacity and capacity factor; or increased.

Parabolic trough technology is currently the most established concentrated solar power technology. It can therefore be
considered to be of relatively low technology risk. The main application is utility scale power generation, although it is also used
for smaller scale power generation or process steam applications.

The relative maturity of this technology is an advantage, as this has allowed refinement of many elements of the system. A large
number of projects are currently in development, as seen in Section 4.2.5, reinforcing the technical viability of the technology.

Drawbacks include:

• shortage of manufacturers for key components (such as the power trough, receivers and mirrors) limits available
manufacturing capacity and increases supply lead times;

• limited maximum temperature, due to the limited concentration ratio achievable, which limits the maximum efficiency;

• requires to be installed on flat ground, typically with a slope of less than 3%.

Despite substantial financial support, the economic viability of this technology will depend greatly on the actual costs of
completing projects currently under construction, as well as the effects of expected future reductions in costs from this baseline.
166 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

4.3 Power Tower 4.3.1 Heliostat and the Tracking and Control
Power tower systems (see figure 12), also known as central
receiver systems (CRS), consist of: A heliostat is an instrument consisting of a mirror mounted
on a structure which allows the mirror to rotate. This allows
• a heliostat field; direct solar radiation to be steadily reflected in one direction,
• a tower and receiver; despite the movement of the sun. The heliostat should be
positioned so that the reflected ray is consistently orientated
• a power block; and towards the receiver.
• an optional thermal storage system.
Each heliostat is composed of a flat reflective surface,
The field of heliostats (flat, dual-axis tracking mirrors) a supporting structure and a solar tracking mechanism.
focuses direct normal solar radiation onto a receiver located Currently, the most commonly used reflective surface is the
at the top of a tower at the centre of the heliostat field. The glass mirror. Membrane technology is under development
receiver absorbs the concentrated radiation and transforms it consisting of a thin film reflective membrane stretched across
into thermal energy in a working fluid, which is then pumped a mounting structure. This technology is still in its infancy
to the power block. The power block generates steam (from and is not yet commercially available. Problems observed
the heated fluid) to drive a conventional steam turbine and with stretched membrane heliostats include the durability
generator to produce electricity. of the reflecting membrane and possible shape change of the
heliostats surface due to wind effects. Heliostat sizes vary
The temperatures achievable with power tower systems widely and aperture areas of up to 150 m2 have been assessed
are greater than those achievable through parabolic trough experimentally.
technology, and are in the region of 400-550°C. Temperatures
of up to 1000°C are being mooted for future plants that In order to function properly, the heliostats must be cleaned
will have demonstrable improvements in beam focussing at regular intervals as dirty heliostats can greatly reduce the
on the receiver. This would enable much higher efficiency efficiency of the entire system.
of conversion from heat to mechanical energy in the steam
turbine, and thence to electrical energy in the generator. One difficulty encountered with the Abengoa Solar PS10
pilot plant (in Spain) was related to the wind conditions
Although power tower technology is commercially less under which the heliostats could be utilised. In wind speeds
mature than parabolic trough technology, a number of greater than 10 m/s the heliostats must be stowed (secured in a
components and experimental systems were field tested as horizontal position) in order to avoid structural damage of the
early as the 1980s and early 1990s. components. Very high wind speeds could cause damage.

The principal components of power tower systems are The heliostat field is normally arranged to surround the
described in further detail in the following sections. power tower. The most common layouts utilise a full circular
field or a surrounding field in a north/south direction.

The tracking system comprises an elevation drive and an

azimuth drive which facilitate the movement of the heliostat
to track the path of the sun throughout the day. To activate the
A Guide For Developers and Investors 167

Figure 12: An Example of Solar Power Tower Technology

tracking, each heliostat has its own individual control system. Since the effectiveness of focussing irradiation on the receiver
The tracking algorithm takes into account various factors such diminishes when the heliostats are at too great a distance from
as the distance from the heliostat to the receiver. the receiver, large power projects may comprise of more than one
power tower, each with its own heliostat field.
4.3.2 Receiver, Heat Transfer Medium and Tower
Experimental projects, such as the 2 MW Eureka tower
The receiver transfers the concentrated solar energy reflected constructed by Abengoa Solar, are testing higher temperature
from the heliostats to the transfer medium. Dependent on the technologies to achieve increased efficiency.
technology, the receiver can be a boiler or steam drum. This
directly produces superheated steam at around 550°C and a 4.3.3 Examples in Industry
pressure of 160 bar for supply to the steam turbine or steam
storage tank (as in the case of the BrightSource technology[15]). Currently there is 44 MW of power tower capacity in
Alternatively, molten salt can be used as the heat transfer fluid operation, 416 MW under construction, and 1,291 MW at an
and heat storage medium – see Section 4.5 for further details advanced planning stage.
of heat storage and molten salts.
The first power towers to be built (of pre-commercial scale)
The tower supports the receiver, which needs to be located were the 10 MW Solar One and Solar Two plants in southern
at a certain height above the heliostats to avoid, or at least California. Both installations were developed as demonstration
reduce, shading and blocking of the heliostats. Tower heights plants. Solar One was operated from 1982 to 1988 and, after the
can vary from 50 metres to up to 165 metres depending on the initial test and evaluation phase, operated reliably.
distance of the heliostats from the tower.
In Solar One, the water was converted to steam in the receiver
and used directly to power a conventional Rankine cycle steam
[15] BrightSource website, technology section turbine. The heliostat field consisted of 1818 heliostats with an
168 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

aperture area of 39.3 m2. The plant generated power for eight In June 2010 the World Bank approved a $200m loan to
hours per day at summer solstice and four hours per day close co-finance a 100 MW power tower plant near Upington,
to winter solstice. Although Solar One demonstrated that South Africa.
power tower technology could be successful, it also revealed
the disadvantages of a water/steam system, such as intermittent In Rajasthan, India, ACME are commissioning a 10 MW
operation during cloud cover and the lack of thermal storage. plant, based on technology from eSolar (USA), and have plans
to scale up to production of 50 MW units and implementation
Solar Two was built to replace the original Solar One power of utility-scale projects.
tower. The aim of the re-designed Solar Two was to test
and validate the use of nitrate salt technology, to reduce the 4.3.4
technical and economic risk of power towers, and to stimulate
the commercialisation of power tower technology. The plant Conclusions
was built with sufficient thermal storage capacity to allow it
to operate at full capacity for up to 3 hours after the sun had Power tower technology is the second-most proven technology
set. The conversion of Solar One to Solar Two required a new for utility scale power generation after parabolic troughs.
molten salt heat transfer system including the receiver, thermal
storage, piping, steam generator and a new control system. Higher operating temperatures allow for higher performance
and hence potentially lower costs than parabolic troughs.
The first European plant and the first commercially However, there is very limited information available on costs
operational power tower plant to be installed was PS10, near which have been achieved, and on what is likely to be achieved
the Spanish city of Seville, which has a capacity of 11 MW. in the future; consequently, cost estimates remain uncertain.
This plant was installed by Abengoa Solar and was completed
in the first quarter of 2006. The project has a heliostat field of Many developers are now adopting receivers which produce
624 movable mirrors with a surface area of 120 m2. This field steam directly in the receiver, as this type of steam receiver is
concentrates the sun’s rays on the top of a 115 m tower where currently of lower cost and risk than molten salt receivers.
the solar receiver and steam turbine are located.
A major factor in the scalability, performance and cost of
A second plant, the 20 MW PS20, was installed in energy using power towers is the effectiveness with which
2009 next to PS10; the design of PS20 was based on the the heliostats focus the beam on the central receiver. This is
original PS10 plant and included a number of significant an area suitable for significant technical development and
improvements. These included a higher efficiency receiver, potential cost reduction.
various improvements in the control and operational systems
and a better thermal energy storage system. PS20 consists The terrain requirements for power tower plants are not as
of a solar field made up of 1,255 heliostats with an aperture restrictive as those for parabolic trough technology, and plants
area of 120 m2. This field concentrates solar irradiation on can be installed in areas with terrain gradients of up to 5%.
the top of a 162 m tower which produces steam to drive the
electrical generator. The actual costs of completing projects currently under
construction, combined with future reductions in costs from
Plants under construction and at an advanced planning this baseline will be key to economic viability of power tower
stage are dominated by large scale (29 to 200 MW) plants technology, even where substantial economic support is in place.
in the USA. In Europe, there is a 17 MW plant due for
commissioning in Spain in 2011.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 169

4.4 Parabolic Dish

Parabolic dish technology offers a highly efficient conversion

from solar energy to electrical energy, as well as full scalability.
However, installed costs are likely to be higher than the costs
of parabolic trough, Fresnel reflector and power tower systems.

There are two forms of parabolic dish: one concentrates

radiation on to a photovoltaic collector (concentrated PV or
CPV) whilst the other concentrates radiation on to a heat
receiver for a heat engine, which may be a Stirling engine or
Rankine cycle micro-turbine and generator. CPV is covered in
Section 4.9. Figure 13: An Example of a Parabolic Dish System
uses heat to vary the pressure inside a hydrogen-filled sealed
A total capacity of 3 MW of thermal parabolic dish systems
chamber, driving pistons to produce mechanical power. The
is in operation or construction, 387 MW can be considered
world’s highest solar-to-grid efficiency of 31.25% was achieved
to be at an advanced planning stage, with and a further 1,600
by Stirling Energy Systems in 2008[16].
MW at a less advanced stage. Most of the planned capacity
comprises three large projects proposed by Tessera Solar/
Stirling Energy Systems’ sister company, Tessera Solar, plans
Stirling Energy Systems.
to install 1.85 GW in south-west USA. Initial plans are to
install 10,000, 11.5 metre 25 kW solar dishes totalling 250
4.4.1 Stirling Engines MW. In subsequent projects, 850 MW and 750 MW would
be installed and in latter phases, Tessera / Stirling Energy
A Stirling system consists of a parabolic dish-shaped
Systems could increase project capacity by a further 1,750
collector, a receiver and a Stirling engine. The collector focuses
MW. If this is realised, the project would use up to 70,000
direct normal solar radiation on the receiver, which transfers
twelve metre diameter solar dishes. Investment is estimated to
heat to the engine’s working fluid to drive a generator.
be in the region of $1bn[16].

Stirling engines are available for various applications in a

The other principal players operating in the market are
wide range of sizes, configurations and levels of complexity.
Wizard Power which is developing the 40 MW SolarOasis
They have been under development over several decades. The
plant 4km north of Whyalla in South Australia using a
recent focus on small-scale Stirling engines has been for micro-
Rankine cycle engine, and Infinia who are developing Stirling
cogeneration applications, as well as the CSP application.
engine and dish technology. A 70 MW dish plant has been
At the small and micro-scale the engine configurations and
proposed for Spain.
details are simplified to minimise unit costs, but this needs to
be balanced against the resulting lower efficiency and possibly
Stirling engines may be of particular benefit in applications
reduced reliability or longevity.
such as water pumping, where mechanical work is required, to
drive a pump, rather than electricity for other purposes.
The principal advantage of a Stirling engine design for CSP
is that the focused heat from solar radiation is applied directly
[16] Stewart Taggart; CSP: dish projects inch forward; http://www.trec-uk.org.uk/
to the heat engine-generator unit. Dishes typically provide a articles/REF/ref0904_pg52_55.pdf (accessed 26/07/2010); renewable energy
focus July/August 2008
heat source at a temperature of 750ºC. The Stirling engine
170 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

4.4.2 4.5 Power Block

Conclusions Since parabolic trough is the most established technology,

the description of typical BoP will focus on this type of plant.
Implementation of parabolic dish projects for utility-scale
power generation is still at the demonstration stage. The power block of a CSP power plant is very similar to
that of a conventional thermal electricity generation plant and
Parabolic dish technology offers full scalability and flexibility their use and construction are considered proven technology
of siting. Each dish is self-contained and does not require level in the industry. The steam required to drive the turbine is
ground or close proximity to other dishes and hence is less generated via the heat transfer fluid and heat exchangers,
exacting in its siting needs. The ease of finding a site combined rather than by the combustion of fossil fuels.
with the relatively high solar to grid efficiency provides a basis
for ambitious plans for construction of large projects using Due to the generally lower temperatures of heat from CSP
tens of thousands of dish / Stirling engine units. plants compared with conventional combustion plants, and
the smaller size of the plant, the efficiency of the steam plant
However, rapid expansion is largely dependent, in the short is likely to be less for CSP than for conventional thermal
term, on the achievements of one developer. Completion of generation projects, as explained in Section 4.2.6. The number
the implementation cycle for commercial scale projects has yet of stages in the steam turbine may be less and the effectiveness
to be demonstrated and uncertainties include: of the condenser may also be reduced (see Section 4.7).

• Performance of production units, including efficiency The power system boiler is largely designed on a project-
and reliability specific basis and requirements depend on the characteristics of
• Ramp up of serial production of the units, including the CSP technology used.
quality and costs
Turbines are supplied by established manufacturers, such as
• Longevity of units.
Siemens, GE, Alstom or MAN Turbo. The Siemens SST-700
• Overall costs for construction of the site steam turbine, with a capacity of up to 175 MW is commonly
infrastructure, including the foundations, access, and used for CSP applications. However, a specific CSP system
electrical connections for the numerous dish units. steam turbine has not been released at this time.
• Robustness of implementation plans, costing and
commercial case. Due to the nature of CSP, the heat exchangers/boilers and
turbines are subject to significantly more thermal cycling
(heating and cooling) than conventional steam plants, which
run for long periods at a time without outages. This cycling
reduces the lifetime of the heat exchangers / boilers and can
cause wear and damage to the turbine if the steam quality is
not maintained. Low temperature steam turbines which are
being proposed for larger solar fields or direct steam systems
may not be well tested technology solutions.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 171





Advance planning




Parabolic Parabolic Power Tower Power Tower
Trough without Trough with without with Storage
Storage Storage Storage
Figure 14: Implementation of Energy Storage in CSP Plants

4.6 Energy Storage and Supplementary Heating

4.6.1 Overview
The choice of whether or not to include energy storage
Energy storage is an established option for parabolic trough depends on local market conditions.
and power tower plants. Figure 14 compares the uptake of
CSP plants with and without energy storage. To date, in the south-west USA, parabolic trough plants
have typically been installed without energy storage as the solar
CSP with thermal energy storage, hydro with resource is coincident with times of peak load (largely due to
impoundment, and biomass are the only established air conditioning). However, some parabolic trough projects
renewable power generation technologies which offer load under construction, such as the 280 MW Solana project, and
matching capability[17]. It will become increasingly important other large projects being planned for the south-west USA,
for plants to offer this capability as both the need to reduce will incorporate energy storage.
reliance on combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants and
the increasing proliferation of wind and solar power will In contrast, in Spain the feed-in tariff mechanism has
reduce overall load matching capacity in power grids. This will encouraged the use of energy storage and the technology has
ensure further financial premium to support power plants with become established in parabolic trough plants.
energy storage.
Power tower plants tend to include energy storage although
direct steam plants such as the Ivanpah plants in the USA
[17] Excepting coincident resource with load demand, curtailment of generation,
and use of separate energy storage plants such as pumped hydro or hydrogen. (370 MW) may not have energy storage.
172 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

Energy storage in CSP plants was first demonstrated transferring the storage medium from the cold tank for heating
by Solar One and Solar Two 10 MW power towers; it has from the solar field.
also been demonstrated in a number of 50 MW parabolic
trough plants, the first of which was the Andasol 1 plant Molten salt is the current storage medium of choice,
commissioned in 2008. Current parabolic trough plants with although it has drawbacks, primarily logistical, as handling
storage typically have between 6 to 8 hours energy storage is complicated. The molten salts used for energy storage,
at full plant capacity. Some power tower plants have up to and sometimes for heat transfer in CSP plants typically
15 hours storage. Such storage is sufficient to accommodate comprise nitrate salt mixtures of 60% sodium nitrate and
daily variation in solar irradiance and load demands, and 40% potassium nitrate. The use of calcium nitrate is a future
enables the capacity factor of parabolic troughs to be increased possibility. The use of molten salts as a heat transport fluid is
from 23-28% without storage to 36-41% with storage. well established in the chemicals and metals industries.
Capacity factors for power tower plants range from 24% to
67%, the lower figures relating to plants without storage, while Innovation in storage media continues, including use of
the higher figures are from the Solar Tres / Gemasolar plant, pressurised steam, specialised salts such as liquid fluoride
which has storage. salts, phase change materials, thermo-chemical storage using
ammonia, solids such as concrete or graphite, and hydrogen.
It should be noted that overall energy output is likely to be Short-term energy storage may be provided using pressurised
reduced as a consequence of incorporating a storage system, steam where the heat transfer fluid is direct steam, such as the
but the system and economic benefits of the output matching 0.5 hours storage in the 64 MW Nevada Solar 1 parabolic
demand in real time may outweigh these losses. The higher trough plant and the 1.0 hour storage provided in the 11 MW
capacity factors from storage-equipped plants are likely to PS10 and 20 MW PS20 power towers.
reflect a smaller turbine running at a higher percentage output
for more hours. 4.6.3 Supplementary Heating (Use of Natural
Gas or LPG)
4.6.2 Storage Medium (Including Molten Salts)
The freezing of salts in storage tanks and circuits must be
Heat storage using a liquid storage medium typically prevented, both overnight and during maintenance outages
comprises two tanks: a hot tank and a cold tank. During high when heat is not supplied from the solar collectors and there
solar irradiance, excess heat from the solar field is transferred is insufficient residual heat in the fluid, as the freezing points
to the storage medium which is then transferred to the hot of the salt solutions are typically above 200°C, and hence
tank. During low solar irradiance and high load demand, heat well above ambient temperatures. This is generally achieved
from the hot tank is transferred to drive the steam turbine. through the use of natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas
The storage medium is transferred to the cold tank once the (LPG) for direct heating or electrical heating.
heat has been extracted from it. The cycle is completed by
A Guide For Developers and Investors 173

4.6.4 Costs

Partly due to the necessity for heating to prevent freezing of Thermal storage has been reported to add 5% or US$50/
molten salts and to provide essential back-up power, and also MWh to the generating costs of CSP. However, given
to improve project economics, the use of natural gas or LPG variations in plant configuration, technical developments,
is generally permitted by feed-in tariff mechanisms to generate changes in the costs of CSP technologies (including the solar
up to a specified proportion of the total power generated. For field, storage, and steam power plant), and value of peak
example the tariff system in Spain allows up to 15% of power electricity, the economic case for inclusion of energy storage
to be generated from fossil fuels, and the SEGS plants in the should be assessed on a project by project basis, and in relation
USA are permitted to use natural gas to supply up to 25% of to local electricity demand patterns.
the heat energy into the turbines. Since continuity of power
generation and ability to meet transient loads significantly 4.6.5
increases the value of electricity sales, operators generally use
natural gas or LPG to generate power up to these limits and Conclusions
export the excess output that is not required for essential self-
loads. For example, generation from fossil fuels may be used Molten salts storage is technically proven but may
in the evening or in the early hours once storage has depleted. be considered to be at an early stage of commercial
This is much more cost-effective than increasing the size of demonstration.
solar field or storage, and hence significantly improves the
overall project economics. As thermal storage experience grows, it is likely that
the operational flexibility of CSP will be broadened with
In hybrid CSP plants, generation from natural gas is subsequent positive impacts on the economics.
combined with solar energy generation. Natural gas may be
used to increase the steam temperature above that provided 4.7 Cooling and Water Consumption
from the solar field, to increase the efficiency of the steam
power plant. In the case of integrated solar combined 4.7.1 Cooling Options
cycle plants, generation from natural gas is dominant and
a combined cycle gas turbine and steam turbine is used to In common with conventional steam turbine power
maximise generation efficiency from the natural gas – this is generation plants, all CSP plants used for power generation
discussed in Section 4.8. condense the steam exhausting from the steam turbine. This is
necessary to achieve an acceptable efficiency when converting
heat energy to mechanical energy, and to enable most of the
purified water to be re-circulated back to the feed system and
steam generators. As explained in Section 4.2.6, achieving a
lower condenser temperature directly increases the theoretical
efficiency limit of a turbine system.
174 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

4.7.2 Water Consumption

The main cooling options for the condenser are summarised Conventional CSP plants such as parabolic troughs and
in Table 4. Although dry cooling uses less water, initial power towers typically consume large volumes of water for
capital costs are higher. Wet cooling is the most cost effective cooling to condense steam, provide make-up water for the
approach in water rich areas. Dry cooling should be considered steam cycle, and for mirror washing. Water requirements for
for water-stressed areas. different CSP technologies are given in Table 5.

Table 4: Condenser Cooling Options

Category Condenser cooling method Water and energy use Application
Evaporative cooling in natural 5% of cooling water typically lost
through evaporation. Common in large scale power plants.
draft cooling towers.
Wet Evaporative cooling using forced Air / evaporation temperature in hot
draft with down-flowing water in climates may reduce steam cycle efficiency Most common form for CSP plants.
box type structure. but not as severely as with dry cooling.
Fan loads 0.5% to 1.5% of power More adaptable to power towers than
generation. parabolic troughs.
Air cooled condenser. Steam is
condensed in a closed system Air temperature in hot climates reduces Plant costs are 5% greater than those of
Dry including radiator, with heat steam cycle efficiency. wet evaporative cooling.
extracted via high forced air flow
Overall electricity generation reduced Overall generating costs typically 10%
over finned tubes.
by 5-7% compared with wet evaporative higher than that of wet evaporative
cooling. cooling.
Wet section used in “hot” season /
conditions to maintain reasonable
Cooling tower with dry or air efficiency. Due to its complexity, this option is only
Hybrid cooled section above wet or water Dry section used in “cold” season / likely to be applicable to larger scale CSP
cooled section. conditions that may reduce water plants.
consumption to around 50% of that used
during wet cooling.
Lowest cost cooling system. Preferred
Direct cooling from ocean, lake, option for power plants which can be sited
Lowest energy use and highest steam by sea, for example nuclear power plants.
river, cooling ponds, or recycled
Direct cycle efficiency if low temperature cooling
grey water (wastewater) through No known CSP plants using direct cooling
source available.
heat exchanger. to date except Palmdale plant in which it is
planned to use recycled wastewater.
A Guide For Developers and Turbine
Investors 175
Fuel Gas


Waste Heat Condenser

Gas Turbine
Recovery System

High Pressure

Solar Steam
Expansion Generator
Vessel Deaerator
Feedwater Low Pressure

Figure 15: ISCC Plant Schematic[20]

As the locations with the best solar resource are typically existing thermal power plants or as part of a new hybrid
in arid areas, the supply of water can be a costly and complex installation. This is known as Integrated Solar Combined-
exercise. Alternatives to water cooling should therefore be Cycle (ISCC). All combined cycle plants falling under this
considered. Such methods are discussed in Section 4.7.1. The category use gas turbines in conjunction with steam turbines
US Department of Energy (DoE) reports that dry cooling as the established conventional thermal power plant known
requires approximately 350 litres per MWh for either type of as Combined Cycled Gas Turbine (CCGT). A typical ISCC
plant. Hybrid wet/dry systems are also being developed which plant schematic is provided in Figure 15.
balance water usage against cost and yield loss.
Two different thermodynamic cycles, a gas-turbine Brayton
All systems require water for mirror washing; this is typically cycle and a steam-turbine Rankine cycle, are combined in
in the region of 60 to 90 litres/MWh. a single system through a Heat Recovery Steam Generator
(HRSG). Fuel is combusted in the gas turbine in the
4.8 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle conventional way, and the hot exhaust gas goes through the
HRSG. Here the energy from the gas generates and superheats
It is possible to combine a solar thermal plant with a fossil steam to be used in the steam turbine cycle. In ISCC plants
fuelled thermal generation plant, either by integrating with solar heat from CSP technology is integrated either at high

Table 5: Water Requirements for Different CSP Plant Types

Plant type Water demand, l/MWh[18,19]
Parabolic trough, water-cooled condenser 2700-3500
Fresnel reflector Up to 3800
Power tower, water-cooled condenser 1900-2300
Parabolic dish (water required for mirror washing only) 60-90
CPV (water required for mirror washing only) 60-90

[18] CSP Today article – Cost efficiency Vs water usage, and US DoE Power Electricity Generation; http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/pdfs/csp_
[19] US Department of Energy (2001); Concentrating Solar Power Commercial water_study.pdf (accessed 26/07/2010)
Application Study: Reducing Water Consumption of Concentrating Solar [20] Graphic courtesy Abengoa Solar.
176 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

pressure in the HRSG or directly in the low pressure casing of Due to these advantages much of the CSP capacity outside
the steam turbine. The general concept is an oversized steam the USA and Spain is made up of ISCC plants; a selection
turbine, using solar heat for steam generation and gas turbine of projects that are currently under construction or recently
waste heat for preheating and superheating steam[21]. completed is listed in Table 6.

Similar to conventional CCGT, the gas turbine is operated

to match electricity demand on the grid, ensuring higher value
Table 6: Examples of ISCC Plants
of the electricity generated. Night running increases the load Parabolic trough CCGT Capacity
factor for the steam turbine and condensing plant compared capacity (MW) (MW)
with a solar-only system, so improving economics. Since Ain Beni Mathar, 20 452
the fossil fuelled gas turbine and its waste heat to the steam Morocco
turbine provide both peak load-matching and continuity of Hassi R’Mel, 25 130
supply, ISCC plants do not utilise heat storage. Algeria
Kuraymat, Egypt 20 115
All ISCC plants to date use parabolic trough technology
Martin County, 85 Existing 450MW
in the solar field. The CCGT power plant typically has a
Florida, USA
generating capacity of five to twenty times that which would
be supplied by the solar field on its own.
4.9 Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)
The steam temperatures provided from the gas turbine
CPV uses concentrating optics to focus light onto small,
exhaust through the HRSG are higher than can often be
high efficiency cells (see Figure 16 & 17). These high
achieved from CSP solar fields, which enables higher efficiency
efficiency cells are more expensive than the cells used in
operation of the steam turbine overall. Furthermore, it is cost
normal photovoltaic plants due to the higher efficiency and
effective for the larger scale steam turbine to have more stages
operating temperatures required. The concept is to reduce
than a small-scale steam turbine for a CSP-only power plant,
the cost of electricity by minimising the amount of expensive
providing a further increase in steam turbine efficiency. Hence,
photovoltaic material required; the cost of the silicon cells
the solar energy to electricity conversion is more efficient.
typically comprises more than half of the module cost.

The cost of the steam turbine, condenser, grid connection,

With research cell efficiencies of over 40%, CPV is the most
and site infrastructure are shared with CCGT power plant.
efficient of all the PV technologies. Efficiencies have been
The incremental costs for a larger steam turbine, the condenser
increasing by approximately 1% per annum and are expected
and cooling system are much less than the overall unit cost in
to peak between 45% and 50%.
a solar only plant, and an integrated plant does not have the
thermal inefficiencies associated with the daily steam turbine
4.9.1 Manufacturers and Examples from
start-up and shut-down.

[21] A. Fernandez-Garcia, E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, M. Perez (December 2009): Installed capacity of CPV remains low. Only four
Parabolic-trough solar collectors and their applications;
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VMY- companies, Amonix, ENTECH, Guascor Foton and SolFocus,
rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ have installed plants of more than 1 MW. Amonix-Guascor
version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=8452154&md5=dae73bcebffd373c8a Foton, a joint venture, built the largest CPV plant at Parques
628c8a942157eb (accessed 26/07/2010); Renewable and Sustainable Energy Solares de Navarra, 7.8 MW, in 2008.
Reviews, Volume 14, Issue 7, September 2010, Pages 1695-1721
A Guide For Developers and Investors 177

Secondary Mirror

Primary Mirror

Optical Rod Multi-Junction Solar Cell

Figure 16: Illustration of Typical CPV Concentrating Mechanism Figure 17: Example of SolFocus CPV Installation

4.10 Linear Fresnel Reflector

Suncore Photovoltaics, a joint venture between Emcore and Linear Fresnel reflectors differ from parabolic troughs in that
San’an Optoelectronics, is pursuing multiple projects as part the absorber is fixed in space above the slightly curved or flat
of the 280 MW solar energy plan recently announced by the Fresnel reflector. Several mirrors are fitted into the system, all
Chinese Government[22]. of which focus their energy on the central line-receiver. In some
cases a small parabolic mirror is added to the top of the receiver
4.9.2 CPV Advantages and Disadvantages to further focus the sunlight.

The principal advantages of CPV are that it requires water The options for siting and orientation of linear Fresnel plant
for cleaning purposes only, is modular and is more flexible are similar to those for parabolic trough plant. A flat land
than thermal CSP in terms of site requirements. Like parabolic area is required, and it is usual to orientate the reflectors in a
dishes, CPV systems can be installed at sites with undulating north-south direction, in order to maximise sunlight captured
terrain. throughout the day.

Commercialisation of CPV is held back by the availability Linear Fresnel reflector technology has historically operated at
of concentrator cells. A number of new companies with the lowest temperature of the available CSP technologies.
the capability for epitaxial (single-crystal) growth of multi-
junction cells have started competing with the established 4.10.1 Applications and Examples
manufacturers Emcore[23] and Spectrolab. The availability of
cells is expected to increase rapidly following the entry of these Implementation of linear Fresnel plants has been led by Areva
new suppliers. Solar (previously Ausra, USA), with the 0.36 MW Liddell plant
in Australia commissioned in 2007 and the 5 MW Kimberlina
Although some standards are available, many key areas are plant commissioned in 2008. Areva Solar (Ausra) technology
not covered in comparison with conventional PV. The most has been designed for application in utility-scale solar and solar
critical of the required standards is ‘IEC 61853, Photovoltaic hybrid plants, steam augmentation and industrial processes such
(PV) module performance testing and energy rating’, which as desalination and food processing. The overall concept was to
has been in draft for over two years. In the absence of this design the technology to be utilised at the MW scale, although
standard, nameplate energy ratings are debatable and hence
some investors have lower confidence in CPV technology than
[22] Emcore is the only vertically integrated CPV product provider at present, see:
in conventional PV. In certain situations financing risk may be http://www.euroinvestor.co.uk/news/story.aspx?id=11207570
reduced if CPV is installed alongside a mature technology such [23] yourrenewablenews.com; EMCORE enters into multi-year agreement to
supply Solar systems for utility scale power projects in US; http://www.
as flat plate crystalline PV in a hybrid installation. yourrenewablenews.com/news_item.php?newsID=4085
178 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

Areva Solar may be withdrawing from the construction of buildings for hospitals, factories and schools. These companies
large utility power plants to focus on heat plants for industrial may develop and scale up their technologies for applications
processes or smaller scale generation projects (up to 50 MW) such as process heat, desalination and power generation
where the permitting process is more straightforward. in the future.

The second major player in utility scale linear Fresnel 4.10.2 Reflector and Structure
plants is Novatec Biosol which is currently constructing the
30 MW Puerto Errado 2 (PE2) project. This follows the The mirrors utilised in linear Fresnel technology are
commissioning of their 1.4 MW Puerto Errado 1 (PE1) generally manufactured from float glass and have a thickness of
project in Murcia, Spain in 2009. around 1-2 mm. This allows the mirror to be sourced from a
number of manufacturers worldwide, unlike those of parabolic
Other companies such as UK based Heliodynamics troughs where precision bent mirrors are required. Fresnel
have developed and implemented facility scale systems for mirrors are relatively cheap to procure at around $9.8 and
applications where the solar heat is used directly, without 3 kg per square metre, which corresponds to approximately
conversion to electricity, for air conditioning and cooling in one third of the weight of a parabolic trough mirror.

Figure 18: Kimberlina solar thermal energy plant, installed by AREVA Solar (USA)
A Guide For Developers and Investors 179

The structures for mounting the mirror systems in linear
Fresnel systems are simpler than other CSP technologies Conclusions
allowing a higher volume of automated manufacture. As the
In the near term, it appears that linear Fresnel
mirrors do not need to support the weight of the receiver, the
technology is most likely to be implemented
overall weight of the structure can be reduced in comparison
in heat, rather than electricity generation
to parabolic trough technology. As linear Fresnel systems use
applications, where its lower cost can more than
mirrors located close together within a few metres of ground
outweigh its lower performance compared with the
level, the wind has a reduced effect on the structure, allowing
other CSP technologies.
for a lighter structure to be used. When not in use, the mirrors
can turn upside down for further protection from the wind,
Its use for utility scale power generation is likely to
sand storms or hail.
depend on:
4.10.3 Receiver and Heat Transfer
• The commercial success of the Puerto Errado
2 (PE2) project and a small number of other
Linear Fresnel reflector plants use steam as the heat proposed projects.
transfer fluid.
• Commercial success of small scale applications,
economies of serial production, and transfer of
The receiver of the Areva Solar / Ausra system is made from
technology and production from small scale to
steel tubes with heat absorption coating. Water is vaporised larger scale units.
within the receiver tube. The steam is piped directly to the
required application, whether it is for electricity generation, • Technology improvements and cost reductions
steam augmentation or industrial processes. This allows for achieved for other CSP technologies.
the elimination of expensive receivers, performance reducing • Continuing substantial economic support for
heat exchangers, and the costly transfer fluids that are CSP power generation.
required by parabolic trough technology. The simplification
of components required by the technology means they can be
sourced from a variety of manufacturers.

Novatec Biosol proposes to use evacuated tubes supplied by

Schott on its future projects. These are similar to those used
by parabolic troughs, which will enable superheated steam
with a temperature of 450ºC to be supplied, compared with a
temperature of 270ºC in previous plants.

Due to the lightweight nature, the simplicity of the receiver

and carrier and the absence of environmentally hazardous heat
transfer fluids, the installation of a linear Fresnel solar field
is much simpler than that of parabolic troughs. The modular
design of the reflector and receiver units and prefabricated
components reduce the need for skilled labour, particularly in
small scale plants for heat applications.
180 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

As discussed in Section 3, CSP technology can only capture Fresnel reflectors. An average slope of 3% or less is preferable
the direct normal irradiance (DNI) component of the solar for parabolic troughs and linear Fresnel reflectors, and 5%
resource. This is a primary driver in site selection. Prime CSP for power towers . Parabolic dishes and CPV, due to their
locations typically require DNI exceeding 2,200 kWh/m2 modularity, can be installed on steeper slopes. CSP may
per year. The site screening threshold should be determined require less land area per MWh than PV, depending on the
taking into account the envisaged technology, plant design, technologies employed.
and region-specific factors such as the cost of grid connection,
power prices, and the additional economic support which will A far greater quantity of water is required for parabolic
be available. When considering a technology for a specific site, troughs, power towers and linear Fresnel reflectors than for
the following factors should be considered: solar PV plant, due to the need for turbine condenser cooling.
Depending on whether dry or wet cooling is employed, a
• Nature and scale of energy generation plant, for large quantity of water is required and therefore a local water
example utility scale power generation or process source at an environmentally acceptable and economic price is
steam augmentation. essential.
• Land availability providing sufficient direct
irradiation and area which is within slope limits 6. ENERGY YIELD PREDICTION
for the candidate technologies. If land availability
is limited this may indicate a preference for a high 6.1 Site Conditions and Data Measurements
efficiency technology to capture, convert and
generate the required amount of energy. As for PV plants, predicting a plant’s energy yield begins
• Economic support available and affordability. with quantifying the available solar resource. Accuracy is
Minimum generation cost ($/MWh) will generally crucial in this area, due to the CSP requirement for clear skies
determine the final choice of technology, irrespective and high DNI.
of energy capture and conversion efficiencies.

• Load matching requirements, and value of peak Depending on the location, DNI constitutes between 50%
energy, will determine the choice of energy storage and 90% of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), and varies
system and its capacity. considerably in time and location. Annual DNI can vary
by up to 30% from one year to the next, so irradiance data
• Water availability is likely to determine the choice of
should be measured over as long a period as possible in order
condensing system.
to increase the confidence in the long-term prediction. DNI
Regions with high levels of airborne dust, haze or smog data availability varies greatly by location, and local data may
are not suitable. This often rules out sites near large cities, not be available. The availability of local data will determine
particularly in arid developing nations. Higher altitudes lead how much site data is required, but one year is considered a
to clearer skies and higher DNI, so accessible high altitude minimum. Measure-correlate-predict (MCP) methods can
locations can be considered. then be used to compare satellite and local meteorological data
against site measurements. Use of satellite data on its own can
CSP also generally requires land with minimal gradient, result in over-estimation of energy yield due to the effects of
although parabolic dishes and power tower technology are near-ground haze which may not be measured by satellite.
not as sensitive to slope as are parabolic troughs or linear
A Guide For Developers and Investors 181

6.3 Energy Yield Modelling

Ambient temperature and relative humidity should be Several computer based energy yield and optimisation
measured. The site wind speed is also important, as the software tools have been developed to model the performance
plant may need to shut down when wind speeds exceed a of a variety of photovoltaic systems (including CPV) and
certain limit. concentrating solar power (CSP) systems including parabolic
trough, power tower, and dish-Stirling systems.
The energy yield prediction must therefore be based on
measurement and analysis of the solar resource and other Two categories of models can be found: physical models
conditions at the site combined with a detailed analysis of the based on heat transfer and thermodynamic principles, and
proposed technology, including thermodynamic modelling of empirical models based on data obtained from performance
the plant design. analysis of installed systems. Although physical models are
generally more flexible than empirical models, for which
6.2 Technology Characteristics only a limited range of system components can be included,
they also add more uncertainty to performance predictions
Each CSP technology has its own energy yield than empirical models. Models used for each technology are
characteristics. A difference when conducting energy yield described below.
analysis for CSP, as opposed to PV, is the added dimension
of the thermal conversion technology (with the exception of • CPV – models typically use the plant layout,
parabolic dishes). CSP requires that thermal inertia and the technical specifications for the PV modules and
inverters, tracking parameters and weather data for
efficiency of the Rankine cycle steam turbine is accounted
the site.
for. This, in turn, depends upon the form of cooling system
employed. However, unlike PV, CSP does not lose efficiency • Parabolic Trough – models typically use the plant
due to degradation over time, or losses in inverters. Higher design and layout, optical and technical parameters
ambient temperatures generally increase efficiency, providing for the collectors, receivers, power block, heat transfer
fluid, thermal storage system (if any) and cooling
that the condenser performance is not adversely affected,
system, as well as control parameters and weather
data for the site.
Modelling of candidate technology systems for a particular
project therefore needs careful consideration. Whereas • Power Tower – models typically use the heliostat
empirical guides based on previous project experience can be configuration, technical parameters for the tower,
receivers, power block, thermal storage system
used for preliminary scoping, proper definition of the project
(if any) and cooling system, as well as control
and performance modelling will require detailed information parameters and weather data for the site.
and analysis of:
• Dish-Stirling – models typically use the solar field
• Site conditions and resource data. layout, technical parameters for the collectors,
receivers and Stirling engine, and weather data for
• Site layout for each technology. the site.

• Thermodynamic modelling of each candidate

technology system.
182 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

7. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 7.2.2 Load Matching Generation

7.1 Overview Load matching options for CSP plants (excluding CPV) are
considered in Table 7, indicating the relative size of the steam
For commercial projects completed to date, few major turbine and heat storage for a given size of solar field.
project problems have been reported in the public domain.
It can be considered that the base technology, at least for At present the cost of the solar field and storage are more
parabolic trough plants is proven. significant than variations in size of the steam power plant,
and other plant such as natural gas fired plant provides peak
Engineer Procure Construct (EPC), Design Build Operate power. Hence most current plants follow an intermediate load
(DBO), or Build Own Operate (BOO) contracting strategies matching regime.
are all established in the CSP sector. However, long term
operating experience is confined to Florida Power Limited’s 7.2.3 Solar Multiple
SEGS plants in the USA.
The ratio of installed capacity of the steam turbine to the
There are very large cost uncertainties and some planned size of solar field varies with the project design, particularly
projects are on hold or being redeveloped as PV solar depending on the integration of storage.
generation projects due to relative costs, economic support,
and uncertainties. The solar multiple is defined as:

As with any industry that depends on government policy to Actual area of Solar Field
set subsidies, there is potential for a boom and bust cycle in Area required to operate turbine at design output at time of
the CSP industry, unless consistent support is available with maximum solar irradiance
appropriate long-term tapered reductions.
Plants without storage have an optimal solar multiple
7.2 Design of roughly 1.1 to about 1.5 (up to 2.0 for linear Fresnel
Reflector plants), depending primarily on the amount of
Various technology-specific design characteristics have been irradiation the plant receives and its variation through the day.
considered in Section 4. Some of the main design parameters Plants with large storage capacities may have solar multiples
for CSP projects in general are considered here. of up to 3 to 5.

7.2.1 Project Size and Land Area 7.2.4 Capacity Factor

Whilst many current CSP projects are of 50 MW capacities, Currently the capacity factors of parabolic trough plants
many reports indicate a capacity of 200 MW would be more generally fall in the range of 23-28% without storage and
cost-effective. A rule of thumb indicator for the ratio of 36-41% with storage. Capacity factors for power tower
installed capacity to land area is around 0.3 MW/ha. plants range from 24% to 67% with the lower end of the
range applying to plants without storage and the higher
figure applying to the Solar Tres / Gemasolar plant which
includes storage.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 183

Improvements in effectiveness of storage should enable • High grade heat enables more efficient conversion
capacity factors to be increased in the future. However, since of heat energy to mechanical energy (and thence to
the capacity of the plant is not directly determined by the size electrical energy) in the steam turbine.
of the solar field, an increase in capacity factor does not usually 7.3 Development
give a proportionate reduction in generating costs.
Development requirements will be highly specific to the
7.2.5 Grade of Heat region and regulatory regime for planning and permitting in
the region, including specific regulations applying to land use,
The grade of heat refers to the temperature and pressure of
water use, and power / renewable energy projects.
the heat transfer fluid delivered from the receiver to the heat
storage or steam power plant after transfer losses. The grade of The size of the project may be a major factor in determining
heat is important since: the regulatory regime which applies and hence the time and
likelihood of progressing projects through the planning and
• High grade heat may enable more effective and lower
cost heat storage; and permitting process.

Table 7: Load Matching Options

Load matching regime Capacity of steam turbine Capacity of storage Factors favouring application
Locations where air
conditioning or cooling plant
Intermediate load – coincident provide high proportion of grid
Medium Minimum load.
solar irradiation and loads
Projects where minimum
investment cost is required.
Supply evening loads.
Intermediate load – delayed
Medium Medium Common solution with current
storage costs.
High peak power price
Peak load Large Large
Low cost storage technology
High power price premium for
continuous generation.
Base load Minimum Large
Low cost solar field and storage
technologies available.
184 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX A

7.4 Engineering, Procurement and Construction

The CSP sector is dominated by several solar energy • Parabolic trough mirrors – Flabeg, Rioglass;
technology companies and affiliates who are experienced in:
• Parabolic trough receiver tubes – Solel (now owned
by Siemens), Schott;
• CSP technologies;
• Steam turbines for CSP projects – the market
• CSP project development; and
currently appears to be dominated by Siemens.
• Undertaking or managing CSP projects on an
EPC basis. 7.5 Uncertainties and Risks

Examples of solar energy technology / EPC companies Large uncertainties remain for the future of CSP both in
for parabolic trough developments active in Spain and USA the short and long term. Some of the major uncertainties are
include: summarised in this section.

• Acciona Solar; 7.5.1 Achieving Performance Improvements

• Abengoa Solar / Abener;
Many of the projected cost reductions for CSP rely on
• Solar Millennium; and achieving performance improvements in the technology.
Uncertainties include:
• Solel – now bought by Siemens, and showing interest
in CSP steam turbine market.
• Extent of further improvements in alignment
Similarly, examples of companies involved in power tower technologies;
developments include: • Increase in cost-effectiveness of heat transfer using
different heat transfer fluids, or the limits heat
• Abengoa Solar / Abener; transfer imposes on scale-up of project size; and
• Bright Source Energy; • Effective feedback from projects recently completed
or currently under construction into new projects
• Torresol; and
soon to commence construction, to enable successful
• eSolar. technical developments and lessons learned to be
For CPV, the only companies that have installed plants of
greater than 1 MW capacity are Amonix, ENTECH, Guascor
7.5.2 Realising Learning Rate Effects
Foton and SolFocus.
Projections for long term cost reductions for CSP rely to a
large extent on learning rate assumptions. In order for these
Technology divisions could be owned by an energy company
reductions to be realised there must be:
with construction subsidiaries. The aim of the subsidiaries
would be to develop and construct projects using whatever
• Continuity of technical development;
technology is most likely to receive development permits,
while being economically viable for the company. • Sustained and continuous build rate, taking
into account actual costs and economic support
Manufacturers of key specialist components are limited in mechanisms which will be visible and bankable
in future;
number. Some of them include:
A Guide For Developers and Investors 185

• Sufficient proportion of the value of the plant which market volume will be required to attract new supply
can be expected to be subject to learning rate effects; companies into the market.

• The percentage learning rate effect which is predicted 7.5.4 Short Term Cost Uncertainties
must be realistic.
Other cost uncertainties include:
7.5.3 Supply Chain Competition
• Commodity price variations; and
Cost projections for CSP often assume increasing
• Project development and construction cost
competition in the supply chain. However, there is currently
uncertainties (typically greater than ±30%) remaining
low diversity of supply of specialist components, and sustained
once preliminary project design is defined.

8. Conclusions
For all CSP technologies in the foreseeable future, substantial economic support will be required for project economic viability, through
a support mechanism specifically designed to support CSP projects. Hence the first requirement for bankability is the availability of such
support, including commitment to provide revenue support at a defined level and for the period necessary to achieve appropriate project

For utility scale power production, parabolic trough is considered to be the most bankable CSP thermal technology, due to its
operational track record, which gives it a moderate technology risk (low relative to other CSP technologies). However, actual project
construction costs are currently very high and show a very large range. The actual completion costs of projects currently under
construction will be key to providing the basis for acceptable financial risk.

Power tower technology is considered to be the second most bankable CSP thermal technology based on operational experience of 44
MW projects over the last 1 to 3 years, and current project construction experience, which gives it a medium technology risk. As with
parabolic trough, actual project construction costs are currently very high and show a very large range. The actual completion costs of
projects currently under construction will be key to providing the basis for future financing.

Parabolic dish technology has been demonstrated at unit level for dishes of 25 kW capacity. However, the construction of a large array of
dishes to form a commercial scale project has yet to be completed. Bankability of this technology in the short term will be reliant on the
success of one technology and project developer partnership, namely Tessera / Stirling Energy Systems (SES), in taking its plans forward.
There is insufficient actual construction experience to confirm costs at this stage.

Linear Fresnel technology and project development is currently being aimed at smaller-scale building-integrated, process steam, or
desalination applications, although there are some technical developments currently being undertaken which could make it more
competitive with parabolic trough for utility-scale generation. Until this is demonstrated pre-commercially, linear Fresnel technology is
not considered bankable for utility-scale power generation. There is insufficient actual construction experience to confirm costs of utility-
scale projects at this stage.

Concentrating PV is currently perceived as a relatively high risk investment compared to other solar technologies. Reasons for this
include a lack of standardisation and certification, lack of volume production, and lack of an established supply chain with demonstrated
capability. Financing risk may be reduced if CPV is installed alongside a mature technology such as flat plate crystalline PV in a hybrid
186 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX B

Appendix B

AC Benchmarks

Table 1: Cable Specification

Manufacturer XXX
Model XXX
Conductor nominal cross-section 50mm2
Core number 1
Conductor type Rm
Insulation thickness 5.5mm
Sheath thickness 2.5mm
External diameter 33mm
Maximum conductor operating temperature 90°C
Nominal voltage Uo 12 kV
Nominal voltage U 20 kV
Conductor material Copper litz wire, bare
Core insulation Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) Suitable for outdoor use
Standards compliance DIN VDE 0276 part 620, HD 620 S1 , IEC 60502

Table 2: Switchgear Specification

Manufacturer XXX
Model XXX
Insulation type Gas Insulated Switchgear
Rated voltage 24 kV
Rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltage 50 kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 125 kV
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Rated peak withstand current 100 kA
Rated short-circuit making current 100 kA
Rated short-time withstand current, 3 s 40 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking current 40 kA
Rated normal current for busbar 5000 A
A Guide For Developers and Investors 187

Table 2: Switchgear Specification

Rated normal current for feeders (depending on panel type) 2500 A
Degree of protection
IP 65
– Primary part
– Secondary part
Dimensions (WxHxD) 600x1625x2350 mm
Warranty 2 years
type-tested switchgear IEC 62 271-200
Standards compliance IEC 60038, 60095

Table 3: Transformer Specification

Manufacturer XXX
Model XXX
Number of phase 3
Rating 1350 kVA
Primary side voltage 20 kV
Secondary side voltage 690V
Vector Group Dyn5 or Dyn11
Cooling Oil immersed hermetically sealed ON AN
Insulation type NYNAS NYTRO TAURUS
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
No load loss Po 1.700 kW
Impedance loss Pk 12.000 kW at 75°C
Short-circuit impedance uk 6%
Dimensions (WxHxD) 1860 x 1110 x 1830 mm
Weight 3800 kg
Oil weight 700 kg
Noise level ≤ 60 dB(A)
Protection system DGPT2
Warranty 2 years
Standards compliance IEC 60076, IEC 60085, IEC 60214
188 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX C

Appendix C
of goods, materials, equipment, salaries and other
items or any changes in general economic conditions.
EPC Contract Model Heads
• Ground Studies – means the ground studies
of Terms commissioned by the Contractor at its own expense
prior to the date of this Agreement in respect of the
Definitions and Interpretation Site.

EPC Definitions • Independent Engineer – means an independent

engineer selected by the Lender(s) as of Financial
• Acceptance Date – is the date that formal final Closing or thereafter and notified to the Contractor.
acceptance of the Contractor’s works by the Client
• kWp – means kilowatt peak.
takes place.
• Isc – means the short circuit current
• Building Permit – means the building and planning
permit which is attached to the Appendices. • Nominal Power – means the name plate nominal
electrical output of the solar modules in kWp set
• Construction Period – means the period
out in respect of each module by the producer of
commencing on the Effective Date and expiring on
the solar modules on the label placed on the module
the Completion of the Project.
(save for manifest error).
• Contractor – the EPC contractor.
• Payment Schedule – means the payment schedule in
• Client Representative – means a selected the form attached as Appendix [x].
representative of the Client that reports/advises the
• Provisional Acceptance Report – means the report
to be signed which is set out in Exhibit [x].
• Effective Date – means the first day after the day on
• Provisional Acceptance Test – has the meaning
which the EPC Contract is signed.
given to it in Appendix [x]
• Final Acceptance Report – means the report to be
• VAT – means value added tax or any equivalent tax
signed in accordance with clause [xx] the form of
that is levied on the supply of goods or services in
which is set out in Exhibit [x].
any jurisdiction.
• Final Acceptance Test – has the meaning given to it
• PAP – Is the provisional acceptance period that is
in Appendix [x].
allocated for the acceptance test to reach the agreed
• Force Majeure Event – means all unforeseeable values.
events that lie outside the sphere of influence of the
• Plant – The power plant to which this contract
Parties (including unlawful delays in proceedings at
refers. Details of the power plant should be contained
the public authorities) and the effects of which on the
in an annex to the contract, including the total
fulfilment of this Agreement cannot be prevented by
nominal power output (MWp), details of the
the Parties through reasonable efforts or alternative
equipment and systems that form the plant.
arrangements; such events or circumstances shall
include, among others, extreme weather conditions • Principal – Owner of the Plant.
at the Site that should not normally be anticipated
at the time of conclusion of this Agreement. A Force • Voc – Open Circuit Voltage.
Majeure Event does not include changes in prices
A Guide For Developers and Investors 189

Subject and Purpose of the EPC Contract

• The Contract is for the Contractor to carry out the authorisations for connection to the electricity
turnkey construction, commissioning and delivery of distribution network. These permissions and
the Plant to the Client. authorisations will entitle the Contractor to carry out the
construction and installation of the plant on the Site.
• The Contractor shall design and construct the
Plant in accordance with the EPC contract, relevant Inspections
international and national standards, industry best
practice, OEM instructions, technical conditions set
• The Client shall have the right to have the construction
out in the Grid Connection Agreement and Power
works monitored by a representative of their own choice
Purchase Agreement (or similar), and applicable
and on their own terms. The representative shall be
independent and not affiliated to the Contractor in any
• The subject of this Agreement involves engineering, way.
design, procurement, construction, assembly, testing,
start-up, commissioning of the Project by the Alterations to Client Scope of Work
Contractor. The Project includes the construction
and operation of the transformer station, connecting • All required alterations / deviations to the agreed scope
the power plant to the feeding point, to the of work by the Contractor costing over €/£/$[xxx]
transformer station, and connecting the power plant shall require the approval of the Client or the Client’s
at the transformer station to the mean voltage system Representative.
operated by [grid operator]. This includes switchgear
(interface) as specified in Schedule of Scope of Tasks and Obligations of the Contractor
Work, on a turnkey basis with fixed term fixed price
including fixed timeline and fixed performance. General Scope of Performance
Tasks and Obligations of the Client • The Client shall be provided with all appropriate site
drawings/documentation before construction works
General begin on site.

• The Contractor shall deliver a Plant that operates within

• The Client shall be required to provide and maintain
the following capacity and performance parameters:
access to the site unless this is included within the
Contractor’s Scope of Work. • A total capacity of not less than [x] kWp DC. The
total capacity shall be defined as the total of all
Site Data nameplate output capacities as indicated on each
module installed.
• The Client shall make available to the Contractor
any site data (already collected for the site) that has • At Provisional Acceptance, Plant Performance Ratio
been requested by the Contractor before signing of of greater than [x]%.
the EPC contract.
• During the Acceptance Test Period, a Plant
Permits Availability of greater than [x]% during daylight
• Prior to the date on which the Contractor shall • The Contractor shall be responsible for the completion
commence site works, the Client shall obtain all of the works that are necessary to satisfy the
necessary planning permissions, building permits, requirements listed under the scope of the contract.
190 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX C


• The Contractor shall also be responsible for the safe Prior to the date on which the Contractor shall commence
and proper operation of the Works in conjunction Works on the Site, the Client shall obtain all necessary
with the works and services to be provided by the planning permissions, building permits and authorisations for
Client for the purpose of completing the Plant.
connection to the electricity distribution network. This will
• The Contractor shall provide a guarantee for a be done in order to entitle the Contractor to carry out the
duration of [x] years that the plant will contain all construction and installation of the plant on the Site.
characteristics detailed within the EPC contract.

• For the duration of the site works, the Contractor The Contractor is responsible for designing,
shall be responsible for the provision of security/ constructing and the installation of the plant in accordance
surveillance of the Site and all goods, materials, with all necessary planning permissions, building permits
equipment and other items located on the Site. and authorisations for connection to the electricity
distribution network that are in place and have been
• The contractor shall conduct studies to satisfy
themselves of the ground conditions on site. obtained by the Client.

Delay Documentation

The Contractor shall be required to complete the The Contractor shall provide the Client with all appropriate
installation and construction of the plant in accordance site drawings/documentation before construction works begin
with the timelines set out within the Project Schedule. If the on the site.
Contractor is unable to complete the works within the agreed
timescales, then the Contractor will be required to pay the The Contractor shall be required to provide, at a minimum,
Client compensation. the following documentation after the final acceptance tests
have been completed:
The contractor shall be required to pay the client €/£/$xxxx
per day of delay past the agreed completion date within the • Technical data sheets for all components / materials.
Project Schedule.
• ‘Flash Lists’ for the modules.

The amount of compensation that the Contractor will be • Operation and maintenance manuals.
obliged to pay to the Client as a result of failure to meet the
• Procedures for managing faults/malfunctions/issues.
timelines set out within the Project Schedule shall be limited
to a maximum of [xx]% of the total value of the Contract. • Characteristics of the components.

• Both general and detailed final ‘as built’ drawings.

• Inspection certificates from the respective competent
The Contractor shall be responsible to the Client for any governmental authorities and institutions, and any
defects, including absence of any feature explicitly specified other documents that would be required for the
operation of the Plant.
within the scope of works, and any failure relating to any
guarantee of any component of the plant. • All component guarantees / warranties.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 191

The Contractor’s Right to Employ

• Mounting frame installation dates
To fulfil obligations arising from the EPC Contract, clauses
• Module installation dates
are required to specify the entitlement of the Contractor to
use competent third parties. The Contractor shall be fully • Inverter installation dates
responsible for the action of sub-contractors.
• Operation date

The Contractor shall only be allowed to appoint sub- • Acceptance testing date
contractors only after approval from the Client or the
• Completion/Take-Over date
Client’s Representative.
Payment Schedule
The appointment of sub-contractors does not relieve the
Contractor of the responsibility for the complete, accurate and The Contract Price shall be a fixed cost for the complete delivery
timely execution of the Contract. of the plant, and shall be calculated using the following formula:

Project Schedule Total installed capacity (kWp) x €/£/$[xxxx]/kWp = contract

price (excluding VAT)
A project schedule shall be required to highlight the
installation and construction timelines. It should also include, Payments shall be made by the Client to the Contractor in
at a minimum, the dates for the tasks listed below: accordance with a Payment Schedule that shall be contained within
the Annexes of the EPC Contract. The payment Schedule and
• Commencement date associated Milestones shall take the form as seen within Table 1.

Table 1 – Milestone Payments and Transfer of Title

Milestones Definition of Milestone % of Contract Accumulated Payments
M1 Advance payment after signing of Contract 10 10
100% mechanical and electrical completion of:

• module support structures (tracking systems)

M2 20 30
• security fence

• electrical substation
100% mechanical and electrical installation of the PV modules,
M3 40 70
and inverters.
Payable after commissioning and availability of at least 90%
M4 10 80
of the modules
Acceptance of the Provisional Acceptance Tests and issuance of the
M5 10 90
Provisional Acceptance Certificate. Completed scope of work and snag list.
M6 First receipt of income from generation (of power) on the site. 10 100
192 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX C

The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for any The minimum documentation to be provided with the test
milestone until all requirements of the milestone are met. The report is as follows:
Client shall retain 10% of the contract until first receipt of
income from generation (of power) on the site. • Technical data sheets for components / materials.

• Operation and maintenance manuals.

Testing and Sign Off
• Procedures for managing malfunctions.
Pre – final Testing • Characteristics of the components.

Pre-final testing at a minimum shall consist of the following: • Both general and detailed final drawings.

• Verification of the completeness of work. Final Acceptance Certificate

• Voc and Isc for each string greater than [93]% of The Final Acceptance Certificate shall have a guaranteed
nominal – with I>600W/m2.
level of performance of:
• Submission of:
• [xx]% PR (to grid export meter) with temperature
• Construction Progress Report. and irradiation correction.

• Functional check documentation. • During the period between Provisional Acceptance

and Final Acceptance an average availability during
• Statement of module installation completeness. daylight hours of greater than [xx]%.
• Snagging list as agreed by Contractor/Client.
And following a period of [x] month(s) following the
• Declaration of compliance to all local grid provisional acceptance test, the test is repeated with the
connection requirements. following level of performance to be achieved:

Provisional Acceptance • [xx]% efficiency (temperature and

irradiation corrected) for the DC generation.
The provisional acceptance test shall at a minimum consist
of a provisional acceptance period (PAP) of [15] days, and
• [xx]% conversion efficiency.
shall have a guaranteed level of performance of: Or

• [xx]% efficiency (temperature and irradiation • [xx]% Performance Ratio (to grid export meter) with
corrected) for the DC generation. temperature and irradiation correction
• [xx]% conversion efficiency.
Make Good Periods
If the Plant does not meet the guaranteed levels of
• [xx]% Performance Ratio (to grid export meter) with performance set out in the Pre-Final, Provisional Acceptance
temperature and irradiation correction or Final Acceptance tests, the Contractor has [x] days to make
good the deficiencies. Retesting of the Plant will be at the
A Guide For Developers and Investors 193


Contractor’s expense, including the costs for any external/ The Contractor shall have, at a minimum, the following
third party testing experts. If the Plant does not achieve the insurance cover for the duration of the site works:
guaranteed levels of performance even after repair and retests,
then the Contractor shall either make compensation to the • Erection Insurance
Client or the Client will be entitled to withdraw from the • Public Liability Insurance
agreement. [Note: This clause needs to be carefully worded
and agreed between the Client and Contractor. Even small • All Risks Insurance
deficiencies in performance can add up to large reductions in
The contractor shall also, at their own expense, be required
revenue over the project lifetime.]
to hold any other legally required insurance for the location of
the Plant.
Duration and Termination of Agreement
The Contractor warrants that their work will remain defect free
for a period of [x] years following final acceptance of the Plant.
Sections required for covering:

The Contractor will transfer all equipment warranties and • Commencement of the agreement
guarantees to the Client following Final Acceptance.
• Standard duration of the agreement
Legal, Governing Law and Jurisdiction • Extension of the agreement (at the option of the
The contract shall have sections covering:
• Termination of the agreement due to:
• Governing law and court of jurisdiction of the
agreement. The governing law is normally the law
• Financial arrears.
of the country in which the Plant is located. • Insolvency.
• A legal succession or a transfer of rights condition • “Good cause” relating to statutory law, failure
is required so that the Principal reserves the right to to comply with the requirements contained in
assign the EPC contract to a third party. this agreement, or environmental, planning or
legal breaches.
• Non-disclosure agreement. This agreement between
the Contractor and the developer will outline what • Consequences of the termination.
information is to be considered confidential and what
may be disclosed to third parties.

• Contractual language. Defining the language in

which the official legal contract and agreement are to
be drafted.

• Agreed language for the delivery of reports,

documentation and accounts and which version will
be the legal copy.
194 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX C


Sections required for covering: 3. The Project Permits

[Planning / Building / Grid Connection]
• The settlement of any dispute that might arise
concerning the EPC Contract. 4. Form of the Progress Report

• Notification of arbitration. 5. Training of Personnel

• Location of the arbitration hearing and under 6. Construction Schedule [this should include all the
what law. timelines for the construction tasks for the plant]

7. Payment Schedule [this should include all the agreed

Communications milestone payments for the project]

Sections required for detailing how communications shall 8. Energy Yield Study (Yield Assessment Report)
be conducted between the Client and Contractor, including
9. Performance Ratio
language and acceptable channels of communication.
10. Performance Bond
Contact details for both the Client and the Contractor’s
11. Warranty Bond
representatives shall be included within this section.
12. Parts of the Project to which the Structure
Applicable Law Warranty applies

13. [module manufacturer] Documents

Sections are required for:
14. Module Warranty Terms & Conditions
• Stating the law (depends on the location of the plant)
that the agreement shall be governed by. 15. Sub-contractors [this should include a list of
approved sub-contractors that are allowed to
• Both parties to expressly declare acceptance of all the complete work on the plant]
terms and conditions contained in the EPC Contract
signed by them. 16. Provisional Acceptance Test and the Final Acceptance
Test [this should include the test requirements that
Appendices to the EPC Contract are planned to be done on the Plant]

17. Form of the Work Completion Certificate,

Within the contract, reference will be made to a number Provisional Acceptance Report and the Final
of stand-alone documents, which will form an integral and Acceptance Report
fundamental part of the contract.
18. Form of the Protocol
These documents may include the following: 19. Form of the Completion Report

1. Site Plans [this should include all layout plans for 20. Form of the Site Hand-over Protocol
the proposed plant]

2. Scope of Work
A Guide For Developers and Investors 195

Appendix D
O&M Contract Model Heads • Plant – the power plant to which this contract refers.
Details of the power plant should be contained in an
of Terms annex to the contract, including the total nominal
power output (MWp), details of the equipment and
Definitions and Interpretation systems that form the plant.

• Annual Report – the report to be provided • Principal – Owner of the Plant.

by the Contractor annually during the term of • Repairs – the implementation of all works required
the O&M contract. to restore the function of the Plant following damage
• Availability – means the availability of the Plant to or failure.
feed electricity into the grid.
Subject and Purpose of the O&M Contract
• Availability Contractual Penalty – the
penalty imposed if the plant fails to reach its • The Contract covers the technical monitoring,
contractual availability. performance monitoring, maintenance and repair of
the Plant, and associated activities.
• Contractor – the O&M Provider.
• Access to the Plant shall be provided by the Principal
• Guaranteed Average Availability – the guaranteed to the Contractor.
average availability of the plant for power generation
during a specified time period and conditions as • The Contractor shall be properly trained and well
defined in the contract. acquainted with the Plant.

• Guaranteed Response Time – is the time taken • The Contractor shall maintain the Plant in
to resolve faults, and is dependent on the nature accordance with the O&M contract, O&M
of the fault and its impact on the total output Handbook, OEM instructions, technical conditions
of the project. set out in the Grid Connection Agreement and
Power Purchase Agreement (or similar), and
• Maintenance – the execution of all operations, applicable legislation.
required to maintain the functioning of the Plant in
accordance with the agreed maintenance schedule. • The Contractor will maintain the plant as defined in
the definition and annex [x]. This will include (but
• Measured Average Availability – the actual average not necessarily be limited to):
generation availability of the Project. This is
measured and calculated as defined in the contract. • DC Generation components (modules, cables,
mounting structures)
• Normal Performance – defined as performance
within [5%] of the Performance Ratio as defined in • AC Generation components (inverters, cables,
Appendix [x]. transformers, MV switchgear)

• OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturers. For • Monitoring Systems [monitoring generation of

example, the manufacturers of the modules, inverters, power, climate (irradiation, wind, temperature),
mounting system, security system and medium security, video control system (CCTV)]
voltage electrical systems.
• Site in general (vegetation control, road and site
access, security fence and gates, buildings)
196 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX D

• The Contractor shall maximise the output of the include the assessment of the condition of the Plant
Plant in both the short and long term by monitoring including (but not limited to) the following:
and rectifying disruptions, and enable the Plant to
adhere to the Minimum Availability parameter. • Condition of the generation equipment and
supporting structures.
• The Contractor is to provide periodic reports and
advise on technical issues during operation. • Functional check and condition of the
security systems.
• The Contractor shall maintain the Plant to ensure
that the degradation of the Performance Ratio is • Visible damage and defects including functional
not more than [1%] per year [as defined in the check of safety equipment.
Acceptance Test]
• Inspection of the medium voltage components
• The Contractor shall operate and maintain the Plant (up to the grid metering point).
such that warranties under the EPC contract are not
• The Contractor shall, as a minimum, maintain Plant
restricted and remain enforceable.
components in order to comply with their warranty
Tasks and Obligations of the Contractor
• The Contractor shall remove snow and other
Operation of the Project accretions (dust and dirt) from the modules as
• The Contractor shall:
• The Contractor shall keep the Site free from
• Operate the Plant on behalf of the Principal, undesirable growth of plants and shrubs, to achieve
and ensure uninterrupted operation (wherever the best possible energy yields. Green areas shall be
possible) and optimal usage of the Plant, subject mowed and waste materials removed. Dust shall be
to the weather conditions. kept to a minimum to reduce soiling. Vehicles and
machines will be used such that they do not damage
• Advise the Principal on all significant issues plant components.
relating to the operation of the Project.
• The Principal shall pay the cost of electricity and
• Make sure that the Principal has unlimited right water required for maintenance purposes (within the
to inspect the Plant and perform works on it. boundaries of the Plant)—and not expressly covered
by another clause within this agreement.
• The Contractor shall maintain the Plant so that the
• The Contractor shall maintain the Plant in degradation of the Performance Ratio is not more
accordance with the Maintenance Schedule than [1%] per year, and shall inform the Principal if
(contained as an annex to this agreement). The this limit is likely to be exceeded.
Maintenance Schedule will show the minimum
maintenance required and minimum frequency for • The Contractor shall perform specialised cleaning
each item per annum. as required, on a site-specific basis to avoid seasonal
dust and dirt accumulation.
• The Contractor shall carry out a minimum of
[two] maintenance inspections per year. This shall • All maintenance work that may affect the energy
generation of the Plant, will be carried out, as far as
reasonably possible, during low-irradiation periods.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 197

Monitoring of the operation / analysis of the Failure Messages and Reaction Time
data / switching off of the Plant
• The Contractor shall monitor the Plant in accordance
• The Contractor shall: with this agreement. In the event of a malfunction
occurring in one of the functions monitored, a failure
• Monitor the operation of the plant and feed- message will be sent to the Contractor.
in capacity, without interruption, 365 days a
year, 24 hours a day. This will be done using • The Contractor is obliged to take all reasonable
remote data monitoring systems which will be measures necessary to rectify any malfunction
maintained and updated by the Contractor. notified by a failure message, or detected through
an inspection, as soon as possible to restore the
• Set right faults that can be rectified remotely. functionality of the Plant.
This shall be done as soon as possible and within
[1] day. All other faults shall be rectified within • The Contractor is obliged to acknowledge and react
the Guaranteed Response Time. to failure messages, depending on the severity of the
failure or malfunction, as shown below:
• Check and assess the data collected on a daily
basis, and compare the readings with the • The Contractor is obliged to acknowledge the
assumed targets, by referring to the following failure message within [1] calendar day.
functions and operations:
• If the failure has a low impact on the yield
• DC Component Availability. loss of the Plant [<5%] per calendar day, then
the Contractor will commence and conclude
• AC Component Availability. measures to resolve the problem within [14]
calendar days of having received the failure
• Irradiation. message.
• Generation (kWh). • For other failures in the Plant, the Contractor
will commence measures to remedy the
• Network availability.
malfunction within [24] hours after having
• Function of the Security System. received the failure message.

• Performance Ratio. • Where relevant spare equipment is available

on site or within the Contractor’s control,
• Faults and Response Logs. the repair will be completed within [36]
hours of receipt of the failure message.
• Manage and maintain the operational
monitoring and data recording system in a • Where spare equipment is not available on
secure and permanent manner. site or within the Contractor’s control, the
Principal will be informed and updated on
• Be obliged to switch off the Plant within [1] day the repair options, progress and return to
if the operator of the Grid System requires. service date. The Contractor will order the
spare parts within [one] business day and
• The Principal shall have unrestricted access to read
carry out the repairs, if and when the parts
the remote monitoring data.
become available, within the Guaranteed
Response Time.
198 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX D


• The Contractor is responsible for repairs in order to • The Contractor gives an assurance to keep parts
bring the Plant to fault-free operation. available to PV plant experts or for inspection by
insurance advisors/estimators whenever an insurance
• The Contractor is to correct defects that become claim is made.
known through technical monitoring, and visual and
functional checks. Documentation and Reporting Obligations
• The Contractor is to replace damaged components,
or parts that are causing disruption to the operation. The Contractor is to provide the following reports:

• In cases where material and spare parts are required • Monthly reports describing the availability, day
by Contractor, the amount will be paid by Principal by day production, performance ratio, irradiation
without the need for prior approval, provided the measurements, faults and maintenance or repair
value does not exceed [USD 1500] within a [six] activities that are conducted on the Plant.
month period.
• Quarterly reports describing material events
• Approval in writing is to be sought from the Principal (that occurred or are expected to occur) such as
for repairs (including material and spare parts) that maintenance tasks and repairs, a schedule for
are expected to exceed [USD 1500] within a [six] repairs and maintenance, a stock list of spare parts
month period. and consumables, and a description of availability,
irradiation, Performance Ratio and downtime.
• The Principal shall approve the cost of repairs within
[3] business days. • Semi-annual inspection reports documenting the
visual and function checks with photographic
• The Contractor is to keep a spares stock of
evidence of observed issues.
particularly susceptible components.
• Annual reports for each year of the contract
• Spare parts, tools, measurement and test equipment
period giving:
are the responsibility of the Contractor.
• A summary of repairs and maintenance
Materials and Lubricants tasks completed.

• The Contractor will provide under this agreement • Parts and consumables used for repairs and
all consumables, small items, and lubricants (with maintenance, and total cost thereof.
a value less than [x]) required for the maintenance,
inspection and repairs without charge. • A summary of performance and operation:
monthly availability, Performance Ratio
• The Contractor guarantees that all parts to be and production.
delivered and installed within the scope of this
agreement will correspond to the parts being • A summary of plane of array irradiation
replaced, with respect to functionality and durability. measured on Site.

• The Contractor is responsible for the removal • The annual Performance Ratio and a
and disposal of old parts, lubricants, packaging as comparison of production with irradiation-
required by the relevant laws and regulations. corrected target values given by the energy
yield prediction.

• Forecast of scheduled maintenance.

A Guide For Developers and Investors 199

• Reports on significant disruptions, damage documents (for instance, O&M handbook, relevant
or defects. permits, consents and licences).

Commercial Operation • The Contractor ensures that suitably qualified,

experienced and accredited personnel will be used
• The Contractor will check and verify the accounts for each task.
with the energy supplier and energy off-taker in
accordance with the Power Purchase Agreement. Security

• The Contractor shall check invoices that have been [Depending on the requirements of the Principal, the
received by the Principal from third parties—in the Contractor may be made responsible for the security
course of the operation, maintenance and repair of
arrangements for the Plant. If so, the requirements for
the Plant—for plausibility and accuracy.
monitoring and maintaining the security system—and
Defect and Insurance Claims the costs of providing these services—should be contained
in the agreement]
• The Contractor is required to inform the Principal
about possible and actual defects in the Plant • Security to be provided and monitored 365 days/year
for which the Principal may have Warranty for 24 hours/day.
claims under the EPC Contract or under other
agreements that the Principal may enter into in Warranty and Liability
respect of the Plant as soon as it gains knowledge of
such defects. Warranty Period
• The Contractor’s own works, equipment, spare
parts and materials provided should be covered by • The Contractor warrants all respective maintenance
warranty for a period of [2] years. work undertaken in accordance with this agreement.
Guarantee is also given for operations to remedy any
• The Contractor will provide full support to the agreed failures for a period of cover of [three] years
Principal in communication with insurance from the time of the work.
companies for matters related to the Plant.
Replacement of Parts
In the event that the Contractor cannot remedy the
defects or fails to redress or make good any defect as soon • The Contractor provides a three-year warranty for
as possible, the O&M contractor shall pay the Principal any replacement of parts and components provided
and installed under this agreement.
damages to compensate the loss incurred (including
loss of profit). Guaranteed Availability
Carrying out the operational management in • The Contractor is to ensure that the Measured
compliance with the applicable laws and using Average Availability in each generation period equals
professional personnel or exceeds Guaranteed Average Availability figures in
the following manner:
• The Contractor should be required to ensure that
• Guaranteed Average Availability for each
the Plant is operated and maintained in compliance
[twelve] month Generation Period of this
with the applicable laws and contract supporting
agreement will be in excess of: 97%
200 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX D

The Contractor’s right to employ sub-contractors

and the Principal’s right to instruct third party
• The Measured Average Availability shall be calculated contractors
according to the following formula:

• Measured Average Availability = Grid-connected Clauses are required to specify the entitlement of the
available hours / possible available hours * 100%. Contractor to use competent third parties to fulfil obligations
arising from this O&M Contract. The Contractor should be
• Grid-connected available hours are the number fully responsible for the action of sub-contractors.
of hours that the inverters are connected to the
grid and available for export of power. In effect, it
also means the number of daylight hours (which Often, the Principal has the right to refuse the use of
are to be defined) during which the Plant is able third parties. However, this should be expressly covered in
to convert irradiation into energy. Importantly, this agreement.
availability outside daylight generation hours
is not to count towards the grid connected Obligations of the Principal
availability hours.

• Possible available hours need to be defined (taking These will include:

leap years into account). It should exclude hours
allowed due to a) defined periods of planned • The creation and upholding of the legal pre-requisites
maintenance (e.g. [x] hours per year in winter for the operation of the Plant
months, [x] hours per year in summer months)
and b) hours when the Plant was not available as • The provision of documents and information
a result of Force Majeure events. necessary for the operational management of the
Plant and fulfilment of the Contractor’s obligations.
• If the Measured Average Availability for a generation
period is less than the relevant Guaranteed Average • Granting rights of access to the Plant, grounds
Availability for a generation period, the Contractor and buildings inside the Site (as required for the
shall pay an Availability Contractual Penalty [rate of execution of this agreement) at all times.
penalty and calculation to be agreed].
The cost and remuneration of the O&M contract will be
It is important to specify the equations for calculation of broken down into:
the liability due to low availability and the maximum cap
on liability besides outlining the method and timing for the • Fixed Remuneration
Contractor to reimburse the Principal. These reimbursements • Paid by the Principal based on an annual
may take the form of financial payments to compensate for fixed lump sum per kWp of installed nominal
the generation losses, or reductions in the remuneration capacity (as defined in the EPC contract).
to the Contractor (under the O&M agreement) in the
• Reimbursement of expenditure and remuneration for
subsequent term. other services not included in the fixed remuneration,
and invoiced separately at agreed prices:
• Liability should be limited to the loss of earnings of
the Principal, taking into account any payments that • Spare parts and components that are approved
are made by the insurance cover or other warranties in advance by the Principal and are required for
on the Plant. maintenance and repair. This will not include
A Guide For Developers and Investors 201

Legal, Governing Law and Jurisdiction

parts that are subject to warranty claims, or The contract should have sections covering:
minor repairs of value less than [x].
• Governing law and court of jurisdiction of the
• Services and ancillary costs that are approved in agreement. The governing law is normally the law of
advance by the Principal and are required for the country in which the Plant is located.
maintenance and repair. This will not include
services that are due to parts that are subject to • A legal succession or a transfer of rights condition is
warranty claims, or minor repairs of value less required to reserve the Principal’s right to assign the
than [x] that are to be corrected during semi- O&M contract to a third party.
annual inspections.
• Non-disclosure agreement. This agreement between
• Agreement is to be made on the invoicing dates/ the Contractor and the Developer will outline what
frequency and payment terms for the Principal. is to be considered confidential and what information
may be disclosed to third parties.
• Agreement is to be made on the indexation of the
remuneration over the term of the agreement. Often • Contractual language. Defining the language that
this is linked to a consumer price index, power the official legal contract and agreement would be
purchase or tariff increase or inflation index. drafted in.

Exclusions and work outside the agreement Agreement on the language for delivery of reports,
documentation and accounts, and the version for the
• Exclusions to the availability guarantee and agreed legal copy.
remuneration, including maintenance or repair work
that are caused by:
• “Acts of God”
The contract should also have a section outlining the
• Extreme weather effects
insurance responsibilities of the Contractor for the operations
• Improper influence of the Principal and maintenance activities. This insurance should cover
damage to the plant as well as provide cover for employees
• Third parties not attributable to the Contractor
on the Plant conducting the maintenance.

• Work covering these exclusions will be decided upon It is also normal for the Contractor to arrange and pay
between the Principal and Contractor at the rates for insurance for the full site. The agreement should contain full
additional work agreed in this agreement.
details and remuneration requirements, while the annex to the
• Work outside the agreement including repair work contract should include the insurance documentation.
undertaken within the scope of the insurance policy.
In this case, the Contractor will carry out work as
agreed with the insurance company and Principal.
Costs will be agreed within the insurance terms and
additional costs agreed with the Principal.
202 Utility Scale Solar Power Plants APPENDIX D

Duration and Termination of Agreement Appendices to the O&M Contract

Sections covering: Within the contract, reference will be made to a number

of stand-alone documents, which will form an integral and
• Commencement of the agreement fundamental part of the contract.
• Standard Duration of the agreement. [This is often
for a 5-10 year period.] These documents may include the following:

• Extension of the agreement (at the option 1. Description of the Plant

of the Principal)
2. Schedule of Maintenance
• Renegotiation of the terms of the agreement
following the expiration of the EPC Warranty. [After 3. Insurance Cover
the expiration of the EPC warranty, the Contractor
or the Principal may choose to renegotiate the terms 4. Sample Test Report [This should include all the tests
of pricing, provision of O&M or support services, that are planned to be done on the Plant.]
based on the past performance of the plant and the 5. Draft Annual Report [This should detail the outline
existing O&M agreement. The O&M contract is of the report that will be issued on a yearly basis.]
terminated if concurrence cannot be reached on the
renegotiation of terms.] 6. Price list [This should contain staff charge out and
expense rates, the agreed rates for any components
• Termination of this agreement may also happen and/or the mark up and transportation costs for
due to: the items.]
• Financial arrears. 7. Technical Connection Conditions [This will include
• Insolvency. all technical conditions imposed upon the Plant,
including any imposed by the grid operator.]
• “Good cause” relating to statutory law, failure
to comply with the requirements contained in 8. Draft O&M Handbook
this agreement, or environmental, planning or 9. Form of O&M Handover Protocol [This should be a
legal breaches. form detailing the agreed handover procedure.]
Communication 10. Energy Yield Analysis [This will be a copy of the
energy yield study that should have been completed
A section is also required to describe the pre-conditions by an independent company and accepted by
for maintaining efficient and acceptable channels of both parties.]
communication between the Contractor and the Principal.

There should also be details of the representatives of the

Principal and Contractor.
A Guide For Developers and Investors 203

Acknowledgements: Alexios Pantelias, Hemant Mandal, Patrick Avato, Matt Willis, Anjali Garg, Naomi Bruck
Contact Information

Maruti Suzuki Building

3rd Floor, I Nelson Mandela Road,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi - 110070
T: +91 11 4111-1000
F: +91 11 4111-1001


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