May 2014 1400151292 27704 11
May 2014 1400151292 27704 11
May 2014 1400151292 27704 11
S.D.S. College of Education for Women, Lopon (Moga) Punjab.
ABSTRACT Adolescents are generally more prone to stress and anxiety. Being in a transitional stage of betweenchildhood and
adulthood, adolescents have to confront with varied types of stresses and strains. The high expectations of parents
and teachers in terms of scores and academic performance sometimes put extra mental burden on children, which
may generally if not dealt effectively cause many physical or mental ailments,.The present study has been conducted on a sample of 200 school
going adolescent students of Bathinda district. Data were collected with the help of academic stress scale by AbhaBisht (1987) and Mental Health
Inventory developed by Srivastaand JagdishRai (1986). The scores obtained were analyzed statistically and the findings of the study reveal that
significant differences exist in mental health of adolescent with regard to level of academic stress they experience. Further significant difference
is also found in the mental health of students with respect to their gender in terms of high and low level of academic stress. Hence it is suggested
that parents should not overburdened the children and should not set over expectations in terms of excellence inacademic pursuits beyond the
capability and capacity of the child.
importance day by day as our society has changed drastically. Be- and cannot justify with the students. This results in lack of guidance
cause adolescence is the age of stress and strain and children have to among adolescents which cause more stress among them and their
cope up with many type of stressful situation, academic stress affects mental health deteriorates. Thus the hypothesis no. 1 that there is a
the personality make up of the child the most .It has adverse effect on significant difference in mental health of adolescents with regard to
the mental health of the students. Therefore knowledge of the stress high and low level of academic stress is accepted in the present study.
management helps the adolescents to cope up with the problem of
stress. Thus for this it becomes necessary to study the effect of aca- TABLE 2 Statistical Scores on Mental Health ofMale Ado-
demic stress on mental health. The present study will be helpful to lescents with regard to Levels of Academic Stress
school administrator, curriculum makers and counselors to provide
educational and vocational guidance and counseling to the students.
Variable Level of academic N Mean S.D.
The study is also beneficial to the parents so that they can help their stress
children in study andbe particular about their need in the academic
affairs and thus reducing their academic stress.
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