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Table of Known Carcinogens

The table below provides some information about the scientific community’s understanding of substances that are known to cause cancer. The table includes, in
a condensed way, a list of substances known to cause cancer in humans based on the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP’s) 15th Report on Carcinogens found
on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) webpage - 15th Report on Carcinogens
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also creates a similar list of substances known to cause cancer. NTP and IARC only list substances that
their organization has evaluated. For more information on IARC’s list, visit their webpage at Agents Classified by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–132
Both NTP and IARC also provide a list of substances classified as “reasonably anticipated to cause cancer in humans” or “probably carcinogenic to humans.”
These substances most often have more limited evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between exposure and cancer in humans and/or sufficient evidence
of cancer in experimental animals.
The American Cancer Society also provides a list of known and probable human carcinogens from NTP and IARC found on their webpage titled Known and
Probable Human Carcinogens ( They include a list
of bullets of helpful information to know about the lists.
As NTP notes, identification of carcinogens is a key step in cancer prevention. This table is provided to help people understand some of the known causes of
cancer so they can potentially take action to reduce current exposures.

About this list

• The list has substances that can cause cancer but does not have information on how likely it is that something will cause cancer in any person. For
example, there is strong evidence that exposure to both tobacco (smoking) and dioxins (eating processed meat) can cause cancer, however, smoking
is much more likely to cause cancer than eating processed meat.

• A carcinogen does not always cause cancer in every person, every time there is any kind of exposure. Some may only be carcinogenic if a person is
exposed in a certain way (for example, swallowing it as opposed to touching it). Some may only cause cancer in people who have a certain genetic
makeup. Some of these substances may lead to cancer after only a very small exposure, while others might require intense exposure over many


• Even if a substance or exposure is known or suspected to cause cancer, this does not necessarily mean that it can or should be avoided. For example,
sunlight is a major source of ultraviolet (UV) rays, which are a known cause of skin cancer, but it’s not possible to completely avoid the sun. Another
example is commonly used medicines, particularly drugs used to treat cancer. If you have questions about a medicine that appears on one of these
lists, be sure to ask your doctor.

Table of Known Carcinogens

Main Cancer Type(s) Associated with

Substance Main Sources of Exposure to Substance

Aflatoxins Toxins from fungi in contaminated foods (grains, peanuts, tree nuts) and meat, eggs, milk, etc. liver
from animals that consume contaminated feed. Workers may breathe contaminated crop dust.

Alcoholic Beverages Alcoholic beverage consumption mouth, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and

4-Aminobiphenyl May be used in laboratory applications. Former occupational exposure, use as a color additive. urinary-bladder
Found in tobacco smoke.

Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds Primarily foods and drinking water. Soil and groundwater that contains arsenic can be naturally skin, lung, digestive tract, liver, urinary bladder,
occurring, or it can be from use or improper disposal of arsenic compounds. kidney, lymphatic, and hematopoietic systems

Asbestos (Crocidolite, Chrysotile, Amosite, Airborne microscopic fibers released into the air from asbestos materials in buildings, including lung, mesothelioma of the lung and abdominal
Actinolite, Anthophyllite, Tremolite) insulation, and vehicle brake linings. Workers may be exposed when working with or removing cavity, larynx, ovary
asbestos products.

Benzene Breathing in tobacco smoke, gasoline vapors, auto exhaust. Workers may be exposed during leukemia
production of benzene or use of substances containing it.

Benzidine and Dyes Metabolized to May be used in laboratory applications. Former occupational exposure, use in the production of bladder
Benzidine dyes.

Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds Primarily inhalation of beryllium dusts or fumes during occupational exposure. lung


Main Cancer Type(s) Associated with

Substance Main Sources of Exposure to Substance

Bis(chloromethyl) Ether and Technical- Former occupational exposure, use as a chemical intermediate. lung
Grade Chloromethyl Methyl Ether

1,3-Butadiene Breathing in tobacco smoke, gasoline vapors, auto exhaust. Also emitted from petroleum lymphatic and hematopoietic systems
refineries and from incomplete combustion of a variety of fuels. Workers may be exposed during (lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma, leukemia)
production or by manufacturing synthetic rubber products.

Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds Primarily inhalation of cadmium dusts or fumes during occupational exposure. Found in tobacco lung
smoke. Food is the major source of cadmium exposure for nonsmokers.

Chromium VI Compounds Occurs naturally in the earth’s crust and is widely distributed in air, water, soil, and food. Workers lung, sinonasal cavity
and people who live near industrial facilities that use chromium VI compounds or near chromium
waste disposal sites have the greatest potential for exposure.

Coal-Tar and Coal-Tar Pitches Found in products used to treat psoriasis and eczema and in shampoos to treat dandruff. Workers skin, scrotal, lung, bladder, kidney, digestive tract
may be exposed at foundries and during coke production, coal gasification, and aluminum
production. Can be environmental contaminants.

Coke Oven Emissions Workers at coking plants and coal tar production plants, as well as people who live near these lung, kidney
plants, may be exposed to coke-oven emissions in air.

Dioxin (2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p- Meat, fish, and dairy products; minor sources include incineration or other combustion processes. increased risk of all cancers combined; lung, non-
dioxin) Occupational exposures include firefighting, paper bleaching, chemical production, etc. Hodgkin's lymphoma

Erionite A naturally occurring fibrous mineral in the western U.S. that is no longer mined or marketed for mesothelioma, lung
commercial use.

Ethylene Oxide Used in the production of chemicals, including ethylene glycol (antifreeze). Also used as a lymphoma and leukemia
fumigant or sterilizing agent. People are exposed to ethylene oxide in the workplace, in the
environment, in tobacco smoke, and through use of products that have been sterilized with the
compound, including medical products, food, clothing, cosmetics, etc.


Main Cancer Type(s) Associated with

Substance Main Sources of Exposure to Substance

Formaldehyde Combustion sources including auto exhaust, power plants, incinerators, refineries, forest fires, nasopharyngeal, sinonasal, lymphohematopietic
wood stoves, and tobacco products. Off gassing from construction, home-furnishing products, and
consumer goods.

Ionizing Radiation: Radon, X-Radiation and Natural sources contribute over 80% of the general population’s exposure to all types of ionizing lung, leukemia, breast, thyroid
Gamma Radiation, Neutrons, Thorium radiation; radon gas and its decay products account for about two thirds of natural exposure. The
Dioxide" remaining exposure to ionizing radiation is mainly from medical procedures and consumer

Medical Drugs: This medical drug list includes currently and formerly used drugs for a variety of uses; many are many different sites, leukemia is main cancer site
1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-(4-Methylcyclohexyl)-1- for cancer treatment or for use as an immunosuppressant. for several drugs
Nitrosourea, 1,4-Butanediol
Dimethanesulfonate, Analgesic Mixtures
Containing Phenacetin, Aristolochic Acid I
and II, Azathioprine, Chlorambucil,
Cyclophosphamide, Cyclosporin A,
Diethylstilbestrol, Estrogens, Melphalan,
Methoxsalen with Ultraviolet A Therapy,
Steroidal, Tamoxifen, Thiotepa

Mineral Oils: Untreated and Mildly Treated The general population potentially is exposed to mineral oils that occur naturally or are present as scrotum, skin, others
environmental contaminants. Workers in a variety of manufacturing facilities may be exposed.

Mustard Gas Possible exposure to military personnel and people living near military installations where lung or other respiratory tract
mustard gas is stockpiled and destroyed, or in the event of an accidental release or a chemical-
warfare attack.

2-Naphthylamine Former occupational exposure; now banned. Found in tobacco smoke. urinary bladder

Nickel Compounds Primarily food, but also from nickel alloys and nickel-plated materials, such as coins, steel, and lung and nasal cancer
jewelry. Occupational exposure to nickel occurs mainly through inhalation of dust particles and
fumes or through dermal contact.


Main Cancer Type(s) Associated with

Substance Main Sources of Exposure to Substance

Silica, Crystalline (Respirable Size), An abundant natural material and can be an air contaminant, particularly in occupational settings lung
Cristobalite, Quartz, Tridymite or near quarries and sand and gravel operations. Also exposure from products such as abrasives,
sandpaper, grouts, and concrete.

Soots Fireplaces, furnaces, engine exhaust, and particulate emissions from any combustion source. scrotal and skin cancers, prostrate, urinary-
Occupational exposure may occur among chimney sweeps, heating-unit service personnel, brick bladder, lymphatic, hematopoietic , esophageal,
masons, building demolition personnel, firefighters, and anyone who works where organic lung
materials are burned.

Sulfuric Acid (Strong Inorganic Acid Mists Occupational exposure, particularly during chemical manufacture but also in other industries. laryngeal, lung
Containing Sulfuric Acid) Both natural and industrial sources contribute to sulfuric acid in the environment.

Tobacco Smoking, Environmental Tobacco Tobacco contains more than 2,500 chemical constituents, many of which are known human Smoking - lung, urinary bladder, renal pelvis, oral
Smoke, Smokeless Tobacco carcinogens. cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lip, pancreas,
nasal cavity, stomach, colorectum, liver, kidney,
ureter, cervix, ovary, myeloid leukemia.
Secondhand smoke - hepatoblastoma and
leukemia (ALL) in children, lung, nasal sinus.
Smokeless - oral cavity, esophagus, pancreas

o-Toluidine Occupational exposure; found in tobacco smoke, dental products (e.g., prilocaine), consumer urinary bladder cancer
products (e.g., hair dyes, dyestuff in clothing and cosmetics), food, and the environment.

Trichloroethylene Occupational exposure as a degreaser or industrial solvent. Can be found in ambient air near kidney
industrial sources, as a contaminant in soil and groundwater, and in consumer products.

Ultraviolet Radiation - Solar Radiation, Outdoor workers and others who have a lot of exposure to the sun or use tanning beds. skin, melanoma and non-melanoma
Broad Spectrum, Sunlamps and Sunbeds

Vinyl Chloride Occupational exposure – it is used almost exclusively by the plastics industry to produce polyvinyl hepatic angiosarcoma (blood vessels of the liver)
chloride (PVC) and copolymers. Potential exposure to people living near industrial emission
sources. It can be a contaminant in drinking water for a very small percentage of the population.

Viruses and Bacteria: Helicobacter pylori Mainly person-to-person contact, also some via intravenous drug use. many different sites; notably Hepatitis B/C is liver
(chronic bacterial infection), Epstein-Barr and Human Papillomavirus is largely cervical


Main Cancer Type(s) Associated with

Substance Main Sources of Exposure to Substance

Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus,

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1,
Human Papillomaviruses, Human T-Cell
Lymphotropic Virus Type 1, Kaposi
Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus, Merkel
Cell Polyomavirus"

Wood Dust Produced in woodworking industries as a by-product of the manufacture of wood products; nasal cavity
exposure occurs when individuals use machinery or tools to cut or shape wood.

Minnesota Department of Health | Site Assessment and Consultation Unit

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