Academic Inquiry 3 Final Writing Test Editable

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Final Writing Test

Please respond to ONE of the topics below in a well-organized essay of approximately 250 to
300 words. You have 60 minutes to complete your essay. For this test, outside sources of
information are not necessary. You may rely on your own knowledge as well as what you have
studied in connection to the textbook Academic Inquiry 3: Essays and Integrating Sources. There
should be a clear connection between the content of your essay and the essay topic you have

In particular, the essay markers are looking for:

 effective essay structure and appropriate rhetorical pattern

 effective thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions
 command of the 2000 to 3000 high-frequency word families
 precise use of AWL and Mid-frequency vocabulary connected to the chosen topic
 accurate collocations
 paragraph- and essay-level coherence
 clearly signaled stance
 appropriately hedged claims
 acknowledgment of opposing views, where appropriate
 accurate use and punctuation of adverbials
 accurate conditional sentences
 correct choice of quantifiers with countable and non-countable nouns

Essays that are double spaced with margins on both sides of the page are preferable. A second
draft of your essay is not necessary as long as your writing is clear and easy to read. If you do not
want to have something included as part of your essay, please cross it out.

Essay Topics (Choose ONE):

1. Arguments for or against vaccination

2. Solution(s) for stopping the spread of an epidemic
3. Causes of global warming
4. Arguments for or against a tax on carbon emissions
5. Effects of socially responsible business practices
6. Challenge(s) associated with corporate social responsibility

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Final Timed Essay Rubric
E = Emerging: frequent difficulty using Academic Inquiry 3 skills; needs a lot more work
D = Developing: some difficulty using Academic Inquiry 3 skills; some improvement still required
S = Satisfactory: able to use Academic Inquiry 3 skills most of the time; meets average expectations for
this level
O = Outstanding: exceptional use of Academic Inquiry 3 skills; exceeds expectations for this level

Skill E D S O
Organization Effective essay structure is used along with appropriate rhetorical patterns.
The essay has an effective introduction, using one of the techniques from Units
4, 5, or 6, with a good link to the thesis statement.
The essay has an effective thesis statement.
The essay has an effective conclusion, using one of the techniques from Units
4, 5, or 6.
Vocabulary There is good control over the 2,000 to 3,000 most frequently used words in
English; that is, the student rarely makes vocabulary mistakes with these
The AWL and mid-frequency vocabulary items from Units 4, 5, and 6 are used
when appropriate and with few mistakes.
Word collocations are used naturally with few errors.
Composition Coherence is achieved by using known-to-new information flow.
The writer’s stance is clear and consistent.
Strong claims are hedged appropriately.
Opposing views are acknowledged and addressed, if appropriate.
Connectors are used appropriately to show the relationships between ideas.
Grammar & There are few errors related to adverbials.
Sentence Skill There are few errors related to conditional sentences.
Appropriate quantifiers are used with countable and non-countable nouns.


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