Sarina GJ - Competent by Shift Form

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Competent Skill required Staff Staff Staff

by shift member member member


2  Be punctual, Clean and tidy appearance,

hair tied back, enclosed black shoes, black
pants/shirt and deodorant used
2  Wash hands when entering back of house.

2  Are located on the sink in a green bucket

filled with sanitized water.

 Green Cloth: is for guests, to be used in

the dining room only.

 Red Cloth: is for counters/benches, to be

used for general cleaning back of house

 Blue Cloth: is for steam wands on the

coffee machine only.

Ice buckets
2  All ice buckets to be changed/filled with ice
every 30 minutes
Dining Room
2  Check tables of cleanliness every 10
minutes with a green cloth & black bucket.

 Spot sweep when necessary.


2  Items that don't go through dishwasher e.g.

milk thermometers, group handles &

10  How to: drain & clean dishwasher.

4  Aware of shop exits and evacuation

 Where to find cloths, dishwasher, cabinet,

fridges (milk, cream etc.), cupboards/stock
(powders and syrups), condiments box
with refills, utensils, bins, store rooms and
compactor with corresponding keys.

 Personal items are stored

 Where to find weekly roster, remember to

check often/ take a photo of the roster

Bin Run
4  Where bins are in store

 How to change bins

 Where compactor is located

 How to use compactor with key.

Cream Guns
5  How to: use, refill safely, clean & recipe.

Handing Off Orders

5  Call out correct name

 Ask for toppings specific to drink

(chocolate sauce on iced choc)

 Add toppings, lids and straws to cold

drinks etc.

Store Rooms
6  Location off both store rooms

 What stock is within each store room

 What key is needed to open.

Sweeping / Mopping
6  Sweep Back of house every hour

 Dining room, spot sweep when need

during trading hours

 End of day all furniture must be moved

when sweeping

 Move all furniture when mopping dining


 Back of house, wet mop, dry mop, final


End of day cleaning

8  How to clean: Backboards, Brown
cupboards, fridges, filling up stock etc.

 Roller Doors: How to: put in the center

poll, pull down doors and finally lock roller

 Out Side dinning: How to: clean and pack


 Glass: Spray and wipe front door both

sides, food cabinet, drink fridge at end of
day, and windows (when needed).

Food / Drinks
10  Aware of what foods items look like and
their names

 Check what food items are in the cabinet

at the start of your shift

 How to prepare and present all food for

dine in or take away.

 Know what is heated/toasted

 What plate is needed for presentation,

condiments and cutlery when needed

 Learn all drink recipes

Concentrates / Recipes
10  Cream per canister: 3 sachets of “sweet n
low”, 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence, 250ml
full cream milk & 750 ml of thickened
cream. stir through to combine.

 Cold brew Drip filter: with plug and filter,

400g black gold or Nicaragua ground on a
no. 6 Drip Filter. Add 2L of cold water stir
gently infuse for 12 plus hours.

 Tea Black: 2 level scoops of “Assam

Organic” tea leaves into hot water brew for
4 minutes.

 Tea Green: 3 level scoops or 10 tropical

green tea bags brewed in hot water for 8

15  To be competent in using the register
without supervision
Register - Instructions

 No. 1 Smile! and Remember Your Manners!

 Greet e.g. Hello, how are you. What can I get for you today

 Hot drinks - Size, drink type, dine in mug or take away, extras like milk type, strength,
sugar etc.

 Cold Drinks - Size, drink type, whipped cream and ice-cream, strength etc.

 Food - Type, dine in or take away, toasted, extra forks etc.

 Read back order - Final order to check it's correct.

 Total cost: e.g. That comes to a total of $

 Cash or Card for payment

 Name for Order E.g. May I please have your first name for your order?

 Type - The total into the eftpos unit or tap on the screen the cash given by customer.

 Change Give correct change if cash is payment.

 Direct and thank Customer e.g. You order will be ready to pick up at the end counter to
your right, Thank you.

 Smile, and repeat.

 For any refunds please speak to a manager or owners for directions.

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