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Fundamentals of Management

Global Edition

Chapter 01
Managing Today

Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Learning Objectives
1.1 Describe what managers do.
1.2 Define management.

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What Do Managers Do?

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What Titles Do Managers Have?
Top Managers
• Make decisions about the direction
of an organization
Middle Managers
• Manage other managers
First-line Managers
• Direct non-managerial employees
Team Leaders
• Manage activities of a work team

Management Levels
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• Planning
• Organizing
• Leading
• Controlling

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Skills and Competencies

Critical thinking Working well with others

Analyze and diagnose Communication
application and
Political adeptness

Possessing expert job knowledge

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Managers Matter!
Employee productivity, loyalty, and
engagement hinge on employee/manager
Employee engagement
– When employees are connected to,
satisfied with, and enthusiastic about
their jobs

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Define Management

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What Is Management?
• The process of getting things done
effectively and efficiently, with and through
• Effectiveness: Doing the right things
• Efficiency: Doing things right

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Efficiency and Effectiveness

Efficiency is
concerned with the
means of getting
things done,
effectiveness is
concerned with the
ends, or attainment
of organizational

Good management
is concerned with
both attaining goals
(effectiveness) and
doing so as
efficiently as

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Test Your Understanding

Remarks: These question types are same as those in
the Tests.

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T/F Question

Deciding who will be assigned to which job is a
part of the leading function of management.

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MC Que. - The General Manager (Scenario)

Michelle is the general manager of a power plant. This morning, she will
meet with city officials to discuss environmental issues. After the
meeting, she will confer with the plant's section managers to address
the concerns of the city representatives. This afternoon, Michelle will
meet with a team leader to go over a complaint filed by an employee.
After the complaint meeting, Michelle plans to spend time in the library
and on the Internet researching new technologies that can be used to
improve the performance of her plant.

Which type of management skill does Michelle use most during the

A) conceptual

B) informational

C) interpersonal

D) political

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MC Question

If Brenda accomplished her projects with high-quality
results, but she took more time than other managers in the
process, you could say that as a manager she was

A) efficient, but not effective

B) a leader, but not a top manager

C) project oriented, but not effective

D) effective, but not efficient

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Key Takeaways

- Understand management functions, roles,
and required competencies

- Compare and contrast efficiency and

Read Textbook:
Answers for the Chapter 1, pp. 29-35
1. False, 2. C, 3. D Copyright © 2020 Pearson Education Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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