ISO Common Name Chemical Name: Metazachlor 411

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ISO common name Metazachlor

Chemical name 2-Chloro-N-(pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)acet-2,6-xylidide
(IUPAC); 2-chloro-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(1H-
pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)acetamide(CA; 67129-08-2)
Empirical formula C14H16ClN3O
RMM 277.8
m.p. 85 °C
v.p. 1.3 × 10-5 Pa at 20 °C
Solubility In water: 0.43 g/kg at 20 °C; in ethanol: 200 g/kg;
in ethyl acetate: 590 g/kg; in acetone: more than
1000 g/kg; in chloroform: more than 1000 g/kg; in
ether: 143 g/kg; in toluene: 770 g/kg; in cyclo-
hexane: 13 g/kg at 20 °C
Description The pure material is a colourless and odourless
crystalline solid
Stability At least 2 years at 40 °C
Formulations Suspension concentrate



1 Sampling. Take at least 100 g.

2 Identity tests
2.1 Infrared. Prepare potassium bromide discs from the sample and from pure
metazachlor using 1.3 to 1.5 mg material and 300 mg potassium bromide. Scan
the discs from 4000 to 400 cm-1. The spectrum produced from the sample disc
should not differ significantly from that from the standard.
2.2 HPLC. Use the HPLC method below. The retention time of metazachlor for
the sample solution should not deviate by more than 1 % from that for the
calibration solution.

3 Metazachlor
OUTLINE OF METHOD The active ingredient is chromatographed by HPLC
on a reversed phase column (C18, methanol/water) and quantitatively determined
by UV detection with external calibration.

Methanol HPLC grade, e. g. methanol LiChrosolv® from Merck
Water HPLC grade
Mobile phase methanol/water 3 + 2 (v/v)
Metazachlor standard of known purity
Calibration solution. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) about 270 mg of metazachlor
standard (s mg) into a 50 ml volumetric flask and dissolve quantitatively in 6 ml
methanol. Make up to volume with mobile phase. Adjust the amount of
metazachlor (s mg) such that the peak height is not more than 80 % of full
scale. In case of doubt, check the linearity of the detector. Prepare two
calibration solutions of similar concentrations. Do not use the same
calibration solutions for periods longer than one week.


HPLC system consisting of:

- high precision HPLC pump
- injection valve with 10 µl loop, e. g. Reodyne 7125
- stainless steel column 250 × 4 mm, packed with LiChrosorb/ RP 18, 7 µm,
from Merck or equivalent
CIPAC method 1992. Prepared by the German Committee (DAPA), Chairman: Dr W Dobrat.
Based on a method supplied by BASF (FRG)


- variable wavelength UV detector with linear response at high absorbance

values, e. g. Perkin Elmer LC 75
- data system with recorder for peak evaluation


(a) Preparation of sample solution. Weigh (to the nearest 0.1 mg) into a 50 ml
volumetric flask enough sample (w mg) to contain about 270 mg pure metazachlor.
Dissolve in 6 ml methanol and make up to volume with mobile phase. The
concentration of metazachlor should be similar to its concentration in the
calibration solutions. Prepare three solutions for each sample.

(b) Chromatographic conditions (typical):

Column stainless steel column 250 × 4 (i.d.)mm
Stationary phase LiChrosorb® RP 18, 7 m, Merck e.g. Hibar®
pre-packed column from Merck
Mobile phase methanol/water, 3 + 2 (v/v)
Injection volume 10 µl
Flow rate 1.1 ml/min
Detector wavelength 263 nm
Detector sensitivity 1 absorbance unit full scale
Chart speed 1 cm/min
Retention time metazachlor: about 7 min
Temperature ambient.

Do not use elevated column temperatures, as this may lead to deterioration of


(c) Determination of metazachlor. Inject 10 µl portions of both the calibration

solutions. Inject each calibration solution at least two times and calculate the
average peak area to mass ratio. The individual values should not deviate from
the mean by more than ± 0.8 %, otherwise repeat the calibration. Then inject in
duplicate 10 µl portions of each sample solution bracketing them by injections
of the calibration solutions as follows: calibration solution I, sample solution 1,
sample solution 1, calibration solution II, sample solution 2, sample solution 2,
calibration solution I, sample solution 3, sample solution 3, calibration solution II,
and so on for other sample solutions. Measure the relevant peak areas. Calculate the
mean value of each pair of calibration factors (d) bracketing two sample injections
and use this value for evaluating the two bracketed sample runs.


(d) Calculation

Calibration factor:

Hs = area of the metazachlor peak in the calibration solution
s = mass of metazachlor standard taken (mg)

Hw P
Metazachlor content
f w
Hw = area of the metazachlor peak in the sample solution
P = purity of metazachlor standard (g/kg)
w = mass of the sample taken (mg)

The content of metazachlor is the mean value of the results of the three sample

Repeatability r = 16 at 967 g/kg active ingredient content

Reproducibility R = 26 at 967 g/kg active ingredient content

Based on a study with 19 participants and 95 values.



1 Sampling. Take at least 1 l.

2 Identity tests
2.1 Infrared. Weigh about 0.1 g of sample into a 50 ml centrifuge tube, add 50 ml
of acetone, stir for 1 h and centrifugate for 20 min at about 3000 min -1. Transfer
the supernatant, clear solution into a 100 ml round-bottomed flask and evaporate
to dryness under reduced pressure. Dry the residue for 2 h at 60 °C in vacuo.
Proceed as described for 411/TC/M/2.1.
2.2 HPLC. As for 411/TC/M/2.2

CIPAC method 1992. Prepared by the German Committee (DAPA), Chairman: Dr W Dobrat.
Based on a method supplied by BASF (FRG)


3 Metazachlor. As for 411/TC/M/3 except:

(a) Preparation of sample solution. Thoroughly shake the sample container to
assure that the suspension is homogeneous. Immediately weigh into a 50 ml
volumetric flask enough sample (w mg) to contain about 270 mg of pure
metazachlor. Dissolve in mobile phase and continue according to 411/TC/M/3a.

Repeatability r = 6.7 at 450 g/kg active ingredient content

Reproducibility R = 14 at 450 g/kg active ingredient content

Based on a study with 19 participants and 95 values.

4 Suspensibility (Draft Method)

(a) Preparation of suspension and determination of sedimentation. MT 161
CIPAC F, p. 394

(b) Determination of metazachlor in the bottom 25 ml of suspension. After

removal of the top 225 ml of suspension proceed as for 411/SC/M/3.


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