Modern Teaching Techniques in Education

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Modern Teaching Techniques in Education

Conference Paper · February 2019


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1 author:

Vijayalakshmi Murugesan
Avinashilingam University


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Modern Teaching Techniques in Education
M. VIjayalakshmi1
Modern Teaching Techniques have been spread all over the world, which is useful
and easy for teachers. Modern Teaching Techniques educate children well and make them
understand clearly. In this era, there is an increased usage of the internet in educational
applications; this could mean that students and teachers will increasingly make use of
technology within open and flexible learning systems. Technology plays an important role in
enhancing and developing our learning system. Intended outcomes as well as unintended
results of using Modern Teaching Techniques for teacher professional development need to
be explored. Certain skills and capabilities of using different Modern Teaching Technologies
are necessary for students as well as teachers. Therefore it is necessary to prepare them for
the age of Modern Teaching Technology.
Key Words: Modern Teaching Techniques, Objectives, Classification of Teaching
Techniques, Teaching Techniques, Medias, Benefits, Preparation for Modern Age

Education is a process by which the personality of a child is developed. Thus the
education of tomorrow should be able to play its role more effectively by making the
individual creative, innovative and effective. One teacher would be unable to cater to the
various individual differences of all the students. So Kothari Commission Report (1964-66)
recommended “The supply of teaching aids to every school is essential for the improvement
of quality of teaching. It should indeed bring about an educational revolution in the country.”
The innovative teaching methods with the latest teaching technologies helps the students to
achieve their excellence in education.

“Technology & knowledge would play an important role in value – addition to our core
competence of natural and human resources, a must for achieving our vision of 2020 that is
of sustained development.” - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, 2003, (Former President of India).

Assistant Professor, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education (Autonomous),
SRKV Post, Coimbatore – 20.
97912 33339
[email protected]
Modern Teaching Technique is important and most preferred in the technological age.
Nowadays, as classes are modified and equipped with Modern teaching aids such as
Speakers, Online Streaming Videos, Interactive Whiteboards, Visualizer, Response System,
CD's, Projectors, Educational Software etc, it acts as a tool for the teachers to explain the
concepts in a more effective and lucid manner. Teachers can teach the students with more
depth and efficiency and also clear all their doubts with Modern Teaching
Techniques. Teachers must use various types of Modern Teaching Techniques to connect
with the students.
This paper deals with the Modern Teaching Techniques that are used in Education. These
techniques help to attain the following objectives.
 Present the material in more interesting and attractive way
 Guide and help the students in enriching the qualitative material
 Make best use of time and coach the students
 Provide individualized instruction
 Direct the students toward cooperative as well as collaborative learning activities
 Prepare the learning material for students, rather teaching in conventional situations
 Diagnose the learning of students and help them to overcome their study problems
Classification of Modern Teaching Techniques
1. Techniques associated with Teaching Method
 Brain Storming
 Micro Teaching Technique
 Programmed Learning
 Inquiry-Based Learning
 Mind Map
 Coopeartive Learning
 Dramatızatıon
2. Media involved in Modern Teaching Techniques
 Audio Aids
 Visual Aids
 Audio-Visual Aids
 Interactive Electronic White Board
 M-Learning
 E-Learning
Modern Teaching Techniques
Among these classifications, some of the Modern Teaching Techniques with the help
of advanced technology are frequently adopted in classrooms. We can see them in a detailed
Brain Storming:
It is a group creativity technique that was designed to generate a large number of ideas for
the solution of a problem. Problem solving is a process to choose and use the effective and
benefical tool and behaviours among the different potentialities to reach the target. It contains
scientific method,critical thinking,taking decision,examining and reflective thinking. This
method is used in the process of solving a problem to generalize or to make synthesis. It
provides students to face the problems boldly and to deal with it in a scientific approach. It
helps students to adopt the view of benefit from others ideas and to help each other.
Micro Teaching Technique:
It is essential to practise the teaching skills in order to become better teachers. A
teaching skill is a set of teaching behaviours of the teacher which is especially effective in
bringing about desired changes in pupils’ behaviour. Allen and Ryan in 1966 identified 20
teaching skills at Stanford University. This list has now increased to 37 teaching skills. These
skills can be assessed by means of an observation scales. It is not possible to train all the
pupil teachers in all these skills in any training programme because of the constraints of time
and funds. Therefore a set of teaching skills which cuts across the subject areas has been
identified. They have been found to be very useful for every teacher. The set of these skills
are Skill of Probing Questions, Skill of Explaining, Skill of Illustrating with Examples, Skill
of Reinforcement, Skill of Stimulus Variation, Skill of Classroom Management and Skill of
using Blackboard.
Programmed Learning:
Programmed learning (or programmed instruction) is a research-based system which
helps learners work successfully. The learning material may be a textbook or teaching
machine or computer. The medium presents the material in a logical and tested sequence. The
text is in small steps or larger chunks. After each step, learners are given a question to test
their comprehension. Then immediately the correct answer is shown. This means the learner
at all stages makes responses, and is given immediate knowledge of results.
Inquiry-Based Learning:
Inquiry-based learning starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than
simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. The process is
often assisted by a facilitator. Inquirers will identify and research issues and questions to
develop their knowledge or solutions. The inquiry-based instruction is principally very
closely related to the development and practice of thinking skills.
Mind Map:
It is one of the Innovative teaching techniques. It was developed by Tony Buzan in
1960. Mind Maps are used as learning and teaching technique. Mind Map visually illustrates
the relationship between concepts and ideas. Often represented in circles or boxes, concepts
are linked by words and phrases that explain the connection between the ideas, helping the
students, organize and structure their thoughts to further understand information and discover
new relationships. Recollect information for long time. Mind map help for better learning and
effective achievement.
Coopeartive Learning:
İt is a successful teaching technique in which small teams, each with students of
different levels of ability, use variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of
a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also
for helping team mates learning, thus creating the atmosphere of achivement. Students work
through the assignment until all the members succesfuly understand and complete it.
Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit for all the group
members .
One of the Modern teaching techniques teaches students how to behave in a situation by
living it. Physical environment/costumes/accessories are important and they effect the
concentration of the students. Students use their own imagination thus improving their
creativeness. It provides direct involvement in learning on the part of all students, improves
their language usage, communicating/speaking and listening skills and allows for the
exploration of solutions. The various types of Dramatization are Informal drama, Role
playing, Formal drama, Puppets, Pantomime and Finger game.
Media involved in Modern Teaching Techniques
Audio Aids:
In the recent past these hearing aids like cassettes and recorders were in used in the
process of learning of English language. Such teaching aids were effective in improving the
phonetics, pronunciation and spoken English of the students.
Visual Aids:
Apart from the traditional visual aids like charts, pictures and models that are still in use
in the classrooms, there are other modern visual aids which were in use in the recent years.
These aids include the picture slides, motion pictures and the like. The modern times, the
development in technology e-book readers which are portable electronic devices are mainly
used for reading digital books.
Audio-Visual Aids:
These are being widely adopted and used in many of the educational institutions, which
have a separate audio-visual room or lab. By the growth of technology children are showing
much interest in computer-based learning like the Power point presentations. It develops team
work among the students as they are required to work in teams for such project based
learning. In such a Project based learning teacher acts as a facilitator to the taught and this
involves the active participation of the student.
Interactive Electronic White Board:
This is a very recent development wherein the whole board acts like a touch screen
with students being able to do various manipulations directly on the board itself. Basically the
white electronic board is connected to a digital projector which projects the material on the
computer onto the board. Then without the need of touching the computer, the students can
do mathematical calculations, scrabble solving etc by the use of a stylus provided.
M-Learning is the technique where learning occurs in multiple contexts, through
social and content interactions. M-Learning Technologies are available by using personal
electronic devices such as handheld computers, MP3 players, notebooks, mobile phones and
tablets. M-learning is more convenient and access at anytime and anywhere.
Instructional Content or Learning Experiences delivered of enabled by Electronic
Technologies (Ong & Wang, 2004). E-Learning Teaching Strategies are E-lecturering, E-
discussion, E-monitoring, E-tutorial, E-access to network resources, E-structured group
activity, E-informal peer interaction, E-connected education, E-quality learning and
Students use Modern Teaching Techniques to:
 Participation in a media revolution, profoundly affecting the way they think about and
use information technologies
 Improve the ways of learning in view of learning fashions
 Extend the ability and skills applying their learning environment real situation
 Working in groups for cooperative and collaborative learning
 Developing self-learning habits at their own pace and time
 Learn with the teacher rather than by the teacher
 Develop inquiry – learning habits
 Use right information at right time/place to achieve right objective
 Review and explore qualitative data
 Exchange learning experiences and information with others students and teachers
living anywhere in the world
Thus, information technologies facilitate students in their learning process through
their active participation on one hand and help teachers on the other hand.
Preparation for the age of Modern Teaching Technology
Certain skills and capabilities of using different Modern Teaching Technologies are
necessary for students as well as teachers. Therefore it is necessary to prepare them for the
age of Modern Teaching Technology and they are as follows:
 Requiring students to use electronic databases in their searches.
 Encouraging students to use electronic mail to ask questions, and for submitting
 Becoming familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the technologies and
exploring the capabilities of compact-disk read-only memory (CD-ROM), tele/video
conferencing, etc.
 Surveying students about their familiarity with the Modern Teaching Technologies
and asking if they will share their knowledge and skills with the class.
 Using a word processor to develop class notes and editing a version to use as
students’ handouts and a version for overhead transparencies.
 Using computer programs for keeping records in large class enrolment lists, test items
and so on and having students review and update their own record from time to time.
 Using different packages for data analysis.
 Encouraging students to include visual elements as part of their projects.
 Spending students’ time as a multimedia workstation, planning a presentation;
assembling projection graphics, video clips, animation and sound and other materials;
trying to much particulars materials with specific learning objectives; and integration
the materials into a unified presentation.
 Eliminating and/or minimizing physical problems arising from the use of Modern
Teaching Technologies.
Using Modern Teaching Technologies, learners are now able to participate in the
activities of the learning communities throughout the world. They may learn collaboratively,
share information, exchange their learning experiences and work through cooperative
activities in virtual learning communities. Modern Teaching Technologies facilitate teaching
and learning process in more productive fashion. In a nutshell, Modern Teaching
Technologies are restructuring the teaching learning process to meet the International
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