Material Self
Material Self
Material Self
Presentation by Alvil
Villarmia and Gayle Yanson
Material and Economic Self
The material and economic self refers to the tangible
objects, people or places that carry the designation on
my or mine.
The Two Category
of Self
Bodily Self
This consists of intimate/personal categories that are clearly
associated with our identities and to which we could easily
confer ownership.
The Extracorporeal
This is the extended self which expresses our
psychological ownership of particular things,
objects, places, and even people.
Composition of
Material Self
Inner most part of material
self. We intentionally
invest in our body. This
part is the most important.
The style and the brand of clothes
becomes a symbolic significance.
The fabric and style of the clothes
we wear bring sensations to the
bod and can affect our attitude
and behaviour.
Immediate Family
They are the people who shape
and influence the development
of self identity. Our sibling
and parents hold a great
important part of our self.
It is earliest nest of our
selfhood. Our experiences
inside the home were recorded
and marked on particular parts
and things in our home.
Components of Self
Self Concept
The ways in which we look at ourselves
affect how we materially express that
An ML Player invests on buying and
collecting ML Heroes and Skins.
Body Image
How we look at and value our bodies and how we look like are
also important determiners of the brands and things that we
buy and items that will make us happy.
Hand models invest more on their hand stuffs
and essentials like hand lotion, oil, nail cares and
Self Esteem
The level of value we give ourselves
also has an effect in the material
things we buy
Models value their faces so they invest in facial
Role Performance
The roles we play and the demands of these roles also
determine our sense of materiality.
Streamers focuses on investing to the things that they
need like Microphones, Headphones, Camera, PC
equipments and etc
The Main Variables in
Material and Economic
Material Possesions
Our sense of self or identity
influences how we choose to
purchase our wants and how we
make economic decisions that will
address our economic needs.
The following dimensions of material and economic self
simply presentour guiding principles when we are investing in
particular items which in the long-haul, inevitably identifies us
and the type of people we are.
Needs and Wants
Defining needs and wants. A need is
something necessary to live and function.
A want is something that can improve
your quality of life. Using these criteria,
a need includes food, clothing, shelter
and medical care, while wants include
everything else
Experiential versus
Material Purchases
Experiential purchases, such as watching a
movie or a football game, refer to
purchases for the purpose of experience,
while material purchases refer to the
purchase of physical objects for
preservation or possession, such as jewelry
or furniture
High Materialists versus Low
High materialists keep capitalism going
because their frequent purchases keep the flow of demand and supply.
On the other hand, low materialists are people living ascetic lives
or are still in isolated communities with low level of urbanization and
contact with industries.
Effects of
Let's Have An Activity!
Would you rather
This activity you will just simply choose
between the two choices and you only
have 5 seconds to answer and we will give
you three minutes to explain your
Lose all of the money you’ve earned this year
or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this
Win $25,000 or have your best friend win
Work a high-paying job that you hate or your
dream job with only enough money for basic
Lose all of your friends but win the lottery or
keep your friends but you don’t get a raise for
the rest of your life?
Always be overdressed or always be
"Greatness is not found in possession,
power, position or prestige. It is
discovered in goodness l, humility,
service and character."
-William Arthur Ward
Thank you, uwuuu! <33