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EMERGING CUSTOMER SERVICE IN BANKING Bachelor of Commerce Banking and Insurance Semester V (2011-2012)

Submitted In partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Degree of Bachelor of Commerce Banking & Insurance




This is to certify that Miss. PRIYANKA GOVIND SAWANT of


Banking & Insurance Semester V (2011-2012) has successfully completed the project on CO-OPERATIVE BANK under the guidance of PROF. KUNAL SONI SIR.

Course Coordinator


Project Guide/Internal Examiner

External Examiner DECLARTION

I am Miss. PRIYANKA GOVIND SAWANT. The student of B. com (Banking & Insurance) Semester V (2010-2011) hereby declares that have completed the Project on CO OPERATVE BANK. The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of student

Name of Student


Roll No. 48


The college, the faculty, the classmates & the atmosphere, in the college were all the favorable contributory factors right from the point when the topic was to be selected till the final copy was prepared. It was a very enriching experience throughout the contribution from the following individuals in the form in which it appears today. We feel privileged to take this opportunity to put on record my gratitude towards them. PROF. KUNAL SONI SIR made sure that the resource was made available in time & also for immediate advice & guidance throughout making this project. Vice principal of our college PROF. SUCHITRA PHATAK has always been inspiring & driving force. We are thankful to Mr. SANTOSH SHINDE associated with administration part of Banking & Insurance section has been very helpful in making the infrastructure available for data entry.


1. Definition, introduction and Origin of cooperative bank. 2. Roles and importance of cooperative bank. 3. History of cooperative bank. 4. Features and Classification of cooperative bank. 5. Functions of cooperative bank. 6. Main weakness of cooperative bank.

7. Initiative towards development of cooperative bank. 8. Threats and challenges faced by cooperatives in developing 9. Suggestion for effective operations in co operative bank. 10. Co-operative banks v/s Other banks. 11.
Case study. countries.

12. Conclusion. 13. Bibliography.

DEFINATION A Co-operative bank, as its name indicates is an institution Consisting of a number of individuals who join together to pool their surplus Savings for the purpose of eliminating the profits of the bankers or money Lenders with a view to distributing the same amongst the depositors and Borrowers. The Co-operative Banks Act, of 2007 (the Act) defines a co-operative Bank as a co-operative registered as a co-operative bank in terms of the Act Whose members 1. Are of similar occupation or profession or who are employed by a Common employer or who are employed within the same business District; or 2. Have common membership in an association or organization, Including a business, religious, social, co-operative, labour or educational Group; or 3. Have common membership in an association or organization, Including a business, religious, social, co-operative, labour or Educational group; or 4. Reside within the same defined community or geographical area.


Co-operative bank, in a nutshell, provides financial assistance to the People with small means to protect them from the debt trap of the Moneylenders. It is a part of vast and powerful structure of co-operative Institutions which are engaged in tasks of production, processing, marketing, Distribution, servicing and banking in India. A co-operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to its members, who are at the same time the Owners and the customers of their bank. Co-operative banks are often created by persons belonging to the same local or professional community or sharing a common interest. These banks generally provide their members with a wide range of banking and financial services (loans, deposits, banking Accounts). Co-operative banks differ from stockholder banks by their Organization, their goals, their Values and their governance. The Co-operative Banking System in India is characterized by a relatively comprehensive network to the grass root level. This sector mainly focuses on the local population and micro- banking among middle and low Income strata of the society. These banks operate mainly for the benefit of rural areas, particularly the agricultural sector. A co-operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to its members, who are at the same time the owners and the customers of their bank. Co-operative banks are often created by persons belonging to the same local or professional community or sharing a common interest. Co-operative banks generally provide their members with a wide range of banking and financial services (loans, deposits, banking accounts).

A co-operative bank is a financial entity which belongs to its members, who are at the same time the owners and the customers of their bank. Co-operative banks are often created by persons belonging to the same local or professional community or sharing a common interest. Co-operative banks generally provide their members with a wide range of banking and financial services (loans, deposits, banking accounts etc.). Co-operative banks differ from stockholder banks by their organization, their goals, their values and their governance. In most countries, they are supervised and controlled by banking authorities and have to respect prudential banking regulations, which put them at a level playing field with stockholder banks. Depending on countries, this control and supervision can be implemented directly by state entities or delegated to a co-operative Co-operative banking is retail and commercial banking organized on a co-operative basis.

Co-operative banking institutions take deposits and lend money in most parts of the world. Co-operative banking, includes retail banking, as carried out by credit unions, mutual savings and loan associations, building societies and cooperatives, as well as commercial banking services provided by manual organizations (such as co-operative federations) to co-operative businesses.


The beginning co-operative banking in India dates back to about 1904, when official efforts were made to create a new type of institution

Based on principles of co-operative organization & management, which were considered to be suitable for solving the problems peculiar to Indian Conditions. The philosophy of equality, equity and self help gave way to the Thoughts of self responsibility and self administration which resulted in Giving birth of co-operative. The origin on co-operative movement was one such event-arising out of a situation of crisis, exploitation and sufferings. Co-operative banks in India came into existence with the enactment of The Agricultural Credit Co-operative Societies Act in 1904. Co-operative Bank forms an integral part of banking system in India. Under the act of 1904, a number of co-operative credit societies were started. Owing to the Increasing demand of co-operative credit, anew act was passed in 1912, which was provided for establishment of co-operative central banks by a Union of primary credit societies and individuals. Co-operative Banks in India are registered under the Co-operative Societies Act. The cooperative bank is also regulated by the RBI. They are governed by the Banking Regulations Act 1949 and Banking Laws (Cooperative Societies) Act, 1965.


Co-operative Banks are much more important in India than anywhere Else in the world. The distinctive character of this bank is service at a lower Cost and service without exploitation. It has gained its importance by the role Assigned to them, the expectations they are supposed to fulfill, their number, and the number of offices they operate. Co-operative banks role in rural Financing continues to be important day by day, and their business in the urban areas also has increased phenomenally in recent years mainly due to The sharp increase in the number of primary co-operative banks. In rural Areas, as far as the agricultural and related activities are concerned, the

Supply of credit was inadequate, and money lenders would exploit the poor People in rural areas providing them loans at higher rates. So, Co-operative Banks mobilize deposits and purvey agricultural and rural credit with a wider Outreach and provide institutional credit to the farmers. Co-operative bank have also been an important instrument for various development schemes, particularly subsidy-based programmes for poor. The Co-operative banks in rural areas mainly finance agricultural Based activities like:

Farming Cattle Milk Hatchery Personal finance

The Co-operative banks in urban areas finance in activities like:

Self-employment Industries Small scale units Home finance Consumer finance Personal finance

Some of the forward looking Co-operative banks have developed sufficient core competencies to such an extent that they are able to challenge State and private sector banks. The exponential growth of Co-operative banks is attributed mainly to their much better contacts with the local people, personal interaction with Customers and their ability to catch the nerve of the local clientele. The total Deposits and landings of Co-operative banks are much more than the Old Private Sector Banks and the New Private Sector Banks.


Co-operative bank forms an integral part of banking system in India. This bank operates mainly for the benefit of rural area, particularly the Agricultural sector. Co-operative bank mobilize deposits and supply Agricultural and rural credit with the wider outreach. They are the main Source for the institutional credit to farmers. They are chiefly responsible for Breaking the monopoly of moneylenders in providing credit to agriculturists. Co-operative bank has also been an important instrument for various Development schemes, particularly subsidy-based programmers for the poor. Co-operative banks operate for non-agricultural sector also but their role is Small. Though much smaller as compared to scheduled commercial banks, Co-operative banks constitute an important segment of the Indian banking System. They have extensive branch network and reach out to people in Remote areas. They have traditionally played an important role in creating Banking habits among the lower and middle income groups and in

Strengthening the rural credit delivery system.


The origins of the cooperative banking movement in India can be Traced to the close of nineteenth century when, inspired by the success of the Experiments related to the cooperative movement in Britain and the Cooperative credit movement in Germany, such societies were set up in India. Now, Co-operative movement is quite well established in India. The First legislation on co-operation was passed in 1904. In 1914 the Maclagen Committee envisaged a three tier structure for co-operative banking viz. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACs) at the grass root level, Central Co-operative Banks at the district level and State Co-operative Banks at State level or Apex Level. In the beginning of 20th century, availability of credit in India, more particularly in rural areas, was almost absent. Agricultural and related Activities were starved of organized, institutional credit. The rural folk had to depend entirely on the money lenders, who lent often at usurious rates of Interest. The co-operative banks arrived in India in the beginning of 20th Century as an official effort to create a new type of institution based on the Principles of co-operative organization and management, suitable for Problems peculiar to Indian conditions. These banks were conceived as Substitutes for money lenders, to provide timely and adequate short-term and Long-term institutional credit at reasonable rates of interest. The Anyonya Co-operative Bank in India is considered to have been

The first co-operative bank in Asia which was formed nearly 100 years back In Baroda. It was established in 1889 with the name Anyonya

Sahayakari. Mandali Co-operative Bank Limited, with a primary objective of providing an alternative to exploitation by moneylenders for Baroda's Residents. In the formative stage Co-operative Banks were Urban Co-operative Societies run on community basis and their lending activities were restricrestricted to meeting the credit requirements of their members. The concept of Urban Cooperative Bank was first spelt out by Mehta Bhansali Committee in 1939 which defined on Urban Co-operative Bank? Provisions of Section 5 (CCV) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as applicable to Co-operative Societies) defined an Urban Co-operative Bank as a Primary Co-operative Bank other than a Primary Cooperative Society was made applicable in 1966. With gradual growth and also given Philip with the economic boom, urban banking sector received tremendous boost and started diversifying its credit portfolio. Besides giving traditional lending activity meeting the credit requirements of their customers they started catering to various sorts of customers viz.self-employed, small businessmen / industries, house finance, consumer finance, personal finance etc.

List of the co operative Bank 1 The Cosmos Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1906 2 Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1949 3 Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1918 4 The Thane Janata Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1972 5 Mahesh Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1972 6 Vishweshwar Co-operative Bank 1972 7 Rupee Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1912 8 Suvarnayug Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1973 9 Pune Peoples Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1952 10 Vidya Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1974 11 Rajarshee Shahu Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1985 12 Udyam Vikas Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1989 13 Karad Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune. 1917 14 Shivajirao Bhosale Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1972 15 Jeejamata Maheela Sahakari Bank Ltd., Pune 1974 16 Shree Laxmi Co-operative Bank Ltd., Pune 1972 17 Bhaginee Nivedita Co-operative banks. Ltd., Pune 1976 18 Pune Merchant's Co-operative bank Ltd., Pune 192


1. Co-operative Banks are organized and managed on the principal of cooperation, self-help and mutual help. They function with the rule of "one member, one vote". function on "no profit, no loss" basis. Co-operative banks, as a principle, do not pursue the goal of profit maximization. 2. Co-operative bank performs all the main banking functions of deposit mobilization, supply of credit and provision of remittance facilities. 3. Co-operative Banks provide limited banking products and are functionally specialists in agriculture related products. However, co-operative banks now provide housing loans also. 4. Co-operative banks are perhaps the first government sponsored, government-supported and government-subsidized financial agency in India. They get financial and other help from the Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, central government and state governments. They constitute the "most favoured" banking sector with risk of nationalization. For commercial banks, the Reserve Bank of India is lender of last resort, but co-operative banks it is the lender of first resort which provides financial resources in the form of contribution to the initial capital (through state government), working capital, refinance. 5. Co-operative Banks belong to the money market as well as to the capital market. Primary agricultural credit societies provide short term and medium term loans. 6. Co-operative banks are financial intermediaries only partially. The sources of their funds (resources) are: (a) Central and state government, (b) The Reserve Bank of India and NABARD, (c) Other co-operative institutions, (d) Ownership funds and, (e) Deposits or debenture issues.

7. Some co-operative bank is scheduled banks, while others are nonscheduled

banks. Co-operative Banks are subject to CRR and liquidity requirements as other scheduled and non-scheduled banks are. However, their requirements are less than commercial banks. 8. As said earlier, co-operative banks accept current, saving, and fixed or time deposits from individuals and institutions including banks. 9. In the recent past, the RBI has introduced changes in interest rates of cooperative banks also, along with changes in interest rates of commercial banks. The interest rates structure of co-operative banks is quite complex. The rates charged by them depend upon the type of bank, the type of loans, and vary from state to state. 10. Since 1966 the lending and deposit rate of commercial banks have been directly regulated by the Reserve Bank of India. Although the Reserve Bank of India had power to regulate the rate co-operative bank but this have been exercised only after 1979 in respect of non-agricultural advances they were free to charge any rates at their discretion. Although the main aim of the cooperative bank is to provide cheaper credit to their members and not to maximize profits, they may access the money market to improve their income so as to remain viable.


The Co-operative banking structure in India comprises of: 1. Urban Co-operative Banks

2. Rural Co-operatives Some co-operative banks are scheduled banks, while others are nonscheduled banks. For instance, State Co-operative banks and some Urban Co-operative banks are scheduled banks but other co-operative banks are non-scheduled banks. Scheduled banks are those banks which have been included in the second schedule of the Reserve bank of India act of 1934. 1. Urban Co-operative Banks: Urban Co-operative Banks is also referred as Primary Co-operative banks by the Reserve Bank of India. Among the non-agricultural credit societies urban co-operative banks occupy an important place. This bank is started in India with the object of catering to the banking and credit requirements of the urban middle classes. The RBI defines Urban Co-operative banks as small sized cooperatively organized banking units which operate in metropolitan, urban and semi-urban centers to cater mainly to the needs of small borrowers, viz. owners of small scale industrial units, retail traders, professional and salaries classes. Urban Co-operative banks mobilize savings from the middle and lower income groups and purvey credit to small borrowers, including weaker sections of the society. These banks organize on a limited liability basis, generally extend their area of operation over a town. The main functions of these banks are to promote thrift by attracting deposits from members and non-members and to advance loans to the members. Urban Co-operative banks are mostly located in towns and cities and cater to the credit requirement of the urban clientele. The objectives and functions of the Urban Co-operative banks: a) Primarily, to raise funds for lending money to its members. b) To attract deposits from members as well as non-members. c) To encourage thrift, self-help ad mutual aid among members. d) To draw, make, accept, discount, buy, sell, collect and deal in bills of exchange, drafts, certificates and other securities. e) To provide safe-deposit vaults. 2. Rural Co-operatives: Rural Cooperative Banking plays an important role in meeting the

growing credit needs of rural population of India. It provides institutional credit to the agricultural and rural sector. The inadequacy of rural credit engaged the attention of RBI and Government throughout the 1950s and 1960s. One important feature of providing agriculture credit in India has been the existence of a widespread network of rural financial institutions. The rural credit structure consists of many types of financial institutions as large scale branch expansion was undertaken to create a strong institution based in rural area. It has served as an important instrument of credit delivery in rural and agricultural areas. The separate structure of rural Cooperative sector for long-term and short-term loans has enabled these institutions to develop a specialized institution for rural credit delivery. The volume of credit flowing through this institution has increased. The Rural Co-operative structure has traditionally been bifurcated into two parallel wings, i.e. I. Short-term Rural Co-operatives, II. Long-term Rural Co-operatives. There is a larger network of co-operative banks in the rural sector, consisting of 29 State Co-operative Banks and 367 District Central Cooperative Banks, with 13,025 branches. In addition, there are 92,000 Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies , 19 State Land Development Banks and 745 Primary Land Development Banks, along with 1,847 branches, which are not strictly banks as they are not covered under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The RBI Governor's proposals should, therefore, encompass the entire Co-operative banking system.

I. Short-term Rural Co-operatives: The short-term rural co-operatives provide crop and other working capital loans to farmers and rural artisans primarily for short-term purpose. These institutions have federal three-tier structure. At the Apex of the system is a State Co-operative bank in each state. At the middle (or district) level, there are Central Co-operative Banks also known as District Co-operative banks. At the lowest (or village) level, is the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies. i. State Co-operative Banks:

State Co-operative Banks are the apex of the three-tier Co-operative structure dispensing mainly short/medium term credit. It is the principal society in a State which is registered or deemed to be registered under the Government Societies Act, 1912, or any other law for the time being in force in India relating to co-operative societies and the primary object of which is the financing of the other societies in the State which are registered or deemed to be registered. The State Co-operative Banks receive current and fixed deposits from its constituent banks as well as savings, current and fixed deposits from the general public and from local boards, other local authorities, etc. Further, they receive loans from the RBI and NABARD. ii. Central Co-operative Banks: Central Co-operative Banks form the middle tier of Cooperative credit institutions. These are the independent units in as much as the State Cooperative Banks have control to control or supervise their affairs. They are of two kinds i.e. pure and mixed. Those banks are the membership of which is confined to co-operative organizations only is included in pure type, while those banks the membership of which is open to co-operative organizations as well as to the individuals are included in mixed type. The pure type of Central Banks can be seen in Kerala, Bombay, Orissa, etc., while the mixed type can be seen in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, etc. The Central Co-operative Banks draw their funds from share capital, deposits, loans from the State C-operative Banks and where State Banks do not exist from the RBI, NABARD and commercial banks. NABARD is the supervisory authority for Central Co-operative Banks. Deposits constitute the major component of sources of funds, followed by borrowings. The main function of Central Co-operative Banks is to finance the primary credit societies. banks have three sources of funds, o Their own share capital and reserves o Deposits from the public and o Loans from the state co-operative banks

iii. Primary agriculture Credit Societies: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies is the foundation

of the co-operative credit system on which the superstructure of the short-term co-operative credit system rests. It deals directly with individual farmers, provide short and medium term credit, supply agricultural inputs, distribute consume articles and also arrange for the marketing of products of its members through co-operative marketing societies. These societies form the basic unit of co-operative credit system in India. These voluntary societies based on principle of one man one vote has posed challenge to exploitative practices of the village moneylenders. The farmers and other small-time borrowers come in direct contact with these societies. The success of the co-operative credit movement depend largely on the strength of these village level societies. II. Long-term Rural Co-operatives: The long-term rural co-operative provide typically medium and long-term loans for making investments in agriculture, rural industries and, In the recent period, housing. Generally, these co-operatives have two tiers, i.e. State Co-operative Agriculture and Development Banks (SCARBDs) at the state level and Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs) at the taluka or tehsil level. However, some States have A unitary structure with the state level banks operating through their own Branches. i. State Co-operative Agriculture and Development Banks (SCARBDs): State Co-operative Agriculture and Development Banks constitute the upper-tier of long term co-operative credit structure. Though long term credit co-operatives have been allowed to access public deposits under certain conditions, such deposits constitute a relatively small Proportion of their total liabilities. They are mostly dependent on borrowings For on-lending. The main objective of the Co-operative State Agriculture and Rural Development bank is to finance primary agriculture and rural development Banks. The bank undertakes the following functions to achieve the above objectives:(a) Floatation of Debentures, (b) Receiving Deposits; (c) Grant of loans to primary cooperative agriculture and rural

development banks for purposes approved by the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development and Registrar of Cooperative Societies; (d) To function as the agent of any cooperative bank subject to such conditions as the Registrar may specify; (e) To develop, assist and coordinate the work of affiliated primary Cooperative agriculture and rural development banks. The bank issues long term and medium term loans towards Agricultural and allied activities like construction of go downs, cattle shed, farm house, purchase of lands etc., and for minor irrigation purposes like construction of new wells, deepening of existing wells etc., In addition, long term loans are also sanctioned for animal husbandry, fisheries, plantation, farm mechanization, non-farm sector and other non-minor irrigation schemes. ii. Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks (PCARDBs): Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks is the lowest layer of long term credit co-operatives. It is primarily dependent on the borrowings for their lending business. They provide credit for developmental purposes like minor irrigation, cultivation of plantation crops and for diversified purposes like poultry, dairying and sericulture on schematic basis. They get requisite financial assistance from the Cooperative State Agriculture and Rural Development Bank. In order to widen their scope of lending to compete with other Financial agencies, the primary cooperative agriculture and rural development banks have been permitted to finance artisans, craftsmen and small scale entrepreneurs. They have also been permitted to issue loans to small road transport operators in rural areas for purchase of goods carriers and passenger vehicles.

Functions of co-operative banks Co-operative banks also perform the basic banking functions of banking but they differ from commercial banks in the following respects:

Commercial banks are joint-stock companies under the companies act of

1956, or public sector bank under a separate act of a parliament whereas co-

operative Banks were established under the co-operative societys acts of different states.

Commercial bank structure is branch banking structure whereas co-operative

banks have a three tier setup, with state co-operative bank at apex level, central / district co-operative bank at district level, and primary co-operative societies at rural level.

Only some of the sections of banking regulation act of 1949 (fully applicable
to commercial banks), are applicable to co-operative banks, resulting only in partial Control by RBI of co-operative banks and

Co-operative banks function on the principle of cooperation and not entirely

on Commercial parameters.

Co-operative Banks are organized and managed on the principal of cooperation, self-help, and mutual help. They work on the basis of no profit no loss. Profit maximization is not their goal.

Co-operative bank do banking business mainly in the agriculture and rural

sector. However, UCBs, SCBs, and CCBs operate in semi urban, urban, and metropolitan areas also.

The State Co-operative Banks (SCBs), Central Co-operative Banks (CCBs)

and Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) can normally extend housing loans up to Rs 1 lakh to an individual. The scheduled UCBs, however, can lend up to Rs 3 lakh for housing purposes. The UCBs can provide advances against shares and debentures also. MAIN WEAKNESS OF CO-OPERATIVE BANKS

The main weaknesses of co-operative banks are as follows: 1. The vital link in the co-operative credit system namely, the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Societies, themselves remain very weak. They are too small in size to be economical and viable; besides too many of them are

Dormant, existing only on paper. 2. With the expanding credit needs of the rural sector, the commercial banks have come in actively to meet the credit requirements of this sector, and this Has aggravated the difficulties of co-operative banks. The theory that cooperative banks would be buoyed up by the competition from other financial Institutions do not appear to have worked. 3. Co-operative banks are not doing well in all the states; only a few account For a major part of their business. For example, 75 per cent of total deposits Mobilized by State C-operative Banks was from only seven states in 1987Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. 4. These banks still rely very heavily on refinancing facilities from the Government, the RBI, and NABARD. They have yet not been able to Become self-reliant in respect of resources through deposit mobilization. 5. They suffer from dangerously low or weak quality of loan assets, and From highly unsatisfactory recovery of loans. They suffer from Infrastructural weaknesses and structural flaws. They do not look like banks and do not inspire confidence in the potential members, depositors and Borrowers. 6. Poor resource base is main constraint of these banks. Relatively low per capita base and less equity base due to non-participations of the members in the financial activities and limited area of operation is becoming a Permanent obstacle in the progress of this sector.

7. Poor profit position and burden of huge accumulated losses of several cooperative banks has threatened the very survival of these banks. The amount of cost of management of this sector has adversely affected its profitability.

8. Most of the Co-operative banks are suffering from the lack of professional management. In the deregulated environment and stiff competition in the banking sector, due to lack of the professionalism in carrying out banking activities, the weakness of these banks has become more prominent.

9. Many co-operative banks even now continue to follow age-old system and procedures, which are not conductive in the present technologically driven banking environment. Except some Co-operative banks, technological development in Information Technology or computerized data management is conspicuously Absent. 10. There is a lack of proper governance. Corporate Governance has great relevance in the present environment. As there is no formal system of corporate governance in co-operative banks, many banks have become the hot bed of political patronage, unscrupulous financial practice and gross mismanagement.


1. Reorganization of Primary Agricultural credit Societies. (a scheme by NABARD) 2. National Co-operative Bank of India (NCBI) was registered in 1993. (Multi-state co-operative society)-it has no regulatory functions. 3. Co-operative development bank (set up by NABARD). 4. Allowing all PCBs to undertake equipment leasing and hire- purchase

financing. 5. Licensing of new banks. 6. Over the years, primary (urban) cooperative banks have registered a significant growth in number, size and volume of business handled. As on 31st March, 2003 there were 2,104 UCBs of which 56 were scheduled banks. 7. About 79 percent of these are located in five states, - Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. According to sources the total deposits & lendings of Cooperative Banks in India are much more than Old Private Sector Banks & also the New Private Sector Banks.

Threats and challenges faced by cooperatives in developing countries The preceding optimistic view has to be tempered with awareness of the constraints that cooperatives in developing countries face. A recent study of 450 cooperatives in Tanzania and Sri Lanka reports that cooperatives lack access to loan finance to help them expand their business. Other constraints include lack of technical knowledge and access to new technology, and training in business and leadership skills; lack of access to markets beyond their locality; and lack of knowledge about opportunities for fair trade. These cooperatives are still held back by issues like over-regulation from governments and poor internal governance which can lead to lack of trust in their own elected officials. Farmer cooperatives need assistance to improve the quality of produce for export in a global economy that puts the responsibility on producers to meet quality standards. Credit cooperatives need strengthened capacity to do banking and manage risk. The low level of participation by women is a challenge faced by many cooperatives, a problem that is worse in agricultural cooperatives compared to other types such as credit cooperatives. One way to address this problem is through setting up womens cooperatives like the womens cooperative banks in

the South of Sri Lanka. Awareness campaigns, as in the Womens Dairy Cooperative leadership programme in India, helped double the participation rates of women.23 In addition, the challenge of low level of involvement of young people and the need to provide them with decent work could be addressed through setting up specialized youth cooperatives and running awareness campaign in existing cooperatives. In Africa, cooperatives face the specific threat from HIV/AIDS.24 the cost in human resources loss of trained employees and committed members adds to those imposed by the difficult business environment. In particular, credit cooperatives face increased risks from default on loans, and need to provide insurance that may, in the long run, be costly. One challenge is to meet the needs of members with HIV/AIDS and their families, and this can only be done by businesses that are sound. Nevertheless, cooperatives are an ideal setting for increasing awareness and HIV education. For instance, in India cooperative networks are being used for health education, while in Ethiopia 400 cooperatives with a total family membership of 2.5 million are developing educational materials with help from ACDI/VOCA. In Calcutta and West Bengal the sex workers of Usha Multipurpose Cooperative Society, with more than 7000 members, have started a microcredit scheme, help with supply and marketing of handicrafts, and a peer education programmed. One opportunity provided by the crisis is to develop new types of cooperatives for home care provision, such as the Soweto Home-based Care Givers Cooperative, which is supported by the Canadian cooperative movement. Civil wars and ethnic conflicts have caused major disruptions and destroyed cooperative infrastructure and social capital. Yet there is some evidence that even during conflicts cooperatives can survive. In Sri Lanka and Nepal, they have been the only independent organizations allowed by both sides in the civil war zone. In post conflict areas, cooperatives also play a crucial role in restoring both the economy and civil society. In East Timor, with help from the National Cooperative Business Association of the USA, a network of 20,000 farmers has been formed, processing one third of the coffee for export. 25. In Rwanda, a credit union system was rebuilt by the World Council of Credit Unions without regard to ethnicity, and now there are 149 unions with nearly 400,000 members. In Bosnia cheese cooperatives, and in Montenegro dairy cooperatives, have encouraged displaced refugees to return, while in El Salvador electricity cooperatives have boosted the local economy so ex-combatants can find work. Similar stories can be told of Guatemala, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Serbia and Montenegro. There is also evidence of cooperatives bridging longstanding ethnic divides; electricity cooperatives in Bangladesh have a common membership among

the 28 million users, and in India dairy cooperatives treat members of different castes as equals.

SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE OPERATION IN COOPERATIVE BANKING The following suggestions can be made for improving the effectiveness in operation of Co-operative banking: 1. It is apparent that the mountain overdue has become a major problem of most of the co-operative banks and their performance in managing Non Performing Assets is not satisfactory. Firm measure should be followed to make credit appraisal, documentation, disbursement, monitoring, etc. The following strategies may help the banks in avoiding or reducing NPAs. a) Pre-sanction strategies: Before sanctioning a loan, a bank has to go for Detailed inquiry about borrower and his loan proposal. b) Post-sanction strategies: After the loan is disbursed, proper supervision of loan utilization is to be ensured. Bank has to maintain proper relationship with the borrower and ensure that first installment id deposited timely. c) Persuasion or Follow-up: As a step, bank has to pursue with borrower and if required, rescheduling of installments be made. d) The bank should adopt he system of computerized monitoring of loans.

2. These banks can also go for such schemes for opening of saving bank and other accounts treated as low cost deposit base as well as clientele base of

the banks will take remarkable shape. In this respect, banks can introduce effectively various innovative deposit schemes like womens savings, childrens savings, savings scheme for youth, daily collection etc.

3. With limited area of operation for so many decades together, Urban Cooperative Banks could not expand their business in other area in general. At this juncture, it should have governmental support and the government Should liberalize this area of operation, so that they could increase their business at their will.

4. All Co-operative banks should come in one umbrella i.e. CORE BANKING. 5. Co-operative banks, with their newly formed emphasis on prudential norms, need a high degree of professionalism in management. 6. Some Co-operative banks particularly which are small banks not having sufficient branch network are suggested to enter into tie-up arrangements with commercial banks like ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, etc and in this way these banks could expand their business.

Co-operative banks V/s Other banks While Co-operative banks were closing down, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tried to bring them under tighter control. Till a few years ago, Urban Commercial Banks were not strictly monitored with two regulators in the RBI and the Registrar of Co-operative Societies. But now the RBI has taken various measures to bring them under control. It has signed MoUs with 11 states to set up task forces on Urban Cooperative Banks to work with the registrars on remedial action and take the tough decisions on the structure. It has also put a limit of 15 per cent of the own funds of the bank for loans to one borrower group, making it difficult for the banks to give a huge loan to one entity and compromise its stability, as was happening earlier. According to the RBI, Co-operative banks are intended primarily for members and all financial information pertaining to the bank is required to be made available to them. In addition, according to the existing regulations, a bank is required to publish its balance sheet in a newspaper in circulation in the main area of operations of the bank. They are also required to place their annual accounts before the annual general meeting. Certain minimum disclosures have been prescribed by RBI. All this information can be used by public in making investment decision. However, the bank customer has to make his or her own choice, depending on which the bank offers the most suitable product. While the RBI is doing its bit, it says you should also run the following checks to ensure that you have a nice experience.

Check for deposit cover. Ask the bank to what extent your deposit will be covered by DICGC insurance if you are not investing in the name of an individual but as a business organization. (In the event of a bank failure, DICGC protects bank deposits that are payable in India.)

Scheduled banks. The 53 scheduled cooperatives banks are fairly safe. Size. For non-scheduled banks, there is safety in size. Decide in favor of bigger urban co-operative banks.

Non-performing assets. These should be within single digits. The higher the NPA, the bigger the risk. Capital adequacy. This ratio should not be less than 9 per cent. Credit-deposit ratio. Ideally, the ratio should be 66 per cent. Anything more shows that the bank is not in a position to lend and, hence, get new business to pay back the depositors. Profits. Check whether the bank has been making profits for the last three years. RBI directive: Check out the current financial status of a bank operating under RBIs directive before dealing with it.

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CASE STUDY Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Ltd, Karnataka, India About Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Ltd. Vikas Souharda Co-operative Bank Ltd. has its main office located in Hospet, Karnataka and has branches at Hospet Station Road, Hospet Market and Hubli. Established on 21 August 1997, the bank has an estimated deposit of 50 crores and has recorded profits to a tune of 1.4 crores for the year ending March 2007. The bank offers financial services to miners, carrier owners, traders, and small and medium entrepreneurs. Latest Technologies It is the first bank in the Indian co-operative banking sector to introduce Digital Dispenser Technology and also the first bank in the state of Karnataka to provide Telebanking facility to its customers. To protect its customers interests the bank has provided Fake Currency Detectors and safe deposit lockers facility. Being a techno-savvy bank, it is the first bank in Karnataka state to adopt Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Scheme. It has been the first institution to respond to innovative concepts and has been a role model to many other cooperative banks in the state. The bank was quick in adapting to the changing banking scenario by maintaining not only the latest infrastructure but also by designing the interiors of the bank to get a look and feel that is at par with the multinational banks. Goal of the Bank Being a trendsetting bank in the co-operative sector that serves its customers 365 days a year and 12 hours a day, the goal of the bank was to improve the quality of customer service, the turn-around time, and accuracy of backoffice operations thereby reducing costs and improving profits. The banks goal is to provide customer satisfaction with accuracy and reliability of service. The bank ensures safety and profitability of assets with due diligence by adopting appropriate information technology and

maintenance of sufficient backup of the system and the data. The bank also aims to increase its customer base by introducing a variety of innovative financial services and products. The Banks Mission o Improve quality of customer service levels o Reduce cost of customer service o The bank also aims at: Providing a range of financial services to the customer Maintaining transparency in customer relations Fulfilling all commitments Practicing judicious management of risks Offering services to customers' satisfaction Training employees to render professional and pleasing service to its customers Giving fair return to its staff and contributing to their general welfare VSofts SuVikas helped the bank achieve its goal SuVikas, a user-friendly, cost effective, flexible and self-supporting application permits easy performance, improves overall management efficiency, and enables the bank to concentrate on the business of finance without much concern about the ever changing IT trends. Through this, bank and customer got many benefits like: Quick customer service The bank was able to substantially decrease the time a customer spends at the counter as the software provides a single view of all accounts of the customer. Which made the bank better as per their customers. Reduced redundant tasks Reducing redundant tasks meant more resources available for recovery. So, customer was getting quick facilities.

New delivery channels The bank was able to achieve business success because of the operational efficiency made possible by technologies such as Internet Banking, Touch Screen Banking and Mobile Alerts to its customers. Due to which Customer was very happy. Funds transfer made easy The bank was able to introduce EFT Scheme in urban c-operative banks to affect remittances on behalf of their customers to various places in the Country. Under this service, funds are transferred from one place to another within a short time. This facility was made available to the customers of cooperative banks recently. The scheme also enabled better customer service to rural and semi urban customers. Multiple delivery channels The bank was able to provide Any Branch Banking service to its rural and semi urban customers since 1997 by using high-end software and hardware equipment and network. The people at SUCO Bank appreciate the value of time and energy of the customers. By introducing Tele-banking facility, SUCO Bank has ensured that the customers can access their account details through telephone lines without leaving the comfort of their home and not having to travel long distances. Extended Transaction Hours SUCO Bank is the only bank to initiate transaction facilities beyond the regular banking transaction hours. This amply displays the commitment of the bank to customer service.


Now, it is very much clear that co-operative banks have very much importance in national development. Without the help of co-operative banks, millions of people in India would be lacking the much needed financial support. Co-operative banks take active part in local communities and local development with a stronger commitment and social responsibilities. These banks are best vehicles for taking banking to doorsteps of common men, unbanked people in urban and rural areas. Their presence in the social, economic and democratic structure of the country is essential to bring about harmonious development and that perhaps is the best justification for nurturing them and strengthening their base. These banks are sure to win in the race because they are from the people, by the people and of the people.




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