English (152rules) Merged
English (152rules) Merged
English (152rules) Merged
o Noun ‡Pbvi wKQz Prefix— co, sub, auto, anti, mis etc, ‡hgb- co-founder,
subdivision, autobiography, anticlimax, misdeed etc.
o Gerund (verb + ing = Noun) ‡h‡nZz Function Gi gva¨‡gI ‡Pbv hvq|
Noun ‡Pbvi Dcvq
Common Noun
Rule : 02
02. What kind of noun is ÔriverÕ? [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) Material (L) Collective (M) Proper (N) Common DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : ‡h Noun Øviv e¨w³ ev e¯‘i mv`„k¨/mvaviY bvg †evSvq Zv‡K common noun e‡j| †hgb−
boy, girl, river, ocean, cricketer, man, city etc.
Common Noun Gi wKQz D`vniY
man (gvbyl), woman (¯¿x‡jvK), country (‡`k), city (bMix), boy (evjK), girl (evwjKv), harbor
(‡cvZvkÖq), doctor (wPwKrmK), pupils (Qv·`i), bank, human, waiter (‡nv‡Uj ev †i‡¯Ívivi
cwiPviK), word, child (wkï), Children (‡Q‡j‡g‡q) hand, Pirate (Rj`my¨), family, College
(gnvwe`¨vjq), student, firefighter, river (b`x), mouth, sailors (bvweK), Island (Øxc), Fighter
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 2 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
(‡hv×v), flower (dzj), player (‡L‡jvqvo), dancer, ship, robber, cow, bee, book, people,
elephant, chair, teacher, soldier BZ¨vw`|
03. What kind of noun is "Girl"? [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) Collective (খ) Proper (গ) Material (ঘ) Common উত্তর : ঘ
Collective Noun
Rule : 03
04. ÔA herd of cattle is passing.’ The underlined word is a/an- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) adverb (L) adjective (M) collective noun (N) abstract noun D:M
e¨vL¨v : ‡h Noun GKB ai‡bi e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K c„_Kfv‡e bv eywS‡q Zv‡`i mgwó‡K †evSvq Zv‡K collective noun
e‡j| †hgb− army, police, jury (wePviKgÐjx), committee (`j), gang, flock, Fleet, Herd (Mevw` cïi
cvj), Team, Audience (‡kÖvZvgÐjx), School (gv‡Qi SvuK), Cattle, Crowd (RbvKxY©), Pack, Navy,
Library, Class, Parliament, Public, Covey, Gentry, Orchestra, Infantry (c`vwZK evwnbx) etc.
05. What kind of noun is "Cattle"? [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) Proper (খ) Collective (গ) Material (ঘ) Common উত্তর : খ
06. The jury were divided in their opinion. ev‡K¨ `vM †`qv AskwU †Kvb noun? (cÖv. we`¨v. mn. wk-1993)
K. Collective L. Proper M. Common N. Abstract DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : evK¨wUi A_© ÒRywi‡ev‡W©i m`m¨iv Zv‡`i gšÍ‡e¨ wef³ n‡qwQjÓ| Rywi‡evW© MwVZ nq mg‡MvÎxq m`m¨
wb‡q| myZivs GwU GKwU Collective noun Gi D`vniY|
▪ committee, jury mgRvZxq wKQz e¨w³i mgš^‡q MwVZ n‡q‡Q| myZivs GB k㸇jv collective noun Gi
▪ committee, jury Gi m`m¨iv hLb wm×všÍ MÖn‡Y HKg‡Z¨ †cŠ‡Q‡Q, ZLb singular verb e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q| hLb
wm×všÍ MÖn‡Y HKgZ¨ nqwb, ZLb plural verb e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
▪ Collective noun ev‡K¨i subject n‡j Ges member- iv GK‡Î KvR Ki‡j verb = Singular nq|
▪ Collective noun ev‡K¨i subject n‡j Ges member- iv Avjv`vfv‡e KvR Ki‡j verb = Plural nq|
07. The ...... of the Camel was found lying by the side of the canal. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mn. wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
K. Carcass L. Corps M. Corpees d. Corpse DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Carcass—cïi g„Z‡`n| Corps—‰mb¨`j, Corpse—g„Z‡`n/ke/gov| myZivs Carcass e¨envi
GLv‡b mwVK I A_©en|
Material Noun
Rule- 04
08. ‘Mutton’ is a/an– [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Common noun (খ) Abstract noun
(গ) Material noun (ঘ) Proper noun DËi: M
িযাখযা : Mutton (থমষ মাংি; থেড়ার মাংি) হব া Material noun, থকননা Mutton শব্দটি পিার্থ বিষয়ক|
➢ †Kvb e¯‘ †h wRwbm Øviv MwVZ nq Zv‡K A_©vr e¯‘i Dcv`vbwU‡KB material noun e‡j|
➢ ‡h noun Øviv †Kvb e¯‘i bvg eySvq, wKš‘ MYbv Kiv hvq bv (KZ¸‡jv Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi cvIqv hvq bv), ïay
cwigvc (wK cwigvY Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j DËi cvIqv hvq) Kiv hvq Zv‡K material noun e‡j|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 3 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
➢ GKwU ¯^‡Y©i nvi evbv‡bvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb Gold (‡mvbv)| myZivs †mvbv (Gold) GKwU material noun Gi
09. The ring is made of gold. ev‡K¨ Ôgold’ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun? (cÖv_wgK we`¨vj‡qi mnKvix wkÿK-2005)
K. Common noun L. Collective noun
M. Material noun N. Abstract noun DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : eY©bvi cÖ_g kZ©wU jÿ¨ Kiæb− Ô†Kvb e¯‘ †h wRwbm Øviv MwVZ nq Zv‡K A_v©r e¯‘i Dcv`vbwU‡KB
material noun e‡jÕ| evK¨wU‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q Ring ‰Zwi Kiv nq Gold w`‡q| myZivs Gold GKwU Material
noun Gi D`vniY|
10. Rafan prefers coffee to tea. ev‡K¨ Ôcoffee’ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
K. Material noun L. Common noun
M. Collective noun N. Abstract noun DËi : K
AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb−
Silver (iƒcv), iron (‡jvnv), cotton (Zyjv), diamond (nxiv), milk (`ya), paint (is), rubber (ievi), paper
(KvMR), steel (B¯úvZ), wood (KvV), sand (evwj), mutton (QvMj/‡fovi gvsm), sugar (wPwb), oil (‡Zj) etc.
Abstract Noun
Rule- 05
11. Fraility the name is women. Here “Fraility” is– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A noun (খ) An adjective (গ) An adverb (ঘ) A verb উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Fraility িব থকাবনা word পাওয়া যায় না| তবি শব্দটি Fraility না হবয় Frailty হব এটি হবতা Noun. যার
অর্থ োঙ্গুরতা, নশ্বরতা|
‡h noun ¯úk© Kiv hvq bv, †Kej Abyfe Kiv hvq (‡Kvb Ae¯‘MZ aviYv A_v©r †Kvb e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ‡`vl, ¸Y †evSvq) Zv‡K
abstract noun e‡j| †hgb : Honesty, goodness, love, kindness, beauty, fraility, youth etc.
▪ Abstract noun ev‡K¨i Subject n‡j Verb singular nq| †hgb- Honesty is the
‡R‡b best policy.
ivLyb ▪ Abstract noun Gi Pronoun ÔIt’ nq| †hgb- Success means achieving
something. It applies to a lucky person.
Compound noun
Bs‡iwR fvlvq GKwU noun Gi mv‡_ Av‡iKwU noun Gi mgš^q A_ev adjective Gi mv‡_ noun Gi mgš^q
A_ev gerund Gi mv‡_ noun Gi mgš^‡q †h †hŠMc` ˆZwi nq ZvB compound noun. ‡hgb—
Noun + Noun— Bedroom, water tank, motorcycle, printer cartridge.
Adjective + Noun— Software, green house, redhead, hotplate, Sweetheart.
Gerund + Noun— Washing machine, driving license, Closing time, running shoes.
Adjective + Verb— Dry-cleaning, public speaking.
Noun + Gerund— Sightseeing, taxi-driving. Noun + Verb— Rainfall, train-spotting.
Adverb + Noun— Onlooker, bystander. Adverb + Verb— Output, overthrow, input
Verb + Noun— Bathroom, playboy, search engine, postman, rest house, call girl.
Verb + Adverb— Lookout, drawback, take-off. Noun + Adverb— Hanger on, Passer by.
Countable & Uncountable Noun
MYbvi wfwˇZ noun ‡K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v— Countable noun & Uncountable noun.
Countable noun
‡h noun ¸‡jv‡K MYbv Kiv hvq, †m¸‡jv‡K ejv nq Countable noun. h_v— Pencil, Chair, Cow etc.
Countable noun Ôsingular’ Ges Ôplural’ DfqB n‡Z cv‡i|
Uncountable noun
‡h noun ¸‡jv‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv, †mme noun ‡K ejv nq Uncountable noun| Uncountable noun
mg~n me©`vB Singular wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| wKQz Uncountable noun Gi D`vniY|
Accomodation Advice (Dc‡`k) Courage (mvnm) Decision (wm×všÍ)
Equipment (DcKiY) Information (Z_¨) Leisure (Aemi) Knowledge (Ávb)
Money (UvKv) Music (Mvb) News (Lei) Patience (‰ah©)
Permission (AbygwZ) Scenery (`„k¨) Soap (mvevb) Arrangement (Av‡qvRb)
Kindness (D`viZv) Honesty (mZZv) Ability (mvg_©¨) Bravery (exiZ¡/mvnwmKZv)
Attitude (AvPiY) Boyhood (evj¨Kvj) Childhood (‰kkeKvj) Chairmanship (mfvcwZZ¡)
Forgiveness (ÿgv) Esteem (kÖ×v) Depth (MfxiZv) Hope (Avkv)
Goodwill (mybvg) Happiness (myL) Height (D”PZv) Beauty (‡mŠ›`h©)
Integrity (mZZv) Joy (Avb›`) Length (‰`N©¨) Anger (‡µva)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 5 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
যে কল শব্দ noun/pronoun ি দিষ্ট া, অ ি দিষ্ট া, ংখ্ া া প মাণ ি দিশ ক াদ ক Determiner
e‡j| h_v : a, an, many, much, few, little BZ¨vw`|
Types of Determiners
e¯‘evPK msL¨v ev cwigvYevPK
Determiners Determiners
01. ____ amazing song haunted me for a long time. [35Zg wewmGm]
K. These L. Those M. Thus N. That DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : e¯‘evPK Determiners : †hme determiners e¯‘‡K e¯‘evPK wn‡m‡e determine Ki‡Z mnvqZv K‡i
Zv‡`i‡K e¯‘evPK determiners e‡j| h_v—
Articles A, An, The
Demonstrative This, These, That, Those
Possessives My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their, One’s, Whose
02. Identify the determiner in the sentence– ‘‘Bring me that book’’. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) bring (খ) me (গ) that (ঘ) book উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Noun থক বনবিথ ষ্ট করবত িাবকয ‘Noun’ এর আবগ determiner িযিহৃত হয়| এখাবন that শব্দটি িাবকয ‘Noun’
এর আবগ িবি book শব্দটিবক বনবিথ ষ্ট কবরবে|
03. Which word is the determiner in the sentence ÔÔWill it take much time?’’ [35Zg wewmGm]
K. will L. take M. much N. time DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : msL¨v/cwigvYevPK Determiners : msL¨v ev cwigvY wb‡`©k K‡i Ggb me Determiners hv‡`i‡K
quantifier ejv nq| much হবে time এর পবরমাণ বনবিথ শক অর্থাৎ GLv‡b Ômuch’ kãwU Øviv mg‡qi cwigvY
†evSv‡bv n‡”Q| ZvB GwU GKwU Determiner. h_v—
Some, Any, No All, Both, Half
Each, Every, Either, Neither One, Two, Three, Four., Other
What, Whatever, Which, Whichever
04. Identify the determiner in the following sentence : 'I have no news for you.' [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) have (খ) news (গ) no (ঘ) for উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : যে কল শব্দ noun/pronoun ি দিষ্ট া, অ ি দিষ্ট া, ংখ্ া া প মাণ ি দিশ ক াদ ক
Determiner e‡j| h_v : Some, any, no cÖf…wZ|
No VS. Not
No (Adjective) Not (Adverb)
No + Noun (Singular/Plural) Not + Adjective/verb
[অর্থাৎ No kãwU adjective nIqvq, Gici Noun [Not kãwU adverb nIqvq, Zv ajective/verb ‡K
e‡m| Z‡e Noun wU Singular/Plural DfqB nq|] modify K‡i|]
I have no book in my bag. I have not any (adj.) book in my bag.
There are no books in my bag. I do not want (v) any book.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 6 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Countable/Uncountable determiners
wKQz wKQz Determiner Av‡Q †h¸‡jv Countable.
Ab¨w`‡K uncountable determiner
Giv countable noun Gi mv‡_ e¨eüZ nq|
‡hgb : Either, Many, Few, A, An, mg~n uncountable noun Gi mv‡_|
Several, Neither, Each, Every etc. †hgb : Much, little, less, least etc.
o wKQz wKQz determiner Av‡Q †h¸‡jv countable Ges uncountable Dfq cÖKvi noun Gi mv‡_
em‡Z cv‡i| †hgb : Some, a lot of, number.
Much kãwU uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m Avi n¨vu †evaK ev‡K¨ A lot of, plenty of e¨eüZ nq |
Ges many kãwU Countable Noun Gi c~‡e© wKš‘ Lots of ïay countable plural noun Gi c~‡e©
e‡m| Giv mvaviYZ bv †evaK Ges cÖk‡œ evaK ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ nq| h_v—
e¨eüZ nq|
▪ I don’t have much spare time in these three days.
▪ There are a lot of dangerous drivers.
Few, A few, The few
➢ Few gv‡b Aí msL¨K, †bB ej‡jB P‡j| GUv †bwZevPK A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v− He has few friends in
Chicago. (Zvui wkKv‡Mv‡Z Aí msL¨K eÜz Av‡Q)| Few A‡_© A‡bK mgq Very Few e¨envi Kiv nq|
➢ A few wKQz msL¨K | h_v− I have a few friends in Bangladesh. (evsjv‡`‡k Avgvi K‡qKRb eÜz Av‡Q)|
➢ The few A_© Aí †h KRb/KwU Av‡Q Zvi me¸‡jv/mevB|
Giv mvaviYZ countable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| Zv Avgiv D`vniYmg~n †`‡L B‡Zvg‡a¨B ey‡SwQ|
➢ Little A_© Lye mvgvb¨, †bB ej‡jB P‡j| kãwU †bwZevPK A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v— There is a little of hope of
recovery. (Zvi AviM¨jv‡fi Avkv †bB ej‡jB P‡j)| Little A‡_© Very little e¨envi Kiv nq|
➢ A little A_© mvgvb¨ cwigvY| I still have a little money. (Avgvi GLbI wKQz UvKv Av‡Q)— 38Zg wewmGm
➢ The little ej‡Z mvgvb¨ †hUzKz Av‡Q Zvi meUzKz| †hgb : We should use the little time we have at our
disposal to settle the dispute.
Giv mvaviYZ uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m, Zv Avgiv D`vniYmg~n †_‡K mn‡RB eyS‡Z cvwi|
Less, Fewer
Little Gi comparative degree n‡”Q Less Ges Few Gi Comparative degree n‡”Q fewer. Uncountable
noun Gi Av‡M Less Ges Countable noun Gi Av‡M Fewer e‡m ÔZzjbvg~jK KgÕ A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| h_v—
➢ Fewer people get American Visa’s nowadays. (AvRKvj Lye Kg gvbyl Av‡gwiKvb wfmv cvq)|
➢ Less traffic means fewer traffic accidents, people should use public transportation more.
Each, Every
GB `yBwU determiner Gi ci singular form e‡m Ges verb I singular nq| wKš‘ Each Gi ci of _vK‡j noun
plural nq, Z‡e verb singular _v‡K| Each of the three boys gets a prize.
Any, Some, No
Rule- 10
07. I have__ interest in the matter. (24Zg wewmGm)
K. some L. any M. none N. No DËi : N
o Awbw`©ó msL¨K e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSv‡Z some e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e mvaviYZ n¨vu †evaK ev‡K¨i †ÿ‡Î Some e‡m|
†hgb—I need some money. (Avgvi wKQz UvKv cÖ‡qvRb)| I have some new books at home.
o Any Ô‡Kv‡bvÕ A‡_© n¨vu‡evaK ev‡K¨ Singular countable noun Gi c~‡e© Any e‡m Z‡e bv †evaK/cÖkœ‡evaK
ev‡K¨i †ÿ‡Î Any e‡m Plural noun Gi c~‡e©| ‡hgb— Have you got any information?
o No – Ô‡bBÕ A‡_© Countable I uncountable Dfq cÖKvi noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb− Rahim has no
Most of the students take the bus to school. [Specific students A_©vr wbw`©óZv ‡evSv‡Z]
Most of the shoes are on sale.
Most of her shoes are size 10.
Most of those shoes are my mom’s.
Type: 12 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK cixÿvi Rb¨ evQvB Kiv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Singular & Plural Number
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Agendum Agenda Crisis (msKU) Crises Focus Foci
Alumnus Alumni Cherub Cherubim Fez Fezes
Analysis Analyses Commander-in- Commanders- Genus Genera
Appendix Appendices chief in-chief Goose Geese
Axis (Aÿ) Axes Datum Data Hypothesis Hypotheses
Bandit Bandits Deer Deer Hoof Hoofs
Bacterium Bacteria Erratum Errata Index Indexes/Indices
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 9 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Basis (wfwË) Bases Foot Feet Locus Loci
Criterion Criteria Formula Formulae/formulas Lord-justice Lords-justice
Louse Lice Norman Normans Syllabus Syllabi
Leaf Leaves Oasis (giƒ`¨vb) Oases Step brother Step brothers
Loaf Loaves Ox Oxen Thesis Theses
Medium Media Passer-by Passers-by Terminus Termini
Memorandum Memoranda Phenomenon Phenomena Tooth Teeth
Maid-servant Maid-servants Parenthesis Parentheses Ultimatum Ultimata
Man-servant Man-servants Referendum Referenda Vertex Vertices
Mussalaman Mussalmans Radius Radii Wharf Wharfs/
Matriarch Matriarchs Sheep Sheep Wharves
Knife Knives Seraph Seraphim/ Fungus Fungi
Bureau Bureaux Seraphs
01. Which of the following words is in singular form? (37Zg I 38Zg wewmGm)
K. formulae L. agenda M. oases N. radius DËi : N
02. What is the plural form of the word Ôlouse’? (38Zg wewmGm)
K. louses L. lice M. lices N. licess DËi : L
03. What is the plural form of Ôit’--- [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. its L. they M. these N. those DËi : L
Type: 13 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
04. ______ is not the only thing that tourists want to see. [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Scenery (খ) The sceneries
(গ) Sceneries (ঘ) A scenery উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : িাধারণত Abstract Noun-এর পূ বিথ থকাবনা Article িবি না| Scenery একটি Singular and Abstract
me mgqB Singular nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Information (Z_¨) Furniture (AvmevecÎ) Scenery (`„k¨) Poetry (KweZv)
Machinery (hš¿cvwZ) News (Lei) Traffic (PjvPj) Money (UvKv)
Expenditure (e¨q) Advice (civgk©) Baggage (jUeni) Research (M‡elYv)
Bread (iæwU, Lv`¨) Wildlife (eb¨cÖvYx)
‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI Singular nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Athletics (kixiPP©v) Economics (A_©bxwZ) Physics (c`v_©we`¨v) Mathematics (MwYZ)
Politics (ivRbxwZ) News (Lei) Optics (Av‡jvKwe`¨v) Ethics (bxwZkv¯¿)
Wages (gRywi) Statistics (cwimsL¨vb) Gallows (dvuwmKvô) Innings (Bwbsm)
Electronics (B‡jKUªwb·)
‡`L‡Z Singular n‡jI Plural nq Ggb wKQz Noun
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 10 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Type: 15 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
10. What is the plural number of Ôovum’? (39Zg wewmGm)
K. ovams L. ovumes M. ovums N. ova DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : singular noun Gi †k‡l um _v‡K Zvn‡j Plural Kivi mgq um Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa’ e‡m
Singular Plural
Agendum (wePvh© welq) Agenda Ovum (wW¤^vYy) Ova
Addendum (cwiwkó) Addenda Symposium (Av‡jvPbv mfv) Symposia
Bacterium (e¨vK‡Uwiqv) Bacteria Forum (m‡¤§jb ¯’j) Fora/Forums
Datum (DcvË) Data Aquarium (Kvu‡Pi grm¨vavi) Aquaria/Aquariums
Dictum (mZ¨ evYx) Dicta Ultimatum (PigcÎ) Ultimata
Erratum (ïw×cÎ) Errata Cranium (gv_vi Lywj) Crania/Craniums
Stratum (¯Íi) Strata Gymnasium (e¨qvgvMvi) Gymnasia/Gymnasiums
Medium (gva¨g) Media Exordium (f~wgKv) Exordia / Exordiums
Memorandum Memoranda Encomium (D”P cÖksmv) Encomia/Encomiums
Gender Pvi cÖKvi
Masculine Gender Common Gender (Dfqwj½)—
(cyswj½)— ïay cyiæl‡K †evSvq| bvix I cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq|
Type: 16 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. Which one of the following words is masculine? [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) mare (খ) lad (গ) pillow (ঘ) pony উত্তর: খ
‡Kvb wbqg gv‡b bv Ggb wKQz ¸iæZ¡c~Y© k‡ãi Masculine Gender ‡_‡K Feminine Gender
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
King (ivRv) Queen (ivbx) Drone (cys †gŠgvwQ) Bee (‡gŠgvwQ)
Fox (‡LuKwkqvj) Vixen (‡LuKwkqvjx) Bachelor Spinster/Maid
Beau (my`k©b cyiæl) Belle (mykÖx ¯¿x‡jvK) Boar (k~Ki) Sow (k~Kix)
Buck (nwiY) Doe (nwiYx) Bridegroom (ei) Bride (K‡b)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 12 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Dog (KzKzi) Bitch (KzKzix) Drake (cvwZnvum) Duck (cvwZnvumx)
Horse (‡NvUK) Mare (‡NvUKx) Monk, friar (mbœ¨vmx) Nun (mbœ¨vwmbx)
Ram (‡fov) Ewe (‡fox) Wizard (hv`yKi) Witch (hv`yKix)
Stallion (থঘাটক) Mare (থঘাটকী) Lad (িা ক িা বকবশার) Lass
02. What is the masculine gender of Ômare’? [34Zg wewmGm]
K. Mermaid L. Bear M. Stallion N. Dog DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz ‡ÿ‡Î Masculine Gender Ges Feminine Gender Gi evbv‡b †Kvb mv`„k¨ _v‡K bv| A_©vr
`y‡Uvi evbvb wfbœ wfbœ kã| GLv‡b Mare A_© †NvUKx| Mermaid− grm¨Kb¨v, Bear− fjøyK, Stallion− ‡NvUK
ev †Nvov Ges Dog A_© KzKzi| cÖ‡kœ PvIqv Mare ev †NvUKxi cyswj½− Stallion− ‡NvUK ev †Nvov|
03. The Feminine of `Ram’ is— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. Ewe L. Hind M. Mare N. Sow DËi : K
D‡jøL‡hvM¨ kw³ ev ÿgZvi AwaKvix nIqvi Kvi‡Y wKQz kã Masculine Gender wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ nq
Sun (m~h©) Summer (MÖx®§Kvj) Winter (kxZKvj) Time (mgq)
Thunder (eRª) Danger (wec¾bK) Day (w`b) Death (g„Zz¨)
Love (fvjevmv)
‡mŠ›`h©, bgbxqZv, cweÎZv BZ¨vw` bvixmyjf ¸Y cÖKvk cvIqvq wKQz kã Feminine Gender nq
Spring (emšÍKvj) Autumn (kirKvj) Nature (cÖK…wZ) Moon (Pvu`)
Earth (c„w_ex) Liberty (¯^vaxbZv) Church Hope
Justice Mercy Modesty Night
Peace Religion Truth
wKQz wKQz Noun memgq Feminine Gender hv‡`i †Kvb Masculine Gender ‡bB
Amazon (wMÖK cyiv‡Y DwjøwLZ K…òmvM‡ii DcK~‡j emevmKvix iYiw½bx cÖgxjv mgvR) Blonde (¯^Y©‡Kkx)
Brunette (k¨vgvw½bx) Coquette (wQbvj †g‡q) Flirt (wQbvj) Laundress (‡avcvbx)
Nurse (‡mweKv) Prude (kvjxbZvi fv‡b fiv ¯¿x‡jvK) Siren (KznwKbx)
Termagant (KjnKvix) Shrew (KjnwcÖq ¯¿x‡jvK) Virgin (Kzgvix)
wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, †h¸‡jv memgq Masculine Gender nq
Squire (cÖavb f~wg gvwjK) Judge (wePviK) Parson (`jcwZ) Chairman (mfvcwZ)
Knight (exi‡hv×v) Coward (Kvcyiæl)
Common Gender
‡h mKj Noun bvix-cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K Common Gender e‡j
Type 17 : [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
04. What gender is word Ôorphan’? [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) neuter (L) feminine (M) common (N) masculine D:M
e¨vL¨v : ‡h mKj Noun bvix-cyiæl Dfq‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K Common Gender e‡j| †hgb-
Student (QvÎ-QvÎx) Lawyer (cyiæl ev gwnjv AvBbRxex) Pupil (QvÎ-QvÎx)
Spouse (¯^vgx-¯¿x) Orphan (GwZg evjK ev evwjKv) Sheep (‡fov/‡fox )
Fowl (‡h †Kvb cvwL) Friend (eÜz/evÜex) Parent (wcZv-gvZv)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 13 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Monarch (ivRv/ivYx) Foal (g`©v ev gv`x †Nvovi ev”Pv) Person (cyiæl ev gwnjv e¨w³)
Pig (ïKi ev ïKix) Infant (wkï/bvevjK-bvevwjKv) Relative (AvZ¥xq ev AvZ¥xqv)
05. Which one of the following is a common gender? [41Zg wewmGm]
K. King L. Sovereign M. Emperor N. Queen D.L
e¨vL¨v : Sovereign (ÿgZvi AwaKvix/kvmK/ivRv/iwb) Øviv bvix, cyiæl DfqB‡KB †evSv‡bv nq e‡j Zv
Common gender. Common gender Gi D`vniY-
Ass (cyiæl ev gv`x Mvav) Beggar (wfLvix ev wfLvwiYx) Baby (‡Q‡j ev †g‡q wkï)
Bird (cÿx ev cwÿbx) Chairperson (cyiæl/gwnjv mfvcwZ) Cat (cyiæl/gv`x weovj)
Child (evjK ev evwjKv) Captain (cyiæl ev gwnjv AwabvqK) Citizen (cyiæl ev gwnjv bvMwiK)
Sheep (‡fov/‡fox) Cousin (PvPv‡Zv/gvgv‡Zv fvB/‡evb) Deer (nwiY ev nwiYx)
Spouse (¯^vgx-¯¿x) Elephant (cyiæl ev gv`x nvwZ) Enemy (cyiæl ev gwnjv kÎæ)
Servant (PvKi ev PvKivYx) Teacher (wkÿK ev wkwÿKv) Writer (‡jLK ev †jwLKv)
Ab¨w`‡K King (ivRv), Ges Emperor (m¤ªvU) Masculine grender Ges queen n‡jv feminine gender.
Demonstrative †h mKj pronoun noun ‡K we‡klfv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i Zv‡`i demonstrative pronoun e‡j|
Pronoun D`vniY− This, That, These, Those, It, so, much, the same etc.
Relative GB pronoun `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ relation ev m¤^Ü eywS‡q †`q| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m|
Pronoun D`vniY− Who, Whose, Whom, Which, That.
Interrogative G iKg pronoun cÖkœ Kivi Rb¨ e¨eüZ nq| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i cÖ_‡g e‡m| D`vniY− Who,
Pronoun Whose, Whom, Which, What etc.
Distributive GB pronoun GKRvZxq GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨KwU c„_Kfv‡e †evSvq| D`vniY−
Pronoun Either, Each, Neither etc.
Reciprocal GB pronoun GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cvi¯úvwiK m¤úK© eywS‡q †`q| D`vniY− Each
Pronoun other, One another etc.
Indefinite G iKg pronoun ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq| D`vniY – One, any, some, many,
Pronoun all, none, no, one, everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, anybody, somebody etc.
Subjective pronoun
verb Gi subject wn‡m‡e hw` †Kvb pronoun Av‡m Zvn‡j subjective pronoun nq|
wbqg-01 : ‡Kvb sentence G subject wn‡m‡e GKvwaK person _vK‡j Avgiv ¯^vfvweKfv‡e 2nd Person + 3rd
Person + 1st Person (g‡b ivLyb: 231) Ges †`vl ¯^xKvi Kiv †evSv‡j 1st Person + 2nd Person + 3rd Person
(g‡b ivLyb : 123) e¨envi K‡i _vwK| G‡ÿ‡Î verb me mgq plural n‡q _v‡K Ges GKvwaK person Gi cÖwZwU
subjective pronoun n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î 132 wbqgwU e¨envi n‡jI Kg cÖPwjZ| ‡hgb:
• You, he and I are present.
• I, you and he are guilty.
wbqg-02 : Be verb (am, is, are, was, were etc.) Gi ci pronoun Avm‡j H pronoun wU subjective
pronoun nq A_©vr I/We/She/He n‡e| †hgb−
It was he who bought Inception Digest from Library.
I wsih I were King
It was we who had left before he arrived
It was she not I, who put forth (cÖKvk Kiv) the attractive position.
It is not we who are to blame.
I wish I were he.
Objective pronoun
Rule : 18
wbqg-01 : Preposition Gi c‡i Pronoun Gi Object form e‡m| Z‡e, GKvwaK Object form _vK‡j †`vl/
Aciva ¯^xKvi Kiv Qvov me †ÿ‡Î 231 wbqg Abymv‡i cÖ‡Z¨KwUi Object form e‡m| †hgb : Between You and
me, this is the greatest book I’ve ever read.
wbqg-02 : To be verb Qvov Ab¨ me verb Gi object wn‡m‡e pronoun mvaviYZ objective form (me/us/you/
him/her/them) AvKv‡i e‡m| Let GKwU verb nIqvq Gi c‡i pronoun wUi objective form (231 wbq‡g) e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 15 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
wbqg-03 : Let w`‡q ïiæ nIqv Imperative sentence G Let ci hw` †Kvb Pronoun Av‡m, Zvn‡j †m Pronoun
Gi Objective form (me/him/her/them) e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb : Let him & me go.
01. Choose the correct sentence. (12Zg wewmGm)
K. Let you and he be witness L. Let he and you be witness
M. Let you and him be witness N. Let him and you be witness D:M
e¨vL¨v : wbqg- 02 ‡`Lyb|
02. Choose the correct sentence. [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Let you and he be witnesses (খ) Let he and you be witnesses
(গ) Let you and him be witnesses (ঘ) Let you and he be witness উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Let w`‡q ïiæ nIqv Imperative sentence G Let ci hw` †Kvb Pronoun Av‡m, Zvn‡j †m Pronoun
Gi Objective form (me/him/her/them) e¨eüZ nq| Let GKwU verb nIqvq Gi c‡i pronoun wUi
objective form (231 wbq‡g) e‡m|
Possessive pronoun
Rule : 19
Preposition I gerund Gi gv‡S possessive Pronoun (My, Our, Your, His, Her, Their, Its One’s,
Whose) e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb : My father never approve of her marrying a foreigner.
03. He insisted _____ there. (36Zg wewmGm)
K. on my going L. is to go M. over going N. to go DËi: K
Reflexive Pronoun
o ev‡K¨i Subject Ges Object GKB e¨w³ n‡j Object G Reflexive pronoun e‡m| h_v –
➢ You sent yourself another Valentine’s Day card, didn’t you?
➢ Jack introduced himself to his girlfriend’s parents.
➢ One must get oneself insured if one intends to drive on city streets.
➢ The choir (MvqK`j) practiced themselves to the point of exhaustion.
Reflexive pronoun KL‡bv ev‡K¨ Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq bv| Kill, Hurt, Absent, Avail, Enjoy
Introduce BZ¨vw` verb ¸‡jvi c‡i subject Abyhvqx Reflexive pronoun (Myself, Ourselves, Yourself,
Yourselves, Herself, Himself, Themselves) e‡m| ‡hgb—
He killed himself.
I shall avail myself of this opportunity.
Distributive pronoun
‡h mKj pronoun GKRvZxq GKvwaK e¨w³ ev e¯‘i g‡a¨ cÖ‡Z¨KwU c„_Kfv‡e †evSvq| D`vniY− Either, Each,
Neither etc. Distributive pronoun memgq Singular nq ZvB Gi ci Singular noun ev verb nq| ‡hgb-
Each boy was given a prize. (cÖ‡Z¨K evjK‡K cyi¯‹vi †`qv n‡qwQj)
Each new day is different. (cÖ‡Z¨K bZzb w`b wfbœ)
Either road leads to the railway station. (iv¯Ív `ywUi Df‡qB ‡ij‡÷k‡b †M‡Q)
Neither road leads to the railway station. (iv¯Ív `ywUi †KvbwUB †ij‡÷k‡b hvqwb)
Neither of these two women is to be trusted. (GB `yB gwnjvi KvD‡KB wek^vm Kiv hvq bv)
Neither accusation is true. (Dfq Awf‡hvM AmZ¨)
Z‡e Gi e¨wZµg i‡q‡Q| wb‡Pi D`vniYmg~n †`Lyb-
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 16 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Distributive pronoun
Rule : 22
‡h me pronoun wbKUeZ©x, `~ieZx©, eZ©gvb, AZxZ I fwel¨Z‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z e¨envi Kiv nq †mme pronoun ‡K
demonstrative pronoun e‡j| ‡hgb− This, That, These, Those, It, so, much, the same etc.
`ywU uncountable noun Gi †ÿ‡Î Zzjbvi mgq that of e‡m Ges `ywU plural countable noun Gi †ÿ‡Î Zzjbvq
those of e¨eüZ nq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv wjLyb−
The roads of Rangpur are wider than those of Dhaka. (iscy‡ii iv¯Ív¸‡jv XvKvi iv¯Ívi †P‡q cÖk¯Í)|
One’s finger prints are different from those of any other person. (GKR‡bi wd½vi wcÖ›U¸‡jv Ab¨
Av‡iKR‡bi wd½vi wcÖ‡›Ui ‡_‡K Avjv`v)|
The houses of our village are better than those of yours. (Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi evwo¸‡jv †Zvgv‡`i MÖv‡gi
evwo¸‡jvi †P‡q my›`i)|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 17 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Relative Pronoun
Rule : 23
Relative pronoun `ywU ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ relation ev m¤^Ü eywS‡q †`q| G¸‡jv ev‡K¨i gv‡S e‡m| D`vniY− Who,
Whose, Whom, Which, That, What.
wbqg-01 : Antecedent e¨w³evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e who/that e‡m|
Antecedent e¯‘evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e which/that e‡m|
wbqg-02 : Antecedent (GKwU ev‡K¨ hLb GKwU noun ‡K pronoun wb‡`©k K‡i, ZLb †mB noun wU‡K pronoun
wUi antecedent e‡j| †hgb− When shelly goes home, she eats dinner. GLv‡b Shelly− Antecedent,
She− Pronoun) e¨w³evPK n‡j Zv‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Relative pronoun wn‡m‡e who/that e‡m|
wbqg-03 : Relative pronoun Gi mvg‡b †h noun e‡m Zv‡K Antecedent e‡j| wb‡Pi QKwU ‡`Lyb-
who + verb + obj
Noun (e¨w³) whom + sub + verb + obj
whose + Noun + verb + obj
Dc‡ii Structure wU‡Z Whom Gi c‡ii Subject wU Antecedent Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©nxb|
Dc‡ii Structure wU‡Z Whose Gi c‡ii Subject wU Antecedent Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©hy³|
09. Who, which, what are− (12Zg wewmGm)
K. Relative L. Demonstrative M. Reflexive N. Reciprocal DËi: K
10. Which one is correct? (10Zg wewmGm)
K. The man that said that was a fool. L. The man whom said that was a fool.
M. The man who said that was a fool. N. The man which said was a fool. DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : wbqg- 01 †`Lyb|
11. Which one is correct? (26Zg wewmGm)
K. The man who stole my bag was tall L. The man was tall who stole my bag
M. The man stole my bag who is tall N. The man stole my bag who was tall. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : wbqg- 02 †`Lyb|
12. I have read the book____ you lent me. (24Zg I 25Zg wewmGm)
K. that L. whom M. whose N. what DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : wbqg- 01 †`Lyb|
13. Tell me ____________ that. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) whom told you (খ) that told you (গ) told you (ঘ) who told you উত্তর : ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 18 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : অপশন (A)-থত whom did you tell র্াকব িঠিক হবতা। অপশন (B) িিাব ও যর্াযর্ িাকয গঠিত হয় না। আিার
অপশন (C)-থত থকাবনা conjunction না র্াকায় দুটি clause িঠিকোবি যু ক্ত হবে না এিং িাকযও গঠিত হবে না। থিবেবত্র
অপশন (D)-থত who বিবয় যবি WH question টি শুরু হয় তাহব ‘থক ি এরূপ একটি অর্থ প্রকাশ পায় এিং যর্াযর্
বনয়বম sentence গঠিত হয়।
14. The children studied in class room___ windows were never opened. (22Zg wewmGm)
K. that L. which M. where N. whose DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Subjective— Who (‡h/hviv/whwb)| Objective— Whom (hv‡K/ hv‡`i‡K)| Possessive—
Whose (hvi/ hv‡`i)| 03 bs wbqg Abymv‡i Noun + whose + Noun + verb + obj. The children
studied in class room (wkïiv ‡kÖwY K‡ÿ coZ)___ windows were never opened (___Rvbvjv¸‡jv
KL‡bvB †Lvjv n‡Zv bv). myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b Avgiv emv‡Z cvwi hvi ev Whose, hvi d‡j evK¨wUi A_© n‡e− wkïiv
†kÖwYK‡ÿ coZ, hvi Rvbvjv¸‡jv KL‡bvB †Lvjv n‡Zv bv|
15. A reward has been announced for the employees who ______________ hard. [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) have worked (খ) has worked
(গ) will be work (ঘ) have had worked উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Relative pronoun এর antecedent অনু িাবর verb িবি। এখাবন who এর antecedent হবে The
employees. এইটি plural তাই পবরর verb টিও plural.
16. Which of the following sentences is correct? [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) That shirt which he bought is blue in colour.
(খ) The shirt that which he bought is blue in colour.
(গ) Which shirt he bought is blue in colour.
(ঘ) The shirt which he bought is blue in colour. উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : িঠিক উত্তর (D)| থকননা, the shirt এখাবন Relative Pronoun (which) টির antecedent (পূ িকথ )| বকন্তু যবি
পূ িক
থ বহবিবি that shirt িযিহার করা হয় তবি এর পবর Which িযিহার করা যায় না িরং That িযিহার করা আিশযক হবয়
পবড়| কারণ Who, Which, That, Whom প্রেৃবত দ্বারা শুরু হওয়া শব্দ গুবে sentence- এর পবর Relative
pronoun িযিহার করবত োইব শুধু That িযিহার করা যায়| Gkvi‡Y Ackb (A) ও (C) থক ির্থন করা যায়| অনযবিবক
(B) থত পাশাপাবশ that ও which র্াকায় এটিও গ্রহণবযাগয নয়|
Indefinite Pronoun
Rule : 24
‡h pronoun ‡Kvb Awbw`©ó e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †evSvq, Zv‡`i‡K Indefinite pronoun e‡j| D`vniY – One, any,
some, many, all, none, no, one, everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, anybody, somebody,
everything, nothing, anything etc.
19. Which of the following sentence is correct? (16Zg wewmGm)
K. One of my friends are lawyers L. One of my friend is a lawyer
M. One of my friends is a lawyer N. One of my friends are a lawyer DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : `y‡Uv MVb †R‡b ivLyb : (K) One of the/No one of the/everyone of the/someone of the +
Plural Noun + Singular verb + Ext. (L) One of the + Superlative degree + Plural Noun +
Singular verb + Ext.
AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb−
One of the most beautiful girls has come.
One of the problems is extremely easy.
One of my cousins is a doctor.
One of my best friends is getting married today.
20. One should be careful about ____ duty. (23Zg wewmGm)
K. her L. his M. the N. one’s DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : One hw` Subject nq Zvn‡j Zvi possessive case wU me©`vB one’s n‡e| Z‡e GKUv e¨wZµg i‡q‡Q|
MVbUv jÿ Kiæb – One of the + ……plural noun + his/her…..| h_v− Karim was one of the most
intelligent students of his class.
Intransitive Verb
Rule: 25
01. ‘Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to
spare.’ In this sentence the verb ‘arrived’ is- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. intransitive L. transitive M. causative N. defective DËi: K
†h verb Gi object (Kg©) †bB Zv‡K e‡j intransitive verb A_©vr hvi A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Kg© (Object)
Gi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| Verb ‡K ÔKxÕ ev ÔKv‡KÕ Øviv cÖkœ K‡i hw` †Kvb object cvIqv bv hvq †mwUB
Intransitive verb ev AKg©K wµqv|
Kx arrived? Kv‡K arrived? ‡Kvb DËi cvIqv hvq bv|
A blind man can’t see. Your health will break down.
Matador writes well. He who can’t earn can’t give.
He who doesn’t want to give, do not take. We shouldn’t hate but we sould love.
The door opened automatically.
Rule: 26
Participle refers to Adjective. It functions as adjective and verb in the sentence at the same time.
(Participle wb‡`©k K‡i Adjective ‡K| GwU GKwU ev‡K¨ GKB mv‡_ adjective Ges verb Gi KvR K‡i|)
Present Participle
01. The word “flying” in the sentence “Look at the flying bird” is a: [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) gerundial infinitive (খ) participle
(গ) verbal noun (ঘ) gerund উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : থকাবনা sentence-এ verb- এর থয form একই িবঙ্গ verb এিং adjective -এর কার্ কবর, তাবক Participle
িব | এখাবন flying শব্দটি noun যা bird থক modify কবরবে তাই এটি participle.
02. The prices of rice are– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) raising (খ) risen (গ) rising (ঘ) raised উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Rise অর্থ ঘু ম থর্বক ওঠা, থর্বগ ওঠা, িৃ বদ্ধ পাওয়া। এর Past ও Past Participle Form যর্াক্রবম rose, risen.
Raise দ্বারা থকাবনা বকেু বক ওঠাবনা থিাঝায়। এর Past Form ও Past Participle Form হবি raised. 'Rise' verb টির
Present Participle হবি rising.
িাকযটিবত rice-এর মূ য িৃ বদ্ধ একটি ে মান প্রবক্রয়া অর্থাৎ Continuous Process. অতএি িাকযটিবত 'rise' verb-এর
Continuous Tense হবি। am/is/are এর পবর verb এর ing form িবি। অর্থাৎ ing থযাগ হবয় হবি rising.
03. A rolling stone gathers no moss. What ‘rolling’ is? [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018; cÖvK-
cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
K. Gerund L. Verbal noun M. Adjective N. Participle DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : hw` verb Gi Present Form + ing ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Article Ges noun Gi gv‡S e‡m noun ‡K modify
K‡i Ges Adjective Gi g‡Zv KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Participle (Present participle) ejv nq| evK¨wU‡Z
ÔrollÕ verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q stone Gi adjective wn‡m‡e f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Q|
Types of
Participle Present Participle Past Participle Perfect Participle
g‡b ivLv Riæix
Present Participle Verb Gi Present Form + ing (AvPiY K‡i Adjective Gi gZ)
Past Participle Verb Gi Past Participle (AvPiY K‡i Adjective Gi gZ) (V1+-ed, -d, en, -t)
e¨vL¨v : e¨w³ ev person ‡K modify Ki‡j mvaviYZ past participle n‡e|
Perfect Participle Having + Verb Gi Past Participle Form.
e¨vL¨v : Having Gi ci verb এর past participle form hLb ev‡K¨ verb+ing Gi cwie‡Z© em‡j ZLb Zv‡K ejv
nq perfect participle.
Participle Phrase Verb (+ing) + phrase.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 22 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Past Participle
06. A lost opportunity never returns . here 'lost' is a - [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) gerund (খ) verbal noun
(গ) gerundial infinitive (ঘ) participle উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা: : hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Verb Gi Past Participle Form (V1+-ed, -d, en, -t) Article Ges noun Gi gv‡S
e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i A_©vr AvPiY K‡i Adjective Gi gZ, ZLb Zv‡K Past participle ejv nq|
07. A retired officer lives next door. Here underlined word is – [38Zg wewmGm]
K. Gerund L. Participle M. Noun N. None DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : hw` ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Verb Gi Past Participle Form (V1+-ed, -d, en, -t) Article Ges noun Gi gv‡S
e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i A_©vr AvPiY K‡i Adjective Gi gZ, ZLb Zv‡K Past participle ejv nq|
08. The license of ______ drivers should be banned. [eb I cwi‡ek gš¿Yvj‡qi wimvP© Awdmvi : 06]
K. drinking L. drank M. drunk N. drunked DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : noun wU action doer n‡j Zvi c~‡e© present participle e‡m| Acic‡ÿ noun wU action receiver
n‡j Zvi c~‡e© past participle e‡m|
09. I couldn’t mend the computer myself, so I ___ at a shop. (37Zg wewmGm)
K. had it mended L. had it mend M. did it mend N. had mended DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : থকাবনা কার্ কাবরা দ্বারা করাবনা এরূপ থিাঝাবত causative verb িবি| Causative verb িযিহাবরর থেবত্র গঠন:
Causative (have, make, cause, allow, help, enable, keep, hold, let, force and require) + e¯‘ +
Past Participle)| ‡hgb− Abeer had his car repaired. (Avwei Zvi Mvwo †givgZ Kivj)| I had my shirt
washed. I had it mended at a shop (আবম এটা একটা থিাকাবন থমরামত কবরবয়বে াম)|
10. Being disappointed, Salam quit this job. (mvjvg nZvk n‡q GB PvKzixwU †Q‡o w`j) Here
underlined word is−
K. Present Participle L. Past Participle M. Noun N. None DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 23 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Being + Past Participle. ‡hgb− Being helped by the killer whales, the whales were able
to make a successful kill.
o If + Past Participle : If nominated, Ruma will win certainly in the election. (hw` g‡bvbqb †`qv nq,
iægv wbwðZfv‡e wbe©vP‡b wRZ‡e)
Perfect Participle
01. Having finished the call, he went back to work. (KjwU †kl Kivi ci †m Kv‡R wd‡i ‡Mj|)
K. Present Participle L. Past Participle M. Perfect Participle N. Noun DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Having Gi Verb Gi Past Participle Form Avm‡j Zv‡K Perfect Participle e‡j| †hgb−
Having read the novel, I had my lunch. (Dcb¨vmwU cov †kl K‡i Avwg `ycy‡ii Lvevi †Ljvg|)
Rule: 27
01. ÔHe contemplated marrying his cousin.Õ Here Ômarrying’ is a/an- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) present participle (L) gerund
(M) verb (N) infinitive D:L
e¨vL¨v : Structure D`vniY
Verb + ing (GwU‡K verbal noun ejv nq) o Running is good for your heart.
Subject Gi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o He hates waking up early.
Verb Gi present form Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q hw` Zv GKB mv‡_ verb Ge noun Gi KvR K‡i Z‡e Zv‡K
Gerund e‡j| ‡hgb- He comtemplated marrying his cousin. (object wn‡m‡e)
02. ‘The old man was tired of walking’ Here ‘walking’ is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. present participle L. adjective M. common noun N. gerund D. N
e¨vL¨v : hw` ev‡K¨i verb-ing & noun ‡K Noun + for + (Verb +ing) -GB Structure G ewm‡q hw`
ev¯Íem¤§Z A_© cvIqv hvq, Zvn‡j noun Gi c~‡e©i ing hy³ verb wU‡K ejv nq Gerund. ‡hgb- Man for
walking evK¨wU ev¯Íem¤§Z A_© †`q| myZivs evK¨wU‡Z ÔWalking’ GKwU Gerund.
Gerund nevi 06 (Qq) wU Dcvq i‡q‡Q| Dcvq 06 (Qq) wU †Lqvj Kiæb−
Structure D`vniY
▪ Verb + ing (GwU‡K verbal noun ejv nq) o Running is good for your heart.
▪ Subject Gi object wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o He hates waking up early.
▪ Subject Gi complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o What I hate most is repeating myself.
▪ Object Gi complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o I saw Jim riding his bike.
▪ Object of a preposition wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o I am interested in improving myself.
▪ Object of possessive pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq o She doesn’t like your bossing her around.
03. The warning of the authority falls on deaf ears. Here warning does the function of– [৩৯তম
(ক) adjective (খ) verb (গ) noun (ঘ) adverb উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : The + (Verb+ing) + of দ্বারা Verbal Noun গঠিত হয়| িু তরাং প্রিত্ত িাবকযর ‘warning’ শব্দটি একটি
04. Reading is an excellent habit. Here the underlined word is a− (38Zg wewmGm)
K. Participle L. Gerund M. Noun N. Verb DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 24 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Reading is an excellent habit (cov GKwU fvj/PgrKvi ¸Y)| cÖ_g wbqgwU Abymv‡i, hLb †Kvb verb Gi mv‡_
ing hy³ n‡q bZzb GKwU kã ˆZwi nq Ges Zv GKB mv‡_ verb I noun Gi KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K gerund e‡j|
21. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to- [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) driving a car (খ) when one drives a car
(গ) the driving of a car (ঘ) when we drive a car উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : প্রবে ি া হবে থয, িাইবক ো না অবনক থেবত্রই গাবড় ো নার অনু রূপ। এখাবন িাইবক ো না ও গাবড় ো না একই
হওয়ায় এবির phrasal গঠনও একই হবি। অর্থাৎ riding a bicycle র্াকায় driving a car হবি।
04. What is the correct use of gerund? [16Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 19]
K. I saw the girl dancing. L. I am dancing on the floor.
M. Dancing is a good exercise. N. The girl came here dancing. DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Verb + ing = gerund (GwU‡K verbal noun ejv nq)|
05. He found parking is difficult. Here Ôparking’ used as- [gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 01]
K. part continuous L. gerund M. participle N. progressive tense D : L
e¨vL¨v : Subject Gi object wn‡m‡e gerund e¨eüZ nq|
06. The underlined word in the sentence ÔÔIt has stopped raining is a- [mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U : 15]
K. gerund L. participle M. infinitive N. present continuous DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : transitive verb Gi object wn‡m‡e verb + ing em‡j Zv gerund nq|
07. Do you enjoy teaching. The underlined word is a- [ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v : 06; MYc~Z© Awa`߇ii Dc-mnKvix
cÖ‡KŠkjx (wmwjj) : 17]
K. noun L. participle M. gerund N. adjective DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : transitive verb Gi object wn‡m‡e verb + ing em‡j Zv gerund nq|
08. He avoided making. The underlined word is a- [wewUwfÕi AwW‡qÝ wimvP© Awdmvi : 06]
K. auxillary verb L. object M. participle N. gerund DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : transitive verb Gi object wn‡m‡e verb + ing em‡j Zv gerund nq|
09. Making a good result in the exam needs a lot of hard work. Here Ômaking’ is a- [Øv`k we‡RGm (mnKvix
RR) : 18]
K. Present participle L. Pronoun M. Adjective N. Gerund DËi : N
Infitive vs.Gerund
Rule : 29
Infinitive vs. Gerund
Infinitive (To + verb) Gerund (V + ing)
িাকযটির অর্থ Purpose, order, request, advice, িাকযটির অর্থ Cause, habit, activity প্রেৃবত থিাঝাব
suggestion প্রেৃবত থিাঝাব Infinitive হবি। Gerund হবি।
01. I took a map with me, as I didn’t want to ___ my way on the journey. [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) loose (খ) lose (গ) lost (ঘ) loss উত্তর : খ
02. He advised me _________ smoking. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) giving up (খ) to give up (গ) in giving up (ঘ) from giving up উ : খ
Bare Infinitive
Rule : 31
01. ‘I will let you go.’ In this sentence ‘go’ is -a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. infinitive L. gerund M. participle N. verbal noun DËi. K
Bs‡iwR‡Z infinitive ¸‡jv to mn ev to QvovI e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
mvaviYZ Infinitive = to + verb.
Bare infinitive = the infinitive form of a verb without the word ÔtoÕ.
A_©vr ÔtoÕ Qvov MwVZ n‡j Zv‡K Ôbare infinitive’ bvgKiY Kiv nq|
ev‡K¨ Bare Infinitive Gi e¨envi
After modals You should tell her how you feel.
(can, will, could, may, might, must etc,)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 27 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
I must visit my mother. You can do the work
Linking verb
hLb †Kvb verb sentence G complement wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ Adjective/Noun ‡K subject Gi mv‡_
m¤úK©hy³ K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Linking verb e‡j| G †ÿ‡Î subject I complement GKB e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K
wb‡`©k K‡i| †hgb−
➢ Fried fish smells delicious. wKQz Linking verb Gi D`vniY
Subject Be verb (am, is, are, was, were. been) appear
➢ He became a doctor. become fall get feel
Complement remain grow run turn
➢ Honey tastes sweet. taste sound smell act
Complement stay continue
Subject Complement
➢ The woman went mad.
could not help/cannot help, be + used to, get used to, worth, mind, with a view to, be
addicted to, prefer cÖf…wZi c‡i verb -Gi m‡½ Òing” ‡hvM nq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb−
We cannot help laughing− Avgiv bv †n‡m cvwi bv|
I was used to walking here− Avwg GLv‡b nvuU‡Z Af¨¯Í wQjvg|
He got used to smoking− ‡m a~gcvb Ki‡Z Af¨¯Í wQj|
The book is worth reading− eBwU covi g‡Zv|
I went there with a view to seeing you− Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ †mLv‡b wM‡qwQjvg
I prefer playing to running− Avwg †`Šov‡bvi †P‡q †Lj‡Z †ewk cQ›` Kwi|
Causative verb
Causative verb Gi A_© n‡jv cÖ‡hvRK wµqv| A_©vr †Kv‡bv KvR wb‡R bv K‡i Ab¨‡K w`‡q KvRUv Kiv‡bvB †ÿ‡Î †h
verb e¨envi Kiv nq, Zv‡KB ejv nq Causative verb. ‡hgb- gv Zvui wkï‡K Pvu` †`Lv‡”Qb| wKQz Causative verb Gi
Verb Causative verb Verb Causative verb
Know (Rvbv) Inform (Rvbv‡bv) See (†`Lv) Show (‡`Lv‡bv)
Remember (g‡b Kiv) Remind (g‡b Kiv‡bv) Dive (Wze †`qv) Dip (Wzev‡bv)
Drink (cvb Kiv) Drench (cvb Kiv‡bv) Rise (IVv) Raise (IVv‡bv)
Lie (ï‡q cov) Lay (ï‡q civ‡bv)
‡hme verb Gi Causative verb nq bv †mme verb Gi Causative verb Kivi Rb¨ Make, get, have,
let Ges help GB verb ¸‡jv e¨envi Kiv nq|
01. The invigilator made us..........our identity card at the test Centre. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. to show L. showing M. show N. showed DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Subject + make/made + e¨w³/e¯‘ + verb Gi Base form. ‡hgb-
➢ I made him do the work (Avwg Zv‡K w`‡q KvRUv Kwi‡qwQjvg),
➢ The dog made the cat climb the tree quickly. (KzKziwU weovjwU‡K `ªæZ Mv‡Q DV‡Z eva¨ Kij|)
02. He didn’t let me_____ a guitar.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 29 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. play L. to play M. playing N. played DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Let Øviv KvD‡K AbygwZ †`qv ev Ki‡Z †`qv eySvq| MVb- Subject + let + e¨w³/e¯‘ + verb Gi base
form + extension. ‡hgb- Our boss let us leave the meeting early. (Avgv‡`i em Avgv‡`i‡K Rjw`
Rjw` mfv Z¨vM Kivi AbygwZ w`‡jb)|
03. These stories always help him _________ better.
K. sleep L. to sleep M. sleeping N. slept DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Subject + help + e¨w³/e¯‘ + verb Gi Base form. ‡hgb- These stories always help him
sleep better. (GB Mí¸‡jv memgq Zv‡K Av‡iv fvj Nygv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i)|
Phrasal Verb
Type: 32 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. The lights have been blown ______ by the strong wind. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) out (খ) away (গ) up (ঘ) off উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Blow out অর্থ িায়ু প্রিাবহর ফব বনবে যাওয়া িু ঝায়; Blow up অর্থ বিবফারক দ্রিয িযিহাবরর মাধযবম থকাবনা বকেু
উবড়বয় থিওয়া। Blow off অর্থ থকাবনা বকেু থর্বক থকাবনা বকেু বনগথত হওয়া।
02. The Second World War broke ______ in September, 1939. [24Zg wewmGm− evwZj]
K. through L. away M. out N. in DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Break through− Force a path (‡Rvi K‡i miv‡bv), Break away− Get away (যে ে য ক া),
Break out− Suddenly start (প্রাদুেিা ঘটা), Break in− Interrupt (evav †`Iqv)|
03. Fill in the blank : As she was talking, he suddenly broke ----- saying ; 'That's a lie!' [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) off (খ) in (গ) down (ঘ) into উত্তর: খ
Break in To interrupt someone’s conversion অর্থাৎ কর্ার মাবঝ কর্া ি া িা ে মান থকান বকেু বত হস্তবেপ
Break off িামবয়কোবি র্ামা, বিরবত গ্রহণ, কর্া ি বত হঠাৎ র্ামা (abruptly stop talking). থযমন- The fuselage
had broken off just behind the pilot’s seat.
Break into ি পূ িক থ অনু প্রবিশ করা। থযমন- Two raiders broke into his home.
Break down নষ্ট হওয়া িা বিক হওয়া।
04. Identify the correct sentence. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) The girl burst out tears (L) The girl burst into tears
(M) The girl burst with tears (N) The girl bursetd out tears D:L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 30 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Group Verbs A_©
Burst into Start to cry suddenly, nVvr Kvbœvq †f‡½ cov| †hgb: The girl burst into tears.
Burst out Suddenly say something laughing, nvwm‡Z †d‡U cov| †hgb: The boy burst out laughing.
05. He broke the jug ......... a hundred piece. Use appropriate preposition to fill in the gap.
K. to L. in M. into N. with DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Appropriate preposition Ôbreak intoÕ A_© n‡jv— †f‡½ UzK‡iv UzK‡iv Kiv|
05. His health has_______ because of hard labour. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK-02]
K. broken down L. broken up M. broken out N. broken into DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Break down— Decline (‡f‡½ cov)| evK¨wUi A_©—K‡Vvi cwikÖ‡gi Kvi‡Y Zvi ¯^v‡¯’¨ AebwZ
06. It’s impolite to break _______ when someone else is talking. [kÖg cwiPvjK-06]
K. in L. on M. into N. off DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Break in— Interrupt (evav †`Iqv)
07. The tree has been blown ______by the the strong wind. (২১তম, 26Zg I 31Zg wewmGm)
K. away L. up M. off N. out DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Blow away− move by wind (Dwo‡q wb‡q hvIqv), Blow up− Destroy by explosion (we‡ùviY
Øviv Dwo‡q †`Iqv), Blow off (emit, wbM©Z Kiv), Blow out− Extinguish (wbfv‡bv)|
08. The lights have been blown____by the strong wind. (21Zg wewmGm)
K. out L. away M. up N. off DËi: K
09. The ambassador called _________ the president. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Z…Zxq ch©vq) : 2019]
K. in L. upon M. off N. out DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : call upon/on— Kv‡iv mv‡_ †`Lv Kiv| evK¨wUi A_©— ivóª`~Z ivócwZi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡jb|
10. He called _________ me yesterday. (kÖg I Kg©ms¯’vb gš¿Yvj‡q mnKvix cÖavb cwi`k©K− 09)
K. at L. on M. with N. to DËi: L
11. If the raining continues, we shall have to call off the game. (AvBb wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi mve-
‡iwR÷ªvi- 12)
K. enjoy L. watch M. continue N. cancel DËi : N
12. He was asked him to___a doctor. cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwkÿYv_©x- 15
K. Call out L. Call for M. Call in N. Call on DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Call in− ‡W‡K cvVv‡bv| evK¨wUi A_©— Zv‡K Wv³vi WvK‡Z ejv n‡jv|
13. They had to call _____ the match as the ground was wet. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. on L. off M. in N. up DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Call on− Meet (যদখ্া ক া), Cancel (প্র া া ক া),Summon (‡W‡K cvVv‡bv), Call up−
Remember (স্ম ণ ক া)
14. Choose the right preposition for the sentence. I count ______ your help. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) after (খ) with (গ) upon (ঘ) for উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা: Count upon— বনেথ র করা, বিশ্বাি করা থয থকাবনা বকেু ঘটবিই| Count for— গুরুত্বপূ ণথ িব বিবিেনা করা
Instead of ÔContinue’ we can say−. (mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZ©v− 15)
K. Carry on L. Carry out M. Carry off N. Carry away DËi : K
িযাখযা: Carry on— Continue (Pvwj‡q hvIqv)|
15. Complete the sentence: Trees have ______off their leaves. [23Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. thrown L. fallen M. cast N. put DËi : M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 31 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Cast off− Dispose of.
16. The patient will ______ soon. 10g wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj)− 14
K. come in L. come off M. Come round N. come by DËi : M
17. The second anniversary celebration of our college will be held on December, 15 (14Zg
K. takes off L. will bring about
M. comes off N. will come round DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Come off – take place, happen (m¤úbœ Kiv)|
18. When I saw the gardener, he..........tree. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. is cutting L. will be cutting down
M. was cutting down N. cut down DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : When Øviv hy³ cÖ_g clause wU past indefinite tense n‡j second clause wU past continuous
tense n‡e| myZivs k~b¨¯’v‡b was cutting down. Cut down— Abridged, Reduce (কাটা, হ্রা ক া)|
Die by− `yN©Ubv, AvZ¥nZ¨v, mwnsmZvq gviv hvIqv Die in− hy‡×, `wi`ªZvq, Ny‡gi g‡a¨, kvwšÍ‡Z gviv hvIqv
Die from− AwZwi³ †Kvb wKQz Kiv, ÿZ, AvNvZ RLg cÖf…wZ Kvi‡Y gviv hvIqv
Die for— ‡`‡ki Rb¨ ev fvj Kvi‡Y g„Zz¨eiY Kiv die of— ‡ivM, ÿzav, Z…òv ev Amy¯’Zvq gviv hvIqv
die off— G‡Ki ci GK gviv hvIqv die on— we‡kl w`‡b/ dvuwm‡Z gviv hvIqv
19. He died ........ his country. Fill in the gap with appropriate preposition. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(Ki‡Zvqv) : 2012]
K. in L. on M. to N. for DËi: N
20. He died___poison. (38Zg wewmGm−gvbwmK `ÿZv)
K. in L. by M. with N. into DËi: L
21. The man died ____over eating. (25Zg wewmGm)
K. by L. of M. for N. from DËi: N
End, Fall
End in smoke— র্ি Ended in fiasco— ম্পূণিরূ প র্ি
Every now and then— প্রা ই Fall back— পছু টা
Fall down— প ে োও া Fall from— ক্ষম াচ্ু ও া, †ei nIqv
Fall in with— ম্ম ও া Fall into— ঝা মলা পো
Fall in— া দ্ধ ও া Fall off— ঝ ে পো/‡Kvb wKQzi Dci †_‡K cov
Fall on— ন্যস্ত ও া /আক্রমণ ক া Fall through— িস্ফল ও া
Few and far between— very rarely For good— চ্
22. Not a word fell ________his lips. (Zvi gyL †_‡K GKwU K_vI †ei n‡jvbv)| [wcGmwmi mnKvix cwiPvjK−04]
K. at L. of M. through N. from DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Fall from (‡ei nIqv, Come out)| evK¨wUi A_©— Zvi gyL †_‡K GKwU K_vI †ei n‡jvbv|
23. He fell ________ his bike. [cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii wdì Bb‡fw÷‡MUi : 06]
K. upon L. from M. of N. off DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Fall off— ঝ ে পো/‡Kvb wKQzi Dci †_‡K cov| evK¨wUi A_©©— †m Zvi evBK †_‡K c‡o †Mj|
24. The fell ________ retreating army and routed them. [mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvj‡q DcmnKix cwiPvjK−05]
K. on L. from M. of N. off DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 32 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Get, Give, Go
Get along— Manage, survive (চ্ালা িা) Get away— Hurried departure (পালা িা)
Get back— Recover (D×vi Kiv) Get by— Pass (cvk w`‡q hvIqv)
Get down— Descend, Climb down (িামা) Get into— য াকা, ম শ োও া
Get in— Arrive (Dcw¯’Z nIqv) Get off— Exit, Leave (P‡j hvIqv)
Get about— ঘু য ো িা Get over— Overcome (‡ivM/wec` KvwU‡q IVv)
Go through— পাঠ ক া, পো Go after— অনু ণ ক া
Go along— যম ি যি া Go away— Leave the place (P‡j hvIqv)
Go back on— যখ্লাপ ক া Go by— অ ক্রান্ত ও া
Go down— অস্ত োও া, হ্রা পাও া Go for— আি োও া
Go in for— প ীক্ষা যদ া Go off— স্ফা ও া
Go on— চ্া ল োও া Go round— চ্ক্রাকা যঘা া
Go out— wb‡f hvIqv Go without— live without (Afv‡e KvUv‡bv)
Give up— াগ ক া, যছ ে যদ া Give away— distribute (weZiY Kiv, `vb Kiv)
25. Instead of Ôdistribute’ we can say— (cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix cwiPvjK−13)
K. give out L. give up M. give away N. give over DËi : M
26. Instead of Ôabandon’ we can say— . (cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© mnKvix cwiPvjK−13)
K. give out L. give up M. give away N. give over DËi : L
27. Instead of Ôread’ we can say— (MYgva¨g Bbw÷wUD‡Ui mnKvix cwiPvjK-03)
K. go through L. go in for M. go round N. Go off DËi : K
28. Hardly had he entered the room than the electricity went out.
K. give out L. go out M. give away N. none DËi : L
29. What you make a promise, you must not _____ it.
K. give out L. go back on M. give away N. none DËi : L
30. In spite of my request, he did not _____(22Zg wewmGm)
K. give in L. fall in M. get off N. give forth DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Give in− Avgvi Aby‡iva m‡Ë¡I †m nvj Qv‡owb/bwZ ¯^xKvi K‡iwb| Fall in with (HK¨gZ nIqv) –
The opposition failed to fall in with the ruling party (we‡ivax `j ÿgZvmxb‡`i mv‡_ GKgZ n‡Z e¨_©
n‡q‡Q)| Get off− cjvqb Kiv|
31. I went______ great sufferings. [8g cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 2012]
K. on L. for M. through N. with DËi : M
Hand, Let, Look
Hand over— যঘা া ে া ক া Hang back— Lag behind (cðvrc` nIqv)
Hang on— কা া ওপ িেি ক া Let down— াশ ক া
Look after— যদখ্াশুিা ক া Look at— াকা িা
Look for— যখ্াোঁজা Look into— দন্ত ক া
Look on— ম ি ক া Look about— যখ্াোঁজ ক া
Look out— াই াকা িা Look through— h‡Zœi mv‡_ cixÿv Kiv
Look to— ম িা োগী ও া Look up to— ম্মাি ক া
Look up— ‡Kvb wKQz Lyu‡R †ei Kiv Look forward— expect with pleasure
o Look out ! (mZK© nIqv) Time and tide waits for none.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 33 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
o Instead of ÔLook over’ (cixÿv Kiv) we can say examine closely.
o Look down on/upon− to hate (AeÁv Kiv/‡QvU Kiv)
o Some sponges look like (resemble− m`„k) plants.
32. Choose the correct alternative and mark its letter on your answer sheet. The rich should not
look down ______ the poor. [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) at (খ) for (গ) towards (ঘ) upon উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Look at ➨ তাকাবনা, প্রতযাখযান করা, উবপো করা ইতযাবি। Look towards ➨ মু বখামু বখ অিস্থায় িা বিপরীবত
অিস্থান করা। Look down upon ➨ ঘৃ ণা করা।
33. The police is looking _____ the case. (26Zg wewmGm)
K. into L. after M. up N. on DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Look into− The police look into (Z`šÍ Kiv) the case; Look after− ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv; Look
up− ‡Kvb wKQz Lyu‡R †ei Kiv|
34. ÔLook over’ means – [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Z…Zxq ch©vq) : 2020]
K. neglect L. choose M. ignore N. examine closely DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : ‘Look over’ phrasal verb Gi A_© n‡”Q examine closely. Ab¨w`‡K Neglect A_© Ae‡njv Kiv,
choose A_© wbe©vPb Kiv Ges ignore A_© Dc‡ÿv Kiv|
35. ÔLook after’ means to--.[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Z…Zxq ch©vq) : 2020]
K. follow L. try again M. take care N. look at DËi: M
36. Can you look _______ a word in your dictionary? [15Zg wewmGm (wjwLZ)]
K. into L. after M. up N. on DËi: M
Make off— পা ল োও া Make of— যে ে যেলা, যলখ্া, দমি ক া
Make over— অপিণ ক া Make out— য াঝা
Make up of— গ ঠ ও া Make up— ক্ষ পূ ণ যদ া
o I can’t make out (eyS‡Z cviv) what you say.
o Glass is made from (make from− ‰Zwi Kiv) sand.
37. The team is ______ eleven players. (24Zg wewmGm− evwZj)
K. made of L. made up of M. made up N. made DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : make of− Compose of (‰Zwi Kiv) & make from− ‰Zwi Kiv| make up & make from Gi
g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ n‡jv− GKwU‡Z †evSv hvq †Kvb e¯‘ †_‡K ˆZwi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ab¨wU‡Z †evSv hvq bv| †hgb− The chair
is made of wood (‡Pqvi †h Kv‡Vi ˆZwi Zv mn‡RB †evSv hvq), Paper is made from wood (KvMR †h KvV
w`‡q ˆZwi Zv ‡`‡LB †evSv hvq bv); Make up of− wfbœ wfbœ †Kvb wKQz mgb&¦‡q MwVZ GKK wKQz| †hgb: The
team is made of eleven members. Make up – Prepare, arrange something. ‡hgb : You should
stay the night- I will make up a bed for you.
38. Many islands make up ____. [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) an archipelago (খ) a continent
(গ) a peninsula (ঘ) an isles উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Island অর্থ দ্বীপ; Archipelago অর্থ দ্বীপপু ঞ্জ (অবনকগুব া দ্বীপ বমব একটি দ্বীপপু ঞ্জ গঠিত হয়)। Continent অর্থ
মহাবিশ। Peninsula অর্থ উপদ্বীপ এিং Isles অর্থ উপদ্বীপ।
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 34 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
39. I cannot ______ what you say. [miKvwi gva¨wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. made of L. made in M. make out N. take out DËi: M
40. Glass is made _______ sand?
K. from L. by M. through N. of DËi: K
Put away— াখ্া Put down— যে ে যেলা, দমি ক া
Put forward— উত্থাপি ক া Put off— যখ্ালা, স্থ গ ক া
Put on— প ধাি ক া Put out*— Extinguish (wbwf‡q †djv)
Put together— কত্র ক া Put to— দণ্ড যদ া
Put up to— খ্া াপ কা জ প্র া চ্ ক া Put up with— Tolerate, suffer ( হ্য ক া)
Put up— A¯’vqxfv‡e †Kv_vI _vKv Put faith in— wek^vm ivLv
Pass for— appear to be [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
o Where do you put up? (Zzwg †Kv_vq _vK?)
o When they had their first child, they put aside (mÂq K‡i ivLv) sum for his children.
41. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase. “______ your shoes before entering the mosque.”
[২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) put out (খ) put off (গ) put away (ঘ) put on উত্তর : খ
42. Ôpass away’ means— [cªv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19; 33Zg wewmGm]
K. disappear L. die M. erase N. to cross DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Pass away Gi A_© n‡”Q gviv hvIqv ev die. Disappear A_© A`„k¨ nIqv, erase A_© gy‡Q †djv, to
cross A_© AwZµg Kiv
43. When they had their first child, they put ____ a large sum for his education. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) aside (খ) beside (গ) outside (ঘ) under উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Put aside একটি phrasal verb, যার অর্থ িবরবয় রাখা িা িঞ্চয় করা। Beside শবব্দর অর্থ পাবশ। Outside অর্থ
িবহবিথ শ িা িাইবরর অংশ। Under শবব্দর অর্থ বনবে িা অধীবন। প্রবে উবেবখত িাবকযর অর্থ অনু যায়ী aside উত্তরটি িঠিক। কারণ
িাকযটির অর্থ হব া ‘যখন তাবির প্রর্ম িন্তান র্ন্ম বন তখন তারা িন্তাবনর েবিষযৎ বশোর র্নয আবয়র একটি িড় অংশ িঞ্চয়
44. It is too difficult to ‘tolerate’ bad temper for long. ___ which of the following phrases
best ‘tolerate’ in the above sentence. (13Zg wewmGm)
K. come up with L. will bring about
M. put up with N. pull on with DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Come up− be equal to (mgvb nIqv), Bring about− Cause ot happen (NUv‡bv), put up
with− tolerate (mn¨ Kiv)|
45. While living in poverty, the poet had to ____ a great deal of sufferings. (31Zg wewmGm)
K. see through L. put up with
M. pass by N. fall back DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : `vwi‡`ª¨i Kvi‡Y Kwe‡K A‡bK `ytL-Kó mn¨ Ki‡Z (Put up with) n‡qwQj| See through−
transparent, understand; Pass by− Disregard, pay no attention to (AeÁv&, D‡cÿv); fall back−
move or turn back (cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv, wcQz nVv)|
46. I cannot put faith – him. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wkDwj) : 2012]
K. in L. on M. at N. upon DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 35 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Run about— দক-য দক যদৌো দৌ ে Run down— ছু ট া ধ া
Run into— To be involve into (RwoZ, cwZZ) Run over— পষ্ট ও া
Run out— েু োও া/‡kl nIqv Run upon— ধাক্কা খ্াও া
Run through— যেদ ক া
See, Set, Stand
See off— Say goodbye to (we`vq Rvbv‡bv) Set about— শুরু ক া
Set down— যলখ্া, িামা িা Set in— শুরু ও া
Set out— োত্রা শুরু ক া, ছ ে যদ া Set up— Establish (¯’vcb Kiv)
Stand against— Oppose (evuav †`qv) Stand aside— দাোঁো িা
Stand by— পা শ দাোঁো িা Stand off— দূ র্াকা
Stand up for— পক্ষ মর্িি ক া Set upon— AvµgY (To attack)
o Do not stand against the force of time.
Take after— Look like (যদখ্ ক কম ও া) Take away— যি া
Take down— যলখ্া Take for— ম ি ক া
Take over— D‡ë hvIqv Take to Engage— (wbhy³ nIqv)
Tell upon— ক্ষ ক া Turn over— উল্টা িা
Turn up — (nvwRi nIqv) /Arrive
o The plane couldn’t took off (take off− DÇq‡bi Rb¨ f~wg Z¨vM Kiv) because of the dense fog.
o He turned in (submit− Rgv †`qv) his paperwork to the main office.
o Due to some internal conflict the Director turned down (cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv) the proposal submitted
by the Marketing Manager.
The candidate turned up at the interview.
47. ‘To do away with’ means− (36Zg wewmGm)
K. to repeat L. to start M. to get rid of N. to drive off DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : To do away with− To get rid of (gy³ Kiv ev nIqv)| Gi Ab¨ Av‡iKwU A_©− evwZj Kiv/we‡jvc
Kiv (Stop using something)
48. The captain left the boat, because it ____ (23Zg wewmGm)
K. turned down L. turned bottom
M. turned up N. turned over DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : †bŠKvwU D‡ë hvIqvq (turned over) K¨v‡Þb †bŠKv Z¨vM K‡iwQj| Turn down− Reject, Refuse to
consider (cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv)| Turn up− Arrive (Dcw¯’Z nIqv)|
49. Smoking tells upon our body. Here Ôtell upon’ means— [10g wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj/mgch©vq) : 14]
K. benefits L. harms M. indicates N. strengthens DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 36 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Rule: 33
➢ An Adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or a pronoun. (-J.C Nesfield)
➢ ‡h word Øviv noun ev pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, msL¨v ev cwigvY‡K †evSvq Zv‡K Adjective e‡j|
➢ Adjective ‡K ejv nq— modifying/qualifying word.
01. Go and catch the falling star. Here the “falling” is– [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) an adverb (খ) a preposition (গ) an adjective (ঘ) a verb DËi: M
িযাখযা : থয িি শব্দ Word Noun িা Pronoun এর থিাষ, গুণ, অিস্থা, িংখযা, পবরমাণ ইতযাবি প্রকাশ কবর তাবক
Adjective ি া হয়| Falling শব্দটি star (noun) এর পূূ্বিথ িবি noun থক modify করায় এটি Adjective.
02. Depression is often hereditary. The underlined word is a/an– [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Adverb (খ) Adjective (গ) Noun (ঘ) Verb উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : ‘Be’ verb এর পর িাধারণত িরািবর adjective word আবি িব এখাবন ‘hereditary’ শব্দটি adjective.
তাোড়া অর্থগত বিক থর্বকও এটি adjective অর্থাৎ ‘িংশগত িা িংশানু ক্রবমক’|
03. A seventeen year old is not ___________ to vote in an election. [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) old enough (খ) as old enough
(গ) enough old (ঘ) enough old as উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Enough শব্দটি Adjective িা Adverb এর পবর িবি বকন্তু Noun এর আবগ িবি| এখাবন Old শব্দটি থযবহতু
Adjective তাই Old শব্দটি Enough শব্দটির আবগ িিবি|
04. This is his pen. What kind of adjective Ôhis’ is−
K. Distributive adjective L. Demonstrative adjective
M. Possessive adjective N. Indefinite adjective DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : যকাি pronoun ে দ noun পূ ি noun যক modify ক া ল া ক লা adjective. wb‡Pi
D`vniYmg~n †`Lyb−
Possessive Adjective This is my book. This is his car.
Demonstrative Adjective This book is red.
She was one of those people who are forever worried about money.
Indefinite Adjective Any boy can do this.
He is a man of few words.
Interrogative/Relative Adjective Whose book do you want?
Which pen have you bought?
Distributive Adjective Each boy got a prize. Every man is potential.
I shall support neither party. Neither report is true.
05. He actually wanted to have motherly affection from her. [noun+ly= adjective]
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : wKQz wKQz Noun Av‡Q, hvi mv‡_ ly ‡hvM n‡j Adjective ejv nq| Z‡e wKQz wKQz Adjective ‡Pbv hvq
Suffix ‡`‡L|
al National, legal, political, social. ian, an Indian, American
ic Historic, economic en Golden, wooden
ical Historical able Drinkable, movable
ish Turkish, childish ful Beautiful, hopeful
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 37 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
istic Fantastic, optimistic less Fearless, helpless
ive Active, attractive ly Friendly, namely, heavenly, homely
ed Learned, talented, Unparalleled ous Envious, studious, Joyous.
06. I will get the car ready. Here Ôready’ is−
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Adjective A‡bK mgq Object Gi c‡iI em‡Z cv‡i| Structure→ Subject + causative verb
(make/get/let/have etc.) + object + adjective.
07. I like being alone. Here Ôalone’ is−
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Linking verb ¸‡jv n‡”Q be, seem, feel, look, become, appear etc. wKQz wKQz adjective i‡q‡Q,
hviv memgq linking verb Gi ci e‡m| †hgb− Afloat, afraid, alight, alike, alive, alone, asleep,
Noun Gi complement wn‡m‡e adjective e¨eüZ nq| GwU‡K adjective Gi predicative use ejv nq A_©vr
Linking verb Gi c‡i complement wn‡m‡e e‡m adjective, subject ‡K qualify K‡i| †hgb: She is
08. Few students come to school today. Here Ôfew’ is an adjective of−
K. quantity L. quality M. number N. pronominal DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Adjective cÖavbZ Pvi cÖKvi| h_v :
Adjective of quality (¸YevPK we‡klY) or good, bad, wise, warm, cold, noble, rich, honest
Descriptive adjective etc.
Adjective of quantity (cwigvYÁvcK none, much, more, enough, little, any, sufficient,
we‡klY) or Quantitative adjective great, less etc.
Adjective of number (msL¨vevPK we‡klY) One, two,., First, second, Third….., Single,
or Numeral adjective Double…., Some, Few etc.
Pronominal adjective (me©bv‡gv™¢~Z we‡klY) or Relative adjective .
Rule: 34
01. ‘Come on, it’s time to go home.’ Here ‘home’ is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. noun L. verb M. adjective N. adverb DËi: N
‡h k㸇jv Verb m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ †`q, †m k㸇jv‡K Adverb e‡j| ‡hgb—
He walks slowly (‡m ax‡i nvu‡U)| Faisal speaks loudly (dqmvj †Rv‡i K_v e‡j)
Dc‡ii evK¨ `ywU‡Z verb (walk & speak) m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ cÖ`vb Ki‡Q slowly & loudly− ZvB GB `yBwU
(Slowly & loudly) n‡jv Adverb.
†h mKj word ‡Kvb Adjective Gi Ae¯’v cÖKvk K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K Adverb ejv nq| ‡hgb—
Abeer is a very good boy. (Avwei Lye fvj †Q‡j)
Linkon writes very well. (wjsKb Lye fvj †j‡L)
Avwei †Kgb fvj †Q‡j? DËi : Lye fvj †Q‡j| A_©vr Adjective (Good) Gi Ae¯’v m¤ú‡K© Rvwb‡q w`j ‘Very’
kãwU| ZvB ‘Very’ kãwU GKwU Adverb.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 38 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Adverb Gi g~j KvR n‡”Q— verb, adjective, adverb ‡K modify Kiv|
Verb ‡K When, How, Where w`‡q cÖkœ Ki‡j, cÖkœ¸‡jvi Rev‡e †h word wU ‡_‡K cvIqv hvq, Zv‡K Adverb
e‡j| mvaviYZ Intransitive verb Gi c‡i Averb e‡m|
The bird flies swiftly. (How?)
I came here just before ten. (When?)
It’s time to go home. (Where?)
cÖkœ Kiæb, Where goes? DËi: home.
Zvn‡j, home kãwU GKwU Adverb. Gfv‡e cÖkœ K‡iI Adverb Lyu‡R cvIqv hvq|
02. ‘The day of my sister’s marriage is drawing near’.The underlined word is a/an– [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) adjective (খ) verb (গ) preposition (ঘ) adverb উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Near এখাবন adverb| কারণ এটি drawing verb থক modify কবরবে। িাধারণত Noun, Pronoun িা
Interjection োড়া অনয থয থকাবনা word থক modify করব ই তা adverb|
03. The sun went down. The underlined word is used here as a/an: [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Preposition (খ) Adverb (গ) Noun (ঘ) Conjunction উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : প্রিত্ত ‘down’ শব্দটি Adverb বহবিবি িযিহৃত হবয়বে, থকননা ‘down’ শব্দটি Verb কে modify K‡i‡Q।
িাবকযর থশবষর Preposition-টি Adverb হয়।
04. The mother sat vigilantly beside the sick baby. Here 'vigilantly' is– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a noun (খ) an adverb (গ) an adjective (ঘ) none of the three উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Vigilantly– র্াগ্রতিস্থায়, িতকথ োবি| বনয়মানু যায়ী থয word থকাবনা verb -থক modify কবর তাবক adverb
িব | Avevi ‡h k㸇jv Verb m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ †`q, †m k㸇jv‡K Adverb e‡j| GqvovI vigilant kãUv GKwU
adjective. Adjective + ly = Adverb. িু তরাং vigilantly শব্দটি adverb.
Ly _vK‡jB fve‡eb bv kãUv Adverb
Noun + ly = Adjective ‡hgb-
Motherly, fatherly, brotherly. He gave a fatherly smile. ( ি ক ট া া লে া দ ছ লি)
He actually to have motherly affection from her.
Adjective + ly = Adverb. ‡hgb-
Swiftly, loudly, slowly, lately, nicely, kindly. The lion roared loudly. ( ং ট যজা গজিি ক ছ লা)
05. Choose the right word to fill in the blank.“Since his retirement, Mr. Chowdhury, who was
_________ a teacher, has written four novels.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) usually (খ) presently (গ) already (ঘ) formerly উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : usually অর্থ িেরাের, িাধারণত; presently অর্থ অবেবর, এেুবণ; already অর্থ এই িমবয়র িা ঐ িমবয়র মবধয
এিং formerly - আবগরকার বিবন, পূ িক থ াব | িাবকযর অর্থানু যায়ী (বম. থেৌধু রী অিিবর যাওয়ার পূ বিথ একর্ন বশেক বেব ন, বযবন
োরটি উপনযাি ব বখবেন।)
06. Honey is _____ sweet. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) very (খ) too much (গ) much too (ঘ) excessive উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : very ও too much িাবকয উেয়টির প্রবয়াগ পবর বেত হয়| to express that something is simply of a
big amount থিাঝাবত িহু প্রেব ত শব্দ very. এোড়াও very শব্দটি adverb বহবিবি adjective (sweet) থক
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 39 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
modify কবরবে। too much থনবতিােক অর্থ প্রকাবশ িযিহৃত হয়| much too এর একীেূত িযিহার থনই| excessive হ
adjective যার অর্থ অতযবধক যা sentence এর context এর িাবর্ িামঞ্জিযপূ ণথ নয়|
1 2
Adverb of Adverb of
8 Place 3
Adverb of Adverb of
Assertion Manner
Cause & Adverb of
Effect Degree
Adverb of Adverb of 4
7 Order Number
6 5
Adverb of Time
Rule : 35
Verb ‡K ‘when’ ev ÔKLbÕ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h DËi cvIqv hvq, †m kãwU‡K Adverb of Time e‡j| Gi ai‡bi
K‡qKwU adverb Gi D`vniY : Now, then, soon, yesterday, today, tomorrow, daily, always, seldom,
ago, often, never, sometimes, after, already, before, since, presently, immediately. ‡hgb−
Sometimes I go there. GLv‡b ‘When’ Øviv go (verb) ‡K cÖkœ Kiv hvK| When go? (KLb hvq?) DËi Av‡m
‘Sometimes’ (gv‡Sgv‡S)| myZivs underlined word Uv n‡jv Adverb of Time.
07. The day of my sister’s marriage is drawing near. (২৫ ম )
Adverb of Place
যকাি verb কাজ ম্পন্ন ও া স্থাি ক যে Adverb দ্বা া য াঝা িা , া ক Adverb of Place ল ধ ি ক কট
adverb উদা ণ: Down, everywhere, anywhere, below, above, here, there, near, out, up, down,
inside ই দ I didn’t find Camera anywhere.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 40 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Verb wU‡K ÔWhere’ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverb of Place cvIqv hvq|
11. He didn’t find the camera anywhere. (য ক া ম া ট যকার্াও খ্ুোঁ জ যপল িা ) Here the underlined word
K. Adverb of Time L. Adverb of Place
M. Adverb of Order N. Adverb of Number DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Where didn’t he find Camera? (‡m †Kv_vq K¨v‡giv cvqwb?) DËi− Anywhere. myZivs
underlined word Uv n‡jv Adverb of Place.
Adverb of Manner
†Kvb verb ‡K ‘How’ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h kãwU cvIqv hvq, †mwU‡K ejv nq Adverb of Manner (aib)| G ai‡bi
K‡qKwU Adverb Gi D`vniY: Slowly, suddenly, eagerly, anxiously, carefully, clearly, closely,
correctly, bravely, badly, sadly, softly, soundly, swiftly, simply, carelessly, easily, quickly,
possibly, probably, luckily, fortunately, naturally, rightly, urgently, wrongly, widely, thus, well
verb ‡K ‘How’ Øviv cÖkœ Ki‡j †h kãwU cvIqv hvq, †mwU‡K ejv nq Adverb of Manner (aib)
12. He runs fast. Here the underlined word is−
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : How runs? (Kxfv‡e †`Šovq?) DËi− fast. ZvB GwU Adverb of Manner (aib)|
13. Man cannot live alone. The word ‘alone’ used here is – [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM) : 07]
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Pronoun N. Preposition DËi: L
Adverb of Degree
wbw`©ó mxgvi AwZwi³ A‡_© too e¨eüZ nq| ‡h Adverb ‡Kvb k‡ãi Degree (cwigvY ev gvÎv) cÖKvk K‡i, Zv‡K
Adverb of Degree e‡j| G ai‡bi wKQz Adverb Gi D`vniY n‡jv− Almost, completely, very, much,
half, so, hardly, extremely, too, quite, how, twice, fully, wholly, strongly, totally, entirely, deeply,
poorly, greatly etc. wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb−
o I am extremely sorry. (আ ম অ ন্ত দুুঃ খ্ )
o Poor people usually take meal twice. (গ ী মানু ে া াধা ণ দ ি দু’ া খ্া )
o Today is much colder. (আজ অ িক য শ VvÛv)
o Robbani has slept only four hours. ( ব্বা ি মাত্র ৪ ঘণ্টা ঘু ম ছ)
o My friend is much older than me. (আমা ন্ধু আমা যচ্ অ িক য শ)
উপ উদা ণগু লা (অ ন্ত, দ ি দু’ া , অ িক য শ, মাত্র) যর্ ক টা জই য াঝা ো ে যে, ই শব্দগু লা
(extremely, twice, much, only) Sorry, meal, colder, slept, older প্রেৃ শব্দগু লা প মাণ া মাত্রা
ি দিশ ক াই extremely, twice, much, only শব্দগু লা Adverb of Degree বহবিবি কার্ করবে।
07. Don’t worry. English Grammar is not ___ to understand. (13Zg wewmGm)
K. so difficult L. too difficult M. very difficult N. difficult enough D: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 41 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Adverb of Frequency
Rule : 36
যে Adverb মাধ ম ক া ক্র া ম্পন্ন ছল া জািা ো া ক Adverb of Frequency লা ধ ি ক কট
Adverb উদা ণ লা: Once, twice, thrice, rarely, occasionally, often, never, usually, generally,
sometimes etc.
Adverb of Frequency− KZ evi
wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb –
o He always gets up early in the morning. (য ম ই খ্ু কা ল ঘুম যর্ ক ও ঠ)
o Poor people usually take meal twice. (গ ী মানু ে া াধা ণ দ ি দু’ া খ্া )
o He seldom goes home (য কদা চ্ৎ া ে ো )
Dc‡ii c«_g ev‡K¨ c«kœ Kiæb ÔKZ eviÕ Øviv| A_©vr ‡m KZ evi mKv‡j Nyg ‡_‡K I‡V? DËi Av‡m Ôme mgqÕ|
ZvB ÔalwaysÕ GLv‡b ÔAdverb of frequencyÕ|
01. I _______ remember the holiday I spent in your home, she said. [25Zg wewmGm]
(ক) ever (খ) hardly (গ) usually (ঘ) always উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : এখাবন, িাকযটি Positive অবর্থ িযিহার করা হবয়বে (থতামার িাবড়বত কাটাবনার স্মৃবত আমার িিিময় মবন
পবড়)| Ever এিং Hardly িাধারণত Negative অবর্থ িযিহৃত হয়। তাোড়া Usually এখাবন অপ্রািবঙ্গক।
02. I spent ___ with the patient. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) sometimes (খ) sometime (গ) some times (ঘ) some time উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sometimes A_© gv‡Sgv‡S| Sometime A_© fwel¨‡Zi bvg wKQz mgq| Some time A_© wKQz
03. Zahid has never gone to USA. (জা দ কখ্ িাই USA ো ি)
K. Adjective L. Adverb M. Noun N. Pronoun DËi: L
01. A conjunction is a part of speech that ___ thoughts. (e¨vsKvm© wiµzU‡g›U KwgwU−98)
K. describes L. joins M. modifies N. scrutinizes DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : যে word দুই া া ধক শব্দ া াক ক েুক্ত ক , া ক Conjunction ল অর্ি ও প স্থ ে দ
েন্ন Conjunctions েন্নো শুধু প ীক্ষা জন্য গুরুত্বপূণি কছু Conjunction া
আমা দ জািা উ চ্ৎ
যে কল শব্দ কা ধক sentences, clauses, phrases অর্ া word যক েুক্ত ক , য কল শব্দ ক
Conjunction ল যেমি : and, as well as, or, either-----or, neither----nor, but, yet, still,
nevertheless, so, therefore, that, so that, if, though, as, because, when, where, since,
before, after, till, until, unless, as if etc . ম ি াখ্ : Conjunction মাধ ম কা ধক া ক
ং োজি, াজি কট া ক প ণ য টা প ীক্ষার্িী দ চ্ন্তা ে ি , প ীক্ষার্িী দ MCQ
যক্ষ ত্র প্রদত্ত ৪ (চ্া ) ট অপশি যর্ ক Conjunction শব্দ ট খ্ুোঁ জ য ক প্র ে চ্া দা অনু া
ি চ্ গুরুত্বপূণি ি ম আ লাচ্িা ক া লা:
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 42 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Rule : 37
02. ÔHe could not win but learnt a lot.Õ Which part of speech is the word ÔbutÕ? [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) an adverb (L) a verb
(M) an adjective (N) a conjunction DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ‡h mKj kã GKvwaK sentences, clauses, phrases A_ev word ‡K hy³ K‡i, †m mKj kã‡K
Conjunction e‡j| †hgb: and, as well as, or, either-----or, neither----nor, but, yet, still,
nevertheless, so, therefore, that, so that, if, though, as, because, when, where, since,
before, after, till, until, unless, as if etc. g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e: Conjunction Gi gva¨‡g GKvwaK ev‡K¨i
ms‡hvRb, we‡qvRb n‡q GKwU ev‡K¨ cwiYZ nq|
Rule : 38
03. ‘I shall help you provided you obey me.’ Here the underlined word is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. adverb L. adjective M. conjunction N. verb D. M
e¨vL¨v : Provided Gi ci clause e‡m complex evK¨ MVb Ki‡j GwU ev‡K¨ conjuction wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|
I shall help you provided you obey me. evK¨wUi A_©- Avwg †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Kie hw` Zzwg Avgvi AvbyMZ¨
Ki| GLv‡b provided kãwU `ywU Avjv`v evK¨‡K mshy³ K‡i conjuction wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q|
Rule : 39
04. I had to go Dhaka____ my sister’s marriage. (ciivóª gš¿Yvj‡q e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v−06)
K. because L. because of M. due to N. as DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Because & Because of (KviY) : Phrase Gi c~‡e© because of Ges Clause Gi c~‡e© because
e‡m| Because of ‡h ev‡K¨ e‡m †m ev‡K¨i MVb – Because of + Noun/Noun phrase. ‡hgb− Because
of his obstinacy (GK¸‡qwg), we could not reach conclusion.
05. A rocket flying to the moon does not need wings because– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) it has no engine (খ) space has too much dust
(গ) it has no fuel (ঘ) space is airless উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : রবকট েব বনউটবনর গবতর তৃতীয় িূ ত্র দ্বারা। িূ ত্রটি হব া ‘প্রবতযক বক্রয়ারই একটি িমান ও বিপরীত প্রবতবক্রয়া আবে| িূ ত্র
অনু যায়ী রবকবটর জ্বা াবন বহবিবি তর গযাবিাব ন ও তর অবিবর্ন িহন কবে পাবের িাহাবযয প্রবিশ কবরবয় জ্বা াবনা হয়।
বমশ্রণটি জ্ব ব ই অবত উচ্চোবপ গযাি উৎপন্ন হবয় রবকবটর বনবের বিবক মু খ বিবয় থির হবত র্াবক। তখন প্রবতবক্রয়া িব র িরুন
রবকটটি েরবিবগর িংরেণ িূ ত্রানু যায়ী গযাি বনষ্ক্রমবণর অবেমু বখর বিপরীত বিবক একটি িমান েরবিগ াে কবর। ফব রবকবটর
ওপর ঊর্ধ্থমু খী ি প্রযু ক্ত হয় এিং রবকট দ্রুততার িাবর্ ওপবর উঠবত র্াবক। এ কারবণ রবকবটর পাখা প্রবয়ার্ন হয় না।
06. We were delayed _____ a traffic jam.
K. because L. because there was
M. due to N. because it is DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Because (KviY) : Clause Gi c~‡e© because e‡m| Because ‡h ev‡K¨ e‡m †m ev‡K¨i MVb – _____
Because + Subject + Verb/ Because/there + verb + …. ‡hgb− It was difficult to see clearly
because it was raining.
07. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. We could not buy anything because
........... of the shops was open. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. nothing L. all M. no one N. none DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : k~b¨¯’v‡b ‡Kvb wKQz bv emv‡j A_© cwic~Y© nq| ÔWe could not buy anything because none of the
shops was openÕ . hvi evsjv A_© ÔAvgiv wKQyB µq Ki‡Z cvijvg bv KviY †Kvb †`vKvbB †Lvjv wQj bvÕ |
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 43 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Rule : 40
08. They suffered much ____ tornado had hit their village. (31Zg wewmGm)
K. until L. since M. let alone N. as if DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Since : Past Indefinite Tense (Sub + V2 + Extension) + Since (Zvici †_‡K/ZLb †_‡K) +
Past Perfect Tense. Since Gi AviI GKwU e¨envi †`Lyb−
09. Much water has followed through the Ganges _____ I left you.
K. until L. since M. let alone N. as if DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Present Perfect Tense (Sub + have/has + V3 + Extension) + Since (ZLb †_‡K/Zvici
†_‡K) + Past Indefinite Tense.
Rule : 41
10. Water boils _____ you heat it to 1000 centigrade. (24Zg wewmGm)
K. unless L. until M. if N. although DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : If (hw`) : fwel¨r m¤¢vebv/Abygvb Ki‡Z hw` Ôhw`Õ A‡_© If e¨eüZ nq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨ kZ© wb‡`©kK As‡ki
c~‡e© If kãwU Ôhw`Õ A‡_© e‡m‡Q |
11. We need two hundred dollars ______this to pay for everything. (24Zg evwZj wewmGm)
K. as well L. also M. beside N. besides DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Besides (e¨ZxZ): ev‡K¨i A‡_©i Dci wbf©i K‡i Besides kãwU ÔGQvovIÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq|
Rule : 42
12. ________ glass is, for all practical purpose, a solid, its molecular structure is that of a
liquid. (20Zg wewmGm)
K. although L. since M. because N. if DËi : K
13. I could not sleep ________ very tired. (35Zg wewmGm wjwLZ)
K. although I was L. in spite of
M. despite N. despite I was DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Although, Though (hw`I, Z_vwc): `ywU Clause hw` GKwU ev‡K¨ wecixZgywLZv †evSvq, Zvn‡j Ôhw`IÕ,
ÔZ_vwcÕ A‡_© Although, Though e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb− Although he is poor, he is honest. (ে দও য গ ী ,
ু য ৎ)|
Rule : 43
14. Prices for bicycles can run ____Tk.20,000. (18Zg wewmGm)
K. as high as L. so high as M. as high to N. as high for DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : As___as, so/as___as : Zzjbv Kivi Rb¨ n¨vu-‡evaK ev‡K¨ As___as Ges bv-‡evaK ev‡K¨ so/as___as
e¨eüZ nq|
Rule : 44
15. ‘Give her a telephone number to ring_____she gets lost.’ [১৭তম বিবিএি]
K. whether L. in case M. unless N. perhaps DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : In case (hw`)− c~e© mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Kiv A‡_© Ôhw`Õ A‡_© In case kãwU hv NUvi Avk¼v/ m¤¢vebv cÖKvk
Kiv n‡”Q ‡mB ev‡K¨i c~‡e© e‡m|
16. I always take umbrella ............. it rains. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. in case L. unless M. incase of N. if DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : AvKw¯§K †Kvb NUbv NUvi m¤¢vebv _vK‡j ev‡K¨ in case e‡m| evK¨wUi A_© n‡jv - e„wó nIqvi Avk¼vq Avwg
me©`v QvZv ivwL| k~b¨¯’v‡b c~e© mZK©Zv Aej¤^b Kiv A‡_© in case em‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 44 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Rule : 45
17. Choose the correct answer. How long did you wait? (10g wewmGm)
K. Till much time L. Until six o’clock
M. Till he came N. Since this morning DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Till/Until (hZÿY bv, †Kv‡bv mgq ch©šÍ)− ev‡K¨i kZ© wb‡`©kK As‡ki c~‡e© ÔhZÿY bvÕ, Ô‡Kv‡bv mgq
ch©šÕÍ A‡_© Till/Until e¨eüZ nq|
18. We waited unitl the plane– [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) did not take off (খ) took off
(গ) had not taken off (ঘ) had taken off উত্তর : খ
Rule : 46
19. Do not make a noise while your father ________. [২৪তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is sleeping (খ) has slept (গ) asleep (ঘ) is being asleep উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : িাধারণত principal clause যবি present tense হয়| তাহব subordinate clause থয থকাবনা tense এ হবত
পাবর| বকন্তু এখাবন subordinate clause-এর শুরুবত while র্াকায় তা continuous tense হবি|
36. As the sun ________, I decided to go out. [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) shines (খ) has shone (গ) shine (ঘ) was shining উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Main Clause যবি Past Tense-এ র্াবক তাহব Subordinate Clause অিশযই Past Tense হবি|
20. Nasima arrived While I ....... the dinner. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Would cook L. had cooked M. cook N. was cooking DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : While Øviv hy³ `ywU clause _vK‡j Ges while Gi c~‡e©i clause wU past indefinite tense n‡j
while cieZx© clause wU past continuous tense n‡e& myZivs mwVK DËi n‡e (N. was cooking)
21. Scarcely had he come – it started raining. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. then L. at once M. when N. after that DËi: M
Rule : 47
22. I opened the door as soon as I ______ the bell. [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) have heard (খ) was hearing (গ) am heard (ঘ) heard উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : As soon as: অতীবত থকাবনা ঘটনা িমিামবয়ক িমবয় ঘটব উেয়ই একই tense-এ হয়। িু তরাং as soon as এর
পূ বিথ past indefinite র্াকায় এর পবরও past indefinite (heard) হবি।
23. Tamim Iqbal is _____ a famous cricketer, ______ a famous actor.
K. not only, also L. not only, but also
M. but only, not also N. None DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Not only____ but also (ïay GUvB bqÑÑÑHUvI) : GKwU ev‡K¨ GKB Subject Gi `ywU ˆewkó¨ mshy³
Kiv †ÿ‡Î GK As‡k Not only em‡j, Aci As‡k but also e‡m| †hgb− The car not only is economical
but also feels good to drive.
24. He did not study hard; _________ he passed the examination.
K. whether L. nevertheless M. unless N. perhaps DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Nevertheless (Z_vwc, ZeyI, m‡Ë¡I) : GKwU ev‡K¨ `ywU wecixZgyLx Clause e¨eüZ n‡j Zv‡`i ms‡hv‡Mi
Rb¨ ÔZ_vwcÕ, ÔZeyIÕ, Ôm‡Ë¡IÕ A‡_© Nevertheless kãwU e¨eüZ nq|
25. The weather is hot; ________, the air is humid. (AvenvIqv Mig, Gi Dci evZvm n‡jv Av`ª©)|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 45 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. whether L. moreover M. unless N. perhaps DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: Moreover− AwaKš‘|
26. We wanted to meet him.__________, he arrived late. (Avgiv Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z †P‡qwQjvg|
wKš‘, wZwb †`wi‡Z †cŠu‡QwQ‡jb|)
K. whether L. however M. unless N. perhaps DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : However− ÔhvB †nvKÕ, ÔwKš‘Õ A‡_© However `ywU evK¨‡K mshy³ Ki‡Z e¨eüZ nq|
27. The vegetable were fresh _____ they were tasty. (kvKmeRx¸‡jv ZvRv Ges my¯^v`y wQj)
K. since L. for M. because N. and DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Compound sentence মজা ী ে ক েুক্ত ক and ( ং োজি) া ক া
28. The boy is intelligent ____ very poor. (‡m eyw×gvb, wKš‘ Mixe)
K. since L. as M. when N. but DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Compound sentence দু ট প ী ে ক েুক্ত ক but (we‡qvRb) া ক া
29. You may accept the job on offer ___ you may wait for a better job. (8g cÖfvlK wbeÜb−12)
K. and L. or M. till N. but DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: Or− ÔA_evÕ, ÔwKsevÕ A‡_© †Kvb wKQzi weKí †evSv‡Z Ôor’ e¨eüZ nq|
30. Which one is conjunction? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012]
K. or L. very M. out N. for DËi : K
31. ‡KvbwU Conjunction? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010]
K. Or L. Very M. Out N. for DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b ÔKÕ option wU‡Z Av‡Q or, ‡hwU GKwU conjunction Ges GwU GKwU co-ordinating
conjunction. Ab¨ Ackb¸‡jvi gv‡S Very mvaviYZ Adverb Ges out Ges for n‡”Q Preposition.
32. _______ hard labor, he could not prosper. k~b¨¯’vb c~iY Kiæb|
(a) In spite of (b) In view of
(c) In liew of (d) In the light of Ans− a
e¨vL¨v: In spite of/ Despite (m‡Ë¡I) : Despite/ In spite of me©`vB Ôm‡Ë¡IÕ A‡_© Noun/Noun Phrase Gi
c~‡e© e‡m| AviI GKwU D`vniY †`Lyb− Despite all his attempt to solve the problem, he failed.
33. He should do his homework,___ he never does it. (Zv‡K Zvi evwoi KvR Kiv DwPr, A_P †m KLbB
†m GwU K‡i bv)
(a) despite (b) yet (c) only (d) whereas Ans− b
e¨vL¨v : Yet (Zrm‡Ë¡I) : ev‡K¨ hv ejv n‡q‡Q Zvi mv‡_ Avðh©RbK Z_¨ hy³ Ki‡Z yet (Zrm‡Ë¡I) e¨eüZ nq|
34. Run fast, ____ you should miss the train.
(a) if (b) lest (c) because (d) nor Ans− b
e¨vL¨v : Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_© Lest e¨eüZ nq| ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub +
should/might + verb + extension. ‡hgb− Hurry up lest you might be late for examination.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 46 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
35. We eat ______ we may live. (Avgiv LvB hv‡Z Avgiv evuP‡Z cvwi) [10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 14]
K. for L. because M. so that N. so DËi : M
36. We have been working hard _____ we can win this year’s challenge. (Dc‡Rjv †cv÷gv÷vi− 10)
(a) so (b) because (c) that (d) so that Ans− d
e¨vL¨v: So that/ in order to – Ô‡hbÕ/ Ôhv‡ZÕ A‡_© †Kvb Kv‡Ri djvdj wn‡m‡e wb‡`©k Ki‡Z So that/in order
to e¨eüZ nq|
37. He speaks _____ he knew everything.
(a) as if (b) because (c) that (d) so that Ans− a
e¨vL¨v : As if/As though (‡hb) : wb‡Pi `ywU ev‡K¨i MVb jÿ¨ Kiæb|
o Rule : Present Indefinite + af if/as though + Past Indefinite. ‡hgb− He looked as if he knew the
o Rule : Present Indefinite/Past Indefinite + as if/as though + Subject + were + extension. ‡hgb− He
treated me as if I were a child.
38. ______ his parents allow him ____ not, Sumaiya intends to go to party.
(a) because _____ of not (b) Whether ____ or not
(c) As _________ if not (d) because _____ not Ans− b
e¨vL¨v : Whether ____ or not (`ywUi g‡a¨ †h †Kvb GKwU †evSv‡Z) : mygvBqv‡K Zvui wcZv-gvZv AbygwZ w`K ev
bv w`K, †m cvwU©‡Z †hvM w`‡Z AvMÖnx|
39. Mr. Atique – rather not invest that money in the stock market.
K. must L. has to M. could N. would DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : would rather A_© ¸iæZ¡ †`qv| Gi c‡i Gi e‡m Avi would rather verb simple form negative
verb base form
40. The boy from the village said, Ò I ......... starve than beg.Ó [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. rather L. would rather M. would better N. better DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : k~b¨¯’v‡b would rather em‡e| †Kbbv Avgiv Rvwb, would rather + verb + than + verb nq|
evK¨wUi evsjv A_© n‡jv- MÖvg †_‡K Avmv †Q‡jwU ejj, ÒAvwg eis bv †L‡q _vK‡ev ZeyI wfÿv Ki‡ev bv ÕÕ|
‡h mKj kã mvaviYZ noun ev pronoun Gi mvg‡b e‡m noun ev pronoun Gi mv‡_ sentence Gi
Ab¨vb¨ k‡ãi m¤úK© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡`i‡K preposition ejv nq|
Rule : 48
o cv‡ki wP‡Îi b¨vq me‡P‡q eo mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î e‡m— in. ‡hgb : Year,
in Century. Longer parts of the day Gi mvg‡b in e‡m| ‡hgb- in the
morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
on mgq o Zzjbvg~jK †QvU mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î e‡m— on. ‡hgb : On Thursday, On June
at 26, On Eid day. (Day & Date)
o me‡P‡q †QvU mg‡qi †ÿ‡Î e‡m— at. w`‡bi mswÿß Ask †evSv‡Z at e‡m|
†hgb- at dawn, at noon, at dusk, at midday
01. I will be free ____ the afternoon.
K. on L. in M. at N of DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 47 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
02. He was born _______ Monday in 1990.
K. at L. in M. on N. none DËi : M
03. Julia has been ill ____ three months. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. for L. since M. on N. in DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : for− wbw`©ó mgq (hour, day, month, year etc.) a‡i †Kvb NUbvi e¨vwß †evSv‡Z for e‡m| since−
wbw`©ó mgq †_‡K NUv †evSv‡Z since e‡m|
‡hgb− It has been raining for ten hours. I have been reading since morning.
04. Choose the correct sentence. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The train is running in time. (খ) The train is running on time.
(গ) The train is running with time. (ঘ) The train is running to time. উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : িাধারণত time এর পূ বিথ in এিং on দুটি preposition-ই িযিহার হয়| in time হব া িময় মবতা িা িমবয়র একটু
পূ বিথ| আর on time ি বত এবকিাবর ‘যর্া িমবয় অর্থাৎ একটু আবগ িা পবর নয়’িু ঝায় অর্থাৎ right time| তাোড়া time
এর পূ বিথ preposition ‘at’ ও with িাধারণত িযিহৃত হয় না|
05. I have been living in Dhaka ____ 2000. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since (খ) from (গ) after (ঘ) till উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‡Kvb wbw`©ó mgq a‡i Pjgvb †Kvb Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Present perfect continuous tense G since e¨eüZ
06. He has been ill ________ Friday last. [১১তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) from (খ) on (গ) in (ঘ) since উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা: Point of time (থকাবনা কার্ শুরুর িময়) এর পূ বিথ since িবি| থযবহতু থি গত শুক্রিার থর্বক অিু স্থ, থিবহতু এটি
point of time িু ঝাবে| িু তরাং এর পূ বিথ since িযিহার করাই থশ্রয়|
07. Julia has been ill ____ three months. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since (খ) about (গ) in (ঘ) for উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Preposition ‘for’ িাধারণত word িা phrases-এর পূ বিথ ‘period of time’ থিাঝাবত িযিহার হবয় র্াবক।
থযমন: For three months. এটি simple present tense োড়া অনয থয থকবনা tense-এর িাবর্ িযিহার হবত পাবর।
অনযবিবক ‘since’ prepositionটি ‘Point of time’ বনবিথ শ কবর এমন word িা phrases-এর পূ বিথ িবি। থযমন: since
Monday. এটি িাধারণত present perfect tense- এর থেবত্র িযিহার হয়। তবি past perfect tense-এর থেবত্রও এটি
িযিহৃত হয়।
08. Which of the following sentences is the correct one? [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) My father was in hospital during six weeks in summer
(খ) In summer during six weeks my father was in hospital
(গ) My father was in a hospital during six weeks in summer
(ঘ) My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : এখাবন Period of time িু ঝাবত for six weeks এিং গ্রীষ্মকাব িু ঝাবত during শব্দটি িযিহার করা হবয়বে।
09. ‘He has been absent – . evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 2006]
K. for Friday L. by Friday M. since Friday N. on Friday DËi: M
10. He has been ill – Friday last. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (iwekvj wefvM) : 07]
K. from L. is M. since N. with DËi: M
11. The train runs ___ time.
K. at L. in M. with N. on DËi: N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 48 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : In time— ম আ গ On time— ের্া ম To time— ম া র্ ামঞ্জ য খ্|
12. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. “Hurry up! We have to go _____ five minutes.”
[২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) in (খ) on (গ) by (ঘ) for উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Sentence টিবত ি া হবয়বে ৫ বমবনট িময় আবে, এর মবধয িা ৫ বমবনবটর পূ বিথ অিশয থপৌৌঁেবত হবি। এবেবত্র 'in'
appropriate হবি না, থকননা বনবিথ ষ্ট থকাবনা িময় িা থকাবনা িমবয়র মবধয থিাঝাবত িাধারণত 'in' হয়। থযমন: I will come
in an hour. তাবরখ িা িময় থিাঝাবত 'on' িযিহৃত হয়। থযমন: Meet me on Monday. 'by' দ্বারা বনবিথ ষ্ট িমবয়র পূ বিথ
থিাঝায়, থযমন: I will come by 5 pm. এ Sentence দ্বারা থিাঝাবে– আবম বিবক ৫টার আবগই আিি।
13. ‘Hurry up! we have to go – five minutes’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡bi mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK
(‡Mvjvc) : 2009]
K. in L. on M. by N. for DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: ‡Kvb wbw`©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z e‡m in, fwel¨r Kv‡ji †Kvb KvR point of time Gi g‡a¨ NU‡e †evSv‡j
Zvi c~‡e© by/before e‡m| wbw`©ó mgq †kl nIqvi c~‡e© †evSv‡Z within e‡m|
14. Choose the right word to fill in the blank. “I should appreciate it if you could complete this
work ______ Thursday.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) till (খ) until (গ) upto (ঘ) by উত্তর : ঘ
15. What is the time ____ your watch? [12Zg wewmGm]
K. in L. on M. by N. for DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Abymv‡i †evSv‡Z by e¨eüZ nq| ZvB Nwo‡Z †evSv‡Z by e¨eüZ nq|
16. The Prime Minister will ___ his cabinet ___ next few days.
K. expand, by L. expand, with M. enlarge, at N. liberal, to DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : fwel¨r Kv‡ji †Kvb KvR point of time Gi g‡a¨ NU‡e †evSv‡j Zvi c~‡e© by/before e‡m|
17. Choose the right word to fill the blank: I should appreciate it if you complete this work ____
Thursday. (26Zg wewmGm)
K. till L. untill M. upto N. by DËi : N
e¨vL¨v: wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ †Kvb KvR Kiv A‡_© by e¨eüZ nq|
18. ÔAre you doing anything special _____ the weekend?Õ [১৫তম ও 44Zg wewmGm]
(K) at (L) with (M) on (N) for DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: QzwUi w`b †evSv‡Z A_©vr weekend Gi c~‡e© at e¨eüZ nq|
Preposition Diagram
Above, over o Cover Ki‡j over, cover bv K‡i Dc‡i _vK‡j
On o ‡Kvb wKQzi mv‡_ †j‡M Dc‡i _vK‡j— On.
To o ‡Kvb w`‡K MwZkxj Ae¯’v †evS‡Z— To.
o ‡fZi ‡_‡K evB‡ii w`‡K MwZkxj Ae¯’v— Out of
Out In Outside o ‡fZ‡ii w¯’i Ae¯’v — In.
Through o ‡Kvb wKQzi †fZi w`‡q AwZµg Kiv— Through.
o Zj ¯úk© bv K‡i Awew”Qbœfv‡e wb‡P Ae¯’vb —
Into Out of
o Zj ¯úk© bv K‡i wew”Qbœfv‡e wb‡P Ae¯’vb— Below.
By o evwni n‡Z †fZ‡ii w`‡K MwZkxj Ae¯’v— Into.
Below, Under
Rule : 50
34. Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir ___ phone. (36Zg wewmGm)
K. in L. on M. over N. by DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : †dv‡bi gva¨‡g eySv‡Z by phone/ over the phone e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e †dv‡b K_v Pj‡Q eySv‡Z (be) on the phone
e¨eüZ nq| A_v©r hw` telephone Gi c~‡e© the _vKZ Zvn‡j over nZ|
35. Rizvi requested Rini ____ telephone to attend the meeting. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. over L. through M. by N. with DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : †dv‡bi gva¨‡g eySv‡Z by phone/ over the phone e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e †dv‡b K_v Pj‡Q eySv‡Z (be) on the phone
e¨eüZ nq| A_v©r hw` telephone Gi c~‡e© the _vKZ Zvn‡j over nZ|
36. The walls of our house have been painted ____ green. (no preposition) (14Zg wewmGm)
37. Would you please find out Bangladesh _____ the map? [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) in (খ) on (গ) over (ঘ) at উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : মযাবপ অনু িন্ধাবনর থেবত্র Preposition ‘on’ িবি|
38. The intellectual can no longer be said to live ___ the margins of society. [20Zg wewmGm]
K. over L. through M. beyond N. with DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Beyond− AwZµg Kwiqv|
39. The case is ___ trial.
K. in L. on M. over N. by DËi : L
40. The case never came ___ trial. Ans- to.
41. Mr Kabir is on committee. GLv‡b ‘on’ kãwU- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Adverb L. Preposition M. Conjunction N. Interjection DËi: L
Beside, Besides
42. We need two hundred dollars ___ this to pay for everything.
K. beside L. besides M. as well N. also DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Besides− e¨ZxZ| beside− cv‡k|
43. He told us all about the battle. GLv‡b ‘about’ kãwU- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. Pronoun L. Adjective M. Adverb N. Preposition DËi: N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 51 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v: ‡h mKj kã mvaviYZ noun ev pronoun Gi mvg‡b e‡m noun ev pronoun Gi mv‡_ sentence Gi
Ab¨vb¨ k‡ãi m¤úK© cÖKvk K‡i Zv‡`i‡K preposition ejv nq|
Rule : 51
44. Which ‘but’ is a preposition? [৪১তম বিবিএি]
K. It is but right to admit our faults. L. What can we do but sit and wait?
M. We tried hard, but did not succeed N. There is no one but likes him. D. L
e¨vL¨v : Pre A_© c~‡e© Ges Position A_© Ae¯’vb| A_©vr †hme Word ‡Kv‡bv Noun, Pronoun Ges Noun
phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ k‡ãi mv‡_ GKwU m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Preposition ejv nq| cÖ`Ë
Ackbmg~‡ni g‡a¨ Ackb ÔLÕ Gi evK¨wU‡Z but Øviv noun Gi mv‡_ ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki m¤úK© ¯’vwcZ n‡q‡Q|
45. When Ushashi entered ________ the room everybody stopped talking. [৪১তম বিবিএি]
K. into L. in M. to N. no preposition required D.N
e¨vL¨v : ÔEnter’ GKwU transitive verb, hv mivmwi Kg© ev object MÖnY K‡i Ges Gici †Kvb preposition
Gi cÖ‡qvRb c‡o bv| AviI wKQz transitive verb n‡”Q- emphasis, compose, meet, paint, resemble etc.
Z‡e phrasal verb ‡hgb enter into something wKQzUv wfbœ A_© cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb- It was only after my
miraculous survival of the car crash that nearly got me killed that God finally entered into my
46. ‘Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.’ Here ‘regarding’ is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. gerund L. apposition M. preposition N. conjunction D.M
e¨vL¨v : Pre A_© c~‡e© Ges Position A_© Ae¯’vb| A_©vr †hme Word ‡Kv‡bv Noun ev Pronoun ev Noun
phrase Gi c~‡e© e‡m Ab¨vb¨ k‡ãi mv‡_ GKwU m¤úK© ¯’vcb K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Preposition ejv nq| evK¨wU‡Z
regarding Øviv noun phrase Gi mv‡_ ev‡K¨i Ab¨vb¨ As‡ki m¤úK© ¯’vwcZ n‡q‡Q|
47. In which sentence is the word ÔPastÕ used as a preposition? [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Writing letters is a thing of the past.
(খ) I look back on the past without regret .
(গ) I called out to him as he ran past .
(ঘ) Tania was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা :Tania was a wonderful singer, but she's past her prime িাবকয past শব্দটি একটি noun phrase
(her prime) এর পূ বিথ িবি থযাগিূ ত্র স্থাপন কবরবে| তাই এটি Preposition বহবিবি িাবকয িযিহৃত হবয়বে| প্রর্ম অপশবন
past শব্দটি noun এিং বদ্বতীয় অপশবন adverb বহবিবি িযিহৃত হবয়বে|
48. ‘There was a small reception following the wedding’. The word ‘following’ in the sentence above is
a/an– [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) adjective (খ) adverb (গ) noun (ঘ) preposition DËi : N
িযাখযা : থয word noun িা pronoun এর মবধয িেকথ স্থাপন কবর তাবক preposition িব | Present and
participle যখন preposition এর কার্ কবর তখন তাবক participle preposition িব | এখাবন ‘following’ শব্দটি
‘The wedding’ noun এর পূ বিথ িবি তা sentence এর িাবক অংবশর িাবর্ িেকথ স্থাপন কবরবে| িু তরাং ‘following’
এখাবন participle preposition.
49. Cassandra is a night owl, so she doesn't usually get up until about: [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) 11 a.m. (খ) 11 p.m. (গ) 7 a.m. (ঘ) 7 p.m. উত্তর: খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 52 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : Greek Mythology অনু যায়ী Cassandra বেব ন ট্রয়রার্ Priam-এর কনযা। আর 'Night Owl'
Metaphorical Idiom, যার অর্থ বনশাের িা থয রাত থর্বগ র্াবক। প্রোনু িাবর থযবহতু 'Cassandra is a night owl'
থিবহতু তার পবে 11 pm, 7 am িা 7 pm-এ ঘু ম থর্বক থর্বগ উঠা যু বক্তিঙ্গত নয়। িরং 11 am-ই উত্তর বহবিবি অবধক
যু বক্তিঙ্গত।
50. I finally killed the fly ______ a rolled up newspaper. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) by (খ) with (গ) through (ঘ) from উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : ‘By’ থিাঝায় িাধারণত থকান ঘটনা িু ঝাবত আর ‘with’ িবি থকান Tool িা িস্তু িু ঝাবত|
Appropriate Prepositions
Type: 52 [মু খস্থ বনেথ র বিষয়গুব াবক Type এিং িযাকরণ বনেথ র িযাপারগুব াবক Rule দ্বারা বেবিত করা হবয়বে।]
তবি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. I shall not ____________ the examination this year.[২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) give (খ) appear at (গ) sit (ঘ) go for উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : পরীোয় অংশগ্রহণ করার থেবত্র Appear at িবি|
02. The ministers arrived – a discussion last night. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. on L. at M. in N. to DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Arrive at— wmÜv‡šÍ DcbxZ nIqv/ †QvU ¯’v‡b †cŠuQv‡bv| Arrive in— ‡`k ev eo kn‡i †cŠuQv‡bv|
‡hgb− The minister arrived___a decision [24Zg evwZj wewmGm]/ a conclusion/ an agreement last
03. He does not attend...........his office timely. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv) : 2012]
K. to L. at M. in N. on DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Atten to— g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv, cwiPh©v Kiv| Attend at— ‡Kvb ¯’v‡b Dcw¯’Z nIqv| Attend
upon/on— ‡mev Kiv|
04. Students should attend_____ their lessons. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq
mnKvix wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2011]
K. with L. on M. at N. to DËi: N
05. ‘Socrates was accused_______ misleading the young section in Athens.Õ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b
mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 11; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (K‡cvZvÿ) : 10]
K. to L. of M. for N. on DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Accused of— Charged with— Awfhy³|
06. He abides_______ me evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_. we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (nvmbv‡nbv) : 11]
K. with L. in M. upon N. at DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Abide by— ‡g‡b Pjv| Abide in— evm Kiv (‡Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b)| Abide with (somebody)— Kv‡iv
m‡½ _vKv| myZivs mwVK DËi (K)|
07. There is no alternative ___ training. (27Zg ও ২৮তম wewmGm)
K. on L. to M. for N. off DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : alternative to− weKí| evK¨wUi A_©— cÖwkÿ‡Yi †Kvb weKí †bB| alternative to + verb + ing nq|
08. I approved – his action. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_. we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kvcjv) : 11]
K. at L. on M. of N. with DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 53 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v: Approve of (somebody/something)— Aby‡gv`b Kiv/mg_©b Kiv| evK¨wUi A_©— Avwg Zvi KvR‡K
mg_©b Kijvg|
09. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv) : 14]
K. He is angry upon me L. He is angry at me
M. He is angry of me N. He is angry with me DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Angry with (somebody)— KviI Dci ivMvwš^Z nIqv| Angry at (something)— KviI AvPiY ev
K‡g©i Dci ivMvwš^Z| Angry about— ‡Kvb Kvi‡Y ivMvwš^Z nIqv| evK¨wUi A_©— ‡m Avgvi Dci ivMvwš^Z|
mwVK DËi— N|
10. Why are you so angry___? (25Zg wewmGm)
K. at L. about M. with N. upon DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Angry about− ‡Kvb Kvi‡Y ivMvwš^Z|
11. ‘I am not ambitious – fame’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e-[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 08]
K. for L. over M. of N. with DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: Ambition for (something)— D”PvKv•ÿv| Ambitious of (something)— D”PvKv•ÿx| evK¨wUi
A_©— Avwg L¨vwZi e¨vcv‡i D”PvKv•ÿx bB|
12. He has no ambition ___ worldly things. (Zvi RvMwZK wRwb‡mi Rb¨ †Kvb D”PvKv•ÿv †bB)
K. to L. of M. on N. for DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Ambition for− ‡Kvb wKQzi Rb¨ D”PvKv•ÿv|
13. I was admitted_______Dhaka college. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(gyw³‡hv×v/knx` gyw³‡hv×vi mšÍvb) : 2010]
K. in L. to M. from N. on DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: Admit of— ¯^xK…wZ cvIqv, my‡hvM †`qv| Admit to— fwZ© nIqv, †hvM †`qv|
14. ‘Your conduct admits----no excuse’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [29Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(kir) : 2010]
K. for L. at M. of N. from DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Admit of− ¯^xK…wZ cvIqv, AeKvk _vKv, my‡hvM †`qv| Admit to− ¯^xKvi Kiv, Keyj Kiv, fwZ© nIqv|
Z‡e admit Gi subject hLb personal ZLb admit Gi c‡i of e‡m bv| †hgb- I admit no excuse.
15. How did you get an appointment ___ Dr. Sue? (Kxfv‡e Zzwg Dr. Sue Gi mvÿvr †c‡qwQ‡j?)
K. to L. with M. at N. by DËi: L
e¨vL¨v− Appointment with Dr. Sue− Dr. Sue Gi mv‡_ mvÿvrKvi| ‡hgb− I have an appointment
with Hashim Amla at Johansberg. (‡RvnvÝev‡M© nvwkg Avgjvi mv‡_ Avgvi mvÿvrKvi Av‡Q)|
Appointment with (somebody)— wba©vwiZ ¯’v‡b wbw`©ó mg‡q mvÿvrKvi| Appoint to— ‡Kvb c‡` wbhy³ ev
wbhy³ Kiv|
16. ‘He appointed me – this post.’ - evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) :
K. on L. in M. to N. at DËi: M
17. The Judge acquitted him ____ the charge.
K. of L. on M. in N. from DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : KvD‡K †Kvb †`vl ev Awf‡hvM n‡Z gyw³ †`Iqv A‡_© Acquit (sb) of (sth) e‡m|
18. He has a great apathy ___ his studies.
K. for L. in M. towards N. at DËi: M
19. We should be alive ___ our problems.
K. to L. by M. on N. for DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 54 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Alive to− To be aware of
20. Fill in the blanks : She aspires ____ a scientific career.
K. to L. for M. from N. by DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Aspire to− AwZwi³ AvKv•ÿv Kiv ev D”PvKv•ÿv ZvwoZ nIqv|
21. I have a savings account ___ AB Bank.
K. in L. at M. with N. of DËi: M
e¨vL¨v−Account with−‡Kvb wKQz‡Z wnmve _vKv|
22. Mike Hasi is absent _____ the class.
K. to L. by M. in N. from DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Absent from- Abycw¯’Z _vKv|
23. He has assured me ____ safety. (11Zg wewmGm)
K. to L. upon M. of N. on DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Assure of— Avk^vm †`Iqv| evK¨wUi A_©— ‡m Avgvi wbivcËvi e¨vc‡i Avk^vm w`‡q‡Q|
24. She argued ___ me about the marriage. (23Zg wewmGm)
K. with L. for M. about N. over DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Argue with (somebody)− KviI mv‡_ ZK© Kiv| Argue for— ‡Kvb wKQzi c‡ÿ ZK©| Argue
about/over (something) — ‡Kvb wel‡q ZK© Kiv|
25. He was astonished ______ my courage. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (eywoM½v) : 13]
K. at L. on M. with N. in DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Astonished at— wew¯§Z|
26. Student should be attentive ______ their lessons. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq
mnKvix wkÿK (‡nvqvs‡nv) : 13]
K. in L. with M. to N. of DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Attentive to— g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv| evK¨wUi A_©— wkÿv_©x‡`i Zv‡`i cv‡V g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv DwPZ|
27. ÔI am ashamed ___ his conduct.’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (evwZj cixÿv) : 02]
K. to L. of M. on N. for DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Ashamed of— wbR AvPiY ev K‡g©i Rb¨ jw¾Z| Ashamed for— Ab¨ e¨w³i Kvi‡Y jw¾Z nIqv|
28. He has a great apathy ______ his studies. k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 08]
K. to L. for M. towards N. of DËi : M
29. Do not brood so much _______ your misfortune. Fill in the gap with appropriate
preposition. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012]
K. on L. of M. to N. upon DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : brood on/over— welYœfv‡e AbeiZ wPšÍv Kiv|
30. I beg mercy _______ the principal ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (gyw³‡hv×v/knx`
gyw³‡hv×vi mšÍvb) : 2010]
K. of L. to M. on N. from DËi : N
e¨vL¨v: Beg (something) of (somebody)/ Beg (somebody) for (something)/ Beg (something)
from (somebody)— wfÿv PvIqv|
31. ‘You should not blush_______shame at your own mistake’ k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kãwU em‡e- [cÖv_wgK
we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. at L. on M. with N. upon DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: Blush with— b¤ªZv|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 55 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
32. I am not bad ___ tennis. [10Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 07]
K. at L. on M. with N. upon DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Bad at— A`ÿ|
33. It’s impolite to break _____ when someone else is talking. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. in L. into M. on N. off DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Break in− n¯Í‡ÿc Kiv/evuav †`Iqv| Break into− ‡Rvic~e©K cÖ‡ek Kiv, Break off− nVvr †_‡g hvIqv|
34. Early rising is beneficial ___ health. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. for L. to M. on N. of DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Beneficial to− DcKvix|
35. He is bent ______ going to the meeting. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) : 10]
K. upon L. on M. in N. with DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Bent on— determined to do, msKíeÜ|
36. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) : 10]
K. Mr. Karim is blind for his son’s fault L. Mr. Karim is blind about his son’s fault
M. Mr. Karim is blind to his son’s fault N. Mr. Karim is blind of his son’s fault DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Blind to (fault)— ‡`v‡li cÖwZ AÜ, †`‡LI bv †`Lv| evK¨wUi A_©— wg÷vi Kwig Zvi mšÍv‡bi †`vl ‡`‡Lb bv|
37. This house is built _____ stone. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 06; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK : 05]
K. of L. with M. in N. by DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Built of— wbwg©Z|
38. Eight men were concerned ___ the plot. [AvURb †jvK loh‡š¿ RwoZ wQj] [38Zg wewmGm]
K. at L. with M. in N. for DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Concern in− `vqx A‡_© (Responsible for) ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z RwoZ| †hgb : Salam was concerned in
Sagor’s murder. Concern with− ‡Kvb wel‡q m¤úwK©Z/AvMÖnx| ‡hgb− They were more concern with
the way of life. Concern for− DwØMœ| †hgb− He didn’t seem concern for her safety.
39. The Ambassador called___ the president? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. in L. on M. none of them N. at DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : call on/upon A_© Kv‡iv mv‡_ wM‡q mvÿvZ Kiv, call in A_© †W‡K cvVv‡bv, A_© call at †Kv_vI wM‡q
mvÿvZ Kiv| GLv‡b Ackb (L) n‡”Q mwVK DËi|
40. Credit Tk. 500 – my account. [36Zg wewmGm + cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. against L. in M. to N. with DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Credit (balance) to (account)/ Credit (account) with (balance)— Rgv Kiv| I have
credited 5000tk to your account. বকন্তু টাকার পবরমাণটি যবি িাবকযর থশবষ উবেবখত হয়, তাহব Preposition
‘with’ িযিহৃত হবি। থযমন: Your account has been credited with 5000 tk.
41. He is confident_______ success.
K. for L. with M. to N. of DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : ‡Kvb wel‡q AvZœwek^vmx n‡j confident Gi ci appropriate preposition wn‡m‡e ÔofÕ e‡m| ev‡K¨i A_©
n‡jv-‡m mdjZvi wel‡q AvZœwek^vmx|
42. My opinion coincided ---- you. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
K. at L. against M. with N. for DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: Coincide with— (aviYv m¤ú‡K©) wg‡j hvIqv|
43. I shall try to comply – your request. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM)
: 2008]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 56 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. with L. to M. at N. on DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Comply with— ivwR nIqv, †g‡b †bIqv|
44. She was so constant ______ me ! [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. off L. of M. with N. to DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : ÔShe was so constant to me’ evK¨wU John Keats Gi ÔOde to Sorrow’ KweZvq cvIqv hvq|
GLv‡b KviI cÖwZ wek^vmx A‡_© Constant to e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q|
45. ‘Early rising is conducive ______ health’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. to L. for M. in N. with DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Conducive to— DcKvix| evK¨wUi A_©— ZvovZvwo Nyg †_‡K IVv ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ DcKvix|
46. The teacher has little control – his students. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (iwekvj wefvM) : 07]
K. for L. over M. to N. of DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Control over (somebody)— Kv‡iv Dc‡i wbqš¿Y|
47. The man was charged – thief. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2006]
K. at L. in M. of N. with DËi: N
48. ‘Anger may be compared ______ fire.’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv
wefvM) : 2006]
K. with L. at M. to N. of DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Compare with— GKB RvZxq wRwb‡mi Zzjbv Kiv| Compare to— Amg e¯‘i g‡a¨ Zzjbv Kiv|
Anger (‡µva) I fire (Av¸b) `ywU wfbœ wfbœ wRwbm| ZvB ï× DËi (M)|
49. ‘I am convinced ______the necessity of prudence’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq
cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. with L. on M. in N. of DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: Convince of— wek^vm Rb¥v‡bv, `„p wek^vm m„wó Kiv|
50. They crossed the English channel ___ a small boat.
K. by L. in M. with N. on. DËi: K
51. Water is changed ___ vapour.
K. in L. into M. to N. at. DËi: L
52. They were charged ___ receiving stolen goods.
K. of L. with M. in N. for DËi: L
53. Graff looked in awesome form as she cruised ___ an easy 6-2, 6-1 and 6-1 victory.
K. on L. over M. in N. to. DËi: N
54. You should drive the car at a speed compatible ___ safety.
(a) to (b) for (c) at (d) with Ans- d
e¨vL¨v: Compatible with− mym½Z, Dchy³, mvgÄm¨c~Y©|
55. The two companies consolidated ___ greater efficiency.
(a) on (b) for (c) with (d) at Ans- b
e¨vL¨v : Consolidate for− fvj D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwÎZ Kiv|
56. He complied ____ her request. (‡m Zvi Aby‡iva †g‡b wb‡q‡Q)
(a) on (b) to (c) by (d) with Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Comply with sb− Sb ‡K †g‡b Pjv|
57. I caught him ______ the ear. The preposition in the gap will be−
(a) by (b) with (c) in (d) of Ans−a
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 57 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Catch somebody by something A_© ‡Kv‡bv e¨w³‡K †Kvb A½ †hgb− nvZ, Kvb cÖf…wZ a‡i Uvbv|
58. He is callous _______ his studies. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v) : 13]
K. on L. to M. for N. in DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Callous to— D`vmxb| evK¨wUi A_©— ‡m Zvi covïbvi e¨vcv‡i D`vmxb|
59. I have no cause ______ anxiety. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. of L. to M. for N. against DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Cause for— ‡Kvb wKQzi b¨vq wfwË, Dch©y³ KviY|
60. His words conform ______ his work. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(‡nvqvs‡nv) : 13]
K. with L. by M. in N. to DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Conform to— ‡g‡b Pjv, AbymiY Kiv, wgj _vKv|
61. Fill in the blank : The climate is congenial _____ health. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. with L. on M. to N. for DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Congenial to— Dc‡hvMx|
62. I congratulated him _______ his success. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 95]
K. for L. to M. on N. at DËi : M
63. Rimi is debarred ________ appearing at the examination. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 92]
K. from L. with M. to N. in DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Debar from— weiZ ivLv|
64. He is devoid ____ the two children. [26Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (cÙ) : 09]
K. in L. of M. with N. at DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Devoid of – ewR©Z/k~b¨|
65. Rahim discourage me ...........borrowing. Choose the appropriate preposition. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq
mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. to L. on M. from N. in DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: ÔDiscourage fromÕ— weiZ ivLv/ evav †`qv/ wbiærmvwnZ Kiv| evK¨wUi evsjv A_© n‡jv— Ôiwng Avgv‡K
avi Ki‡Z wbiærmvwnZ K‡iÕ |
66. I don’t think you will have any difficulty ___ a driving license. (in getting) (24Zg wewmGm)
e¨vL¨v : Difficulty in (doing)— mgm¨v, RwUjZv|
67. ‘The patient died ---Cancer.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2005]
K. from L. by M. of N. at DËi: M
68. An honest man has no distrust _______ anyone. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 18]
K. on L. with M. for N. of DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Distrust of— m‡›`n| evK¨wUi A_©— mr e¨w³i Kv‡iv cÖwZ Awek^vm bvB|
69. Officials who are destitute ___ sympathy don’t have incentive ___ work hard.
K. of, in L. against, to M. in, against N. of, to DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Destitute of— Devoid of (Afve, k~b¨) Incentive to− A thing that motivates or
encourages someone to do something.
70. We dispensed ___ his services.
K. with L. in M. of N. at. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Dispense with (sb/sth)− gy³ nIqv, wb¯Ívi cvIqv|
71. Which is the appropriate preposition in the sentence? ÔHe deals ____ rice.’
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 58 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. with L. in M. of N. to DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Deal in sth— ‡Kvb wKQz †ePv‡Kbv/e¨emv Kiv| Deal with— Av‡jvPbv Kiv/‡gjv‡gkv Kiv/m¤úK© iÿv Kiv|
72. The children were entrusted ____ the care of their uncle. (24Zg wewmGm)
K. for L. in M. with N. to DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Entrusted to (somebody)− KviI wbKU b¨¯Í Kiv, Ac©Y Kiv| ev”Pv‡`i †`Lfv‡ji Rb¨ Zv‡`i PvPvi
wbKU Ac©Y Kiv nj| ‡hgb− He entrusted the task ___ his nephew. Entrusted with (something) —
‡Kvb `vwqZ¡ Ac©Y Kiv|
73. Government has been entrusted ___ elected politicians. (2২তম ও ২৩3Zg wewmGm)
K. for L. in M. with N. to DËi : N
74. He entrusted his nephew ___ the task.
K. for L. in M. with N. to DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Entrusted with (something)— ‡Kvb `vwqZ¡ Ac©Y Kiv|
75. All the good qualities are embodied ___ my teacher.
K. to L. in M. with N. of DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Embody in− Represent in bodily from. ‡hgb- Its primary purpose was to embody in
statutory form the common law principle of equal treatment under like circumstances, and to
provide machinery for enforcement.
76. I am entitled ___ a share in the profit. (Avgvi jf¨vs‡k AwaKvi Av‡Q)|
K. with L. for M. to N. in DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Entitled to − ‡Kvb wKQz cvIqvi AwaKvi ivLv|
77. We’ve recently entered ___ an agreement with the Inland Co-operative society. [১৩তম
K. into L. to M. in N. of DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: Enter into (something)− Av‡jvPbv/Pzw³‡Z cÖ‡ek Kiv|
78. Man has no escape ____ death. (gvbyl g„Zz¨ Gov‡Z cv‡i bv)
K. before L. from M. in N. by DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Escape from− cvwj‡q hvIqv ev Gov‡bv| g„Zz¨ Awbevh© nIqvq Ackb (b) mwVK DËi|
79. He is engaged _______ writing a book. k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK cÖv_ mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg) : 13]
K. in L. with M. at N. to DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Engaged to— KviI evM`Ëv (AvswU e`j n‡q‡Q Ggb)| Engaged in— ‡Kvb K‡g© wb‡qvwRZ/ wbhy³/ wbgMœ|
80. ÔHe was equal _____ the task.’ k~b¨¯’v‡b †KvbwU em‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 97]
K. of L. for M. to N. with DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Equal to (a task)— K‡g© mgZzj¨| Equal in (rank)— c`gh©v`vq mgZzj¨| Equal with (a
person)— e¨w³i mgZzj¨| evK¨wUi A_©— ‡m KvRwUi mg‡hvM¨Zvm¤úbœ wQj|
81. The girl is expert _______ drawing. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg) : 13]
K. in L. to M. with N. at DËi : N
82. Mr. Anwar is expert _______ physics. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e-
K. at L. to M. in N. with DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Expert at (doing something)— fv‡jvfv‡e Ki‡Z mÿg| Expert in— ‡Kvb wel‡q AwfÁ|
83. The cow feeds ---- grass. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 59 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. on L. in M. of N. by DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Feed on— ‡L‡q evuPv| Feed somebody with something— KvD‡K LvIqv‡bv|
84. Feed the baby ______ milk. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã n‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡WjUv): 14]
K. on L. to M. at N. with DËi: N
85. He fantasized ___ winning the lottery. (21Zg wewmGm)
K. about L. in M. of N. by DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Fantasize about— Kíbv Kiv| evK¨wUi A_©— ‡m jUvwi †RZvi D™¢U Kíbv Kij|
86. Almost everyone fails___on the first try.
K. in passing his driver’s test L. to his driver’s test
M. to have passed his driver’s test N. passing his driver’s test DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Fail in− cixÿvq DËxY© n‡Z e¨_© nIqv| ‡Kvb wKQz Ki‡Z e¨_© nIqv †evSv‡Z fail Gi c‡i in + v-ing
A_ev infinitive (to + V1) e‡m|
87. The quality of his painting has fallen ___ greatly.
(a) off (b) in (c) in (d) down Ans- a
e¨vL¨v : fall off− A decrease in something. Fall into— ‡Kvb Ae¯’vq cwZZ nIqv|
88. I am fearful ______ enemies. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg) : 13]
K. of L. to M. at N. with DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Fearful of— fxZ|
89. The disgusted man grumbled – his fate evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix: 2008]
K. at L. on M. to N. against DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Grumble at/about/over− ে ে যক্ষাে া অ ন্তাে প্রকাশ ক া Grumble out − অ ন্তাে ে লা
evK¨wUi A_©— ‡jvKwU Zvi fv‡M¨i e¨vcv‡i nZvk|
90. John Smith is good ____ Mathematics. (36Zg wewmGm) [ Good at− `ÿ|]
K. at L. on M. to N. against DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Good at— `ÿ| Good to— `qvjy, m`q|
91. I am not good ____ translation. (27Zg wewmGm)
K. in L. on M. to N. at DËi: N
92. He was guilty ___ contempt of the court.
(a) of (b) for (c) at (d) to Ans-a
93. ‘Everything hinges – what happens next’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK
(‡Mvjvc) : 2009; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 07]
K. by L. upon M. for N. with DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Hinge on/upon— wbf©i Kiv|
94. We were horrified ___ what we saw.
K. by L. upon M. for N. with DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Horrified by− upset (nZvk).
95. He is hanker ____ money. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 92]
(a) after (b) in (c) to (d) the Ans−a
e¨vL¨v : Hanker A_©— jvjvwqZ nIqv ev †jvf Kiv|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 60 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
96. Identify the appropriate preposition: Your opinion is identical ______ mine. [44Zg wewmGm]
K. for L. in M. with N. by DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Identical with A_© Ab¨ Kv‡iv gZvg‡Zi mv‡_ wb‡Ri gZvg‡Zi wgj nIqv|
97. The principal had an inquiry ---the case. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. to L. into M. at N. in DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Inquiry into (sth)— ‡Kvb e¨vcv‡i Z`šÍ|
98. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 93; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
a. The matter has been informed by the police. b. The matter was informed by the police.
c. The police were informed of the matter.
d. The police informed of the matter. DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : inform of/about— AewnZ Kiv, Rvbv‡bv| myZivs Ack‡b mwVK n‡”Q - The police were informed
of the matter. (cywjk e¨vcviwU AeMZ)|
99. ‘My brother has no interest – music.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡ejx) :
2009; 26Zg wewmGm]
K. for L. in M. with N. at DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Interest in— ‡Kvb wel‡q AvMÖn|
100. Choose the correct preposition. “My brother has no interest ____ music.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) for (খ) in (গ) with (ঘ) at উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Interest for ➨ থকাবনা বিষয় িেবকথ অবধক র্ানার আগ্রহ প্রকাশ করবত এটি িযিহৃত হয়। Interest in ➨ িঙ্গীবত
আগ্রহ থিাঝাবত এটি িবি। Interest with ➨ এরূপ িযিহার থিখা যায় না। Interest at ➨ থখ াধু ায় আগ্রহ িু ঝাবত এটি িবি।
101. He insisted ____ there. (Fill in the gap) [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) on my going (খ) is to go (গ) over going (ঘ) to go উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : insist এর পর preposition on িবি + sub এর possessive + verb এর ing থযাগ করবত হয়| insist on
Mr. X – Mr. X Gi Dci †RvivRywi Kiv|
102. Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blank space: Wordsworth
introduced the readers ____ a new kind of poetry. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) with (খ) at (গ) to (ঘ) by উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Introduce into/to— cÖPwjZ Kiv| Example: Wordsworth introduced the readers to a new
kind of poetry.
103. Are we sufficiently insured ___ fire?
(a) for (b) at (c) against (d) from Ans- c
104. His wife is jealous ___ him and she follows him everywhere he goes.
(a) with (b) at (c) of (d) about Ans- c
e¨vL¨v : Jealous of – Cl©vwš^Z, unhappy because someone has something that you would like or
can do something that you would like to do. ‡hgb− Other girls were jealous of her good looks.
105. ÔJustification for’ – Gi mwVK A_© †KvbwU?
(a) mg_©b (b) wePvi (c) gšÍe¨ (d) ZK© Ans- a
106. ‘The burglar jumped – the compound wall’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK
(XvKv I ewikvj wefvM) : 2008]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 61 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
K. on L. at M. over N. in DËi: M
107. Nobody knocked him down; it was an– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) incident (খ) occurrence (গ) accident (ঘ) event উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : ‘Knock down’ অর্থ পবড় যাওয়া িা ধরাশায়ী হওয়া।
িাধারণত ঘটনা থিাঝাবত ‘Incident’, আর দুঘথটনা িা Mishap থিাঝাবত ‘Accident’ িযিহৃত হয়| Nobody knocked
him down; it was an accident’ িাকযটির অর্থ– থকউ তাবক ধরাশায়ী কবরবন; এটি একটা দুঘথটনা|
108. mwVK Preposition mn †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 2011]
K. Industry is the key to success L. Industry is key for success
M. Industry is key of success N. Industry is key into success DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: ‘Key to’— PvweKvwV| evK¨wUi A_©— cwikÖg mdjZvi PvweKvwV|
109. I finally killed the fly ___ a rolled up newspaper. (with) (24Zg wewmGm)
110. The intellectual can no longer be said to live ____ the margine of society. (20Zg wewmGm)
K. on L. beyond M. within N. by DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Live on— ‡eu‡P _vKv| Live by (means)— ‡Kvb Dcv‡q †eu‡P _vKv| Live beyond— wba©vwiZ MwÐi
evB‡i Rxeb-hvcb Kiv|
111. Now-a-days many villages are lit _________ Electricity. Which is the correct preposition in
the above blank? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) by (খ) from (গ) on (ঘ) with উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Transitive verb বহবিবি light এর পর by/with দুটি preposition ই িবি। তবি by িিথাবধক গ্রহণবযাগয।
112. You should have a limit ____ your demands.
(a) on (b) to (c) in (d) for Ans- a
e¨vL¨v : Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Abyhvqx limit kãwU hLb restriction A‡_© e¨eüZ nq
ZLb Gici preposition wn‡m‡e on e¨eüZ nq|
113. Mr. Anderson lives ____ honest means?
(a) on (b) at (c) in (d) by Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Live on− ‡L‡q evuPv, Live at− ‡QvU ¯’v‡b evm Kiv, Live in− eo ¯’v‡b evm Kiv Ges Live
by−Abykvmb †g‡b Pjv| Ack‡b Honest kãwU _vKvq Abykvmb †g‡b Pjv mwVK|
114. Do you have any money ______ you? Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. [43Zg
(K) to (L) over (M) in (N) on D:N
e¨vL¨v : Have something on you- to be carrying something.
on Do you have any money on you? (gvwjKvbv A‡_© on e¨eüZ n‡q‡Q)|
in wbw`©ó K‡i †Kvb wKQz _vKv A‡_© in e¨eüZ nq| †hgb : Do you have any money in your pocket.
115. ‘He is no match – me. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) :
K. with L. for M. of N. over DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 62 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v: Match for (sth/sb)— gvbvbmB/ mv`„k¨|
116. Choose the correct sentence ---
(a) You are mistaken in holding this view. (b) You are mistaken to hold this view.
(c) Both (d) None Ans-a
N, O
117. Rest is necessity ______ me now. k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (`vRjv) : 13]
K. to L. in M. for N. at DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Necessity for (sth)/ Necessity to (sb).
118. He objects ___ having to go to so many parties.
K. to L. in M. for N. at DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Object to− Kv‡iv e¨vcv‡i AvcwË Kij| Mr. Trump objected to his proposal.(Uªv¤ú Zvi cÖ¯Ív‡e
AvcwË Ki‡jv)| I objected to his proposal (Avwg Zvi cÖ¯Ív‡e AvcwË Kijvg)|
119. I am offended ____ you ____ your conduct.
(a) with, at (b) with, on (c) at, on (d) with, for Ans−a
e¨vL¨v : Offended with− KviI cÖwZ Amš‘ó nIqv| Offend at− ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z mš‘ó nIqv|
P, Q
120. Many prefer donating money _____ distributing clothes. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) than (খ) but (গ) to (ঘ) without উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Prefer to একটি Prepositional verb-এর অর্থ অবধকতর পেন্দ করা, থশ্রয় মবন করা ইতযাবি। উপযুথক্ত িাকযটির অর্থ হব া
অবনবক িস্ত্র িামগ্রীর থেবয় টাকা িান করাবক অবধকতর পেন্দ িা থশ্রয় মবন কবর। িু তরাং এবেবত্র ‘Prefer’ verb-এর িাবর্ preposition
‘to’ িিবি।
121. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
He has paid the penalty _______ his crimes _______ five years in prison. [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) for, with (খ) at, by (গ) about, at (ঘ) after, in উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Paid for + something /action- পু রস্কার, শাবস্ত প্রিান| ৫ িের কারািণ্ড িহ-অবর্থ five year এর পূ বিথ with
122. I prefer tea ............ coffee. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. from L. to M. for N. than DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Prefer (sth) to (sth)— AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv| Avevi Prefer Gici 2wU noun _vKvq Zv‡`i gv‡S Zzjbv
Ki‡Z g‡a¨ than bv e‡m to e‡m|
123. He prefers reading – writing. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. with L. as M. than N. to DËi: N
124. Fill in the blank with the correct choice− How much did you _____ the book?
(a) Pay (b) paid (c) Pay for (d) pay on Ans−c
e¨vL¨v : Pay for− g~j¨ cwi‡kva Kiv ev `vg †`Iqv|
125. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition. He takes pride ____ his wealth.
(a) on (b) in (c) at (d) upon Ans−b
e¨vL¨v : Proud Gi mv‡_ of nq Ges Pride Gi mv‡_ in e¨eüZ nq| Dfq †ÿ‡ÎB GKB A_© nq- ÔMe©‡eva KivÕ|
126. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2015]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 63 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
a. Death is preferable than dishonour. b. Death is more preferable than dishonour.
c. Death is more preferable then dishonour. d. Death is preferable to dishonour. Ans-d
e¨vL¨v : `ywU e¯‘i, e¨w³i, cÖvYxi g‡a¨ Zzjbv Ki‡Z comparative form e¨eüZ nq| A few words like
superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior, preferable wb‡RivB adjective, ZvB Zv‡`i c~‡e© comparative
(Zzjbvq) more, than A‡_© e‡m bv, to e‡m| Preferable to— AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv|
127. I shall do it ............. pleasure. Use appropriate preposition to fill in the gap. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix
wkÿK (KY©dzjx) : 2012]
a. in b. at c. with d. to Ans- c
e¨vL¨v : appropriate preposition ÔPleased withÕ A_©— Avbw›`Z nIqv, Lywk nIqv|
128. He did not profit________experience- ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. by L. in M. with N. on DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Profit by/from— myweav jvf Kiv/jvfevb nIqv|
125. The lady prides herself ________ her beauty? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. upon L. in M. of N. about DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : pride herself on/upon something A_©— AnsKvi Kiv| evK¨wUi A_©— ¯¿x‡jvKwU Zvi †mŠ›`‡h©i eovB K‡i|
126. ‘He could not prevail – you. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨v cÖavb wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 08]
K. on L. over M. with N. upon DËi: K,N
e¨vL¨v: Prevail upon/on— eywS‡q ivwR Kiv‡bv| evK¨wUi A_©— Avwg †Zvgv‡K ‡evSv‡Z cvijvg bv|
127. Many prefer donating money____ distributing clothes. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. with L. to M. for N. of DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Prefer to− AwaK cQ›` Kiv| A‡b‡K Kvco weZi‡Yi †P‡q UvKv weZiY Ki‡Z ‡ewk cQ›` K‡i|
128. He parted ____ his friend in tears. (24Zg wewmGm)
K. of L. from M. at N. in DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Part from− ‡Kvb wKQz †_‡K wew”Qbœ nIqv| Part with- বেন্ন পবর্ গমন, থকাবনা বকেু তযাগ করা| Part
against- এ ধরবনর িযিহার থিখা যায় না। Part beside- এ ধরবনর িযিহার থিখা যায় না।
129. He has recently parted _____ his wife.
K. of L. from M. at N. in DËi: L
130. The customer gets what he pays _______.
(a) from (b) off (c) at (d) for Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Pay for− ‡Kvb `ªe¨, e¯‘ ev †mevi wecix‡Z KvD‡K UvKv †`Iqv|
131. There is no royal road______learning. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. from L. to M. for N. by DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : Royal road to something A_© n‡”Q— †Kvb wKQz cvIqvi mnRZg Dcvq|
132. Every driver must be held ---his own actions. [২৭তম বিবিএি ও cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. responsible to L. blamed for
M. liable to N. responsible for DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : responsible for A_©— ‡Kvb Kv‡Ri Rb¨ `vqx nIqv †evSvq| be hold responsible for something GLv‡b A_©
†Kv‡bv wKQzi Rb¨ KvD‡K †`vlx mve¨¯Í Kiv| Responsible to— ‡Kvb e¨w³i wbKU `vqx|
133. Fill in the blank. Frustration results ______Violence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2015]
K. in L. at M. with N. of DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 64 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
e¨vL¨v : Result from— ‡Kvb wKQz n‡Z djvdj m„wó nIqv| Result in— ‡Kvb wKQz‡Z djvdj wbwnZ _vKv|
evK¨wUi A_©— nZvkv mwnsmZvq ch©ewmZ nq|
134. The Decision rests – you.’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e-[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2008]
K. with L. on M. in N. upon DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Rest with (sb)— (wm×všÍ, `vwqZ¡) KviI Dci wbf©i Kiv| Rest upon (sth)— ‡Kvb wKQzi Dci wbf©i
135. ‘The dog ran – the road’ evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨v mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 08]
K. on L. along M. in N. with DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Along – eivei e¨eüZ nq| KzKziwU iv¯Ív eivei †`Š‡o †Mj|
136. He relieved me – anxiety. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 06]
K. in L. of M. with N. to DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Relieve (sb) of (sth) — (Pvc, `vq) gy³ Kiv|
137. The man was relived --- his pain. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 2005]
K. for L. at M. on N. of DËi: N
138. My wife reminded me ____. (of my appointment) (24Zg wewmGm)
139. Choose the correct sentence. [38Zg wewmGm]
K. He refrained to take any drastic action L. He refrained on taking any drastic action
M. He refrained in taking any drastic action N. He refrained from taking any drastic action D: N
e¨vL¨v : Insist Gi ci on Ges refrain/ forbid/ prohibit/abstain/ prevent Gi ci me©`v from e‡m|
140. Their house is quite similar –ours. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. with L. as M. than N. to DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Similar to— Analogous to, Abyiƒc| evK¨wUi A_©— Zv‡`i evmv Avgv‡`i Abyiƒc|
141. He was smiling ___ himself and did not answer my question.
(a) with (b) on (c) at (d) to Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Smile on− cÖmbœ nIqv| †hgb : Fortune smiled on him at last. (A‡e‡k‡l fvM¨ Zvi cÖwZ cÖmbœ n‡jv) Smile
at− ‡Kvb wKQz Øviv Avbw›`Z nIqv| †hgb- She smiled at the joke. Smile to− Felt pleased. Self _vK‡j to nq|
142. Don’t stare _____the face of any person.
(a) on (b) at (c) in (d) to Ans- c
e¨vL¨v: Stare in the face− gyLgЇji w`‡K ZvKv‡bv| Stare at (a person) – KviI w`‡K ZvKv‡bv|
143. Starvation stared us ___ the face.
(a) in (b) at (c) on (d) of Ans- a
144. Which is correct?
(a) His name has been cut off the register. (b) His name has been struck off the register.
(c) Both a + b (d) None Ans- b
145. She sympathized _______ me.
(a) on (b) at (c) in (d) with Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Sympathize with- Kv‡iv mv‡_/‡Kv‡bv NUbvq mnvbyf~wZ cÖ`k©b| Sympathy on- ‡Kvb NUbv ev `yN©Ubvi
Rb¨ mg‡e`bv cÖKvk Kiv| Sympathy for- ‡Kvb NUbvi cÖwZ mnvbyf~wZ cÖ`k©b|
146. Choose the proper preposition to fill in the blank in the following sentence:
His sympathy – the poor is praiseworthy. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2006]
K. for L. with M. towards N. to DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 65 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
147. Which one of the following sentence is correct?
(a) His name has been cut off (b) His name has been stroke off
(c) His name has been struck off (d) His name is cut off Ans−c
e¨vL¨v: Cut off− AcÖ‡qvRbxq Ask Ô‡K‡U †djvÕ Ges Struck off− Ôev` †`qvÕ| bvg ev` †`qv A‡_© e¨eüZ nq
Struck off.
148. Some writers sink _____ oblivion in course of time. (33Zg wewmGm)
(ক) on (খ) from (গ) under (ঘ) into উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sink into oblivion একটি phrase, যার অর্থ বেরন্তন বি ীন হবয় যাওয়া। থ খক থযবহতু বিস্মৃবতবত িা বেন্তার র্গবত
বি ীন হবয় যায় তাই শূ নযস্থাবন into হবি|
149. Fill in the blank. I cannot stoop___ meanness. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 15]
(a) in (b) to (c) within (d) at Ans- b
150. Professor Razzak was a scholar ____ refute. (Fill in the gap) [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) in (খ) of (গ) after (ঘ) by উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Refute (v)– মতামত িা বিিৃ বত খণ্ডন করা। শব্দটি verb িব এিং এর পূ বিথ preposition িবি তা িাকযটিবক
অর্থবিাধক করবে না। তবি শব্দটি যবি refute না হবয় repute হবতা, তাহব শূ নযস্থাবন 'of' িযিহার করব িাকযটি অর্থপূণথ হয়।
থিবেবত্র িাকযটির অর্থ হয় - অধযাপক রাজ্জাক বেব ন একর্ন খযাবতিেন্ন পবণ্ডত িা বিদ্বান থ াক।
151. My friend reposed his trust ___ me.
(a) on (b) at (c) upon (d) in Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Trust in− to have confidence in someone or something (‡Kvb wKQz ev e¨w³i Dci Av¯’v ivLv)
Z_¨m~Î− www. macmillandictionary.com, Trust with− KvD‡K wek^vmf‡i Ac©Y Kiv|
152. Anis had a talent – making people laugh. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. on L. for M. of N. in DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Talent for- ‡Kvb Kv‡Ri we‡kl `ÿZv|
153. What are you talking _____?
(a) in (b) at (c) on (d) about Ans- d
e¨vL¨v : Talk about/of something− ‡Kvb wel‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv ev Av‡jvPbvi welqe¯‘| Talk at− Rev‡ei cÖwZ
KY©cvZ bv K‡i KviI mv‡_ K_v ejv| mwVK DËi− Ackb (d)|
154. I have no taste __________ music. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 89]
K. in L. at M. on N. for DËi: N
155. A man of character is true _______ his word. k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã n‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 93]
K. in L. at M. on N. to DËi: N
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
156. Choose the correct options: The Government has extended a warm welcome ..... the
visiting delegation. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
a. with b. through c. to d. for Ans-c
e¨vL¨v : KvD‡K Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡Z welcome Gi ci appropriate preposition wn‡m‡e to e‡m| A‡iv wKQz
D`vniY- Amenable to, access to, alternative to, Answer to etc.
157. Which is correct?
(a) He copied the answer word by word (b) He copied the answer word for word
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 66 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
(c) He copied the answer word after word (d) None Ans- b
158. Choose the correct sentence?
(a) He has zest in music (b) He has zest to music
(c) He has zest for music (d) He has zest at music Ans−c
e¨vL¨v : Zest for− AbyivM| Zvui music Gi cÖwZ AbyivM Av‡Q †evSv‡Z Ackb (c) n‡e mwVK DËi|
159. Please walk _____ the stairs. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b †KvbwU em‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 93]
K. up L. over M. into N. in DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Walk up— Dc‡i IVv|
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Danger (wec`) Endanger (wecbœ Kiv) Dangerous (wec`RbK) Dangerously
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 68 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Darkness (AÜKvi) Darken (AÜKvi nIqv) Dark (AÜKvigq) Darkly (AÜKv‡i)
Domination Dominate Dominant Dominantly
Decision (wm×všÍ, ivq) Decide (wm×všÍ †bIqv) Decisive (wm×všÍg~jK) Decisively
Deception, Deceit Deceive (cÖZviYv Kiv) Deceptive (cÖZviYvg~jK) Deceptively
Determination Determine Determined -
Departure Depart Departed -
Detection Detect Detective -
Derivation Derive Derivative Derivatively
Democracy Democratize Democratic Democratically
Division Divide Divisional Divisionally
Depth Deepen Deep Deeply
Destruction (aŸsm) Destroy (aŸsm Kiv) Destructive (aŸsmvZ¥K) Destructively
Digestion Digest Digestive Digestively
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Ease Ease Easy Easily
Economy (A_©bxwZ) Economize Economical (wgZe¨qx) Economically
(wgZe¨qx nIqv) Economic (A_©‰bwZK) (wgZe¨qxfv‡e, A_©‰bwZKfv‡e)
Envy (wnsmv) Envy (wnsmv Kiv) Envious (wnsmyK) Enviously (wnsmvq)
Employment Employ Employed -
Excellence Excel Excellent Excellently
Edition Edit Editorial -
Evidence Evidence Evident Evidently
02. “He was a rather disagreeable man.” Here the word disagreeable is a/an- [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Noun (খ) Adjective (গ) Adverb (ঘ) Preposition উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : প্রবোক্ত িাবকয ‘Disagreeable’ শব্দটি man থক qualify করবে িব গঠনগত বিক থর্বক তা adjective. আিার,
অর্থগত বিক থর্বকও এটি adjective, যার অর্থ- বিিািমান, বিবরাধী।
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Fear (fq) Fear Fearful Fearfully
Figure Figure Figurative Figuratively
Flight (DÇqb) Fly (D‡o hvIqv)
Fool (‡evKv †jvK) Befool (‡evKv evbv‡bv) Foolish (‡evKv) Foolishly (‡evKvi gZ)
Force Force/enforce Forced -
Fixation Fix Fixed -
Friend (eÜz) Befriend (eÜz nIqv) Friendly (eÜzfvevcbœ) In a friendly way
Generation Generate Generative Generatively
Gladness (Avb›`) Gladden (Avb›` Kiv) Glad (Avbw›`Z) Gladly (‡¯^”Qvq)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 69 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Hardness (K‡VviZv) Harden (k³/gReyZ Kiv) Hard (k³, KwVb) Hard (K‡Vvifv‡e)
Hand (nvZ, wbqš¿Y) Handle (wbqš¿Y Kiv) Handy (DcKvix, Kzkjx)
Habit (Af¨vm, ¯^fve) Habituate (Af¨¯Í nIqv) Habitual (Af¨vmMZ) Habitually
Heart (AšÍi, ü`q) Hearten (Drmvn †`qv) Hearty/Heartening Heartily (AvšÍwiKfv‡e)
Humour Humour Humorous Humorously
Hope Hope Hopeful Hopefully
03. What is the adjective of the word ÔHeart’? [12Zg wewmGm I cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. Heartening L. Hearty M. Heart N. Heartful DËi : K, L
e¨vL¨v : Heart A_© AšÍi ,ü`q| Heartening A_© Drmvne¨ÄK, Hearty A_© AvšÍwiK| G `y‡UvB Heart Gi
adjective form|
04. Which of the following sentence is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
a. He had been hung for murder. b. He was hung for murder.
c. He was hanged for murder. d. He was hunged for murder. Ans-c
e¨vL¨v : Hang Gi A_© n‡jv- Szjv‡bv ev duvwm †`qv , hvi past participle iƒc n‡jv— hanged | myZivs mwVK
evK¨wU n‡”Q- He was hanged for murder.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Identification Identify (mbv³ Kiv) Identified (mbv³K…Z) -
Innocence (wb‡`v©wlZv) Innocent (wbiciva) Innocently (mijwP‡Ë)
Ignorance Ignore Ignorant Ignorantly
Information Inform Informative Informatively
Implication Implicate Implicit Implicitly
Instruction Instruct Instructive Instructively
Invention (D™¢veb) Invent (D™¢veb) Inventive (D™¢vebx) Inventively
Insistence (‡R`) Insist (‡R` Kiv) Insistent (‡Rw`) Insistently (†R`ekZt)
Intensity (ZxeªZv) Intensify (Zxeª Kiv) Intense (Zxeª) Intensely (Zxeªfv‡e)
Joy (Avb›`) Enjoy (Dc‡fvM Kiv) Joyful/joyous Joyfully/joyously
Joint (ms‡hvM¯’j) Join (‡hvM`vb Kiv) Joint (‡hŠ_) Jointly (‡hŠ_fv‡e)
Justification Justify Justifiable Justly/justifiably
Knowledge (Ávb) Know (Rvbv) Knowledgeable Knowledgeably
Improvement (DbœwZ) Improve (DbœwZ Kiv)
05. What is the noun form of the word ‘know’? [41Zg wewmGm]
K. knowing L. knowledge M. knowledgeable N. known DËi: L
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Laughter (nvwm) Laugh (nvmv) Laughable (nvm¨Ki) Laughably (nvm¨Kifv‡e)
Length (‰`N©¨) Lengthen (`xN©vwqZ Kiv) Long (j¤^v, `xN©) Lengthwise (j¤^vjw¤^)
Life (Rxeb) Live (‡eu‡P _vKv, evm Kiv) Living (RxešÍ) -
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 70 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Labour Labour Laborious Laboriously
Loss (ÿwZ) Lose (nvwi‡q †djv) Lost, losing (civwRZ)
Management Manage Manageable
Marriage Marry Marriageable
Measurement Measure Measurable Measurably
Mourning Mourn (wejvc Kiv) Mournful (‡kvKvZ©) Mournfully
Necessity Necessitate Necessary Necessarily
Negligence Neglect Negligent/ Negligible Negligently/ Negligibly
Notification Notify Notified -
Number Enumerate Numeral, Numerous
Navigation Navigate (‡bŠKv Pvjv‡bv) Navigable (be¨)
Occupation Occupy Occupant
Obedience Obey Obedient Obediently
Objection Object Objective Objectively
Obligation Oblige (eva¨ Kiv) Obliging (c‡ivcKvix) Obligingly
(eva¨evaKZv) Obligate (eva¨ ivLv) Obligatory (eva¨Zvg~jK) Obligatorily
06. The noun of Ôlaugh’ is- [43Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (K‡cvZvÿ): 10]
K. laugh L. laughing M. laughable N. laughter DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Laughter (nvwm) Laugh (nvmv) Laughable (nvm¨Ki) Laughably (nvm¨Kifv‡e)
07. Verb of ‘Number’ is– [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) number (খ) enumerate (গ) numbering (ঘ) numerical উত্তর : খ
08. Which of the following words can be used as a verb? [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Mister (খ) Master (গ) Mistress (ঘ) Mastery
িযাখযা : প্রিত্ত option গুব ার মবধয শুধু ‘master’ শব্দটি verb বহিাবি িযিহার করা যায়, যার অর্থ হয়- আয়বত্ত আনা, কতৃথত্ব
করা, িেতা অর্থন করা।
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Peace (kvwšÍ) Pacify (kvšÍ Kiv) Peaceful (kvwšÍc~Y©) Peacefully (kvšÍfv‡e)
Persistence Persist Persistent Persistently
Perseverance Persevere Persevering Perseveringly
Pacification Pacify Pacific Pacifically
People/ Population Populate (Rbc~Y© Kiv) Populous (Rbeûj)
Popularity Popularize Popular Popularity
Pleasure Please Pleasant/Pleasurable Pleasantly/Pleasurably
Pollution Pollute Polluted -
Prevention Prevent Preventive Preventively
Preference (AMÖvwaKvi) Prefer Preferable/Preferential Preferably
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 71 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Progress (AMÖMwZ) Progress (AMÖMwZ Kiv) Progressive Progressively
Purification, Purity Purify (weï× Kiv) Purified, Pure Purely
Quarrel Quarrel Quarrelsome Quarrelsomely
Quotation Quote Quotable -
Qualification Qualify Qualified -
Question Question Questionable Questionably
09. Adjective of the word Ôpeople’? [43Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 07]
K. Popularity L. Population M. Popularize N. Populous DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Popularity Popularize Popular Popularity
People/ Population Populate (Rbc~Y© Kiv) Populous (Rbeûj)
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Reflection Reflect Reflective Reflectively
Refusal (A¯^xK…wZ) Refuse (A¯^xKvi Kiv) Refusable
Reliance Rely Reliant Reliably
Reduction (n«vm) Reduce (n«vm Kiv) Reducible/reduced Reducibly
Response (DËi, mvov) Respond (mvov †`qv) Responsive (mvovcÖ`)
Reality Realize Real Really
Resolution (`„p msKí) Resolve (`„p msKí Kiv) Resolute (`„p msKwíZ) Resolutely
Rigidity (`„pZv) Rigid (`„p, Abgbxq) Rigidly (`„pfv‡e)
Removal (AcmviY) Remove (AcmviY Kiv) Removable
Reliance (Av¯’v) Rely (wbf©i Kiv) Reliant/reliable Reliantly/reliably
Repetition Repeat Repeated Repeatedly
Rotation Rotate Rotational Rotationally
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Satisfaction (mš‘wó) Satisfy Satisfactory Satisfactorily
Separation Separate (Avjv`v Kiv) Separable Separably
Settlement (gxgvsmv) Settle (gxgvsmv Kiv) Settled (gxgvswmZ)
Shortness (mswÿßZv) Shorten (mswÿß Kiv) Short (mswÿß) Shortly (ms‡ÿ‡c)
Sight See Visual Visually
Significance (¸iæZ¡) Signify (¸iæZ¡c~Y© nIqv) Significant (¸iæZ¡c~Y©) Significantly
Simplification Simplify Simple Simply
Success (mdjZv) Succeed (mdj nIqv) Successful (mdj) Successfully (mdjfv‡e)
Strength (kw³) Strengthen (kw³kvjx Kiv) Strong (kw³kvjx) Strongly (`„pfv‡e)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR # 72 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule
Safety (wbivcËv) Save (iÿv Kiv, evuPv‡bv) Safe (wbivc`) Safely (wbivc‡`)
Success Succeed Successful Successfully
Study Study Studious Studiously
Stupidity (wbey©w×Zv) Stupefy (AevK Kiv) Stupid (wb‡e©va, †evKv) Stupidly (wb‡ev©‡ai gZ)
Sympathy (mnvbyf~wZ) Sympathize Sympathetic Sympathetically
Shortness (থোটত্ব, খাটত্ব) Shorten (থোট করা, িীবমত Short (থোট, খাবটা) Shortly (িংবেবপ, অল্প
করা, িংবেপ্ত করা) Shorter কর্ায়)
11. The word ÔvitalÕ is a/an–(¯^ivóª gš¿Yvj‡qi Kviv ZË¡veavqK-2010 I 44Zg wewmGm]
(K) noun (L) adverb (M) adjective (N) verb D:M
e¨vL¨v : Vital kãwU GKwU Adjective. AviI wKQz k‡ãi wewfbœ Parts of speech wn‡m‡e e¨envi †`Lyb-
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Usefulness Use (e¨envi Kiv) Useful/Useless/ Usable Usefully/Uselessly/
Uselessness Usably
Understanding Understand Understood Understandingly
Unity (GKZv, HK¨) Unite (GKÎ nIqv) United (HK¨e×, mw¤§wjZ) Unitedly
Vacancy (k~b¨Zv) Vacate (Lvwj Kiv) Vacant (k~b¨, Lvwj) Vacantly
Variance, variation Vary wfbœ nIqv) Various, variable Variously (wewfbœ iƒc)
Victim Victimize Victimized -
Wastage Waste Wasteful Wastefully
Width Widen Wide Widely
Wash/washing Wash Washable/washing Washably/washily
Adverb Phrase
Rule: 54
01. 'He ran with great speed.' The underlined part of the sentence is a- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) noun phrase (খ) adverb phrase
(গ) adjective phrase (ঘ) participle phrase উত্তর : খ
ব্যাখ্যা : Underlined অংশটু কু ঢেকে ধকে ব্ােী অংশটু কু পরেপূর্ণ অর্ণ প্রোশ েেকে underlined অংশটু কুকে adverb
phrase ব্ো হয়। এরট সাধাের্ত verb (ran) ঢে modify েকে।
02. He worked with all sincerity. [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. adjective phrase L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase Adverbial N. Adverbial phrase DËi : N
Adverb Gi KvR K‡i A_©vr Verb ‡K modify K‡i| GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| Dc‡ii ev‡K¨
Underlined AskUzKz ev` w`‡jI A_© cÖKvk cvq (He worked− ‡m KvR K‡iwQj)| GQvovI Phrase wU (with
all sincerity) Verb (work) ‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZivs GwU GKwU Adverbial Phrase. AviI D`vniY †`Lyb−
I want it at this moment. Short-Cut : Verb ‡K How, Where, When, Why Øviv
cÖkœ Ki‡j Adverbial Phrase cvIqv hvq|
03. We were waiting for the bus. (28Zg wewmGm)
K. adjective phrase L. Verbal phrase
M. Prepositional phrase N. Adverbial phrase DËi : N
‡bvU : hw` Ack‡b adverbial phrase bv _v‡K Zvn‡j Prepositional Phrase n‡e|
Preposition w`‡q ïiæ nq Ges m¤ú~Y©Uv wg‡j GKUv Preposition Gi g‡Zv Prepositional
KvR K‡i| †hgb He stood in front of me. He could not come Phrase
on account of illness.
Noun Phrase
Rule : 55
Noun Noun word থাকক। ‡hgb− Socrates is a man of letters.
Phrase Noun এর কাজ করর। ‡hgb− I have no kith and kin in this town.
Determiner, Preposition এর পর িরি| ‡hgb− His going home is uncertain.
এই Phrase ছাড়া িারকের অর্থ প্রকাশ পায় না| ‡hgb− He likes to play tennis.
01. ‘To win a prize is my ambition.’ The underlined part of the sentence is a/an- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. adjective phrase L. noun phrase M. adverb phrase N. conjunctional phrase D. L
e¨vL¨v : Gerund ev Infinitive phrase hw` †Kvb verb Gi subject/object nq Z‡e ‡mU noun phrase nq|
kU©KvU wUcm : Phrase wU Zz‡j w`‡q it emv‡j hw` A‡_©i mgm¨v bv nq Z‡e Zv n‡e Noun Phrase. Phrase wU‡K
replace K‡i It is my ambition G iƒcvšÍi Ki‡jI evK¨wU A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Adjective Phrase
o Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgb− The tree in front of my house has been cut
o GB Phrase QvovI ev‡K¨i A_© cÖKvk cvq| †hgb− The man in the street knows it. A man in great
difficulties came to me for help.
GQvovI Phrase wU‡Z Adjective word _v‡K|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 75 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Verbal Phrase Verb Gi mv‡_ Preposition wg‡j bZzb A_©‡evaK Verb ‰Zwi K‡i| †hgb: Habiba looks
after her parents. evK¨wU‡Z look GKwU verb hvi mv‡_ Preposition (after) hy³ n‡q bZzb
A_©‡evaK kã (look after− ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv) ˆZwi K‡i‡Q| †hgb−The Police look into the
Conjunctional Conjunction Gi b¨vq KvR K‡i| ev‡K¨ as well as, as soon as, as if/as though, as far
Phrase as, no sooner had___ than, scarcely had___ when, Hardly had ___ before, either
___ or, neither ___ nor, not only ____ but also BZ¨vw` _v‡K| †hgb−Come as soon
as you can. No sooner had he left the place than the fire broke. Not only he but
also his brothers were present. Fahim as well as his fridends had decided to
leave London.
Interjectional g‡bi g‡a¨ AvKw¯§K Av‡eM cÖKvk K‡i| †hgb− Good heavens ! What a pity ! the man is
Phrase dead. G‡`i c‡i Av‡eMm~PK wPý (!) _v‡K|
Idioms Bb‡mckb
Type: 56 [মু খস্থ বির্ভর বিষয়গুক াকক Type এিং িযাকরণ বির্ভর িযাপারগুক াকক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হকয়কে।]
তকি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Idioms & Phrases িাাংলা অর্থ Meaning in English
ABC/ Three R’s প্রার্বমক জ্ঞান Basic knowledge
A baker’s dozen ‡Z‡iv Thirteen
A bed of roses পুষ্পশয্ো A comfortable situation/ A life only of joy and happiness
A bed of thorns কন্টকশয্ো A discomfort situation
A black sheep কুলাঙ্গার Scoundrels, wicked man
A bolt from the blue বিনা মমরে িজ্রপাত Unexpected something
A bull market মশয়ার িাজারর EaŸ©MwZ Rising of share market [17Zg wewmGm]
A fantasy কল্পকাবিনী/ রূপকর্া an imaginary story [16Zg wewmGm]
A fish out of water অস্ববিকর অিস্থা An unsuitable environment
A fool's paradise মূরখথর স্বর্থ In a state of care free happiness
A foregone conclusion অনুবমত ফলাফল An anticipated result
A gala day আনরের বিন A day of happiness
A red letter day ¯§iYxq w`b Memorable day
A green horn অনবিজ্ঞ inexperienced
A man of letters পবিত িেবি Scholar
A rainy day দুবিথন Trouble/ A difficulty day
A round dozen পূর্থ এক ডজন A full dozen [14Zg wewmGm]
A short of miracle জাদুকর Extraordinary power
A slow coach অলি িেবি Stupid fellow
A white elephant অকল্পনীয় িেয় Costly/Troublesome possession
A white lie/Pack of lies ডািা বমর্ো a small or harmless lie
Achilles heel দুিথল জায়র্া A weak point
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 76 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Acid test অবি পরীক্ষা A conclusive test
Add insult to injury কাাঁটা োাঁরয় নুরনর বছটা to worsen an uncomfortable situation
After one’s own heart মরনর মত To one’s own liking [25Zg wewmGm]
An ordinance অধ্োরিশ A law [16Zg wewmGm]
An open secret উন্মি
ু রিিে/ িিাই জারন a supposed secret that is in fact known
এমন মর্াপনীয় বিষয় to many people
Apple of discord বিিারির বিষয় Subject of quarrel
Apple of one’s eye নয়রনর মবর্ Most favorite
As a matter of fact প্রকৃ তপরক্ষ Actually
At dead of night র্িীর রারত At midnight
At finger’s end নখিপথরর্ near
At first sight প্রর্ম মিখায় on first seeing
At home/Good at িক্ষ Expert, well up/Familiar with
At large স্বাধ্ীনিারি indepentdently
At one’s wit’s ends বকাংকতথিেবিমূঢ় perplexed
At stake বিপিাপন্ন In danger
cÖkœ mgvavb
01. Fill in the gap: Birds fly _____ in the sky. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) random (L) at large (M) at a stitch (N) are long D:L
e¨vL¨v : Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
at large ¯^vaxbfv‡e indepentdently
Birds fly at large in the sky. (cvwLiv gy³fv‡e AvKv‡k D‡o)
at a stitch GKUvbv Without break
are long Av‡iv `~‡i -
10. A soporific speech is likely to __________. [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) appeal primarily to emotions (খ) put one to sleep
(গ) stimulate action (ঘ) be incomprehensible উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : “A soporific speech” ি কত সি ধরকির িক্তৃতাকক সিাঝায় যা দর্ভককরাতার সিাকখ ঘু ম বিকয় আকি (Causing a person to
become tired and ready to fall asleep)| এ ধরকির িক্তৃতা শুকি সরাতারা ক্লান্ত হকয় পকেি এিং সিাকখ ঘু ম জবেকয় আকি|
11. The phrase ‘Achilles heel’ means- [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. a strong point L. a permanent point M. a weak point N. a serious idea DËi: M
11. ‘A maiden speech’ means- [২৩তম, ২৪তম, ২৬তম এিাং ৩৪তম বিবিএি]
K. First speech L. Final speech M. Middle speech N. Maid servant’s speech DËi: K
12. The expression “after one’s own heart” means– [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To be in low spirit (খ) With complete devotion
(গ) To one's own liking (ঘ) To be in high spirit উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : After one’s own heart ➨ কাকরা িকিভাত্তম পেকের অিু রূপ বকেু (of exactly the type one likes
13. A bull market means that share prices are– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Falling (খ) Rising (গ) Moving (ঘ) Static উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 77 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
িযাখযা : Bull market ➨ ঊর্ধ্ভগামী (সর্য়াকরর সেকে), পবরবধ িােকে এমি িাজার।
14. ‘At daggers drawn’ means- (১৫তম বিবিএি]
K. to be in a state of understanding L. to be in a state of hostility
M. to be in a state of friendship N. none DËi: L
15. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘a round dozen’? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A little less than a dozen (খ) A little more than a dozen
(গ) Round about a dozen (ঘ) A full dozen উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : A round dozen ি কত পূ ণভ ডজি (A full dozen) িা ১২টি সিাঝায়।
16. Phrase ÔAmicus curiae’ means− 9eg we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)
K. An Americus dream L. A senior advocate
M. A friend of the Court N. An arbitrator DËi: M
17. A forgone conclusion means− gwnjv I wkï welqK gš¿Yvj‡qi Aaxb Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Kg©KZ©v− 2006
K. An uneasy situation L. False hope
M. An anticipated result N. Quite familiar DËi: M
18. The proverb ÔA snake in the grass’ means− (AvenvIqv Awa`߇ii mnKvix AvenvIqvwe` 07)
K. A sleeping snake L. A dead snake
M. A poisonous snake N. A hidden enemy DËi: N
19. What is the meaning of Ôa while lie’?
K. Harmful lie L. Harmless lie M. Useless lie N. Irrelevant lie DËi: L
20. When a person says he’s ‘all in’, it means- (১৩তম ও ১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. He is very tired L. He has finished packing
M. He has arrived N. He has got everything DËi: K
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Bear a brave face/Take the িীররের িরঙ্গ মমাকাবিলা করা Face with courage, to challenge the
bull by the horns enemy with courage
Bear away the palm জয়ী িওয়া Be winner, victorious
Beat about the bush অয্র্া িকিক করা/ অন্ধকারর বিল মছাাঁড়া Avoiding the subject
Beg the question অবিরয্ার্ করা To raise objection
Beggars description অির্থনীয় Cannot be described
Benefit of doubt িরেিািশত doubtedly
Between two fires/ Between the devil উিয় িাংকট Difficult situation, in perplexity
and the deep sea/Horns of a dilemma
Beyond all doubt িরেিাতীতিারি Undoubtedly
Beyond all questions বনিঃিরেরি Undoubtedly
Beyond one's means িারধ্ের িাবিরর beyond one's income
Big wig/bug/gun মনতৃস্থানীয়/ বিখোত িেবি Powerful man
Bill of fare খারিের তাবলকা a list of dishes at restaurant
Bird’s eye view িািািািা িৃবি To view in general/Rough
Birds of the same feather িমচবররের মলাক People of the same short
Black and blue বনষ্ঠুরিারি mercilessly
Black and white বলবখতিারি In writing
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 78 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Blessing in disguise অপ্রতোবশত Avkxev©` Positive outcome in an apparent negative
Blue blood আবিজাতে Aristocratic birth
Bolt from the blue বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাত
Bone to pick with রার্াবিত িওয়া an angry
Book worm পড়ুয়া Person who is fond of reading
Boot leg মচারাচালাবন smuggle
Boring chore বিরবিকর কাজ Tiresome job
Bosom friend েবনষ্ঠ িন্ধু Intimate friend
Bottom line মূলকর্া/ িারাাংশ The essential point
Bottom of my heart অন্তররর মকন্দ্রস্থল Core of my heart
Bring to book বতরস্কার করা/Mvjg›` Kiv Insult, rebuke, take to task
Break butterfly on the wheel মশা মাররত কামান িার্া To apply an excessive amount of force
to achieve something minor
Break the ice নীরিতা িাঙ্গা To begin to overcome formality
Bring/Come to life পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা To become alive
Bring/Come to light; Come প্রকাশ করা To disclose, publish
out/Give vent to
Bring to mind/ Call to mind স্মরর্ করা To remind
Bring to pass েটা cause to happen
Brow beating আশ্চয্থ Showing surprise
Brown study/Build castles in আকাশ-কুসুম বচন্তা করা/ Day dream, meditation, absent minded
the air/ Utopian scheme বিিাস্বপ্ন
Brush up উন্নবত করা Improve previous knowledge by study
Bull in a china shop পদ্মিরন মিিিী Unbelievable something
Buoyant health সুস্থ িিল Sound health
Burn the candle মিবিরিরি খরচ করা Expense without thinking
Burn the candle at both ends অবতবরি চাপ Overtaxing his energies
Burning question তীব্র বিতরকথর বিষয় Vital issue/ an important question
Bury the hatchet মীমাাংিা করা Make peace
By any means/By all means, ময্ িারিই মিাক, By all, By hook or by crook; Certainly
By fair means or foul wbwðZfv‡e In any way, honest or dishonest
By and large অবধ্কাাংশ mostly
By contrast তু লনায় In comparison
By dint of/By virtue of িািারয্ে/ িরল with the help of, on account of
By fits and starts অবনয়বমতিারি irregularly
By heart/Get by heart/ Learn by heart মুখস্থ করা Commit something to memory
By leaps and bounds দ্রুতর্বতরত Quickly, rapidly, fast
By the rule and thumb িািি অবিজ্ঞতা Practical experience
cÖkœ mgvavb
17. ÔBy and largeÕ means – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) everywhere (L) very large
(M) mostly (N) far away D:M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 79 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
e¨vL¨v: ÔBy and largeÕ idiom wUi A_© mostly (cÖavbZ, mvaviYZ)|
18. The bad News struck him like a bolt from the ______. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Sky (খ) Heavens (গ) Firmament (ঘ) Blue উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Bolt from the blue’ একটা idiom, যার অথভ বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাত। প্রদত্ত Sentence এর অথভ হকে দুঃিংিাদটি
(bad news) তাকক বিিা সমকঘ িজ্রপাকতর মকতাই আঘাত (Struck) করক া।
19. ‘By fair means or foul’ – phrase wUi A_© nj- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. without difficulty L. in any way, honest or dishonest
M. without using common sense N. Having been instigated DËi: L
20. ‘By all means’ phrase- wUi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Rev) : 2009]
K. Meaningless L. Meaningful M. Certainly N. Uncertainty DËi: M
21. ÔBlack and blue’ A_© Kx? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. DËg ga¨g L. i½xb M. a~mi N. Kvj I bxj DËi: K
22. ‘Bottom Line’ means— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. The final step L. The end of the road
M. The last of a book N. The essential point DËi: N
23. ‘Boot leg’ means— (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. distribute L. export M. import N. smuggle DËi: N
24. Which one is the correct phrase to fill in the gap of ___ The teacher beat the student_____ (mnKvix
Dc‡Rjv wkÿv Awdmvi− 15)
K. One by one L. Black and blue M. Black & white N. One after another DËi: L
25. ‘Bring to pass’ means— (২৭তম বিবিএি)
K. cause to destroy L. cause to happen
M. cause to carry out N. cause to convince DËi : L
26. ‘Bill of fare’ means— (১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. a chart of bus fare L. a price list
M. a valuable document N. a list of dishes at restaurant DËi : N
27. ‘Blue chip’s are- (১৭তম বিবিএি)
K. Securities issued by the government L. Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
M. Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
N. Flast plastic counters used as money tokens DËi : L
28. ÔBig bug’ means− (11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb)
K. Useful person L. Important person
M. Unemployed person N. Employed person DËi : L
29. The price of rice is increasing ____ 11Zg wkÿK wbeÜb (¯‹zj ch©vq) −2012
K. By fits and starts L. By dint of M. By virtue of N. By leaps and bounds DËi: N
30. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the_____[২৯তম বিবিএি]
K. sky L. heavens M. firmament N. blue DËi: N
31. The condition of most slum dwellers is so miserable that it cannot be described in words.
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. beggars description L. cuts to the quick
M. boils down to this N. keeps open house DËi: K
32. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies. Which is appropriate phrase?
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 80 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
K. behave gently L. practice manners
M. behave yourself N. do not talk rudely DËi: K
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Call it a day কাজ িন্ধ করা Finish work
Call names র্াবল মিওয়া To abuse
Call to mind স্মরর্ করা To remind
Capital punishment ম ৃতু েিন্ড Death penalty
Carry the day জয় লাি করা win
Castle in the air AvKvk Kzmyg wPšÍv Kiv Fanciful schemes
Cats and dogs মুষলধ্ারর heavily
Cat’s paw অরের িাবতয়ার বিরিরি িেিহৃত িেবি a person who is used by another
Cat’s sleep েুরমর িান Pretension of sleep
Chip of the old block, like father like son িাপকা মিটা A worthy son of a worthy father
Cock and bull story আজগুবি র্ল্প An absurd story/A false story
Cold feet/feet of clay িীরুতা cowardice
Come round আররার্ে লাি recover consciousness
Come to an end মশষ করা To finish
Come true িরতে পবরর্ত িওয়া actually happen
Cope with তাল বমলারনা/ এাঁরট ওঠা deal effectively
Cook the books কারচু বপ করা To deceive in accounts
Crocodile tears মায়াকান্না False tears of sorrow
Cry for the moon অপূরর্ীয় আকাঙ্ক্ক্ষা To want something impossible
Cry over spilt milk ি ৃর্া অনুরশাচনা Repent falsely
Crying need অবত প্ররয়াজন Obvious need
Cul-de-sac কানার্বল Dead end
Curry favour মতাষারমাি করা Be favorite through flattery
Cut and thrust িাতািাবত য্ুদ্ধ Hand to hand fight
Cut off বিবিন্ন Apart from
Cut someone dead না মচনার িান করা Look over
cÖkœ mgvavb
33. omplete the following sentence choosing the appropriate option: It's raining cats and dogs,
so– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Watch out for falling animals. (খ) Make sure you take an umbrella.
(গ) Keep your pets inside. (ঘ) Keep the windows open. DËi : L
িযাখযা : Cats and dogs A_© মু ষ ধাকর; প্রিুর পবরমাকণ (In great quantities)| মু ষ ধাকর িৃ বি হক অতযাির্যকীয় অিু ষঙ্গ
বহকিকি োতা দরকার| িু তরাং, িঠিক িাকয– “It’s raining cats and dogs, so make sure you take an
34. ÔCall it a day’ means--[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. to be unhappy with the weather L. to pay someone a visit
M. to raise doubts N. to stop work since enough has been done DËi: N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 81 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
28. Cock and bull story− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014)
K. Give a false alarm L. deal effectively M. Dead end N. A false story DËi: N
29. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
If we want concrete proof, we are looking for __________________. [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) clear evidence (খ) building material
(গ) a cement mixer (ঘ) something to cover a path উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Concrete Proof এর অথভ– িাস্তি/িঠিক প্রমাণ; Look for এর অথভ– সখাোঁজা| সিই অকথভ এখাকি “Clear
evidence”-ই প্রকযাজয|
30. ‘Cul-de-sac’ means- (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. dead end L. selection M. error N. bubble DËi: K
35. ‘Call to mind’ means- [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
K. fantasize L. attend M. remember N. request DËi: M
36. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in ‘Cold blood’. (১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. in cool brain & calculated thoughts L. so patiently & thoughtfully
M. so impatiently & thoughtlessly N. stirred by sudden emotion DËi: K
31. False tears of sorrow− Crocodiles tears (gvqvKvbœv) (Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U− 15)
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Daggers drawn শত্রুতা To be in a state of hostility
Dark horse অজ্ঞাতনামা Unknown person
Day dreams বিিাস্বপ্ন Fantasy
Dead letter অপ্রচবলত আইন No longer in force/ Law not in force
Debut অবিরষক First public appearance
De-facto প্রকৃ তপরক্ষ actually
De jure আইনর্ত By legal right, legally
Die in harness কমথরত অিস্থায় ম ৃতু ে Die while still working
Dilly dally র্বড়মবি Waste time
Dog days র্রম আিিাওয়া Hot weather
Double jeopardy একই মামলায় দুইিার বিচার Judicating twice
Down-to-earth িািিিািী realistic
cÖkœ mgvavb
32. ÔDog days’ means— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 14Zg I 43Zg wewmGm]
K. a period of being care free L. Hot weather
M. a period of misfortune N. a time when dog roam the street DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : ÔDog daysÕ idiom wUi A_© hot weather (DòZg AvenvIqv/ DòZg mgq)|
31. ‘Dilly-dally’ means— (২০তম বিবিএি)
K. wait impatiently L. to dilute M. repeat N. waste time DËi: N
32. ‘Debut’ means— (২৩তম বিবিএি)
K. first appearance L. conclusion M. gracious response N. contradiction DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 82 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
E, F
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Eat the humble pie অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা make a humble apology and accept
চাওয়া humiliation
Ended in Fiasco সম্পূর্ ব্যর্
ণ ণ Complete failure
Ended in smoke ব্যর্তায়
ণ পরের্ত হওয়া To come to nothing
Epoch making যুগান্তকােী পদরক্ষপ of major importance
Fag end অপ্ররয়াজনীয় অংশ Useless remnant
Fair and square সৎ ও সেল honest
Fair play/fair field and no favor নযায় রব্চাে Impartial justice/ Hold the scale even
Fair weather friends সু স মরয়ে ব্ন্ধু Person who ceases to be friend when one is in trouble
Fall a victim to ভু ক্তরভাগী sufferer
Fall flat রনষ্ফল হওয়া Have no effect
fall from the clouds আকাশ থর্রক পড়া Shattered dream
First language মাতৃভাষা Natural/ mother language
Fish in troubled water থ ালা পারনরত মাছ স্বীকাে Take advantage of disturbed situation
Fish out of water অস্বস্তিকে Like one out of his element
Fare and fury উরেজনা excitement
Few and far between কদারচৎ Few and widely scattered
cÖkœ mgvavb
35. Fill in the blank : You may go for a walk if you feel ---- it. [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) about (খ) on (গ) like (ঘ) for
িযাখযা : Feel like : To want something or to do something (সকাি বকেু র প্রতযার্া করা িা সকাি বকেু করার
প্রিণতা)| সযমি- I feel like a cup of coffee. I felt like I needed a walk. Do you feel like going for
a swim? িাকযিমূ হ হকত সদখা যায়- হাোঁটকত সযকত পারা, ইেু ক/আগ্রহী হওয়া অকথভ feel like িকি|
36. The saying 'enough is enough' is used when you want- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) something to continue (খ) something to stop
(গ) something to continue until it's enough (ঘ) to tell instructions are clear
িযাখযা : ‘enough is enough’ একটি Phrase. It is used for saying that something must stop. এমি
একটা পবরবস্থবত িৃ বি হয় যখি প্রিঙ্গটাকক আর িামকি টািকত িাওয়া হয় িা তখি এটি ি া হয়|
37. I have not heard from him _________. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) long since (খ) for a long time (গ) since long (ঘ) for long উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : িাধারণত Positive sentence এ ‘for a long time’ িযিহার করা হয় এিং Negative sentence এ ‘for
long’ িযিহার করা হয়| বকন্তু কখকিা কখকিা ‘for a long time’ ও Negative sentence এ িযিহার করা যায়। অথভাৎ
‘for a long time’ ও ‘for long’ দকটাই িঠিক বহকিকি বিকিিিা করা যায়| তকি একেকে ‘for a long time’ ও ‘for
long’ এর মকধয িু ক্ষ্ম পাথভকয পবর বেত হয়| এ পাথভকয অিু যায়ী ‘for a long time’ দ্বারা িমকয়র িযবি সিবর্ প্রকার্ পায়|
িু তরাং এ যু বক্ত অিু যায়ী ‘for a long time’ শুদ্ধ|
38. ÔFag end’ means− [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14]
K. The last part L. Foggy M. Cut a bad figure N. Unfair DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 83 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
36. ÔFall into lineÕ evMavivwUi A_© wK n‡e? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012]
K. Disagree L. Honest M. Brave N. Agree DËi : N
38. ‘First language means the____Language.[২৫তম বিবিএি; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM): 07 ]
K. important L. main M. natural N. official DËi : M
39. Only those who are not serious to their success work____and starts. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
K. long odds L. against time M. every inch N. fits DËi : N
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Gain ground ধীরে ধীরে উন্নরত কো become more popular
Gain the day জয়লাভ কো Become victorious, winner
Gala day উৎসরব্ে রদন Victory day
Get along with মারনরয় থনওয়া To adjust/Tolerate
Get his ideas across কাউরক রকছু থব্াঝারত পাো Make his ideas understood
Get rid of মু স্ত ক্ত পাওয়া To do away with, become free
Get the better of আরগে থর্রক ভাল gain an advantage
Get the sack ব্েখাি কো To be fired from a job or task
Gift of the gab ব্াকপটু Fluency of speech
Give a cold shoulder ধমক থদওয়া To scold
Giving someone the cold shoulder কাউকক এড়িকে চলা To ignore somebody
Give up তযাগ কো cease making an effort
Give upon the ghost মাো যাওয়া To die
Go a long way অরনকদূে অরতক্রম very successful
Go hand in hand একরে Together, in a body
Go sky high আকাশচু ম্বী to go very high
Go through ভারলা করে পড়া look at something very carefully
Golden mean উঁচু দরেে avoiding both extreme excess and extreme deficiency
Golden opportunity সুব্র্ সু ণ রযাগ an excellent opportunity that is not likely to be repeated
Go in a body একরযারগ Together
Go to the dogs থগাল্লায় যাওয়া Be ruined
Greek and Latin অরব্াধগময Difficult
Good for nothing থকারনা কারজে না/অপদার্ ণ Entirely without value
To genuflect m¤§y‡L bZRvby nIqv/ bZ nIqv To bend the knee
Habeas corpus কাোব্ন্দীে থমৌরলক অরধকাে Fundamental rights of prisoners
Hall mark থেষ্ঠরেে ছাপ Excellent
Hang around রব্লম্ব কো Loiter about
Hard times দুুঃসময় a time of difficulty
Hard up অভাব্গ্রি With insufficient money
Have a heart সদয় To ask somebody to be kind
Head and ears পুরোপুরে Completely
Head is in the clouds রদব্াস্বপ্নচােী A day dreamer
Head or tail মার্ামুর্্ডু be quite confused
Heart and soul প্রার্পরর্ Earnestly, tooth and nail
Herculean task কঠিন কাজ A very difficult task
Hole and corner লুরকাচু রে Secret, secrecy
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 84 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Hot water অসুরব্ধা Trouble, difficulty, problem
Hush money/speed money ুষ Bribe
Hue and cry হহ হচ/থশােরগাল Loud outcry
cÖkœ mgvavb
40. The word Ôto genuflect’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) to be genuine (L) to refect (M) to bend the knee (N) to be flexible D : M
e¨vL¨v : ÔTo genuflect’ kãwUi A_© m¤§y‡L bZRvby nIqv, bZ nIqv; to bend the knee.
41. ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ means– [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to torture somebody (খ) to ignore somebody
(গ) to appreciate someone (ঘ) to harm someone
িযাখযা : কাউকক এবেকয় ি া অকথভ ‘Giving someone the cold shoulder’ িযিহৃত হয়।
42. Choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the
given sentence: Despite being a brilliant scientist, he does not seem to get his ideas across.
[32Zg wewmGm]
(ক) make his ideas understood (খ) get his ideas down pat
(গ) summarize his ideas (ঘ) put together his ideas উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Get something across to somebody অথভ কাউকক বকেু সিাঝাকত পারা (Make something
43. Gala day (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. A day of festivity L. Holiday
M. A day of judgement N. None DËi : K
44. He has gone to dogs. Gi mwVK Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM): 07]
K. †m KzKz‡ii Kv‡Q †M‡Q L. ‡m KzKyi Lye fv‡jvev‡m
M. ‡m †Mvjøvq †M‡Q N. ‡m KzKzi †cv‡l DËi : M
45. The weight was too much and the pillar gave way. Here Ôgive way’ indicates— [cÖv_wgK
we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (evwZj cixÿv): 02]
K. Bent down L. Was changed M. Was broken N.Vanished DËi: M
46. Which is the appropriate meaning for ÔHush money’? (Rb¯^v¯’¨ cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`߇ii DcmnKvi©x cÖ‡KŠkjx− 15)
K. Silent money L. Money given as bribe
M. Quiet money N. Borrowed money DËi : L
47. A person whose ‘head is in the clouds’ is- (২৩তম বিবিএি)
K. proud L. a day dreamer M. an aviator N. useless DËi: L
46. ÔHead over heels in love’ means− (10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb K‡jR mgch©vq− 2014)
K. Loving somebody L. Disliking somebody very much
M. Hating love strongly N. Loving somebody very much DËi: N
47. ‘Hold water’ means- [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 92]
K. keep water L. bear examination M. drink water N. Store water DËi: L
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
In a nutshell সংরক্ষরপ Briefly, In a word
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 85 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
In cold blood িান্ডা মার্ায় Deliberately
In connection with ব্যাপারে/সম্বরন্ধ Concerning
In full swing পুরোদরম Very active
In good faith সেল রব্শ্বারস In honest belief
In lieu of পরেব্রতণ In the place of
In order to জরনয/উরেশয according to a particular sequence
In pursuance with অনুপ্রারর্ত কো Inspire, motivate
In pursuit of অনুরপ্রের্ায় the action of pursuing
In quest of থখাঁরজ In search of, look for, search
In season and out of season সমরয় অসমরয় At all times
In spite of সরেও Despite
In high spirits gnvLykx Cheerful/ Joyful
In the event of টনাক্ররম if there should be
In the eye of দৃঠিরত In someone's view
In the god book উপকারে লাগা Become useful
In the grip of করি affected by something undesirable
In the guise of ছদ্মরব্রশ In disguise
In the long run পরের্ারম Ultimately
In the seventh heaven পেম সুরখ Extremely happy
In the teeth of অগ্রাহয করে In defiance or regardless of
In the long run cwi‡k‡l As a consequence
In vain ব্যর্ ণ Fail
Ins and outs খুঠঁ টনাঠট In details
Iron will দৃঢ় সংকল্প Strong determination
Irony of fate ভারগযে রনমমণ পরেহাস By bad luck
Jack of all trades সব্জান্তা Person who knows a bit of all
In the nick of Time - In the appropriate time, fixed
cÖkœ mgvavb
48. Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blank space:___________ his early
study, the Professor’s new study indicates a general warming trend in global weather. [৩১তম
(ক) In contrast of (খ) In contrast to
(গ) In contrast by (ঘ) In contrast as উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : In contrast to অথভ ত িা করা/ পাথভকয সদখাকিা।
49. “Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong oppositions.”
Which of the following says nearly the same as ‘against’ above? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) In the wake of (খ) In the guise of
(গ) In the plea of (ঘ) In the teeth of উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Against strong opposition অথভ র্বক্তর্া ী প্রবতপকের বিপরীকত (এখাকি, against অথভ কি , খপ্পর, বিপে,
বিপরীতক্রম); In the wake of- সপেি সপেি; In the guise of- েদ্মকিকর্ িক ; In the plea of- অজু হাকত,
ককবিয়কত; In the teeth of- প্রি র্বক্তর বিরুকদ্ধ, কাকরা র্ক্ত বিকরাবধতার বিপরীকত।
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 86 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
50. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime ‘in cold blood’. What does the quoted
idiom mean?[১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) In cool brain and calculated thought (খ) So patiently and thoughtfully
(গ) So impatiently and thoughtlessly (ঘ) Stirred by sudden emotion উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : In cold blood- ঠাণ্ডা মাথায় বিন্তার্ািিা ককর, বিিা উকত্তজিায়। In cool brain and calculated thought-
ঠাণ্ডা মাথায় এিং পবরকবিত বিন্তায় বহিাি-বিকার্। So patiently and thoughtfully- খু িই কধযভিহ এিং বিকিিিা িহকাকর।
So impatiently and thoughtlessly- খু িই অধধযভর্াকি এিং অবিকিিিা প্রিূ তর্াকি। Stirred by sudden emotion-
হঠাৎ আকিকগ সজকগ উকঠ িা উকত্তবজত হকয়।
51. The idiom ‘In black and white’- Gi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (BQvgwZ) : 2010]
K. Temporary L. False M. Verbally N. In writing DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ‘In black and white’ phrase— Gi A_©- wjwLZfv‡e| In writing— wjwLZfv‡e|
50. Trying unitedly we were able to have out project approved against strong oppositions.
(১৪তম বিবিএি)
K. in the wake of L. in the guise of
M. in the plea of N. in the teeth of DËi: N
51. What do you means by ÔIn the nick of Time’?
K. In the appropriate time L. In the wrong time
M. Before the just time N. After the just time DËi: K
K, L, M
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Keen on চাবলরয় য্াওয়া/উৎিািী িওয়া To be enthusiastic
Keep one’s head শান্ত র্াকা To keep calm
Keep in the dark না জানারনা/লুকারনা To keep someone uninformed
Kith and kin আত্মীয় স্বজন Blood-relations and kinsfolk
Know no bound িীমািীন To be without limit, unlimited
Lame excuse িারজ অজুিাত Bad plea
Lay heads together পরামশথ করা To work together to come up
Leave no stone মচিার ক্রবট না করা Use all available means
unturned/spare no pains
Lend me ears মনরয্ার্ মিওয়া Listen to me
Let bygones be bygones অতীতরক িু রল য্াও Forget the past
Let the cat out of the bag মর্াপন তর্ে ফাাঁি To tell the secret
Lingua franca িচরাচর িেিহৃত িাষা Common language
Lion’s share মিবশর িার্ অাংশ/বিাংিিার্ Major part
Live on মিাঁরচ র্াকা to depend on something for sustenance
Loaves and fishes িেবিস্বার্থ Personal gain
Look after মিখারশানা করা Care for
Look down upon ে ৃর্া/অিজ্ঞা করা Avoid
Look forward to আশা করা await eagerly
Maiden speech প্রর্ম িিৃতা The first speech
Make a mess জর্াবখচু রী create a dirty or untidy state
Make both ends কায়রেরশ জীিনয্াপন To live in a fixed income
Milk and water GK‡N‡q, cÖvYnxb/`ye©j Lifeless, dull
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 87 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
cÖkœ mgvavb
53. We look forward ___ a response from you. [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to receiving (খ) to receive
(গ) in receiving (ঘ) for receiving উত্তর : ক
54. Ôcixÿv LyeB wbKUeZ©xÕ Gi mwVK Bs‡iwR Abyev` †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 07; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 02]
K. The examination is coming soon L. The examination is with start soon
M. The examination is knocking at the door N. The examination is beginning soon DËi: M
55. ÔLoaves and fishes’ means− [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK−12; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Personal gains L. Beautiful Bread M. Tasty fishes N. None DËi: K
56. ‘Lingua Franca’ means- [24Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡WjUv): 14]
K. The French Language L. The common language
M. Language of brothers N. The first language DËi: L
57. Sher-e-Bangla was a__(12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb−15)
K. Man of sorrow L. Man of justice M. Man of mark N. Man of softheart DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Man of mark A_© weL¨vZ e¨w³|
58. The idiom Ôlet things slide’ means— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. ignore L. set free
M. lose gradually N. reveal a secret DËi: K
59. ÔMilk & water’ means− [12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡ngšÍ): 10]
K. Brave L. Timid M. Daring N. Courageous DËi: L
60. ÔMan of straw Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. respected person L. worthless man M. gentleman N. noted person DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : ÔMan of strawÕ— ¸iæZ¡nxb e¨w³ ev hv‡K mn‡R civ¯Í Kiv hvq| myZivs mwVK DËi worthless man.
61. I have a boat made of wood. The underlined phrase is—[cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. an adverbial phrase L. perfect participle phrase
M. present participle phrase N. past participle phrase DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : verb Gi past participle hLb adjective wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb Zv‡K past participle phrase
e‡j| D³ sentence G noun(boat) †K modify K‡i‡Q Ges Zv GKwU past participle phrase.
63. We must keep our finger____that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow. (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. raised L. pointed dreamer M. lifted N. crossed DËi: M
িযাখযা : Keeping fingers raised/ Keeping fingers pointed/ Keeping fingers lifted– এ জাতীয় Phrase
িিরািার সদখা যায় িা। বকন্তু “Keeping one’s fingers crossed” অথভ হক া আর্া সপাষণ করা, কামিা করা।
N, O, P
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Notwithstanding না িলরলই নয় All the same, nevertheless
Nota bene বিরশষ দ্রিিে Mark well, note well
Nouveau riche নতু ন ধ্নী New rich
Null and void িাবতল Rejected, invalid
Nip in the bud A¼z‡i webó nIqv Destory at the very beginning
On behalf of পরক্ষ as a representative of
On easy terms িিজ বিলরে/বকবিরত Long term payment
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 88 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
On foot পারয় মিাঁরট walking rather than travelling
On no account মকানক্ররমই না By no means
On the eve of প্রাক্কারল In the beginning, just before
On the highest alert িরিথাচ্চ িতথকতায় Concious, cautious
On the increase ক্রমিধ্থমান becoming greater
On the sky উম্মি ু আকারশ Open air
On the spur of the moment উরেজনার মুহুরতথ without planning in advance
Out of date অচল Off fashion/Obsolete
Out of one's wits অতযন্ত বিিব ত
Out of temper রার্াবিত Angry
Over head and ear র্িীরিারি Deeply
Over the years িমরয়র বিিতথরন With the passage of time
Palmy days/good time সুিময় Days of prosperity and glory
Pandora’s box বিড়েনাপূর্থ উপিার Artificially good bt actually not
Part and parcel অবিরিিে অাংশ An essential portion
Pave the way পর্ ততবর করা Make the way
Pivotal question গুরুেপূর্থ প্রশ্ন The most important question
Play on a fiddle িময় অপচয় To waste time
Play truant স্কুল পালারনা stay away from school without leave or explanation
Point blank িরািবর Directly
Prima facie প্রর্ম িশথরন At the first sight
Puppet in the hands of িারতর পুতুল A man without ego
Push somebody to the wall পরাবজত করা To defeat him
Put the cart before the horse স্বািাবিক বনয়ম উল্টারনা Reverse the natural order
Put up with িহ্য করা Tolerate
cÖkœ mgvavb
64. Fill in the blank: ÔShe went to New Market…..’. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) on foot (L) on feet (M) by foot (N) by walking D : K
e¨vL¨v : Ôcv‡q nvuUvÕ A‡_© e¨eüZ nq Ôon foot’. ZvB evK¨wU n‡e- She went to New Market on foot (‡m
cv‡q †nu‡U wbD gv‡K©‡U wM‡qwQj)| Z‡e hvbevnb e¨envi Ki‡j n‡Zv- by bus/by boat/by train/air.
65. They travelled to Savar ________. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) on foot (খ) by walking (গ) on their feet (ঘ) by foot উত্তর : ক
66. The phrase “nouveau riche” means– [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Riche rich (খ) Well off (গ) New high class (ঘ) New rich উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Nouveau riche’ একটি French phrase যার অথভ সয িযবক্ত িম্প্রবত ধিী হকয়কে অথভাৎ new rich.
67. The idiom “put up with” means – [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) stay together (খ) tolerate (গ) keep trust (ঘ) protect DËi : L
িযাখযা : ‘Put up with’ phrase টি দ্বারা িহয করা সিাঝায়|
68. Of the four alternatives, find the one that best fits into the blank space: While living in
poverty, the poet had to ____________ a great deal of sufferings. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) see through (খ) put up with (গ) pass by (ঘ) fall back উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 89 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
িযাখযা : see through অথভ িা াবক ধকর সি া; put up with অথভ িহয করা; pass by অথভ উকপো করা এিং fall back
অথভ পশ্চাদপিারণ, বপেু হটা| দাবরকের মকধয িিিাি করক অকিক সর্াগাবন্ত (sufferings) িহয করকত (put up with িা
tolerate) হয়|
69. Of the four alternatives given under each sentence, find the one that best fits into the blank
space: The horror movie scared them out of their ________. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) wits (খ) seats (গ) lives (ঘ) funds উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Out of one's wits একটি idiom, যার অথভ অতযন্ত বিিব ত|
70. ‘Prior to’ means– [২৭তম বিবিএি] Bb‡mckb
(ক) after (খ) before
(গ) immediately (ঘ) during the period of উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Prior to ➨ পূ িিভ তী; পূ িভতি; পূ কিভ; আকগ ইতযাবদ|
71. ÔOut and out Õ means- [11Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Whole heartedly L. not at all M. thoroughly N. Brave DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : ÔOut and outÕ— m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| thoroughly A_© m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c| Whole heartedly A_© AvšÍwiKfv‡e|
72. You will fail in the exam, If you ____ from school. (12Zg wkÿK wbeÜb− 15)
KTake to task L. Put off M. Put out N. Play trurant DËi: N
73. Put an end to means –
K. Caused to happen L. Stopped M. Spread N. Confirmed DËi: L
74. Puss the buck− to pass the blame to someone else. (G‡Ki †`vl A‡b¨i Dci Pvcv‡bv) – (wkÿv, WvK, ¯^v¯’¨ I A_©
gš¿Yvj‡qi cÖkvmwbK I e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v− 2015)
Q, R, S
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Queer fish A™¢zZ e¨w³ Eccentric person
Quorum ন্য ূন্তম Required number
Rank and fashion সাজসজ্জা/অভিজাত সমাজ Aristocratic society
Rank and file সাধারণ সসভন্ক The common soldiers
Razzmatazz ভিশৃ ঙ্খলা a noisy activity [24Zg wewmGm]
Red handed হাতত ন্াতত ধরা With proof
Red letter day স্মরণীয় ভিন্ Memorable day
Red tape আমলাতাভিক জটিলতা Excessive official formality
Riding for a fall পততন্র পতে অগ্রসর হওয়া to act recklessly
Right and left এতলাপাতাভি On all sides
Road block প্রভতিন্ধকতা Obstacle
Run counter to we‡ivwaZv Contradict
Saddle on the right horse দিাষী িূভি সন্াি করা Identify the guilt
Safe and sound ভন্রাপতি Quite safe
Salt of the earth দেষ্ঠ িূভি Famous person
Set on fire প্রজ্বভলত করা To burn
Silver lining দুিভ াতযূ সান্ত্বন্া Hope
Sine die Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨ Uncertain
Sit on the fench ভন্রতপক্ষ Remain neutral, To be impartial
Sink into oblivion বিরন্তি বি ীি হকয় যাওয়া -
Skin and bone অভথিঃচমভসার Very thin
Skim through িাসা িাসা দৃতশূ Bird’s eye view
Slip of the pen দলখায় অসতকভ তািশত িুল Mistake in writing
Slip of the tongue কোয় অসতকভ তািশত িুল Mistake in speaking
Slow and steady ধীর ভথর িূভি Continuity, cold blooded man
Smell a rat সতেহ করা Suspect, doubt
Snake in the grass দযাপন্ শত্রু A hidden enemy
Soft soap দতাষাতমাি Flattery/ Flatter for self motives
Spare no pains দচষ্টার ক্রটি ন্া করা Leave no stone unturned
Stand out গুরুত্বপয ণভ Important
Status quo পয িাভ িথায় State of affairs
Steer clear of িজভন্ করা Avoid
Storm in a tea cup তুমু ল উতেজন্া A fuss about a trifling matter
Straw vote জন্যতণর মতামততর জন্ূ দিসরকাভর দিাট Poll of public opinion
Stumbling block িাধা Obstacle
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 91 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
Summer friends সু সমতয়র িন্ধু A fraud person
Swan song দশষ রচন্া Last work [23Zg wewmGm]
cÖkœ mgvavb
85. The phrase Ôsine die’ means- [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) half-heartedly (L) doubtfully (M) fixed (N) uncertain D:N
e¨vL¨v : Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Sine die Awbw`©óKv‡ji Rb¨ Uncertain
Smell a rat m‡›`n Kiv Doubt, suspect
In the nick of Time - In the appropriate time, fixed
127. Some writers sink _____ oblivion in course of time. (33Zg wewmGm)
(ক) on (খ) from (গ) under (ঘ) into উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sink into oblivion একটি phrase, যার অথভ বিরন্তি বি ীি হকয় যাওয়া| স খক সযকহতু বিস্মৃবতকত িা বিন্তার জগকত
বি ীি হকয় যায় তাই র্ূ িযস্থাকি into হকি|
86. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom ‘Swan song’? [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) First work (খ) Middle work (গ) Last work (ঘ) Early work উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Swan song - অবন্তম গীত; সর্ষ কৃতয; সর্ষ কমভ (Last work)|
87. I have never seen such a slow coach like you. Which is appropriate phrase? (১৩তম বিবিএি)
K. an irresponsible person L. a careless person
M. an unthoughtful person N. a very lazy person DËi: N
88. ‘Ruminant’ means- (২২তম বিবিএি)
K. cud chewing animal L. soup M. gossip N. noise maker DËi: K
89. ‘Salarium’ means- (১৮তম বিবিএি)
K. salt L. Salary M. soldiers N. the Salt Road DËi: L
90. He raised his eyebrow at my explanation means- [২৪তম বিবিএি]
K. Show surprise or disapproval L. show agreement
M. show happiness N. show indifference DËi: K
91. What is the meaning of ‘Soft Soap’? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Flatter for self motives (খ) To speak ill of others
(গ) To speak high of others (ঘ) To recognize other’s good deeds উত্তর : ক
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Take into account ভিতিচন্া করা Consider
Take place ঘটা to happen
Take/feel the pulse Kv‡iv bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv
Take leave of (sb) we`vq †bIqv To say goodbye
Teeth of opposition িাধার মু তখ In the face of
The birds and the bees মান্ি প্রজন্তন্র দমৌভলক The basic facts about sex
Three score ষাট Three times twenty
To bell the cat আসল কাজ করা to perform a very dangerous task
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 92 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
To blaze trail ন্তুন্ ভকছু করা To initiate word in a movement
To blow hot and cold একিার যরম একিার ঠাণ্ডা To be inconsistent
To bring to book সামতন্ আসা To compel to give an account
To call a spade a spade দসাজাসু ভজ কো িলা To speak bluntly
To get along with gvwb‡q †bIqv To adjust
To breathe one’s last/ To kick the bucket মারা য্াওয়া Die
To cry wolf e„_v Kvbœv Kiv ev wg_¨v wec` ms‡KZ †`qv To give a false alarm
To raise one’s brows অিাক হওয়া Surprise [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 15]
To read between the lines অেভ িু তে পিা to grasp the hidden meaning [17Zg I 30Zg wewmGm]
Toil and moil কতঠার পভরেম Hard labour/ work
Tooth for tooth অন্ূাতয়র প্রভততশাধ Take revenge
Tough cookie যম্ভীর প্রকৃভতর a tough person
Turn a deaf ear িভধর/কণভপাত ন্া করা Disregard
Turn over a new leaf ন্তুন্ জীিন্ আরম্ভ Change for the better
Tooth and nail m¤ú~Y©fv‡e/`„pfv‡e Completely/strongly
To lighten the atmosphere KwVb gyn~‡Z© ¯^vfvweK _vKv To ease a tense situation
To cut the crack K_v _vwg‡q KvR Kiv To stop talking and start
To break the ice wbieZv †f‡½ K_v ejv To start a conversation
cÖkœ mgvavb
91. ÔTo get along withÕ means – [28Zg I 44Zg wewmGm]
(K) to adjust (L) to interest (M) to accompany (N) to walk DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: ÔTo get along withÕ idom wUi A_© gvwb‡q †bIqv, to adjust.
92. Which one is a correct sentence? [41Zg wewmGm]
K. The doctor found my sentence? L. The doctor took my pulse.
M. The doctor examined my pulse. N. The doctor saw my pulse. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Take/feel the pulse GKwU Idiom hvi A_© Kv‡iv bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Kiv| The doctor took my
pulse A_© Wv³vi Avgvi bvwoi ¯ú›`b Abyfe Ki‡jb|
93. ‘Through thick and thin’ means– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) under all conditions (খ) to make thick and thin
(গ) not clear in understanding (ঘ) of great density উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : ‘Through thick and thin’-এর অথভ ‘In spite of all the difficulties’ িা যা বকেু ই ঘটুক িা সকি| এখাকি
উত্তর হকি ‘Under all conditions’ িা সয সকাি অিস্থার মকধয|
94. ‘Three score’ is- (১৫তম বিবিএি)
K. Thirty times twenty L. three hundred times
M. three times twenty N. more than three DËi: M
95. ‘Take into account’ means- [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
K. count numbers L. consider M. assess N. Think seriously DËi: L
96. ‘To end in smoke’ means- [৩১তম ও ৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. To create fire L. To go through suffering
M. To come to nothing N. To see five DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 93 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
in smoke অথভ ব্যর্ণতায় পর্ণব্রসত হওয়া (Come to nothing)।
ব্যাখ্যা : End
97. To raise one’s brows indicates– [২৪তম বিবিএি ও ৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) annoyance (খ) disapproval (গ) indifference (ঘ) surprise উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : To ‘raise ones brows’ indicates– both disapproval and surprise.
98. ‘To put the cart before the horse’ means- [৩০তম বিবিএি]
K. to offer a person what he cannot eat L. to force a person to do something
M. to raise obstinate N. to reverse the natural order of thing DËi: N
িযাখযা : Put the cart before the horse অথভ সকাকিা বজবিকির স্বার্াবিক ক্রমকক পাকে সদয়া (Reverse the natural
order of things)|
99. Choose the one which best expresses its meaning: To read between the lines– [১৭তম ও ৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to concentrate (খ) to suspect
(গ) to read carefully (ঘ) to grasp the hidden meaning উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : To read between the lines ➨ অিযক্ত অথভ আবিষ্কার/উপ বি করা (To grasp the hidden meaning).
100. ‘To keep one’s head’ means- [৩০তম বিবিএি]
K. to save oneself L. to be self respectful
M. to keep calm N. none of these DËi: M
িযাখযা : Keep one’s head অথভ মাথা ঠাণ্ডা রাখা (Keep calm).
101. ‘Take the bull by the horns’ means- [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
K. To challenge the enemy with courage L. Force the enemy to submit
M. Surrender before the enemy N. Out of one’s wit DËi: K
িযাখযা : Take the bull by the horns অথভ িাহকির িাকথ র্ক্রর/বিপকদর সমাকাবি া করা (To challenge the enemy with
102. ‘To do away with’ means- [৩৬তম ও ৩৭তম বিবিএি]
K. To repeat L. To start M. To get rid of To drive off DËi: M
িযাখযা : To do away with অথভ সকাকিা বকেু িন্ধ করা, তযাগ করা, র্ধ্ংি করা| To repeat অথভ পু িরািৃ বত্ত করা| To start অথভ শুরু
করা| To get rid of অথভ মু ক্ত করা িা হওয়া; তযাগ করা; র্ধ্ংি করা এিং To drive off অথভ তাবেকয় সদওয়া, শুরু করা (গ ি সখ া)|
িু তরাং ‘To do away with’-এর অথভ হকে ‘To get rid of’|
110. ‘To get along with’ means- [২৮তম বিবিএি]
K. To adjust L. To accompany M. To interest N. To walk DËi: K
111. ‘Through thick and thin’ means— [২৭তম বিবিএি]
K. under all conditions L. to make thick and thin
M. not clear understanding N. of great density DËi: K
112. ‘To meet trouble half way’ means— (14Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Avjdv): 14]
K. To be puzzled L. To get nervous
M. To be disappointed N. To bear up DËi: L
113. The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern technology. (১৪তম
K. created a new history L. began a new civilization
M. opened a new chapter N. created a sensation DËi: M
103. ÔTo flog a dead horse’ means−
K. To fight for a lost cause L. To take interest in an obsolete subject
M. To act in a foolish way N. To treat an incurable patient. DËi: L
104. ÔThe birds and the bees Õ means- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 94 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
K. The basic facts about sex L. The bird's eye view
M. The birds and bees are good workers. N. The relation between the birds and bees DËi: K
105. ‘The pros and cons’ – phrase wUi A_© n‡jv- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. Foul and fair L. Good and evil
M. Before and after N. For or against a thing DËi: L
106. To cry wolf means−
K. To listen eagerly L. To give false alarm
M. To be frightened N. To keep off starvation DËi: L
107. ÔThe shoulder died in harness’ means−
K. He died in business L. He died in peace
M. He died in honor N. He died in dishonor DËi: K
108. What is the meaning of the Idiom ÔTake to one’s heels’.
K.To stand on one’s own feet L. To wear expensive shoe
M. To escape N. To reach DËi: M
109. To take a leap in the mark.
K. To take risk L. To hazard oneself DËi: N
M. To do a task secretly N. To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result.
110. ÔTo keep the wolf away from the door.’ Means- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivBb) : 16]
K. To keep away from extreme poverty
L. To keep off an unwanted and undesirable person M. To keep arrive
N. To keep the difficulties and dangers in check DËi: K
114. ÔThrow cold water on’ means—
K. Damp the spirits L. Throwing of cold water
M. Ice water N. None DËi: K
115. ÔTo push somebody to the wall’ Gi A_©— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv): 13]
K. To defeat him L. To heckle him
M. To humiliate him N. To knock him DËi: K
116. To catch of guard means− (Dc‡Rjv cjøx Dbœqb Kg©KZ©v – 15)
K. To neglect duty L. To substitute a guard
M. To get someone when he/she is careless N. To be on guard DËi: M
117. “To have full hands” –Phrase-wUi A_© wK? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
K. To be rich L. To be fully occupied
M. To lead an easy life N. To be in lot of troubles DËi: L
118. ÔTo see eye to eye with’ idiom wUi mwVK A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÙv): 12]
K. To agree L. To stare fixedly M. To be angry N. To take revenge DËi: K
119. ÔTo see red’ phrase wUi A_©— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZ¯Ív): 10]
K. To be very angry L. To see the colour red
M. To find fault with N. To criticize others DËi: K
120. ÔHe was taken to task’Gi evsjv n‡jv— [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. Zv‡K KvR †`Iqv n‡qwQj L. Zv‡K Kv‡Ri Rb¨ ejv n‡qwQj
M. †m KvR wb‡qwQj N. Zv‡K wZi¯‹vi Kiv n‡qwQj DËi: N
121. Take one to task means− 10g cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb− 2014
K. Imitate L. Rebuke M. Resume N. Restrain DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 95 # Bs‡iwR fvlv # Bs‡iwR 152wU ¸iæZ¡cyY© Rule
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Idioms & Phrases evsjv A_© Meaning in English
Value judgment িেবির্ত বিদ্ধান্ত Judgement on personal views
Various from পার্কথে Difference from
Vice versa বিপরীত The terms being exchanged
A Verbose speech evMvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv A speech full of too many words
Vote rigging মিাট জাবলয়াবত Making vote forgery
Wild goose chase পিশ্রম Useless pursuit
With a heavy heart বিষণ্র্ Feeling sad
With flying colours বিজয়ী িওয়া Victoriously
Without delay অনবতবিলরে Quickly, as soon as possible
Yellow dog িীন িেবি Mean person
yeoman’s service বনিঃস্বার্থ কাজ efficient or useful help in need
cÖkœ mgvavb
122. A speech full of too many words is- [১৪তম, 38Zg I 43Zg wewmGm]
(K) a big speech (L) maiden speech
(M) a verbose speech (N) an unimportant speech D:M
e¨vL¨v : A verbose speech (evMvo¤^ic~Y© e³…Zv) A speech full of too many words.
Maiden speech (cÖ_g e³…Zv) The first speech.
123. What is the meaning of ÔWhite Elephant?’ [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019; 10g I 26Zg wewmGm] .
K. A very costly or troublesome possession L. An elephant of white colour
M. A hoarder N. A black marketer DËi: K
124. ÔWear & tear’ means−
K. Clothing L. Disbursement M. Depreciation N. Accumulation DËi: M
125. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (weUv): 14; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kxZjÿ¨v): 13]
K. He copied the answer word by word L. He copied the answer word with word
M. He copied the answer word for word N. He copied the answer word in word DËi : M
126. ‘With open arms’ Gi A_© n‡”Q- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010]
K. Warmly L. With beautiful arm M. With long arm N. With strong arm DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: ‘With open arms’ phrase wUi A_© ‘to accept/greet with, greet willingness and without any
hesitation. A_©vr to greet some-one warmly.
as…..as, as soon as, as/so long as, if, as if, after, before, because, though, although, as though,
even though, even if, lest, since, that, so…...that, so that, in order that, provided that, on condition
that, than, till, until, unless, no sooner…...than, hardly, scarcely, barely, who, which, what,
whatever, how, why, when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, whether, while.
Classification of Sub-ordinate Clause
Noun clause Adjective clause Adverbial clause
Noun Clause
‡h Sub-ordinate/ Dependent Clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Noun Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Noun
Clause e‡j| Giv mvaviYZ that, where, who, whom Øviv ïiæ nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l when, where, whose,
why w`‡qI ïiæ n‡Z cv‡i|
kU©KvU wUcm : Clause Zz‡j w`‡q it emv‡j hw` A‡_©i mgm¨v bv nq Z‡e Zv n‡e Noun Clause.
Noun Clause ‡Pbvi Dcvqmg~n eY©bv Kiv n‡jv :
1 Subject position G e‡m Subject wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| To ride well requires practices.
2 Object Position G e‡m Object wn‡m‡e Transitive Verb Gi Object wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| I know that
he is honest. He asked whether I would help him.
g‡b ivLyb− Know, ask, enquire, discuss BZ¨vw` Transitive Verb Gi c‡i Noun Clause e‡m| Z‡e
†m‡ÿ‡Î Clause wU that Øviv ïiæ bv n‡q whether, why, where, how Ges if Øviv ïiæ n‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #97 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
3 Preposition Gi ci Object Position G e‡m Preposition Gi Object wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| You
cannot depend on what he promises.
4 Linking verb Gi ci Subject Gi Complement wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| This is what you want.
g‡b ivLyb− Be verb, seem, feel, look, become n‡”Q linking verb.
Dc‡ii D`viniY¸‡jvi Underlined Kiv Ask Zz‡j w`‡q It emv‡jI A‡_©i mgm¨v n‡e bv| A_©vr ¯^vaxbfv‡e A_© cÖ`vb
K‡i Zvn‡j eyS‡Z n‡e Clause wU n‡e Noun Clause.
o It requires practices (To ride well requires practices)
o I know it (I know that he is honest) Bb‡mckb
o He asked it (He asked whether I would help him)
Adjective Clause
Rule : 57
‡h Sub-ordinate clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Adjective Clause
e‡j| mvaviYZ Relative Pronoun (that, who, which, when, where, whom, whose, why) w`‡q ïiæ n‡q
c~e©eZ©x Noun/Pronoun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgb−
01. This is the book I lost. Here ÔI lost’ is− [37Zg wewmGm]
K. A noun clause L. An adverbial clause
M. An adjective clause N. None of the three Ans−M
I know the man who came here. The food which she cooked was very delicious.
The dog that bites does not bark. She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
I know the man who loves me
antecedent adjective clause
The man who works hard Succed finally
antecedent adjective clause
Adverbial Clause
Rule : 58
‡h Sub-ordinate/Dependent Clause ¸‡jv Complex Sentence G Adverb Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Adverbial
Clause e‡j| †hgb−
o You may go when you desire.
o Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Underlined AskUzKz nvZ w`‡q †X‡K aiæb| Gici evK¨wU co–b| †X‡K ivLvi c‡iI hw` Aewkó evK¨UzKz
cwic~Y© A_© †`q ev m¤ú~Y© g‡bi fve cÖKvk K‡i, Zvn‡j Underlined Clause wU‡K ejv nq Adverbial
Clause. ‡hgb− Dc‡ii cÖ_g evK¨wU‡Z When you desire.
kU©KvU hw` Underlined AskUzKz †X‡K †i‡L cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk bv cvq, Zvn‡j Underlined Clause wUi c~‡e©I
wUcm kã/k㸔Q‡K jÿ¨ Ki‡eb| †hgb− Dc‡ii 2q ev‡K¨ Where angels fear to tread ‡X‡K ai‡j evK¨wU
cwic~Y© A_© cÖKvk K‡i bv| Z‡e Gi c~‡e©i k㸔Q Rush in− To run or hurry into a thing or a place
(‡Kvb wKQz ev ¯’v‡bi w`‡K `ªæZ AMÖmi nIqv) Verb Gi g‡Zv AvPiY Ki‡Q| ZvB Underlined Clause
(Where angels fear to tread) wU‡K Adverbial Clause ejv nq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #98 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
`yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Principal Clause hLb Co-ordinating conjunction Øviv hy³ n‡q Compound Sentence MVb
K‡i ZLb Zv‡`i‡K Co-ordinate clause e‡j| †hgb−
He goes to school and he reads attentively. (‡m ¯‹z‡j hvq Ges g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ c‡o)|
Principal Clause Principal Clause
His father is honest but he is very dishonest. (Zvui wcZv mr wKš‘ †m LyeB Amr)|
Principal Clause Principal Clause
Co-ordinating Conjunction
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, otherwise, yet, so), else, whereas, either….or, neither….nor,
not only….but also, both….and.
Tense = Kvj
wµqv m¤úbœ nIqvi mgq‡K e‡j Tense ev Kvj|
Present Tense
Subject 3rd Person singular number n‡j Present Indefinite Tense Gi †ÿ‡Î verb Gi mv‡_ s/es ‡hvM nq|
Rule : 59
Ͽ Present Continuous Tense
Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ now, still, at present, at this moment, at this time BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Present Continuous
Tense nq| Sentence G now _vKvq mn‡RB eySv hv‡”Q c‡ii evK¨wU present continuous tense n‡e| ‡h wµqvi
KvR eZ©gv‡b Pj‡Q wKš‘ †kl nqwb, GgbwU eySv‡j Verb Gi present continuous tense nq| ‡hgb- gyljav‡i e„wó
n‡”Q (It is raining cats and dogs)|
01. Just now he _______ his dinner but he says he will see you when he's finished. [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Is having (খ) had (গ) was having (ঘ) has had উত্তর : ঘ
Rule : 60
Ͽ Present Perfect Tense
eZ©gvb Kv‡j †Kvb wµqvi KvR GBgvÎ †kl n‡q‡Q wKš‘ Zvi djvdj GLbI we`¨gvb Giƒc †ÿ‡Î verb Gi Present
Perfect Tense nq| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ already, ever, just, just now, never, lately, recently, yet BZ¨vw` _vK‡j
mvaviYZ Present Perfect Tense nq|
02. She has _____ her hair a beautiful shade of brown. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) colored (খ) given (গ) dried (ঘ) dyed উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : She has dyed (রঙ ককরকে) her hair a beautiful shade of brown.
03. “We (not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year.”– Which of the following verb
forms best completes the above sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) did not have (খ) had not had
(গ) are not having (ঘ) have not had উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : since/for + time থাকক িাকযটিকত Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়।
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #100 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 60
Ͽ Present Perfect Continuous Tense
‡Kvb KvR Awbw`©ó AZxZKv‡j ïiæ n‡q eZ©gvb Kv‡jI Pj‡Q eySv‡j verb Gi Present Perfect Continuous Tense
nq| MVb cÖYvjx : Subject + have/has + been + v-ing + for/since + ………| MVb Abymv‡i cÖ`Ë
Ackbmg~‡ni g‡a¨ ï× DËi- Ackb L|
04. I have been living in Dhaka ____ 2000. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since (খ) from (গ) after (ঘ) till উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‡Kvb wbw`©ó mgq a‡i Pjgvb †Kvb Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Present perfect continuous tense G since e¨eüZ
05. He has been ill ________ Friday last. [১১তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) from (খ) on (গ) in (ঘ) since উত্তর : ঘ
06. Julia has been ill ____ three months. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) since (খ) about (গ) in (ঘ) for উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Preposition ‘for’ িাধারণত word িা phrases-এর পূ কিভ ‘period of time’ সিাঝাকত িযিহার হকয় থাকক।
অিযবদকক ‘since’ prepositionটি ‘Point of time’ বিকদভ র্ ককর এমি word িা phrases-এর পূ কিভ িকি। সযমি: since
Monday. এটি িাধারণত present perfect tense- এর সেকে িযিহার হয়। তকি past perfect tense-এর সেকেও এটি
িযিহৃত হয়।
Past Tense
Rule : 61
Ͽ Past Indefinite Tense
‡Kvb KvR AZxZKv‡j msNwUZ ev m¤úbœ n‡qwQj, Giƒc †evSv‡j verb Gi Past Indefinite Tense nq| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨
ago, as if, back, before, it is time, last, long ago, past, yesterday BZ¨vw` _vK‡j mvaviYZ Past Indefinite
Tense nq|
07. Identify the correct sentence? [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Yesterday, he has gone home. (খ) Yesterday, he did gone home.
(গ) Yesterday, he had gone home. (ঘ) Yesterday, he went home. উত্তর : ঘ
Rule : 62
Ͽ Past Continuous Tense
AZx‡Z †Kvb KvR PjwQj, wKš‘ †kl nqwb, Giƒc eySv‡Z verb Gi Past Continuous Tense e¨eüZ nq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #101 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
08. As the sun _____ , I decided to go out. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) has shone (খ) shine (গ) shines (ঘ) was shining উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : িাধারণ বিয়মািু যায়ী Principal Clause যবদ Past Tense -এ থাকক তাহক Subordinate Clause অির্যই
Past Tense হকি।
09. “Neela ______ her hand when she was cooking dinner.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is burring (খ) burnt (গ) will burn (ঘ) was burning উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Sequence of tense (Principal Clause -এর verb -এর tense অিু যায়ী subordinate clause -এর
verb -এর বিয়ম বিধভাবরত হওয়ায় বিয়মই হক া sequence of tense)-এর বিয়মািু িাকর (বকেু িযবতক্রম োো) principal
clause -এর verb যবদ past tense হয় তকি subordinate clause-এর verb ও past tense হকি| উবিবখত
sentence টির subordinate clauses past tense এ রকয়কে| িু তরাং principal clause টিও past tense হকি|
02. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
As they waited, Rahim argued against war ___________________. [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) while his brother discusses the effects of pollution
(খ) while his brother discussed the effects of pollution
(গ) while his brother was discussing the effects of pollution
(ঘ) while his brother had discussed the effects of pollution উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা: While দ্বারা সকাকিা Sentence িা Clause শুরু হক While এর পকরই subject থাকক Verb এর Past
Continuous হয়|
10. Choose the correct sentence. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) I have looked for a good doctor before I met you Bb‡mckb
(খ) I had looked for a good doctor before I met you.
(গ) I looked for a good doctor before I had met you.
(ঘ) I am looking for a good doctor before meeting you. উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : িাধারণত past perfect tense -এ দটি clause থাকক। এ দটি clause ‘before িা after’ দ্বারা যু ক্ত থাকক।
clause দটি before দ্বারা যু ক্ত হক , before এর পূ কিভর clause টি past perfect tense হয় এিং পকরর clause টি হয়
past indefinite tense.
Future Tense
13. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 06] Bb‡mckb
K. We shall reach the station before the train leaves the station
L. We will have reached the station before the train leaves.
M. We reach the station before the train leaves
N. We shall have reached the station before the train leaves the station DËi: N
01. Teacher said, ‘The earth ____ round the sun.’ [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) moves (খ) moved (গ) has moved (ঘ) will be moving DËi: K
িযাখযা : Universal truth িা বিরন্তি িতয িিভদা Present Indefinite Tense দ্বারা প্রকার্ করা হয়| একেকে third
person singular number হয়, তখি verb এর সর্কষ s িা es যু ক্ত হয়|
02. Telling lies ____ a great sin. [8g we‡RGm (mnKvix RR)−13]
K. am L. is M. are N. were DËi: L
Rule-64 Since Øviv hy³ `ywU evK¨vs‡ki †ÿ‡Î Principal Subordinate Clause wU
Clause Present Indefinite/Perfect Tense nq Past Indefinite Tense
03. They suffered much ____ tornado had hit their village. (31Zg wewmGm)
K. until L. since M. let alone N. as if DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Past Indefinite Tense (Sub + V2 + Extension) + Since (Zvici †_‡K/ZLb †_‡K) + Past
Perfect Tense.
04. Much water has followed through the Ganges _____ I left you.
(a) Until (b) since (c) let alone (d) as if Ans- b
e¨vL¨v : Present Perfect Tense (Sub + have/has + V3 + Extension) + Since (ZLb †_‡K/Zvici †_‡K)
+ Past Indefinite Tense.
05. Choose the right form of verb: It is high time we (act) on the matter. [43Zg wewmGm]
(K) are acting (L) acted (M) have acted (N) could act D:L
06. “It’s time (you realize) your mistakes.”– Which of the following clause best fits in the above
sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) you realized (খ) you would realize
(গ) that you realize (ঘ) you have realized উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : It’s time, It is ligh time ইতযাবদ Sentence এর শুরুকত থাকক Principle verb past form এ হয়।
07. ÔIt is high time you _______ up smoking.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Mvgv): 14]
K. give L. gave M. have given N. will give DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #104 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
08. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by selecting the most appropriate alternative
from among the four choices given. Rishan walks as if he _____ lame. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is (খ) had been (গ) has (ঘ) were উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : As if িা though এর পকরর clauseটি িিভদা past tense এ হয়, as if এর পূ কিভ present indefinite tense
থাকক past indefinite িিকি এিং িিভদাই এর plural form-এ িিকি|
09. He speaks _____ he knew everything. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 15; 13Zg wkÿK wbeÜb: 16]
(a) as if (b) because (c) that (d) so that Ans− a
10. Correct the following sentence. ÔHe talks as if he (to be mad)’. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wgwmwmwc): 13]
K. He talks as if he were a mad L. He talks as if he to he mad
M. He talks as if he is mad N. He talks as if he be mad DËi: K
Rule-67 Unreal (Aev¯Íe) wPšÍv n‡j Be verb wn‡m‡e Were e‡m
11. Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ________ take the money. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) shall (খ) will (গ) would (ঘ) may উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Second Conditional এ if clause এরপর past simple tense িযিহার করা হক এিং তারপর main clause
-এ ‘would/could/should/mighট ইতযাবদ িযিহৃত হয়।
12. Fill in the blank with right form of verb. If I _____ a king! [34Zg wewmGm]
K. am L. were M. was N. shall be DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : If I were a king (Avwg hw` GKRb ivRv nZvg!) GwU GKwU Aev¯Íe (Unreal) wPšÍv|
13. ÔAvgvi hw` cvwLi g‡Zv Wvbv _vK‡Zv|Õ evK¨wUi mwVK Bs‡iwR Abyev` Ki- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2000]
K. Had I the wings of bird L. If I would have the wings of a bird
M. I wish that I would have the wings of a bird N. If I could fly like a bird DËi:K
e¨vL¨v : Aev¯Íe wPšÍv ev Aev¯Íe AvKv•ÿv cÖKvk Ki‡Z wb‡¤œv³ Structure ¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq|
➢ I wish I were…… [I wish I were you]
➢ Had + sub + …… [Had I the wings of bird]
Insist on, refrain/forbid/prohibit/abstain/
Rule-68 Gi ci v-ing e‡m|
prevent + from cÖf…wZ Appropriate
14. Choose the correct sentence. [38Zg wewmGm]
K. He refrained to take any drastic action L. He refrained on taking any drastic action
M. He refrained in taking any drastic action N. He refrained from taking any drastic action D: N
e¨vL¨v : Insist Gi ci on Ges refrain/ forbid/ prohibit/abstain/ prevent Gi ci me©`v from e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #105 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
15. Choose the correct sentence. [35Zg wewmGm]
K. He insisted on seeing her L. He insisted in seeing her
M. He insisted for seeing her N. He insisted at seeing her DËi: K
16. Which of the following sentence is correct? [1৬তম ও ১৭Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (iwekvj
wefvM) : 07]
K. I forbade him to go L. I forbade him going
M. I forbade him not to go N. I forbade him from going DËi: N
Admit, avoid, enjoy, deny, fancy, feel,
Rule-69 Gi ci verb Avm‡j v-ing
mind, finish, like, practice, prefer, see,
stop, cannot help, could not help e‡m|
37. He watched the boat ________ down the river. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to float (খ) floating (গ) was floating (ঘ) had floated উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : সকাকিা simple sentence এ দটি main verb িযিহার করা যায় িা। তাই একটি verb– এর িাকথ ing সযাগ করকত
হয় অথিা verb টি পূ কিভ to িিাকত হয়। উকের্য সিাঝাকত verb টির পূ কিভ to িিাকত হয়। অথভাৎ infinitive িযিহার করা হয়।
উপকরাক্ত sentence– এ সকাকিা উকের্য সিাঝায় িা। সর্কি থাককত সদকখকে। সযকহতু এখাকি সকাকিা একটি কাজ ঘটকত থাককে
তাই ing সযাগ হকি। to float র্ু এিং floating ঠিক।
Infinitive VS. Gerund
Infinitive (To + verb) Gerund (V + ing)
িাকযটি Purpose, order, request, advice, suggestion িাকযটি Cause, habit, activity সিাঝাক
সিাঝাক Infinitive হকি। Gerund হকি।
38. I heard the baby _______ for his/its food. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 93]
K. cry L. crying M. cried N. is crying DËi: L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #106 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Astonish, believe, belong, consist, cost, Continuous tense Gi cwie‡Z©
Rule-71 doubt, fear, feel, forget, hate, hope, Indefinite tense nq Ges
know, like, love, mind, please, process,
Perfect continuous tense Gi
prefer, smell, sound, surface, wish Gi
cwie‡Z© Perfect tense nq|
ci Continuous Tense nq bv|
Rule-74 Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_© ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub
Lest e¨eüZ nq| extension. + should/might + verb +
40. Run fast, ____ you should miss the train. [26Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Mvgv) : 14]
(a) if (b) lest (c) because (d) nor Ans− b
e¨vL¨v : Lest – Ôcv‡Q wKQz N‡U GB f‡qÕ A‡_© Lest e¨eüZ nq| ev‡K¨i MVb : ______ + lest + Sub +
should/might + verb + extension. ‡hgb− Hurry up lest you might be late for examination.
41. The old man walks slowly lest______ [11Zg wkÿK weÜb (¯‹zj ch©vq) : 14]
K. he fails L. he may fail M. he fell down N. he should fail DËi : N
42. The teacher failed to make the students _____ to him. -k~b¨¯’v‡b †KvbwU em‡e?
K. to listen L. listening M. listen N. listened DËi : M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #108 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
No sooner had ... than, scarcely ➢ Past perfect Tense (1st Clause)
…when, Hardly …. when BZ¨vw` ➢ Past Indefinite Tense (2nd Clause)
Øviv `y‡Uv Clause hy³ n‡j
43. Hardly had we taken shelter under a big tree, __________. [12Zg ¯‹zj wkÿK wbeÜb (2)-15]
K. then the storm started L. when the storm starts
M. then the storm starts N. when the storm started DËi : N
44. Scarcely had he came ______ it started? ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 08]
K. then L. at once M. when N. after that DËi : M
fwel¨ZKv‡ji `ywU KvR before Øviv hy³ A‡cÿvK…Z c‡i †h KvRwU n‡e Zv-
n‡j, A‡cÿvK…Z Av‡M †h KvR msMwVZ n‡e- ➢ Present Indefinite Tense n‡e|
Zv Future Perfect/Indefinite Tense
50. We shall return before the sun________. (m~h© †Wvevi c~‡e©B Avgiv wd‡i Avme) [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK: 05]
K. sets L. will set M. is setting N. set DËi : N
51. The train ______ before we reach the station.
K. will be left L. has left M. will have left N. had left DËi : M
Subject−Verb Agreement
Rule: 78
Subject−Verb Agreement n‡jv Number & Person Gi Dci wbf©i K‡i Verb Gi mwVK Form
(Present/Past/Past Participle) Gi cÖ‡qvM| †hgb− I am a doctor, You are a teacher, He reads a book
01. ÔSubject−Verb Agreement’ refers to− [33Zg wewmGm]
K. Person only L. Number, person and gender
M. number and person N. number only DËi : M
িযাখযা : Subject-Verb Agreement হকে subject এর number ও person অিু যায়ী verb এর পবরর্বতভ ি| সযমি:
Subject 3rd person singular number হক Present Indefinite Tense এ Verb এর িাকথ s/es যু ক্ত হয়|
wKQz noun AvKv‡i Plural n‡jI A‡_©i w`K †_‡K Singular nIqvq Singular verb ‡bq| †hgb-
Cultural studies, civics, ethics, billiards, news, athletics, bowls, gymnastics, innings,
darts, dominoes, draughts, measles, mumps, shingles, gallows
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #110 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule-80 The hy³ ev‡K¨ GKB e¨w³ `ywU Avjv`v c`exi AwaKvix n‡j Singular verb
`yBRb Avjv`v e¨w³ And Øviv hy³ n‡j Plural verb nq|
05. The chairman and secretary _______ present at the last meeting. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 18]
K. were L. is M. have N. was DËi : N
06. The Headmaster and the Principal _______ present in the last meeting. [16Zg wkÿK wbeÜb : 19]
K. was L. were M. Had been N. have been DËi: L
Rule-81 And Øviv `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Subject hy³ n‡j Verb wU Plural nq
wKš‘ ev‡K¨ No/not _vK‡j verb wU Av‡Mi Subject Abymv‡i nq|
07. ‘He and I ---- well’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. are L. is M. was N. am DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: `ywU wfbœiKg pronoun ‘and’ Øviv hy³ nIqvq Gi c‡ii verb wU plural nq|
08. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. You, he and I am present. L. He, you and I am present.
M. I, you and he are present. N. You, he and I are present. DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ †`vl bv eySv‡j cÖ_‡g 2nd person, 3rd person, 1st person e‡m| mnRfv‡e g‡b ivLv hvq- 231
(2nd, 3rd, 1st person)| wZbwU wfbœ iKg pronoun ‘and’ Øviv hy³ nIqvq Gi c‡ii verb wU plural nq|
Rule-82 e¨w³, eB, g¨vMvwRb, msev`cÎ, gywf, bvUK, cÖwZôvb, bvUK BZ¨vw` Gi ci
Verb wU Singular nq, GgbwK Subject ‡`L‡Z Plural n‡jI|
09. ÔThe Arabian Nights’ (be) my favourite book. [26Zg wewmGm, 7g cÖfvlK wbeÜb−11]
K. is L. were M. are N. has DËi: K
AviI wKQz D`vniY-
➢ e¨w³— Charles Dickens, John Keats
➢ eB— The Arabian Nights, Great Expectations, Physics
➢ ‡`k— The United States of America, United Arab Emirates
11. Everything including the books ________ bought. [Avbmvi I wfwWwc Awa`߇ii mv‡K©j A¨vWRy‡U›U−10]
K. were L. was M. have N. had DËi: L
12. Karim as well as Nayeem – praise evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv. we`¨v. mnKvix wkÿK (UMi) : 11;
cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv I PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. are deserving L. deserve M. deserves N. is deserving DËi: M
13. Choose the correct sentence.
K. You as well as I were there L. You as well as I was there
M. You as well as I have there N. You as well as I have there DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : as well as, with, along with, together with, accompanied by, in addition to w`‡q `yBwU
Subject hy³ n‡j cÖ_g Subject Abymv‡i Verb e‡m|
14. Neither Rimi nor Simi_____ qualified for the job. [29Zg wewmGm]
K. is L. were M. had N. are DËi: K
15. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Honour and glory are his reward L. Either you or he is to blame DËi: L
M. This is the same book which he lost N. He has written no less than four letters
Rule-86 Mathematical Calculations hw` GKwU Ges Zv hw` Word G cÖKvk Kiv nq
djvdj cÖ`k©b K‡i Zvn‡j Verb Singular nq|
19. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. Fifty miles are a long distance L. Fifty miles were a long distance
M. Fifty miles has a long distance N. Fifty miles is a long distance DËi: N
20. Fifty kgs_____ really a heavy weight to carry. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. are L. was M. is N. were DËi: M
21. The only error in the sentence “One of the recommendation made by the committee was
accepted by the authorities” is– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) recommendation (খ) was (গ) accepted by (ঘ) committee উত্তর: ক
22. Which one is correct? [16Zg wewmGm I cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. One of my friends is a lawyer L. One of my friend are a lawyer
M. One of my friends are a lawyer N. One of my friend is a lawyer DËi: K
23. At least one of the students __ full marks every time. [24Zg wewmGm]
K. gets L. get M. are getting N. have got DËi: K
24. Choose the correct sentence. [10Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. A few of the three boys got a prize L. Each of the three boy got a prize
M. Every of the three boys got a prize N. Each of the three boys got a prize DËi: N
Rule-89 The number of + Plural noun + A number of + Plural noun +
Singular verb Plural Verb
25. Choose the appropriate option to complete the sentence. Today ............people who enjoy
cricket is bigger than that of thirty years ago. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. a great deal of L. many M. the number of N. A number of DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : evK¨wU‡Z wb‡¤œv³ MVb †`Lv hvq-
Today + the number of + Plural noun (people who enjoy cricket) + Singular verb (is)
AviI wKQz D`vniY jÿ¨ Kiæb-
A number of teachers were present in the meeting.
Plural noun Plural verb
The number of students was present in the class.
Plural noun Singular verb
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #113 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule-90 Many a + Plural Noun + Singular A number of + Plural noun +
verb Plural Verb
26. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. Either he or me is mistaken. L. Many a man has done so.
M. Everyone of the girls love to dance N. He gave me an advices. DËi: L
Cattle, aristocracy, clergy, folk, gentry,
Rule-91 nobility, police, mob, people, vermin, cÖf…wZ Plural nIqvq Gi ci
poultry Plural verb nq
27. Fill in the gap with the correct form of verb: The police ___ informed yesterday. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) is (খ) are (গ) was (ঘ) were উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Sentence টি passive form এ আকে| এই িাককযর subject, The police হক া plural. এ কারকণ এরপর
plural verb (were) হকি|
28. Choose the correct sentence. [১২তম বিবিএি] Bb‡mckb
(ক) The matter was informed to the police.
(খ) The matter has been informed of the police.
(গ) The police was informed of the matter.
(ঘ) The police were informed of the matter. উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Inform এর পকর of + িস্তু/ঘটিা িকি থাকক| তাোো, police র্ব্দটি collective noun (িমবিিািক
িামপদ) িক singular verb (was) গ্রহণ ককর|
29. Find out the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
K. Over abillion people uses Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
L. Over a billion people use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
M. Over a billion peoples use Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
N. Over a billion people using Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. DËi : L
30. The mob_____ dispersed. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (W¨v‡dvwWj): 12]
K. is L. are M. have N. has DËi : L
Rule-92 Relative Pronoun (who, which, that) Gi
Abymv‡i verb nq
Antecedent (c~e©eZ©x noun/pronoun)
31. Which of the following sentence is correct? [16Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. That shirt which he has bought is blue in color. L. The shirt that which he bought is blue in color.
M. which shirt he bought is blue in color. N. The shirt which he bought is blue in color. DËi : N
32. Choose the correct sentence. [26Zg wewmGm]
K. The man was tall who stole my bag L. The man stole my bag who was tall
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #114 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
M. The man who stole my bag was tall N. The man stolen my bag who was tall DËi : M
33. Choose the correct sentence. [10Zg wewmGm]
K. The man that said that was a fool L. The man who said that was a fool
M. The man that said who was a fool N. The man which said that was a fool DËi : L
Rule-93 Gi ci Plural verb nq
The + adjective = Common noun
36. ‡Kvb ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (gyw³‡hv×v/knx` gyw³‡hv×vi mšÍvb) : 2010]
K. There is book and pen on the table L. There are a book and a pen on the table
M. There are a book on the table N. There is a book and a pen on the table DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b, evK¨¸‡jv introductory ‘There’ w`‡q ïiæ nIqvi GB ev‡K¨i verb-Gi number wbf©i Ki‡e
cieZ©x kãØq book I pen-Gi Dci| †h‡nZz GB ev‡K¨i g~j subject book and pen plural, ‡m‡nZz verb n‡e
plural. G‡ÿ‡Î, cÖ_g I PZz_© Ack‡b verb singular nIqvq Zv mwVK bq| Avevi Z…Zxq Ack‡b verb plural
n‡jI subject Av‡Q GKwU Zv n‡jv a book, G Kvi‡Y verb wU singular nIqv DwPZ| wKš‘ wØZxq Ack‡b
subject Ges verb-Gi agreement mwVKfv‡e n‡q‡Q|
37. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010; ‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 2011]
K. There is no room for doubt in it L. There is no misunderstanding in it
M. There is no place for doubt in it N. There is no suspension in it DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b g~jZ evK¨wU Øviv †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q †h- ÔGwUi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bv m‡›`‡ni AeKvk ev ¯’vb †bB| GLv‡b
m‡›`‡ni AeKvk ev ¯’vb †evSv‡Z ‘room for doubt’ k㸔QwU e¨envi Kiv nq| GLv‡b Introductory ÔThere’
Gi e¨enviwU g~j Av‡jvPbvi e¨vcvi bq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #115 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 95
01. Which one is a correct sentence? [২৭তম ও ৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) paper is made of wood (খ) paper is made from wood
(গ) paper is made by wood (ঘ) paper is made on wood উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : যখি সকাকিা উৎপাবদত িস্তুর উপাদাি সিাকখ সদকখ র্িাক্ত করা যায়, তখি সিকেকে ‘made’-এর পর ‘of’ িযিহৃত হয়
যবদ, আর সিাকখ সদকখ তার উপাদাি র্িাক্ত করা িা যায়, তাহক ‘made’-এর পর ‘from’ িযিহৃত হয়|
Rule : 96
02. Slow and steady ____ the race. (Fill in the gap) [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) win (খ) wins (গ) has won (ঘ) won উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : দইটি noun, and দ্বারা যু ক্ত হকয় যবদ একই র্াি িা অথভ প্রকার্ ককর, তকি verbটি singular হয়| এজিয র্ূ িযস্থাকি
‘wins’ হকি|
Rule : 97
03. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence.
[৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The land is belonged to an old lady.
(খ) They parted from one another suddenly.
(গ) The leader expressed himself forcibly.
(ঘ) Mother bought me an ice-cream. উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Passive Voice এ Belong িযিহৃত হয়িা| িাকযটির িঠিক রূপ হকি: The land belongs to an old lady.
Rule : 98
04. One of the four sentences, given below is grammatically wrong. Choose the wrong sentence.
[৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He was always arguing with his brother.
(খ) His failure resulted for lack of attention.
(গ) When will you write to him about your plan?
(ঘ) Who was the boy you were all laughing at. উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : সকাি ঘটিার সপ্রবেকত অিয একটি ঘটিা ঘকটকে সিাঝাকত Result to িযিহৃত হয়|
Incorrect: His failure resulted for lack of attention.
Correct: His failure resulted to lack of attention.
Rule : 99
05. select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive (or Active) voice:
A lion may be helped even by a little mouse. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(K) A little mouse may even help a lion. (L) Even a little mouse may help a lion.
(M) A little mouse can even help a lion.
(N) Even a little mouse ought to help a lion. উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : প্রদত্ত িাকযটি passive voice এ আকে| Passive িাককয may be + V3 থাকক, active িাককয may + V1 িকি|
passive িাককয ‘even’ a little mouse এর পাকর্ িিায় Active িাককযও ‘even’ র্ব্দটি ‘a little mouse’ এর পাকর্
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #116 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 100
06. One of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically wrong. That alternative is
your answer. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Neither you nor I am in a sound position.
(খ) Laziness is detrimental for success.
(গ) He begged the favour of my granting him leave.
(ঘ) Your action is not in conformity with the law. উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Detrimental এরপর preposition ‘to’ হয়| িাকযটির িঠিক রূপ হকি– Laziness is detrimental to
Rule : 101
07. One of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically wrong. That alternative is
your answer. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He has no desire for fame. (খ) I intend going to Rajshahi.
(গ) He is too miserly to part with his money.
(ঘ) He has invited me for dinner. উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Intend এরপর gerund (verb + ing) সদওয়া আকে| অথি intend এরপর infinitive অথভাৎ to + verb এর
base িকি| িাকযটির correct form হকি I intend to go to Rajshahi.
Rule : 102
08. Which of the following sentences is correct? [১৬তম ও ২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Why have you done this? (খ) Why you had done this?
(গ) Why you have done this? (ঘ) Why did you done this? উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Sentence টি প্রশ্নকিাধক িা হক হকতা ‘You have done this’. এিি sentence সক why দ্বারা
interrogative করকত হক বিকির sentence অিু যায়ী করকত হকি| Why + auxiliary verb + subject +
principle verb + objective or others. িু তরাং why have you done this?- sentence টি িঠিক|
Rule : 103
09. Identify the correct sentence. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(K) She had faith in and hopes for the future
(L) She had faith and hopes in future
(M) She had faith and hopes for the future
(N) She had faith and hopes in the future. উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Faith এিং hope এ দটি noun এককে in অথিা for preposition িহ িযিহৃত হক অথভ যথাথভ হয় িা| িরং faith
in অথভ হক া সকাকিা বকেু কত বিশ্বাি রাখা| অিযবদকক hope for এর অথভ হক া- সকাকিা বিষকয় আর্া প্রকার্ করা|
Rule : 104
10. Choose the correct tense. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(K) Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep
(L) Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for a sleep
(M) Javed was so exhausted that he had lain down for a sleep
(N) Javed was so exhausted that he will lay down for a sleep DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #117 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
িযাখযা : উপকরর িাকযগুক াকত দটি ককর past tense এর clause রকয়কে, যা that দ্বারা যু ক্ত হকয়কে| িু তরাং উর্য় clause
একই tense এর হকি| এখাকি অপর্কি ‘lie’ verb এর past participle- lain িযিহার করা হক ও তাকত lain- এর পূ কিভ
যথাযথ have verb (had) িিাকিা হয়বি| laid down িযিহার করা হকয়কে, যার অথভ হক া বডম পাো িা সকাথাও বকেু রাখা
(lay). িু তরাং এর িাকথ sleeping এর সকাকিা িম্পকভ সিই| Tense এর র্ু িযিহার এিং verb এর যথাযথ িযিহার হয়বি|
Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep সযখাকি উর্য় সেকেই যথাযথর্াকি past
tense এিং 'lie' verb এর যথাযথ রূপ িযিহৃত হকয়কে|
Present Past Past Participle
Lay (wKQz ivLv/ wWg cvov/ KvD‡K ï‡q ivLv) Laid Laid
Lie (ï‡q _vKv) Lay Lain
Lie (wg‡_¨ ejv) Lied Lied
Rule : 105
11. Identify the correct sentence. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Rahim ate almost the whole fish. (খ) Rahim almost ate the whole fish.
(গ) Almost Rahim ate whole fish. (ঘ) Rahim ate the whole fish almost. উত্তর : ক
A) Rahim ate almost the whole fish.
িযাখযা : এখাকি almost একটি adverb যা সকাকিা verb, adjective এর পূ কিভ িকি তার সদাষ-গুণ প্রকার্ ককর| এ সপ্রবেকত
Almost Rahim ate whole fish এিং Rahim ate the whole fish almost র্ু | এিার Rahim almost ate
the whole fish. সত almost ate অথভাৎ ‘প্রায় সখ ’একটি র্ু Impression. Rahim ate almost the whole
fish. সত (রবহম প্রায় িম্পূ ণভ মােটি সখ ) এটি যথাথভ অথভকিাধক|
Almost র্ব্দটি Adjective/adverb/number/ all of/all এর পূ কিভ িকি।
Dinner is almost ready(adj).
I almost never (adv) stay out late.
We talked to almost fifty (number) people on Friday.
Almost all of my friends speak Bangla.
Almost all my friends speak Bangla.
Almost all the students forgot to study.
Almost all of the students forgot to study.
Rule : 106
12. Which of the following is a correct sentence? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) He was too clever not to miss the point (খ) He was so clever to miss the point
(গ) He was too clever to miss the point (ঘ) He was too clever to grasp the point উত্তর : গ
Rule : 107
13. Can you tell me where ________? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Mr. Ali lives (খ) Does Mr. Ali live
(গ) Mr. Ali does live (ঘ) Lives Mr. Ali উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : একই িাককয Double interrogative nq bv|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #118 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule : 108
14. How many eggs have your hens _______ this month? Which of the following words best
completes the above sentence? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) lain (খ) laid (গ) lay (ঘ) lied উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা: Have এর পর verb এর past participle হয়। আর সযকহতু কতভ া মু রগী, কাকজই বিষয়টি বডম পাোর িাকথ িম্পৃ ক্ত|
এখি, Lay- বডমপাো, Past – laid, past Participle – laid, Lie – বমথযা ি া, Past – Lied, Past Participle –
Lied| সযকহতু বডম পাো (Lay) এর Past Participle হকি, তাই িঠিক উত্তর Ackb L|
Present Past Past Participle
Lay (wKQz ivLv/ wWg cvov/ KvD‡K ï‡q ivLv) Laid Laid
Lie (ï‡q _vKv) Lay Lain
Lie (wg‡_¨ ejv) Lied Lied
Conditional Sentence
Zero Conditional
First Second Sentence
Conditional Conditional Gi
Third Conditional
3rd conditional :
If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have+ V3 + object.
Conditional Sentence
Rule : 111
01. Complete the sentence: If I were you, I ________ take the money. [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) shall (খ) will (গ) would (ঘ) may উত্তর: গ
Zero conditional : If + Present Indefinite Tense, Present Indefinite Tense
1st conditional :
Conditional If + Present Indefinite Tense, Sub + shall/will/may/can + V1 + object.
Gi 2nd conditional :
Structure If + Past Indefinite Tense, Sub + would/could/might + V1 + object.
3rd conditional :
If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have+ V3 + object.
object. mwVK DËi: This could have worked if I had been more cautious.
04. This could have worked if I _____ been more far-sighted. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) had (খ) might (গ) have (ঘ) would উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: This could have worked if I had been been more far-sighted.
05. What would have happened if _________________? [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) the bridge is broken (খ) the bridge would break
(গ) the bridge had broken (ঘ) the bridge had been broken উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: What would have happened if the bridge had broken.
06. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase. “He _________ arrested if he had tried to leave the
country.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) would (খ) could be (গ) would have been (ঘ) must be উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Conditional Sentence এ if যু ক্ত অংর্ যবদ past perfect tense এ হয়, তাহক অপর অংর্টিকত would
have/could have/might have িিকি|
07. Shaheen would never have taken the job if __________ what great demand it would make on
his time. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) he knew (খ) he had been knowing
(গ) he had known (ঘ) he was knowing উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : 3 Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: Shaheen would never have taken the job if he had known what great demand
it would make on his time.
08. Complete the following sentence.
If I had known you were coming ________________________. [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) I would go to the station. (খ) I had gone to the station.
(গ) I would be going to the station. (ঘ) I would have gone to the station. উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : 3rd Conditional Abymv‡i, If + Past Perfect Tense, Sub + would/could/might + have + V3 +
object. mwVK DËi: If I had known you were coming, I would have gone to the station.
09. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentence. "He _______________ to see us If
he had been able to." [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) would have come (খ) would come
(গ) may have come (ঘ) may come উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : If যু ক্ত clause-টি past perfect tense থাকক অিয clause-এ would/could/might + have + past
participle form হয়|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #121 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
10. Complete the following sentence: ‘Had I known you were waiting outside, I ____ [৩৯তম
(ক) would invite you to cone in (খ) would be inviting you to come in
(গ) would have invited you to come in (ঘ) had invited you to come in উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Had + subject + V3 + object, Subject + would/could/might + have + V3 + object. িঠিক
উত্তর : Had I known you were waiting outside, I would have invited you to come in.
11. If I _______ you, I would never do it. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) :07]
K. was L. were M. had been N. have been DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : 2nd Conditional Gi wbqgvbymv‡i, If + subject + were/had + object, Subject +
would/could/might + V1 + object.
12. “If I were you, I (handle) the situation more carefully.”– Which of the following verb forms
best completes the above sentence? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) handled (খ) would have handled
(গ) will handle (ঘ) would handle উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Conditional sentence- এ If দ্বারা িূ বিত Clause টিকত ‘were’ থাকক অপর Clause টিকত
would/could/might + verb word িযিহার করকত হয়।
13. Choose a suitable word/phrase ro fill in the blanks of the given sentence: After food has been
dried or canned __________ for later consumption. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) it should be stored (খ) that it should be stored
(গ) should be stored (ঘ) which should be stored উত্তর : ক
Rule : 112
14. If a ruby is heated it ________ temporarily loose its color. [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) would (খ) will (গ) does (ঘ) has উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : If + present indefinite + future indefinite.
wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv jÿ¨ Kiæb
The dog is faithful animal. Honesty is the best policy.
Dhaka is on the Buriganga. He speaks English like the English.
He is a European. You are an MBBS.
Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jvi †KvbwU‡Z a, ‡KvbwU‡Z an, ‡KvbwU‡Z the e‡m‡Q| Bs‡iwR ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ GB a, an, the ‡K
e‡j Article. Article ¸‡jv mvaviYZ Noun ‡K modify K‡i| ZvB Parts of Speech Gi we‡ePbvq-
G¸‡jv‡K e‡j Adjective. Bs‡iwR Article `yB cÖKvi| h_v-
o Indefinite Article : a/an Øviv mvaviYZ †Kv‡bv e¨w³/e¯‘/cÖvYx‡K Awbw`©ófv‡e eySvq| †hgb- A
man, a boy, a European, an Oxford student, an egg, an apple.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #122 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
o Definite Article : the Øviv †Kv‡bv e¨w³/e¯‘/cÖvYx‡K wbw`©ófv‡e eySvq| †hgb- The sun is up,
The lion is ferocious animal.
Rule: 113
Article (a, an) k‡ãi D”Pvi‡Yi (Pronunciation) Dci wfwË K‡i e¨eüZ nq Ges the e¨eüZ nq †Kvb
wKQz‡K wbw`©ó K‡i †evSv‡Z| ZvB ÔThe’ ‡K Definite Article ejv nq|
Bs‡iwR k‡ãi ïiæ‡Z vowel Av‡Q, bv Consonat Av‡Q, Zv wPšÍv bv K‡i ïay evsjv ¯^ie‡Y©i (A, Av, B, D, I,
G) gZ D”PviY (Pronunciation) ï‡bB Articles (A, an) wbY©q Kiv hvq|
01. Use the appropriate article: I saw ______ one-eyed man when I was walking on the road. [৩৭তম
(ক) a (খ) an (গ) the (ঘ) no article is needed DËi: L
িযখযা : িাধারণত Vowel (a, e, i, o, u)-এর পূ কিভ article ‘An’ িকি | বকন্তু Vowel ‘U’-এর উচ্চারণ যবদ ‘ইউ’ এিং
‘O’-এর উচ্চারণ যবদ ‘ওয়া’-এর মকতা হয় তাহক ‘An’-এর পবরিকতভ ‘A’ িকি। তাই One (ওয়াি)-এর পূ কিভ ‘a’ িিকি|
02. Which sentence is correct? [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) This is an unique case (খ) This is a unique case
(গ) This is a very unique case (ঘ) This is the most unique case উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : িাধারণত noun-এর প্রথম অের a, e, i, o, u হক িা vowel-এর মকতা উচ্চারণ হক তার আকগ article
'an' িকি। সযমি: He is an MA. বকন্তু noun-এর প্রথম অের vowel থাকা িকেও তার উচ্চারণ যবদ ew
(ইউ)-এর মকতা হয় (সযমি: unique, university) তকি ঐ noun-এর আকগ a িকি|
03. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 2006]
K. He speaks English like English. L. My brother is an M. A.
M. Look up the word in the dictionary book. N. I feel out of sort today. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : M. A. Gi ïiæUv evsjv ¯^ieY© ÔGÕ-Gi gZ| ZvB Gi Av‡M an e‡m‡Q|
04. Which sentence is correct? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wgwmwmwc) : 13]
K. You are an MBBS. L. He was an MA.
M. He is an LLB. N. All of them DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : mswÿß (Abbreviation) k‡ãi cÖ_g Aÿi ¯^ie‡Y©i (A, Av, B, D, I) g‡Zv D”PvwiZ n‡j Zvi
c~‡e© an e‡m|
05. Which is the correct article? Metre is – unit of length. [cÖv_wgK we`¨v mn wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM) : 07]
K. a L. an M. the N. no article DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : ÔBDÕ Gi gZ D”PviY nIqvq Gi c~‡e© a e‡m‡Q| A_©vr k‡ãi ïiæ‡Z vowel _vK‡jB an n‡e bv|
06. ÔI saw ____ begger.’ ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã n‡e- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (`vwbqye) : 13]
K. an one-eyed L. an one-eye M. a one-eye N. a one-eyed DËi : N
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #123 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
What w`‡q ïiæ nIqv Exclamatory ev‡K¨ a/an e‡m| †hgb- What a beautiful
a/an house! What an interesting story you told!
Gi ev‡K¨i A_© Abymv‡i a/an e‡m| †hgb- Sumaiya saw a most wonderful sight.
AviI wKQz (mygvBqv GKwU AZ¨šÍ PgrKvi `„k¨ †`L‡jv|)
wbqg ‡Kv‡bv adjective Gi c~‡e© so/too _vK‡j Gi c‡i noun Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m| †hgb-
This is too terrible an accident for him.
‡Kv‡bv Plural noun (‡hgb- Cows, dogs, men, cats, umbrellas) BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv|
07. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv wefvM) : 03]
K. A dog is faithful animal. L. The dog is a faithful animal.
M. The dog is faithful animal. N. Dog is a faithful animal. DËi : L
08. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) : 10]
K. A lion is ferocious animal. L. The lion is ferocious animal.
M. The lion is a ferocious animal. N. Lion is a ferocious animal. DËi : M
‡Ljvi bvg (Cricket, football, hockey BZ¨vw`) Ges Lvev‡ii bvg (Breakfast,
wKQz wKQz lunch, dinner BZ¨vw`) Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv|
wKQz wKQz Uncountable noun (advice, information, work, baggage BZ¨vw`) Gi
c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| Your information is false. He gave me a lot of information.
nq bv ‡Kvb †Kvb material noun (water, rice, milk, salt, gold, iron, oil, paper
BZ¨vw`) Gi c~‡e© a/an e‡m bv| ‡hgb- Gold is a precious metal.
Rule : 114
RvwZ ev m¤úª`v‡qi bv‡gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m|
09. ‘The French’ refers to– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) the French people (খ) the French language Bb‡mckb
(গ) the French manners (ঘ) the French society
িযাখযা : র্াষার িাকমর পূ কিভ কখকিা Article ‘the’ িকি িা| জাবত সিাঝাকত তার পূ কিভ the িকি| সযমি: The
English (ইংকরজ জাবত), The French (িরাবি জাবত) ইতযাবদ|
10. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 15]
K. He speaks the English like the English. L. He speaks English like English.
M. He is speaks the English like English. N. He speaks English like the English.DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : He speaks the English like the English. (‡m Bs‡iR‡`i g‡Zv K_v e‡j|) GLv‡b
cÖ_g English Øviv fvlv Ges wØZxq Øviv RvwZ‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q| A_©vr fvlv‡K eySv‡j the e‡m bv, wKš‘
RvwZ eySv‡j the e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #124 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
11. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. Airport is a busy place. L. Airport is busy place.
M. The airport is a busy place. N. Airport is busy place. DËi : M
Adjective-Gi Superlative degree-Gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m|
12. Articles: Honesty is _____ best policy. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 92]
K. the L. on M. a N. an DËi : K
¯ªóvi m„wói g‡a¨ †h mKj wRwb‡mi Aw¯ÍÍZ¡ ïay GKwU, Zv‡`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| †hgb- Moon, sun,
earth, sky, world, universe BZ¨vw`|
13. Which of the following sentences is incorrect? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 13]
K. The sky is blue. L. The earth is round.
M. The moon shines at night. N. A sky is blue. DËi : N
GKwU gvÎ ce©Z, Øxc, AšÍixc, n«‡`i bv‡g c~‡e© Article e‡m bv| e¨wZµg : The Cape of Good Hope
(DËgvkv AšÍixc)| Z‡e Lvj, b`x, mvMi, DcmvMi, ØxccyÄ, RvnvR BZ¨vw`i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m|
14. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (UMi) : 2011]
K. Lake Chilka is in Orrisa L. Lake Chilka is in the Orrisa
M. The lake Chilka is in the Orrisa N. The lake Chilka is in Orrisa DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Lake Chilka bv‡g c„w_ex‡Z GKwUB †jK i‡q‡Q|
15. _____ Mount Everest is the highest peak in the Himalays. [15Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 19]
K. No Article L. on M. a N. an DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Mount Everest bv‡g c„w_ex‡Z GKwUB ce©Z i‡q‡Q| ZvB Gi c~‡e© †Kvb Article e¨eüZ n‡e bv|
Proper noun, Material noun, Abastract noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ The e‡m bv|
16. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 03]
K. Dhaka is on the Buriganga. L. Dhaka is on Buriganga.
M. The Dhaka is on the Buriganga. N. Dhaka is on a Buriganga. DËi : K
Abstract noun Gi Av‡M †Kvb Article e‡m bv| Z‡e wbw`©ó K‡i emv‡j ÔThe’ e‡m|
17. ________ Honesty of Rahim is enviable. [12Zg cÖfvlK wbeÜb : 15]
K. The L. A M. An N.No article DËi : K
18. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (eywoM½v) : 13]
K. The more he gets, more he wants. L. More he gets, the more he wants.
M. The more he gets, the more he wants. N. More he gets, more he wants. DËi : M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #125 [Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule]
Rule- 115
19. He went to ____ hospital because he had ____ heart attack.[৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a, an (খ) the, no article
(গ) no article, a (ঘ) no article, an
িযাখযা : িাধারণত School, College, Hospital, Mosque ইতযাবদ স্থািগুক াকত মূ উকেকর্য সগক এিি
স্থাকির পূ কিভ Article িকি িা| সরাকগর িাকমর পূ কিভ Indefinite Article বহকিকি ‘a’ িকি|
Rule- 116
15. The correct sentence of the followings– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The Nile is longest river in Africa Bb‡mckb
(খ) The Nile is longest river in the Africa
(গ) Nile is longest river in Africa
(ঘ) The Nile is the longest river in Africa উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : সয সকাকিা িদীর িাকমর পূ কিভ The িকি| আিার longest র্ব্দটি superlative িক এর পূ কিভও the িিকি|
অপর্ি (D) সতই The Nile এিং the longest আকে িক এটিই িঠিক উত্তর|
▪ Road ev iv¯Ívi bv‡gi Av‡M the e‡m, wKš‘ Street ev Avenue Gi c~‡e© the e‡m bv| †hgb- The book is
bought from Bangbandhu Avenue. The car is running on the college road.
▪ HwZnvwmK ¯’vb, hy³ †`k /¯’v‡bi bv‡gi Av‡M the e‡m| †hgb- The USA, The Tajmahal, The Uk BZ¨vw`|
▪ wKQz wbw`©ó eB‡qi Av‡M the e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb- The Holy Quran, The Bible BZ¨vw`|
▪ cvwb‡K MYbv Kiv hvq bv, ZvB cvwbi Av‡M the e‡m bv| ‡hgb- Water has no color. Z‡e cwigvc Kiv m¤¢e n‡j
the e‡m| †hgb- The water of this pond is lucid.
▪ Proper noun G c~‡e© Adjective _vK‡j D³ Adjective Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The great Omar was
the second caliph of Islam.
▪ HwZnvwmK `wjj, weL¨vZ `vjvb, weL¨vZ cÖvmv` BZ¨vw` Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The Magna Carta, The Twin
Tower BZ¨vw`|
▪ Adjective Øviv ‡Kvb RvwZ ev m¤úª`vq‡K †evSv‡j Zvi c~‡e© the e‡m| ‡hgb- The rich are not always happy.
▪ Singular Designation (c`ex/Dcvwa) Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| †hgb- The Headmaster, The Prime Minister, The
▪ ev`¨h‡š¿i bv‡gi c~‡e© The e‡m| ‡hgb- He can play the piano.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 126 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
Transformation of Sentence
Assertive Sentence
‡h Sentence ev evK¨ w`‡q †Kv‡bv e¨w³, cÖvYx, e¯‘ BZ¨vw`i e³e¨ ev eY©bv †`qv nq, Zv‡K Assertive/ Declarative
Sentence e‡j| †hgb—
♂ Sakib Al Hasan is a good all rounder. (mvwKe Avj nvmvb GKRb fvj Aj ivDÛvi)|
♂ Masrafee is the captain of Bangladesh Team. (gvkivwd evsjv‡`k wU‡gi K¨v‡Þb)|
Assertive Sentence ‡K `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v—
Affirmative ‡h Sentence ev evK¨ Øviv †Kv‡bv wKQz ¯^xKvi Kiv nq ev n¨vu-‡evaK Dw³ Kiv nq, Zv‡K
Sentence Affirmative Sentence e‡j| ‡hgb− He reads a novel. I have taken dinner.
Negative ‡h evK¨ Øviv †Kvb wKQzi e¨vcv‡i A¯^xKvi Kiv nq ev bv-‡evaK K_v ejv nq, Zv‡K Negative
Sentence Sentence e‡j| †hgb− Never tell a lie (KLbI wg_¨v ej‡e bv), They do not play
football (Zviv dzUej †L‡j bv)|
Interrogative Sentence
‡h evK¨ ev Sentence Øviv cÖkœ Kiv/wR‡Ám Kiv nq, Zv‡K Interrogative sentence e‡j| GB ev‡K¨i †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK
wPý (?) e‡m| †hgb- Did you go there?
‡R‡b ivLyb : Transitive Verb Qvov Active Voice ‡K Passive Voice Kiv hvq bv|
Rule 01 (Assertive sentence)
Active voice- Active voice-
Tense Abymv‡i by /at/
Gi Object n‡e Sub wU Passive
+ Auxiliary + V3 + Extension + with/ +
Passive voice- to voice-Gi
Gi subject. Object n‡e
Tense Abymv‡i Passive Voice Gi Rb¨ Auxiliary Verb
Tense Indefinite Continuous Perfect Per. Continuous
Present am/is/are am/is/ are have/ has have/ has
Past was/were was/were had had been
Future Shall/will+ Shall/will + being shall/ will been shall/ will being
be be + have + have
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 130 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
02. ‘People always remember patriots.’–Which of the following is the best passive form of the
above sentence? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The patriots will always be remembered by people ইনসিপশন
(খ) The patriots are always being remembered
(গ) People are always remembered by the patriots
(ঘ) The patriots are always remembered by the people উত্তর: ঘ
Rule No : 120
03. The passive form of ÔI know him’. [30Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 19]
K. He known to me L. He was known to me
M. He is known to me N. I was known to him DËi : M
wKQz wKQz Verb Gi †ÿ‡Î Passive Ki‡Z by Gi cwie‡Z© Ab¨ Preposition e‡m|
_vK‡j c‡i em‡e
Annoyed/ Crowded/ Filled/ Pleased/ Satisfied/ Seized (e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î) with
Alarmed/ Annoyed/ Astonished/ Pleased/ Satisfied/ Shocked/ Surprised/ at
Vexed (e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î)/ Surprised
Embodied/ Interested/Contained in
Known/ given to
Worried about
03. Give the correct passive form of– ‘My teacher embodies all the good qualities’. [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) All the good qualities are embodied by my teacher.
(খ) All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher.
(গ) All the good qualities are embodied to my teacher.
(ঘ) All the good qualities are embodied on my teacher. উত্তর : খ
04. The best passive form to the sentence: ‘We don’t like idle people’– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Idle people are not like us (খ) We are not liked by idle people
(গ) Idle people are not liked by us (ঘ) Idle people are not of our liking উত্তর : গ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 131 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
Active Passive
His behaviour surprised me. I was surprised at his behavior.
He pleases us. We are pleased with him.
All his pupils like him. He is liked by all his pupils.
My uncle looks after me. I am looked after by my uncle.
We do not like idle people. Idle people are not liked by us.
Minu sings a song. A song is sung by Minu.
Smoke fills the room. The room is filled with smoke.
My teacher embodies all the good qualities. All the good qualities are embodied in my teacher
Rule No : 126
16. People always remember the patriots. (Passive) (15Zg wewmGm)
K. The patriots will always remembered by people.
L. The patriots are always being remembered.
M. People are always remembered by the patriots.
N. The patriots are always remembered. DËi: N
Active G Reflexive Pronoun & Reciprocal Pronoun _vK‡j Passive Ki‡Z Subject ev Object Gi
†Kvb cwieZ©b nq bv| Tense Abymv‡i Auxiliary verb + by e‡m|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 138 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
17. They love each other. (Passive)
K. Each other loved by them L. Each other are loved by them
M. They are loved by each other N. Each other were loved by them DËi: M
18. ÔShe fans herself.’ ev‡K¨i Passive form n‡”Q- [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv/`vRjv) : 13]
K. He was fanned by herself. L. She is fanned herself.
M. She is fanned by herself. N. She was fanned herself. DËi : M
Help, see, bid, dare, listen, notice, watch, need, make, hear, feel, know, do, go, play Gi c‡i
Active G Bare Infinitive e‡m| A_©vr Ôto’ Dn¨ _v‡K| wKš‘ Passive Gi †ÿ‡Î Ôto’ e‡m| Z‡e let Gi c‡i
Passive Ki‡Z to e‡m bv|
19. The bird made the winds blow. (Passive)
K. The winds is made blow by the bird L. The winds was made blow by the bird
M. The winds are made to blow by the bird N. The winds were made to blow by the bird. DËi : N
20. Honesty is the best policy. (Passive)(31Zg wewmGm)
K. It is said that honesty is the best policy L. It was said that honesty is the best policy
M. It was said that honesty was the best policy
N. It has been said that honesty is the best policy DËi : K
01. ÔWe made her recite a poem’—(passive) [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. She was made to recite a poem. L. She was made recited a poem.
M. A poem was made to be recited. N. A poem was made recite by her. DËi : K
Complement hy³ Quasi-Passive verb ‡K Passive Ki‡Z cÖ`Ë Subject + Auxiliary Verb +
Complement AskwU + when/ if + it/they + is/are + V3 A_ev Subject + Auxiliary Verb+ V3 +
21. Rice sells cheap. (Passive)
K. Rice was sold cheap L. Rice is cheap when it is sold cheap
M. Rice is being sold cheap N. Rice is cheap when it is sold DËi : N
Complement wenxb Quasi-Passive verb ‡K Passive Kivi mgq-cª`Ë Subject+ Auxiliary Verb + V3
22. I know him. (Passive) (30Zg wewmGm)
K. He is known by me. L. He was known by me.
M. He has known by me. N. He is known to me. DËi : N
Active G Complex Ges Compound Sentence _vK‡j `yB As‡kiB Passive Ki‡Z nq|
23. I know that he did the work. (Passive) [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 16; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 09]
K. It is known to me that the work was done by him.
L. It is known to me that the work has done by him
M. It was known to me that the work has done by him.
N. It was known to me that the work had done by him DËi : K
24. ‘He is thought to be a teacher’ – evK¨wUi mwVK cwiewZ©Z voice n‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 09]
K. We thought him to be a teacher L. We think him to be a teacher
M. We think him a teacher N. We thought him a teacher DËi: L
ev‡K¨ wµqvi KZ©v †`qv bv _vK‡j Passive ‡_‡K Active Ki‡Z myweavRbK Subject (We, People, Someone,
Somebody, the Authority) wb‡Z nq|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 139 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
25. A promise should be kept. (Active)
K. A promise should keep L. They should keep promise
M. One should keep promise N. One should keep one’s promise DËi : N
Rule No : 127
Active Voice G Adjective Gi c‡i Infinitive + Noun / Pronoun _vK‡j Passive Ki‡Z Infinitive Gi
c‡ii Noun/Pronoun + Auxiliary Verb + Adjective + to be + V3
26. It is impossible to do this. (Passive) (38Zg wewmGm)
K. Doing this is impossible. L. This is impossible to be done.
M. This is must be done N. This can’t be done DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: It is + adjective + infinitive + noun/pronoun যু ক্ত িাকযসক passive voice করার structure:
Noun/pronoun + be verb + adjective + to be + verb-এর p.p.| িু তরাং িঠিক passive voice হসলা–
“This is impossible to be done”.
Rule No : 128
wKQz wKQz Verb Gi Present, Past wKsev Past Participle form GKB|
27. New programmes will be____ next week in BTV. (28Zg wewmGm)
K. telecast L. published M. telecasted N. broadcasted Ans−c
ïay Adjective + Infinitive _vK‡j †Kej Adjective Gi Av‡Mi Ask Passive Ki‡Z n‡e|
28. I found it easy to do. (Passive)
K. It is found easy to do by me L. It was found easy to do by me.
M. It is found easy to be done by me. N. It was found easy to be done by me. Ans−b
e³vi Dw³‡K ejv nq Narration| Bs‡iwR‡Z Narration Sentence Abymv‡i Reporting verb Gi
`yB cÖKvi| h_v- cwieZ©b
▪ Direct Narration (cÖZ¨ÿ Dw³) Sentence Reporting verb
▪ Indirect Narration (c‡ivÿ Dw³) Direct Indirect
Reporting verb and Reported speech Assertive said to told
Inverted comma Gi gv‡S ‡h Dw³wU _v‡K †mwU‡K said said
ejv Interrogative said to asked
nq Reported speech. Avi Reporting verb n‡jv- asked asked
Reported speech ‡K †h verb Øviv Zz‡j aiv nq| Imperative said/said to order/command
He said to me, “I did it.” Optative said/said to wished/prayed
Excalmatory Said/said to Exclaim with joy/
cried with sorrow/
Reporting verb Reported speech applauded
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # 140 # Bs‡iwR fvlv (Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 152wU Rule)
Speech cwieZ©‡b Person Gi cwieZ©b Present Continuous Past Continuous
➢ Reporting speech Gi 1st person me©`v Present perfect Past perfect
Reporting verb Gi subject Gi person Abyhvqx Present perfect Past perfect
cwiewZ©Z nq| ‡hgb- Continuous Continuous
Direct: He said to me, “I do it.” Past Indefinite Past perfect
sub obj 1st Past Continuous Past perfect
Indirect: He said to me that he did it. Continuous
Past perfect ‡Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv
Reported Speech Gi Subject Gi 1st person
Past perfect Continuous ‡Kvb cwieZ©b n‡e bv
‘I’, Reporting verb Gi subject ‘He’ Abyhvqx
cwiewZ©Z n‡q Indirect Speech G Ôhe’ n‡q‡Q| Future (Shall/will) Future (Would)
Modal (Can/May) Could/Might
➢ Reported speech Gi 2nd person me©`v Modal (Could/Might/would) Could/Might/would
Reporting verb Gi object Gi person Abyhvqx D`vniYmg~n :
cwiewZ©Z nq|
Direct: He said, “I am well.” [Present Indefinite]
Direct: He said to me, “You went home.” Indirect: He said that he was well. [past Indefinite]
sub obj 2nd
Indirect : He told me that I had gone home. Direct: He said to me, “I am eating rice.”
[Present Continuous]
GLv‡b Reported Speech Gi Subject Gi 2nd Indirect: He said to me that he was eating rice.
person ‘you’ Reporting Gi verb Gi object [Past Continuous]
(me) Abyhvqx Abyhvqx cwiewZ©Z n‡q Indirect G ÔIÕ Direct: Salam said, “I have done the sum.”
[Present Perfect]
n‡q‡Q| Indirect: Salam said that he had done the sum.
[Past Perfect]
➢ Reported speech Gi 3rd person (he, she,
Direct: Kalam said to me, “I have been doing
they, him, her, them, his, their, etc.) Gi the sum for 2 hours.”
†Kv‡bv cwieZ©b nq bv| Indirect: Kalam said to me that he had been
Direct: He said to me, “they went home.” doing the sum for 2 hours.
sub obj 3rd Direct: He said to me, “I ate rice.”
Indirect : He told me that they had gone [Past Indefinite]
home. Indirect: He said to me that he had eaten rice.
[Past Perfect]
GLv‡b Reported Speech Gi 3 person ‘they’
rd Direct: He said to me, “I was going there.”
Gi †Kv‡bv cwieZ©b nqwb| [Past continuous]
Indirect: He said to me that he had been going
Rule No : 129 there. [Past Perfect Continuous]
Positive mgRvZxq `yB‡qi g‡a¨| MVb : as/so + D1 (Positive Degree) + as. D`vniY : No other
Degree student is as good as Habiba,Very few students are as good as Habiba.
Comparative Amg| MVb : D2 (Comparative Degree) + than. D`vniY: Habiba is better than any
Degree other student, Habiba is better than most other students.
Superlative A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨| MVb : The/ One of the + Superlative Degree. D`vniY : Habiba is the
Degree best student, Habiba is one of the best students.
Rule No : 132
Transformations of Degree
Superlative Comparative Positive
the than + any/ all + other No other
one of the than + most/ many/ some/ few + other Very few
01. Which one is correct? (37Zg wewmGm)
K. The Nile is longest river in Africa L. The Nile is longest river in the Africa
M. Nile is longest river in Africa N. The Nile is the longest river in Africa. DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Positive Degree Gi c~‡e© very Ges Comparative Degree Gi c~‡e© much e‡m|
02. Identify the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. The padma is the longest river in Bangladesh. L. The padma is longest river in Bangladesh.
M. The padma is longest river in the Bangladesh. N. Padma is longest river in Bangladesh. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Adjective Gi superlative form Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| b`-b`xi bv‡gi c~‡e©I the e‡m| myZivs mwVK
DËi n‡”Q- (a. The padma is the longest river in Bangladesh.)
03. Dhaka is becoming one of ______ the cities in Asia. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) more busy (খ) busy (গ) busiest (ঘ) most busiest উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : দুই এর অবধক িযবক্ত িা িস্তুর যিাে-গুসের তারতময প্রকাসশ superlative degree হে। superlative degree এর
পূ সিি the িসি। Positive degree যক superlative degree করসত one of the িযিহৃত হে। এরপর adjective এর
superlative form িসি।
04. Honey is______sweet. (29Zg wewmGm)
K. very L. too much M. much N. extensive DËi : K
05. My house is_____comfortable than it.
K. very L. much M. much more N. extensive Ans−b
mvaviYZ than Ges as/so……as Gi c‡i Subjective form e‡m| Z‡e Informal English G Objective
form e‡m| cÖ‡kœ `ywUB _vK‡j Subjective form wbe©vPb Ki‡Z n‡e|
06. What’s the correct sentence?
K. Sohel is the smaller of the two boys L. Sohel is the smallest of the two boys
M. Sohel is the smaller than the two boys N. Sohel is the smallest than the two boys DËi : K
hZ ZZ eySv‡Z Comparative form Gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m|
07. What’s the correct sentence?
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #146 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
K. More you read, more you learn L. The more you read, more you learn
M. More you read, the more you learn N. The more you read, the more you learn DËi : N
GKB ev‡K¨ Double Comparative nq bv
08. What’s the correct sentence?
K. He is good today L. He is better today
M. He is best today than before N. He is comparatively better today DËi : L
‡bvU : ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Today _vK‡j Adjective Gi Comparative form e‡m Ges comparatively Gi ci me©`v
Positive form e‡m|
Senior, junior, inferior, superior, prior, posterior, ulterior kãmg~n Latin Comparative| G‡`i c‡i
than Gi cwie‡Z© to e‡m|
09. What’s the correct sentence?
K. I am more senior to Rahim L. I am senior than Rahim
M. I am senior to Rahim N. I am more senior than Rahim DËi : M
10. This pen is inferior____your pen.
K. than L. to M. for N. at DËi : L
Absolute, Almighty, annual, chief, complete, daily, dead, earthen, empty, entire, eternal, excellent,
extreme, full, golden, huge, ideal, infinite, perfect, round, square, supreme, unique, universal BZ¨vw`
Adjective mg~n Superlative Gi A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| myZivs G‡`i c~‡e© very, more, most em‡e bv|
Rule No : 133
Positive Comparative Superlative
in inner inmost, innermost
up upper upmost, uppermost
out Outer, utter outmost, outermost, utmost, uttermost
11. Select the correct comparative form of the sentence ‘A string of pearls was not so bright as
her teeth.’ [41Zg wewmGm]
K. Her teeth was more brigher than a string of pearls
L. Her teeth were brighter than a string of pearls
M. A string of pearls was brighter than her teeth
N. A string of pearls were very bright than her teeth D. L
e¨vL¨v :
Positive Comparative Superlative
mgRvZxq `y‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbv AmgRvZxq `y‡qi g‡a¨ Zzjbv A‡b‡Ki g‡a¨ Zzjbv
So + adjective + as hy³ positive degree ‡K comparative degree ‡Z iƒcvšÍi Ki‡Z wØZxq subject +
verb + comparative form + than + cÖ_g subject nq| myZivs cÖ`Ë ev‡Ki Comparative form n‡jv Her
teeth were brighter than a string of pearls.
12. Choose the correct comparative form of the sentence: ÔVery few boys are as industrious
as Zaman.Õ
(K) Zaman is one of the most industrious boys.
(L) Zaman is more industrious than most other boys.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #147 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(M) Zaman is really industrious like other boys.
(N) Zaman is as industrious as other boys. DËi : L
Positive mgRvZxq `yB‡qi g‡a¨| MVb : as/so + D1 (Positive Degree) + as. D`vniY : No
Degree other student is as good as Habiba,Very few students are as good as Habiba.
Comparative Amg| MVb : D2 (Comparative Degree) + than. D`vniY: Habiba is better than
Degree any other student, Habiba is better than most other students.
Transformations of Degree
Superlative Comparative Positive
the than + any/ all + other No other
13. Comparative degree of ‘out’-
K. outter L. outer M. more out N. less out DËi : L
Type: 134 [মু খস্থ বনভি র বিেেগুসলাসক Type এিং িযাকরে বনভি র িযাপারগুসলাসক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হসেসে।]
তসি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. Which word is similar to 'appal'- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) deceive (খ) confuse (গ) dismay (ঘ) solicit উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : appall/dismay- আতবিত করা; Deceive- প্রতারো করা; Confuse- কুবিত করা/গুবলসে যেলা এিং Solicit-
অনু সরাধ করা।
02. A chart was appended to the report. Here ‘appended’ means– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) changed (খ) removed (গ) joined (ঘ) shortened উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Append শব্দটির অথি যলখাে িা োপাে যু ক্ত করা| এর Synonyms– associate, connect, join, engage
03. Pick the word that is synonymous with ‘authoritarian’. [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) autocratic (খ) senior (গ) elderly (ঘ) potential উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Authoritarian অথি কসোর শািক; Autocratic –স্বৈরািারী/স্বৈরশািক; যা authoritarian এর িমাথিক।
অনযবিসক; senior অথি িসোসজযষ্ঠ, potential অথি িম্ভািনামে এিং elderly- িেসি িড়।
04. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he or she is– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) attached to them (খ) committed to them
(গ) addicted to them (ঘ) devoted to them উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : প্রিত্ত িাসকযর ভািাথি হল যয যবি যকাসনা িযবক্ত ড্রাগ িা যনশা জাতীে দ্রিয গ্রহে িন্ধ করসত না পাসর তাহসল যি যনশাগ্রস্ত|
আর যনশাগ্রস্ত যিাঝাসত addicted শব্দটি িযিহৃত হে|
05. choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word: ‘AMICABLE’– [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Interesting (খ) Loving (গ) Affectionate (ঘ) Friendly উত্তর : ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #148 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা: Amicable A_© শাবন্তপ্রিে, িন্ধুত্বপূ েি; Interesting অথি আকেিেীে, বিত্তাকেিক; Loving অথি প্রীবতপূ ে,ি যেহশীল।
Affectionate অথি যেহমে, মমতামে এিং Friendly অথি িন্ধুত্বপূ েি, িন্ধুিু লভ।
06. I cannot _____ to pay such high prices. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) able (খ) but (গ) try (ঘ) afford উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : 'Able' adjective-এর দুই ধরসনর অথি আসে| (১) যকাসনা বকেু করসত িমথি/িেম; (২) বিিেে, যযাগয, িে, িামথিয|
'But' adverb রূসপ িযিহৃত হসল অথি িাাঁড়াে শুধু , যকিল, মাত্র ইতযাবি| যযমন: You can't but request. 'Try' verb-
টির অথি যিষ্টা করা| 'Afford' verb-টির অথি (িমে িা অথি িযসের) িামথিয থাকা| যযমন: We can't afford such a
luxury life. প্রসের িাকযটিসতও high price-এর িাসথ ক্রসের/অথি িযাসের িামথিয যিাঝাে| িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর afford.
07. The South Pole is located in the– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Arctic (খ) Antarctic (গ) Antipodes (ঘ) Occident উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Arctic হসলা উত্তর যমরু িা িু সমরু অঞ্চল বিেেক| Antarctic িলসত যিাঝাে িবেে যমরু িা কুসমরু অঞ্চল বিেেক|
08. The Democratic party’s candidate ____ defeat in the small hour of the morning.” [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) consented (খ) agreed (গ) accepted (ঘ) granted উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : যেসমাসক্রটিক পাটিির প্রাথীর হার যমসন যনওো যিাঝাসত এখাসন accepted defeat িলা হসেসে।
09. The parents became extremely _________ when their son had not returned by eleven o’clock.
[২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) angry (খ) annoyed (গ) disturbed (ঘ) anxious উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : The parents became extremely anxious (উবদ্বগ্ন) when their son had not returned by eleven
10. He stopped his car ________ when the light turned red. [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) abruptly (খ) equitably (গ) ambiguously (ঘ) incisively উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা: Abruptly অথি হোৎ কসর, আকবিকভাসি, আিমকা; Equitably অথি নযাে িঙ্গতভাসি; Ambiguously অথি
দ্বযথিপূেিভাসি এিং Incisively অথি তীক্ষ্মভাসি| প্রসে যযসহতু লালিাবত যিসখ গাবড় থামসনার কথা িলা হসেসে, ZvB িঠিক উত্তর
অপশন ক|
11. Parliamentary democracy demands discipline and ________ to the rules. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) adherence (খ) respectful (গ) knowledge (ঘ) awareness উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Adherence অথি আনু গতয; Respectful অথি শ্রদ্ধাশীল; Knowledge অথি জ্ঞান এিং Awareness অথি
িসিতনতা| Knowledge এিং Awareness এর পর Preposition ‘of’ িসি| বকন্তু শূ নযস্থাসনর পসর আসে to. প্রসে and
এর পূ সিি আসে discipline, যা noun. Respectful হসে Adjective. তাই এটি উত্তর হসি না|
12. Reason is the highest faculty ________ on human by their creator. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) entrusted (খ) endowed (গ) bestowed (ঘ) conferred উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা: Entrust অথি বিশ্বাি স্থাপন করা; Endow অথি টাকা িা িম্পবত্ত িান করা; Bestow অথি প্রিান করা এিং Confer অথি
যখতাি িা উপাবধ প্রিান করা।
13. He had a ______ headache. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) strong (খ) acute (গ) serious (ঘ) bad উত্তর : ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #149 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : এটি একটি ‘collocation’ িমিযা| িংসেসপ collocation হসলা ভাোর শব্দ িেসনর যথাথিতা ও এক শসব্দর িাসথ
অনয শসব্দর মানানিই িযিস্থা| এ কারসেই আমরা ইসেমসতা একটি শসব্দর পাসশ আসরকটি শব্দ িযিহার করসত পাবর না| যযমন:
‘weather permitting’ এর পবরিসতি ‘weather allowing’ িলসল ভুল হসি, যবিও allow এিং permit এর অথি প্রাে
এক| কারে এটা ভাোর internal melody যক নষ্ট কসর| ঠিক এভাসি headache এর িাসথ ‘bad’ adjective-ই যিবশ
Lvc Lvq| ‘strong’ ও ‘serious’ natural হে না|
14. The word ‘Bounty’ is closest in meaning to– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) generosity (খ) familiar (গ) dividing line (ঘ) sympathy উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‘Generous’ শব্দটির অথি হসে Liberate, Bountiful, Nobel ইতযাবি। ‘Familiar’ শব্দটির অথি হসে Well
known, Intimate, Domestic, Common ইতযাবি। ‘Sympathy’ শব্দটির অথি হসে Community of feeling,
Compassion, Pity ইতযাবি। িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর হসি ‘Generous’|
15. In the following four questions choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or
opposite in meaning to the word given in the question: ‘BROCHURE’– [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Opening (খ) Pamphlet (গ) Bureau (ঘ) Censor উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা: BROCHURE অথি পু বস্তকা (িংবেপ্ত বিিরে িমৃ দ্ধ); Opening অথি উসদ্বাধন, িূ িনা; Pamphlet অথি পু বস্তকা;
Bureau অথি িেতর এিং Censor অথি যকসট িাি যিো, পরীো করা। িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর অপশন খ।
16. ‘Blockbuster’ means– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A device to Something that makes movement difficult
(খ) A large solid piece of stone
(গ) A device to cut off persons head as punishment
(ঘ) A powerful explosive to demolish buildings উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Blockbuster- শবক্তশালী বিসফারক িা যিামা যা একসত্র অসনক িাবড়-ঘর ধ্বংি করসত পাসর (A powerful
explosive to demolish buildings)|
17. What is the meaning of the word ‘BELATED’?
(ক) Complaining (খ) Off hand (গ) Weak (ঘ) Tardy উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Belated- অবতশে ধীসর িলা, খু ি যিরীসত আিা, অবতশে ধীর, মন্থর| Complaining- অবভসযাগ করার মত| Off
hand- তাৎেবেক, উপবস্থত, পূ িিবিন্তা োড়া; Weak- দুিিল, িলহীন; Tardy- ধীর, অবতশে মন্থর|
18. Someone who is capricious is - [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) easily irritated (খ) wise and willing to cooperate
(গ) exceedingly conceited and arrogant
(ঘ) known for sudden changes in attitude or behavior উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Capricious : খামসখোবল/ অিযিস্থবিত্ত অথিাৎ এমন িযবক্ত যার মন িা আিরে হোৎ কসরই িিসল যাে| (known for
sudden change in attitude or behaviour.)
19. The world ‘culinary’ is related to– [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) cooking (খ) dress (গ) musical instruments (ঘ) printing উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‘Culinary’ (Adj) শব্দটি রান্নাঘর িা রান্না িম্পবকি ত (Related to cooking)|
20. The “climax” of a plot is what happens- [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) in the beginning (খ) at the end
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #150 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(গ) at the height (ঘ) in the confrontation উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : ‘Climax’ হসে একটি Plot এর িসিিাচ্চ পযিাে, যযখান যথসক Plot এর incident turn যনে।
21. Women are too often _________ by family commitments. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) confused (খ) controlled (গ) contaminated (ঘ) constrained উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Confused অথি বিভ্রান্ত; Contaminated অথি কলু বেত; Controlled অথি বনেবিত; Constrained অথি িাধয,
শৃ ঙ্খলািদ্ধ, আটক ইতযাবি| প্রসোক্ত িাকযটির অথি হে– নারীরা প্রােই পাবরিাবরক গবিসত শৃ ঙ্খলািদ্ধ| িু তরাং appropriate word
হসি constrained|
22. Choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the underlined word/phrase in the
given sentence: What may be considered courteous in one culture may be arrogant in another.
[৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) flimsy (খ) coarse (গ) gracious (ঘ) friendly উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Courteous অথি ভদ্র; মাবজিত। Flimsy অথি হালকা; পাতলা; বেনবেসন। Coarse অথি যমাটা; অমাবজিত। Gracious
অথি ভদ্র; যিৌজনযমে। Friendly অথি িন্ধুিু লভ। এখাসন, ‘Courteous’ ও ‘Gracious’ পরস্পসরর িমাথিক শব্দ
23. Choose the correct Antonym for– ‘Cynical’. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Pessimistic (খ) Gullible (গ) Equivocal (ঘ) Liberal উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Cynical অথি স্বনরাশযিািী; অবিশ্বািী; Pessimistic অথি হতাশাপ্রিে; Gullible অথি অবতবিশ্বািপ্রিে; Equivocal
অথি দ্বযথিসিাধক এিং Liberal অথি িিানয; উিার। এখাসন, ‘Cynical’ ও ‘Liberal’ পরস্পসরর বিপরীত শব্দ (Antonym).
24. Of the four alternatives given below, choose the word/words that best fits into the underlined
word given in the sentence. Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them and wise
men use them. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Denounce (খ) Laud (গ) Compliment (ঘ) Acclaim উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা: Condemn অথি বনন্দা করা| প্রসে প্রিত্ত অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয Denounce অথি বনন্দা করা; Laud অথি প্রশংিা করা;
Compliment অথি প্রশংিা করা এিং Acclaim অথি ৈাগত জানাসনা| Denounce, Condemn এর synonym এিং
অনয word-গুসলা antonym.
25. If we want concrete proof, we are looking for – [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) building material (খ) something to cover a path
(গ) clear evidence (ঘ) a cement mixer উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : “If we want concrete proof, we are looking for clear evidence” িাকযটির অথি: যবি আমরা ষ্পষ্ট
প্রমাে করসত িাই, আমাসির িু বনবিি ষ্ট প্রমাোবি খুাঁ জসত হসি|
26. Choose the correct meaning of the following words: ‘CUL-DE-SAC’ [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Selection (খ) Error (গ) Dead end (ঘ) Bubble উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Cul-de-sac একটি েরাবি শব্দ, যার অথি হসলা কানাগবল। Selection- বনিিািন; Error- ভুল; Dead end- কানাগবল
এিং Bubble- িু িিু ি, অিাস্তি, বিন্তা িা পবরকল্পনা।
27. Fill in the blanks: Give my ______ to him. [১২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Warm compliment (খ) Best compliment
(গ) Compliments (ঘ) Heartiest compliment উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Compliment- শ্রদ্ধািূ িক কথা, যিৌজনযিূ িক কথা; Compliments- শুসভো।
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28. What is the synonym of 'Competent'?
(ক) Circumspect (খ) Discrete (গ) Capable (ঘ) Prudent উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা: Competent- উপযু ক্ত, িেম, িে। Circumspect- িতকি ; Discrete- পৃ থক, আলািা; Capable- িেম, িমথি।
Prudent- িতকি , দুরিশী, বিিেে।
29. What is the antonym for the word Ôdeformation’? [৪১তম বিবিএি]
(K) distroration (L) controriton (M) wholeness (N) disfigurement D : M
e¨vL¨v : Deformation (n) kãwUi A_© weK…wZ| kãwUi Synonyms: Distortion, disfigurement Ges
Antonyms : wholeness, beauty, fullness etc.
30. Which word means the opposite of 'dearth'? [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) lack (খ) abundance (গ) shortage (ঘ) poverty DËi: L
িযাখযা : Dearth (অভাি/দুবভি ে); Abundance (প্রািুযি); Lack, Poverty, Shortage প্রভবত Dearth এর িমাথিক
শব্দ| শুদ্ধ উত্তর : খ (Abundance)|
31. Select the word that is the most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
‘DELETERIOUS’. [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) toxic (খ) spurious (গ) harmless (ঘ) lethal উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Deleterious– েবতকর। Option িমূ সহর মসধয Toxic– বিোক্ত; Spurious– কৃবত্রম, বমথযা; Harmless–
অবহংি, যা েবত কসর না; Lethal– মারাত্মক েবতকর। িু তরাং, অসথির বিক যথসক Deleterious এিং Harmless পু সরাপু বর
Opposite িা বিপরীতাথিক।
32. If a part of a speech or writing breaks the theme, it is called ___ [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) pomposity (খ) digression (গ) exaggeration (ঘ) anti-climax উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : যবি যকাসনা িক্তিয িা যলখা মূ লভাি যথসক বিিুযত হসে পসড় তখন তাসক digression (মূ ল প্রিঙ্গ যথসক বিিুযবত) িলা
হে| িু তরাং িঠিক উত্তর হসি to digression. Pomposity- আড়ম্ভর, exaggeration- অবতরঞ্জন, anti-climax-
ঘটনার িূড়ান্ত পযিাে|
33. Fill in the blank in the following sentence by selecting the most appropriate alternative: He is
quite __________ in dealing with people. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) unsubtle (খ) imprudent (গ) diplomatic (ঘ) impolite উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : He is quite diplomatic in dealing with people অথি মানু সের িাসথ যমলাসমশাে বতবন খু ি কুশলী।
34. The word ‘DISINTERESTED’ means– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) lack of interest (খ) indifferent (গ) callous (গ) neutral উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Lack of interest দ্বারা যিাঝাে যকাসনা বকেু সত উৎিাহ যিাসধর অভাি| Indifferent শসব্দর অথি উিািীনতা, অনীহা,
বিতৃষ্ণা, স্বিরাগয ইতযাবি| Callous শসব্দর অথি- বনসিিাধ কঠিন, বনমিম, উিািীন, অিাড় ইতযাবি| Neutral শসব্দর অথি যকাসনা
পেসকই িমথিন কসর না এমন, বনরসপে| Disinterested শসব্দর অথি বনরসপে অথিাৎ neutral-এর িমাথিক|
35. Fill in the gap with the suitable word.
To stay healthy, we must plan to have a balanced _________. [২২তম ও ২৭তম বিবিএি ]
(ক) diet (খ) food (গ) drink (ঘ) environment উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : উপবরউক্ত Sentence-এ ‘Balanced’ Adjective টির িাসথ ‘Diet’ হওো িম্ভি| কারে ৈাস্থয ঠিক রাখার জনয শুধু
খািয (Food), পানীে (Drink) এিং পবরসিশ (Environment) নে, প্রসোজন িু েম খািয|
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36. Choose the right word to fill the blank. “No one can ____ that he is clever.” [২১তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) deny (খ) defy (গ) denounce (ঘ) discard উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা: Defy অথি গ্রাহয করা; Admire অথি প্রশংিা করা; Deny অথি অৈীকার করা এিং Denounce অথি অবভযু ক্ত করা।
37. We must look pleased or else he’ll be ____________.[২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) dissatisfied (খ) cross (গ) happy (ঘ) delighted উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Dissatisfied অথি অিন্তুষ্ট; Cross অখি কাটাকাটি; Happy অথি িু খী এিং Delight অথি আনন্দ| We must
look pleased or else he’ll be dissatisfied.
38. The word ‘DILLY DALLY’ means–[২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To dilute (খ) Wait impatiently (গ) Repeat (ঘ) Waste time উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Dilly dally অথি িমে অপিে করা (Waste Time).
39. Time after twilight and before night– [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Evening (খ) Dawn (গ) Dusk (ঘ) Eclipse উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা: Dusk অথি ‡Mva~jx; Twilight (যগাধূ বল) এর পরিতী বকন্তু Night (রাবত্র) এর পূ িিিতী িমে| Dawn A_© Elv|
Eclipse A_© গ্রহে িা রাহু গ্রাি|
40. What is the synonym of 'Delude'?
(ক) Demand (খ) Permit (গ) Aggravate (ঘ) Deceive উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা: Delude- প্রতাবরত করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা; Demand- িাবি করা; Permit- অনু সমািন করা; Aggravate- হীনতর করা,
অিনবত ঘটাসনা।Deceive- প্রতারো করা, বিভ্রান্ত করা।
41. One whose attitude is ‘eat, drink and be merry’ is- [41Zg wewmGm]
K. materialistic L. epicurean M. cynic N. stoic D. L
e¨vL¨v : Epicurean means—— Bw›`ªq my‡L wek^vmx/ ‡fvMev`x, One whose attitude is Ôeat, drinkand
be merry.’ materialistic A_©- e¯‘ev`x, cynic A_© wQ`ª‡š^lx Ges stoic A_© `ytL my‡L Abyf~wZk~b¨|
42. The noise level in Dhaka city has increased exponentially. Here the underlined word means–
[৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) amazingly (খ) shockingly (গ) steadily (ঘ) rapidly উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Exponentially অথি (গবত িা িৃ বদ্ধর যেসত্র)- দ্রুত| Option গুসলার মসধয amazingly অথি- বিিেকরভাসি;
steadily- বস্থরভাসি; shockingly- জঘনযভাসি, ভীবতজনকভাসি এিং rapidly- দ্রুতভাসি| িু তরাং exponentially
শসব্দর অথি rapidly.
43. Choose the correct Synonym for– ‘Extempore’. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Planned (খ) Improvise (গ) Impromptu (ঘ) Immediate উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Extempore অথি পূ িিপ্রস্তুবতহীন; উপবস্থত| Planned অথি পবরকবল্পত| Improvise অথি তাৎেবেক ভাসি উদ্ভািন িা
ি স্তুবতহীন এিং Immediate অথি তাৎেবেক| এখাসন, ‘Extempore’ এর
প্রস্তুত করা| Impromptu অথি প্রতুযৎপন্ন; পূ িপ্র
িমাথিক শব্দ (Synonym) হসলা– ‘Impromptu’| যকননা, ‘Improvise’ (Verb) শব্দটি অসথির বিক বিসে িমাথিক
হসলও Parts of Speech বহসিসি ‘Extempore’ (Adverb) যথসক বভন্ন|
44. In each of the following questions, out of the four alternative, choose the one which can be
substituted for the given words/sentence: A formal composition of speech expressing high
praise of somebody– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
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(ক) elegy (খ) eulogy (গ) caricature (ঘ) exaggeration উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Eulogy অথি A formal composition of speech expressing high praise of somebody.
45. The word ‘ELECTORATE’ means– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) election office (খ) a body of voters
(গ) many elections (ঘ) Candidates উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Electorate শব্দটি noun, যার অথি বনিিািকমিলী| Election office িাধারেত election িংবিষ্ট কাযিক্রম
পবরিালনা কসর| A body of voters িলসত যিাঝাে বনিিািকমিলী, যারা voter-যির দ্বারা বনিিাবিত| অসনকগুসলা election
যিাঝাসত many elections িযিহৃত হে| Candidate িলসত প্রাথী যিাঝাে অথিাৎ Candidate শব্দটি বনিিািসনর যেসত্র,
পরীোর যেসত্র িযিহৃত হসত পাসর। তসি িাধারেত candidate দ্বারা বনিিািসনর প্রাথী যিাঝাসনা হসে থাসক।
46. Rubber is notable for its– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) lightness (খ) heaviness (গ) elasticity (ঘ) viscosity উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : প্রবতটি িস্তুর একটি বিসশেত্ব আসে| Rubber-এর বিসশেত্ব হসলা এর বস্থবতস্থাপকতা|
47. The word ‘ecological’ is related to____. [১৬তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Demography (খ) Pollution (গ) Atmosphere (ঘ) Environment উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Ecological- িাস্তুবিিযা িংক্রান্ত/পবরসিশ দূেে িংক্রান্ত। অথিাৎ বিেেটি অিশযই পবরসিসশর িাসথ িম্পৃ ক্ত।
48. The word ‘EUPHEMISM’ means– [১২তম ও ২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Stating one thing like another
(খ) Description of a disagreeable thing by an agreeable name
(গ) Contrast of words is made in the same sentence
(ঘ) A statement is made emphatic by overstatement উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা: Euphemism অথি িু ভােে, রূঢ় শসব্দর পবরিসতি িমাথিক িু ন্দর শব্দ/শব্দগুে িযিহার (Description of a
disagreeable thing by an agreeable name).
49. In the following four questions choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or
opposite in meaning to the word given in the question: ‘EQUIVOCAL’– [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Universal (খ) Mistaken (গ) Quaint (ঘ) Clear উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : EQUIVOCAL অথি দ্বযথিসিাধক, অস্পষ্ট, িসন্দহজনক| অনয অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয Universal অথি িািিজনীন;
Mistaken অথি ভ্রান্ত, ভ্রমাত্মক; Quaint অথি যখোলী এিং Clear অথি স্পষ্ট, ৈে, িসন্দহ মু বক্ত|
50. The synonym for ‘Efface’– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Improve (মু সে যেলা) (খ) Exhaust (বনিঃসশে করা)
(গ) Rub out (মু সে যেলা) (ঘ) Cut out (যথসম যাওো) উত্তর : গ
51. ‘Equivocation’ means– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A true statement (খ) Two contrary things in the same statement
(গ) Equal opportunity to get a job (ঘ) Free expression of opinions উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Equivocation অথি িাকিাতুরী; দ্বযথিক; দু'টি বিপরীতধমী অথি প্রকাশ কসর এমন; যখন একই িক্তসিয দুটি বিপরীত বজবনি
প্রকাশ পাে।
52. The word ‘florid’ indicates– [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) foliage (খ) floor (গ) flower (ঘ) flour উত্তর: গ
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িযাখযা : ‘Florid’ শব্দটির অথি পু ষ্পল (Covered with flower); রবক্তমাভ (Having a red or reddish color)|
এটি Flower (েুল) িম্পবকি ত বিেেসক বনসিি শ কসর| এর দ্বারা পু ষ্প দ্বারা যশাবভত যিাঝাে|
53. Which word is closest in meaning to ‘Franchise’? [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) utility (খ) frankness (গ) privilege (ঘ) superficial উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Franchise অথি যকাসনা যিশ কতৃিক প্রিত্ত অবধকার; জনাবধকার| Utility অথি উপসযাগ; উপসযাবগতা| Frankness
অথি অকপটা; অমাবেকতা| Privilege অথি অিামানয অবধকার; প্রাবধকার| Superficial অথি অগভীর; িাহয|
54. Which one is the correct antonym of ‘frugal’? [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Extraordinary (খ) Spendthrift
(গ) Economical (ঘ) Authentic উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Frugal অথি বমতিযেী; বহিাবি| Extraordinary অথি অিাধারে; Spendthrift অথি অবমতিযেী; অপিযেী;
Economical অথি বমতিযেী এিং Authentic অথি খাাঁটি; অকৃবত্রম| িু তরাং, ‘Frugal’ শসব্দর িঠিক Antonym হসলা–
55. In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning of the given word:
‘Equity’– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Uprightness (খ) Justice (গ) Integrity (ঘ) Bias উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Equity অথি নযােপরােেতা। অনযবিসক, Uprightness অথি অকপটতা; Justice অথি নযােপরােেতা; Integrity অথি
িাধু তা এিং Bias অথি পেপাত। এখাসন, ‘Equity’- এর opposite word হসে ‘Bias’.
56. “It will be your task to make sure the ____ of traffic is maintained without interruption.” [২৬তম
(ক) circulation (খ) current (গ) procession (ঘ) flow উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Flow of traffic িলসত রাস্তাে গাবড়র িঠিক িলািল যিাঝাে|
57. The synonym of ‘Franchise’– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Privilege (খ) Utility (গ) French (ঘ) Frankness উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Franchise- অবধকার; যভাটাবধকার, িু বিধা; Privilege- িু বিধা; Utility- উপসযাবগতা; French- েরাবি ভাো;
Frankness- যখালাখু বল।
58. Something that is ‘Fresh’ is something– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Recently printed of published (খ) In fairly good condition
(গ) Disrespectful (ঘ) Pleasant উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Fresh- টাটকা, তাজা, ভাসলা অিস্থা, িমৃ দ্ধ| এখন ‘In fairly good condition’ িলসতও যিশ ভাসলা অিস্থাসকই িু ঝাে|
59. A fantasy is– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) An imaginary story (খ) A funny film
(গ) A history record (ঘ) A real life event উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Fantasy- অবলক, অিাস্তি, কাল্পবনক গল্প। কাসজই এটি ‘An imaginary story’-এর িমাথিক। কারে ‘Imaginary’
অথিও কাল্পবনক।
60. What is the antonym of ‘Famous’? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Opaque (খ) Illiterate (গ) Obscure (ঘ) Immature উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Famous- বিখযাত, িু বিবিত, িু পবরবিত| এর Antonyms হসে Infamous, Obscure, Unknown প্রভৃবত|
অনয অপশনগুসলার মসধয Opaque অথি আসলা বনসরাধক, অৈে; Illiterate অথি বনরের, অবশবেত, মু খ;ি Obscure অথি
অস্পষ্ট, গুপ্ত, অখযাত, অপবরবিত, অজ্ঞাত| Immature অথি অপ্রাপ্তিেস্ক|
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61. The synonym of ‘Genesis’ is– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Introduction (খ) Preface (গ) Foreword (ঘ) Beginning উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Genesis- িু িনা, প্রারবম্ভক বিন্দু । কাসজই এর Synonym হসি Beginning.
62. What is the antonym of 'Gentle'?
(ক) harsh (খ) modest (গ) clever (ঘ) rude উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Gentle- ভদ্র, নম্র, শান্ত: Harsh- ককি শ, অমিৃ ে (বিসশেত িস্তুর িাসথ); Modest- বিনেী, নম্র; Clever- িতুর,
িালাক; Rude- অভদ্র, অমাবজিত, রুঢ়|
63. What would be the best antonym of “hibernate”? [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) dormancy (খ) liveliness (গ) sluggishness (ঘ) democracy উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Hibernate অথি- বনবিে অিস্থাে থাকা িা অলিভাসি িমে কাটাসনা। Option গুসলার মসধয dormancy অথি-
িু প্তািস্থা, স্থবগত অিস্থা; liveliness- কমিতৎপরতা, িবক্রেতা; sluggishness- অলিতা, জড়তা এিং democracy অথি-
গেতি। িু তরাং hibernate এর antonym হসে liveliness.
64. In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
‘HATE’– [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Admire (খ) Abhor (গ) Concern (ঘ) Loathe উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Hate- ঘৃ ো করা| Admire- প্রশংিা করা; Abhor- ঘৃ ো করা; Concern- উসদ্বগ| Loathe- অপেন্দ করা|
এখাসন, ‘Hate’ এর Opposite িা বিপরীত হসে ‘Admire’.
65. The word ‘Homogeneous’ means–[১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Of the same place (খ) Of the same kind
(গ) Of the same race (ঘ) Of the same density উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Homogeneous- িমজাতীে/িমজাবতক|
66. What would be the right antonym for ‘initiative’? [৩৫তম ও ৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) apathy (খ) indolence (গ) enterprise (ঘ) activity উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Initiative-অথি পবরকল্পনা, উসিযাগ, প্রারম্ভ| Option গুসলার মসধয apathy- অথি অনীহা, অনাগ্রহ; indolence-
অলিতা; enterprise- প্রারম্ভ, উসিযাগ এিং activity-অথি কাযিকাবরতা, িবক্রেতা| Initiative-এর antonym বহসিসি
apathy ও indolence হসত পাসর| তসি, ‘apathy' antonym বহিাসি most appropriate.
67. The film was directed in the directors usual ____ style. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) confusion (খ) idiosyncratic (গ) personifying (ঘ) purifying উত্তর : খ
িযাখযািঃ Confusion অথি- বিভ্রাবন্ত, বকংকতি িযবিমূ ঢ়তা; idiosyncratic- ৈকীে, যমজাবজ; personifying- িযবক্তত্ব আসরাপ;
purifying- বিশুদ্ধ, যশাধক| প্রসোক্ত িাসকয idiosyncratic-ই িঠিক| যার েসল িাকযটির অথি হে- িলবচ্চত্রটি পবরিালসকর
ৈভািগত ৈকীে ভবঙ্গসত পবরিাবলত হসেবেল|
68. Being fat does not necessarily kill you, but it ______ the risk that you will suffer from nasty
diseases. [৩৫তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #156 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) increases (খ) emphasize (গ) encourage (ঘ) involves উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Increases- িৃ বদ্ধ যা শূ নযস্থাসনর জনয যসথাপযু ক্ত|
69. Choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word: 'IMPROVEMENT'– [৩০তম
(ক) Promotion (খ) Advancement (গ) Betterment (ঘ) Preference উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Improvement অথি উৎকেি িা উৎকেি িাধন| cÖ‡kœ cÖ`Ë Ackbmg~‡ni g‡a¨ Promotion A_© পসিান্নবত;
Advancement A_© পসিান্নবত, উন্নবত; Betterment A_© উৎকেি িা উৎকেি িাধন Ges Preference A_© অগ্রাবধকার|
70. In the following four questions choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or
opposite in meaning to the word given in the question: ‘ILLUSIVE’– [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Not deceptive (খ) Not certain (গ) Not obvious (ঘ) Not coherent উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : ILLUSIVE অথি অলীক, ইন্দ্রজাবলক, মাোিী। অনয অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয Not deceptive অথি ভ্রাবন্তকর নে,
প্রতারোমূ লক নে; Not Certain অথি- অবনবিত, িসন্দহপূ িি, অবিশ্বািসযাগয; Not obvious অথি স্পষ্ট নে এমন, অস্পষ্ট,
অপবরষ্কার এিং Not coherent অথি অিঙ্গবতপূ েি, প্রাঞ্জল নে।
71. The antonym for ‘Inimical’- [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Hostile (খ) Friendly (গ) Indifferent (ঘ) Angry উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Inimical অথি স্বিরী, প্রবতকূল, েবতকর| প্রসে প্রিত্ত অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয Hostile- শত্রুভািাপন্ন, স্বিরী (িমাথিক);
Friendly- িন্ধুভািাপন্ন, অনু কূল (বিপরীতাথিক); Indifferent- অনীহ, বনরুৎিক, উিািীন (িম্পকি হীন); Angry- রাগাবিত
(িম্পকি হীন)|
72. The word ‘Imbibe’ means– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To learn (খ) To tinge (গ) To acquire (ঘ) To drink উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Imbibe- পান করা, শুসে যনো, হজম করা|
73. The antonym of ‘Indifference’ is– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Ardour (খ) Compassion (গ) Anxiety (ঘ) Concern উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Indifference- অনীহা, বনস্পৃ হা, উিািীনতা। প্রসে প্রিত্ত অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয- Ardour অথি উৎিাহ, িযাকুলতা,
আসিগ, স্পৃ হা; Compassion- করুো, িমসিিনা; Anxiety- উসদ্বগ, উৎকিা। Concern- উসদ্বগ, িম্পৃ ক্ততা।
74. What is the meaning of the word ‘Intrepid’? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Arrogant (খ) Belligerent (গ) Questioning (ঘ) Fearless উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Intrepid- িাহিী, বনভীক, ভেহীন; Arrogant- উদ্ধত, যিোিি; Belligerent- যু দ্ধরত, যু দ্ধমান;
Questioning- বজজ্ঞািু ; Fearless- ভেহীন, বনভীক
75. What is the synonym of ‘Incredible’? [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Unbelievable (খ) Unthinkable (গ) Unlikely (ঘ) Unthinking উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Incredible- অবিশ্বািয, বিষ্মেকর, উদ্ভট| এর Synonym হসলা- Unbelievable, Astonishing, Fantastic.
Unbelievable- অবিশ্বািয; Unthinkable- বিন্তযনীে; Unlikely- অিম্ভি; Unthinking- অবিন্তযপূ িি|
76. Anything ‘Pernicious’ tends to injure or destroy. Something which has no such harmful effect
is- [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) innocuous (খ) innocent (খ) immaculate (ঘ) salutary উত্তর : ক
77. What is the synonym of ‘Incite’? [১১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Instigate (খ) Permit (গ) Urge (ঘ) Deceive উত্তর : ক
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #157 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : Incite- যখপাসনা, উসত্তবজত করা, উস্কানী যিো, উদ্দীপ্ত করা; Instigate- প্রসরাবিত করা, উস্কানী যিো; Permit-
অনু সমািন করা, অনু মবত যিো; Urge- তাড়া যিো, গুরুত্বাসরাপ করা; Deceive- প্রতারো করা, েকাসনা| অথিাৎ Incite-এর
Synonym হসে Instigate.
78. What is the antonym of ‘Honorary’?
(ক) Offical (খ) Honorable (গ) Salaried (ঘ) Literary উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Honorary- অবিতবনক, যিতন-বিহীন, িম্মানিূ িক; Official- আনু ষ্ঠাবনক, অবেবিোল; Honourable- মাননীে,
মানয, শ্রদ্ধাভাজন| Salaried- যিতনভুক্ত, যিতন গ্রহে কসর| Literary- িাবহতয বিেেক, যলখক িংক্রান্ত|
79. What is the synonym of 'Jovial'? [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) Jolly (খ) Gay (গ) Jealous (ঘ) Happy উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Jovial- হাবিখু বশ, আমু সি, আনন্দপূ েি; Jolly- হাবিখু বশ, প্রেুি, িু ন্দর; Gay- আনন্দবিত্ত, হাবিখু বশ, উেল;
Jealous- ঈেিাকাতর, বহংিু ক, পরশ্রীকাতর; Happy- িু খী, খু বশ, তৃপ্ত|
80. Identify the correct synonym for the word Ômagnaminous’?
(K) unkind (L) generous (M) revengeful (N) friendly D:L
e¨vL¨v : Words Synonyms
Magnanimous (adj) (gnvbyfe, gnr, D`vi) Generous, dignified, liberal, bountiful, noble.
Unkind (adj) (wb`©q, wbôzi) Unchritable, relentless, unpleasant, disagreeable.
Revengeful (adj) (cÖwZ‡kvacivqY) Implacable, vindictive, rancorous, spiteful, resentful.
Friendly (adj) (eÜzZ¡c~Y©) Affectionate, concialiatory, amiable, congenial, cordial.
81. Let us begin by looking at the minutes of the meeting. Here the underlined word means– [৩৫তম
(ক) time record (খ) time frame
(গ) written record (ঘ) written analysis উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : যকাসনা Meeting এ যা আসলািনা করা হে এিং যয বিদ্ধান্ত গৃ হীত হে তা বলবখত আকাসর িংরেে করাসক ইংসরবজসত
minutes িসল।
82. Choose the correct Synonym for– ‘Menacing’. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Encouraging (খ) Alarming (গ) Promising (ঘ) Auspicious উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Menacing অথি ভীবতকর; Encouraging অথি উৎিাহিযঞ্জক; Alarming অথি ভীবতকর; Promising অথি
িম্ভািনামে এিং Auspicious অথি শুভ; অনু কূল| এখাসন, ‘Menacing’ ও ‘Alarming’ পরস্পসরর িমাথিক শব্দ
83. In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
‘LIABILITY’– [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Treasurer (খ) Debt (গ) Assets (ঘ) Property উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Liability অথি িাে; Treasure অথি অতযন্ত মূ লযিান িম্পি; Debt অথি ঋে, যিনা; Assets অথি িম্পি এিং
Property অথি িম্পবত্ত, বিত্ত| এখাসন, ‘Liability’ এর Opposite িা বিপরীত হসে ‘Assets’.
84. He ____ consciousness as a result of his head hitting the car's dashboard. [২৮তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #158 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) failed (খ) broke (গ) lost (ঘ) passed উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : ইংসরবজ িাসকযর গেন অনু যােী subject-এর পসর verb িসি| বকন্তু verb-এর অথি িাসকযর িাসথ িামঞ্জিযপূ েি বকনা তাও
যিখসত হসি| Failed অথি অকৃতকাযি হওো িা িযথি হওো| Broke অথি যভসে যগল; Lost অথি হারাসনা িা হাবরসে যেলা, মৃ তুয
হওোে Accident-এর েসল যকাসনা বকেু র িাসথ মানু ে ধাক্কা যখসল িাধারেত জ্ঞান হাবরসে যেসল িা মৃ তুয হে| Passed অথি
অবতক্রম কসর যাওো, অগ্রির হওো|
85. Identify the correct synonym for the word ‘Magnanimous’. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) generous (খ) unkind (গ) revengeful (ঘ) friendly উত্তর : ক
86. ‘Misanthropist’ means– [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) One who flirts with ladies (খ) A person of narrow views
(গ) A hater of mankind (ঘ) One who believe that God is in everything উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Misanthropist অথি মানি বিসদ্বেী (A hater of mankind).
87. In the following four questions choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or
opposite in meaning to the word given in the question: ‘INFRINGE’– [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Transgress (খ) Purloin (গ) Invade (ঘ) Intrude উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : INFRINGE অথি ভঙ্গ করা, লংঘন করা, অবতক্রম করা| Transgress অথি লংঘন করা, ভঙ্গ করা| Purloin অথি
হামলা করা, হানা যিো| Invade অথি হামলা করা, হানা যিওো এিং Intrude অথি যজার কসর প্রসিশ করা|
88. The invention of computer has turned over a new leaf in the history of modern technology.
Which of the following is nearest in meaning to the italicized idiom above? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) created a new history (খ) began a new civilization
(গ) opened a new chapter (ঘ) created a sensation উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Turn over a new leaf- নতুন অধযাসের িূ িনা করা (Opened a new chapter); ভাসলা বকেু র জনয পবরিতি ন
(Change for the better)|
89. The word ‘omnivorous’ means: [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) eating all types of food (খ) eating only fruits
(গ) eating only meat (ঘ) eating grass and plants only উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Omnivorous অথি িিিভুক; িিবকেু খাে এমন (Eating all types of food)|
90. The word ‘officialese’ means– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) plural number of official (খ) language used in offices
(গ) plural number of office (ঘ) vague expressions উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Officialese শব্দটির অথি আমলাসির যলখাে িযিহৃত ভাো। অথিাৎ অবেিিমূ সহ িযিহৃত ভাোই হসে Officialese.
91. Choose the correct Antonym for– ‘Oblige’. [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Bind (খ) Bother (গ) Require (ঘ) Censure উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Oblige অথি িাধয করা; অনু গ্রহ করা| Bind অথি িাাঁধা| Require অথি প্রসোজন হওো| Bother অথি বিরক্ত িা
জ্বালাতন করা| Censure অথি িমাসলািনা করা| এখাসন, ‘Oblige’ ও ‘Require’ পরস্পসরর বিপরীত শব্দ (Antonym)|
92. In each of the following questions, out of the given alternative, choose the one that best
expresses the meaning of the given word: ‘OMNIPOTENT’– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #159 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) Feeble (খ) Supreme (গ) Impotent (ঘ) Vulnerable উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Omnipotent অথি িিি শবক্তমান। প্রসে প্রদ্ত্ত্ত অনয অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয- Feeble অথি দুিিল; Supreme অথি িসিিাচ্চ,
পরম; Impotent অথি অেম, অিমথি এিং Vulnerable অথি অরবেত। িু তরাং ‘Supreme’- শব্দটি ‘Omnipotent’- এর
93. The meaning of the word ‘Obese’ is– [২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) very fat (খ) ugly (গ) tardy (ঘ) obnoxious উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Obese িলসত যিাঝাে very fat, abnormally fat; Ugly -শব্দটির অথি হসে – unpleasant to look at or
other senses, ill-natured ইতযাবি| Tardy এর অথি হসে slow, sluggish, late ইতযাবি এিং obnoxious-এর অথি
হসে objectionable, offensive ইতযাবি|
94. The synonym for 'Obdurate'– [২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Deceitful (খ) Stubborn (গ) Sly (ঘ) Swindler উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Obdurate অথি একগুাঁসে, অিাধয; Deceitful অথি প্রিঞ্চনাপূ ে;ি Stubborn অথি অিাধয; Sly অথি িতুর, শে, ধূ তি
এিং Swindler অথি প্রতারক, জু োসিার।
95. Something which is obnoxious means that it is– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Very dangerous (খ) Very pleasant
(গ) Very ugly (ঘ) Very unpleasant উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Obnoxious- আপবত্তকর, যনাংরা, অৈবস্তকর| এখাসন অপশন- ঘ (Very unpleasant) অথিও (অৈবস্তকর) একই
96. An Ordinance is– [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A book (খ) An arms factory
(গ) A law (ঘ) A news paper journal উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Ordinance- অধযাসিশ, বিসশে েমতা িসল প্রেীত আইন। কাসজই এটি Law িা আইন এর িমাথিক।
97. One who unduly forwards in rendering services for others is not generally liked in society.
Which of the following words represents truly the character of the person mentioned here?
[১৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Benevolent (খ) Official (গ) Officious (ঘ) Bureaucratic উত্তর : গ
98. The synonym for ÔpanoramicÕ is – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) scenic (L) narrow (M) limited (N) restricted D:K
e¨vL¨v: Panoramic k‡ãi A_© `~i-`„k¨ ev wPÎ msµvšÍ| myZivs panoramic Gi synonym n‡jv scenic.
Aciw`‡K, narrow/limited/restricted A_© msKxY©|
99. Panacea’ means __________. [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) pancreatic (খ) widespread disease (গ) gland (ঘ) cure-all উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : Panacea- িকল যরাসগর ঔেধ/আসরাগয (Cure of all diseases)|
100. Geriatrics’ is the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of _____. [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(খ) old women (খ) newborn babies
(গ) old people (ঘ) newly-weds
িযাখযা : Pediatrics- বশশুসির (Children) বিবকৎিা msµvšÍ| Geriatrics- িৃ দ্ধসির (Old people) বিবকৎিা msµvšÍ|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #160 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
101. The word ‘Panegyric’ means– [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Criticism (খ) elaborate praise (গ) curse (ঘ) high sound উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Panegyric (স্তুবত; প্রশবস্তগাথা)-এর িমাথিক Elaborate praise (উচ্চ প্রশংিা)
102. Which do you think is the nearest in meaning to ‘proviso’: [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) sanction (খ) substitute (গ) stipulation (ঘ) directive উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Proviso অথি অনু বিবধ; শতি | Sanction অথি অনু সমািন; Substitute অথি বিকল্প; Stipulation অথি পে, মু বক্তপে,
শতি ; Directive অথি বনসিি শনামূ লক| িু তরাং, যিখা যাসে যয অসথির বিক যথসক ‘Proviso’ ও ‘Stipulation’ কাোকাবে|
103. “It is time to review the protocol on testing nuclear weapons”. Here the underlined word
means– [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Record of rules (খ) Procedures
(গ) Summary of rules (ঘ) Problems উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Protocol শসব্দর একটি অথি হসে- a set of rules/plans for performing a scientific experiment.
আিার, protocol এর পূ সিি ‘review’ word টি থাকাে তা যকাসনা recorded/written rules-যকই যিাঝাসে।
104. Societies living in the periphery are always ignored. Here the underlined word means– [৩৫তম
(ক) offshore areas (খ) marginal areas
(গ) remote place (ঘ) backward places উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Periphery অথি- যিৌহবদ্দ িা যশে িীমানা| Option গুসলার মসধয offshore areas- িমু দ্রতীর হসত দূরিতী এলাকা;
marginal areas- প্রাবন্তক/যশে িীমা; regions- অনু ন্নত এলাকা| িু তরাং অথিগত বিক যথসক periphery শসব্দর অথি হসে
marginal areas.
105. The word ‘permissive’ implies – [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) humble (খ) law-abiding (গ) liberal (ঘ) submissive উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা: Permissive অথি অনু সমািনকারী| humble – িরল; law-abiding – আইন মানযকারী; liberal – উিারপন্থী;
submissive – অনু গত|
106. When one is ‘pragmatic’ he is being ___________. [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) wasteful (খ) productive (গ) practical (ঘ) fussy উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Pragmatic অথি িযিহাবরক; Wasteful অথি অপিে ঘটাে এমন; Productive অথি উৎপািনশীল; Practical অথি
িযিহাবরক এিং Fussy অথি অবস্থর/অবতিযস্ত। িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর: practical.
107. The word ‘PRECEDENCE’ means– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) example (খ) priority (গ) elderly (ঘ) case উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Precedence শব্দটি noun. এর অথি অগ্রাবধকার িা অগ্রগেযতা| যযমন: Order of Precedence. এই অসথি
Priority িঠিক উত্তর| যকননা Priority শব্দটি দ্বারাও অগ্রগেয িা অগ্রাবধকার ‡evSvq| আিার শব্দটি যবি Precedent হসতা
তাহসল example িঠিক উত্তর হসতা| কারে Precedent শসব্দর অথি নবজর, পূ িি বনিশিন, উিাহরে, দৃষ্টান্ত ইতযাবি| Elderly
শব্দটি adjective, যার অথি িসোসজযষ্ঠ, যপ্রৌঢ়, প্রিীে ইতযাবি| ‘case’ noun টির দু ধরসনর অথি আসে ১. ঘটনা, িযাপার ইতযাবি
এিং ২. িাক্স, খাপ, আিরে ইতযাবি|
108. A ‘pilgrim’ is a person who undertakes a journey to ___________ [১৬তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) mosque (খ) new country (গ) holy place (ঘ) bazar উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Pilgrim-তীথিযাত্রী (ধমীে স্থাসনর যাত্রী)| একজন Pilgrim িিিিাই পবিত্র স্থাসন (Holy Place) যাত্রা কসর।
109. ‘Paediatric’ relates to the treatment of: [১৫তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #161 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) Adults (খ) Children (গ) Women (ঘ) Old people উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা: ‘Paediatric’ অথি বশশু বিেেক বিবকৎিা িংক্রান্ত|
110. The proper function of the press is surely to _____ the man in the street with facts. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) equip (খ) deliver (গ) proffer (ঘ) provide উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Provide িযািহার কসর এখাসন তথয প্রিান করা যিাঝাসনা হসেসে।
111. Fill in the gaps by choosing one word from the choices given. They have _________ their
support for our case. [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) pledged (খ) disavowed (গ) provided (ঘ) deferred উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Pledge অথি অঙ্গীকার করা; প্রবতজ্ঞা করা; জামানত রাখা; Provide অথি িরিরাহ করা; িংস্থান করা| Deferred অথি
বিলবিত করা; স্থবগত করা; মু লতবি করা এিং Disavow অথি অৈীকার করা| িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর অপশন ক|
112. Ch০ose the correct meaning of the following words: PARCEL [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Piece of land (খ) Quarrel (গ) Unobstructed view (ঘ) Postage উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Parcel অথি হসলা যমাড়ক, এর আসরক অথি হসলা এক খি জবম। Piece of land অথি জবমর টুকসরা; Quarrel অথি
ঝগড়া, বিিাি; Unobstructed view অথি িাধাহীন দৃবষ্ট এিং Postage- োকমাশুল।
113. The word ‘plurality’ means– [১৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The letter ‘S’ (খ) Men and women
(গ) Chaos and confusion (ঘ) The holding of more than one office at a time উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Plurality অথি িহুত্ব, এসকর অবধক (িাবেবজযক পবরভাোে এসকর অবধক িযিিাে/অবেি)।
114. What is the antonym of 'Queer'? [১২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Integrated (খ) Orderly (গ) Abnormal (ঘ) Odd উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Queer- অৈাভাবিক, অদ্ভূত, বিবিত্র, অিামঞ্জিযপূ েি; Integrated- অখি, এবকভূত, অঙ্গীভুত; Orderly- বনেমমাবেক,
ৈাভাবিক, িামঞ্জযিযপূ ে;ি Abnormal- অৈাভাবিক, িযবতক্রমী; Odd- অদ্ভূত, অৈাভাবিক, দৃবষ্টকটু; কাসজই Queer এর বিপরীত
শব্দ হসে Orderly.
115. In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning of the given word:
‘Repeal’– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Abolish (খ) Enact (গ) Annul (ঘ) Nullify উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Repeal অথি িাবতল করা। প্রসে প্রিত্ত অনয অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয- Abolish অথি যলাপ করা; Enact অথি আইসন পবরেত
করা; Annul অথি িাবতল করা এিং Nullify অথি িাবতল করা। এখাসন, ‘Repeal’- এর opposite word হসে ‘Enact’.
116. He knew it was a very _______ operation, but he was determined to carry it out. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) difficult (খ) dangerous (গ) risky (ঘ) troublesome উত্তর : গ
117. ‘Razzmatazz’ means– [১৭তম বিবিএি ও ২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) A musical instrument (খ) A well-planned programme
(গ) A noisy activity (ঘ) A musical activity উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Razzmatazz অথি যশারসগালপূ েি কাজকমি যা অনয মানু েসক আকেিে করার জনয করা হে। অথিাৎ ‘Noisy activity’.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #162 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
118. The antonym for ‘Recalcitrant’–[২৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Compliant (খ) Passive (গ) Indifferent (ঘ) Careful উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Compliant অথি বশষ্ট, ভদ্র; Passive অথি বনবিে; Indifferent অথি উিািীন এিং Careful অথি িতকি | অনযবিসক
‘Recalcitrant’-এর অথি হসলা অিাধয (Stubborn). যি বহসিসি এর বিপরীতাথিক শব্দ বহসিসি ‘Compliant’ শব্দটিই
119. A synonym for ‘Resentment’ is– [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Anger (খ) Indignation (গ) Panic (ঘ) Fear উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : মূ লশব্দ ‘Resentment’ অথি হসলা রাগ, বিরবক্ত, যোভ। Fear অথি ভে; Anger অথি রাগ, যোভ; Indignation-
(অবিিারসহতু) যোভ, যরাে ইতযাবি এিং Panic- আতংক। এখাসন Anger এিং Indignation উভেই কাোকাবে হসলও
Indignation অবধকতর িঠিক উত্তর।
120. Which phrase contains words opposed to each other in meaning? [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Hopes and aspirations (খ) Heat and dust
(গ) Reproduction and death (ঘ) Emerged and advanced উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা: Hopes and aspiration অথি আশা ও প্রতযাশা (িমাথিক)| Heat and dust অথি তাপ ও ধু সলা (বভন্নাথিক)|
Reproduction and death অথি প্রজনন ও মৃ তুয (বিপরীতাথিক) এিং Emerged and advanced অথি উিীেমান ও
অগ্রিরমান (িমাথিক)| যযসহতু বিপরীতাথিক শব্দযু গল জানসত িাওো হসেসে, তাই িঠিক উত্তর (C)|
S ইনসিপশন
121. The antonym for ÔslothfulÕ is – [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) playful (L) sluggish (M) energetic (N) quarrelsome Dত্তর: M
e¨vL¨v: Slothful/sluggish kã؇qi A_© Ajm| myZivs slothful Gi synonym n‡e energetic ev Kg©V|
122. The word ‘sibling’ means- [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a brother (খ) a sister
(গ) a brother or sister (ঘ) an infant উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Sibling-একই বপতামাতার িন্তান, brother or sister.
123. In English grammar, ____ deals with formation of sentences. [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Morphology (খ) Etymology
(গ) Syntax (ঘ) Semantics উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Linguistics িা ভাোবিজ্ঞাসন Morphology শসব্দর গেন বনসে, Etymology-শসব্দর উৎপবত্ত ও ইবতহাি বনসে,
Syntax- িাসকযর গেন বনসে এিং Semantics- শব্দ ও িাসকযর অথি বনসে আসলািনা কসর।
124. The verb ‘succumb’ means– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) achieve (খ) submit (গ) win (ঘ) conquer উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Succumb- িমপিে করা; option গুসলার মসধয একমাত্রা submit অথি বনসিিন করা, achieve- অজিন করা,
conquer- জে করা, win- জে করা|
125. In each of the following questions, out of the given alternative, choose the one that best
expresses the meaning of the given word: ‘Sporadic’– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Consistent (খ) Uniform (গ) Frequent (ঘ) Scattered উত্তর: ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #163 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : Sporadic অথি বিবেপ্ত। প্রসে প্রিত্ত অপশনিমূ সহর মসধয Consistent অথি িঙ্গবতপূ ে;ি Uniform অথি একরূপ,
িমরূপ; Frequent অথি িারিার এিং Scattered অথি বিবেপ্ত। এখাসন, ‘Scattered’- শব্দটি ‘Sporadic’- এর িমাথিক।
126. The word ‘Shrug’ indicating doubt or indifference is associated with– [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Shoulders (খ) Head (গ) Forehead (ঘ) Eyebrows উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Shrug অথি কাাঁধ ঝাাঁকাসনা (Shoulder-এর িাসথ িম্পবকি ত)|
127. Of the four alternatives given below, choose the word/words that best fits into the underlined
word given in the sentence. One day women will have so long been denied them– leisure,
money and room to themselves. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) space (খ) liberty (গ) office (ঘ) capacity উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : One day women will have so long been denied them– leisure, money and room to
themselves. এটি Virginia-এর একটি উবক্ত। এখাসন ‘space’ অসথি ‘room’ িযিহৃত হসেসে।
128. Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have _____ ones. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) different (খ) separate (গ) complete (ঘ) lonely উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Separate ones বিসে অনয বতন িাচ্চার আলািা আলািা বিোনা থাকা যিাঝাসনা হসেসে|
129. Stockings are _______ socks. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) long (খ) small (গ) big (ঘ) short উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Stockings অথি হাাঁটু পযিন্ত িা তার ওপর পযিন্ত লিা যমাজা। যযসহতু যমাজা হাাঁটুর ওপর পযিন্ত বিস্তৃত যিাঝাসে, তাই এটি
Short িা Small হওো িাঞ্ছনীে নে। িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর ‘A’ (long).
130. Climate is a ________ of the environment. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) state (খ) situation (গ) rank (ঘ) size উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Climate অথি হসলা জলিােু, যা একটি বনবিি ষ্ট এলাকার কসেক িেসরর আিহাওোর গড় অিস্থাসক বনসিি শ কসর&| এখাসন,
State অথি অিস্থা; Situation A_© অিস্থা; তসি এটি গ্রাম, শহসরর অিস্থান িু ঝাসত িযিহৃত হে; Rank A_© িাবর িা ক্রম Ges
Size A_© আকার| এখাসন ‘State’ বিসে জলিােুর অিস্থা ‡evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
131. Choose the correct meaning of the following words: ‘RUMMINANT’ [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Cud-chewing animal (খ) Gossip
(গ) Soup (ঘ) Noise-make উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Ruminant অথি হসলা জাির কাটা প্রােী; Cud-chewing animal- জাির কাটা প্রােী; Gossip- যখাশগল্প; Soup-
যঝাল এিং Noise-maker- যশারসগালকারী।
132. If a substance is cohesive, it tends to ________________. [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) retain heat (খ) bend without too much difficulty
(গ) stick together (ঘ) break easily উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা: Cohesive অথি দৃঢ়ভাসি একসত্র যলসগ থাসক এমন; Retain heat অথি তাপ অিযাহত রাখা; Bend without too
much difficulty অথি খু ি যিবশ কাঠিনয োড়াই িাাঁকা হে; Stick together অথি একসত্র যলসগ থাকা এিং Break easily
অথি িহসজই যভসে যাে|
133. The opposite word of ‘Sluggish’– [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Animated (খ) Dull (গ) Heavy (ঘ) Slow উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা: Sluggish- বনবিে; Animated- প্রােিন্ত; Dull- মু খি; Heavy- ভারী এিং Slow- ধীসর।
134. What kind of man is quite the opposite type of “supercilious”? [১৪তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #164 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) Affable (খ) Haughty (গ) Disdainful (ঘ) Wicked উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Supercilious অথি অহংকারী; Affable- িন্ধুত্বপূ েি আিরে; Haughty- অহংকারী; Disdainful- তােলযপূ েি এিং
Wicked- দুিৃ িত্ত|
135. Select the meaning of the word ‘STAGFLAGATION’– [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Controlled prices (খ) Economic slow down
(গ) A disintegrating government (ঘ) Cultural dullness উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Stagflation অথি অথিবনবতক মন্দা (যয িমসে মু দ্রাফীবত হে বকন্তু উৎপািন িাসড় না)| Controlled price- বনেবিত
মূ লয; Economic slow down- অথিবনবতক মন্দা; A disintegrating government - একটি অিামঞ্জিযপূ েি িরকার
এিং Cultural dullness- িাংস্কৃবতক মন্দা|
136. What is the meaning of the word ‘SCUTTLE’? [১৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To tease (খ) Abandon (গ) Pile up (ঘ) Gossip উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Scuttle- দ্রুত প্রস্থান, পরতযাগ করা; To tease- উতযক্ত করা, বিরক্ত করা; Abandon- পবরতযাগ করা, যেসড় যিো;
Pile up- স্তুপ করা, জমা করা এিং Gossip- যখাশগল্প করা, িুটবক রিনা করা|
137. What is the meaning of the word ‘STANCH’?
(ক) To reinforce (খ) Be weak (গ) Put an end to (ঘ) Smooth out উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Stanch- যরাধ করা, িন্দ করা, যশে করা; To reinforce- শবক্তশালী করা, েমতা িৃ বদ্ধ করা, দৃঢ়তর করা; Be weak-
দুিিল হওো; Smooth out- মিৃ ে করা, িমান করা; Put an end to- িাঙ্গ করা, যশে করা, যিবনকা পাত করা|
138. What is the meaning of the word ‘SEQUENCES’? [১২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) To follow (খ) Round up (গ) Withdraw (ঘ) Question closely উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Sequences- ক্রমিমূ হ, পরস্পরিমূ হ আনু ক্রবমক বিেোিবল; To follow- অনু িরে করা, ক্রমঅনু িরে করা; Round
up- একক করা, পূ েিি ংখযাে বনসে আিা; Withdraw- উসত্তালন করা, তুসল যনো; Question closely- ঘবনষ্ঠভাসি/দৃঢ়ভাসি
প্রে করা|
139. ‘Syntax’ means– [১০ম বিবিএি]
(ক) Supplementary tax (খ) Manner of speech
(গ) Synchronizing (ঘ) Sentence building উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Syntax’ হসলা Grammar-এর একটি অংশ, যা sentence-এর গেন বনসে আসলািনা কসর| তাই িঠিক উত্তর হসি
‘Sentence building’.
140. Choose the appropriate to complete the sentence. "He had a _________ of fever." (published)
(ক) strong attack (খ) severe attack (গ) serious kind (ঘ) bad attack উত্তর : গ
B) severe attack
িযাখযা: strong– প্রিল, শবক্তশালী| বকন্তু এ শব্দটি িাধারেত িযবক্তর িাসথ বকংিা িযবক্তিািক যিাে-গুসের িাসথ িসি থাসক| আিার
severe- কসোর, প্রিল, প্রিি, তীব্র (এ শব্দটি বিসশে ভাসি আিহাওোগত স্বিবশষ্টয ও যরাসগর তীব্রতা প্রকাসশ িযিহৃত হে)| আিার
serious- গম্ভীর, রাশভারী, বিন্তাশীল| শব্দটির ২নং অথি হসে গুরুতর, িঙ্গীন ইতযাবি| শব্দটির িাসথ যরাগ িা এ বিেসের যকান
িংযু বক্ত যনই| bad- মন্দ, দুষ্ট, খারাপ, অনযাে| অথিগত স্বিবশষ্টয যথসক লেেীে যয, শব্দটি অিু সখর তীব্রতা প্রকাশ অেম|
141. Choose the word opposite in meaning to ‘terse’: [41Zg wewmGm]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #165 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
K. concise L. detailed M. expressive N. descriptive D. L
e¨vL¨v : Ôterse’ k‡ãi A_©- mswÿß, evûj¨ewR©Z| Gi wecixZ A_©- descriptive hvi A_©- eY©bvg~jK| Detailed
k‡ãi A_©- wek`, cy•Lvbycy•L| Expressive k‡ãi A_©- fvec~Y©|
142. You look terrific in that dress! The word 'terrific' in the above sentence means - [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) excellent (খ) funny (গ) very ugly (ঘ) horrible উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : যবি কাউসক terrific দ্বারা িেিনা করা হসে, তাহসল তার প্রবত িন্তুষ্ট িা অবভভূত অথি প্রকাশ কসর| আেবরক অসথি িযিহৃত
হেবন| িাসকয িমৎকার (Excellent) অসথি িযিহৃত হসেসে| এ রকম আরও বকেু উিাহরে যিখু ন- What a terrific idea!
You look ferritic, Dear. প্রসে প্রিত্ত িাকযটি- ou look terrific in that dress. (যতামাসক এই যপাশাকটিসত যিখসত
অিাধারে লাগসে)|
143. Hospitals ________ the sick. [৩৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) treat (খ) admit (গ) nurse (ঘ) operate উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‘treat’ অথি ওেু ধ ও অসরাপিাসরর মাধযসম বিবকৎিা প্রিান| হািপাতালগুসলা যযসহতু ওেু ধ ও অসরাপিাসরর মাধযসম
বিবকৎিা প্রিান কসর, যিসহতু শূ নযস্থাসন Verb বহসিসি ‘Treat’ িিসি| অনয বতনটি অপশন Operate (পবরিালনা করা),
Nurse (যিিা করা) ও Admit (ৈীকার করা, ভবতি করা) এখাসন যসথাপযু ক্ত নে|
144. The new offer of job was alluring. Here ‘alluring’ means– [৩৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) unexpected (খ) tempting (গ) disappointing (ঘ) ordinary উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Alluring– যলাভনীে। অনয option-গুসলার মসধয unexpected– অপ্রতযাবশত, tempting– প্রলু ব্ধকর/যলাভনীে,
disappointing– হতাশাজনক, ordinary– িাধারে। িাকয অনু যােী নতুন িাকবরর offer-টি যলাভনীে বেল।
145. Give the antonym of the word ‘transitory’. [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) temporary (খ) permanent (গ) transparent (ঘ) short-lived উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Transitory অথি- েেস্থােী| Option -গুসলার মসধয temporary, transparent ও short-lived -এর অথি
েেস্থােী, ৈে ৈল্পকালীন এিং Permanent অথি- স্থােী| িু তরাং transitory-এর antonym হসে permanent.
146. New programs will be ____ next week in Bangladesh Television.[২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) telecast (খ) published (গ) telecasted (ঘ) broadcasted উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Verb বহসিসি telecast িাধারেত passive sense-এ িযিহার হসে থাসক। উবিবখত িাকযটিও রসেসে passive
sense-এ। এর অথি যকাসনা বকেু যটবলবভশসন িম্প্রিার করা। published অথি যকাসনা বকেু প্রকাশ করা। যযমন: িই, পবত্রকা
ইতযাবি। telecasted শব্দটির প্রসোগ ভুল। কারে telecast-এর passive use-এ ও telecast িযিহার হে।
147. The word ÔequivocationÕ refers to– [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) stating like an author
(L) two contradictory things in the same statement
(M) free expression of opinions
(N) a true statement D:L
e¨vL¨v: Equivocation k‡ãi A_© evKPvZzix ev e¨v‡½vw³| Word wUi ï× A_© n‡e two contradictory things
in the same statement.
148. The Olympic games were watched by ______ billions of people all over the world. [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) exactly (খ) usually (গ) truly (ঘ) literally উত্তর : ঘ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #166 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা: Exactly অথি বনভুিলভাসি, িঠিকভাসি; Usually অথি িিরাির, িাধারেত; Truly অথি যথাযথভাসি, িবতযকারভাসি এিং
Literally অথি আেবরক অসথি, যমাটামু টি। যযসহতু কত যলাক অবলবম্পক প্রতযে কসরসে তার বনভুিল িংখযা বনেিে অিম্ভি তাই
exactly এিং truly যক িাি যিো যাে। আর usually দ্বারা repeated present িু ঝাে িসল তা past tense-এ িযিহার না
করাই যশ্রে। িু তরাং যমাসটর উপর বিবলেন বিবলেন যলাক যিসখসে এ অসথি Ackb N িঠিক।
149. ‘Venerate’ Means– [৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) defame (খ) abuse (গ) respect (ঘ) accuse উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Venerate – অথি শ্রদ্ধা করা, িম্মান করা| Option গুসলার মসধয defame – বনন্দা করা; abuse – গাবল যিো;
respect – িম্মান করা এিং accuse – যিাোসরাপ করা| িু তরাং venerate-এর অথি হসে respect.
150. Many students will now be starting to _______ about their exams result. [২৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) worry (খ) reflect (গ) inquire (ঘ) comment উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : Worry অথি উবদ্বগ্ন হওো: Reflect অথি প্রবতেবলত করা; Inquire অথি যখাাঁজখির যনো এিং Comment অথি মন্তিয
করা। িাধারেত পরীোর পর েলােল িম্পসকি মন্তিয করা িা যখাাঁজখির যনোর যিসে উবদ্বগ্ন থাকাই ৈাভাবিক|
Type: 135 [মু খস্থ বনভি র বিেেগুসলাসক Type এিং িযাকরে বনভি র িযাপারগুসলাসক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হসেসে।]
তসি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. যবি ICE : COLDNESS হে, তসি EARTH : ? [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Weight (খ) Jungle (গ) Sea (ঘ) Gravity উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Ice- অথি িরে; তুোর| Coldness- অথি োন্ডা; স্বশতয শীতলতা; Sea- অথি িাগর; Gravity- অথি মাধযাকেিে শবক্ত|
Ice এর মসধয থাকাে যযমন িরসের উপািানগুসলা পরস্পসরর িাসথ যলসগ থাসক যতমবন Earth এর মসধয Gravity থাকাে
Earth এর িিবকেু বেটসক পসড় না িা যলসগ থাসক|
02. To doctor an animal means: [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) to treat it (খ) to sterilize it
(গ) to poison it (ঘ) to cure it উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : যকাসনা বকেু জীিােু মুক্ত করসত To doctor an animal িযিহাবরত হে|
03. What is the meaning of musk? [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a form of drama (খ) a face cover
(গ) a substance used in making perfume (ঘ) a disguise
িযাখযা : Musk অথি কস্তুবর, যা িু গবন্ধ স্বতবরসত িযিহৃত হে|
04. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of “Harm : Damage”–
[৩৫তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Sweet : Sour (খ) Injure : Incapacitate
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #167 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(গ) Stout : Weak (ঘ) Hook : Crook উত্তর : খ
িযাখযা : Harm (েবত করা) : Damage (েবত করা, ধ্বংি করা) অথিাৎ কাউসক ধ্বংি করার জনয েবত করা হে| Option
গুসলার মসধয– Sweet (বমবষ্ট/মধু র) : Sour (টক), এরা বিপরীতাথিক|
Injure (আঘাত করা, েত করা) : Incapacitate (অেম করা, আঘাসতর দ্বারা দুিিল করা), অথিাৎ কাউসক অেম করার জনয
আঘাত করা হে।
Stout (অটল, শবক্তশালী) : Weak (দুিিল), এরা Antonymous.
Hook (িাাঁকাসনা, িক্র হওো) : Crook (িক্র করা িা হওো) এরা synonymous হসলও িম্পকি গত বিক যথসক এক নে।
05. Tiger: Zoology :: Mars : ? [৩৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Astrology (খ) Cryptology (গ) Astronomy (ঘ) Telescope উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : ‘Tiger’ (িাঘ) হসলা একটি প্রােী এিং ‘Zoology’ (প্রাবেবিিযা) হসলা প্রােী িম্পবকি ত বিিযা|
‘Mars’ (মঙ্গলগ্রহ) হসলা একটি গ্রসহর নাম এিং ‘Astronomy’ (যজযাতবিিিযা) হসলা গ্রহ-নেত্রবিেেক বিিযা|
06. Botany is to plants as Zoology is to– [29Zg I ৩৪তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Flowers (খ) Rivers (গ) Mountains (ঘ) Animals উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Botany’ (উবদ্ভিবিিযা) যযমন আসলািনা কসর ‘Plants’ (উবদ্ভি) বনসে, যতমবন ‘Zoology’ (প্রাবেবিিযা) আসলািনা
কসর ‘Animals’ (প্রােী) বনসে।
07. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair:
Patron : Support ::? [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Spouse : Divorce (খ) Artist : Imitation
(গ) Counselor : Advice (ঘ) Restaurant : Customer উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : ‘Patron’ (পৃ ষ্ঠসপােক) যযমন ‘Support’ (িমথিন) যিে, যতমবন ‘Counselor’ (উপসিষ্টা) ‘Advice’ (উপসিশ)
08. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair:
Heart : Human :: ? [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Wall : Brick (খ) Hand : Child (গ) Kitchen : House (ঘ) Engine : Car উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Human’ (মানু ে)-যক যযমন িিল রাসখ ‘Heart’ (হৃৎবপি), যতমবন ‘Car’ (গাবড়)-যক িিল রাসখ ‘Engine’
09. Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of the given pair:
Words : Writer ::? [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Laws : Policeman (খ) Butter : Baker
(গ) Chalk : Black board (ঘ) Joy : Emotion উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : ‘Writer’ (যলখক) যযমন কাজ কসর ‘Words’ (শব্দ) বনসে, যতমবন ‘Baker’ (রুটি প্রস্তুতকারক) কাজ কসর
‘Butter’ (মাখন) বনসে|
10. ‘Sky’ is to ‘Bird’ as ‘Water’ is to– [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Feather (খ) Fish (গ) Boat (ঘ) Lotus DËi: L
িযাখযা : ‘Sky’ (আকাশ) যত যযমন ‘Bird’ (পাবখ) বিিরে কসর| তদ্রুপ, ‘Water’ (পাবন) যত যতমন ‘Fish’ (মাে) বিিরে
11. ‘Good’ is to ‘Bad’ as ‘White’ is to– [২৯তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Dark (খ) Black (গ) Grey (ঘ) Ebony উত্তর : খ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #168 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : ‘Good’ (ভাসলা) এর বিপরীত শব্দ ‘Bad’ (খারাপ)| তদ্রূপ, ‘White’ (িািা) এর বিপরীত শব্দ ‘Black’ (কাসলা)|
12. ‘Light’ is to ‘Dark’ as ‘Cold’ is to– [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) hot (খ) heat (গ) cool (ঘ) winter উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : ‘Light’ এর বিপরীত শব্দ ‘Dark’. ‘Cold’ এর বিপরীত শব্দ ‘Hot’.
13. Tiger : Zoology :: Mars : ? [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Astrology (খ) Cryptology (গ) Astronomy (ঘ) Telescope উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Astrology িলসত যিাঝাে যজযাবতে, যজযাবত তত্ত্ব| Cryptology হসলা The art of writing or solving
codes. Astronomy হসলা গ্রহ, তারা, িাাঁি, িূ যি ইতযাবির বিজ্ঞানিম্মত অধযেন| Telescope হসলা দূসরর বজবনি িহসজ
অনু ধািসনর বিজ্ঞান| প্রসে Tiger প্রােী যযমন Zoology অথিাৎ প্রাবেবিজ্ঞাসনর িাসথ িম্পৃ ক্ত, ঠিক যতমবন Mars অথিাৎ মঙ্গলগ্রহ
Astronomy-এর িাসথ িম্পবকি ত|
14. Break : Repair :: Wound : ? [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Heal (খ) Hurt (গ) Fix (ঘ) Plaster উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Break শব্দটির অথি যভসঙ্গ যাওো, যভসঙ্গ যেলা। Break হসল যভসে যগসল Repair করসত হসি। িু তরাং শব্দটি হসি
Repair. অনু রূপভাসি Wound িা আহত হসল Plaster করসত হসি। Heal অথি উপশম। Hurt অথি আঘাত। Fix শসব্দর অথি
বনিদ্ধ/বনবিষ্ট করা। িু তরাং, িঠিক উত্তর হসি Plaster.
15. Frightened : Scream :: Angry : ? [২৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Cry (খ) Shiver (গ) Shout (ঘ) Sneer উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Frighten শব্দটি ভীত, আতবিত অসথি িযিহৃত হে; Scream অথি ভসে বিৎকার িা আতি নাি করা অথিাৎ আমরা ভে
যপসল তারপর আতি নাি িা তীব্র বিৎকার কবর| Angry অথি রাগাবিত বকন্তু রাগাবিত হসল আমরা Shout কবর িা বিৎকার কবর।
16. Each question below consists of a related pair of words; select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Submission : Yielding [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Subjection : Liberation (খ) Restrain : Indulge
(গ) Complaint : Acquiescent (ঘ) Restriction : Relaxation উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : এখাসন মূ লশব্দ Submission অথি হসলা আনু গতয, নম্রতা, িশযতা আর Yielding অথি হসলা নম্র, বিনেী। অনযবিসক,
Subjection পরাধীনতা, িশযতা, িমন ইতযাবি। Liberation- মু বক্ত, ৈাধীনতা। Restrain- িমন করা, বনেিে করা, িাাঁধা প্রিান।
Indulge- িাধ বমটাসনা, পবরতৃপ্ত করা; Compliant - রাজী, িম্মত। Acquiescent- িম্মবত, রাজী, যমৌনিম্মবত।
Restriction- িাাঁধা, বনসেধ। Relaxation- প্রশমন, িথ, কম কসোরতাপূ েি। এখাসন মূ ল যজাড়াে িম্পকি হসলা যয িযবক্ত
Yielding (নম্র) তার মসধযই থাসক Submission (নম্রতা)| অনু রূপ উত্তর Compliant ….. Acquiescent যত যিখা
যাসে, যার মসধয Acquiescent আসে যি-ই Compliant (িম্মত)|
17. Each question below consists of a related pair of words; select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Vacillate : Hesitate [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Persevere : Waiver (খ) Impulsive : Deliberate
(গ) Obstinate : Accommodating (ঘ) Irresolute : Indecisive উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : এখাসন মূ ল শব্দ Vacillate অথি বদ্বধাবিত হওো িা ইতস্তত করা এিং Hesitate অথিও ইতস্তত করা, বদ্বধাবিত হওো,
বিদ্ধান্তহীনতাে যভাগা প্রভৃবত। অনযবিসক Persevere- অধযিিােী হওো, বনরবিবেন্ন মসনাসযাগ িহকাসর কাজ করা, Waiver-
ৈত্বতযাগ, িাবির পবরতযাগ, না-িাবিকরে প্রভৃবত। Impulsive- আসিগ তাবড়ত, আসিগ প্রিৃ ত্ত, অন্তরাসিগ িাবলত, Deliberate-
িু বিবন্তত, ইোকৃত, উসদ্দশয প্রসোবিত প্রভৃবত। Obstinate- একগুসে, যজবি, দুিি মনীে। Accommodating- অমাবেক, নম্র,
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #169 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
ভদ্র। Irresolute- অবস্থর বিত্ত, অবস্থর মবত, িলবিত্ত প্রভৃবত্ত। Indecisive- অবনবিত, অবস্থরমবত, বদ্বধাবিত ইতযাবি। ওপসরর
বিসিেসে যিখা যাে Irresolute ... Indecisive িাসি যকাসনা যজাড়াসতই Synonymous িম্পকি িু ঝাসে না।
18. Each question below consists of a related pair of words; select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Assert : Dissent [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Affirm : Object (খ) Reject : Disapprove
(গ) Endorse : Ratify (ঘ) Acknowledge : Recognize উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : মূ ল শব্দ Assert অথি িাবি করা, দৃঢ়ভাসি যঘােো করা, এিং Dissent অথি আপবত্ত করা, অনু সমািন করসত অৈীকার করা।
এ শব্দসজাড়া পরস্পর বিপরীত অথি প্রকাশ করসে। অপশন ‘ক’ যত আসে- Affirm - দৃঢ়ভাসি যঘােো করা, বনবিত রূসপ িলা।
Object - আপবত্ত করা, অবভসযাগ করা, অৈীকার করা। অপশন ‘খ’ যত আসে Reject- িাবতল করা, প্রতযাখযান করা, অগ্রাহয
করা। Disapprove- প্রতযাখযান করা, িাবতল করা, অনু সমািন না করা। অপশন ‘গ’ যত আসে- Acknowledge- ৈীকার করা,
যমসন যনওো, প্রাবপ্ত ৈীকার। Recognize- ৈীকৃবত যিওো, বিনসত পারা প্রভৃবত। অপশন ‘ঘ’ যত আসে- Endorse- অনু সমািন
করা। Ratify- অনু সমািন করা ও যিো। ওপসরর choice গুসলার শব্দ যজাড়া বিসিেে করসল যিখা যাে মূ ল শব্দ যজাড়ার িসঙ্গ
একমাত্র choice ‘ক’এর শব্দ যজাড়ারই বমল রসেসে।
19. Each question below consists of a related pair of words; select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. Distort : Twist [২২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Straighten : Bend (খ) Deform : Reform
(গ) Observe : Blur (ঘ) Harmonize : Balance উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : এখাসন মূ ল শব্দ যজাড়ার Distort অথি বিকৃত করা এিং Twist অথি যমািড়াসনা, বিকৃত করা প্রভবত| অথিাৎ শব্দ যজাড়া
পরস্পর িমাথিক অথি প্রকাশ করসে| Straighten - যিাজা করা; Bend- িাকাসনা; Deform- বিকৃতকরে Ges Reform–
িংসশাধন| Harmonize- িমিে িাধন করা, খাপ খাওো; Balance- িদৃশ করা, ভারিাময অিস্থান রাখা; Observe-
পযিসিেে করা, পালন করা, উিযাপন করা; Blur- দুসিিাধয, অস্পষ্ট, কলংক, িাগ| অপশনগুসলার মসধয শুধু মাত্র Harmonize …
Balance শব্দ যজাড় পরস্পর িমাথিক অথি প্রকাশ করসে|
20. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Eager : Indifferent [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Concerned : Careful (খ) Anxious : Nervous
(গ) Enthusiastic : Halfhearted (ঘ) Devoted : Dedicated উত্তর: গ
21. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Lengthen : Prolong [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Stretch : Extend (খ) Distance : Reduce
(গ) Draw out : Shorten (ঘ) Reach out : Cut short উত্তর : ক
22. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Delay : Retard [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Postpone : Promote (খ) Adjourn : Start
(গ) Slow down : Hold up (ঘ) Defer : Accelerate উত্তর: গ
23. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
Submissive : Disobedient [২১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Comply : Conform (খ) Heed : Acquiesce
(গ) Observe : Defy (ঘ) Obey : Hearken to উত্তর : গ
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #170 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
24. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
EXCITE : CALM – [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Retrain : Compose (খ) Agitate : Trouble
(গ) Upset : Perturb (ঘ) Stimulate : Cool Down উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Excite- উসত্তবজত করা, Calm- শান্ত| িু তরাং শব্দ দুটি Antonymous. Option (A), (B), (C) এর শব্দ
যজাড়াগুসলা পরস্পর Synonymous. Stimulate- উসত্তবজত করা; Cool down- শান্ত করা|
25. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
DELAY : EXPEDITE – [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Related : Halt (খ) Block : Obstruct
(গ) Drag : Procrastinate (ঘ) Detain : Dispatch উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Delay- বিলবিত করা; Expedite-ত্বরাবিত করা। িু তরাং এ শব্দ দুটি Antonymous. Option- (D) যত Detain
- আটসক রাখা, Dispatch - যপ্ররে করা। িাবক option গুসলার প্রাে িিই পরস্পর synonymous.
26. Each question below consists of a related pair of words. Select the pair that best expresses a
relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. ANARCHY : GOVERNMENT –
[২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Penury : Wealth (খ) Chaos : Disorder
(গ) Monarchy : Republic (ঘ) Verbosity : Words উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : িরকাসরর অভাসি যযমন অরাজকতা (Anarchy) িৃ বষ্ট হে যতমবন িম্পসির (wealth) অভাসি িাবরদ্রয (penury)
27. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.
VACCINE : PREVENT – [২০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Wound : Heal (খ) Victim : Attend
(গ) Antidote : Counteract (ঘ) Diagnosis : Cure উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Vaccine-এর কাজ হসে যরাগ প্রবতসরাধ করা। তদ্রূপ Antidote (যরাগ প্রবতসরাধক ওেু ধ) যরাসগর বিস্তারসক িযথি কসর
28. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:
CARPENTER : SAW [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Stenographer : Typewriter (খ) Painter : Brush
(গ) Lawyer : Brief (ঘ) Seamstress : Scissors উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Carpenter (কােবমবর) Saw বিসে কাে কাসট| আর Seamstress (মবহলা িবজি) Scissor বিসে কাপড় কাসট|
29. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:
Fire : Ashes [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Accident : Delay (খ) Water : Waves
(গ) Event : Memories (ঘ) Wood : Splinters উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Fire (আগুন) জ্বসল বনিঃসশে হসল শুধু থাসক Ashes (োই)| Event (ঘটনা) যশে হসল থাসক শুধু Memories
30. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:
Stare : Glance [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Gulp : Sip (খ) Confide : Tell
(গ) Scorn : Admire (ঘ) Participate : Observe উত্তর : ক
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #171 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
িযাখযা : Stare অথি বস্থরদৃবষ্টসত তাকাসনা; Glance অথি এক পলক যিখা। Gulp অথি ঢকঢক কসর খাওো; Sip অথি িুমু ক বিসে
Type: 137 [মু খস্থ বনভি র বিেেগুসলাসক Type এিং িযাকরে বনভি র িযাপারগুসলাসক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হসেসে।]
তসি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
Abhorrence (N„Yv Kiv) Accession (Av‡ivnb) Abbreviation (kã ms‡ÿcY) Abeyance (¯’wMZ Ae¯’v)
Abstention (wbe„wË, mshg) Acceptable (MÖnY‡hvM¨) Accelerate (Z¡ivwš^Z Kiv, MwZe„w× Kiv) (31st BCS)
Accomplish (mvab Kiv) Accommodation (evm¯’vb) Accessories (mnvqK e¯‘mg~n) Achievement (AR©b)
Address (wVKvbv) Adulteration (†fRvj) Acquaintance (cÖZ¨ÿ cwiwPwZ) (36th BCS)
Advertisement (weÁvcb) Ambassador (ivóª`~Z) Aggrandizement (ÿgZv, c`, m¤ú‡`i e„w×)
Amalgamate Amateur (A‡ckv`vi) Annihilate (aŸsm Kiv) Approval (Aby‡gv`b),
Antique (cÖvPxb Kv‡ji) Apostrophe Appearance (Avwef©ve) Assessment (wba©viY)
Appropriate Ascertain (wbðq Kiv) Assassination (¸ßnZ¨v) Athletic (µxovwelqK)
Appetite (ÿzav) Assurance (Avk^vmevYx) Aspiration (D”PvKv•ÿv) Absorb (ï‡l †bIqv)
Awful (fqvbK) Awkward (‡egvbvb) Archaeology (cÖZœZvwË¡K) Acclamation (mg_©b)
Agricultural (K…wl msµvšÍ) Accessible (cÖ‡ek‡hvM¨) Acquiescence (‡gŠbm¤§wZ) Asylum (AvkÖq)
Assignment (eivÏKiY) Alleviation (Kgv‡bv) Agreeable (m¤§Z)
Anonymous (‡ebvgx) Aggression (nvgjv) Apprehend (eyS‡Z cviv)
Aestheticism (bv›`wbK) Astronaut (b‡fvPvix) Authoritative (cÖfzZ¡e¨ÄK) [44Zg wewmGm]
Basically (g~jZ) Beginning (ïiæ, Avi¤¢) Belief (wek^vm) Beneficial (DcKvix)
Blasphemy (ag©wb›`v) Belligerent (hy×iZ) Brigadier (D”P mvgwiK c`we‡kl)
Business (e¨emv) Brochure (mswÿß cyw¯ÍKv) Bureaucracy (AvgjvZš¿) Bourgeois (msiÿYkxj)
Bureau (Awdm) Bouquet (dz‡ji †Zvov) Believable (wek^vm‡hvM¨) Bureaucracy (AvgjvZš¿)
Bureaucrat (miKvwi Bizarre (A™¢zZ) Bellicosity (gvigywLZv)
Bourgeoisie (m¤ú`kvjx e¨w³)
01. Which of the following words is spelt correctly? [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) authoritative (L) authoritative
(M) authoritative (N) authoritative DËi : M
02. Choose the correctly spelt word. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Accilarate (খ) Accelerrate
(গ) Accelerate (ঘ) Accilerate উত্তর: গ
িযাখযা : Accelerate অথি ত্বরাবিত করা, দ্রুতগবত করা|
03. Choose the correct spelling. [২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Ascertain (খ) Assertain (গ) Aseratin (ঘ) Asartain উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা : Ascertain (অযািারসটইন) একটি verb এিং এটির অথি বনবিত করা, বনধিারে করা িা বনরূপে করা বকংিা বস্থর করা।
Catastrophe (AvKw¯§K wecwË) Calendar (cwÄKv) Campaign (cÖPviYv) Category (wefvM, †kÖwY)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #174 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
Catalyst (AbyNUK) Ceiling (Qv`) Cessation (B¯Ídv, wbe„wË) Characteristic (PvwiwÎK)
Chauvinism (DMÖ RvZxqZvev`) Chrysanthemum (P›`ªgwjøKv) Colonel (K‡b©j) Certificate (cÖgvYcÎ)
Cigarette (wmMv‡iU) Cholera (K‡jiv) Committee (mwgwZ) Commitment (cÖwZkÖæwZ)
Commission (Kwgkb) Comptroller (wbqvgK, wnmveva¨ÿ) Commemorate (¯§„wZ iÿv Kiv)
Conscious (m‡PZb) Conscientious (b¨vqevb) Conspicuous (my¯úó) Contiguous (msjMœ)
Constellation (Zvivi SvuK) Connoisseur (imÁ e¨w³) Conveyance (enb, m¤úwËi n¯ÍvšÍiKiY)
Colleague (mnKg©x, mn‡hvMx) Collaboration (mn‡hvwMZv) Commissioners (fvicÖvß e¨w³)
Configuration (AvK…wZ, iƒc‡iLv) Consanguinity (i‡³i m¤úK©) Confiscation (ev‡RqvßKiY) Convenient (myweavRbK)
Correspondence (cÎe¨envi, mv`„k¨) Cumulative (µgmwÂZ) Conqueror (Rqx)
Cadaverous (g„Zer) Censor (mgv‡jvPK) Caesarean (wmRvwiqvb)
Convalescence (যরাগমু বক্তর পর ৈাসস্থযর ক্রসমান্নবত)
04. Identify the correctly spelled one: [৪২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Caesarean (খ) Caesarian (গ) Ciserian (ঘ) Scissorian উত্তর: ক
Degree (avc, cwigvY) Deceive (‡avuKv †`qv, Qj Kiv) Decision (wm×všÍ) Definition (msÁv)
Diabetes (eûg~Î †ivM) Discipline (k„•Ljv, mshg) Dilemma (Dfq m¼U) Dilapidated (RxY©, aŸsmcÖvß)
Diarrhoea (Wvqwiqv) Diarrhea (Wvqwiqv) Diseases (‡ivM) Discipline (k„•Ljv)
Dissonance (A‰bK¨) Dying (giY) Dysentery (Avgvkq) Disappoint (wbivk Kiv)
Definition (msÁv) Diphtheria (wWc‡_wiqv)
Entrepreneur (D‡`¨v³v) Eccentric (Av™¢zZ ¯^fve) Efflorescence (cy®úvqb) Enumerate (MYbv Kiv)
Etiquette (wkóvPvi) Evanescence (A`„k¨Zv, we‡jvc) Exaggeration (AwZiwÄZ) Elephantiasis (‡Mv` †ivM)
Enthusiastic (AwZ Drmvnx) Exemplary (`„óvšÍg~jK) Embarrassment (`vqMÖ¯ÍZv, nZeyw×Zv)
Exhilarate (Djøvm Kiv) Exuberance (mg„w×, cÖvPzh©) Expedient (Dc‡hvMx, myweavRbK)
Elementary (cÖv_wgK) Encyclopedia/Encyclopaedia (wek^‡Kvl)
Facsimile (AweKj cÖwZiƒc) Familiar (cwiwPwZ) Fahrenheit (dv‡ibnvBU) Flibbertigibbet (d°i †jvK)
Fascism (d¨vwmev`) Foreigner (we‡`wk) Ferrule (‡h jvwVi gva¨‡g kvw¯Í †`qv nq)
Forty (Pwjøk) Fourth (PZz_©) Forgetful (fy‡jv, fz‡jvgbv) Fulfil (m¤ú~Y© Kiv)
Fritter (`ya-wWg I gq`vq Wzev‡bv Av‡cj ev Ab¨ d‡ji dvwj fvRv) Frolicsome (Av‡gv`-cÖ‡gv` wcÖq) Forfeit (kw³ ¯^xKvi Kiv)
Germination (A¼z‡iv`Mg) Genius (cÖwZfv) Galvanometric (M¨vjfv‡bvwgUvi)
Giraffe (wRivd) Gazette (miKvwi Bk‡Znvi) Grievous (hš¿Yv`vqK) Glossary (Awfavb)
Galactose (M¨vjv‡±vR) Glutinous (AvVvj) Guidance (c_ wb‡`©k) Genomics (wR‡bvwg·)
Governance (cwiPvjbv, kvmb) Geothermal (f~-Zvcxq) Gratuitous (wfwËnxb) Gramophones (K‡ji Mvb)
Graffiti (†`qvj wjLb) Grasshopper (dwos) Grateful (K…ZÁ) Granivorous (km¨‡fvRx)
Grievance (`y‡f©vM) Guarantee (M¨vivw›U, Rvwgb) Guffaw (AÆnvwm †`qv) Guillotine (KvUvi hš¿we‡kl)
Guerrilla (‡Mwijv) Gymnastics (e¨vqvg) Glycerin
Halleluiah (Ck^‡ii †¯ÍvÎ) Happily (my‡L, Lywk g‡b) Height (D”PZv) Hoggish (‡jvfx, ¯^v_©ci)
Hierarchy (cÖvavb¨ ci¤úiv) Hippopotamus (Rjn¯Íx) Hospitality (AwZw_ mrKvi) Hemorrhage (‡ng‡iR&)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #175 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
Heinous (‡Nvi, DrKU) Harmonious (my¯^iwewkó) Hullabaloo (‡kvi‡Mvj, ˆn‰P) Historiographer (BwZnvm †jLK)
Hireling (‡eZbfz³ †jvK) Heavyweight (175 cvDÛ ev Z‡ZvwaK IR‡bi gywó‡hv×v) Humorous (‡gRvwR, †KŠZzKc~Y©)
03. Select the correctly spelt word: [৩৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) heterogeneous (খ) hetarogeneous
(গ) hetrogeneous (ঘ) hetroganeous উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : িঠিক word টি হসলা– heterogeneous (het-ero-gene-ous) এর অথি হসলা– বিবভন্ন উপািাসন গঠিত;
বিেমজাতীে; অিমিত্ত্ব|
04. The correct spelling is _______. [১৭তম ও ২৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Humorious (খ) Humorous (গ) Humourius (ঘ) Humurious উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Humorous একটি Adjective এিং এটির অথি রমাত্মক, িরি যকৌতকপূ ে।ি
Ideally (Av`k©fv‡e) Illegitimate (A‰ea) Illusion (weåg) Irresistible (Awbevh©)
Idiosyncrasy (¯^KxqZv) Ingenuous (mijgbv) Illiteracy (wbiÿiZv) Innocuous (wb‡`©vl)
Imaginary (KvíwbK) Illustration (e¨vL¨v) Immediate (Avï) Imminent (mwbœK‡U)
Insurance (exgv) Intelligence (eyw×gËv) Inaugural (D‡Øvabx, cÖviw¤¢K) Incandescent (fv¯^i)
Indispensable (Acwinvh©) Idiosyncrasy (gvbwmK MVb)
Jewellery (Aj¼vimvgMÖx) Jamboree (Avb›`‡gjv) Jaundice (cvÐz‡ivM) Irresistible (Awbevh©)
Jealousy (wnsmv) Judiciary (wePviwefvMxq) Juxtapose (cvkvcvwk ¯’vcb Kiv)
Jurisdiction (GLwZqvi) Juvenile ( wK‡kvi,ZiæY) Judicial (wePviwefvMxq) Jeopardize (wec`MÖ¯Í/wecbœ Kiv )
Knot (MÖwš’, MvuU) Knavery (cÖZviYv) Kernel (dm‡ji wfZi kvum) Kedgeree (wLPzwo)
Kneel (nvuUz ‡M‡o emv) Knowledge (Ávb)
Laureate (ivRKwe) Legitimate (‰ea) Lieutenant (‡mbvevwnbx‡Z K¨v‡Þ‡bi Aa¯Íb Awdmvi) (39th BCS)
Leisure (Aemi mgq) Locker Liaison (`yB c‡ÿi †hvMv‡hvM) Laborious (kÖgmva¨)
Licence (AbyÁvcÎ) Lilliputian (Le©vKvi, ÿz`ªvKvq) Lightning (eRª) Loneliness (GKvwKZ¡)
Litterateur (mvwnwZ¨K) Luxurious (wejvmeûj) Luminary (‡bZ…‡Zi ¸Ym¤úbœ e¨w³)
Lexicography (kã‡Kvl)
05. Choose the correctly spelt word. [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Liesure (খ) Leisure (গ) Leasure (ঘ) Lesiure উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : এখাসন Correct Spelling হসে– Leisure (অিির)|
Machinery (hš¿cvwZ) Manageable (cwiPvjbxq) Malaria (g¨v‡jwiqv, R¦iwe‡kl)
Maintenance (fiY‡cvlY) Malnutrition (cywónxbZv) Manoeuvre (‡KŠkjx cwiPvjbv)
Martyr (knx`) Malignant (gvivZ¥K) Machiavelli (‡gwKqv‡fwj) Marriage (weevn)
Mischievous (ÿwZKi) Montesquieu (g‡÷¯‹z) Mystery (inm¨) Misspell (fzj evbvb Kiv)
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #176 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
Millionaire (wgwjqbvi) Millennium (mn¯ªvã) Minuscule (AwZÿz`ª) Medieval (ga¨hyM)
Misogyny (bvixwe‡Øl) Miscellaneous (wewea) Misfeasance (A‰eafv‡e ˆeaKg© mvab)
Mischievous (Ag½jRbK) Mileage (Mvwoi AwZµvšÍ `~iZ¡) Mediterranean (f~ga¨mvMixq)
Muscle (‡ckx) Mutineer (we‡`ªvnx) Mustache (‡Mvud) Missionary (ag© cÖPviK)
Moustache Missionary Magnanimous
06. Identify the word which is spelt incorrectly : [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) conscientious (খ) perseverance
(গ) convalescence (ঘ) maintenace উত্তর: ঘ
07. Choose the correct one: [১২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Misspell (খ) Mispel (গ) Misspell (ঘ) Misspel উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Misspell শসব্দর অথি ‘ভুল িানান’। Spell অথি ‘িানান’ এিং এর পূ িি Miss িসি মূ ল শব্দ গঠিত হসেসে।
Naturally (¯^vfvweKfv‡e) Neighbor (cÖwZ‡ekx) Noticeable (jÿYxq) Numbing (Amvo Kiv)
Nuzzle (bvK w`‡q Nlv) Necessity (cÖ‡qvRbxqZv) Negligible (D‡cÿYxq) Nescience (Áv‡bi Afve)
Nonetheless (Z_vwc, Zey) Nuisance (DrcvZ, Dc`ªe) Numbly (‡gwkb †_‡K wi‡cvU©)
Occasion (Dcjÿ) Obedience (eva¨Zv) Obstructionist (cÖMwZwe‡ivax) Observance (ch©‡eÿY)
Obstacle (evav, cÖwZeÜKZv) Obnoxious (AZ¨šÍ AvcwËKi) Obsolete (‡m‡K‡j, cÖvPxb) Oblivion (we¯§„wZ)
Occurrence (AvKw¯§K NUbv) Occultation (mgveiY, ¸ß) Obsession (Av”QbœZv) Oscillation (¯ú›`b)
Omnipotent (me©kw³gvb) Omnivorous (me©MÖvmx) Opportunity (my‡hvM) Opposition (we‡ivax `j)
Overrun (Qvwo‡q hvIqv) Overrode (AMÖvn¨ Kiv) Overriding (AMÖvn¨, evwZj Kiv)
10. Identify the word which is spelt incorrectly.
(K) fluctuation (L) remission (M) ocassion (N) decision D:M
e¨vL¨v : Word evsjv A_© Word evsjv A_© Word evsjv A_©
fluctuation DVv-bvgv Kiv remission Qvo Decision wm×všÍ
cÖ`Ë Ackbmg~‡ni g‡a¨ Aï× evbvb : ocassiion (ï×iƒc- Occasion : Abyôvb, NUbv, Dcjÿ)
Particular (we‡kl) Parallelogram (mvgšÍwiK) Paraphernalia (mvRmiÄvg) Peculiar (A™¢zZ)
Perceive (‡evSv) Performance (Kg©`ÿZv) Permanent (¯’vqx) Personnel (Kg©Pvix)
Perpendicular (Dj¤^, Lvov) Perseverance (Aa¨emvq) Physician (wPwKrmK) Persistence (wR`, Aa¨emvq)
Philosophy (`k©b) Philanthropy (gvbecÖxwZ) Phenomena (NUbv, we¯§q) Privilege (myweav)
Phenomenon (cÖcÂ) Piece (UzKiv) Possibility (m¤¢vebv) Professor (cÖ‡dmi)
Practically (cÖvKwUK¨vwj) Proletariat (me©nviv) Pronunciation (D”PviY) Posthumous (gi‡YvËi)
Pneumonia (dzmdzm-cÖ`vn) Psychology (g‡bvweÁvb) Preliminary (cÖviw¤¢K) Preference (AMÖvwaKvi)
Possession (`Lj, AwaKvi) Pursuit (AbymiY) Paleontology (Rxevk¥weÁvb)
Pediatric (wkï wPwKrmv mgÜxq) Pharmaceuticals (dvg©vwmDwUK¨vjm) Professional (‡ckv`vix, e„wËg~jK)
Parallel (mgvšÍivj) Palatable (iƒwPKi/my¯^v`y ) Perseverance (Aa¨emvq/
Profession (RxweKv, †ckv ) Passionate ( Drmvnx/ KvgyK) Possessive (mgÜm~PK/AwaKvim~PK)
Persistence ( wR`/ Aa¨vemvq ) Passenger ( hvÎx, mIqvix )
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #177 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
Questionnaire (cÖkœvejx) Quantity (cwigvY) Quarantine (m½‡iva) Quotient (fvMdj)
Quizzical (weåvšÍ, AevK) Quibble (K_vi gvic¨vuP) Quipped (mim gšÍe¨) Queue (mvwi)
11. Identify the correct spelling: [41Zg wewmGm]
K. questionaire L. questionoir M. questionnaire N. questionair D. M
Renaissance (beRvMiY) Rousseau Restaurant (‡i‡¯Ívivu) Registrar (wbeÜiÿK)
Recipient (cÖvcK) Reconciliation (gxgvsmv) Referendum (MY‡fvU) Regrettable (`ytLRbK)
Reminisce (¯§„wZPviY) Ridiculous (nvm¨Ki) Reinforcement (kw³e„w×) Retirement (Aemi MÖnY)
Redemption (gyw³, Lvjvm) Rescission (KZ©b, evwZjKiY) Rhinoceros (MÐvi) Recession (g›`v, cÖZ¨veZ©b)
Rehearsal (cixÿvg~jK Dc¯’vcbv) Restaurateur (‡iu‡¯Ívivi g¨v‡bRvi)
Receive (MÖnY Kiv) Remittance (A_© †cÖiY) Reminiscence (¯§„wZPviY) [44Zg wewmGm]
12. Which of the following words is spelt incorrectly? [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) reminescence (L) glycerin
(M) idiosyncrasy (N) lexicography DËi : K
Satellite (K…wÎg DcMÖn) Secretariat (`ßi) Supercilious (DbœvwmK) Sovereignty (mve©‡fŠg ÿgZv)
Schizophrenia (39th BCS) Sergeant Sovereign (mve©‡fŠg) Surgeon (kj¨ wPwKrmK)
Souvenir (¯§viKMÖš’) Serviceable (Kv‡h©vc‡hvMx) Supersede (¯’jvwfwl³ Kiv) Spontaneity (¯^ZtùzZ©Zv)
Surreptitious (‡Pviv¸ßv) Schengen Seizure Soliloquy (¯^‡Mvw³, bvUK ev wm‡bgvq Awf‡bZv KZ©„K Avcbv Avcwb K_v ejv)
Superstitious (Kyms¯‹viv”Qbœ) Surveillance (bRi`vwi) Sabotage
Voluntary (‡¯^”QvK…Z) Voltaire Vacillation (‡`v`yj¨gvbZv, wØav) Vengeance (cÖwZ‡kva)
16. Choose the correctly spelt word. [৩১তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Volantory (খ) Volantary (গ) Voluntary (ঘ) Voluntory উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Voluntary অথি যৈোসিিী, উসদ্দশযমূ লক|
Warrantee (wbðqZvcÎ) Woolen (ckgx) Welter (wek„•Ljv, ˆbivR¨) Whisper (wdmwdm K‡i ejv)
Yammer (N¨vb N¨vb Kiv) Yacht (nvjKv †bŠKvhvb. cÖ‡gv`Zix) Yield (ek¨Zv ¯^xKvi Kiv)
Zenana (A›`i gnj)
06. Of the four alternatives given under each sentence, find the one that best fits into the blank
space: The people who carry a coffin at a funeral are called ________.[৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) undertakers (খ) supporters (গ) pallbearers (ঘ) mourners উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : যারা Coffin িা শিাধার িহন (carry) কসর তাসিরসক িলা হে Pallbearers. অথিাৎ The people who carry a
coffin at a funeral are called Pallbearers.
07. A person who writes about his own life writes– [১৬তম, ২৬তম ও ২৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) a diary (খ) a biography
(গ) an autobiography (ঘ) a chronicle উত্তর : গ
Type: 139 [মু খস্থ বনভি র বিেেগুসলাসক Type এিং িযাকরে বনভি র িযাপারগুসলাসক Rule দ্বারা বিবিত করা হসেসে।]
তসি Rule এিং Type emv‡bvi †ÿ‡Î µwgK bs GKB e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q|
01. The idiom ‘A stitch in time saves nine’– refers to the importance of– [৩৫তম বিবিএি ও ৩৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) saving lives (খ) timely action
(গ) saving time (ঘ) time tailoring উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : “A stitch in time saves nine” একটি প্রিাি িাকয যার অথি “িমসের এক যোড়, অিমসের িশ যোড়| এই প্রিািটি
দ্বারা িমেমসতা কাজ করা িা Timely action-যক িু ঝাসনা হে।
02. Choose the best translation of ‘কতৃিপে তাসক বতরস্কার করসলা’ from the alternatives below– [৩৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) The authorities criticized him. (খ) The authorities took him to book.
(গ) The authorities gave reins to him. (ঘ) The authorities took him to task. উত্তর: ঘ
িযাখযা : ‘Take to task’ অথি হসলা বতরস্কার করা। িু তরাং ‘কতৃিপে তাসক বতরস্কার করল’ িাকযটির িঠিক অনু িাি হসলা : The
authorities took him to task.
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #180 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
03. Choose the meaning of the given expressions: “No news is good news.” [৩২তম বিবিএি]
(ক) It is likely that we expect bad news
(খ) It is likely to have bad news
(গ) It is likely that nothing bad has happened
(ঘ) It is unlikely that nothing bad has happened উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : “No news is good news” একটি প্রিাি, যার অথি– যকাসনা খির না থাকাটাই িু খির| অথিাৎ, “It is likely that
nothing bad has happened” (িম্ভিত খারাপ বকেু ঘসটবন)|
04. Choose the meaning of the given expressions: “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” [৩২তম
(ক) Take what you have got readily available rather than expecting better in the future
(খ) The seen is better than the unseen
(গ) Promises are better than actuals
(ঘ) It is no good beating about the bush উত্তর: ক
িযাখযা : A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. একটি প্রিাি, যার অথি– অবনবিত অসনক প্রতযাশার যিসে হাসত
পাওো কম বজবনিও ভাসলা।
05. Find out the correct translation. িকাল যথসক গুাঁবড় গুাঁবড় িৃ বষ্ট হসে। [২৩তম বিবিএি]
(ক) It is raining from morning. (খ) It has been raining from morning.
(গ) It is drizzling since morning. (ঘ) It has been drizzling since morning. উত্তর : ঘ
06. A song embodying religious and sacred emotions– [৩০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Lyric (খ) Ode (গ) Hymn (ঘ) Ballad উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Lyric হসে গীবতকবিতা, অথিাৎ a short poem of songlike quality.
Ode হসে গাাঁথা-কবিতা অথিাৎ a poem written to a person or thing. যযমন: John Keats রবিত Ode to a
Hymn হসে ঈশ্বর িন্দনা, অথিাৎ a song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity.
Ballad is a kind of short narrative poem. অথিানু যােী Hymn িঠিক উত্তর|
07. ‘িততা িিি উৎকৃষ্ট পন্থা’- যকানটির অনু িাি? [১৮তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Honesty is the best virtue (খ) Honesty is the better way
(গ) Honesty is a good way (ঘ) Honesty is the best policy উত্তর : ঘ
08. The last word of the proverb, ‘Handsome is that handsome _________’. [১৭তম বিবিএি]
(ক) works (খ) thinks (গ) says (ঘ) does উত্তর : ঘ
িযাখযা : Handsome is that hondsome does- িু ন্দসররা যা কসর তাই িু ন্দর|
09. Which of the following sentence is a correct proverb? [১৬তম বিবিএি]
(ক) Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
(খ) Fools rush in where the angels fear to tread
(গ) Fools rush in were an angels fears to tread
(ঘ) Fools rush in where angels fear to treading. উত্তর : ক
িযাখযা :‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ প্রিািটিসত Parallelism িযিহার হসেসে| যি কারসে প্রথম
Verb Plural হসল পসরর Verb ও Plural হে|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #181 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
G. Compositions
Parts of paragraph
Paragraph nj Ggb GKwU ÿz`ª iPbv (Small Essay) hvi gva¨‡g GKwU gvÎ AvBwWqv ewY©Z Ges hv ¯^qsm¤ú~Y©| GKwU
Paragraph G g~jZ wZbwU Ask _v‡K| †hgb-
Rule No : 141
01. Topic Sentence
01. The controlling sentence of a paragraph is known as– [44Zg wewmGm]
(K) content modulator (L) terminator
(M) thesis statement (N) topic sentence D:N
e¨vL¨v: GKwU Paragraph Gi cÖavb AvBwWqv ev aviYvwU †h ev‡K¨i Øviv cÖKvwkZ nq Zv‡K e‡j Topic Sentence.
GwU mvaviYZ †Kvb Paragraph Gi cÖ_‡g †jLv nq| Topic sentence ‡K gv‡S gv‡S Paragraph Gi
Controlling idea wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ Kiv nq| Paragraph Gi Topic Sentence wU†K Aek¨B n‡Z n‡e cÖvmw½K
I AvKl©Yxq n‡Z nq †hb cÖ_g evK¨wU c‡oB cvVK AvK…ó nq| cÖ_g Sentence wU evgcv‡ki gvwR©b †_‡K GKUz Wvb
w`‡K m‡i G‡m ïiæ Ki‡Z n‡e| G‡K Indent KiY e‡j|
02. What is the function of a topic sentence? [৪২তম বিবিএি]
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv #183 # Bs‡iwRi ¸iæZ¡ 152wU Rule
(ক) to introduce the topic (খ) to analyze the topic
(গ) to present the main idea (ঘ) to expand the idea উত্তর : গ
িযাখযা : Topic Sentence paragraph এর main idea যক summarize কসর উপস্থাপন কসর। Paragraph এর প্রথম
িাকযই Topic Sentence হসে থাসক।
02. Supporting Sentence
GwU g~jZ Topic sentence Gi g~j Idea ‡K Develop K‡i| Supporting sentence ‡K supporting idea I
ejv nq| Supporting details ‡hme welq Dc¯’vcb K‡i †m¸‡jv n‡jv : Facts, statistics, reasons,
examples, quotations BZ¨vw`|
Letter Writing
Letter ‡hvMv‡hv‡Mi GKwU Ab¨Zg cÖavb gva¨g| Avgv‡`i AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb, eÜz-evÜe hviv `~i-`yiv‡šÍ emevm K‡i, Letter ev
wPwV-c‡Îi gva¨‡g GKmgq Avgiv Zv‡`i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM KiZvg ev Kwi| GQvov miKvwi-‡emiKvwi wewfbœ KvR-Kg© †_‡K
ïiæ K‡i e¨emvwqK †jb‡`b I †hvMv‡hv‡Mi ‡ÿ‡Î Letter ev wPwV-cÎ Abvw`Kvj †_‡K ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q|
Types of Letter : Letter ‡K cÖavbZ `yB fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| h_v- Informal letter & formal letter.
01. Informal Letter (AbvbyôvwbK cÎ)
AvZ¥xq-¯^Rb Ges cwiwPZ I AcwiwPZ e¨w³e‡M©i Kv‡Q G ai‡bi wPwV †jLv nq| Private or Personal Letter G
ai‡bi c‡Îi AšÍf©y³|
02. Formal Letter (AvbyôvwbK cÎ)
Business or Commercial Letter Official Letter
Social Letter Public Letter or Letter to the press
Rule No : 142
Different Parts of a Letter
Letter Gi mvaviYZ 6wU Ask _v‡K| h_v-
Heading of the Letter Gi Ae¯’vb c‡Îi Dcwifv‡M Wvb‡Kv‡Y †hLv‡b †jL‡Ki wVKvbv I Zvwi‡L †jLv _v‡K|
Salutation or Greeting GwU Letter Gi evu w`‡K Heading Gi Dc‡i GK jvB‡b †jLv nq|
The Body of the Letter GB As‡k wPwVi g~j Ask wee„Z nq|
The Subscription g~j As‡ki eY©bv †k‡l Wvbw`‡K †jL‡Ki `¯ÍL‡Zi wVK Dc‡i Avjv`v jvB‡b we`vq
MÖnYm~PK Dw³‡KB Subcription ejv nq|
The Signature of the Writer Subscription Gi wVK wb‡PB †jL‡Ki Signature ev `¯ÍLZ _v‡K|
The Superscription or Address G As‡k cÖvc‡Ki bvg I wVKvbv †jLv nq|
03. An extra message added at the end of a letter after it is signed is called - [৪০তম বিবিএি]
(ক) corrigendum (খ) postscript (গ) NB (ঘ) RSVP উত্তর: খ
িযাখযা : Corrigendum- something to be corrected, especially a mistake in a printed book. বিঠিসত
ৈােসরর পর অবতবরক্ত িংসযাজনীসক িলা হে Postscript িা পু নি| Reply যপসত RSVP আমিে কাসেির বনি প্রাসন্ত বলখসত
হে এিং NB-Nota Bene যার অথি িতকি তার িাসথ লেয করুন অথিাৎ িাড়বত মসনাসযাগ আকেিে কসর যনাট যিো হে|